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In order to elucidate the dominant–subordinate relationship between the foundress and workers, five colonies of the paper wasp Polistes japonicus were observed in a netted and covered cage located outdoors. The number of workers in each colony ranged from four to eight. Workers were divided into first and second broods. Abdominal wagging and ovipositing were performed almost exclusively by the foundress throughout colony development. However, an analysis of aggressive encounters indicated that although the foundress hardly received dominance behaviors (aggression) from workers, it lacked either partially or completely the following characteristics of the queen that are usually seen in paper-wasp colonies with independent-founding queens (except in one colony that produced no second brood): the queen being socially dominant over any worker (the queen had more wins than losses in one-on-one dominance contests with any worker), exhibiting the highest frequency of dominance behaviors, and directing dominance behaviors primarily toward the socially most-dominant worker. In particular, during the mixed-brood period (when all first- and second-brood workers were present on the nest) the foundress hardly exhibited dominance behaviors toward socially dominant workers (mainly second brood) but frequently directed dominance behaviors toward socially subordinate workers (mainly first brood). The foundress disappeared in two colonies before the reproductives emerged; in these colonies the socially most-dominant worker inherited the colony and laid many eggs. The frequency of abdominal wagging by these two foundresses decreased during colony development, while it did not in the other colonies. This suggests that abdominal wagging provides information about the vigor of the performer. The superseder was socially dominant over all other workers, but spent little time wagging its abdomen and allowed some workers to lay eggs.  相似文献   

Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

In colonies of primitively eusocial wasps, some dominant workers become successive queens and inherit queenship after the death of the foundress queens. Although workers in many species do not mate, workers of Polistes snelleni are capable of mating and female production. In this study, we removed foundress queens from colonies of P. snelleni to evaluate the effects of queen loss on the dominant–subordinate relationships among the remaining workers and the productivity of colonies in the species. The foundress queens were the sole egg layers in almost all of the queenright colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour among the wasps in the queenright colonies was significantly less than in the orphan colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour in the successive queens after queen removal was significantly more than in the foundress queens. Multiple workers had developed ovaries, including the successive queens in 66.7 % (10/15) of the orphan colonies after queen removal. The orphan colonies produced significantly more cells and eggs than the queenright colonies. Our results suggest that the reproductive potential of the successive queens in the orphan colonies is not lower than that of the foundress queens, and that the productivity of the orphan colonies is maintained rather than causing potential conflict over direct reproduction among workers.  相似文献   

Polistes atrimandibularis is the obligate and permanent parasite of the social paper wasp Polistes biglumis bimaculatus. This parasite lives together with the host foundress for a considerable period on the invaded nest. Ovarian development was measured in females of the host species (foundresses and, when present, workers) from 18 parasitized and 14 non-parasitized colonies. The reproductive capacity of foundresses from parasitized nests decreased faster than that of foundresses from non-parasitized nests. These results indicate that the presence of the parasite lowers reproductive capacity of the host queen. Simultaneously, the fertility of the host worker is inhibited.  相似文献   

Who reproduces in colonies of social insects is determined bysome combination of direct competition and more peaceful convention.We studied these two alternatives in foundresses of the paperwasp, Polistes carolina, by examining two different contexts:what determines who becomes the dominant reproductive and whatdetermines the amount of reproduction obtained by subordinates.The dominant queen on most nests was the foundress to arrivefirst, rather than the largest foundress, expected to be bestat fighting. This suggests that dominance is initially determinedby convention, although the persistence of some aggressiveconflict throughout the foundress period suggests that thisconvention is not absolute. Attempts to explain the divisionof reproduction using several skew theories were generallyunsuccessful. Skew was not correlated with relatedness, size differences, colony productivity, and challenges by the subordinate.P. carolina showed high constraints against solitary nesting,with a minority of females attempting to nest alone, and nonesucceeding. In this situation, most skew theories predict thatgroup stability will be independent of relatedness, yet nearlyall collected subordinates were full sisters to the queen.Reproductive partitioning in early P. carolina colonies may have more to do with enhancing worker production than with conflictover direct fitness.  相似文献   

The haplodiplo?d sex-determining system of Hymenoptera, whereby males usually develop from unfertilized eggs and females from fertilised eggs, results in relatedness coefficients that are not uniform among colony members. These asymmetries in relatedness are directly affected by the genetic architecture of the colony, which in turn depends on various factors such as queen number or queen mating frequency. Relatedness asymmetries induce different fitness returns per unit investment and, as a result, conflicts over brood composition may arise among colony members. Conflicts between the queen(s) and the workers over sex ratio represent one of the most frequent conflicts in eusocial Hymenoptera. Arrhenotoky allows queens great flexibility to control the sex of their progeny, by fertilizing or not the eggs; however because workers take care of the brood, they may influence the sex ratio by preferentially rearing one sex. Another salient conflict concerns the females over reproduction. In species where workers can mate and reproduce, physical aggressions or chemical communication may lead to dominance hierarchies for access to reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary During the late pre-emergence phase, a foundress of the paper waspPolistes biglumis bimaculatus may be expelled by a conspecific female from her own nest (usurpation) or, less frequently, joined by another female of the same species (late association). The behaviour of femalePolistes biglumis bimaculatus, when usurping a conspecific colony or joining another foundress, is compared with that of foundresses on non-usurped colonies. The most conspicous difference is the intense abdomen stroking behaviour the usurper performs over the comb surface on the first days after usurpation. As observed in otherPolistes species, once usurpers and joiners arrive on a strange nest they will destroy most of the immature brood of the previous nest owner. Although host workers are not aggressive towards the intruder females, reproductive success of usurpers and joiners is low compared with that of legitimate foundresses. The same behaviours observed on usurped colonies are found in the obligate social parasites ofPolistes. These behaviours are therefore discussed in the context of the evolution of intra- and inter-specific parasitism.  相似文献   

Summary Social group viability results from a trade-off between cooperation and conflict, driven respectively by group and individual interests. Workers of the slave-making ants are known to have a high egg-laying potential, leading to a potential conflict over male production. Queenright and queenless nests of the slave-making ant Protomognathus americanus show a near-linear dominance hierarchy, and dominance rank is correlated with reproductive activity. Genetic and behavioural analysis revealed that the queen, when present in the nest, is behaviourally dominant and monopolises reproduction. In queenless nests, the haploid (male) brood is produced primarily by a single worker. We suggest the dominance hierarchy regulates male production, between the queen and her workers as well as among workers. Comparison of our results to another study allows us to place our data in an ecological context. This slave-making ant species appears to fit the concession model of reproductive skew: where resources (i.e. host nests) are poor, there is strong skew and where resources are richer reproduction is more egalitarian.Received 31 July 2003; revised 7 October 2003; accepted 9 October 2003.  相似文献   

Kinship among interacting individuals is often associated with sociality and also with sex ratio effects. Parasitoids in the bethylid genus Goniozus are sub‐social, with single foundress females exhibiting post‐ovipositional maternal care via short‐term aggressive host and brood defence against conspecific females. Due to local mate competition (LMC) and broods normally being produced by a single foundress, sex ratios are female‐biased. Contests between adult females are, however, not normally fatal, and aggression is reduced when competing females are kin, raising the possibility of multi‐foundress reproduction on some hosts. Here, we screen for further life‐history effects of kinship by varying the numbers and relatedness of foundresses confined together with a host resource and also by varying the size of host. We confined groups of 1–8 Goniozus nephantidis females together with a host for 5+ days. Multi‐foundress groups were either all siblings or all nonsiblings. Our chief expectations included that competition for resources would be more intense among larger foundress groups but diminished by both larger host size and closer foundress relatedness, affecting both foundress mortality and reproductive output. From classical LMC theory, we expected that offspring group sex ratios would be less female‐biased when there were more foundresses, and from extended LMC theory, we expected that sex ratios would be more female‐biased when foundresses were close kin. We found that confinement led to the death of some females (11% overall) but only when host resources were most limiting. Mortality of foundresses was less common when foundresses were siblings. Developmental mortality among offspring was considerably higher in multi‐foundress clutches but was unaffected by foundress relatedness. Groups of sibling foundresses collectively produced similar numbers of offspring to nonsibling groups. There was little advantage for individual females to reproduce in multi‐foundress groups: single foundresses suppressed even the largest hosts presented and had the highest per capita production of adult offspring. Despite single foundress reproduction being the norm, G. nephantidis females in multi‐foundress groups appear to attune sex allocation according to both foundress number and foundress relatedness: broods produced by sibling foundresses had sex ratios similar to broods produced by single foundresses (ca. 11% males), whereas the sex ratios of broods produced by nonsibling females were approximately 20% higher and broadly increased with foundress number. We conclude that relatedness and host size may combine to reduce selection against communal reproduction on hosts and that, unlike other studied parasitoids, G. nephantidis sex ratios conform to predictions of both classical and extended LMC theories.  相似文献   

Understanding which parties regulate reproduction is fundamental to understanding conflict resolution in animal societies. In social insects, workers can influence male production and sex ratio. Surprisingly, few studies have investigated worker influence over which queen(s) reproduce(s) in multiple queen (MQ) colonies (skew), despite skew determining worker-brood relatedness and so worker fitness. We provide evidence for worker influence over skew in a functionally monogynous population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum. Observations of MQ colonies leading up to egg laying showed worker aggressive and non-aggressive behaviour towards queens and predicted which queen monopolized reproduction. In contrast, among-queen interactions were rare and did not predict queen reproduction. Furthermore, parentage analysis showed workers favoured their mother when present, ensuring closely related fullsibs (average r = 0.5) were reared instead of less related offspring of other resident queens (r ≤ 0.375). Discrimination among queens using relatedness-based cues, however, seems unlikely as workers also biased their behaviour in colonies without a mother queen. In other polygynous populations of this species, workers are not aggressive towards queens and MQs reproduce, showing the outcome of social conflicts varies within species. In conclusion, this study supports non-reproductive parties having the power and information to influence skew within cooperative breeding groups.  相似文献   

More than 50% of nests of Ropalidia fasciata were founded by association of foundresses (multifemale nests). The multifemale nests were generally initiated earlier and grew faster than the single-female nests. The survival rate of the multifemale nests was significantly higher than that of single-female nests, and the productivity as measured by the number of cells produced per foundress had a peak at a foundress-group size from 6 to 10. The number of marked foundresses which were seen on their original nest decreased as the colony cycle proceeded, but some of them continued to coexist on the original nests after emergency of many female progeny. Except in the case where a large number of foundresses attended a young nest so that some foundresses could not sit on the nest, the dominance interactions among cofoundresses were mild. More than twothirds (71.4%) of nests (including those at the post-emergence stage) had multiple egg-layers. The foundress association in this species is considered to be beneficial for every foundress because it raises ability to avoid predation or to reconstruct their nests when the nests are destroyed by typhoons.  相似文献   

Abstract In a colony headed by a single monandrous foundress, theories predict that conflicts between a queen and her workers over both sex ratio and male production should be intense. If production of males by workers is a function of colony size, this should affect sex ratios, but few studies have examined how queens and workers resolve both conflicts simultaneously. We conducted field and laboratory studies to test whether sex-ratio variation can be explained by conflict over male production between queen and workers in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis.
Worker oviposition rate increased more rapidly with colony size than did queen oviposition. Allozyme and micro-satellite markers revealed that the mean frequency of workers' sons among male adults in queen-right colonies was 0.39 ± 0.08 SE (n = 22). Genetic relatedness among female nestmates was high (0.654–0.796), showing that colonies usually had a single, monandrous queen. The mean sex allocation ratio (male investment/male and gyne investments) of 46 queen-right colonies was 0.47 ± 0.02, and for 25 orphaned colonies was 0.86 ± 0.04. The observed sex allocation ratio was likely to be under queen control. For queen-right colonies, the larger colonies invested more in males and produced reproductives protandrously and/or simultaneously, whereas the smaller colonies invested more in females and produced reproductives protogynously. Instead of positive relationships between colony size and worker oviposition rate, the frequency of workers' sons within queen-right colonies did not increase with colony size. These results suggest that queens control colony investment, even though they allow worker oviposition in queen-right colonies. Eggs laid by workers may be policed by the queen and/or fellow workers. Worker oviposition did not influence the outcome of sex allocation ratio as a straightforward function of colony size.  相似文献   

Bombus terrestris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apinae, Bombini) has been introduced to Japan and became the dominant bumblebee in some areas, replacing native species. To implement an effective eradication program, the attributes responsible for establishment of the species must be better understood. Because body size has frequently been related to reproductive success in female insects, I examined the effect of B. terrestris queen size during hibernation, nest founding, and reproduction stages. Queens exhibited clear variation in size. Foundresses were significantly larger than gynes, indicating that larger queens may have an advantage over smaller ones in surviving hibernation. The over‐representation of queens with pollen at larger sizes suggested that larger queens may also have an advantage over smaller ones in nest founding. On the other hand, foundress size was not significantly associated with reproductive output. The number of collected foundresses in this study was not sufficient to draw a clear conclusion but factors other than foundress size may also play an important role in determining reproduction. In addition, gyne size increased significantly during the 4‐year survey. Because large queens have an advantage during hibernation, increased body size may increase the number of hibernating queens that survive, allowing them to outcompete native bumblebees.  相似文献   

In many species of eusocial Hymenoptera, conflict about the production of males is resolved through “policing.” Recent studies in wasps and the ant Temnothorax unifasciatus suggest that in these species policing workers are dominant themselves and selfishly increase their own chances of later becoming fertile. Policing may therefore to some extent be associated with dominance and selfishness, and dominance and policing behaviour are indeed difficult to distinguish and often not mutually exclusive. Moreover, selfish policing requires that workers form rank orders already in the presence of the queen. Here, we try to allocate aggressiveness by workers towards policing and/or dominance behaviour and investigate whether hierarchies based on subtle, non-aggressive interactions exist in queenright colonies of the ant T. unifasciatus. We either split colonies into a queenright and queenless halve or temporarily removed the queen from complete colonies, which in both cases allows a few dominant workers to lay eggs in the queenless colony. Reunification of colony halves and return of the queen to orphaned colonies led to aggression against those workers that had become fertile during the absence of the queen. Dominant workers in reunited, split colonies were more severely attacked than those in orphaned colonies after return of the queen. Furthermore, we observed that workers, which later became dominant egg layers under queenless conditions, have more contact with the queen than other workers. Both results corroborate the existence of rank relationships among workers in queenright colonies and show that results from policing experiments may be affected by the disturbance of pre-existing hierarchies through colony splitting.  相似文献   

[目的]硬皮肿腿蜂Sclerodermus母蜂可合作寄生寄主,但在产卵前需不断蛰刺释放毒液以麻醉寄主.已明确合作可有效制服和寄生体型较大的寄主,但迄今对由此而付出的适合度代价尚不明确.[方法]用管氏肿腿蜂S.guani和替代寄主黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor蛹为材料,在两头已交配雌蜂(母蜂)分别合作0.5,1....  相似文献   

Social insect colonies provide model systems for the examination of conflicts among parties with different genetic interests. As such, they have provided the best tests of inclusive fitness theory. However, much remains unknown about in which party's favour such conflicts are resolved, partly as a result of the only recent advent of the molecular tools needed to examine the outcome of these conflicts. Two key conflicts in social insect colonies are over control of the reproductive sex ratio and the production of male offspring. Most studies have examined only one of these conflicts but in reality they occur in tandem and may influence each other. Using microsatellite analyses, the outcome of conflict over sex ratios and male production was examined in the bumble bee, Bombus hypnorum. The genotypes were determined for mother queens, their mates and males for each of 10 colonies. In contrast to other reports of mating frequency in this species, all of the queens were singly mated. The population sex ratio was consistent with queen control, suggesting that queens are winning this conflict. In contrast, workers produced over 20% of all males in queen-right colonies, suggesting that they are more effective in competing over male-production. Combining these results with previous work, it is suggested that worker reproduction is a labile trait that may well impose only small costs on queen fitness.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. Although solitary females found a small proportion of nests, the vast majority of new nests are founded by small groups of females. In such multiple foundress nests, a single dominant female functions as the queen and lays eggs, while the rest function as sterile workers and care for the queen''s brood. Previous attempts to understand the evolution of social behaviour and altruism in this species have employed inclusive fitness theory (kin selection) as a guiding framework. Although inclusive fitness theory is quite successful in explaining the high propensity of the wasps to found nests in groups, several features of their social organization suggest that forces other than kin selection may also have played a significant role in the evolution of this species. These features include lowering of genetic relatedness owing to polyandry and serial polygyny, nest foundation by unrelated individuals, acceptance of young non-nest-mates, a combination of well-developed nest-mate recognition and lack of intra-colony kin recognition, a combination of meek and docile queens and a decentralized self-organized work force, long reproductive queues with cryptic heir designates and conflict-free queen succession, all resulting in extreme intra-colony cooperation and inter-colony conflict.  相似文献   

There is a conflict of interest between the queen and her worker-daughters in social hymenoptera over which party shall lay the haploid eggs which become males and over the ratio of investment in male and female reproductives. A model of this conflict in annual colonies is developed in this paper which can be analysed by mathematical optimisation methods. In the absence of worker-laying the queen prefers a 1:1 investment ratio while the workers prefer a 3: 1 female-biased ratio; it is concluded that the queen is in a strong position to impose her preference because she can lay only haploid eggs in the last generation. If the workers can lay and rear haploid eggs in the last generation (but not in the previous generation because of the danger that physical conflict will destroy the queen together with her contribution to future generations), the queen can gain control of male production by forcing the workers to rear her haploid eggs; but in so doing she must relinquish some control over the investment ratio.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of different social options are best understood when individuals can be followed as they make different choices, something that can be difficult in social insects. In this detailed study, we follow overwintered females of the social wasp Polistes carolina through different nesting strategies in a stratified habitat where nest site quality varies with proximity to a foraging area, and genetic relatedness among females is known. Females may initiate nests, join nests temporarily or permanently, or abandon nests. Females can become helpers or egglayers, effectively workers or queens. What they actually do can be predicted by a combination of ecological and relatedness factors. Advantages through increased lifetime success of individuals and nests drives foundresses of the social wasp Polistes from solitary to social nest founding. We studied reproductive options of spring foundresses of P. carolina by monitoring individually-marked wasps and assessing reproductive success of each foundress by using DNA microsatellites. We examined what behavioral decisions foundresses make after relaxing a strong ecological constraint, shortage of nesting sites. We also look at the reproductive consequences of different behaviors. As in other Polistes, the most successful strategy for a foundress was to initiate a nest as early as possible and then accept others as subordinates. A common feature for many P. carolina foundresses was, however, that they reassessed their reproductive options by actively monitoring other nests at the field site and sometimes moving permanently to new nests should that offer better (inclusive) fitness prospects compared to their original nests. A clear motivation for moving to new nests was high genetic relatedness; by the end of the foundress period all females were on nests with full sisters.  相似文献   

Only two out of 959 pre‐emergence colonies of the paper wasp Polistes snelleni de Saussure surveyed between 1989 and 1996 in Sapporo, northern Japan, were found to be two‐foundress colonies, and the others were single‐foundress colonies. The two foundresses in one of the two colonies showed neither aggressive dominance behavior nor clear division of labor between them during a total of approximately 30 h in the first half of the pre‐emergence stage. Although both of the foundresses foraged for pulp and laid eggs, only one foundress foraged for prey and delivered it to the other.  相似文献   

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