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Gametophytes are more abundant thou sporophytes in wave exposed rocky intertidal populations of Iridaea laminarioides Bory in Central Chile. In this study we experimental tested the differential effects of selected ecological factors on karyologically different life history phases. In the field, gametophytes dominated at higher elevation and during summer; tetrasporophytes were most abundant low in the intertidal and during the fall. Laboratory responses correlated with these patterns. Gametophytes exhibited greater desiccation tolerance than tetrasporophytes. Optimum growth of gametophytes occurred at higher temperatures (20°C) and longer photoperiods (16:8 h LD) than sporophytes (15°C and 12:12 h LD). Grazing preferences changed with the developmental stage of the alga, but all herbivores tested had increased preference for diploid tissues as compared to haploid. Number of spores produced with respect to total plant surface, or total rocky surface, or settlement of spores and their germination rate did not show significant differences between phases but showed great variability in space and time. Spontaneous spore release, however, was always higher in cystocarpic than in tetrasporangial thalli. Such a combination of results suggests that some real ecological differences exist between the two life history phases of I. laminarioides. Such ecological differences permit a prediction of vertical and temporal patterns of distribution for both phases. Horizontal patterns of distribution cannot be explained because the several selection factors probably interact differently in various habitats.  相似文献   

The isomorphic phases of Endocladia muricata (Post. & Rupr.) J. Ag. Were compared for photosynthetic and respiratory difference in response to a variety of environmental manipulations. Photosynthetic light response during submergence at 15° C and the pattern of respiratory recovery following prolonged emergence (3 h) at either 15° or 30° C were similar between gametophytes and tetrasporophytes. The phases showed the same ability to photosynthesize and respire during emergence at each temperature tested (15°, 25°, and 35° C, fully hydrated thalli) and at various desiccation state (measured at 25° C only). Submerged rates of photosynthesis following prolonged emergence at 15° and 30° C were, however slightly greater (17%) for tetrasporophytes as compared to gametophytes. Regardless of the life history phase, plants incubated at 15° C during emergence recovered more completely than plants incubated at 30° C. Photosynthetic recovery after 1 h in plants incubated at 15° C often “spiked” and yielded rates as great as 185% of pretreatment rates. Increased photosynthetic rates during recovery were absent for the 30° C incubations. The initial photosynthetic recovery of plants collected from the upper limits of distribution was greater than that of plants collected from the lower limits. Recovered rates of respiration were highly variable over time. Respiration often exceeded pretreatment values more then threefold, and the elevated rates were sustained for 12 h. Photosynthesis and respiration in air were comparable to rates in seawater and varied slightly with increasing temperature. Photosynthetic and respiratory rates also decreased with increasing tissue water loss. Thus, only slight differences in physiological performance were observed between phases and individuals collected from different vertical positions. Metabolic differences were transient and apparent only under experimental conditions that modeled extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Generic concepts in the economically important agarophyte red algal family Gracilariaceae were evaluated based on maximum parsimony, Bayesian likelihood, and minimum evolution analyses of the chloroplast‐encoded rbc L gene from 67 specimens worldwide. The results confirm the monophyly of the family and identify three large clades, one of which corresponds to the ancestral antiboreal genera Curdiea and Melanthalia, one to Gracilariopsis, and one to Gracilaria sensu lato, which contains nine distinct independent evolutionary lineages, including Hydropuntia. The species currently attributed to Hydropuntia comprise a single well‐supported clade composed of two distinct lineages. The two most basal clades within Gracilaria sensu lato deserve generic rank: a new genus centered around G. chilensis Bird, McLachlan et Oliveira and G. aff. tenuistipitata Chang et Xia and a resurrected Hydropuntia encompassing primarily Indo‐Pacific (G. urvillei [Montagne] Abbott, G. edulis [S. Gmelin] P. Silva, G. eucheumatoides Harvey, G. preissiana [Sonder] Womersley, and G. rangiferina [Kützing] Piccone) and western Atlantic species (G. cornea J. Agardh, G. crassissima P. et H. Crouan in Mazé et Schramm, G. usneoides [C. Agardh] J. Agardh, G. caudata J. Agardh, and G. secunda P. et H. Crouan in Mazé et Schramm). Cystocarpic features within the Gracilaria sensu lato clades appear to be more phylogenetically informative than male characters. The textorii‐type spermatangial configuration is represented in two distinct clusters of Gracilaria. The rbc L genetic divergence among the Gracilariaceae genera ranged between 8.46% and 16.41%, providing at least 2.5 times more genetic variation than does the 18S nuclear rDNA. rbc L also resolves intrageneric relationships, especially within Gracilaria sensu lato. The current number of gracilariacean species is underestimated in the western Atlantic because of convergence in habit and apparent homoplasy in vegetative and reproductive anatomy.  相似文献   

Gracilaria tikvahiae, a highly morphologically variable red alga, is one of the most common species of Gracilariaceae inhabiting Atlantic estuarine environments and the Intracoastal Waterway of eastern North America. Populations of G. tikvahiae at the extremes of their geographic range (Canada and southern Mexico) are subjected to very different environmental regimes. In this study, we used two types of genetic markers, the chloroplast‐encoded rbcL and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, to examine the genetic variability within G. tikvahiae, for inferring the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships between geographically isolated populations, and to discuss its distributional information in a phylogeographic framework. Based on rbcL and ITS phylogenies, specimens from populations collected at the extreme distributional ranges reported for G. tikvahiae are indeed part of the same species; however, rbcL‐ but not ITS‐based phylogenies detected phylogenetic structure among the ten G. tikvahiae different haplotypes found in this study. The four distinct rbcL lineages were identified as 1) a Canadian–northeast U.S. lineage, 2) a southeast Florida lineage, 3) an eastern Gulf of Mexico lineage, and 4) a western Gulf of Mexico lineage. We found no evidence for the occurrence of G. tikvahiae in the Caribbean Sea. Observed phylogeographic patterns match patterns of genetic structures reported for marine animal taxa with continuous and quasicontinuous geographic distribution along the same geographic ranges.  相似文献   

对扁蜡蝉科(半翅目,蜡蝉总科)中鳖扁蜡蝉Cixiopsis punctatus Matsumura和娇弱鳎扁蜡蝉Tambinia debilis St(a)l的雌性生殖器进行了详细描述,绘制特征图并指明各部分的结构名称.结果表明前者生殖管道属于单开口类型,而后者是双开口类型.雌性生殖器特征可为分类学和系统发育分析提供更多的参考信息.  相似文献   

The in situ growth, maturation and senescence, of central California Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory was studied. This ontogenetic progression was quantified by measuring development and growth of: i) individually tagged blades, and ii) populations of blades within cumulative (1-yr duration) and seasonal experimental plots. Greatest growth and longest life span were exhibited by winter-spring initiated blades, and were correlated with a rapid increase, in irradiance, but not with either seawater temperature or nutrients. Tagging studies showed that reproductive maturation and senescence of blades occurred throughout the year, irrespective of date tagged, growth rate or size. Moreover, the majority of blades continued to elongate following maturation, and some matured within 3 mo of initiation at all seasons but winter. At the population level maturation took place primarily during summer-autumn when 90 ±2% of the population was mature. The majority of the population senesces or “dies back” during autumn-winter. It is concluded that in situ, the blades are derived almost totally via vegetative means involving perennation. This indirectly suggests that sexual reproduction or the success of sporeling development are marginal. Additionally, the species is perennial with annually deciduous blades, characterized by both rapid growth and maturation.  相似文献   

The tetrasporangial initial in Palmaria palmata (L.) O. Kuntze (formerly Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Greville) arises from a cortex cell which enlarges and deposits a protein-rich wall layer. This cell undergoes mitosis to form a tetrasporocyte and a stalk cell. Synaptonemal complexes are formed in the sporocyte nucleus while in the cytoplasm floridean starch is deposited in association with ER or with particles presumed to be ribosomes. Microbody-like structures become numerous between the nuclear envelope and perinuclear ER, and clusters of non-membranous, spherical structures also are associated with the nucleus. Chromatin condensation is reversed following pachytene and a prolonged diffuse stage ensues, when dictyosomes and ER produce vesicles which deposit mucilage rich in sulfated and acidic polysaccharides around the tetrasporocyte. A conspicuous lenticular thickening of the mucilage sheath develops at the apical end of the sporangium. Dictyosomes are frequently associated with mitochondria which may be associated with chloroplasts. Following nuclear divisions the tetrasporocyte is cleaved into four spores by sequentially initiated, but simultaneously completed periclinal and anticlinal furrows. When mucilage deposition ceases, the dictyosomes begin to produce vesicles with glycoprotein-rich contents. These vesicles are abundant in released tetraspores, and they probably contain adhesive material aiding in the attachment of the liberated spores.  相似文献   

Following fertilization, the carposporophyte of Nemalion helminthoides (Velley in With.) Batters differentiates into four distinct regions: the fusion cell, the sterile gonimoblast cells, the carposporangial mother cells and the carposporangia. The gonimoblast is formed by apically dividing, monopodial filaments of limited growth which may later become pseudodichotomous. Upon differentiation of a terminal carposporangium, a gonimoblast filament may continue to grow sympodially. A single carposporangial mother cell may produce carposporangia in several different directions as well as proliferate successive carposporangia within the sporangial walls that remain after carpospore liberation. As the carposporophyte matures, the gonimoblast initial, the stalk cell, the hypogynous and subhypogynous cells fuse. Except for the fusion cell, all cells of the carposporophyte show organelle polarity and contain a distally located, lobed chloroplast and proximal nucleus.  相似文献   

Southern Africa has economically exploited populations of terete gracilarioids on the cool temperate west coast and numerous species of endemic and Indo‐Pacific tropical Gracilariaceae on the south and east coasts. Gross morphological characters have been the main means of identification, and incorrect applications have led to a number of misidentifications. In this study, small subunit rDNA and RUBISCO spacer sequences were used to determine phylogenetic relationships. Whereas rDNA sequences successfully differentiate major groups within the family as well as species belonging to the Gracilariopsis and the Curdiea/Melanthalia clade, RUBISCO spacer sequencing was required to distinguish between species of Gracilaria. The southern African gracilarioid complex (stringy, terete, elongate members of the Gracilariaceae) was resolved into three species: Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilariopsis longissima, and Gracilariopsis funicularis. South African Gracilaria protea was shown to be conspecific with tropical Indian Ocean G. corticata. Apart from G. gracilis and G. corticata, South African Gracilaria species were differentiated into a temperate‐tropical terete grouping and a temperate‐tropical flattened grouping.  相似文献   

The marine red alga Pikea californica Harvey, previously known only from the east coast of Japan and the west coast of North America, was found in 1983 to be abundant in the surge zone throughout the Isles of Scilly archipelago, off SW England. Examination of herbarium material showed that the population was present in 1967. All plants observed in July 1983 and September 1984 were sterile, but reproductive male and female plants were collected in November 1983. The habitat and phenology of P. californica in the Isles of Scilly closely resemble those of Paczfic populations. English plants are vegetatively and reproductively identical to the type and other California specimens. They can easily be distinguished from Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse (Sphaerococcaceae, Gigartinales), the most similar species in the flora of the British Isles, by the presence in transverse section of several lacunae, representing axial and whorlbranchletjilaments, in contrast to the single axial filament of S. coronopifolius. It is possible that the Isles of Scilly population of P. californica is a relict of a species once more widespread, but it seems more likely that it is another example of the well-established pattern of marine introductions into the British Isles from the North Paczfic. The range of temperature regimes occupied by P. californica in the Pacific suggests that the species could become more widespread in Europe, but at present it appears to be confined to the Isles of Scilly.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic studies on the evolution of the red algae indicate that this ancient division has many lineages that have recently undergone radiations. One such example is the cold–temperate family Palmariaceae. In this study, sequences from the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions were compared among ten species in the Palmariaceae from both Atlantic and Pacific sites, Phylogenetic analyses of sequence data, in which Rhodophysema georgii Batters was used as outgroup and root, indicate a radiation into four clades, three of which contain species of “Palmaria” and the fourth species of Halosaccion. Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze, the type and only North Atlantic species in the genus, stands apart from all remaining species in the family and terminates the most basal branch in the rooted tree. The three more derived clades have radiated mainly in the North Pacific. Southern Ocean Palmaria and North Atlantic Devaleraea are hypothesized to have invaded from separate but closely related North Pacific ancestors. The ease with which sequences could be aligned combined with an unsaturated transition: transversion ratio and modest divergence involving predominantly point mutations suggests that the initial radiation is relatively recent (late Miocene–Pliocene) and that the Devaleraea–Palmaria clade is even more recent (late Pliocene–Pleistocene).  相似文献   

The vegetative organization and reproductive development of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson, Acleto et Foldvik [including Gracilaria sjoestedtii Kylin] were investigated. Our observations on spermatangial development and post-fertilization features establish that Gracilariopsis Dawson is distinct at the generic level from Gracilaria Greville, and ice propose the resurrection of Gracilariopsis Dawson as a result. Spermatangial parent cells of Gracilariopsis are superficial, initiated in pairs or groups of three by concavo-convex longitudinal and transverse divisions. Each spermatangial parent cell cuts off a single, colorless spermatangium distally by a transverse division. The female reproductive apparatus consists of a supporting cell that bears a two-celled carpogonial branch flanked by two sterile branches, as in Gracilaria. Likewise, up to six sterile cells fuse with the carpogonium after fertilization to produce a primary fusion cell that generates the gonimoblasts; however, a secondary fusion cell is absent. Inner gonimoblast cells unite with cytologically modified cells of the inner pericarp by means of secondary pit-connections. Tubular nutritive cells are absent. The gonimoblast consists of a central sterile tissue interconnected throughout by secondary pit-connections surmounted by a fertile layer composed of carposporangia aligned in straight chains. The distribution of Gracilariopsis is extended to Western Europe.  相似文献   

The marine red alga Pikea californica Harvey, previously known only from the east coast of Japan and the west coast of North America, was found in 1983 to be abundant in the surge zone throughout the Isles of Scilly archipelago, off SW England. Examination of herbarium material showed that the population was present in 1967. All plants observed in July 1983 and September 1984 were sterile, but reproductive male and female plants were collected in November 1983. The habitat and phenology of P. californica in the Isles of Scilly closely resemble those of Pacific populations. English plants are vegetatively and reproductively identical to the type and other California specimens. They can easily be distinguished from Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse (Sphaerococcaceae, Gigartinales), the most similar species in the flora of the British Isles, by the presence in transverse sections of several lacunae, representing axial and whorl-branchlet filaments, in contrast to the single axial filament of S. coronopifolius. It is possible that the Isles of Scilly population of P. californica is a relict of a species once more widespread, but it seems more likely that it is another example of the well-established pattern of marine introductions into the British Isles from the North Pacific. The range of temperature regimes occupied by P. Californica in the Pacific suggests that the species could become more widespread in Europe, but at present it appears to be confined to the Isles of Scilly.  相似文献   

The freshwater red alga Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montague is capable of growing and reproducing in salinities up to 35 ppt. Increased accumulation of floridoside (D-galactopyranosyl glycerol) parallels increase in salinity. Compsopogon phycobilisomes contain an unusual B-phycoerythrin completely lacking in phycourobilin chromophores, but with a pigmented γ subunit. The α, β, and γ subunits of this phycoerythrin all carry phycoerythrobilins. These results suggest that C. coeruleus is secondarily adapted to freshwater from marine habitats.  相似文献   

The influence of desiccation on the mechanical properties of the intertidal macroalga Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory (Rhodophyta) was investigated over a range of water losses (0–83%) that bracketed in situ levels (26–67%). The tissue modulus (stiffness) remained constant for water losses up to about 70%, but increased sharply with losses between 70–83%. Tissue strength of desiccated samples did not fall below the range measured for undesiccated samples. There was a significant increase in breaking strain up to water losses of about 50%, after which breaking strain decreased. The relationship between toughness and desiccation resembled that for breaking strain. Overall, the mechanical properties of Iridaea cordata did not deteriorate when desiccated to levels consistent with those observed in the field.  相似文献   

The field of molecular paleontology has recently made significant contributions to anthropology and biology. Hundreds of ancient DNA studies have been published, but none has targeted fossil coralline algae. Using regions of the SSU gene, we analyzed rDNA from fossil coralline algae of varying ages and states of preservation from Spain, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Specimens from PNG, GBR, and some localities from Spain did not contain endogenous ancient DNA. Reproducible sequence data were obtained from specimens ~550 years old from near Cadiz, Spain, and from rocky‐shore deposits in Carboneras, Almeria Province of Spain (~78,000 years before present [YBP]). Based on BLAST searches and a phylogenetic analysis of sequences, an undescribed coralline alga belonging to the Melobesioideae was discovered in the Carboneras material as well as the following coralline genera: Jania, Lithophyllum, Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum, and Phymatolithon. DNA from fleshy brown and red macroalgae was also discovered in the specimens from Carboneras. The coralline algae identified using molecular techniques were in agreement with those based on morphological methods. The identified taxa are common in the present‐day southeastern Spain littoral zone. Amino acid racemization, concentration ratios, and specific concentrations failed to show a correlation between biomolecular preservation and PCR amplification success. Results suggest that molecular investigations on fossil algae, although limited by technical difficulties, are feasible. Validity of our results was established using authentication criteria and a self‐critical approach to compliance.  相似文献   

The in situ primary production of three common under-story members of the Rhodophyta in South African west coast kelp beds was determined monthly for a year using dissolved oxygen techniques. Strong seasonal patterns of photosynthesis and respiration were evident in all three species. Net photosynthesis of all three species was greatest in spring (October) and lowest in winter (June). Increasing photosynthesis in late winter coincided with increasing ambient irradiance and photoperiod, whereas decreasing photosynthesis in summer was not explained by changes in the environmental parameters measured. We suggest that this may he due to an innate pattern related to some other seasonal plant activity such as reproduction. Seasonal Pmax and Ik values reveal that the obligate understory species, B. prolifera and E. obtusa, are shade-adapted whereas G. radula, a low intertidal and shallow subtidal dominant, is sun-adapted. Low C: X ratios consistent with a high nutrient environment and high rates of productivity were found in all three species. Net photosynthesis to respiration (Pn:R) ratios were fairly constant for B. prolifera and E. obtusa, implying that then photosynthetic processes were governed more by seasonal variations in irradiance than by instantaneous light availability. The Pn: R ratio of G. radula was variable, suggesting that this species is more responsive to rapid fluctuations in irradiance and may therefore be adapted for rapid growth during periods of high irradiance.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 69 species of the Ceramiales (51 Ceramiaceae, six Dasyaceae, seven Delesseriaceae, and five Rhodomelaceae) were determined based on nuclear SSU rDNA sequence data. We resolved five strongly supported but divergent lineages among the included Ceramiaceae: (i) the genus Inkyuleea, which weakly joins other orders of the Rhodymeniophycidae rather than the Ceramiales in our analyses; (ii) the tribe Spyridieae, which is sister to the remainder of the included ceramialean taxa; (iii) the subfamily Ceramioideae, weakly including the tribe Warrenieae; (iv) the subfamily Callithamnioideae; and (v) the subfamily Compsothamnioideae, which emerges as sister to the Dasyaceae/Delesseriaceae/Rhodomelaceae complex, thus rendering the Ceramiaceae sensu lato unequivocally paraphyletic, as has been argued separately on anatomical grounds by Kylin and Hommersand. Our data support a restricted concept of the Ceramiaceae that includes only one of the five lineages (Ceramioideae) that we have resolved. In addition to failing to ally with the Ceramiales in our molecular analyses, species of Inkyuleea differ substantially from other Ceramiaceae sensu lato in details of pre‐ and postfertilization development. The genus Inkyuleea is here assigned to the Inkyuleeaceae fam. nov., which we provisionally retain in the Ceramiales. Species of Spyridia also differ from the remaining Ceramiaceae in their postfertilization development, and, in light of our molecular data, the genus Spyridia is assigned to the Spyridiaceae. The Callithamnioideae is strongly monophyletic (100% in all analyses), which, in combination with key anatomical differences, supports elevation to family status for this lineage as the Callithamniaceae. Similarly, the Compsothamnioideae is solidly monophyletic in our molecular trees and has a unique suite of defining anatomical characters that supports family status for a complex that we consider to include the tribes Compsothamnieae, Dasyphileae, Griffithsieae, Monosporeae, Ptiloteae, Spermothamnieae, Sphondylothamnieae, Spongoclonieae, and Wrangelieae, for which the reinstated family name Wrangeliaceae is available.  相似文献   

Laurencia brachyclados Pilger from Hawai'i completed a “Polysiphonia-type” tri-phasic life history in 21 weeks in laboratory culture. Tetraspores developed into gametophytes in a nearly 1:1:1 ratio of females: males: non-reproductive. Carpospores were released as early as 21 days after mixing virgin female and male gametophytes. Cultured thalli showed a “guerilla type” growth form. Other Hawaiian Laurencia species in culture had longer maturation times or remained non-reproductive. Variation in life history schedules may influence Laurencia species coexistence and algal community structure.  相似文献   

Cystocarpic and spermatangial plants of rarely reported red alga Bonnemaisonia geniculata Gardner, epiphytic on Odonthalia Aoccosa (Esp.) Falk, were collected from june to September 1975 at shell Beach, california. Carpospores inoculated into unialgal culture divided, upon germination, in to two daughter cells, both of which formed erect and rhizoidal axes, Erect axes were uniseriale and alternately branched with a distictive zigzag pattern of axial cells. No tetrasporangia developed in culture. The presumptive tetrasporangia developed in culture to a described genus. Plants morphologically similar to those cultured from carpospores were found at the collection site; they bore tetrasporangia from February to june. Cullured letrasporews gave rise to male and female plants similar to those of field-collected B. geniculate in ca. a I:I ratio. Fertile female plants in the presence of male plants formed cystocarps. Carpospores gave rise to the alternately branched tetrasporophyte phase. Bonnemaisonia geniculate has a heteromorphic life history involving a previously undescribed tetrasporophyte.  相似文献   

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