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The brown macroalga Laminaria saccharina (L.) J. V. Lamour. was grown in large outdoor tanks at 50% ambient solar radiation for 3–4 weeks in July and August of 2000, 2001, and 2002, in either ambient or nitrogen (N)–enriched seawater and in either ambient light [PAR + ultraviolet radiation (UVR)] or ambient light minus UVR. Growth, N‐content, photosynthetic pigments, and RUBISCO content increased in N‐enriched seawater, indicating N‐limitation. UVR inhibited growth, but this inhibition was ameliorated by N‐enrichment. The response of growth to UVR could not be explained by changes in respiration and photosynthesis. Gross light‐saturated photosynthesis (Pmax) remained unaffected by UVR but was significantly higher under N‐enrichment, as was dark respiration (Rd). UVR had no effect on pigments or N content. However, RUBISCO contents were low in the presence of UVR, reflecting the overall change in soluble cellular protein. Overall, our data indicate that the response to UVR in L. saccharina depends on other environmental factors, such as N, and these effects need to be considered when evaluating the response of macroalgae to increased UVR.  相似文献   

Laminaria saccharina Lamour. sporophytes were grown in enriched and synthetic media through a range of nitrate concentrations, There was an approximately linear relationship between growth and nutrient concentration up to 10 μ substrate concentration. The half-saturation constant (K2) was ca. 1.4 μ NO3-. The internal levels of NO3- increased at substrate concentrations above 10 μM b>3- and reached levels several thousand times higher than the surrounding medium. Thus there is evidence for luxury consumption of NOsb>3-. The chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacities of plants also increased with increasing external NO3- The ecological implications of this work are considered.  相似文献   

Long-distance translocation of 125I in Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. followed a “source to sink” pattern. When the source of 125I was placed on the distal mature part of the blade, the translocation was unidirectional, basipetal and directed towards the meristematic region at the blade-stipe junction. When the source was placed directly at the meristem there was no movement of label distal to the meristem. The velocity of125I transport ranged from 2 to 3.5 cm · h?1. The anion I? seemed to be the only species of125I transported. An assay of iodine content in different parts of L. saccharina plant showed much higher levels of iodine in the meristem, stipe and holdfast than in the blade. This distribution concurs well with the pattern of I? translocation.  相似文献   

Petalonia fascia (Müller) Küntze and Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamouroux cultured in N-free medium exhibited transient depressions in light-limited and light-saturated gross O2 evolution within 0.3 h following ammonium resupply. Recovery of photosynthesis to pre-resupply rates required 24 h. After 6-9 d of ammonium resupply, photo synthetic rates of N-deprived algae were similar to those of control plants grown with nitrogen. This study demonstrates that N-deprived macroalgae exhibit suppressed photosynthesis upon nitrogen resupply similar to many microalgal species. The apparent slowness of short-term recovery from nitrogen-elicited photo synthetic suppression may have ecological consequences for macroalgae under conditions of patchy nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates measured in protoplasts isolated from the broivn alga Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) Ag. were compared to those for intact tissue. Both 14C incorporation and O2 evolution gave similar rates of light-saturated protoplast photosynthesis (approximately 0.4 mmol-g chl a?1· min?1). Light saturated photosynthetic rates (Pmax) and light harvesting efficiencies (α) of protoplasts were approximately 40% those of intact tissue. In contrast, protoplasts had a greater substrate affinity for photosynthetic HCO3 uptake (lower K0.5) than intact tissue (0.87 and 4.1 mMolar, respectively), presumably because of a reduction in the thickness of the unstirred boundary layer in the absence of the cell wall. Overall, the data suggest that protoplasts isolated from Macrocystis pyrifera are of valur in the study of photosynthesis. However, experiments with intact tissue are necessary as controls to aid interpretation of protoplast data.  相似文献   

Starting material for the tissue cultures was the meristematic basal zone of the blade. Pieces treated 30–60 sec in hypochlorite solution were rinsed and placed on agar plates made from the artificial seawater ASP6 F2 solidified with 6 g agar l?1. After 6 weeks colorless callus-like tissue grew out from some pieces. Treatment with activated charcoal removed some inhibiting substances from the agar medium as numbers of callus developing pieces increased on such plates. A combination of 10?5 M NAA and 5 · 10?7 M kinetin gave a yellow-brown tissue. A differentiation in the tissue from L. hyperborea was observed as well as the formation of meiospores, which grew out into male and female plants. Thalli of sporophytes were observed but they never reached a length of more than one mm before they died or changed to an irregular pattern of growth.  相似文献   

In previous studies, Laminaria saccharina L. (Lamour.) sporophytes were found to exhibit two major peaks of sporogenesis and an annual life cycle in Long Island Sound, New York. Young sporophytes were observed shortly after the sporogenesis peaks in early autumn and spring, but most of the mature sporophytes decayed during summer. A new study was conducted to determine if the spring sporogenesis activity contributed to the recruitment observed in autumn through oversummering of gametophytic and juvenile sporophytic stages, as previously suggested. Reproduction and growth in gametophytes and growth in juvenile sporophytes were studied under crossed gradients of light and temperature. Periodic outplantings of substrata seeded with gametophytic and sporophytic stages to the field were conducted to assess actual survival. The optimum temperature and light conditions for gametophyte development, growth and reproduction varied with the time of year meiospores were obtained. Most of this variation was attributable to temperature. A seasonal adaptation to temperature in most developmental stages was observed. Higher temperatures resulted in greater numbers of male gametophytes. Gametophytic stages could develop at all times, suggesting that oversummering in this stage was possible. Juvenile sporophytes had a narrower optimum temperature range and again photon fluence rate contributed little to observed variances. Out planting of sporophytic stages at various times during the year indicated only sporophytes prepared from autumn and winter could survive summer conditions. The thalli of these plants grew rapidly in spring and eroded back to the meristematic region in summer. Most of these plants then quickly became reproductive, resulting in another autumn sporogenesis peak. Gametophytic and sporophytic outplantings prepared from spring meiospores did not survive the summer. Thus, the recruitment observed in autumn can only be the result of the previous autumn's sporogenesis activity. The sporogenous activities of spring and early summer appear to be unimportant, despite the fact that all reproductive indices are superior at those times.  相似文献   

The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis in blue light was 50-100% higher than that in red light for young sporophytes of Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., although photosynthetic rates were slightly higher in red than in blue light at low irradiances. Short exposures to low irradiances (e.g. 2 min at 20 μmol · m?2· s?1) of blue light also stimulated the subsequent photosynthesis of Laminaria sporophytes in saturating irradiances of red light but had little effect on photosynthesis in low irradiances of red light. The full stimulatory effect of short exposures to blue light was observed within 5 min of the blue treatment and persisted for at least 15 min in red light or in darkness. Thereafter, the effect began to decline, but some stimulation was still detectable 45 min after the blue treatment. The degree of stimulation was proportional to the logarithm of the photon exposure to blue light over the range 0.15-2.4 mmol · m?2, and the effectiveness of an exposure to 0.6 mmol · m?2at different wavelengths was high at 402-475 nm (with a peak at 460-475 nm) but declined sharply at 475-497 nm and was minimal at 544-701 nm. Blue light appears, therefore, to exert a direct effect on the dark reaction of photosynthesis in brown algae, possibly by activating carbon-fixing enzymes or by stimulating the uptake or transport of inorganic carbon in the plants.  相似文献   

Many brown algae, including the kelp Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., exhibit enhanced photosynthesis when they are given a small amount of blue‐light in addition to a background of saturating red light. This blue light effect is correlated with an increased uptake of carbon. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that blue light acts by increasing the activity of a plasma membrane H + ‐ATPase, thereby promoting an active carbon uptake across the plasma membrane. Photosynthetic carbon uptake was studied in pH‐drift experiments under illumination with red and blue light and using different inhibitors. Vanadate, an inhibitor of plasma membrane H + ‐ATPases, had a minor inhibitory effect on carbon uptake rates under saturating red light conditions, but inhibited the blue‐light enhancement by approximately 60%. An inhibitor of external carbonic anhydrase, acetazolamide, decreased the carbon uptake in both red light and in red plus blue light by 48% and 68%, respectively. These results suggest that photosynthetic carbon uptake depends on an external carbonic anhydrase under both red and red plus blue light conditions, and that blue light induces an increased activity of a P‐type H + ‐ATPase in the plasma membrane. The proton buffer Tris, which has a buffering capacity similar to vanadate in seawater, had no inhibitory effect on carbon uptake rates neither in red light nor in red plus blue light, showing that the inhibitory effect of vanadate is not caused by its effect as a buffer. The blue‐light enhancement was also abolished by a protein kinase inhibitor (H‐7), suggesting that the transduction of the blue‐light signal involves a protein kinase, which activates the plasma membrane H + ‐ATPase by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Exposure of ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated young sporophytes of Alaria esculenta (L.) Grev. and Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. to visible light resulted in recovery from UV damage that would otherwise cause much higher mortality. For this photoreactivation, blue light was highly effective, whereas negligible reactivation was produced in green or red light. The blue quantum requirements for a 50% response were 1.9 mol·m?2 in A. esculenta and 1.2 mol·m?2 in L. saccharina, which were comparable to those reported for other blue light responses requiring high energy found in brown algae.  相似文献   

PCR amplification was employed to identify female or male gametophyte associated markers in Saccharina japonica (Aresch.) C. E. Lane, C. Mayes et G. W. Saunders (=Laminaria japonica Aresch.). One pair of the primers, P5, was screened from five pairs designed based on a specific sequence (GenBank accession no. AB069714 ) of Marchantia polymorpha Y chromosome, resulting in a differential band ~500 bp in size between female and male gametophytes of Rongfu strain of Sjaponica. According to the SCAR (sequence‐characterized amplified regions) strategies, one pair of primers, P51, was designed on the basis of the sequence of this band that was only present in female gametophytes. A SCAR marker, designated FRML‐494 (494‐bp Female‐Related Marker of S. japonica, GenBank accession no. EU931619 ), was developed successfully by PCR amplification using the designed P51 primer pair. The SCAR marker was verified to be present only in female gametophytes of another variety 901 of this kelp that was a hybrid between Sjaponica as paternal and Slongissima (Miyabe) C. E. Lane, C. Mayes, Druehl et G. W. Saunders (=Laminaria longissima Miyabe) as maternal, suggesting that the FRML‐494 marker was specifically related to female gametophytes of the genus. This marker is the first molecular tool reported for sex identification in kelps. This study was beneficial for identifying gametophyte gender during vegetative growth and for judging whether the monogenetic sporophytes came from exclusive male or female gametophytes, as well as for further research on sex determination at the molecular level in kelps.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of high-temperature tolerance in the kelp Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. were examined by comparing a heat-tolerant ecotype from Long Island Sound (LIS), New York, and a population from the Atlantic (ATL) coast of Maine. Greater heat tolerance was not attributable to greater thermal stability of the photosynthetic apparatus: LIS and ATL plants exhibited similar short-term effects of high temperature on photosynthetic capacity (Pmax) and quantum yield (estimated as the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence, Fv/Fm. As LIS plants had consistently higher N and protein content than ATL plants, the interaction between nitrogen nutrition and high-temperature tolerance was examined. When grown under high N supply and optimal temperature (12° C), LIS plants had a higher density of photosystem II reaction centers (RCII), higher activity of two Calvin cycle enzymes (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase [RUBISCO] and NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [G3PDH]), and higher Pmax and Fv/Fm than ATL plants. Individual ATL plants, furthermore, exhibited close correlations of RCII density and enzyme activity with N and/or protein content. Variation in RCII density and enzyme activity, in turn, largely accounted for plant-to-plant differences in Pmax and Fv/Fm. Relationships among these parameters were generally weak or lacking among individual LIS plants grown under optimal conditions, apparently because luxury N consumption resulted in excess reserves of photosynthetic apparatus components. Exposure of N-replete LIS and ATL plants to a superoptimal temperature (22° C) for 4 days caused an increase in the minimum turnover time of the photosynthetic apparatus (tau) and a decrease in Pmax, but had no consistent effect on Fv/Fm RCII density, PSU size (chlorophyll a/RCII), or enzyme activities. When plants were subjected to concurrent N limitation and heat stress, however, LIS and ATL populations exhibited quite different responses. All photosynthetic parameters of N-limited ATL plants declined sharply in response to high temperature, resulting in a negative rate of daily net C fixation. In contrast, LIS plants showed a reduction in PSU size, but maintained other parameters, including daily C fixation, at levels similar to those of N-limited plants at optimal temperature. Overall, the ability of LIS plants to accumulate and maintain high N reserves appears to be critical for heat tolerance and, therefore, for survival during summer periods of simultaneous low N supply and superoptimal temperature. ATL plants, which also experience low summer N supply but not superoptimal temperatures, do not accumulate large reserves of nitrogenous components and are unable to tolerate the combined stress. Because low N supply often co-occurs with high temperatures in temperate marine systems, large-scale declines in algal productivity, such as during El Niño events, are probably due to the interactive effect of N limitation and heat stress.  相似文献   

It is suggested that Laminaria setchellii Silva be retained as a species separate from L. dentigera Kjellman as there is no evidence suggesting they are conspecific. Further, L. saccharina (L.) Lamouroux and L. groenlandica Rosenvinge should also continue to be recognized as valid components of the California flora.  相似文献   

Previously reported transplantation experiments in the field showed that Gastroclonium coulteri (Harvey) Kylin could survive above its normal intertidal range (0.0–0.5 m above MLLW), except during periods of daytime low tides in spring. Net photosynthetic rate measurements in the laboratory were performed to determine which physical factors might determine the upper boundary for this species in the intertidal zone. Maximum net photosynthesis occurred between 15 and 20° C, but remained positive between 4 and 35° C. The air temperature extremes observed in the field were 2° C (only seen once) and 26° C. Net photosynthesis increased as expected with light intensity to the highest value obtainable in the laboratory, 1400 μEin m?2 s?1. Plants collected from the field under higher light intensity (up to 2000 μEin m?2 s?2) also showed high rates of photosynthesis. Neither the temperature nor light levels observed in the field were directly damaging to photosynthesis. Desiccation, however, resulted in a sharp decrease in both photosynthesis and respiration. G. coulteri fully recovered from successive daily treatments of about 35% desiccation, but not from successive treatments of 50% desiccation. One exposure to 70% desiccation allowed no recovery of photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies have indicated that Na+, K+ (together with Cl? the presumed counter-ion to these cations), NO3? and mannitol represent the major cellular osmotica in Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour. The cellular content of NO3? (together with a fraction of the K+ pool which acts as the counter-ion to NO3?) was found to be inversely proportional to that of mannitol, suggesting that L. digitata maintains a constant turgor by means of an isotonic substitution between these compounds. An analysis of the seasonal changes in solute content in an Arbroath (Scotland) population of L. digitata confirmed this hypothesis and indicated that the total pool of stored photosynthate was partitioned between the interconvertible carbohydrates mannitol and laminaran (which has a much lower osmotic potential than mannitol) depending on the size of the cellular pool of NO3?.  相似文献   

The capacity to cope with high light stress was investigated in different life-history and developmental stages of Laminaria saccharina Lamour. sporophytes and gametophytes. Changes in photosynthetic efficiency and in the level of photoinhibition were measured by in vivo fluorescence changes of photosystem II. Pigment content was studied using high performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, the morphology of the various developmental stages during the life cycle was studied by light microscopy in relation to the photosynthetic parameters. High light stress (2 h, 500 μmol.m-2.s?1) induced photoinhibition of photosynthesis with fast kinetics in older sporophytes and gametophytes. In contrast, the absolute degree of photoinhibition after light stress was higher in younger than in older sporophytes. Photosynthesis recovered faster in older sporophytes and gametophytes compared to young sporophytes. In very young sporophytes, photosynthesis did not recover fully even after 12 h exposure to low light, indicating severe photodamage. Kinetics of recovery in old sporophytes and in gametophytes showed a fast and a slow phase, whereas younger sporophytes recovered only with a slow phase, The fast phase is indicative of a decline of the photoprotective process, whereas the slow phase indicates a recovery from photodamage. The capacity to cope with high light stress in Laminaria sporophytes increased with increasing age of the thalli. The gametophytes are less sensitive to high light stress and may be selected to endure unfavorable white light conditions. Investigation of the xanthophylls showed that the higher resistance to high light is not caused solely by a higher content of xanthophyll cycle pigments. Additionally, changes in the thallus structure during the development of the sporophytes seemed to cause a higher resistance to high light. The observed changes in the ability to cope with high light in the different life-history and developmental stages of Laminaria saccharina may influence the distribution of the species on the shore.  相似文献   

Blade elongation was compared in two populations of Laminaria longicruris de la Pylaie in Shag Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada; one population was exposed to and the other sheltered from high intensity water movement. The maximum and minimum elongation rates were similar for the two populations, but the sheltered coast plants grew more rapidly during 8 mo of the year. Measurements of internal inorganic nitrogen (NO3?+ NO2?) reserves and dry organic weight indicated that low concentrations of dissolved nutrients in summer and low levels of illumination in fall and winter were more limiting to growth at the exposed site than the sheltered site. Transplant experiments provided evidence that morphological differences between the exposed and sheltered coast plants accounted at least partially for their different responses to varying nutrient conditions and light levels. It is concluded that lower productivity of the exposed coast population is the result of adaptation to high intensity water movement.  相似文献   

Laminaria solidungula and L. saccharina inhabit the Beaufort Sea in the Alaskan High Arctic. Laminaria solidungula is an Arctic endemic, whereas L. saccharina extends from north temperate Pacific and Atlantic waters to the Arctic. Previous studies have shown that the two species have different seasonal timing of growth, but little comparative physiological information exists. As a first step in characterizing these two species from a mixed Arctic population, we measured variations in carbon, nitrogen, and photosynthetic pigment content in blade tissue from plants collected under the fast ice in April and during the open water Period in late July, Both species exhibited seasonal differences in many measured variables; seasonal differences in L. solidungula were most pronounced in growing basal blades. For example, the molar CIN ratio of basal blades averaged 11 in April and 21 in July for L. solidungula and 11.5 in April and 28 in July for L. saccharina. Basal and mature second blades differed in pigment content in April but not in July: chlorophyll a + c in L. solidungula basal and mature second blades averaged 19 and 27 nmol.cm?2 in April and 30 and 29 nmol. cm?2 in July, respectively. The corresponding values for L. saccharina were 17 and 29 nmol.cm?2 in April and 16 and 16 nmol.cm?2 in July (95% confidence intervals approximately 1–3 nmol. cm ?2). Carotenoids exhibited similar patterns. Species differences in pigments, carbon, and nitrogen were minor and were probably effects rather than causes of the different seasonal patterns of growth and development. The primary difference between the two species may be the ability of L. solidungula to retain multiple metabolically active blades and to fuel areal growth with stored carbohydrates during winter near-darkness, whereas L. saccharina growth is more closely tied to active photosynthesis in the growing basal blade. The cause of old blade retention in L. solidungula and the possibility of other physiological differences between the two species, including gametophytes, remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Eggs of laminaria angustata Kjellman were shown to have two flagella. Compared with flagella of other phaeophycean swarmers, those of Laminaria eggs have several unique characters such as lack of mastigonemes, widely spaced basal bodies and no flagellar rootlets. The flagella abscise during egg liberation.  相似文献   

Temperature and photon flux density (PFD) vary independently in estuaries, e.g. high PFD may occur at any temperature, so it is necessary to consider synergistic effects of these factors on algal growth. Because natural PFD is highly variable and daylength changes confound seasonal temperature cycles, it is easier to interpret factorial experiments in controlled laboratory conditions. Clonal Ulva rotundata Blid. (Chlorophyta) has been studied extensively in outdoor culture. In this study it was maintained indoors under square wave photoperiods at five PFDs and three temperatures. Growth rate, photqsynthetic light response (P-I) curves, and photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence properties were measured at the growth temperature following acclimation. Interactions between PFD and growth temperature were strongly indicated in all physiological parameters measured. Greatest PFD response occurred at the highest temperature, and the largest temperature response occurred at the highest PFD. Light-saturated photosynthesis (Pm) dark respiration (Rd), and light-limited quantum yield (Φm) were sufficient to describe acclimation status. The light-saturation parameter (Ik) was redundant and potentially misleading. Although U. rotundata exhibits a great amplitude of photoacclimation, it apparently has little capacity for temperature acclimation compared to the kelp, Laminaria saccharina, for which published data indicate similar photosynthetic rates over a broad range of growth temperatures. Diurnal variation of Pm and Rd at a growth PFD of ~ 1700 ± 200 μmol photons · m?2· s?1 was similar to the pattern observed previously in outdoor culture, suggesting endogenous control of these parameters. Quantum yield and the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), which were depressed in midday sunlight exceeding ~ 1500 μmol photons · m?2· s?1, were relatively invariant through the day in indoor culture, indicating that these parameters are controlled primarily by instantaneous PFD. Growth and fluorescence data are also presented for some other macroalgae for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

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