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There are few convincing examples of genetic drift at loci under selection in natural populations. The plant sexual polymorphism tristyly provides an opportunity to investigate genetic drift because stochastic processes interacting with frequency-dependent selection give rise to a diagnostic pattern of morph-frequency variation. A previous study of 102 Ontario populations of the introduced tristylous wetland herb Lythrum salicaria provided evidence for the role of stochastic processes during colonization. However, whether stochastic effects are greater in these recently introduced populations compared to native Eurasian populations remains unclear. The propensity of this species to invade disturbed habitats suggests that episodes of colonization and periods of small population size must also occur in the native range. A survey of 102 populations in southwestern France indicated reduced stochastic effects in native populations. Populations exhibited significantly lower morph loss than in Ontario (5% vs. 23%) and significantly higher values of morph evenness. The greater incidence of trimorphism in French populations was not associated with larger population sizes; populations were significantly smaller than those in Ontario (means: 266 vs. 487). Morph evenness was positively correlated with population size among French but not Ontario populations, providing further evidence of nonequilibrium conditions in introduced compared to native populations. The incidence of trimorphism was unexpectedly high in small native populations (N ≤ 25; 22 of 27 populations trimorphic). Computer simulations indicated that levels of gene flow on the order of m ≥ 0.05 can account for the maintenance of tristyly in small populations. The high connectivity of populations within the agricultural landscape typical of southwestern France may facilitate levels of gene flow sufficient to maintain trimorphism in small populations.  相似文献   

华东地区青冈种群的遗传多样性及遗传分化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采用垂直板型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定了华东地区6个青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca(Thunb.)Oerst.)种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化程度以及基因流。青冈种和种群水平都维持有较高的遗传多样性,期望杂合度分别为0.2252和0.2126,观察杂合度分别为0.1661和0.1771。种群间的遗传分化程度较低,分化度仅为5.6%,种群间的遗传一致度和遗传距离的均值分别为0.9729和0.0276。种群间的分化时间为1.4~27万年。基因流分别为4.21和20.49。  相似文献   

采用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳测定东北地区分布的4 个龙牙木种群的遗传结构。统计分析了10 个酶系统的11 个位点, 结果表明:龙牙木种群内存在着丰富的遗传变异, 多态位点百分率72.73%, 等位基因平均数为1.72, 期望杂合度为0.5617, 遗传一致度和遗传距离为0.9865和0.0133。这个结果与前文对其形态特征和薄层色谱特征分析所得结果基本一致, 充分说明区域龙牙木属于同一种物种的两个变种。  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was investigated in 17 Japanese populations of Campanula punctata, ten from the Izu Islands and seven in the mainland (Honshu). The data indicate that there are two groups, a mainland group and an island one, and that the systematically problematic Oshima Island (northernmost Izu island) populations are closely related to those of the other islands. Nei's genetic identity values among islands and among mainland populations were 0.95 and 0.97, respectively, while the value between island and mainland populations was 0.84, suggesting that the island populations are an independent species. Total genetic variation was nearly the same among island and mainland populations. However, the apportionment of variation within and among populations was considerably different; 14% of gene diversity exists among mainland populations, while 31% of the diversity exists among island populations. Mean outcrossing rates of self-incompatible mainland and Oshima populations are 0.62–0.79, supporting xenogamy; those in self-compatible island populations are 0.37–0.57 in the northern islands, indicating a mixed mating system, and 0.16–0.25 in southern ones, indicating dominant inbreeding. Total genetic diversity in each island population decreased with distance from the mainland. Genetic and geological data suggest that the ancestors of insular populations were founded on northern islands in a relatively ancient period and that they dispersed progressively to the southern ones. Chromosome number (2n = 34) and isozyme numbers indicate gene duplications in this species, which suggests it is an ancient polyploid.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic-induced change is forcing organisms to shift their distributions and colonize novel habitats at an increasing rate, which leads to complex interactions among evolutionary processes. Coastrange sculpin ( Cottus aleuticus ) have colonized recently deglaciated streams of Glacier Bay in Alaska within the last 220 years. We examined divergence among populations in background matching coloration and tested the hypothesis that observed variation is due to morphological color plasticity. To examine how color-change plasticity has interacted with other evolutionary processes, we also determined the influence of colonization on neutral genetic diversity. We observed clinal variation in substrate-matching fish color along the chronological continuum of streams. Microsatellites provided little evidence of genetic subdivision among sculpin populations. Fish color was significantly correlated to substrate color, but was not correlated to neutral population genetic structure. Furthermore, a laboratory experiment revealed that morphological color plasticity could explain much, but not all, of the observed fish color divergence. Our study demonstrates that sculpin in Glacier Bay have colonized and adapted to recently deglaciated habitat and suggests that color change plasticity has aided in this process. This research, therefore, highlights the important role phenotypic plasticity may play in the adaptation of species to rapid climate change.  相似文献   

松嫩草原羊草种群遗传分化的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过等位酶技术, 综合分析了松嫩平原11 个羊草种群的遗传多样性及遗传分化指标, 深入剖析了灰绿型和黄绿型两种叶色类型羊草种群之间的遗传差异:两类种群在等位基因频率、非平衡位点和A、P、He 及固定指数F 上明显不同, 两类种群间有极明显的遗传分化。黄绿型种群的A、P、He 皆低于灰绿型;黄绿型F < 0, 灰绿型F > 0, 这种差异主要表现在DIA-1、PGM、SKD 和ACP 等位点上;两类种群间的遗传分化主要发生在ADH、DIA-2 和PGM 等位点上。种群间的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有相关。  相似文献   

Deschampsia caespitosa is a widespread grass common in moist areas of the alpine tundra of the Rocky Mountains. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to examine population genetic structure along two soil moisture gradients in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Introduced plants used in a revegetation project were also sampled at one of the sites. At both sites, there were significant differences among subpopulations in allele frequencies, but these differences were distributed in a patchy fashion and were not correlated with the apparent soil moisture gradients. The degree of genetic subdivision differed between the two sites. At one site, gene flow appeared to be high and differences in allele frequencies are attributed to selection in a mosaic environment. At the other site, gene flow appeared more restricted and differences in allele frequencies between subpopulations are attributed to selection and limited gene flow acting simultaneously. Overall, 15% of the genetic variability is between subpopulations and gene flow is high, even between subpopulations separated by up to 1.5 km, but local conditions can apparently limit gene flow and increase the degree of genetic subdivision. The mean genetic distance between introduced plants and the native subpopulations was significantly higher than the mean genetic distance between all other subpopulations. Despite the high gene flow apparent in alpine tundra subpopulations of Deschampsia caespitosa, significant genetic structuring of these subpopulations has developed.  相似文献   

Six microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of North Sea Pseudo‐nitzschia pungens (Grunow ex P. T. Cleve) Hasle populations. Isolates were collected on 42 separate occasions from waters surrounding the German islands of Helgoland and Sylt over the course of three sampling periods: spring 2002, spring 2003, and autumn 2003. In total, 464 isolates were genotyped, of which 453 were different (i.e. clonal diversity was 98%). The numbers of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 24 and the observed heterozygosities from 0.59 to 0.87 (mean Ho and He were 0.73); there were no significant departures from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium at any of the six loci. Sexual reproduction therefore appears to be important in the production of genetic variation. Over the temporal and spatial scales sampled (18 months and 100 km), weak genetic differentiation was detected both within and between sampling periods (significant FST values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0389), suggesting that the German North Sea supports a single largely unstructured population of P. pungens.  相似文献   

The reproductive composition and genetic diversity of populations of the red seaweed Lithothrix aspergillum Gray (O. Corallinales) were studied at three southern California sites (Shaw's Cove and Treasure Island, Laguna Beach; Indian Rock, Santa Catalina Island) and at a fourth site (Bodega Bay) located in northern California. Sexually reproducing populations were confined to southern California. Diploid individuals were numerically dominant over haploid (gametophytic) individuals at all sites. Intertidal and subtidal subpopulations from Shaw's Cove differed in their reproductive profiles. Most intertidal specimens found on emersed surfaces were densely branched, turf-forming, and bore tetrasporangial (68.6%), carposporangial (11.4%), or spermatangial (5.7%) conceptacles, reflecting a sexual life history; none produced asexual bispores. In contrast, 74.3% of the larger, loosely branched subtidal specimens bore bisporangial conceptacles indicative of asexual reproduction. Nearly 70% of the Indian Rock thalli showed no evidence of conceptacle formation. Only asexual, diploid bispore-producing thalli were obtained from the Bodega Bay site. Genetic diversity (mean number of alleles per locus, percent of polymorphic loci, and average expected heterozygosity) of diploid L. aspergillum populations varied with life-history characteristics and geographic location. A total of 30 alleles was inferred from zymograms of 16 loci examined by starch-gel electrophoresis; of these loci, 11 were polymorphic. The genetic diversity of sexual, diploid populations of L. aspergillum (alleles per locus [A/L] = 1.4-1.5; percent polymorphic loci [%P] = 37.5-50.0) was relatively high compared with other red seaweeds. Lowest diversity (A/L = 1.0; %P = 0.0) occurred in the exclusively asexual Bodega Bay population which consisted of genetic clones. All sexual L. aspergillum populations deviated significantly from Hardy-Wein-berg expectations due to lower than expected heterozygosity. Genetic differentiation (Wright's Fstatistic [FST]; Nei's Genetic Distance [D]) among sexually reproducing southern California populations was low (FST= 0.030) on a local scale (ca. 5 km), suggesting high levels of gene flow, but high genetic differention (FST= 0.390 and 0.406) occurred among southern California populations separated by ca. 70 km. Very high genetic differentiation (FST= 0.583–0.683) was obtained between northern and southern California populations separated by 700–760 km. Our genetic and reproductive data suggest that the L. aspergillum population from Bodega Bay is sustained by perennation, vegetative propagation, or asexual reproduction by bispores and may represent an isolated remnant or a population established by a founder event.  相似文献   

用DNA指纹法研究野生天鹅种群的遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟安明帕.  DT 《动物学报》1993,39(2):209-216
DNA指纹技术自问世以来,已被广泛地用于法医学上个体识别和亲缘关系的鉴定。此外,人源DNA指纹探针(即多位点型小卫星探针)还被用于动植物等的研究,特别是在研究动物的繁育规律方面成效显著。近一两年来,DNA指纹技术也在分子水平上用来研究种群分化,为物种起源研究开辟了新的途径。本文利用人源多位点型小卫星探针,对分布在英国和美国的四种天鹅(小天鹅、疣鼻天鹅、大天鹅和喇叭天鹅)的种群结构和天鹅小卫星的分化初步进行了研究。用酶HaeIII和探针pSPT19.6分析了分布在英国的疣鼻天鹅种的两个群体(洛锡安群体和阿伯茨伯里群体)的DNA指纹图,结果表明两群体之间的遗传变异性大于群体内的遗传变异性;洛锡安群体内小卫星的变异程度较高。虽然小卫星在基因组中的作用尚不清楚,但某些天鹅小卫星在种间发生了分化,因而同一个种内不同个体的DNA指纹图有一些共同的特征,导致DNA指纹图的物种特异性。DNA指纹分析表明:小天鹅、大天鹅和喇叭天鹅在遗传上比较接近,而疣鼻天鹅与它们在遗传上相距较远,这与原来对天鹅种下分类情况是一致的。就遗传变异程度而言,在英国仕林布里奇的小天鹅为最高,英国卡拉乌尔洛克的大天鹅次之,英国阿伯茨伯里的疣鼻天鹅居第三,美国蒙大拿的喇叭天鹅最低。我们认为,基因迁移和遗传漂变对  相似文献   

We compared genetic variation in three introduced North American populations of Passer montanus with an ancestral German population, a native Swedish population, and an introduced Australian population. The North American P. montanus were less variable genetically than the ancestral German birds, presumably a result of the founding event. The genetic structure of all six populations of P. montanus can be explained in terms of interaction among mutation, genetic drift, effective population size, and unknown selective factors. Cluster analyses and an ordination of distance measures derived from electrophoretic data generally showed relationships in phenetic space among populations consistent with the magnitude of their geographic separation. An exception occurred with the Swedish population, which was closer in the ordination to a North American population than to the geographically neighboring German population. This seemingly anomolous juxtaposition was attributed to the relative abundance of alleles present in the Swedish birds. Populations of P. montanus seem to have diverged in a manner similar to that seen in conspecific disjunct populations, i.e., at present showing no trenchant indication of genetic speciation.  相似文献   

云南普通马矮型马蛋白多态性及其品种分化关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
宿兵  解德文 《动物学研究》1995,16(2):126-131
本文运用蛋白电泳技术对来自云南省文山州马关县和麻栗坡县的21匹普通马和14匹矮型马进行了分析。共分析遗传座位44个,其中有10个座位检测到多态性。根据分子钟假说和相应的公式,推算两者的分歧时间约为18.5万年。  相似文献   

Models of founder events have focused on the reduction in the genetic variation following a founder event. However, recent work (Bryant et al., 1986; Goodnight, 1987) suggests that when there is epistatic genetic variance in a population, the total genetic variance within demes may actually increase following a founder event. Since the additive genetic variance is a statistical property of a population and can change with the level of inbreeding, some of the epistatic genetic variance may be converted to additive genetic variance during a founder event. The model presented here demonstrates that some of the additive-by-additive epistatic genetic variance is converted to additive genetic variance following a founder event. Furthermore, the amount of epistasis converted to additive genetic variance is a function of the recombination rate and the propagule size. For a single founder event of two individuals, as much as 75% of the epistatic variance in the ancestral population may become additive genetic variance following the founder event. For founder events involving two individuals with free recombination, the relative contribution of epistasis to the additive genetic variance following a founder event is equal to its proportion of the total genetic variance prior to the founder event. Traits closely related to fitness are expected to have relatively little additive genetic variance but may have substantial nonadditive genetic variance. Founder events may be important in the evolution of fitness traits, not because they lead to a reduction in the genetic variance, but rather because they lead to an increase in the additive genetic variance.  相似文献   

This study assesses two hypotheses on the genetic diversity of populations of Gigartina skottsbergii Setchell et Gardner (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) at the border of the species distribution: 1) peripheral populations display a reduced genetic diversity compared with central populations, and 2) genetic differentiation is higher among peripheral than among central populations. Two peripheral and four central populations were sampled along the Chilean coast and 113 haploid individuals were analyzed using 17 random amplification of polymorphic DNA loci. The genetic diversity was estimated by allele diversity (He), allele richness (Â), and the mean pair‐wise differences among multilocus genotypes. All three estimates consistently and significantly indicated a lower genetic diversity within the peripheral than within the central populations. Genetic differentiation between the two peripheral populations was stronger (FST=0.35) than between central populations at similar spatial scales (FST ranging from 0 to 0.25). In addition, it appeared from the distribution of pair‐wise differences that peripheral populations are in demographic expansion after a recent bottleneck. The results are discussed in the specific context of potential overharvesting of these wild populations.  相似文献   

I investigated the effects of delayed population growth on the genetic differentiation among populations subjected to local extinction and recolonization, for two different migration functions; (1) a constant migration rate, and (2) a constant number of migrants. A delayed period of population growth reduces the size of the newly founded populations for one or several generations. Whether this increases differentiation among local populations depends on the actual pattern of migration. With a constant migration rate, fewer migrants move into small populations than into large, thus providing ample opportunity for drift to act within a population. A prolonged period of population growth thus makes the conditions for enhanced differentiation between local populations less restrictive and also inflates the actual levels of differentiation. The effect depends on the relative magnitudes of ke, the effective number of colonizers and k, the actual number of colonizers. When there is a constant number of migrants into a population per generation, migration into small populations is increased. This increase of migration in small populations counteracts the effects of genetic drift due to small population size. It increases the rate by which populations approach equilibrium, as small populations are swamped by migrants from larger populations closer to genetic equilibrium, and overall levels of differentiation are thus reduced. I also discuss situations for which the results of this paper are relevant.  相似文献   

 研究残存居群的数量性状分化及其地方适应性有助于了解不同居群对环境的适应性并制定相应的保育策略。本研究采用同园实验,利用随机区 组设计,对中华水韭(Isoetes s inensis)3个居群的9种优势基因型的数量性状进行巢式方差分析,并采用Bayesian方法计算等位酶(FST)和 数量性状(QST)的居群分化值。结果表明,在测量的14个数量性状中,有10个性状在居群间有显著性差异,仅有3个性状在居群内有显著性差 异;多重比较表明其中5个性状的平均值均以松阳居群最高,休宁居群最低;建德居群的大孢子囊的性状和植株高度的平均值最高,休宁居群最 低;推测这可能是与奠基者效应、物种间竞争及中华水韭在自然生境下形成的营养生长和生殖生长之间的权衡有关。对居群数量性状分化的QST 值和等位酶分化的FST值分析比较发现,在假设为自交系时有8个性状的QST值均大于FST值,表明存在明显的地方适应性,居群间个体的混合存 在潜在的远交衰退的风险,所以不宜采用居群间相互移植个体的方法来进行中华水韭居群的遗传复壮。对休宁和松阳两个居群的保育应采用提 高居群内基因流和改善生境环境的方法,促进居群内的遗传复壮;对建德居群应尽量减少人为干扰,宜建立特定生境的保护小区。  相似文献   

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