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To understand further the effects of spaceflight on osteoblast-enriched cultures, normal chicken calvarial osteoblasts were flown aboard shuttle flight STS-77, and the total number of attached cells was determined. Spaceflight and control cultures were chemically fixed 3 h and 3 d after launch. These fixed cultures were processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM analysis showed that with just 3 d of exposure to spaceflight, coverslip cultures contained 300 +/- 100 cells/mm2, whereas 1G control samples contained a confluent monolayer of cells (2400 +/- 200 cells/mm2). Although the cultures flown in space experienced a drastic decline in cell number in just 3 d, without further experimentation it was impossible to determine whether the decline was a result of microgravity, the harsh launch environment, or some combination of these factors. Therefore, this research attempted to address the effect of launch by subjecting osteoblasts to conditions simulating shuttle launch accelerations, noise, and vibrations. No differences, compared with controls, were seen in the number of total or viable cells after exposure to these various launch conditions. Taken together, these data indicate that the magnitude of gravitational loading (3G maximum) and vibration (7.83G rms maximum) resulting from launch does not adversely affect osteoblasts in terms of total or viable cell number immediately, but launch conditions, or the microgravity environment itself, may start a cascade of events that over several d contributes to cell loss.  相似文献   

Reductions in leg fluid volume of about 1 l per leg or 10% of total leg volume have been reported during space flight. We wanted to test the hypothesis that a significant portion of these changes occur during the prelaunch and launch periods. Fluid volume changes in the lower leg were estimated in six men during a simulated Space Shuttle launch. After 2 h in the launch position, i.e. supine with elevated legs, the subjects were exposed to 500 s of two to three times increased g force in the anterio-posterior direction in a human centrifuge. During the prelaunch period one lower leg lost a mean of (113 SD 53) ml of fluid and there was little or no additional fluid reduction during the period of increased g force. This compares with the 178-ml reduction of lower leg volume that has been reported during the 1st day of Shuttle missions. We concluded that a significant portion of the fluid reduction observed in the lower leg during the early stages of space flight had already occurred before the launch. Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

During a recent space flight, gravitaxis of the unicellular photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, was studied on board of the American shuttle Columbia. Accelerations were varied between 0 and 1.5 x g using a slow rotating centrifuge microscope (NIZEMI). The cells showed a sigmoidal response curve for the dependence of the precision of gravitaxis on acceleration which is indicative of the involvement of an active, physiological gravireceptor with a threshold at g-values < or = 0.16 x g and a saturation at g-values > or = 1 x g. No adaptation to microgravity was found during the prolonged space mission. After return the cells showed a normal gravitactic behavior at 1 x g. Since the cells are heavier than water, their swimming velocity is affected by sedimentation. The velocity distribution at different accelerations closely follows Stokes' law for sedimentation indicating that, in contrast to the ciliate Paramecium, E. gracilis, does not show any gravikinesis.  相似文献   

The brine shrimp, Artemia salina, has been used as a model system to assess microgravity effects on developing organisms. Following fertilization and early development, the egg can arrest in early gastrula as a dehydrated cyst stage that is stable to harsh environments over long time periods. When salt water is added, the cysts can reactivate, with embryonic development and egg hatching occurring in about 24 h. A series of larval molts or instars, over about a 2 week period, results in the adult crustacean. We have assessed these developmental events in a closed syringe system, a bioprocessing module, in ground-based studies, and have conducted preliminary in-orbit experiments aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis during the flights of STS-37 and STS-43. Although the in-flight data are limited, spectacular degrees of development have been achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exposure to microgravity during space flight results in profound physiologic changes. Numerous studies have shown changes in circulating populations of peripheral blood immune cells immediately after space flight. It is currently unknown if these changes result from exposure to microgravity or are caused by the stress of reentry and readaptation to gravity. METHODS: We have developed the whole blood staining device (WBSD) as a system for the staining of whole blood collected during space flight for subsequent flow cytometric analysis. This device contains all liquids to address safety issues concerned with space flight and also moves the cells through the staining, lyse/fixation, and dilution steps. RESULTS: Data from flow cytometric analysis of samples stained in the WBSD was found to be comparable to data from samples stained by the conventional methods. Cells stained with the WBSD remain stable in the device for up to 14 days. The necessary manipulations required to use the device were tested on the KC-135 aircraft during the reduced gravity segment of parabolic flight. CONCLUSIONS: With the WBSD immunophenotype analysis can be performed at various time points for the duration of an entire Shuttle flight. In addition, this device has significant terrestrial applications for rapid and easy immunofluorescence labeling of whole blood in remote and isolated locations where immediate access to specialized equipment and skilled laboratory personnel may not be available. The WBSD provides a simple mechanism to design specific immunophenotyping tests for use by nontechnical personnel at bedside or in field locations. Cytometry 37:74-80, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sleep, circadian rhythm, and neurobehavioral performance measures were obtained in five astronauts before, during, and after 16-day or 10-day space missions. In space, scheduled rest-activity cycles were 20-35 min shorter than 24 h. Light-dark cycles were highly variable on the flight deck, and daytime illuminances in other compartments of the spacecraft were very low (5.0-79.4 lx). In space, the amplitude of the body temperature rhythm was reduced and the circadian rhythm of urinary cortisol appeared misaligned relative to the imposed non-24-h sleep-wake schedule. Neurobehavioral performance decrements were observed. Sleep duration, assessed by questionnaires and actigraphy, was only approximately 6.5 h/day. Subjective sleep quality diminished. Polysomnography revealed more wakefulness and less slow-wave sleep during the final third of sleep episodes. Administration of melatonin (0.3 mg) on alternate nights did not improve sleep. After return to earth, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was markedly increased. Crewmembers on these flights experienced circadian rhythm disturbances, sleep loss, decrements in neurobehavioral performance, and postflight changes in REM sleep.  相似文献   

The reliability of the interval shuttle run test (ISRT) as a submaximal and maximal field test to measure intermittent endurance capacity was examined. During the ISRT, participants alternately run for 30 seconds and walk for 15 seconds. The running speed is increased from 10 km.h(-1) every 90 seconds until exhaustion. Within a 2-week period, 17 intermittent sport players (i.e., 10 men and 7 women) performed the ISRT twice in a sports hall under well-standardized conditions. Heart rates per speed and total number of runs were assessed as submaximal and maximal performance measures. With the exception of the heart rates at 10.0 km.h(-1) for men and 10.0, 12.0, and 13.5 km.h(-1) for women, zero lay within the 95% confidence interval of the mean differences, indicating that no bias existed between the outcome measures at the 2 test sessions (absolute reliability). The results illustrate that it is important to control for heart rate before the start of the ISRT. Relative reliability was high (intraclass correlation coefficient > or = 0.86). We conclude that the reliability of the ISRT as a submaximal and maximal field test for intermittent sport players is supported by the results.  相似文献   

The shuttling of intermediary metabolites such as lactate through the vasculature contributes to the dynamic energy and biosynthetic needs of tissues. Tracer kinetic studies offer a powerful tool to measure the metabolism of substrates like lactate that are simultaneously taken up from and released into the circulation by organs, but in each circulatory passage, the entire cardiac output traverses the pulmonary parenchyma. To determine whether transpulmonary lactate shuttling affects whole-body lactate kinetics in vivo, we examined the effects of a lactate load (via lactate clamp, LC) and epinephrine (Epi) stimulation on transpulmonary lactate kinetics in an anesthetized rat model using a primed-continuous infusion of [U-(13)C]lactate. Under all conditions studied, control 1.2 (SD 0.7) (Con), LC 1.9 (SD 2.5), and Epi 1.9 (SD 3.5) mg/min net transpulmonary lactate uptake occurred. Compared with Con, a lactate load via LC significantly increased mixed central venous ([v]) [1.9 mM (SD 0.5) vs. 4.7 (SD 0.4)] and arterial ([a]) [1.6 mM (SD 0.4) vs. 4.1 (SD 0.6)] lactate concentrations (P < 0.05). Transpulmonary lactate gradient ([v] - [a]) was highest during the lactate clamp condition [0.6 mM (SD 0.7)] and lowest during Epi [0.2 mM (SD 0.5)] stimulation (P < 0.05). Tracer measured lactate fractional extractions were similar for control, 16.6% (SD 15.3), and lactate clamp, 8.2% (SD 15.3) conditions, but negative during Epi stimulation, -25.3% (SD 45.5) when there occurred a transpulmonary production, the conversion of mixed central venous pyruvate to arterial lactate. Further, isotopic equilibration between L and P occurred following tracer lactate infusion, but depending on compartment (v or a) and physiological stimulus, [L]/[P] concentration and isotopic enrichment ratios ranged widely. We conclude that pulmonary arterial-vein concentration difference measurements across the lungs provide an incomplete, and perhaps misleading picture of parenchymal lactate metabolism, especially during epinephrine stimulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess muscle fiber size, composition, and in vivo contractile characteristics of the calf muscle of four male crew members during a 17-day spaceflight (SF; Life and Microgravity Sciences Spacelab Shuttle Transport System-78 mission) and eight men during a 17-day bed rest (BR). The protocols and timelines of these two investigations were identical, therefore allowing for direct comparisons between SF and the BR. The subjects' age, height, and weight were 43 +/- 2 yr, 183 +/- 4 cm, and 86 +/- 3 kg for SF and 43 +/- 2 yr, 182 +/- 3 cm, and 82 +/- 4 kg for BR, respectively. Calf muscle strength was examined before SF and BR; on days 2, 8, and 12 during SF and BR; and on days 2 and 8 of recovery. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and within 3 h after SF (gastrocnemius and soleus) and BR (soleus) before reloading. Maximal isometric calf strength and the force-velocity characteristics were unchanged with SF or BR. Additionally, neither SF nor BR had any effect on fiber composition or fiber size of the calf muscles studied. In summary, no changes in calf muscle strength and morphology were observed after the 17-day SF and BR. Because muscle strength is lost during unloading, both during spaceflight and on the ground, these data suggest that the testing sequence employed during the SF and BR may have served as a resistance training countermeasure to attenuate whole muscle strength loss.  相似文献   

Estimating uncertainty in lifetime cancer risk for human exposure to space radiation is a unique challenge. Conventional risk assessment with low-linear-energy-transfer (LET)-based risk from Japanese atomic bomb survivor studies may be inappropriate for relativistic protons and nuclei in space due to track structure effects. This paper develops a Monte Carlo mixture model (MCMM) for transferring additive, National Institutes of Health multiplicative, and multiplicative excess cancer incidence risks based on Japanese atomic bomb survivor data to determine excess incidence risk for various US astronaut exposure profiles. The MCMM serves as an anchor point for future risk projection methods involving biophysical models of DNA damage from space radiation. Lifetime incidence risks of radiation-induced cancer for the MCMM based on low-LET Japanese data for nonleukemia (all cancers except leukemia) were 2.77 (90% confidence limit, 0.75-11.34) for males exposed to 1 Sv at age 45 and 2.20 (90% confidence limit, 0.59-10.12) for males exposed at age 55. For females, mixture model risks for nonleukemia exposed separately to 1 Sv at ages of 45 and 55 were 2.98 (90% confidence limit, 0.90-11.70) and 2.44 (90% confidence limit, 0.70-10.30), respectively. Risks for high-LET 200 MeV protons (LET=0.45 keV/micrometer), 1 MeV alpha-particles (LET=100 keV/micrometer), and 600 MeV iron particles (LET=180 keV/micrometer) were scored on a per particle basis by determining the particle fluence required for an average of one particle per cell nucleus of area 100 micrometer(2). Lifetime risk per proton was 2.68x10(-2)% (90% confidence limit, 0.79x10(-3)%-0. 514x10(-2)%). For alpha-particles, lifetime risk was 14.2% (90% confidence limit, 2.5%-31.2%). Conversely, lifetime risk per iron particle was 23.7% (90% confidence limit, 4.5%-53.0%). Uncertainty in the DDREF for high-LET particles may be less than that for low-LET radiation because typically there is very little dose-rate dependence. Probability density functions for high-LET radiation quality and dose-rate may be preferable to conventional risk assessment approaches. Nuclear reactions and track structure effects in tissue may not be properly estimated by existing data using in vitro models for estimating RBEs. The method used here is being extended to estimate uncertainty in spacecraft shielding effectiveness in various space radiation environments.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors based on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) replicate autonomously in the nuclei of human cells. These vectors represent reasonable models for chromosomes, have low background mutation frequencies, and have been useful for studying induced mutation in human cells. Two improvements in the EBV vector system are discussed. Attempts are described to increase vector copy number per cell by using a limited period of replication driven by the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of replication. Isolation of human sequences that can replace the viral origin of replication in providing for autonomous replication of the vectors is also described. These improvements are leading toward shuttle vectors that are more efficient and more closely resemble authentic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors based on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) replicate autonomously in the nuclei of human cells. These vectors represent reasonable models for chromosomes, have low background mutation frequencies, and have been useful for studying induced mutation in human cells. Two improvements in the EBV vector system are discussed. Attempts are described to increase vector copy number per cell by using a limited period of replication driven by the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of replication. Isolation of human sequences that can replace the viral origin of replication in providing for autonomous replication of the vectors is also described. These improvements are leading toward shuttle vectors that are more efficient and more closely resemble authentic chromosomes.  相似文献   

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