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The genetic variability of 10 Cryptosporidium parvum isolates of human and animal origin was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Analysis of fluorescent dye-labeled amplified products was carried out using an ABI PRISMS 377 DNA sequencer and ABI PRISMS GeneScan software. One-hundred and twelve primer combinations were evaluated using a single C. parvum isolate. The patterns generated were highly reproducible. For subsequent study, a subset of 9 primer pairs that yielded 30-90 DNA fragments after the polymerase chain reaction, within the size range of 50-500 bp, was used to screen the 10 C. parvum isolates, including 7 bovine, 1 equine, and 2 of human origin. The animal isolates produced identical fingerprint patterns with every primer combination tested. Of the 2 human isolates tested, 1 of the isolates, passaged in calves, generated the same AFLP DNA banding patterns as the animal isolates, whereas the other isolate, obtained directly from human feces, produced unique patterns. Polymorphism, detected by comparison of the fingerprint patterns of the latter human isolate with the common pattern shared by all other isolates, ranged from 17 to 35% for the 9 primer pairs. The results show that AFLP is a useful method for differentiating C. parvum isolates into 2 distinct genotypes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for isolation of DNA from blood samples involving a rapid chemical disintegration of proteins with 8 M urea and with a minimum of exposure to phenol. The DNA is further desalted and purified on Sephadex G-25 prepacked disposable columns. DNA isolated in this way was pure enough to be immediately cleaved by restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is classified into genotypes A-F, which is important for clinical and etiological investigations. To establish a simple genotyping method, 68 full-genomic sequences and 106 S gene sequences were analyzed by the molecular evolutionary method. HBV genotyping with the S gene sequence is consistent with genetic analysis using the full-genomic sequence. After alignment of the S sequences, genotype specific regions are identified and digested by the restriction enzymes, HphI, NciI, AlwI, EarI, and NlaIV. This HBV genotyping system using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was confirmed to be correct when the PCR products of the S gene in 23 isolates collected from various countries were digested with this method. A restriction site for EarI in genotype B was absent in spite of its presence in all the other genotypes and genotype C has no restriction site for AlwI. Only genotype E is digested with NciI, while only genotype F has a restriction site for HphI. Genotype A can be distinguished by a single restriction enzyme site for NlaIV, while genotype D digestion with this enzyme results in two products that migrates at 265 and 186 bp. This simple and accurate HBV genotyping system using RFLP is considered to be useful for research on HBV.  相似文献   

H. CHEN  & M. SUN 《Molecular ecology》1998,7(11):1553-1556
A fast, simple, and efficient approach, termed consensus multiplex PCR–RFLP, was developed and employed to detect mitochondrial (mt)DNA variation in three orchid species, Spiranthes hongkongensis, S. sinensis , and S. spiralis . Using multiplex PCR, three pairs of consensus mitchondrial primers were added simultaneously into each reaction tube to amplify three nonoverlapping introns located in the NADH dehydrogenase genes. Fragment length differences in the multiplex PCR amplicons were directly detectable between S. spiralis and the other two species. Further restriction analysis of the multiplex PCR amplicons revealed sufficient mtDNA polymorphism, suitable for phylogenetic studies at the interspecific level. This approach is well suited for large-scale population surveys of mitochondrial genome diversity in plants. Additionally, the maternal mode of inheritance of organelle genomes renders this approach valuable for rapid identification of the origin and specific parentage of hybrid or allopolyploid species.  相似文献   

For non-model organisms that do not have sequence information readily available, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a well-established technique that can be used for genomic mapping applications such as genetic diversity studies or phylogenetic studies. While AFLP can be performed on a variety of systems, including gel-based systems that require multiple labor-intensive steps, the availability of a more automated system that integrates the assay, electrophoresis platform, and analysis software could enable researchers to greatly increase their throughput and facilitate routine AFLP analysis. We demonstrate the use of such a system for AFLP analysis on Hedysarum species. AFLP assays performed on samples belonging to two different species isolated from Utah identified different varieties that clustered as expected from their actual locations.  相似文献   

To establish molecular monitoring for the phytoplankton community in aquatic ecosystems, we analysed the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) sequences of nuclear genomes from the algal strains of culture collections and environmental samples of two freshwater reservoirs (Sangcheon reservoir and Seoho reservoir, Korea). Terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) length database was also constructed from twelve strains of algal culture collections to annotate and identify the phytoplankton species from T-RFLP profiles. Algal species in reservoirs were identified and monitored through the colony sequencing and T-RF length patterns of 18S rRNA. In this study, 41 unique clones were identified from two reservoirs including Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, and Alveolata. In the case of Cryptomonas sp., we found significant linear relationships between T-RF peak areas and biovolumes by cell counting. Our results suggest that T-RFLP analysis can be a fast and quantitative monitoring tool for species changes in phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Genetic relatedness of 20 Salmonella isolates comprising 16 serotypes was analysed by restriction endonuclease digestion of the total DNA with six endonucleases individually. The rDNA fingerprints generated by EcoRI were more polymorphic, each serotype showed a unique fingerprint sharing several core (monomorphic) bands with several polymorphic bands. Eight characteristic NciI rDNA fingerprints were found. Similar rDNA RFLP patterns were observed in strains of Salmonella from different serotypes.S.I. Koh-Luar and E. Lau are with the Department of Chemical Process & Biotechnology, Singapore Polytechnic, 500 Doyer Road, Singapore 139651. Republic of Singapore; S. T. Chew is with the Veterinary Public Health Laboratory (VPHL), Primary Production Department (PPD), 51 Jalan Buroh, Singapore 619415. Republic of Singapore. S.B. Chua is with the Veterinary Public Health Division, Primary Production Department, 5 Maxwell Road, No. 03-00, Tower Block, MND Complex, Singapore 069110. Republic of Singapore.  相似文献   

In this study, we isolated and tested restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers for Aspergillus fumigatus based on PCR products amplified by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primer R108. Four DNA fragments, Afd, Af5, Af4, and Af4A, were amplified. Fragments Afd and Af5 were 85% and 88% identical at the DNA level to part of the Afut1 retrotransposon from A. fumigatus. Fragment Af4A is a duplication of fragment Af4 and both showed similarity at the amino acid level with endonucleases from other fungal retrotransposons. We used both RAPD with primer R108 and RFLP assays with Afut1, Afd, and Af4A, to determine the genetic relatedness of clinical isolates of A. fumigatus isolated sequentially from four patients colonized with A. fumigatus. The combination of these different methods suggested that the isolates infecting the four patients were not identical.  相似文献   

Summary We have tested amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technology, in comparison with isoenzyme analysis, for the simultaneous detection of inter-and intraspecific cell line cross-contaminations (CCCs) in the cell line collection held at the Istituto Zooprofilattico della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna. Isoenzyme analysis identified four cases of interspecific CCCs. In a single expreiment, AFLP was able to identify the species of origin of all cell lines for which a reference genomic deoxyribonucleic acid was available and to detect five interspecific contaminations. Four CCCs confirmed data on isoenzymes, whereas the fifth CCC was detected in a species for which isoenzyme analysis was noninformative. In addition, AFLP was able to identify the putative source of the contaminations detected. The utility of the technology in the detection of intraspecific cell line contaminations, depends on the number of cell lines that have to be distinguished in a specific species and on the availability of highly informative fingerprinting systems. In mice, a single AFLP primer pair produced 16 polymorphisms and distinguished all the 15 strains of mouse cell lines analyzed. In humans, 18 AFLPs identified 83 different profiles in the 159 cell lines analyzed. Amplified fragment length polymorphism can conveniently be applied for cell line fingerprinting in species for which hypervariable markers are not available. In species for which a highly informative multiplex of microsatellite markers is available, AFLP can still provide a useful and cheap tool for simultaneously testing inter-and intraspecific contaminations.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with a sieving buffer containing ethidium bromide was applied to the detection of PCR-amplified RFLP samples. With CE, in contrast to agarose gel electrophoresis, run times are short, i.e., typically less than 30 min, the capillary can be re-used, and full automation is feasible. The addition of ethidium bromide to the buffer system in conjunction with a field amplification injection technique led to increased sample detectability and resolution. Migration time precision was better than 0.2% RSD with a approximately 12-bp resolution for the DNA fragment sizes of interest. RFLP samples were analyzed for homo- or heterozygosity based on the presence of 500- and/or 520-bp DNA fragments. Special software was used to correct for run-to-run migration time variations, thus facilitating genotype assignment.  相似文献   

AFLP analysis using four selective primers was performed on a set of 33 Listeria monocytogenes including strains from patients and foods implicated in outbreaks, human sporadic cases or foods. Strains were tested belonging to serovars 1/2a, 1/2b, 1/2c, 3b, and 4b. Using one of the primers, the AFLP technique generated 20 different sized DNA fragments. The 33 cultures segregated into 14 different patterns, each comprising 7-12 different fragments. Although the method was not sufficiently discriminatory for epidemiological typing, AFLP analysis reconfirmed the observation that L. monocytogenes comprises two major genetic groups: group 1 includes strains of serovars 1/2a and 1/2c, while group 2 serovars 1/2b, 3b and 4b.  相似文献   

An agarose gel based single enzyme AFLP method using EcoR1 digestion of Listeria monocytogenes DNA was developed for epidemiological typing. The method was evaluated with 84 L. monocytogenes cultures, and results were compared with those obtained with serotyping, phage-typing and cadmium and arsenic resistance typing. The AFLP method was reproducible and 14 different banding patterns comprising between five and eight DNA fragments were produced. All except two of the AFLP patterns were serorype specific. Different AFLP patterns were recognised within serovar 4b (four patterns), 1/2a (two patterns), 1/2b (six patterns): single patterns were obtained from cultures of serovars 1/2c, 3a, 3b and 3c. There were associations with AFLP results and those from phage-typing and cadmium and arsenic resistance typing, although each method showed some independence. This preliminary evaluation suggests that this AFLP method will be useful for epidemiological typing of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique is a widely used multi-purpose DNA fingerprinting tool. The ability to size-separate fluorescently labelled AFLP fragments on a capillary electrophoresis instrument has provided a means for high-throughput genome screening, an approach particularly useful in studying the molecular ecology of nonmodel organisms. While the 'per-marker-generated' costs for AFLP are low, fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides remain costly. We present a cost-effective method for fluorescently end-labelling AFLPs that should make this tool more readily accessible for laboratories with limited budgets. Both standard fluorescent AFLPs and the end-labelled alternatives presented here are repeatable and produce similar numbers of fragments when scored using both manual and automated scoring methods. While it is not recommended to combine data using the two approaches, the results of the methods are qualitatively comparable, indicating that AFLP end-labelling is a robust alternative to standard methods of AFLP genotyping. For researchers commencing a new AFLP project, the AFLP end-labelling method outlined here is easily implemented, as it does not require major changes to PCR protocols and can significantly reduce the costs of AFLP studies.  相似文献   


The interspecific relationships among 51 worldwide collected accessions of Salvia have been investigated using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. The assessed genetic similarities allowed us to group the genotypes into two main clusters according to their geographical origin. Our results are encouraging for further characterization of the genus with the aim to clarify Salvia taxonomy.  相似文献   

Flor yeasts grow and survive in fino sherry wine where the frequency of respiratory-deficient (petite) mutants is very low. Mitochondria from flor yeasts are highly acetaldehyde- and ethanol-tolerant, and resistant to oxidative stress. However, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of mtDNA from flor yeast populations is very high and reflects variability induced by the high concentrations of acetaldehyde and ethanol of sherry wine on mtDNA. mtDNA RFLP increases as the concentration of these compounds also increases, but is followed by a total loss of mtDNA in petite cells. Yeasts with functional mitochondria (grande) are target of continuous variability, so that flor yeast mtDNA can evolve extremely rapidly and may serve as a reservoir of genetic diversity, whereas petite mutants are eventually eliminated because metabolism in sherry wine is oxidative.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme fragment patterns in the D loop and deletion-insertion polymorphism in the V noncoding region of human mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) were analysed in Mongolian population using the polymerase chain reaction. Polymorphisms were detected and mt DNAs classified into 40 types using seven enzymes--AvaII, BamHI, CfrI131, KpnI, EcoRV, HaeIII RsaI and Asian specific deletion and insertion. The allele frequencies of the polymorphisms and gene diversity were determined. The data obtained for Mongolian population and the literature data were comparatively studied.  相似文献   

The clonal origin of 4 Holstein bulls was determined by hybridization experiments with 2 different minisatellite probes, and all 4 animals showed identical genomic DNA fingerprints, hence confirming monozygosity. Extra-chromosomal differences were observed among these 4 Holstein bulls. Mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms with restriction endonucleases Avall and Hhal sites were found, and these polymorphisms can be explained by the loss of a single site for each of these 2 enzymes. Since mitochondrial DNA are maternally transmitted, all 4 bulls would produce genetically equivalent spermatozoa and offspring. The combination of embryo cloning and specific cytoplasmic markers would provide an ideal system for the study of maternal cytoplasmic effects on quantitative traits.  相似文献   

A molecular method for the identification of ectomycorrhizae belonging to five species of white truffle is described. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and universal primers were used to amplify internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S rDNA, target sequences present in a high number of copies. The amplified products were digested with restriction enzymes in order to detect interspecific polymorphisms. Species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns were determined for all five species. The use of PCR in conjunction with restriction enzymes provides a sensitive and efficient tool for use in distinguishing ectomycorrhizal species and monitoring inoculated seedlings or field mycorrhizal populations.  相似文献   

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