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Summary Five different types of experiment are described which make it possible to measure various relaxation rates of selected protons in crowded spectra of macromolecules such as proteins: longitudinal spin-lattice relaxation rates =1/T1, transverse relaxation rates =1/T2 measured under conditions of free precession, transverse relaxation rates 1 LOCK=1/T1 measured under conditions of spin-locking, and transverse relaxation rates DQC=1/T2 DQC and ZQC=1/T2 ZQC of double- and zero-quantum coherences. The surprisingly large discrepancy between the transverse rates t and t is discussed in detail. To separate overlapping proton signals, the experimental schemes involve one or several magnetization transfer steps, using a doubly selective homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn method. Numerous variants of the basic ideas can be conceived, depending on the extent of signal overlap and on the topology of the networks of scalar couplings. Applications are shown to H and H of Tyr23, to H, H and H of Cys30, and to H and H of Ala24 in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI).  相似文献   

The mechanism of water exchange between the haem-pocket and bulk solvent in aqueous methaemopiotein solutions was firmly substantiated by using the aliphatic protons of certain lower alcohols in an otherwise deuterated solution for measuring the incremental relaxation rates resulting from their magnetic interaction with the haem-iron. The fast-exchange condition was established for solutions of horse fluorometmyoglobin, human A fluoromethaemoglobin and Chironomus thummi aquomethaemoglobin. The distances between the exchangeable protons and the haem-iron obtained from these PMR measurements concur with the presence of the fluoride ion, while for Chironomus aquomethaemoglobin this distance is also much larger than that resulting from the location of the 6th site Water molecule. The latter finding is the first clear-cut evidence that the exchanging protons belong to the next neighbour water molecule, a previously advanced hypothesis. The exchanging water molecule may thus serve as a natural probe for comparing the haem-pocket conformational state(s) under different conditions or in various haemoproteins.  相似文献   

The longitudinal and transverse water proton relaxation rates of oxygenated and deoxygenated erythrocytes from both normal adults and individuals with sickle cell disease were measured as a function of temperature at two different frequencies. The simplest model which fits all of the data consists of three different environments for water molecules. The majority of the water (98%) has a correlation time indistinguishable from bulk water (3 × 10?11 sec). Secondly, there is a small amount of water (1.3–1.5%) present which has a correlation time of 2–4 × 10 ?9 sec and is apparently independent of the erythrocyte sample studied. Presumably this water is the hydration sphere around the hemoglobin molecules and its correlation time is significantly slower than bulk water. The third environment contains approximately 0.2% of the water present and has a correlation time≥ 10?7 sec. This third environment is considered tightly bound to the hemoglobin because the water proton correlation time is very similar to the expected rotational correlation time for the hemoglobin molecules. The value of the transverse relaxation rate, fb(T2b)?1, for the tightly bound water fraction decreases in oxy (SS), deoxy (AA), and oxy (AA) erythrocyte samples as the temperature is increased as expected for a rotational correlation time process. In dramatic contrast,fb (T2b)?1 increases almost linearly as the temperature is increased over the whole 4 ° to 37 °C temperature range in samples of deoxy (SS) erythrocytes. The observation suggests a continual increase in the formation of deoxyhemoglobulin S polymers rather than a sudden transition from a homogeneous solution of deoxyhemoglobin S molecules to a solid gel.  相似文献   

Binding of Mn(pi)-nucleotide complexes to the enzyme formyltertrahydrofolate synthetase (EC from Clostridium cylindrosporum has been examined in the presence and absence of other substrates by solvent proton relaxation mearurements. MnADP and MnATP form ternary complexes with the enzyme with highly enhanced proton relaxation rates for water. The enhancement parameters, epsilont, for the MnADP and MnATP ternary complexes are 19.8 and 12.5, respectively at 24.3 MHZ and 25 degrees. Titration curves with constant total concentrations of enzyme and Mn(pi) with variable nucleotide concentration are similar to those observed in similar titrations with the endp and MnATP are 175 muM and 64 muM, respectively at 25 degrees. Addition of tetrahydrofolate to solutions of the MnADP OR MnATP ternary complexes lowers the observed relaxation enhancement markedly. An analysis of titration curves with constant total concentrations of enzyme, Mn(pi), and nucleotide with variable tetrahydrofolate concentration gives the dissociation constant for tetrahydrofolate from the respective quaternary complexes. The affinity of the enzyme for tetrahydrofolate is increased 6-fold when MnADP is present at the active site whereas a 3-fold increase is observed with MnATP present. Furthermore, there is a 20-fold increase in the enzyme's affinity for tetrahydrofolate when both MnADP and the third substrate, formate, are present. The observed relaxation rate of water for solutions of the complex, enzyme-MnADP-tetrahydrofolate-formate, is deenhanced with respect to the rate observed for the simple aquo-Mn(pi) solution. Addition of nitrate to solutions of the above complex increases the affinity of the enzyme for tetrahydrofolate and MnADP by an additional factor of 5 and lowers the relaxation rate further to a value which approaches that for solutions of the enzyme and substrates which lack the paramagnetic cation.  相似文献   

Structural alterations of the haem vicinity of the high-spin derivatives of bovine ferric myoglobin (metmyoglobin) and human haemoglobin and the changes of the interaction with inositol hexaphosphate induced by ethanediol were monitored by solvent-proton magnetic relaxation. On addition of ethanediol up to 60% the fluoromet derivatives exhibit a gradual increase in the accessibility of the haem for the molecules from the solvent. In aquomethaemoglobin solutions with more than 25% ethanediol there is no unique explanation of proton magnetic relaxation. Ethanediol enhances the binding of inositol hexaphosphate to methaemoglobin, but the structural consequences of this binding on the haem-pockets seem to be diminished. The mechanisms of the observed structural and functional alterations of myoglobin as well as haemoglobin tetramer are discussed here.  相似文献   

To examine the manner in which dichloromethane inhibits sickling, sickle blood was subjected to both prevention and reversal schemes over a range of CH2Cl2 vapor pressures. Following CH2Cl2-treatment, the rotating frame spin lattice relaxation time (T1?) of water protons in deoxygenated packed sickle cells was measured, cell types in a deoxygenated fixed sample were counted, and the extent of hemolysis determined. At CH2Cl2 vapor pressures above 200 mm, the NMR relaxation rate decreased sharply, the extent of hemolysis increased, the fraction of sickled cells and other abnormal erythrocytes decreased, and the fraction of biconcave discs increased. Apparently CH2Cl2 is absorbed by the cell membrane and preferentially lyses sickled cells and other abnormal cells. Part of the decrease in NMR relaxation rate with increased CH2Cl2 pressure is due to a larger fraction of discs, but an additional factor probably arises from CH2Cl2 inhibition of hemoglobin S gelation.  相似文献   

Initial stages of lichen hydration observed by proton magnetic relaxation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hydration of selected lichens ( Cladonia mitis , Cladonia bellidiflora , Cetraria islandica , Parmelia saxatilis , and Xanthoria parietina ) was investigated using gravimetry and proton magnetic free induction decays (FIDs).
The hydration from gaseous phase and dehydration to gaseous phase showed first-order kinetics. The amount of water which was non-removable in the air-dry state (relative humidity p / p 0=9%) did not depend significantly on the lichen species and was found to be 5·6±1·0% of the d. wt.
The proton FID Gaussian component from the solid matrix of thallus structure, and two (or, depending on lichen species, one averaged) liquid signals coming from water tightly bound on the surface of thallus solid matrix and from loosely bound or free water, were recorded. The bound-water component was distinguished by its motional properties and by its proximity to endogenous paramagnetic centres present in solid matrix (presumably PS II reaction centres of the photobiont). Mild dehydration (from gaseous phase) could completely remove the loosely bound water fraction, leaving the system below the water percolation threshold and below the water clustering point, emphasizing the passivity of lichen response to desiccation shock. In the species in which the one average liquid component was recorded, bound water behaved similarly.
The hydration at which free water pool vanishes (Δ M / m 0) and the relative (scaled to water) proton densities of solid matrix of lichen (β) were evaluated for all lichens investigated.  相似文献   

Whole frog sartorius and gastrocnemius muscles were incubated in Ringer's solutions, either unenriched or enriched with H2 17Oor 2D2O. Subsequently, the rates of transverse (1/T2) and of longitudinal (1/T1) nuclear magnetic relaxation were measured for 17O, 2D, and 1H at room temperature and at 8.1 MHz. The ratio (T1/T2) for 17O was measured to be approximately 1.5-2.0, close to the value roughly estimated from the Larmor frequency dependence of 1/T1 alone over the range 4.3-8.1 MHz. On the other hand (T1/T2) for 2D and 1H were both measured to lie in the range 9-11. Insofar as the entire 17O signal was detected, the data indicate the presence of an exchange mechanism between the major fraction of intracellular water and a minor fraction characterized by enhanced rates of relaxation. Possible molecular mechanisms are presented.  相似文献   

J Ellis  C R Bagshaw  W V Shaw 《Biochemistry》1991,30(44):10806-10813
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) catalyzes the acetyl-CoA-dependent acetylation of chloramphenicol by a ternary complex mechanism with a rapid equilibrium and essentially random order of addition of substrates. Such a kinetic mechanism for a two-substrate reaction provides an opportunity to compare the affinity of enzyme for each substrate in the binary complexes (1/Kd) with corresponding values (1/Km) for affinities in the ternary complex where any effect of the other substrate should be manifest. The pursuit of such information for CAT involved the use of four independent methods to determine the dissociation constant (Kd) for chloramphenicol in the binary complex, techniques which included stopped-flow measurements of on and off rates, and a novel fluorometric titration method. The binary complex dissociation constant (Kd) for acetyl-CoA was measured by fluorescence enhancement and steady-state kinetic analysis. The ternary complex dissociation constant (Km) for each substrate (in the presence of the other) was determined by kinetic and fluorometric methods, using CoA or ethyl-CoA to form nonproductive ternary complexes. The results demonstrate an unequivocal decrease in affinity of CAT for each of its substrates on progression from the binary to the ternary complex, a phenomenon most economically described as negative cooperativity. The binary complex dissociation constants (Kd) for chloramphenicol and acetyl-CoA are 4 microM and 30 microM whereas the corresponding dissociation constants in the ternary complex (Km) are 12 microM and 90 microM, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Residue-specific amide proton spin-flip rates K were measured for peptide-free and peptide-bound calmodulin. K approximates the sum of NOE build-up rates between the amide proton and all other protons. This work outlines the theory of multi-proton relaxation, cross relaxation and cross correlation, and how to approximate it with a simple model based on a variable number of equidistant protons. This model is used to extract the sums of K-rates from the experimental data. Error in K is estimated using bootstrap methodology. We define a parameter Q as the ratio of experimental K-rates to theoretical K-rates, where the theoretical K-rates are computed from atomic coordinates. Q is 1 in the case of no local motion, but decreases to values as low as 0.5 with increasing domination of sidechain protons of the same residue to the amide proton flips. This establishes Q as a monotonous measure of local dynamics of the proton network surrounding the amide protons. The method is applied to the study of proton dynamics in Ca2+-saturated calmodulin, both free in solution and bound to smMLCK peptide. The mean Q is 0.81 ± 0.02 for free calmodulin and 0.88 ± 0.02 for peptide-bound calmodulin. This novel methodology thus reveals the presence of significant interproton disorder in this protein, while the increase in Q indicates rigidification of the proton network upon peptide binding, confirming the known high entropic cost of this process.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of a comparative study of the haem environment, by proton magnetic relaxation, in P-450 and P-448 monooxygenases from rat and rabbit, induced by phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene, in both species. It was established that the method yields information on the accessibility of the haem iron for solvent molecules (protons), both in microsomes and in solubilized samples of various degrees of purification, i.e. association. The state of micelles in the solutions does not alter the haem iron accessibility. A slight difference was found for the microsomes suspended in a phosphate vs. pyrophosphate buffer, but this is without any consequence with regard to the species and form differences. The correlation time for the highly purified LM2 fraction of rabbit P-450 could not be determined more precisely than before for a sample of lower purity, because the relaxation rates are frequency independent. The correlation time for the rat P-448 monooxygenase was determined by dispersion measurements to be (4.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-11) s. It was found that the PMRx behaviours of rabbit and rat monooxygenases are more alike in microsomes than in the partially purified solubilized form. The solubilization produces a pronounced alteration of the PMRx temperature dependence only for the rat 3-MC induced monooxygenase P-448. For the P-450 form the haem iron becomes less accessible on solubilization, both for the rabbit and the rat liver monooxygenases, whereas in case of rat liver P-448 the accessibility is considerably enhanced on solubilization. There is a substantial structural specificity of the haem environments from the two animal species, the one from rat being tighter. The reduced, NO-bound rabbit liver monooxygenase was studied also, but the results are not yet conclusive, except the fact that the unpaired spin from NO is thoroughly shielded from the solvent compared with the haem iron from the original sample. The following series of increased haem-iron accessibility emerges from the PMRx studies known so far: rat (P-448) less than rabbit (P-448) less than rat (P-450) less than rabbit (P-450) in microsomes, and rabbit (P-448, with 3-MC bound?) less than Pseudomonas putida (P-450) rat less than (P-448), less than rat (P-450) less than rabbit (P-450) from solubilized samples. For the latter, it appears that increased enzymic specificity goes along with a closing of the haem cleft.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic longitudinal T1 relaxation times have been measured for acid (horse) ferrimyoglobin solutions [0.1 M NaCl and KH2PO4, 2 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2] from 5°C to 35°C in dependence on myoglobin concentration up to 6 mM. The enhancement of the relaxation rate due to the paramagnetic haem iron. which is observed in this temperature range is compared with analogous data for the ferrihaemoglobin solution. The conclusion is that the protons exchanging from the haem pocket with bulk solvent are not those from the water molecule at the sixth ligand site of haem iron. The exchanging protons are more than 4 Å away from the haem iron being closer to it in ferrimyoglobin than in ferrihaemogiobin. This distance becomes larger in solutions with higher salt concentration, the largest difference between 0.1 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2 being over one Angstrom unit. This indicates a conformational change of the haem pocket, possibly its tightening.  相似文献   

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