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Ca2+ binding to skeletal muscle troponin C in skeletal or cardiac myofibrils was measured by the centrifugation method using 45Ca. The specific Ca2+ binding to troponin C was obtained by subtracting the amount of Ca2+ bound to the CDTA-treated myofibrils (troponin C-depleted myofibrils) from that to the myofibrils reconstituted with troponin C. Results of Ca2+ binding measurement at various Ca2+ concentrations showed that skeletal troponin C had two classes of binding sites with different affinity for Ca2+. The Ca2+ binding of low-affinity sites in cardiac myofibrils was about eight times lower than that in skeletal myofibrils, while the high-affinity sites of troponin C in skeletal or cardiac myofibrils showed almost the same affinity for Ca2+. The Ca2+ sensitivity of the ATPase activity of skeletal troponin C-reconstituted cardiac myofibrils was also about eight times lower than that of skeletal myofibrils reconstituted with troponin C. These findings indicated that the difference in the sensitivity to Ca2+ of the ATPase activity between skeletal and cardiac CDTA-treated myofibrils reconstituted with skeletal troponin C was mostly due to the change in the affinity for Ca2+ of the low-affinity sites on the troponin C molecule.  相似文献   

R E Johnson 《FEBS letters》1988,232(2):289-292
It was previously shown that when rabbit skeletal myofibrils are titrated with Mg2+ AMPPNP under conditions that result in the dissociation of cross-bridges from the thin filaments (i.e. 50% ethylene glycol, 0 degrees C), Ca2+-sensitive, biphasic binding is observed. These titrations have been repeated using myofibrils from which the troponin C has been selectively removed. The disappearance of both Ca2+ sensitivity and biphasic binding is taken as evidence that the Ca2+ sensitivity is due to Ca2+ binding to troponin C and the biphasic binding of Mg2+ AMPPNP observed in intact myofibrils is not due to packing constraints or steric hindrance.  相似文献   

The binding of Mg2+ X adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Mg2+ X AMP-PNP) to rabbit skeletal myofibrils has been measured in aqueous solution and in 50% ethylene glycol in the presence and absence of Ca2+. In water, the observed binding was weak with less than half the calculated myosin active sites filled even at 1 mM Mg2+ X AMP-PNP. In 50% ethylene glycol, the binding is at least 100-fold tighter and extrapolates to the expected number of binding sites. This is contrasted to the small change seen for Mg2+ X ADP binding between the same sets of conditions. This difference between Mg2+ X AMP-PNP and Mg2+ X ADP is attributed to the strong coupling of Mg2+ X AMP-PNP binding to dissociation of myosin cross-bridges. The Ca2+ sensitivity of Mg2+ X AMP-PNP binding in 50% ethylene glycol is taken as further evidence of the thermodynamic coupling of Mg2+ X AMP-PNP binding to cross-bridge dissociation. In addition, the binding of Mg2+ X AMP-PNP in 50% ethylene glycol is biphasic while Mg2+ X ADP binding under the same conditions is not. The biphasic Mg2+ X AMP-PNP binding could be caused by either the presence of two or more classes of cross-bridges or by negative cooperativity, but the presence of only a single class of Mg2+ X ADP-binding sites implies that if multiple classes of sites are involved, they do not simply differ in steric hindrance or accessibility of the binding site as a whole. The importance of using purified AMP-PNP in the study of actomyosin X AMP-PNP complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

Conflicting reports have appeared concerning the effect of [Mg2+] on muscle activity. Several groups have found that increasing [Mg2+] produces a right-ward shift of the pCa-tension curve, while others have found no effect of [Mg2+] on myofibrillar ATPase activity. The present study is a careful evaluation of the effect of [Mg2+] on myofibrillar ATPase, skinned fiber tension development, TnCDANZ (troponin C (TnC)-labeled with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl aziridine) fluorescence, and simultaneous TnCDANZ fluorescence and tension development in the same fiber. A small effect of [Mg2+] on both ATPase and tension development was found with an apparent association constant of about 2 X 10(2) M-1. The Ca2+ dependence of TnCDANZ fluorescence was similarly effected by [Mg2+], either alone or when incorporated into TnC-depleted skinned fibers (K'Mg approximately equal to 2-3 X 10(2) M-1), suggesting that the effect of [Mg2+] on activity is due to an effect of [Mg2+] on Ca2+ binding to the Ca2+-specific sites of TnC. It is not yet clear whether this effect of [Mg2+] is through direct competition at the binding sites or through indirect effects. In either case, the calculated effect of physiological [Mg2+] is so small that the regulatory sites of TnC can still be considered "Ca2+-specific." In addition, a slightly greater effect of [Mg2+] on tension development (K'Mg = 4.62 X 10(2) M-1) was observed only for very low levels of [Mg2+], which might suggest an additional effect of Mg2+ on tension development which is saturated by millimolar Mg2+.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) sites (III and IV) located in the C-terminal domain of cardiac troponin C (cTnC) have been generally considered to play a purely structural role in keeping the cTnC bound to the thin filament. However, several lines of evidence, including the discovery of cardiomyopathy-associated mutations in the C-domain, have raised the possibility that these sites may have a more complex role in contractile regulation. To explore this possibility, the ATPase activity of rat cardiac myofibrils was assayed under conditions in which no Ca(2+) was bound to the N-terminal regulatory Ca(2+)-binding site (site II). Myosin-S1 was treated with N-ethylmaleimide to create strong-binding myosin heads (NEM-S1), which could activate the cardiac thin filament in the absence of Ca(2+). NEM-S1 activation was assayed at pCa 8.0 to 6.5 and in the presence of either 1mM or 30 μM free Mg(2+). ATPase activity was maximal when sites III and IV were occupied by Mg(2+) and it steadily declined as Ca(2+) displaced Mg(2+). The data suggest that in the absence of Ca(2+) at site II strong-binding myosin crossbridges cause the opening of more active sites on the thin filament if the C-domain is occupied by Mg(2+) rather than Ca(2+). This finding could be relevant to the contraction-relaxation kinetics of cardiac muscle. As Ca(2+) dissociates from site II of cTnC during the early relaxing phase of the cardiac cycle, residual Ca(2+) bound at sites III and IV might facilitate the switching off of the thin filament and the detachment of crossbridges from actin.  相似文献   

In order to compare the role of the Ca2+-receptive protein (troponin), in the characteristic myofibrillar contractile response of chicken fast and slow skeletal muscles, the troponin in both kinds of myofibrils were partially exchanged, under slightly acidic conditions. The Ca2+- or Sr2+-activation of the ATPase of fast (or slow) skeletal myofibrils hybridized with slow (or fast) skeletal troponin profiles were also investigated. The results indicated that the Ca2+- or Sr2+-affinity of the myofibrillar ATPase activity were related to the species of troponin. This procedure for replacing troponin in myofibrils under physiological conditions in thus considered to be useful for the study of the Ca2+-regulatory mechanism in myofibrillar contraction.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensitive ATPase activity of rabbit skeletal myofibrils disappeared completely after treatment with a solution containing CDTA, a strong divalent cation chelator, at a low ionic strength. A gel electrophoretic study revealed that all troponin C and about half of myosin light chain 2 were removed from the myofibrils by the CDTA treatment. The CDTA-treated myofibrils, when reconstituted with skeletal troponin C, showed almost exactly the same Ca2+- or Sr2+-sensitive ATPase activity as that of intact myofibrils. The CDTA-treated myofibrils reconstituted with porcine cardiac troponin C showed the same Ca2+- or Sr2+-sensitivity of the ATPase as that of porcine cardiac myofibrils; Sr2+-sensitivity relative to Ca2+-sensitivity was about ten times higher than, and the maximal slope of the activation curve was about half that of skeletal myofibrils. These findings indicate that these characteristic features of divalent cation regulation in the contraction of skeletal and cardiac muscles are determined solely by the species of troponin C. Bovine brain calmodulin hardly activated the ATPase activity of the CDTA-treated myofibrils even in the presence of Ca2+. Excess calmodulin, however, was found to give Ca2+- or Sr2+-sensitivity to the ATPase activity of the CDTA-treated myofibrils. Frog skeletal parvalbumins 1 and 2, even in excess, did not affect the ATPase activity of the CDTA-treated myofibrils.  相似文献   

Troponin C was removed almost completely from the porcine cardiac myofibrils by the same extraction procedure using CDTA as that previously reported for the rabbit skeletal myofibrils (Morimoto, S. & Ohtsuki, I. (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 291-301), and the effects of substitution of troponin C in cardiac myofibrils with rabbit skeletal troponin C or bovine brain calmodulin were examined. While the ATPase activity of intact cardiac myofibrils or cardiac troponin C-reconstituted cardiac myofibrils was activated at only a little higher concentration of Sr2+ than Ca2+, the skeletal troponin C-substituted cardiac myofibrils, as well as intact rabbit skeletal myofibrils, required more than 10 times higher concentration of Sr2+ than Ca2+ for activation of the myofibrillar ATPase activity. However, the concentrations of Ca2+ and Sr2+ required for the activation of the ATPase activity of the skeletal troponin C-substituted cardiac myofibrils were both about 5 times higher than those of intact skeletal myofibrils. The skeletal troponin C-substituted cardiac myofibrils, as well as intact skeletal myofibrils, also showed higher cooperativity in the Ca2+-activation of the ATPase activity than intact or cardiac troponin C-reconstituted cardiac myofibrils. The ATPase activity of calmodulin-substituted cardiac myofibrils was activated at a several times lower concentration of Ca2+ or Sr2+ than that of calmodulin-substituted skeletal myofibrils, while the ratios of the concentration of Sr2+ to Ca2+ required for activation were almost the same in both cases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ca2+ binding to fast skeletal muscle troponin C reincorporated into troponin C-depleted (CDTA-treated) myofibrils has been measured directly by using 45Ca and indirectly by using a fluorescent probe. Direct Ca2(+)-binding measurements have shown that the Ca2+ affinity of the low-affinity sites is enhanced in the absence of ATP and conversely reduced when myosin is selectively extracted from myofibrils, compared to the Ca2+ affinity in the presence of ATP. Fluorescence intensity changes of a dansylaziridine label at the Met-25 residue of troponin C have shown the same Ca2(+)-sensitivity whether or not ATP is present, while much lower Ca2(+)-sensitivity is seen in the myosin-extracted myofibrils. Since the Met-25 residue is in the amino terminal side alpha-helix of Ca2(+)-binding site I and far from Ca2(+)-binding site II in the primary structure, Ca2+ binding to site II has been evaluated by assuming that the fluorescence change monitors Ca2+ binding to site I alone. Ca2+ binding to site II thus estimated has shown high positive cooperativity only in the presence of ATP and has been found to be nearly proportional to the activation of myofibrillar ATPase, suggesting that Ca2(+)-binding site II is directly involved in the activation of myofibrillar ATPase activity. On the other hand, Ca2(+)-binding site I has been suggested to regulate the interaction of weakly binding cross-bridges with the thin filament, since the fluorescence change in the presence of ATP is saturated at the free Ca2+ concentration required for the activation of myofibrillar ATPase.  相似文献   

O Herzberg  M N James 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5298-5302
The refinement of the crystal structure of turkey skeletal muscle troponin C at 2.2-A resolution reveals that the two calcium binding loops that are occupied by Ca2+ ions adopt conformations very similar to those of the two homologous loops of parvalbumin and to that of loop III-IV of the intestinal calcium binding protein. This specific fold assures suitable spatial positioning of the Ca2+ ligands. It consists of two reverse turns, one located at each end of the loop, and four Asx turns (a cyclic hydrogen-bonded structure involving an oxygen of the side chain of residue n and the main-chain amide nitrogen of residue n + 2) whenever such a side chain coordinates to the metal ion. The fifth Ca2+ coordination position in both loops of troponin C is occupied by a water molecule that is within hydrogen-bonding distance of an aspartic acid, thus mediating indirect interaction between the cation and the negatively charged carboxylate. The same loop framework is conserved in the two Ca2+ binding loops of parvalbumin and loop III-IV of the intestinal Ca2+ binding protein in spite of the variability in the nature of the side chains at equivalent positions. The disposition of the Ca2+ and of its coordinating water molecule relative to the protein main chain is conserved in all these cases.  相似文献   

Inhibition of muscle force development by acidic pH is a well known phenomenon, yet the exact mechanism by which a decrease in pH inhibits the Ca2+-activated force in striated myofilaments remains poorly understood. Whether or not the deactivation by acidic pH involves direct competition between Ca2+ and protons for regulatory binding sites on fast skeletal troponin C (TnC) or whether other proteins in thin filament regulation are important remains unclear. We measured the effects of acidic pH on Ca2+-dependent fluorescent changes in TnC labeled with the probe danzylaziridine (Danz), which reports Ca2+ binding to the regulatory (Ca2+-specific) sites. Measurements were also made with TnCDanz complexed with the inhibitory Tn unit, TnI, and in the whole Tn complex. Our results show that a drop in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 is associated with a 1.6-fold increase in the midpoint for the relation between free Ca2+ and Ca2+ binding to the regulatory sites on TnCDanz. However, when TnCDanz was present in its complex with either TnI alone or with TnI-TnT, the increase in midpoint free Ca2+ was increased by 3.5-fold. We tested whether this potentiation in the effect of acidic pH on Ca2+ binding to TnC is due to a pH-induced alteration in the binding of TnI to TnC. A decrease in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 was associated with a halving of the affinity of TnI for TnC. We also probed the effect of acidic pH on TnI. This was done (i) by measuring the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan residues in TnI alone and (ii) by measuring fluorescence of TnI (in the Tn complex) labeled at Cys-133 with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein. A drop in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 was associated with a 15% decrease in intrinsic fluorescence and with a 30% decrease in the fluorescence of the 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein probe. We conclude, therefore, that while protons and Ca2+ may directly affect Ca2+ binding to regulatory sites on fast skeletal TnC, the effect of acidic pH on TnC Ca2+ binding is amplified in the TnI-TnC and Tn complexes by a pH-related effect on the affinity of TnI for TnC.  相似文献   

A laser Raman spectroscopic study of Ca2+ binding to troponin C.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Laser Raman spectroscopy has been used detect structural changes in troponin C induced by Ca2+ binding. Addition of Ca2+ - Mg2+ sites produces perturbations in the amide III region of the spectrum indicative of increased alpha-helical content, and in regions of the spectrum corresponding to carboxylate, thiol, and phenol side chains. However, Ca2+ binding to the low affinity Ca2+ - specific sites is not detected by laser Raman spectral changes.  相似文献   

We determined the free energy of interaction between rabbit skeletal troponin I (TNI) and troponin C (TNC) at 10 degrees and 20 degrees C with fluorescently labeled proteins. The sulfhydryl probe 5-iodoacetamidoeosin (IAE) was attached to cysteine (Cys)-98 of TNC and to Cys-133 of TNI, and each of the labeled proteins was titrated with the other unlabeled protein. The association constant for formation of the complex between labeled TNC (TNC*) and TNI was 6.67 X 10(5) M-1 in 0.3 M KCl, and pH 7.5 at 20 degrees C. In the presence of bound Mg2+, the binding constant increased to 4.58 X 10(7) M-1 and in the presence of excess of Ca2+, the association constant was 5.58 X 10(9) M-1. Very similar association constants were obtained when labeled TNI was titrated with unlabeled TNC. The energetics of Ca2+ binding to TNC* and the complex TNI X TNC* were also determined at 20 degrees C. The two sets of results were used to separately determine the coupling free energy for binding TNI and Mg2+, or Ca2+ to TNC. The results yielded a total coupling free energy of -5.4 kcal. This free energy appeared evenly partitioned into the two species: TNI X TNC(Mg)2 or TNI X TNC(Ca)2, and TNI X TNC(Ca)4. The first two species were each stabilized by -2.6 kcal, with respect to the Ca2+ free TNI X TNC complex, and TNI X TNC(Ca)4 was stabilized by -2.8 kcal, respect to TNI X TNC(Ca)2 or TNI X TNC(Mg)2. The coupling free energy was shown to produce cooperatively complexes formed between TNI and TNC in which the high affinity sites were initially saturated as a function of free Ca2+ to yield TNI X TNC(Ca)4. This saturation occurred in the free Ca2+ concentration range 10(-7) to 10(-5) M. The cooperative strengthening of the linkage between TNI and TNC induced by Ca2+ binding to the Ca2+-specific sites of TNC may have a direct relationship to activation of actomyosin ATPase. The nature of the forces involved in the Ca2+-induced strengthening of the complex is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ca2+/Mg2+ sites (III and IV) located in the C-terminal domain of cardiac troponin C (cTnC) have been generally considered to play a purely structural role in keeping the cTnC bound to the thin filament. However, several lines of evidence, including the discovery of cardiomyopathy-associated mutations in the C-domain, have raised the possibility that these sites may have a more complex role in contractile regulation. To explore this possibility, the ATPase activity of rat cardiac myofibrils was assayed under conditions in which no Ca2+ was bound to the N-terminal regulatory Ca2+-binding site (site II). Myosin-S1 was treated with N-ethylmaleimide to create strong-binding myosin heads (NEM-S1), which could activate the cardiac thin filament in the absence of Ca2+. NEM-S1 activation was assayed at pCa 8.0 to 6.5 and in the presence of either 1 mM or 30 μM free Mg2+. ATPase activity was maximal when sites III and IV were occupied by Mg2+ and it steadily declined as Ca2+ displaced Mg2+. The data suggest that in the absence of Ca2+ at site II strong-binding myosin crossbridges cause the opening of more active sites on the thin filament if the C-domain is occupied by Mg2+ rather than Ca2+. This finding could be relevant to the contraction–relaxation kinetics of cardiac muscle. As Ca2+ dissociates from site II of cTnC during the early relaxing phase of the cardiac cycle, residual Ca2+ bound at sites III and IV might facilitate the switching off of the thin filament and the detachment of crossbridges from actin.  相似文献   

Rabbit muscle troponin C was selectively modified at Cys-98 by 1,3-difluoro-4,6-dinitrobenzene. The second function of the bifunctional reagent was triggered at alkaline pH in the presence and absence of Ca2+. The crosslinked troponin C was hydrolyzed by trypsin and the peptides containing a dinitrobenzene moiety were isolated. When troponin C was crosslinked in the presence of Ca2+, the single dinitrobenzene-containing peptide was Gly-89-Arg-100, in which Cys-98 was crosslinked with Lys-90. When crosslinking was performed in the absence of Ca2+, beside the above peptide two additional peptides containing dinitrobenzene were found. One of these peptides is made up of two fragments, Ser-91-Arg-100 and Asn-105-Arg-120, crosslinked between Cys-98 and Tyr-109. The second peptide, Ala-121-Lys-140, contains modified Lys-136, presumably crosslinked with His-135. The data indicate that the distances between the α-carbon of Cys-98 and those of Lys-90, Tyr-109, Lys-136 and probably the α-carbon distance His-125-Lys-136, do not exceed 14 Å. Comparison with the X-ray structure of troponin C (Herzberg, O, and James, M.N.G. (1985) Nature 313, 653–659) indicates that some of the above distances increase on Ca2+-binding.  相似文献   

Calcium binding to chicken recombinant skeletal muscle TnC (TnC) and its mutants containing tryptophan (F29W), 5-hydroxytryptophan (F29HW), or 7-azatryptophan (F29ZW) at position 29 was measured by flow dialysis and by fluorescence. Comparative analysis of the results allowed us to determine the influence of each amino acid on the calcium binding properties of the N-terminal regulatory domain of the protein. Compared with TnC, the Ca(2+) affinity of N-terminal sites was: 1) increased 6-fold in F29W, 2) increased 3-fold in F29ZW, and 3) decreased slightly in F29HW. The Ca(2+) titration of F29ZW monitored by fluorescence displayed a bimodal curve related to sequential Ca(2+) binding to the two N-terminal Ca(2+) binding sites. Single and double mutants of TnC, F29W, F29HW, and F29ZW were constructed by replacing aspartate by alanine at position 30 (site I) or 66 (site II) or both. Ca(2+) binding data showed that the Asp --> Ala mutation at position 30 impairs calcium binding to site I only, whereas the Asp --> Ala mutation at position 66 impairs calcium binding to both sites I and II. Furthermore, the Asp --> Ala mutation at position 30 eliminates the differences in Ca(2+) affinity observed for replacement of Phe at position 29 by Trp, 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 7-azatryptophan. We conclude that position 29 influences the affinity of site I and that Ca(2+) binding to site I is dependent on the previous binding of metal to site II.  相似文献   

The two cysteine residues (Cys-35 and Cys-84) of bovine cardiac troponin C (cTnC) were labeled with the pyrene-containing SH-reactive compounds, N-(1-pyrene) maleimide, and N-(1-pyrene)iodoacetamide in order to study conformational changes in the regulatory domain of cTnC associated with cation binding and cross-bridge attachment. The labeled cTnC exhibits the characteristic fluorescence spectrum of pyrene with two sharp monomer fluorescence peaks and one broad excimer fluorescence peak. The excimer fluorescence results from dimerization of adjacent pyrene groups. With metal binding (Mg2+ or Ca2+) to the high affinity sites of cTnC (sites III and IV), there is a small decrease in monomer fluorescence but no effect on excimer fluorescence. In contrast, Ca2+ binding to the low affinity regulatory (site II) site elicits an increase in monomer fluorescence and a reduction in excimer fluorescence. These results can be accounted for by assuming that the pyrene attached to Cys-84 is drawn into a hydrophobic pocket formed by the binding of Ca2+ to site II. When the labeled cTnC is incorporated into the troponin complex or substituted into cardiac myofibrils the monomer fluorescence is enhanced while the excimer fluorescence is reduced. This suggests that the association with other regulatory components in the thin filament might influence the proximity (or mobility) of the two pyrene groups in a way similar to that of Ca2+ binding. With the binding of Ca2+ to site II the excimer fluorescence is further reduced while the monomer fluorescence is not changed significantly. In myofibrils, cross-bridge detachment (5 mM MgATP, pCa 8.0) causes a reduction in monomer fluorescence but has no effect on excimer fluorescence. However, saturation of the cTnC with Ca2+ reduces excimer fluorescence but causes no further change in monomer fluorescence. Thus, the pyrene fluorescence spectra define the different conformations of cTnC associated with weak-binding, cycling, and rigor cross-bridges.  相似文献   

The effects of pH,Mg2+, and ionic strength on Ca2+ binding to rabbit skeletal troponin C were studied by using a Ca2+ sensitive electrode. Troponin C has two high affinity and two low affinity sites and the Ca2+ affinity of both sites was increased by increasing pH in a pH range from pH 5.6 to 10.4. The affinity was decreased by increasing ionic strength. The change of the Ca2+ affinity can be explained by the electrostatic interaction between Ca2+ and the protein. At alkaline pH, the four Ca2+ binding sites bind Ca2+ with the same affinity and the distinction between the high and the low affinity sites vanished. This result shows that the difference of the Ca2+ affinity is owing to differences of the secondary or the tertiary structure of the Ca2+ binding sites, not owing to a difference of the primary structures of the Ca2+ binding sites. The two high affinity sites bound two Ca2+ ions cooperatively in neutral pH. The cooperativity was diminished at both acidic and alkaline pH. Mg2+ ion decreased the affinity of the low affinity sites.  相似文献   

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