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The aim of this study was to examine the basal release of lysozyme from isolated human lung tissues. Measurements of lysozyme in the fluids derived from lung preparations were performed using a rate-of-lysis assay subsequent to acidification of the biological samples. Lysozyme released from bronchial preparations into fluids was greater than that observed for parenchymal tissues. The lysozyme quantities detected in bronchial fluids were not modified by removal of the surface epithelium. Furthermore, the quantities of lysozyme in bronchial fluids was correlated with the size of the bronchial preparations. These results suggest that the lysozyme was principally secreted by the human bronchi (submucosal layer) rather than by parenchyma tissues and that a greater release was observed in the proximal airways.  相似文献   

Cardell M  Cardell LO 《Peptides》2001,22(9):1359-1362
Helospectin is a neuropeptide of the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/secretin/glucagon family. Several members of this family display biological activities relevant to obstructive airway disease and although the literature in this area is rapidly expanding very little is known about the effects of helospectin. The smooth muscle relaxation induced by helospectin on human bronchi and pulmonary arteries were therefore assessed in vitro, using tissue baths. Helospectin induced a potent relaxation of human bronchi and since helospectin-like immunoreactive nerve fibers along with possible target receptors previously have been reported in the human lung, helospectin might play a role in endogenous regulation of airway tone.  相似文献   

Mitchell, R. W., K. F. Rabe, H. Magnussen, and A. R. Leff.Passive sensitization of human airways induces myogenic contractile responses in vitro. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(4): 1276-1281, 1997.We assessedeffects of passive sensitization on human bronchial smooth muscle (BSM)response to mechanical stretching in vitro. Bronchial rings were sham(control) or passively sensitized overnight by using sera from donorsdemonstrating sensitivity to Dermatophagoides farinae and having immunoglobulin E (IgE)concentrations of 2,600 ± 200 U/ml. Tissues were fixedisometrically to force transducers to measure responses to electricalfield stimulation (EFS) and quick stretch (QS). The myogenic responseto QS was normalized to the maximal response to EFS (%EFS). Themyogenic response of sensitized BSM was 47.9 ± 10.9 %EFS to a QSof ~6.5% optimal length (Lo);sham-sensitized tissues had a myogenic response of 13.5 ± 6.4 %EFS(P = 0.012 vs. passively sensitized).A QS of ~13% Lo in sensitizedBSM caused a response of 82.8 ± 20.9 %EFS; sham-sensitized tissuesdeveloped a response of 38.2 ± 17.3 %EFS(P = 0.004). BSM incubated with serumfrom nonallergic donors did not demonstrate increased QS response (4.6 ± 1.4 %EFS, P = not significantvs. tissue exposed to atopic sera). However, tissues incubated in serafrom nonatopic donors supplemented with hapten-specific chimeric IgE(JW8) demonstrated augmented myogenic response to QS of ~6.5% Lo (21.9 ± 6.2 %EFS, P = 0.027 vs. nonatopicsera alone). We demonstrate that passive sensitization of human BSMpreparations causes induction and augmentation of myogenic contractionsto QS; this hyperresponsiveness corresponds to the IgE concentration insensitizing sera.


BACKGROUND: Chronic airway diseases are often associated with marked mucus production, however, little is known about the regulation of secretory activity by locally released endogenous mediators. AIM: This investigation was performed to determine the release of MUC5AC mucin from human bronchial preparations using the purinergic agonists adenosine 5''-triphosphate (ATP) and uridine 5''-triphosphate (UTP). METHODS: Immunohistochemical and immunoradiometric assays (IRMA) were used to detect the MUC5AC mucin. Immunohistochemical analysis were performed using individual 1-13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs recognizing a recombinant M1 mucin partially encoded by the MUC5AC gene. IRMA measurments were performed using a mixture of eight anti-M1 mucin MAbs (PM8), which included both 1-13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs. Lysozyme and protein were also measured in the biological fluids derived from human bronchial preparations obtained from patients who had undergone surgery for lung carcinoma. RESULTS: The anti-M1 monoclonal antibodies labelled epithelial goblet cells. After challenge of human bronchial preparations with ATP, the goblet cells exhibited less staining. In contrast, UTP did not alter the immunolabelling of goblet cells. MUC5AC mucin in the bronchial fluids derived from ATP-challenged preparations was increased while UTP had no effect on release. ATP did not alter either the quantities of lysozyme or protein detected in the biological fluids. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that ATP may regulate epithelial goblet cell secretion of MUC5AC mucin from human airways in vitro.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine glycoconjugate secretion in human airways with and without an epithelium. Glycoconjugate release in supernatants derived from human airways in vitro was determined using an ELISA assay with an anti-human mucin monoclonal antibody (MAb 3D3). This monoclonal antibody reacted strongly with Le(b) antigen but also recognized in vitro Le(a) and Le(y) determinants. In 11 of the 34 different lung samples (32%) studied the glycoconjugate levels were below the threshhold of detection for this assay. The mean basal secretion of glycoconjugates in human airways in vitro was 100+/-28 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 23 different lung samples). The amount of glycoconjugate measured in the medium derived from human isolated bronchial ring preparations did not change under control conditions during the course of the experimental procedure (Period I; 128+/-46 microg/g tissue and Period II; 159 +/-48 microg/g tissue; n = 13 paired lung samples). In the supernatants of airway preparations with an intact epithelium the amount of glycoconjugates detected was 90+/-38 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 12 different lung samples) and removal of the epithelium did not alter this basal glycoconjugate release (94+/-60 microg/g tissue: Period I, n = 8 different lung samples). The absence of the epithelial layer was confirmed by histological evaluation. Methacholine (100 microM) induced a 10- and four-fold increase in glycoconjugate release from airways with and without an epithelium, respectively. In contrast, in preparations with an epithelium, LTD4 (10 microM) and anti-IgE (dilution: 1/1000) did not cause an increase of glycoconjugate release. The methacholine difference between airways with and without an epithelium was not significantly different (P > 0.10). However, a treatment with atropine (100 microM) prevented the increase of glycoconjugate release in preparations with an epithelium. These data derived from a limited number of experiments suggest that the epithelium may not regulate the basal or stimulated release of glycoconjugates from isolated human airways.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) antagonists have been associated with increased airway reactivity in asthmatics and potentiation of contractile stimuli in animal models. In the present study, using an in vitro model of tracheal preparations from guinea pigs, we show that the beta-AR antagonists propranolol and pindolol induce a smooth muscle contraction. A prerequisite for this contraction is that the airway preparations have been pre-treated with an beta-AR agonist. Our data show that the contractile effect of beta-AR antagonists is not a simple consequence of reversing the agonist-induced relaxation. Furthermore, the effect seems to be mediated through interaction with beta2-ARs since the response is stereo-selective, and the selective beta1-AR receptor antagonist atenolol did not induce any contractile response. SQ 29,546, a thromboxane A2 antagonist; MK 886, a lipoxygenase inhibitor; and indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor significantly inhibited the contractions of the tracheal preparations induced with propranolol or pindolol. We put forward the hypothesis that the contractile effect of the beta-AR antagonist is a consequence of their inverse agonist activity, which is only evident when the receptor population have a higher basal activity. Our results indicate a novel additional explanation for the known side effect, bronchoconstriction, of beta-AR antagonist.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1-induced contractions of guinea pig tracheal and bronchial strips were dose-dependently attenuated by the amiloride analogues 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride (EIPA, 1-10 microM) and 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride (HMA, 1-10 microM). The calculated Ki values for EIPA and HMA were 0.11 +/- 0.02 microM and 0.06 +/- 0.02 microM in the trachea, and 0.28 +/- 0.11 microM and 0.70 +/- 0.25 microM in the bronchus, respectively. These values are in the same order of magnitude as those reported for inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchange in cells. Amiloride (1-10 microM) was ineffective. These data suggest that activation of the Na+/H+ exchange by ET-1 may be involved in mediating its myotropic action in guinea pig airway smooth muscle.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of the renin-angiotensin and vasopressin systems on systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability following subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in conscious rats. Animals received no treatment, the angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist, losartan, or the vascular vasopressin receptor antagonist, AVPX. SAH resulted in a transient sympathetic activation as estimated from the increase in the mid-frequency oscillations of SBP (3.2 +/- 0.8 mm Hg2, 3 hours after the injury vs. 1.3 +/- 0.3 mm Hg2 in control conditions, p < 0.01). On the second and fourth day following SAH, a marked elevation in the low-frequency component of SBP was observed (7.1 +/- 1.0 mm Hg2 on day 2 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.3 mm Hg2 in control conditions, p < 0.001 and 6.3 +/- 1.1 mm Hg2 on day 4 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.3 mm Hg2 in control conditions, p < 0.01). Pre-treatment with losartan prevented the acute rise in the mid-frequency oscillations in SBP and partially reduced the low-frequency component observed at 2 and 4 days. Administration of AVPX on the second and fourth day following SAH normalised the elevated low-frequency oscillations in SBP. This study indicates that the modifications in SBP variability observed in the early and delayed stage after subarachnoid haemorrhage involve angiotensin II. Vasopressin seems to be implicated in the delayed development of low-frequency fluctuations of SBP.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which substance P induces contraction of airway smooth muscle has been the subject of numerous reports. It has been suggested that in rabbit airways the action of substance P is indirect, via the release of endogenous acetylcholine, whereas this is not so in other species. The present detailed study investigated whether substance P-induced contraction in rabbit isolated bronchus and trachea is due to the release of endogenous acetylcholine or in bronchus is due to histamine release and whether substance P is metabolized by the enzymes enkephalinase and acetylcholinesterase. Isometric contraction to cumulative addition of substance P was measured in the presence of 10(-6) and 10(-4) M atropine, 10(-6) M pyrilamine, 10(-5) M phosphoramidon, or 3 x 10(-7) M neostigmine. Neither atropine nor pyrilamine had any effect on the substance P responses. Phosphoramidon, however, produced a 12-fold shift to the left in the response curve with a decrease in the 50% effective concentration from 7.0 x 10(-8) to 6.1 x 10(-9) M (n = 4 control and 5 treated; P less than 0.05). In contrast, neostigmine at a concentration that produced a sixfold shift to the left in the acetylcholine response curve had no effect on substance P responses. We conclude that, in rabbit airways in vitro, substance P-induced contraction is not mediated by release of endogenous acetylcholine or histamine. In addition, endogenous enkephalinase but not acetylcholinesterase may be involved in the degradation of substance P. Our results show that, in contrast to previous studies in rabbits, the mechanism of action of substance P may resemble that described in humans.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mechanical activity of 36 segments from the ampullar part of human Fallopian tubes was studied in vitro. The age of the patients varied between 37-64 years. Outer diameter and axial tension were continuously measured at an intraluminal pressure of 5 mmHg (0.67 kPa) and at 10% axial extension. All segments have shown periodic contractions both in diameter and axial tension. The amplitude of the outer diameter contractions was 0.03-0.64 mm, the frequencies were between 1.5 and 7.3 min-1. The amplitude of the axial tension contractions was 1.87-33.2 mN, the frequencies varied between 1.8 and 7.6 min-1. The diameter and axial tension contractions were mostly synchronized. The frequency of the basal rhythm increased with age. Increase of the intraluminal pressure up to 15 mmHg (2.0 kPa) significantly increased the diameter and decreased the amplitude of diameter contractions. Increase in the axial length significantly decreased the outer diameter and the amplitude of diameter contractions; it also increased axial tension, and caused a transitory increase in frequency.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of exogenous prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) on airway smooth muscle contraction caused by parasympathetic stimulation in 22 mongrel dogs in situ. Voltage (0-30 V, constant 20 Hz) and frequency-response (0-25 Hz, 25 V) curves were generated by stimulating the cut ends of both cervical vagus nerves. Airway response was measured isometrically as active tension (AT) in a segment of cervical trachea and as change in airway resistance (RL) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn) in bronchial airways. One hour after 5 mg/kg iv indomethacin, a cumulative frequency-response curve was generated in nine animals by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves at 15-s intervals. Reproducibility was demonstrated by generating a second curve 7 min later. A third frequency-response curve was generated during active contraction of the airway caused by continuous intravenous infusion of 10 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1PPGF2 alpha. Additional frequency-response studies were generated 15 and 30 min after PGF2 alpha, when airway contractile response (delta RL = +2.8 +/- 0.65 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s; delta Cdyn = -0.0259 +/- 0.007 1/cmH2O) returned to base line. Substantial augmentation of AT, RL, and Cdyn responses was demonstrated in every animal studied (P less than 0.01 for all points greater than 8 Hz) 15 min after PGF2 alpha. At 30 min, response did not differ from initial base-line control. In four animals receiving sham infusion, all frequency-response curves were identical. We demonstrate that PGF2 alpha augments the response to vagus nerve stimulation in tracheal and bronchial airways. Augmentation does not depend on PGF2 alpha-induced active tone.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to examine the acute effects of ethanol (ETOH) on basal and VIP-induced release of testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) from immature ovaries in vitro. Ovaries were collected from anestrus (A) and both naturally occurring and pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-induced early proestrus (EP) animals. The ovaries were incubated in either media alone, media plus 1 microM VIP, media plus ETOH in doses ranging from 25 to 100 mM, or media plus each dose of ETOH containing VIP. The present results demonstrate that ETOH did not affect either basal or VIP-induced steroid release from ovaries collected from A animals. Likewise, the ETOH did not alter basal steroid secretion from EP animals; however, the drug significantly reduced the VIP-stimulated release of both T and E2 from EP ovaries. Thus, these data demonstrate for the first time that ETOH is capable of altering prepubertal ovarian responsiveness to VIP, a peptide known to be involved in the developmental regulation of ovarian function.  相似文献   

Nonadrenergic inhibitory nervous system in human airways   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Morphology of distal airways in the human lung   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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