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Due to the fragile pressure gradients present in the xylem and phloem, methods to study sap flow must be minimally invasive. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) meets this condition. A dedicated MRI method to study sap flow has been applied to quantify long-distance xylem flow and hydraulics in an intact cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plant. The accuracy of this MRI method to quantify sap flow and effective flow-conducting area is demonstrated by measuring the flow characteristics of the water in a virtual slice through the stem and comparing the results with water uptake data and microscopy. The in-plane image resolution of 120 x 120 microm was high enough to distinguish large individual xylem vessels. Cooling the roots of the plant severely inhibited water uptake by the roots and increased the hydraulic resistance of the plant stem. This increase is at least partially due to the formation of embolisms in the xylem vessels. Refilling the larger vessels seems to be a lengthy process. Refilling started in the night after root cooling and continued while neighboring vessels at a distance of not more than 0.4 mm transported an equal amount of water as before root cooling. Relative differences in volume flow in different vascular bundles suggest differences in xylem tension for different vascular bundles. The amount of data and detail that are presented for this single plant demonstrates new possibilities for using MRI in studying the dynamics of long-distance transport in plants.  相似文献   

Quantification of water transport in plants with NMR imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRi) method is described to calculate the characteristics of water transport in plant stems. Here, dynamic NMRi is used as a non-invasive technique to record the distribution of displacements of protons for each pixel in the NMR image. Using the NMR-signal of the stationary water in a reference tube for calibration, the following characteristics can be calculated per pixel without advance knowledge of the flow-profile in that pixel: the amount of stationary water, the amount of flowing water, the cross-sectional area of flow, the average linear flow velocity of the flowing water, and the volume flow. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated with a stem segment of a chrysanthemum flower by comparing the volume flow, measured with NMR, with the actual volumetric uptake, measured with a balance. NMR measurements corresponded to the balance uptake measurements with a rms error of 0.11 mg s(-1) in a range of 0 to 1.8 mg s(-1). Local changes in flow characteristics of individual voxels of a sample (e.g. intact plant) can be studied as a function of time and of any conceivable changes the sample experiences on a time-scale, longer than the measurement time of a complete set of pixel-propagators (17 min).  相似文献   

Abstract: Flow-sensitive NMR imaging and pressure probe techniques were used for measuring xylem water flow and its driving forces (i.e., xylem pressure as well as cell turgor and osmotic pressure gradients) in a tropical liana, Epipremnum aureum. Selection of tall specimens allowed continuous and simultaneous measurements of all parameters at various distances from the root under diurnally changing environmental conditions. Well hydrated plants exhibited exactly linearly correlated dynamic changes in xylem tension and flow velocity. Concomitant multiple-probe insertions along the plant shoot revealed xylem and turgor pressure gradients with changing magnitudes due to environmental changes and plant orientation (upright, apex-down, or horizontal). The data suggest that in upright and - to a lesser extent - in horizontal plants the transpirational water loss by the cells towards the apex during the day is not fully compensated by water uptake through the night. Thus, longitudinal cellular osmotic pressure gradients exist. Due to the tight hydraulic coupling of the xylem and the tissue cells these gradients represent (besides the transpiration-induced tension in the xylem) an additional tension component for anti-gravitational water movement from the roots through the vessels to the apex.  相似文献   

  • Positive sap pressures are produced in the xylem of birch trees in boreal conditions during the time between the thawing of the soil and bud break. During this period, xylem embolisms accumulated during wintertime are refilled with water. The mechanism for xylem sap pressurization and its environmental drivers are not well known.
  • We measured xylem sap flow, xylem sap pressure, xylem sap osmotic concentration, xylem and whole stem diameter changes, and stem and root non‐structural carbohydrate concentrations, along with meteorological conditions at two sites in Finland during and after the sap pressurisation period.
  • The diurnal dynamics of xylem sap pressure and sap flow during the sap pressurisation period varied, but were more often opposite to the diurnal pattern after bud burst, i.e. sap pressure increased and sap flow rate mostly decreased when temperature increased. Net conversion of soluble sugars to starch in the stem and roots occurred during the sap pressurisation period. Xylem sap osmotic pressure was small in comparison to total sap pressure, and it did not follow changes in environmental conditions or tree water relations.
  • Based on these findings, we suggest that xylem sap pressurisation and embolism refilling occur gradually over a few weeks through water transfer from parenchyma cells to xylem vessels during daytime, and then the parenchyma are refilled mostly during nighttime by water uptake from soil. Possible drivers for water transfer from parenchyma cells to vessels are discussed. Also the functioning of thermal dissipation probes in conditions of changing stem water content is discussed.

After the discovery of ion-mediated changes in xylem hydraulic resistance a few years ago, a number of research papers were published that related ion-mediated flow changes in the xylem to various aspects of whole plant functioning and evolutionary diversification of vascular cells. Ion-mediated changes in xylem hydraulic resistance are commonly quantified as the percentile change in hydraulic resistance, relative to the hydraulic resistance measured using a reference fluid, usually (ultra) pure deionized water. In this research the impact was investigated of the complete absence of all ions in deionized water compared with reference fluids containing a minimal amount of free calcium on the quantification of ion-mediated flow changes in stem segments of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthemaxgrandiflorum Tzvelev) and Prunus L. (Prunus laurocerasus L.). The addition of 10 mM KCl to deionized water significantly increased flow rate in Chrysanthemum (17-24%) and Prunus L. (16%). The addition of 1 mM CaCl(2) to the reference fluid reduced this KCl-mediated increase in flow rate to 1-2% in both species. 1 mM Ca(2+) is within the lower range of Ca(2+)-concentrations normally measured in xylem sap of many plant species, and three times lower than the original Ca(2+)-concentration measured in the xylem sap of Chrysanthemum plants used for the present measurements. The present results indicate that the complete removal of cations from the xylem fluid with deionized water causes the major part of the ion-mediated flow change previously reported in the xylem of plants. It is concluded that the use of deionized water as a reference fluid should be avoided. Earlier proposed relationships between ion-mediated changes and water flow in xylem of plants should be re-evaluated if they were based on deionized water as the reference fluid.  相似文献   

Abstract: Samples of xylem sap from 5-week-old Ricinus corn-munis L. were obtained after severing a lamina, or shoot, from plants pressurized at the roots with air to raise hydrostatic xylem water potentials to atmospheric. In situ sap flow gauges, and mass flow measurements, showed that removing the lamina approximately doubted sap flow rate through the petiole stub that remained attached to the plant. This was a consequence of flow out of the roots being diverted along this low-resistance pathway and away from leaves higher in the canopy. Leaf and whole shoot excision temporarily released extra solutes in to sap as it discharged from the cut petiole or from the hypo-cotyl stump. This contamination prevented the use of sap extracted from detached lamina by overpressurizing in a Scholan-der bomb. To minimise distortions to sap flow and wound-induced contamination, estimates of in planta concentration and delivery (concentration × sap flow rate) of ABA and osmolality in xylem sap were made using sap flow rates measured before excision and concentrations in flowing sap collected approximately 30 mm after excision. At this time, effects of excision on solute contamination had subsided. The approach revealed that withholding water from upper roots increased ABA delivery from roots into the shoot base 3-fold. However, approximately half this ABA was lost en route to the youngest fully open leaf. This loss of ABA may explain the slow stomatal response to drying of upper roots shown by R. communis .  相似文献   

The radial growth of plant stem is based on the development of cribro-vascular cambium tissues. It affects the transport efficiency of water, mineral nutrients and photoassimilates and, ultimately, also plant height. The rate of cambial cell divisions for the assembly of new xylem and phloem tissue primordia and the rate of differentiation of the primordia into mature tissues determine the amount of biomass produced and, in the case of woody species, the wood quality. These complex physiological processes proceed at a rate which depends on several factors, acting at various levels: growth regulators, resource availability and environmental factors. Several hormonal signals and, more recently, further regulatory molecules, have been shown to be involved in the induction and maintenance of cambium and the formation of secondary vascular tissues. The control of xylem cell patterning is of particular interest, because it determines the diameter of xylem vessels, which is central to the efficiency of water and nutrient transport from roots to leaves through the stem and may strongly influence the growth in height of the tree. Increasing scientific evidence have proved the role of other hormones in cambial cell activities and the study of the hormonal signals and their crosstalking in cambial cells may foster our understanding of the dynamics of xylogenesis and of the mechanism of vessel size control along the stem. In this article, the role of the hormonal signals involved in the control of cambium and xylem development in trees and their crosstalking are reviewed.  相似文献   

Possible interactions of two synthetic plant-growth retardants during the short-term response of Brassica rapa L. ssp. oleifera (DC.) Metzger plants to low root-zone temperature were investigated by pretreating with mefluidide or paclobutrazol. Water and solute transfers were studied by measuring xylem sap volume flow (under root pressure exudation) and ion flow from the roots. Relations with nitrate uptake rate were also considered. Root pretreatment with paclobutrazol strongly restricted the cold-inducible processes which normally restore water and solute flow from the root xylem. Paclobutrazol decreased the rates of nitrate uptake and exudation flow from the root xylem (principally by reducing root hydraulic conductivity) with dramatic consequences for ion flow, especially that of nitrate.
The effects of root ABA pretreatment on plant response to root cooling were then studied separately or in association with a pretreatment with paclobutrazol. Despite a slight decrease in nitrate uptake rate, ABA pretreatment of the roots enabled the plant to develop rapid mechanisms for adaptation to cold constraint at the root level. Moreover, this action of exogenous ABA greatly reduced the effect of a simultaneous paclobutrazol pretreatment and partly restored water and solute flows.
Thus, the improvement of plant resistance to cold conditions brought about by treatments with mefluidide and paclobutrazol (previously shown in long-term experiments) cannot simply be explained by their short-term effects.  相似文献   

The xylem and phloem transport of mineral elements from stemnodal roots to the stem and stolon of growing potato (Solanumtuberosum L. cv. ‘Russet Burbank’) plants was investigated.Adventitious roots, originating from below-ground nodes of thestem of potato seedlings, were exposed to solutions of SrCI2or MnSO4. Relative elemental concentrations were measured inthe conductive tissues using energy dispersive X-ray analysis.After a 5 h daylight uptake period, Sr (a Ca-transport analogue)levels were elevated in the stem xylem tissue, but Sr did notincrease in the stem phloem, nor was it present in either ofthe conductive tissues of stolons located 1–2 nodes abovethe treated roots. In contrast, elevated levels of Cl, S, andMn were found in stolon xylem and phloem tissue during the sameperiod. The absence of Sr in the stolon after 5 h suggests thatno xylem flow into the stolon occurred during the uptake periodand, furthermore, phloem flow is responsible for the transportof the Cl, S, and Mn into the stolon. Elevated levels of thesemobile nutrients in the xylem of the stolon were attributedto xylem-to-phloem transfer in the stem or leaves, transportto the stolon in the phloem, and phloem-to-xylem transfer inthe stolon. During a 19 h uptake period, some Sr was observedin the phloem tissue of the stem, demonstrating slow exchangeof Sr with sieve elements or proximal phloem parenchyma andcompanion cells. Key words: Calcium, manganese, X-ray analysis  相似文献   

Collection of Xylem Sap at Flow Rate Similar to in vivo Transpiration Flux   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have explored a method to collect xylem sap using a Scholanderpressure chamber for potted plants. Intact root system in potswhich fitted the pressure chamber was pressurised at a pneumaticpressure numerically equal to the absolute value of shoot waterpotential. The rate of xylem flow obtained from the stem stumpunder such pressure was found similar to the rate of transpirationbefore detopping. The rate of pressurised flow from detop-pedroots was linearly related to the pressure applied in both well-wateredand soil-dried plants. The osmotic concentration of the xylemsap was negatively related to the rate of volume flow, suggestingthe necessity to collect xylem sap at in vivo flow rate if originalsolute concentration is to be evaluated. The concentration ofABA in the xylem sap, however, did not show such a relationshipwith water flux. Both well-watered and soil-dried plants showedthe concentration of ABA in xylem sap largely stable with arange of volume flow rate, indicating a linear relationshipbetween the rate of ABA delivery through xylem and that of volumeflow. We also compared the concentrations of ABA in xylem sapsequentially collected from pressurised roots with that fromdetached shoots of the same plants. The concentration of ABAin the initial saps from shoots showed to be similar to thatfrom roots. However, a decrease in the concentration of ABAin the xylem sap collected from detached leaf or twig was observedwhen more volume of sap was collected, which might also be dependenton the plant species and the volume of xylem vessels concerned. (Received February 3, 1997; Accepted October 7, 1997)  相似文献   

Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is the phenomenon where plant roots transfer water between soil horizons of different water potential. When dry soil is a stronger sink for water loss from the plant than transpiration, water absorbed by roots in wetter soil horizons is transferred toward, and exuded into dry soil via flow reversals through the roots. Reverse flow is a good marker of HR and can serve as a useful tool to study it over the long-term. Seasonal variation of water uptake of a Quercus suber tree was studied from late winter through autumn 2003 at Rio Frio near Lisbon, Portugal. Sap flow was measured in five small shallow roots (diameter of 3–4 cm), 1 to 2 m from the tree trunk and in four azimuths and at different xylem depths at the trunk base, using the heat field deformation method (HFD). The pattern of sap flow differed among lateral roots as soil dried with constant positive flow in three roots and reverse flow in two other roots during the night when transpiration ceased. Rain modified the pattern of flow in these two roots by eliminating reverse flow and substantially increasing water uptake for transpiration during the day. The increase in water uptake in three other roots following rain was not so substantial. In addition, the flux in individual roots was correlated to different degrees with the flux at different radial depths and azimuthal directions in trunk xylem. The flow in outer trunk xylem seemed to be mostly consistent with water movement from surface soil horizons, whereas deep roots seemed to supply water to the whole cross-section of sapwood. When water flow substantially decreased in shallow lateral roots and the outer stem xylem during drought, water flow in the inner sapwood was maintained, presumably due to its direct connection to deep roots. Results also suggest the importance of the sap flow sensor placement, in relation to sinker roots, as to whether lateral roots might be found to exhibit reverse flow during drought. This study is consistent with the dimorphic rooting habit of Quercus suber trees in which deep roots access groundwater to supply superficial roots and the whole tree, when shallow soil layers were dry.  相似文献   

The lateral water movement in the intact stem of a transpiring soybean plant was analyzed quantitatively by a real-time measurement system utilizing labeled water, H(2)(15)O and gamma ray detectors. A large volume of water escaping from xylem vessels during its transport was detected. The escape of water was not influenced by evaporation from the stem surface or mass flow in the sieve tubes. It was assumed that the total amount of water transported through xylem vessels was kept almost completely constant along the internode. As a result, most of the escaped water was found to re-enter the xylem vessels, i.e. water exchange occurred. The analysis of radiographs of tritiated water suggested that the self-diffusion effect of water was strong for lateral water movement, although another driving force besides thermal motion was included in the process, and that the process was also affected by the water permeability of the plasma membrane. An analysis based on a mathematical model showed that the net volume of water which escaped from xylem vessels was not dependent on the transpiration rate of the plant.  相似文献   

 The present study was carried out to elucidate the response mechanisms of 50-year-old Pinus halepensis Mill. trees to a long-term and severe drought. The amount of water available to trees was artificially restricted for 12 months by covering the soil with a plastic roof. Over the short term a direct and rapid impact of drought was evident on the water relations and gas exchanges of trees: as the soil dried out in the Spring, there was a concurrent decrease of predawn water potential; transpiration was strongly reduced by stomatal closure. Seasonal changes in the water volume fractions of twig and stem xylem were observed and interpreted as the result of cavitation and refilling in the xylem. When droughted trees recovered to a more favourable water status, refilling of embolized xylem was observed; twig predawn water potentials were still negative in the period when the embolism was reversed in the twig xylem. A few months after the removal of the covering, no differences in whole plant hydraulic resistance were observed between droughted and control trees. Needle and shoot elongation and stem radial growth were considerably reduced in droughted trees; no strategy of trees to allocate carbon preferentially to the stem conducting tissues was apparent throughout the experiment. An after-effect of the drought on growth was observed. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 1 October 1997  相似文献   

Rokitta M  Peuke AD  Zimmermann U  Haase A 《Protoplasma》1999,209(1-2):126-131
A fast nuclear-magnetic-resonance imaging method was developed in order to measure simultaneously and quantitatively the water flow velocities in the xylem and the phloem of intact and transpiring plants. Due to technical improvements a temporal resolution of 7 min could be reached and flow measurements could be performed over a time course of 12-30 h. The novel method was applied to the hypocotyl of 35- to 40-day-old, leafy plants of Ricinus communis which were subjected to different light-dark regimes. The results showed that the xylem flow velocities and the xylem volume flow responded immediately to light on-off changes. Upon illumination the flow velocity and the volume flow increased as expected in respect to literature. In contrast, the phloem flow velocity did not change in response to the light-dark regimes. Interestingly, though, the volume flow in the phloem increased during darkness. These findings can be explained by assuming that the conducting area of the phloem becomes enlarged during the dark period due to opening of sieve pores.  相似文献   

During two seasons, ABA concentrations were monitored in roots, leaves and xylem sap of field-grown maize. The water status of soil and plant was also measured. Plants were grown on plots with compacted or non-compacted soil, which were irrigated or remained unwatered. ABA concentration in the xylem sap before dawn and in the roots increases 25-fold and five-fold, respectively, as the soil dried, with a close correlation with the soil water status, but with no clear effect of the soil structure. In contrast to the results of several laboratory experiments, no appreciable increase in xylem [ABA] and reduction in stomatal conductance were observed with dehydration of the part of the root system located in soil upper layers. These responses only occurred when the water reserve of the whole soil profile was close to depletion and the transpiration declined. Xylem [ABA] measured during the day was appreciably higher in the compacted treatment than in non-compacted treatment, unlike that measured before dawn. Since a mechanical message is unlikely to undergo such day-night alterations, we suggest that this was due to a faster decrease in root water potential and water flux in the compacted treatment, linked to the root spatial arrangement. These results raise the possibility that ABA concentration in the xylem sap could be controlled by two coexisting mechanisms: (1) the rate of ABA synthesis in the roots linked to the soil or root water status, as shown in laboratory experiments; (2) the dilution of ABA in the water flow from roots, which could be an overriding mechanism in field conditions. This second mechanism would allow the plant to sense the water flux through the root system.  相似文献   

The influence of root anoxia on the water balance of hydroponicallygrown sunflower plants was investigated in a controlled environmentroom. Leaf water potentials declined within 1 h of the onsetof anaerobic treatment of the roots. The severity of the waterstress during the initial 8 h of treatment was dependent onthe ambient humidity of the aerial environment. Recovery ofshoot water balance occurred by the beginning of the secondfull day of treatment, without stomatal closure. After 3 d of continuous anaerobic treatment, plant responsein the same experiment followed one of two patterns. In thefirst, there were declines in leaf water content, leaf waterpotentials, lamina expansion, transpiration rates and stomatalconductance. Osmotic adjustment occurred but it was not sufficientto prevent loss of turgor and the plants wilted at day 4 oftreatment. Complete rehydration took place after 6 d of treatmentif the stem was severed (under water) just below the cotyledons,indicating that shoot dehydration was a result of xylem occlusionat the root/shoot interface. Sections of the stem in this regionshowed xylem vessels to be discoloured and plate-like structuresobstructing the lumen. In the other pattern of response, plants did not develop a morenegative leaf water potential (except for an initial periodimmediately following treatment initiation) throughout the 6-danaerobic treatment period. There were no signs of water deficitalthough other symptoms such as precocious leaf senescence andepinasty occurred concomitantly with those in the first groupof plants that developed long-term water stress. Changes in shoot water relations are discussed in terms of ourearlier observations on anoxia-induced changes in the hydraulicconductivity and selectivity of the roots. Possible explanationsare offered for inter-plant variations in response to root anoxia. Key words: Anaerobiosis, water relations, xylem blockage  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the study of plant water balanceby the non-invasive measurement of tissue water content andwater flow using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Sapvelocity and flux were measured independently in the presenceof an excess of stationary tissue water. The instrumentationdescribed allows automated and unattended measurement of flow-and water content-variables in a well-defined region of theplant over periods of several days, with a time resolution betweensuccessive measurements of c. 5 s. Using this apparatus theeffect of changes in light intensity (day/night rhythm) andrelative humidity on stem tissue water content as well as onthe velocity and flux of xylem sap in the stem were investigatedin a cucumber plant. The results are in agreement with predictionsfrom a simple model for plant water balance, which is basedon water potential, flow rate and resistance to flow. As longas only transpiration is varied, flow rate and water content(or potential) are affected in opposite ways as demonstratedin this paper. In contrast, the model predicts that changesin uptake (resulting from changes in, for example, root resistance)will induce changes in water content and flow in the same direction.An experimental verification of this prediction is given ina subsequent paper, where, in addition, the NMR results arecompared to those obtained with a dendrometer. Key words: Water balance model, Cucumis sativus L., flow, water content, NMR, water balance measurement  相似文献   

Determination of the pressure in the water-conducting vessels of intactNicotiana rustica L. plants showed that the pressure probe technique gave less-negative values than the Scholander-bomb method. Even though absolute values of the order of −0.1 MPa could be directly recorded in the xylem by means of the pressure probe, pressures between zero and atmospheric were also frequently found. The data obtained by the pressure probe for excised leaves showed that the Scholander bomb apparently did not read the actual tension in the xylem vessles ofNicotiana plants. The possibility that the pressure probe gave false readings was excluded by several experimental controls. In addition, cavitation and leaks either during the insertion of the microcapillary of the pressure probe, or else during the measurements were easily recognized when they occurred because of the sudden increase of the absolute xylem tension to that of water vapour or to atmospheric, respectively. Tension values of the same order could also be measured by means of the pressure probe in the xylem vessels of pieces of stem cut from leaves and roots under water and clamped at both ends. The magnitude of the absolute tension depended on the osmolarity of the bathing solution which was adjusted by addition of appropriate concentrations of polyethylene glycol. Partial and uniform pressurisation of plant tissues or organs, or of entire plants (by means of the Scholander bomb or of a hyperbaric chamber, respectively) and simultaneous recording of the xylem tension using the pressure probe showed that a 1∶1 response in xylem pressure only occurred under a few circumstances. A 1∶1 response required that the xylem vessels were in direct contact with an external water reservoir and/or that the tissue was (pre-)infiltrated with water. Corresponding pressure-probe measurements in isolated vascular bundles ofPlantago major L. orP. lanceolata L. plants attached to a Hepp-type osmometer indicated that the magnitude of the tension in the xylem vessels was determined by the external osmotic pressure of the reservoir. These and other experiments, as well as analysis of the data using classical thermodynamics, indicated that the turgor and the internal osmotic pressure of the accessory cells along the xylem vessels play an important role in the maintenance of a constant xylem tension. This conclusion is consistent with the cohesion theory. In agreement with the literature (P.E. Weatherley, 1976, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B23, 435–444; 1982, Encyclopedia of plant physiology, vol. 12B, 79-109), it was found that the tension in the xylem of intact plants under normal and elevated ambient pressure (as measured with the pressure probe) under quasi-stationary conditions was independent of the transpiration rate over a large range, indicating that the conductance of the flow path must be flow-dependent.  相似文献   

Summary A fast nuclear-magnetic-resonance imaging method was developed in order to measure simultaneously and quantitatively the water flow velocities in the xylem and the phloem of intact and transpiring plants. Due to technical improvements a temporal resolution of 7 min could be reached and flow measurements could be performed over a time course of 12–30 h. The novel method was applied to the hypocotyl of 35– to 40-day-old, leafy plants ofRicinus communis which were subjected to different light-dark regimes. The results showed that the xylem flow velocities and the xylem volume flow responded immediately to light on-off changes. Upon illumination the flow velocity and the volume flow increased as expected in respect to literature. In contrast, the phloem flow velocity did not change in response to the light-dark regimes. Interestingly, though, the volume flow in the phloem increased during darkness. These findings can be explained by assuming that the conducting area of the phloem becomes enlarged during the dark period due to opening of sieve pores.  相似文献   

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