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Regulation of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte development by IL-7   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effects of IL-7 on the generation of human CTL in alloantigen-, virus-, and lectin-stimulated systems were examined. Addition of IL-7 at the onset of cultures resulted in marked (up to 80-fold) augmentation of cytotoxicity accompanied by smaller (1.5- to 4-fold) increases in total lymphocyte number. Studies of CTL development in purified lectin-stimulated CD8+ T cell populations demonstrated that IL-7 could act directly on the CD8+ lymphocyte subset to augment cytotoxicity. In MLC, the IL-7-induced enhancement of cytotoxicity was found to be mediated primarily by the CD8+ subpopulation of lymphocytes. Late addition of IL-7 (day 5 of 7) resulted in an increase in cytolytic activity that was associated with little or no increase in total or activated CD8+ lymphocyte number indicating that IL-7 may act as a differentiation factor for human CTL. A role for endogenous IL-7 in CTL development was suggested by the observation that addition of neutralizing antiserum to IL-7 to MLC at initiation (or 5 days thereafter) resulted in decreased levels of cytotoxicity. These results indicate that IL-7 can exert major up-regulatory effects on human CTL development and suggest that these effects are both proliferative and differentiative.  相似文献   

IL-12, or cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor, is a recently cloned cytokine shown to influence lymphokine-activated killer cells activity in heterogeneous lymphocyte populations, proliferative activity as a costimulus in PBMC/PBL populations and IFN-gamma production in PBL. We have investigated the effects of IL-12 on immunomagnetically highly purified CD56+ lymphocytes, and compared the effects with those of IL-7 and IL-2. Our results show that IL-12 directly generated high lymphokine-activated killer cell activity in CD56+ NK cells, without the need for accessory cells. The IL-12-induced lymphokine-activated killer cell activity reached 50% of what was obtained with IL-2. In contrast, only low proliferative activity was induced by IL-12, as 10% of the IL-2-induced- and approximately 50% of the IL-7-induced proliferative activity was detected with IL-12. The CD56+ cells expressed high levels of IL-2R alpha and 75-kDa TNFR in response to IL-12, comparable to what was registered with IL-2 and IL-7. Furthermore, an extensive up-regulation of the CD56 Ag, to the level obtained with IL-2, was detected in the CD56+ NK cells in the presence of IL-12. Stimulation with IL-7 resulted in a more limited CD56 up-regulation in the CD56+ NK cells. Low concentrations of TNF-alpha were produced in response to both IL-12 and IL-7, with little or no TNF-beta production. Time course of the IL-2-induced TNF production revealed an initial TNF-alpha production, whereas significant levels of TNF-beta were detected after 72 h. The effects of both IL-12 and IL-7 on the CD56+ NK cells were inhibited by an anti-TNF-alpha mAb. Thus, IL-12 can directly influence NK cell activities in purified CD56+ cells, and endogenously produced TNF-alpha is involved in mediating the effects of both IL-12 and IL-7.  相似文献   

IL-23 is a heterodimeric cytokine composed of the IL-12p40 "soluble receptor" subunit and a novel cytokine-like subunit related to IL-12p35, termed p19. Human and mouse IL-23 exhibit some activities similar to IL-12, but differ in their capacities to stimulate particular populations of memory T cells. Like IL-12, IL-23 binds to the IL-12R subunit IL-12Rbeta1. However, it does not use IL-12Rbeta2. In this study, we identify a novel member of the hemopoietin receptor family as a subunit of the receptor for IL-23, "IL-23R." IL-23R pairs with IL-12Rbeta1 to confer IL-23 responsiveness on cells expressing both subunits. Human IL-23, but not IL-12, exhibits detectable affinity for human IL-23R. Anti-IL-12Rbeta1 and anti-IL-23R Abs block IL-23 responses of an NK cell line and Ba/F3 cells expressing the two receptor chains. IL-23 activates the same Jak-stat signaling molecules as IL-12: Jak2, Tyk2, and stat1, -3, -4, and -5, but stat4 activation is substantially weaker and different DNA-binding stat complexes form in response to IL-23 compared with IL-12. IL-23R associates constitutively with Jak2 and in a ligand-dependent manner with stat3. The ability of cells to respond to IL-23 or IL-12 correlates with expression of IL-23R or IL-12Rbeta2, respectively. The human IL-23R gene is on human chromosome 1 within 150 kb of IL-12Rbeta2.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of increasing concentrations of palmitic (PA, C16:0), stearic (SA, C18:0), oleic (OA, C18:1, n-9), linoleic (LA, C18:2n-6), docosahexaenoic (DHA, C22:6 n-3) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA, C20:5 n-3) acids on lymphocyte proliferation was investigated. The maximal non-toxic concentrations of these fatty acids for human lymphocytes in vitro were determined. It was also evaluated whether these fatty acids at non-toxic concentrations affect IL-2 induced lymphocyte proliferation and cell cycle progression. OA and LA at 25 microM increased lymphocyte proliferation and at higher concentrations (75 microM and 100 microM) inhibited it. Both fatty acids promoted cell death at 200 microM concentration. PA and SA decreased lymphocyte proliferation at 50 microM and promoted cell death at concentrations of 100 microM and above. EPA and DHA decreased lymphocyte proliferation at 25 and 50 microM being toxic at 50 and 100 microM, respectively. PA, SA, DHA and EPA decreased the stimulatory effect of IL-2 on lymphocyte proliferation, increasing the percentage of cells in G1 phase and decreasing the proportion of cells in S and G2/M phases. OA and LA caused an even greater pronounced effect. The treatment with all fatty acids increased neutral lipid accumulation in the cells but the effect was more pronounced with PA and DHA. In conclusion, PA, SA, DHA and EPA decreased lymphocyte proliferation, whereas OA and LA stimulated it at non-toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

Promotion of human T lymphocyte proliferation by IL-4   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The capacity of human rIL-4 to support the proliferation of mitogen-stimulated T cells directly as well as by increasing IL-2 production or enhancing IL-2 responsiveness was investigated. IL-4 augmented proliferation of T cells stimulated with PHA, Con A, immobilized mAb to the CD3 molecular complex (OKT3), or PMA. IL-4 increased the number of mitogen-stimulated cells entering the cell cycle as well as enhancing ongoing proliferation of mitogen-activated lymphoblasts. Facilitation of initial activation by IL-4 was not inhibited by mAb to the p55 component of the IL-2R, anti-Tac, and, therefore, was not dependent on endogenous IL-2 activity. However, IL-4-mediated enhancement of ongoing T cell proliferation stimulated by PHA or OKT3 was partially but not completely blocked by anti-Tac. Analysis of the supernatants from PHA-stimulated T cell cultures indicated that IL-4 increased the production of IL-2 by mitogen-activated cells. Moreover, IL-4 increased the amount of IL-2 mRNA that accumulated in mitogen-stimulated T cells. In addition, IL-4 markedly augmented IL-2R expression by PHA-stimulated T cells. Although IL-4 promoted ongoing DNA synthesis of mitogen-stimulated T cells in an IL-2-dependent manner, it was also able to sustain their proliferation directly. Thus, IL-4 supported proliferation of PMA-activated T cells in a manner that was not inhibited by anti-Tac. Furthermore, IL-4 could augment proliferation and IL-2R expression of T cells stimulated with PHA in the presence of cyclosporin A, which blocks endogenous cytokine production or anti-Tac. Finally, IL-4 was noted to enhance proliferation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets. The results indicate that IL-4 enhances proliferation of mitogen-activated human T cells by a number of mechanisms, including the direct promotion of cell cycle entry and subsequent DNA synthesis, enhanced production of IL-2, and increased responsiveness to IL-2 in part by up-regulation of IL-2R expression.  相似文献   

Regulation of lymphocyte tumor necrosis factor receptors by IL-2   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Activated lymphocytes are known to express TNF receptors. The precise stimuli involved in induction and regulation of these receptors have not been elucidated. Our findings demonstrate that IL-2, alone and in serum-free conditions, can trigger and regulate TNF receptor expression on normal lymphocytes. Flow cytometric analyses demonstrated that the receptor was rapidly induced on CD4, CD8, and CD16+ cells after IL-2 stimulation. Receptors increased with culture duration, became maximal between days 5 and 9, and were maintained for 18 to 20 days in the presence of IL-2. By using 125I-TNF and FITC-TNF binding, we present evidence that IL-2 concentration determines the magnitude of lymphoid TNF receptor expression--influencing both the percentage of TNF-positive cells within the population and the number of receptors/cell. Collectively, our results are persuasive for consideration of IL-2 as a central mediator in the regulation of lymphocyte TNF receptors.  相似文献   

We describe some aspects of the biology of a suppressor factor (SF) secreted by actively metabolizing and dividing alloantigen-primed T cells which functions by regulating human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activation. The SF functions most effectively during the first 24 hr of CTL activation, while it does not function at the CTL effector stage. Both T cells and adherent cells are capable of absorbing out the biological activity from suppressor factor supernatants. Experiments demonstrated that either fresh adherent cells or the addition of interleukin 2 (IL-2) into the test system could reverse the effects of the SF on CTL activation. These data suggest that the SF could be acting by either indirectly restricting IL-2 availability to proliferating CTLs by limiting adherent cell interleukin 1 (IL-1) secretion or, alternatively, SF acting directly on the IL-2-producing T cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of human T cell proliferation by IL-7   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The regulation of human T cell proliferation by rIL-7 was investigated. Purified peripheral blood T cells were stimulated to proliferate in a short-term assay by IL-7 in the presence of CD3 mAb or lectin. This stimulation was accompanied by a significant increase in the expression of IL-2R on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells over that seen with mitogen alone. The proliferation of these cells in the presence of exogenous IL-7 involved both IL-2-dependent and - independent mechanisms as shown by the ability of neutralizing IL-2 antibody to partially inhibit the response. Anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-6 antibodies had no effect on IL-7-induced T cell growth. These results suggest that the costimulatory effect of IL-7 on human T cells is primarily direct, not involving other intermediate T cell growth factors. IL-7 was also found to be mitogenic in a long-term assay in the absence of any costimulus, with the onset of proliferation occurring later than that seen in the presence of mitogen. These results demonstrate that IL-7 provides a potent T cell stimulus either alone or in the presence of co-mitogen and, although this stimulus is accompanied by an increase in the level of IL-2R expression, it is not dependent on the action of IL-2 for its effect.  相似文献   

We found a unique T cell IL-2 receptor (IL-2R)3-inducing activity in the supernatant (SN) of the TH1 clone stimulated with antigen on spleen cells as antigen-presenting cells (APC). We have tentatively named this activity the IL-2R-inducing factor (IL-2RIF) and have characterized the activity. The SN induced IL-2R and proliferation of TH1 clones stimulated with B cell APC, which could not induce IL-2R in the absence of the SN. Other known cytokines were examined for a IL-2RIF activity; however, none of cytokines examined exerted a similar activity. Moreover, the neutralizing antibodies against the known cytokines tested did not block the IL-2RIF activity in the SN. When TH1 clones were stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 or with fixed B cell APC in the presence of partially purified IL-2RIF, these clones expressed IL-2R and showed IL-2-dependent proliferation, whereas they induced neither IL-2R expression nor proliferation in the absence of IL-2RIF activity. These observations suggest that IL-2RIF activity is mediated by a novel cytokine(s) and the cytokine plays an important role as a second signal in the activation of the TH1 clone.  相似文献   

Human small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIEL) are a unique population of CD8alphabeta+ TCR-alphabeta+ but CD28- T lymphocytes that may function in intestinal epithelial cell immunosurveillance. In an attempt to define novel cell surface molecules involved in iIEL function, we raised several mAbs against activated iIELs derived from the small intestine that recognized an Ag on activated, but not resting, iIELs. Using expression cloning and binding studies with Fc fusion proteins and transfectants, the cognate Ag of these mAbs was identified as the N domain of biliary glycoprotein (CD66a), a carcinoembryonic Ag-related molecule that contains an immune receptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif. Functionally, these mAbs inhibited the anti-CD3-directed and lymphokine-activated killer activity of the P815 cell line by iIELs derived from the human small intestine. These studies indicate that the expression of biliary glycoprotein on activated human iIELs and, potentially, other mucosal T lymphocytes is involved in the down-regulation of cytolytic function.  相似文献   

Regulation of human cytolytic lymphocyte responses by interleukin-12.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
IL-12 is a heterodimeric cytokine which has been shown to cause the proliferation of activated T and NK cells, to enhance the lytic activity of NK cells, and to induce IFN-gamma production by resting and activated T and NK cells. We previously reported that IL-12 could synergize with IL-2 to activate human LAK cells in the presence of hydrocortisone but that IL-12 alone was inactive. We herein show that in the absence of hydrocortisone, IL-12 by itself can activate human LAK cells. IL-12-induced LAK cell activity was mediated predominantly by CD56+ lymphocytes. Activation of LAK cells by IL-12 appeared to be independent of IL-2 since it was not inhibited by neutralizing anti-human IL-2. However, IL-12- and IL-2-induced LAK cell activation could be partially inhibited by anti-human TNF-alpha. Moreover, IL-12 produced in situ appeared to play a role in IL-2-induced LAK cell activation since rat monoclonal antibodies to human IL-12 could partially inhibit the generation of LAK cells in response to IL-2. In addition to its effects on LAK cell responses, IL-12 could facilitate specific allogeneic human CTL responses. However, IL-12-facilitated CTL responses were blocked by neutralizing anti-human IL-2 indicating a requirement for IL-2 produced in situ. The ability of IL-12 to facilitate both nonspecific LAK and specific CTL responses suggests that it may be useful as a therapeutic agent against some tumors and infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of human lymphocyte activating factor (LAF).   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Lymphocyte-activating factor (LAF) has been shown to be produced by LPS-stimulated human adherent cells (monocytes) and peripheral leukocytes, but many non-macrophage cell lines failed to produce LAF. Other macrophage activators including latex microspheres, antigen-antibody complexes, and barium sulfate induce the production of LAF. There is a delay of 6 hr before significant amounts of LAF activity appear in the supernatant medium and maximum activity is found after 12 to 24 hr. Chromatography of concentrated crude supernatant fractions containing LAF activity on Sephadex G-100 gave two peaks of activity (approximately 85,000 and 13,000 daltons). The latter constitutes the major activity and has been purified at least 500-fold with Sephadex G-100, anion exchange, and adsorption chromatography. Optimal stimulation with LAF induces mitosis in 10% of murine thymocytes. The purified activity is sensitive to chymotrypsin and is not affected by treatment with sodium periodate, sulfhydryl reagents, and phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride. The response of thymocytes to LAF decreases with age after 10 weeks and thymocytes obtained from animals injected with cortisone or tumor-bearing animals have an increased responsiveness to LAF.  相似文献   

Supernatants of human T lymphocytes stimulated by TT antigen release two factors that induce mitogenesis in autologous and allogeneic B lymphocytes. These factors are precipitated by 60% ammonium sulfate and 50% ethanol, and are both destroyed by heating to 70 degrees C for 5 min. By equilibrium ultracentrifugation there was a peak of mitogenic activity in the fraction with a specific gravity of 1.3147 corresponding to a partial specific volume of 0.761. After ultrafiltration through an Amicon XM50 membrane, the concentrate was chromatographed on a Sephadex G-200 column. Mitogenic activity was found only in the post-albumin fraction. When the post-albumin fraction was run on an isoelectrofocusing column, two distinct mitogenic factors were identified. The major peak of mitogenic activity (LMF) had a pI of 6.68 +/- 0.05 and the minor peak (MMF) had a pI OF 7.27 +/- 0.05. Amino acid analysis of LMF identified it as a protein and PAGE showed that LMF probably was a tetramer with a m.w. of 80,000.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte homeostasis is a balance between lymphocyte proliferation and lymphocyte death. Tight control of apoptosis is essential for immune function, because its altered regulation can result in cancer and autoimmunity. Signals from members of the tumour-necrosis-factor receptor (TNF-R) family, such as Fas and TNF-R1, activate the caspase cascade and result in lymphocyte death by apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic proteins, such as FLIP (also known as FLICE/caspase-8 inhibitory protein) have recently been identified. FLIP expression is tightly regulated in T cells and might be involved in the control of both T-cell activation and death. Abnormal expression of FLIP might have a role not only in autoimmune diseases, but also in tumour development and cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   

Hybridomas were produced from a rat that was immunized with partially purified proteins from supernatants of induced Th2 cells. These preparations were enriched for cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor (CSIF, IL-10). The mAb in the supernatants were screened by a solid phase radioimmunoadsorbent assay using 35S-methionine-labeled secreted proteins from a lectin-stimulated Th2 clone. A total of 18 anticytokine mAb were isolated, comprising 6 anti-CSIF, 1 anti-IL-4, 1 anti-IL-5, and 10 anti-IL-6 mAb. The anti-CSIF mAb were separable into three groups. mAb in groups A and B neutralized and depleted bioactivity, and bound to overlapping but nonidentical subpopulations of CSIF molecules. The 2 mAb in group C did not neutralize CSIF activity, and bound to CSIF molecules not recognized by mAb from groups A or B. A two-site sandwich ELISA for CSIF could be established with the group A antibody, SXC1, combined with any of the three group B antibodies. The sensitivity of this assay was equivalent to that of the CSIF bioassay. These antibodies have been used to show that CSIF is responsible for most or all of the ability of Th2 supernatants to inhibit cytokine synthesis by Th1 cells. In addition, the ELISA has been used to confirm that CSIF is produced by Th2 but not Th1 clones.  相似文献   

Regulation of T cell proliferation by IL-7   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The regulation of murine T cell proliferation by IL-7 was investigated. Highly purified resting splenic T cells were induced to proliferate in a short term assay by IL-7 in the presence of the comitogen, Con A. The proliferation of these resting T cells showed both IL-2-dependent and -independent components as determined by the susceptibility of the response to the blocking effects of anti-IL-2 mAb. Furthermore, IL-7 was found to augment the Con A-induced production of IL-2 and expression of IL-2R by resting splenic T cells. In contrast, Con A blasts and long term, Ag-dependent cloned T cells proliferated in response to IL-7 independently of any involvement of IL-2. Finally, differences were observed between IL-7 and IL-6 with regard to the regulation of T cell growth and activation. As with IL-7, IL-6 stimulated resting splenic T cells to proliferate in the presence of comitogen. However, in contrast to IL-7, IL-6 failed to stimulate the proliferation of Con A blasts or T cell clones and did not augment the Con A-induced expression of IL-2R on resting T cells.  相似文献   

The influence of the phospholipid platelet activation factor (PAF) was studied on PHA-stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with bronchial asthma and normal subjects. It was found that influencing on the whole population of lymphocytes PAF suppressed proliferation mainly of T-cells. Besides, the influence of PAF on lymphocyte proliferation seemed to be mediated by monocytes since removal of monocytes from the whole population of mononuclear cells abolished the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation induced by PHA. Pretreatment of lymphocytes with PAF antagonist--BL 8705 almost completely blocked the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation induced by PHA.  相似文献   

Summary A stable human macrophage hybridoma was established by somatic cell fusion between human peripheral blood monocyte-derived macrophages and an 8-azaguanine resistant clone of a human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U-937 (clone U-937-F9). The hybrid cell line (F9P) exhibited typical macrophage-like morphology and had 30 more chromosomes than U-937-F9 cells. Its macrophage characteristics were confirmed by the manifestation of intracellular nonspecific esterase, the detection of Mo-2 and LEU-M3 antigens on the cell surface, and the demonstration of phagocytic activity. Furthermore, when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), this cell line could secrete a considerable amount of a cytotoxic factor (CTF). Distinct from the hybrid cell line, the parental U-937-F9 cells expressed neither Mo-2 nor LEU-M3 antigens on the cell surface, did not show phagocytic activity, and their culture supernatants did not show cytotoxic activity even after LPS stimulation. The activity of CTF in the culture supernatant of the LPS-stimulated hybrid cells could not be neutralized with anti-tumor necrosis factor, anti-interleukin-1, or anti-lymphotoxin antibodies. The CTF had a relative molecular mass of 45–60×103 daltons as determined by gel filtration on a column of Superose 12, and an isoelectric point of 5.1. The cytotoxic activity was also induced when the hybrid cells were stimulated with the concentrated supernatants of a human T-cell hybridoma containing macrophage activating factor for cytotoxicity or with LP3 tumor cells which were used as target cells.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the role of a macrophage secretory product in promoting thymocyte differentiation, as well as a macrophage-immune T cell interaction that results in augmented secretion of lymphostimulatory factors. When cultured with the thymocyte-differentiating factor (TDF), thymocytes show a physiological increase in H-2D and K, decreased sensitivity to lysis with anti-TL and complement, and acquisition of responsiveness in the mixed lymphocyte culture. Development of the mature phenotype requires 2 to 3 days of culture and, once attained, is stable. The induced antigenic changes do not require cell division. The activity demonstrated by TDF, which is not attributable to interferon and cannot be replaced by 2-mercaptoethanol, is also displayed by normal thymic macrophages themselves. Enhanced secretion of TDF and of a distinct mitogenic protein follows the interaction of macrophages and immune T cells. This interaction is shown to require physical contact of the two cell types and is regulated by products of the I-A region of the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

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