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The effects of added glycine hydroxamate on the photosynthetic incorporation of 14CO2 into metabolites by isolated mesophyll cells of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) was investigated under conditions favorable to photorespiratory (PR) metabolism (0.04% CO2 and 20% O2) and under conditions leading to nonphotorespiratory (NPR) metabolism (0.2% CO2 and 2.7% O2). Glycine hydroxamate (GH) is a competitive inhibitor of the photorespiratory conversion of glycine to serine, CO2 and NH4+. During PR fixation, addition of the inhibitor increased glycine and decreased glutamine labeling. In contrast, labeling of glycine decreased under NPR conditions. This suggests that when the rate of glycolate synthesis is slow, the primary route of glycine synthesis is through serine rather than from glycolate. GH addition increased serine labeling under PR conditions but not under NPR conditions. This increase in serine labeling at a time when glycine to serine conversion is partially blocked by the inhibitor may be due to serine accumulation via the “reverse” flow of photorespiration from 3-P-glycerate to hydroxypyruvate when glycine levels are high. GH increased glyoxylate and decreased glycolate labeling. These observations are discussed with respect to possible glyoxylate feedback inhibition of photorespiration.  相似文献   

In rat liver mitochondria, swollen with phosphate and supplemented with NAD+, the oxidation of the methyl carbon of sarcosine to formate is enhanced by the addition of NADP+. No carbon dioxide is formed. Formaldehyde and serine, which are the only oxidation products of the methyl group in the absence of the pyridine nucleotides, are decreased by an amount equal to the formate produced. Carbon dioxide, as well as formate, is produced when the mitochondria are treated with EDTA, even without the addition of the pyridine nucleotides. When the mitochondria are exposed to pyrophosphate without added NAD+ and/or NADP+, all of the oxidized sarcosine-methyl can be recovered as formate, [3-C]serine, and carbon dioxide. Formaldehyde accumulates only if the system is supplemented with Mg2+. In the presence of NADP+ or the combined pyridine nucleotides, serine accumulation is depressed by an amount equal to the increase in carbon dioxide production. Both carbons of glycine and the 3-C of serine can also be oxidized to carbon dioxide in the pyrophosphate-treated mitochondria. The oxidation of the methyl carbon of S-adenosylmethionine to formaldehyde, [3-C]serine, formate, and carbon dioxide requires a whole homogenate supplemented with glycine. Neither exogenous formaldehyde nor formate is oxidized to carbon dioxide in any of the mitochondrial systems capable of converting sarcosine-methyl to carbon dioxide. Under conditions in which [N5,N10-14C-methylene]- and [N10-14C-formyl]tetrahydrofolate can be isolated as intermediate products of [14CH3]sarcosine, exogenous [N5,N10-14C-methylene]tetrahydrofolate can also be converted to [3-14C]serine, [14C]formate, and [14C]carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The role of carbon dioxide in glucose metabolism of Bacteroides fragilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of CO2 concentration on growth and glucose fermentation of Bacteroides fragilis was studied in a defined mineral medium. Batch culture experiments were done in closed tubes containing CO2 concentrations ranging from 10% to 100% (with appropriate amounts of bicarbonate added to maintain the pH at 6.7). These experiments revealed that CO2 had no influence on growth rate or cell yield when the CO2 concentration was above 30% CO2 (minimum available CO2–HCO 3 - , 25.5 mM), whereas a slight decrease in these parameters was observed at 20% and 10% CO2 (available CO2–HCO 3 - , 17 and 8.5 mM, respectively). If CO2–HCO 3 - concentrations were below 10 mM, the lag phase lengthened and a decrease in maximal growth rate and cell yield were observed. The amount of acetate made decreased, while d-lactate concentration increased. A net production of CO2 allowed growth under conditions of extremely low concentrations of added CO2.When B. fragilis was grown in continuous culture with 100% CO2 or 100% N2, the dilution rate influenced the concentrations of acetate, succinate, propionate, d-lactate, l-malate and formate formed. Decreasing the dilution rate favored propionate and acetate production under both conditions. When the organism was grown with 100% N2, the amount of propionate formed was greater than the amount of succinate formed at all dilution rates. Except at slow dilution rates the reverse was true when 100% CO2 was used. B. fragilis was unable to grow at dilution rates faster than 0.154 h-1 when grown with 100% N2; the Y glc max was 67.9 g DW cells/mol glucose and m s was 0.064 mmol glucose/g DW·h. If the gas atmosphere was 100% CO2 the organism was washed out of the culture when the dilution rate exceeded 0.38 h-1; the Y glc max was 59.4 g DW cells/mol glucose and m s was 0.094 mmol glucose/g DW·h.Measurement of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase (E.C. with whole, permeabilized cells of B. fragilis showed an increase of specific enzyme activity with decreasing CO2 concentrations. The mechanisms used by B. fragilis to adjust to low levels of CO2 are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel stable isotope titration approach was developed to determine the contributions to total methane production made by CO(2) reduction and the disproportionation of acetate in anoxic environments. (13)CH(4), (12)CH(4), (13)CO(2) and (12)CO(2) production rates were measured in the head space of replicate anaerobic microcosms titrated with increasing amounts of (13)C-labelled substrates. The contribution of CO(2) reduction was calculated from the linear relationship between ratios of labelled and total CH(4) production and ratios of labelled and total CO(2) after the addition of (13)C-bicarbonate. In the case of acetoclastic methanogenesis rates of (13)CH(4) and (12)CH(4) production were fitted to a model based on an assumption that the relationship between the concentration of (13)C-labelled acetate and the rates of labelled and unlabelled methane production followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. A comparison of the raw data with the model supported the assumption and provided both an estimate of the contribution of acetate to methane production and an estimate of the size of the indigenous acetate pool without the need to measure acetate directly. The method was applied to a freshwater sediment in the English Lake District where it was found that 66.3% (se 4.9) of methane production was due to acetate disproportionation and 28.9% (se 1.9) of methane production resulted from CO(2) reduction. This is in agreement with theoretical predictions and other empirical measurements of methanogenesis.  相似文献   

Consumption of a high-fat diet decreases hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) and increases proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and brown adipose uncoupling protein (UCP)-1 mRNA in obesity-resistant SWR/J but not obesity-prone C57Bl/6J mice. Although leptin was elevated in both strains in response to a high-fat diet, its role in the development of diet-induced obesity has remained unclear since insulin and other factors that affect similar tissue targets are altered. Thus, we administered recombinant leptin by subcutaneous infusion to chow-fed mice to mimic the changes in plasma leptin across its broad physiologic range. We observed strain differences in responsiveness to reduced and elevated leptin levels. A reduction in leptin during fasting evoked a greater response in C57Bl/6J mice by decreasing energy expenditure and thyroxin, increasing corticosterone and stimulating food intake and weight gain during refeeding. However, C57Bl/6J mice were less responsive to an increase in leptin in the fed state. Conversely, the leptin-mediated response to fasting was blunted in SWR/J mice, whereas an increase in leptin profoundly reduced food intake and body weight in SWR/J mice fed ad libitum. Sensitivity to fasting in C57Bl/6J mice was associated with higher hypothalamic NPY mRNA and reduced POMC and UCP-1 mRNA expression, while the robust response to high leptin levels in SWR/J mice was associated with suppression of NPY mRNA. These results indicate that differences in leptin responsiveness between strains might occur centrally or peripherally, leading to alteration in the patterns of food intake, thermogenesis and energy storage.  相似文献   

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