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Prenatal substance use remains a significant issue in the United States. Initial reports regarding prenatal cocaine and methamphetamine exposure suggested profound adverse effects on child development. However, subsequent prospective, longitudinal investigations have found more subtle effects. What follows is a brief review of the health, growth, behavioral, and intellectual outcomes for children exposed to prenatal cocaine and prenatal methamphetamine. Factors that may mitigate or intensify subtle adverse effects manifested in exposed children will also be discussed. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:142–146, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to investigate the interactive effects of prenatal coadministration of cocaine hydrochloride (C) and nicotine tartrate (N). Experiment I was designed to determine doses of C and N that could be coadministered without altering maternal gestational parameters and/or fetal viability. Exposure of Sprague-Dawley rats to combined high-dose C (20 mg/kg) and high-dose N (5.0 mg/kg) on gestation days 8–21 was not more toxic to dam or fetus than that of exposure to C alone. Experiment II investigated pregnancy outcome, postnatal development, and behavior of the offspring following drug exposure to either high-dose cocaine (20 mg/kg: CS), high-dose nicotine (5.0 mg/kg: NS), or both (NC) on gestation days 8–21. N was administered by osmotic minipump and C by sc injection. Saline-injected dams, fitted with saline-filled pumps (SS), and untreated dams, pair-fed (PF) to NC females, served as controls. Alterations in maternal variables were limited to a 10–15% decrease in food consumption in NC and CS groups. Pregnancy outcome and birth statistics were unaffected by prenatal treatment, as was offspring body weight during the first four postnatal weeks. However, the development of surface righting was delayed in CS pups, and only CS offspring were underresponsive to the stimulatory effects of dopamine agonists on activity and stereotypy. Behavioral responses to N challenge were similar in all groups. In addition, only CS offspring showed altered behavioral responses in a spontaneous alternation task. Treatment effects on dopamine D1 and D2 binding in the caudate nucleus were not observed. The combination of N and C did not exacerbate any of the behavioral changes seen in CS offspring. These results support the hypothesis that C is a behavioral teratogen in rodents, and suggest that in the present model, nicotine can mitigate some of the consequences ofin utero exposure to cocaine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extensive research on prenatal alcohol exposure has proven the potent teratogenicity of this substance of abuse. Children born to alcoholic mothers are often diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Those afflicted with FAS often have muscle weakness, muscle wasting, and atrophy. This study assessed the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing rat neuromuscular system. METHODS: Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intraperitoneally with 1.0 ml of 20% ethyl alcohol/100 gm body weight. Unexposed rats served as controls. The offspring were killed 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks after birth, and their body weights were recorded. The tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were recovered and weighed. The TA muscles were histochemically stained by silver cholinesterase in order to study the pattern of innervation. The EDL muscles were processed and stained by hematoxylin-eosin. The number and size of the EDL muscle fibers was quantified. The sciatic nerve was also removed and stained by Swank and Davenport's method to demonstrate the myelin pattern. RESULTS: Assessment at the neuromuscular junction showed a higher proportion of endplates polyneuronally innervated in the alcohol-exposed rats. The muscle weights, as well as the number and size of the muscle fibers, were significantly reduced in these animals. A light-microscopy examination of the nerve sections revealed alterations in the connectivity of myelin. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that a higher proportion of endplates were polyneuronally innervated in the alcohol-exposed rats indicates that the maturation process of the neuromuscular system was delayed, thus confirming the deleterious effects of alcohol on growth and maturation of the nerve-muscle system.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing evidence of eye abnormalities, the effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine on the visual system are still poorly understood. This study was aimed at analyzing the qualitative and quantitative organization of the retinal photoreceptor cells (PR) and outer nuclear layer (ONL) after prenatal exposure to cocaine in the rat. Pregnant Wistar rats were given sc injections of cocaine hydrochloride (60 mg/kg body wt/d) or saline or were not manipulated; analyses were performed in the 14- and 30-d-old male offspring. Radial semithin and ultrathin sections of epon-embedded flat mounts of the retina showed displaced PR-like cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL), picnotic PR nuclei in INL, and ONL, and retinal PR rosettes and outer-segment debris in the subretinal space. The quantitative study showed an increased density of PR-like nuclei in the INL in PND14 cocaine-treated rats that were within normal values at PND30; no changes were detected in the PR mean nuclear diameter and in the packing density of PR nuclei in the ONL. These data constitute the first morphological demonstration of photoreceptor damage after prenatal cocaine-exposure probably owing to a direct action of the drug and/or to the cocaine-induced ischemia/hypoxia.  相似文献   

It has been reported from this laboratory that prenatal cocaine exposure results in the postnatal transient alterations of rat striatal dopamine uptake sites examined from postnatal 0–32 wk. The present study aims to examine whether this will result in a direct/indirect stimulation of dopamine D2 receptors. Pregnant rats were dosed orally with cocaine hydrochloride (60 mg/kg/d) from gestational day (GD) 7–21. Control animals received an equivalent volume of water. The striatum from the offspring at postnatal 0–32 wk was examined. The radioligand [3H]sulpiride was used for the Scatchard analysis of the D2 receptors, and the changes in the levels of mRNA for the D2 receptor were studied using Northern blot analysis. Results from the present study revealed that in the control group, there was an age-dependent increase in the number of D2 receptor sites (B max:44.00±2.12 to 178.00±45.10 fmol/mg protein) and in the levels of D2 mRNA from PN0–32 wk with the most rapid increase occurring during the first 4 wk of postnatal development. Prenatal cocaine exposure resulted in only a significant decrease (p<0.001) in the number of D2 receptor sites at PN0 wk and in a 10% increase in mRNA levels at PN3, 4, and 12 wk. It was concluded from this study that prenatal cocaine exposure resulted in minimal postnatal changes in the dopamine D2 receptor.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that Phe105 in transmembrane domain 2 of the mouse dopamine transporter (DAT) is crucial for high-affinity cocaine binding. In the current study, we investigated whether other residues surrounding Phe105 also affect the potency of cocaine inhibition. After three rounds of sequential random mutagenesis at these residues, we found a triple mutant (L104V, F105C and A109V) of mouse DAT that retained over 50% uptake activity and was 69-fold less sensitive to cocaine inhibition when compared with the wild-type mouse DAT. The triple mutation also resulted in a 47-fold decrease in sensitivity to methylphenidate inhibition, suggesting that the binding sites for cocaine and methylphenidate may overlap. In contrast, the inhibition of dopamine uptake by amphetamine or methamphetamine was not significantly changed by the mutations, suggesting that the binding sites for the amphetamines differ from those for cocaine and methylphenidate. Such functional but cocaine-insensitive DAT mutants can be used to generate a knock-in mouse line to study the role of DAT in cocaine addiction.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe immunotoxicity induced by vanadium exposure have been reported in some toxicology researches. However, evidence from population-based epidemiological studies was lacking.MethodsThis study was conducted to assess the associations between prenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium and immune function of children. A total of 407 pre-school aged children were followed, whose peripheral blood was collected for T lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines analysis, as well as vanadium concentration measurement. Maternal urine samples were also collected to measure vanadium concentration. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the associations of maternal and children vanadium concentration with children’s immune function. Stratification analysis was further conducted to explore the potential gender-specific effects.ResultsThe geometric means of vanadium concentration in maternal urine and children plasma were 0.85 and 1.12 μg/L, respectively. Maternal urinary vanadium was inversely associated with the percentage of CD3+CD4+ cells [-5.53 % (-10.38 %, -0.41 %)] and absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-2.43 % (-5.05 %, 0.25 %)], and we only observed significant negative associations in males when stratifying by fetal gender. Children plasma vanadium was also associated with reduced absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-5.25 % (-9.57 %, -0.73 %)], but gender-specific effects were not observed. No significant associations of vanadium exposure with cytokines were found.ConclusionsPrenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium had suppressive impacts on childhood cellular immune. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

Dopamine transporters of bovine and rat striata were identified by their specific [3H]cocaine binding and cocaine-sensitive [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) uptake. Both binding and uptake functions of bovine striatal transporters were potentiated by lectins. Concanavalin A (Con A) increased the velocity but did not change the affinity of the transporter for DA; however, it increased its affinity for cocaine without changing the number of binding sites. This suggests that the DA transporter is a glycoprotein and that Con A action on it produces conformational changes

Inorganic and organic mercury reagents inhibited both [3H]DA uptake and [3H]cocaine binding, though they were all more potent inhibitors of the former, n- Ethylmaleimide inhibited [3H]DA uptake totally but [3H]cocaine binding only partially. Also, n-pyrene maleimide had differential effects on uptake and binding, inhibiting uptake and potentiating binding. [3H]DA uptake was not affected by mercaptoethanol up to 100 mM, whereas [3H]cocaine binding was inhibited by concentrations above 10 mM. On the other hand, both uptake and binding were fairly sensitive to dimercaprol (< 1 mM). The effects of all these sulfhydryl reagents suggest that the DA transporter has one or more thiol group(s) important for both binding and uptake activities. The Ellman reagent and dithiopyridine were effective inhibitors of uptake and binding only at fairly high concentration (>10 mM). Loss of activity after treatment with the dithio reagents may be a result of reduction of a disulfide bond, which may affect the transporter conformation  相似文献   

The different psychomotor-stimulant effects of cocaine, GBR12909, and benztropine may partially stem from their different molecular actions on the dopamine transporter (DAT). To explore this possibility, we examined binding of these inhibitors to mutated DATs with altered Na(+) dependence of DAT activities and with enhanced binding of a cocaine analog, [(3)H]2 beta-carbomethoxy-3 beta-(4-fluorophenyl)tropane (CFT). In [(3)H]CFT competition assays with intact cells, the mutation-induced change in the ability of Na(+) to enhance the apparent affinity of CFT, cocaine, GBR12909, and benztropine was inhibitor-independent. Thus, for the four inhibitors, the curve of [Na(+)] versus apparent ligand affinity was steeper at W84L compared with wild type, shallower at D313N, and flat at W84LD313N. At each mutant, the apparent affinity of CFT and cocaine was enhanced regardless of whether Na(+) was present. However, the apparent affinity of GBR12909 and benztropine for W84L was reduced in the absence of Na(+) but near normal in the presence of 130 mm Na(+), and that for D313N and W84LD313N was barely changed. At the single mutants, the alterations in Na(+) dependence and apparent affinity of the four inhibitors were comparable between [(3)H]CFT competition assays and [(3)H]dopamine uptake inhibition assays. These results demonstrate that DAT inhibitors producing different behavioral profiles can respond in an opposite way when residues of the DAT protein are mutated. For GBR12909 and benztropine, their cocaine-like changes in Na(+) dependence suggest that they prefer a DAT state similar to that for cocaine. However, their cocaine-unlike changes in apparent affinity argue that they, likely via their diphenylmethoxy moiety, share DAT binding epitopes that are different from those for cocaine.  相似文献   

Cocaine (COC) inhibits the re-uptake of dopamine. However, the dopamine response to COC also depends on dopamine inside storage vesicles. The aim of this study was to investigate whether rats that differentially respond to COC differ in their dopaminergic storage capacity of the nucleus accumbens. Total and vesicular levels of accumbal dopamine as well as accumbal vesicular monoamine transporter-2 levels were established in high (HR) and low responders (LR) to novelty rats. Moreover, the effects of reserpine (RES) on the COC-induced increase of extracellular accumbal dopamine were investigated. HR displayed higher accumbal levels of total and vesicular dopamine than LR. Moreover, HR displayed more accumbal vesicular monoamine transporters-2 than LR. COC increased extracellular accumbal dopamine more strongly in HR than in LR. A low dose of RES prevented the COC-induced increase of accumbal dopamine in LR, but not in HR. A higher dose of RES was required to inhibit the COC-induced increase of accumbal dopamine in HR. These data demonstrate that HR were marked by a larger accumbal dopaminergic storage pool than LR. It is hypothesized that HR are more sensitive to COC than LR, because COC can release more dopamine from accumbal storage vesicles in HR than in LR.  相似文献   

Adenosine A1 receptor (A1) protein and mRNA is increased in the nucleus accumbens following repeated cocaine treatment. In spite of this protein up-regulation, A1 agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding was attenuated in accumbens homogenates of rats withdrawn for 3 weeks from 1 week of daily cocaine injections. Cellular subfractionation revealed that the discrepancy between total A1 protein and G protein coupling resulted from a smaller proportion of receptors in the plasma membrane. The decrease in functional receptor in the plasma membrane was further indicated by diminished formation of heteromeric receptor complex consisting of A1 and dopamine D1A receptors. To explore the functional significance of the altered distribution of A1 receptors, at 3 weeks after discontinuing repeated cocaine or saline, animals were injected with cocaine and 45 min later the subcellular distribution of A1 receptors quantified. Whereas a cocaine challenge in repeated saline-treated animals induced a marked increase in membrane localization of the A1 receptor, the relative distribution of receptors in repeated cocaine rats was not affected by acute cocaine. These data suggest that the sorting and recycling of A1 receptors is dysregulated in the nucleus accumbens as the consequence of repeated cocaine administration.  相似文献   

妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响: 小鼠动物模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Song J  Guan XW  Ren JQ  He W 《生理学报》2002,54(4):342-348
探讨妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响。妊娠小鼠分为3组:可卡因注射组(每日两次注射盐酸可卡因10mg/kg,COC);盐水对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,SAL);饮食对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,饮食参考可卡因给药组,SPF)。用高压液相色谱分析法检测胎鼠血中可卡因浓度及纹状体中神经递质多巴胺和5-羟色胺的含量,并结合HE染色观察胎鼠肝脏和胎盘的形态学改变。尽管COC和SPF组母鼠摄食量和体重增长量均降低,但是仅仅COC组胎鼠的体重和脑重减少。高压液相色谱分析结果显示,在COC组胎鼠血浆中可检测出可卡因,并伴有纹状体神经递质含量的异常增高。同时,也观察到了COC组胎盘和肝脏的形态学变化。本研究表明,妊娠期给予可卡因能引起妊娠母体营养不良,子代脑、肝脏和胎盘发育异常;可卡因引起的胎儿发育异常是由可卡因的毒性作用而不是母体营养不良产生的。  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that prolonged maternal stress produces profound and long-lasting deficits in brain functions by programming a subset of target genes. We have now examined the possible effects of prenatal stress on the motility of adult offspring and dopamine (DA)-related gene expression in their midbrains, one of the target brain regions of stress hormones. Maternally stressed adult male mice showed impaired response habituation to novelty, and increased wheel-running activity associated with altered responses to DA receptor and DA transporter (DAT) blockers. Along with the behavioral changes, the expression profiles of several genes of the midbrain DAergic system appeared to be altered. Expression of DAT was reduced and expression of DA receptors and striatal DA-regulated neuropeptide genes was also affected. Taken together, the present findings indicate that maternal stress can cause hyperactivity in adult offspring associated with alterations in the midbrain DAergic system suggestive of a functional hyperdopaminergic state.  相似文献   

Tolerance to the neurochemical and psychoactive effects of cocaine after repeated use is a hallmark of cocaine addiction in humans. However, comprehensive studies on tolerance to the behavioral, psychoactive, and neurochemical effects of cocaine following contingent administration in rodents are lacking. We outlined the consequences of extended access cocaine self‐administration as it related to tolerance to the psychomotor activating, dopamine (DA) elevating, and DA transporter (DAT) inhibiting effects of cocaine. Cocaine self‐administration (1.5 mg/kg/inj; 40 inj; 5 days), which resulted in escalation of first hour intake, caused reductions in evoked DA release and reduced maximal rates of uptake through the DAT as measured by slice voltammetry in the nucleus accumbens core. Furthermore, we report reductions in cocaine‐induced uptake inhibition and a corresponding increase in the dose of cocaine required for 50% inhibition of DA uptake (Ki) at the DAT. Cocaine tolerance at the DAT translated to reductions in cocaine‐induced DA overflow as measured by microdialysis. In addition, cocaine‐induced elevations in locomotor activity and stereotypy were reduced, while rearing behavior was enhanced in animals with a history of cocaine self‐administration. Here, we demonstrate both neurochemical and behavioral cocaine tolerance in an extended‐access rodent model of cocaine abuse, which allows for a better understanding of the neurochemical and psychomotor tolerance that develops to cocaine in human addicts.


Neonatal rats exposed prenatally to phenytoin (PHT) have been reported to have craniofacial abnormalities and growth retardation [Lorente et al.: Teratology 24:169-180, 1981]. This study reports on the persistence of these effects in the adult rat. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated on gestational days 9, 11, and 13 with 1,000 mg/kg PHT suspended in 1% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). Six male and six female exposed offspring (PHT) and an equal number of control animals (CMC) were weighed through postnatal day 135, at which point they were killed and the skeletons were prepared for analysis. The PHT-exposed animals had reduced weights at all time points with the males more severely affected. A normal adolescent growth spurt was not observed in the exposed group. Absent or rudimentary lacrimal bones and nasolacrimal canals were note in all PHT-exposed rats. This contributed to the recessed positioning of the eyes that was grossly apparent. In addition, shorter and broader frontal bones in the PHT animals led to the appearance of hypertelorism. Ratios of craniofacial dimensions obtained by direct measurement of the skulls showed that the PHT offspring were significantly different in proportion from their control counterparts. The PHT skulls were smaller for body size with reduced facial height and broader midfacial regions. A unique craniofacial pattern was observed in the experimental offspring. Normal sexual dimorphism in craniofacial pattern was not expressed in the PHT group. These studies suggest that prenatal phenytoin exposure in the rat may interfere with the full expression of normal dimorphism based on gender and confirms the toxic effect of this drug on postnatal growth, adult body proportion, and craniofacial geometry.  相似文献   

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