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It is expected that Brazil could play an important role in biojet fuel (BJF) production in the future due to the long experience in biofuel production and the good agro‐ecological conditions. However, it is difficult to quantify the techno‐economic potential of BJF because of the high spatiotemporal variability of available land, biomass yield, and infrastructure as well as the technological developments in BJF production pathways. The objective of this research is to assess the recent and future techno‐economic potential of BJF production in Brazil and to identify location‐specific optimal combinations of biomass crops and technological conversion pathways. In total, 13 production routes (supply chains) are assessed through the combination of various biomass crops and BJF technologies. We consider temporal land use data to identify potential land availability for biomass production. With the spatial distribution of the land availability and potential yield of biomass crops, biomass production potential and costs are calculated. The BJF production cost is calculated by taking into account the development in the technological pathways and in plant scales. We estimate the techno‐economic potential by determining the minimum BJF total costs and comparing this with the range of fossil jet fuel prices. The techno‐economic potential of BJF production ranges from 0 to 6.4 EJ in 2015 and between 1.2 and 7.8 EJ in 2030, depending on the reference fossil jet fuel price, which varies from 19 to 65 US$/GJ across the airports. The techno‐economic potential consists of a diverse set of production routes. The Northeast and Southeast region of Brazil present the highest potentials with several viable production routes, whereas the remaining regions only have a few promising production routes. The maximum techno‐economic potential of BJF in Brazil could meet almost half of the projected global jet fuel demand toward 2030.  相似文献   

An integrated biological process for the production of hydrogen based on thermophilic and photo‐heterotrophic fermentation was evaluated from a technical and economic standpoint. Besides the two fermentation steps the process also includes pretreatment of the raw material (potato steam peels) and purification of hydrogen using amine absorption. The study aimed neither at determining the absolute cost of biohydrogen nor at an economic optimization of the production process, but rather at studying the effects of different parameters on the production costs of biohydrogen as a guideline for future improvements. The effect of the key parameters, hydrogen productivity and yield and substrate concentration in the two fermentations on the cost of the hydrogen produced was studied. The selection of the process conditions was based mainly on laboratory data. The process was simulated by use of the software Aspen Plus and the capital costs were estimated using the program Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator. The study shows that the photo‐fermentation is the main contributor to the hydrogen production cost mainly because of the cost of plastic tubing, for the photo‐fermentors, which represents 40.5% of the hydrogen production cost. The costs of the capital investment and chemicals were also notable contributors to the hydrogen production cost. Major economic improvements could be achieved by increasing the productivity of the two fermentation steps on a medium‐term to long‐term scale. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Mitigating the effect of fermentation inhibitors in bioethanol plants can have a great positive impact on the economy of this industry. Liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) using ethyl acetate is able to remove fermentation inhibitors—chiefly, acetic acid—from an aqueous solution used to produce bioethanol. The fermentation broth resulting from LLE has higher performance for ethanol yield and its production rate. Previous techno‐economic analyses focused on second‐generation biofuel production did not address the impact of removing the fermentation inhibitors on the economic performance of the biorefinery. A comprehensive analysis of applying a separation system to mitigate the fermentation inhibition effect and to provide an analysis on the economic impact of removal of acetic acid from corn stover hydrolysate on the overall revenue of the biorefinery is necessary. This study examines the pros and cons associated with implementing LLE column along with the solvent recovery system into a commercial scale bioethanol plant. Using details from the NREL‐developed model of corn stover biorefinery, the capital costs associated with the equipment and the operating cost for the use of solvent were estimated and the results were compared with the profit gain due to higher ethanol production. Results indicate that the additional capital will add 1% to the total capital and manufacturing cost will increase by 5.9%. The benefit arises from the higher ethanol production rate and yield as a consequence of inhibitor extraction and results in a $0.35 per gallon reduction in the minimum ethanol selling price (MESP). © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:971–977, 2016  相似文献   

The aviation industry accounts for more than 2% of global CO2 emissions. Biojet fuel is expected to make an essential contribution to the decarbonization of the aviation sector. Brazil is seen as a key player in developing sustainable aviation biofuels owing to its long‐standing experience with biofuels. Nevertheless, a clear understanding of what policies may be conducive to the emergence of a biojet fuel supply chain is lacking. We extended a spatially explicit agent‐based model to explore the emergence of a biojet fuel supply chain from the existing sugarcane–ethanol supply chain. The model accounts for new policies (feed‐in tariff and capital investment subsidy) and new considerations into the decision making about production and investment in processing capacity. We found that in a tax‐free gasoline regime, a feed‐in tariff above 3 R$/L stimulates the production of biojet fuel. At higher levels of gasoline taxation (i.e., 2.46 R$/L), however, any feed‐in tariff is insufficient to ensure the production of biojet fuel. Thus, at these levels of gasoline taxation, it is needed to introduce regulations on the production of biojet fuel to ensure its production. Given the current debate about the future direction of the biofuel policy in Brazil, we recommend further research into the effect of market mechanisms based on greenhouse gas emissions on the emergence of a Brazilian biojet fuel supply chain.  相似文献   

To increase the overall ethanol yield from softwood, the steam pretreatment stage can be carried out in two steps. The two-step pretreatment process was evaluated from a techno-economic standpoint and compared with the one-step pretreatment process. The production plants considered were designed to utilize spruce as raw material and have a capacity of 200,000 tons/year. The two-step process resulted in a higher ethanol yield and a lower requirement for enzymes. However, the two-step process is more capital-intensive and has a higher energy requirement. The estimated ethanol production cost was the same, 4.13 SEK/L (55.1 cent /L) for both alternatives. For the two-step process different energy-saving options were considered, such as a higher concentration of water-insoluble solids in the filter cake before the second step, and the possibility of excluding the pressure reduction between the steps. The most optimistic configuration, with 50% water-insoluble solids in the filter cake in the feed to the second pretreatment step, no pressure reduction between the pretreatment steps, and 77% overall ethanol yield (0.25 kg EtOH/kg dry wood), resulted in a production cost of 3.90 SEK/L (52.0 cent /L). This shows the potential for the two-step pretreatment process, which, however, remains to be verified in pilot trials.  相似文献   

Diatoms are single‐celled algae that make cell walls of nanopatterned biogenic silica called frustules through metabolic uptake of dissolved silicon and its templated condensation into biosilica. The centric marine diatom Cyclotella sp. also produces intracellular lipids and the valued coproduct chitin, an N‐acetyl glucosamine biopolymer that is extruded from selected frustule pores as pure nanofibers. The goal of this study was to develop a nutrient feeding strategy to control the production of chitin nanofibers from Cyclotella with the coproduction of biofuel lipids. A two‐stage phototrophic cultivation process was developed where Stage I set the cell suspension to a silicon‐starved state under batch operation, and Stage II continuously added silicon and nitrate to the silicon‐starved cells to enable one more cell doubling to 4 × 106 cells mL?1. The silicon delivery rate was set to enable a silicon‐limited cell division rate under cumulative delivery of 0.8 mM Si and 1.2 mM nitrate (1.5:1 mol N/mol Si) over a 4‐ to 14‐day addition period. In Stage II, both cell number and chitin production were linear with time. Cell number and the specific chitin production rate increased linearly with increasing silicon delivery rate to achieve cumulative product yields of 13 ± 1 mg chitin/109 cells and 33 ± 3 mg lipid/109 cells. Therefore, chitin production is controlled through cell division, which is externally controlled through silicon delivery. Lipid production was not linearly correlated to silicon delivery and occurred primarily during Stage I, just after the complete co‐consumption of both dissolved silicon and nitrate. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:407–415, 2017  相似文献   

This article reviews the history and current state of ethanol production from sugarcane in Brazil and presents a strategy for improving ecosystem services and production. We propose that it is possible to produce ethanol from sugarcane while maintaining or even recovering some of Brazil's unique neotropical biodiversity and ecosystem climate services. This approach to the future of sustainable and responsible ethanol production is termed the ‘midway’ strategy. The ‘midway’ strategy involves producing the necessary biotechnology to increase productivity while synergistically protecting and regenerating rainforest. Three main areas of scientific and technological advance that are key to realizing the ‘midway’ strategy are: (i) improving the quality of scientific data on sugarcane biology as pertains to its use as a bioenergy crop; (ii) developing technologies for the use of bagasse for cellulosic ethanol; and (iii) developing policies to improve the ecosystem services associated with sugarcane landscapes. This article discusses these three issues in the general context of biofuels production and highlights examples of scientific achievements that are already leading towards the ‘midway’ strategy.  相似文献   

The production and use of biofuels have increased rapidly in recent decades. Bioethanol derived from sugarcane has become a promising alternative to fossil fuel for use in automotive vehicles. The ‘savings’ calculated from the carbon footprint of this energy source still generates many questions related to nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from sugarcane cultivation. We quantified N2O emissions from soil covered with different amounts of sugarcane straw and determined the direct N2O emission factors of nitrogen fertilizers (applied at the planting furrows and in the topdressing) and the by‐products of sugarcane processing (filter cake and vinasse) applied to sugarcane fields. The results showed that the presence of different amounts of sugarcane straw did not change N2O emissions relative to bare soil (control). N‐fertilizer increased N2O emissions from the soil, especially when urea was used, both at the planting furrow (plant cane) and during the regrowth process (ratoon cane) in relation to ammonium nitrate. The emission factor for N‐fertilizer was 0.46 ± 0.33%. The field application of filter cake and vinasse favored N2O emissions from the soil, the emission factor for vinasse was 0.65 ± 0.29%, while filter cake had a lower emission factor of 0.13 ± 0.04%. The experimentally obtained N2O emission factors associated with sugarcane cultivation, specific to the major sugarcane production region of the Brazil, were lower than those considered by the IPCC. Thus, the results of this study should contribute to bioethanol carbon footprint calculations.  相似文献   

Agro‐Land Surface Models (agro‐LSM) combine detailed crop models and large‐scale vegetation models (DGVMs) to model the spatial and temporal distribution of energy, water, and carbon fluxes within the soil–vegetation–atmosphere continuum worldwide. In this study, we identify and optimize parameters controlling leaf area index (LAI) in the agro‐LSM ORCHIDEE‐STICS developed for sugarcane. Using the Morris method to identify the key parameters impacting LAI, at eight different sugarcane field trial sites, in Australia and La Reunion island, we determined that the three most important parameters for simulating LAI are (i) the maximum predefined rate of LAI increase during the early crop development phase, a parameter that defines a plant density threshold below which individual plants do not compete for growing their LAI, and a parameter defining a threshold for nitrogen stress on LAI. A multisite calibration of these three parameters is performed using three different scoring functions. The impact of the choice of a particular scoring function on the optimized parameter values is investigated by testing scoring functions defined from the model‐data RMSE, the figure of merit and a Bayesian quadratic model‐data misfit function. The robustness of the calibration is evaluated for each of the three scoring functions with a systematic cross‐validation method to find the most satisfactory one. Our results show that the figure of merit scoring function is the most robust metric for establishing the best parameter values controlling the LAI. The multisite average figure of merit scoring function is improved from 67% of agreement to 79%. The residual error in LAI simulation after the calibration is discussed.  相似文献   

Technologies for upgrading fast pyrolysis bio‐oil to drop‐in fuels and coproducts are under development and show promise for decarbonizing energy supply for transportation and chemicals markets. The successful commercialization of these fuels and the technologies deployed to produce them depend on production costs, scalability, and yield. To meet environmental regulations, pyrolysis‐based biofuels need to adhere to life cycle greenhouse gas intensity standards relative to their petroleum‐based counterparts. We review literature on fast pyrolysis bio‐oil upgrading and explore key metrics that influence their commercial viability through life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno‐economic analysis (TEA) methods together with technology readiness level (TRL) evaluation. We investigate the trade‐offs among economic, environmental, and technological metrics derived from these methods for individual technologies as a means of understanding their nearness to commercialization. Although the technologies reviewed have not attained commercial investment, some have been pilot tested. Predicting the projected performance at scale‐up through models can, with industrial experience, guide decision‐making to competitively meet energy policy goals. LCA and TEA methods that ensure consistent and reproducible models at a given TRL are needed to compare alternative technologies. This study highlights the importance of integrated analysis of multiple economic, environmental, and technological metrics for understanding performance prospects and barriers among early stage technologies.  相似文献   

We formulate and analyze a minimal model, based on condensation theory, of the lamellar cationic lipid (CL)‐DNA complex of alternately charged lipid bilayers and DNA monolayers in a salt solution. Each lipid bilayer, composed by a random mixture of cationic and neutral lipids, is assumed to be a rigid uniformly charged plane. Each DNA monolayer, located between two lipid bilayers, is formed by the same number of parallel DNAs with a uniform separation distance. For the electrostatic calculation, the model lipoplex is collapsed to a single plane with charge density equal to the net lipid and DNA charge. The free energy difference between the lamellar lipoplex and a reference state of the same number of free lipid bilayers and free DNAs, is calculated as a function of the fraction of CLs, of the ratio of the number of CL charges to the number of negative charges of the DNA phosphates, and of the total number of planes. At the isoelectric point the free energy difference is minimal. The complex formation, already favoured by the decrease of the electrostatic charging free energy, is driven further by the free energy gain due to the release of counterions from the DNAs and from the lipid bilayers, if strongly charged. This minimal model compares well with experiment for lipids having a strong preference for planar geometry and with major features of more detailed models of the lipoplex. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 1114–1128, 2014.  相似文献   

In this work, a methodology for the model‐based identifiable parameter determination (MBIPD) is presented. This systematic approach is proposed to be used for structure and parameter identification of nonlinear models of biological reaction networks. Usually, this kind of problems are over‐parameterized with large correlations between parameters. Hence, the related inverse problems for parameter determination and analysis are mathematically ill‐posed and numerically difficult to solve. The proposed MBIPD methodology comprises several tasks: (i) model selection, (ii) tracking of an adequate initial guess, and (iii) an iterative parameter estimation step which includes an identifiable parameter subset selection (SsS) algorithm and accuracy analysis of the estimated parameters. The SsS algorithm is based on the analysis of the sensitivity matrix by rank revealing factorization methods. Using this, a reduction of the parameter search space to a reasonable subset, which can be reliably and efficiently estimated from available measurements, is achieved. The simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process for bio‐ethanol production from cellulosic material is used as case study for testing the methodology. The successful application of MBIPD to the SSF process demonstrates a relatively large reduction in the identified parameter space. It is shown by a cross‐validation that using the identified parameters (even though the reduction of the search space), the model is still able to predict the experimental data properly. Moreover, it is shown that the model is easily and efficiently adapted to new process conditions by solving reduced and well conditioned problems. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1064–1082, 2013  相似文献   

Maize, sorghum, sugarcane, switchgrass and miscanthus are the main crops suggested as potential sources of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of second‐generation ethanol. The attention these crops have received has been concentrated in the field of genomics, and very little research has been performed in the field of proteomics, particularly in the cell wall proteomic, despite the importance of these crops in biofuel production. New mass spectrometry‐based proteomic methods allow the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins in complex mixtures, as well as the detection of post‐translational changes in complex proteomes, providing important insight into the downstream consequences of gene expression. Together with other ‘omic’ approaches, proteomic might be decisive to bring new information in the study of cell wall formation. Here, we briefly highlight proteomic techniques and review the research that has been completed on the proteomes of these five crops.  相似文献   

Co‐cultures for simultaneous production of ethanol and xylitol were studied under different operation bioreactor modes using Candida tropicalis IEC5‐ITV and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ITV01‐RD in a simulated medium of sugarcane bagasse hydrolyzates. Xylitol and ethanol tolerance by S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis, respectively, was evaluated. The results showed that C. tropicalis was sensitive to ethanol concentrations up to 30 g/L, while xylitol had no effect on S. cerevisiae viability and metabolism. The best condition found for simultaneous culture was S. cerevisiae co‐culture and C. tropicalis sequential cultivation at 24 h. Under these conditions, productivity and yield for ethanol were QEtOH = 0.72 g L?1 h?1 and YEtOH/s = 0.37 g/g, and for xylitol, QXylOH = 0.10 g L?1 h?1 and YXylOH/S = 0.31 g/g, respectively; using fed‐batch culture, the results were QEtOH = 0.87 g L?1 h?1 and YEtOH/s = 0.44 g L?1 h?1, and QEtOH = 0.27 g L?1 h?1 and YEtOH/s = 0.57 g/g, respectively. Maximum volumetric productivity in continuous multistep cultures of ethanol and xylitol was at dilution rates of 0.131 and 0.074 h?1, respectively. Continuous multistep production, QEtOH increased up to 50% more than in fed‐batch culture, even though xylitol yield remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Butanol is considered as a superior biofuel, which is conventionally produced by clostridial acetone‐butanol‐ethanol (ABE) fermentation. Among ABE, only butanol and ethanol can be used as fuel alternatives. Coproduction of acetone thus causes lower yield of fuel alcohols. Thus, this study aimed at developing an improved Clostridium acetobutylicum strain possessing enhanced fuel alcohol production capability. For this, we previously developed a hyper ABE producing BKM19 strain was further engineered to convert acetone into isopropanol. The BKM19 strain was transformed with the plasmid pIPA100 containing the sadh (primary/secondary alcohol dehydrogenase) and hydG (putative electron transfer protein) genes from the Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B593 cloned under the control of the thiolase promoter. The resulting BKM19 (pIPA100) strain produced 27.9 g/l isopropanol‐butanol‐ethanol (IBE) as a fuel alcohols with negligible amount of acetone (0.4 g/l) from 97.8 g/l glucose in lab‐scale (2 l) batch fermentation. Thus, this metabolically engineered strain was able to produce 99% of total solvent produced as fuel alcohols. The scalability and stability of BKM19 (pIPA100) were evaluated at 200 l pilot‐scale fermentation, which showed that the fuel alcohol yield could be improved to 0.37 g/g as compared to 0.29 g/g obtained at lab‐scale fermentation, while attaining a similar titer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest titer of IBE achieved and the first report on the large scale fermentation of C. acetobutylicum for IBE production. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1083–1088, 2013  相似文献   

Sugarcane is a multipurpose crop whose components may be used, in addition to sugar production, for various energy carriers or end‐products (electricity, liquid biofuels and heat) which enhance its economic potential. For many years, plant breeders and agronomists have focused on increasing sucrose yields per hectare and millers on increasing recoverable sucrose per ton of sugarcane in sugar mills. Attempting to exploit the energy potential of sugarcane more fully, calls for a more holistic approach focusing on both sucrose and lignocellulosic components of sugarcane biomass, and gaining some insight into the management practices required to optimize sugarcane cropping systems in these respects. Such options include genotype selection, harvest date with respect to the crop's growing cycle, crop type (plant crop vs. ratoon crops) and harvesting systems (mechanical vs. manual). The effects of these factors are strongly modulated by climate and soil properties, and these interactions are overall poorly known. Here, we set out to examine sugarcane infield management × environmental interactions with respect to (i) sugarcane yield and partitioning of the aboveground biomass; and (ii) sugarcane milling products (recoverable sucrose yield and amounts of coproducts) and their derived energy carriers. Three Saccharum cv. cultivars (R570, R579 and R585) were planted in three locations on La Reunion Island with contrasting management practices and climatological conditions. Quality characteristics of the samples were assessed by conventional and near infrared spectroscopy methods. Product, coproducts and potential energy production were measured and computed using transfer equations and a mill‐operating model. Yields and quality characteristics from cultivars and harvesting systems were affected differently by environmental factors – low temperature and radiation, and water stress. The current study also provides valuable information on how combinations between environments, genotypes and practices affect yield and partitioning of the aboveground biomass, and food and energy production.  相似文献   

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