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Gynodioecy, the co‐occurrence of hermaphrodite and female individuals within a species, is maintained by differential reproductive success between sexes. Recently, researchers recognized that not only pollinators but also herbivores are important agents in the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy, when herbivory is hermaphrodite biased. In this study, we investigated whether there is hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory in a gynodioecious plant, Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus, and if so, what floral traits influenced hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory. We measured flower morphology (flower diameter, calyx tube length, corolla height and petal width) and phenology of flowers of female individuals, hermaphrodites and gynomonoecious individuals in a natural population. We also investigated seed predation and predator species. At the study site, Sibinia weevils (Curculionidae; Coleoptera) and Coleophora moths (Coleophoridae; Lepidoptera) were common pre‐dispersal seed predators in this species. The weevil appeared early in the flowering season, and weevil predation correlated with flower phenology. Because female individuals did not flower early in the season, weevil predation was less frequent in female individuals. Moth predation correlated with calyx length. The calyx length of flowers of female individuals was smaller than those of hermaphrodites, but a direct comparison of moth predation rates failed to find a significant difference among sex morphs. We found that the two seed predators had different effects on floral traits in D. superbus var. longicalycinus. We suggest that weevil predation contributes to the maintenance of gynodioecy because female individuals successfully escaped weevil predation by flowering late. It remains unclear why flower phenology is different among sex morphs.  相似文献   

1. Most woody plant species in tropical habitats are primarily vertebrate‐dispersed, but interactions between ants and fallen seeds and fruits are frequent. This study assesses the species‐specific services provided by ants to fallen arillate seeds of Siparuna guianensis, a primarily bird‐dispersed tree in cerrado savanna. The questions of which species interact with fallen seeds, their relative contribution (versus vertebrates) to seed removal, and the potential effects on seedling establishment are investigated. 2. Seeds are removed in similar quantities in caged and control treatments, suggesting that ants are the main dispersers on the ground. Five ant species attended seeds. Pheidole megacephala (≈0.4 cm) cooperatively transported seeds, whereas the smaller Pheidole sp. removed the seed aril on spot. Large (> 1.0 cm) Odontomachus chelifer, Pachycondyla striata, and Ectatomma edentatum individually carried seeds up to 4 m. Bits of aril are fed to larvae and intact seeds are discarded near the nest entrance. 3. Overall, greater numbers of seedlings were recorded near ant nests than in control plots without nests. This effect, however, was only detected near P. megacephala and P. striata nests, where soil penetrability was greater compared with controls. Soil nutrients did not differ between paired plots. 4. This study confirms the prevalence of ant–seed interactions in cerrado and shows that ant‐derived benefits are species‐specific. Ant services range from seed cleaning on the spot to seed displacement promoting non‐random spatial seedling recruitment. Although seed dispersal distances by ants are likely to be shorter than those by birds, our study of S. guianensis shows that fine‐scale ant‐induced seed movements may ultimately enhance plant regeneration in cerrado.  相似文献   

A major global effort to enable cost‐effective natural regeneration is needed to achieve ambitious forest and landscape restoration goals. Natural forest regeneration can potentially play a major role in large‐scale landscape restoration in tropical regions. Here, we focus on the conditions that favor natural regeneration within tropical forest landscapes. We illustrate cases where large‐scale natural regeneration followed forest clearing and non‐forest land use, and describe the social and ecological factors that drove these local forest transitions. The self‐organizing processes that create naturally regenerating forests and natural regeneration in planted forests promote local genetic adaptation, foster native species with known traditional uses, create spatial and temporal heterogeneity, and sustain local biodiversity and biotic interactions. These features confer greater ecosystem resilience in the face of future shocks and disturbances. We discuss economic, social, and legal issues that challenge natural regeneration in tropical landscapes. We conclude by suggesting ways to enable natural regeneration to become an effective tool for implementing large‐scale forest and landscape restoration. Major research and policy priorities include: identifying and modeling the ecological and economic conditions where natural regeneration is a viable and favorable land‐use option, developing monitoring protocols for natural regeneration that can be carried out by local communities, and developing enabling incentives, governance structures, and regulatory conditions that promote the stewardship of naturally regenerating forests. Aligning restoration goals and practices with natural regeneration can achieve the best possible outcome for achieving multiple social and environmental benefits at minimal cost.  相似文献   

Flower size and number usually evolve under pollinator‐mediated selection. However, hot, dry environments can also modulate display, counteracting pollinator attraction. Increased pollen deposition on larger flower displays may not involve higher female fitness. Consequently, stressful conditions may constrain flower size, favouring smaller‐sized flowers. The large‐flowered, self‐incompatible Mediterranean shrub Cistus ladanifer was used to test that: (1) this species suffers pollen limitation; (2) pollinators are spatially–temporally variable and differentially visit plants with more/larger flowers; (3) increased visits enhance reproduction under pollen limitation; (4) stressful conditions reduce female fitness of larger displays; and (5) phenotypic selection on floral display is not just pollinator‐mediated. We evaluated pollen limitation, related floral display to pollinator visits and fruit and seed production and estimated phenotypic selection. Flower size was 7.2–10.5 cm and varied spatially–temporally. Visitation rates (total visits/50 min) ranged from 0.26 to 0.43 and increased with flower size. Fruit set averaged 80% and seed number averaged 855, but only fruit set varied between populations and years. Selection towards larger flowers was detected under conditions of pollen limitation. Otherwise, we detected stabilizing selection on flower size and negative selection on flower number. Our results suggest that selection on floral display is not only pollinator‐dependent through female fitness in C. ladanifer. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 540–555.  相似文献   

In large areas of the world that are deeply scarred by desertification and hampered by low capacity for natural regeneration, the scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation can be achieved only if it is low in cost with high return on investment, and shows promise of providing long‐lasting social‐economic as well as ecological benefits. In the Monte Austral region of Patagonia Argentina, concerted efforts are underway to facilitate scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation practices. Here, we evaluate financial costs and preliminary results of direct seeding as compared to outplanting of nursery‐grown seedlings of three native species (Atriplex lampa, Senecio subulatus var. subulatus, and Hyalis argentea var. latisquama) considered to be high‐priority dryland framework species. Comparative success is expressed in terms of plant survival and in monetary terms. The three candidate species showed low survival rates, ranging from 4.3 to 22.3%, after the first summer following direct seeding. In contrast, survival rates for planted seedlings of the same three taxa varied between 84 and 91%, after the first summer following reintroduction. However, cost of direct seeding varied between 1,693 and 1,772 US$ less per hectare, that is, 64% less than the cost of outplanting nursery seedlings. Therefore, in the search for ways to scale up ecological restoration and rehabilitation in drylands, direct seeding should receive more attention. We discuss the social and ecological perspectives and the way forward for direct seeding techniques in Patagonia. We also consider how costs could be reduced and effectiveness improved in large‐scale efforts.  相似文献   

  • The dormancy of seeds of upland cotton can be broken during dry after‐ripening, but the mechanism of its dormancy release remains unclear.
  • Freshly harvested cotton seeds were subjected to after‐ripening for 180 days. Cotton seeds from different days of after‐ripening (DAR) were sampled for dynamic physiological determination and germination tests. The intact seeds and isolated embryos were germinated to assess effects of the seed coat on embryo germination. Content of H2O2 and phytohormones and activities of antioxidant enzymes and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase were measured during after‐ripening and germination.
  • Germination of intact seeds increased from 7% upon harvest to 96% at 30 DAR, while embryo germination improved from an initial rate of 82% to 100% after 14 DAR. Based on T50 (time when 50% of seeds germinate) and germination index, the intact seed and isolated embryo needed 30 and 21 DAR, respectively, to acquire relatively stable germination. The content of H2O2 increased during after‐ripening and continued to increase within the first few hours of imbibition, along with a decrease in abscisic acid (ABA) content. A noticeable increase was observed in gibberellic acid content during germination when ABA content decreased to a lower level. Coat removal treatment accelerated embryo absorption of water, which further improved the accumulation of H2O2 and changed peroxidase content during germination.
  • For cotton seed, the alleviation of coat‐imposed dormancy required 30 days of after‐ripening, accompanied by rapid dormancy release (within 21 DAR) in naked embryos. H2O2 acted as a core link between the response to environmental changes and induction of other physiological changes for breaking seed dormancy.

Abstract The intensity of seed predation the invasive tropical legume Leucaena leucocephala by the bruchid Acanthoscelides macropthalmus was investigated in south‐eastern Queensland, Australia. The number of seeds damaged by A. macropthalmus as a proportion of total seeds available was found to increase the longer the pods remained on the tree. Seed predation ranged from a mean of 10.75% of seeds on pods that remained on the plant for 1 month and increased to 53.54% for pods that remained of the plant for 4 months. The low bruchid populations at high pod densities results in ‘predator satiation’. However, pods dehisce over time and the proportion of pods available over time to the bruchid correspondingly declines. By the time bruchid densities build up, most pods have dehisced and the seeds consequently escape predation. As a result the number of seeds lost to bruchid damage increases only marginally over time. Despite the levels of seed predation observed over the course of the study, the number of seeds in the soil seedbank almost doubled over time increasing from 8.5 seeds m?3 to 15.5 seeds m?3 over a 4‐month period. Levels of seed predation and addition of seeds to the soil seedbank were not correlated. The taxonomic (subspecies) status and apparency of host plants as measured by plant and patch traits (average plant height, density of podding plants and patch size) did not influence levels of seed predation. Pre‐dispersal seed predation studies need to take into account the pod/seed retention behaviour of the plant. The ability of the bruchid to regulate the invasiveness of Leucaena through influencing its demography is likely to be diminished if the insect populations cannot increase rapidly enough to use the seeds before pod dehiscence.  相似文献   

  • To determine seed removal influence on seed populations, we need to quantify pre‐ and post‐dispersal seed removal. Several studies have quantified seed removal in temperate American deserts, but few studies have been performed in tropical deserts. These studies have only quantified pre‐ or post‐dispersal seed removal, thus underestimating the influence of seed removal. We evaluated pre‐ and post‐dispersal seed removal in the columnar cactus Stenocereus stellatus in a Mexican tropical desert.
  • We performed selective exclosure experiments to estimate percentage of seeds removed by ants, birds and rodents during the pre‐ and post‐dispersal phases. We also conducted field samplings to estimate abundance of the most common seed removers.
  • Birds (10–28%) removed a higher percentage of seeds than ants (2%) and rodents (1–4%) during pre‐dispersal seed removal. Melanerpes hypopolius was probably the main bird removing seeds from fruits. Ants (62–64%) removed a higher percentage of seeds than birds (34–38%) and rodents (16–30%) during post‐dispersal seed removal. Pogonomyrmex barbatus was probably the main ant removing seeds from soil.
  • Birds and ants are the main pre‐ and post‐dispersal seed removers in S. stellatus, respectively. Further studies in other S. stellatus populations and plants with different life forms and fruit types will contribute to evaluate seed removal in tropical American deserts.

Considerable areas dominated by bracken Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn occur worldwide and are associated with arrested forest recovery. How forest recovery is impeded in these areas remains poorly understood, especially in the African highlands. The component processes that can lead to recruitment limitation—including low seed arrival, availability and persistence—are important determinants of plant communities and offer a potential explanation for bracken persistence. We investigated key processes that can contribute to recruitment limitation in bracken‐dominated clearings in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. We examined if differences in seed rain (dispersal limitation), soil seed bank, or seed removal (seed viability and persistence) can, individually or in combination, explain the differences in tree regeneration found between bracken‐dominated areas and the neighboring forest. These processes were assessed along ten 50‐m transects crossing the forest–bracken boundary. When compared to the neighboring forest, bracken clearings had fewer seedlings (bracken 11,557 ± 5482 vs. forest 34,515 ± 6066 seedlings/ha), lower seed rain (949 ± 582 vs. 1605 ± 335 tree seeds m?2 year?1), comparable but sparse soil seed bank (304 ± 236 vs. 264 ± 99 viable tree seeds/m2), higher seed removal (70.1% ± 2.4% vs. 40.6% ± 2.4% over a 3‐day interval), and markedly higher rodent densities (25.7 ± 5.4 vs. 5.0 ± 1.6 rodents per 100 trapping sessions). Camera traps revealed that rodents were the dominant animals visiting the seeds in our seed removal study. Synthesis: Recruitment limitation contributes to both the slow recovery of forest in bracken‐dominated areas, and to the composition of the tree species that occur. Low seed arrival and low persistence of unburied seeds can both explain the reduced density of seedlings found in bracken versus neighboring forest. Seed removal, likely due to rodents, in particular appears sufficient to constrain forest recovery and impacts some species more severely than others.  相似文献   

Aim Restoration of habitats may be used as a conservation tool when ecosystems have lost their natural structure, dynamics or functioning over large areas. Controlled and planned use of fire could be an effective way to restore habitats of many threatened species in boreal forests where fire suppression has been effective. We asked whether the large‐scale landscape context affects the occurrence of rare and threatened species in forest habitats that have been burned to restore their fire‐related structures. Location Boreal forests in southern Finland. Methods We designed a large‐scale field experiment that included nine Pinus sylvestris forests (5–10 ha each) in southern Finland. Sites were located in two regions: (1) in eastern region with shorter management history and (2) in western region where intensive forestry has continued longer. We evaluated whether restoration of dead/burned wood is beneficial for rare and conservation‐dependent species and measured the recovery of pyrophilous and red‐listed insects (beetles and flatbugs) in burned forests, using standardized sampling effort. Altogether, 956 individuals of 29 red‐listed and pyrophilous species were sampled. Results Rare species colonized areas quickly, but there was a clear difference in species richness between the regions. The eastern forests harboured higher species richness after restoration. In these sites, the average species richness was 13.7 species per site, whereas in western forests it was 5.0 species per site. Similar pattern was also observed in subgroups: the corresponding numbers for pyrophilous species were 9.7 vs. 3.8, for red‐listed 8.7 vs. 2.3 and for red‐listed pyrophiles 4.7 vs. 1.2. Main conclusions Introducing fire back to boreal forests can aid in the recovery of rare species, but the landscape context considerably affects the success of restoring species. If restored habitats are located in landscapes that have lost their natural properties long ago, the success of restoration seems to be more challenging than in landscapes where habitats have been modified more recently.  相似文献   

Despite promises that ‘healthy’ marine systems show increased resilience, the effects of ecosystem management strategies on invasion success in marine systems is still unclear. We show that resistance to the invasive alga, Sargassum horneri, in a temperate reef system occurs through alternate mechanisms in different ecosystem states. In an old marine protected area (MPA), invasion of S. horneri was suppressed, likely due to competitive pressure from native algae, resulting from protection of urchin predators. In a nearby fished urchin barren, invasion of S. horneri was also suppressed, due to herbivory by urchins whose predators are fished. Within newer MPAs with intermediate levels of interacting species, S. horneri was abundant. Here, neither competition from native algae nor herbivory was sufficient to prevent invasion. We confirm that invasion in marine systems is complex and show that multiple mechanisms in single systems must be considered when investigating biotic resistance hypotheses.  相似文献   

Aim: Recent coarse‐scale studies have shown positive relationships between the biodiversity of plants/vertebrates and the human population. Little is known about the generality of the pattern for invertebrates. Moreover, biodiversity and human population might correlate because they both covary with other factors such as energy availability and habitat heterogeneity. Here we test these two non‐mutually exclusive mechanisms with ant species‐richness data from the Fauna Europaea. Location Forty‐three European countries/regions. Methods We derived mixed models of total, native and exotic ant species richness as a function of human population size/density, controlling for country area, plant species richness (as a proxy for habitat heterogeneity), and mean annual temperature and precipitation (variables related to energy availability). Results Ant species richness increased significantly with increasing human population. This result was confirmed when controlling for variations in country area. Both for human population size/density and for ant species richness, there were positive correlations with temperature but not with precipitation. This finding is in agreement with the energy‐availability hypothesis. However, we observed a negative latitudinal gradient in ant and plant species richness, although not in human population size/density. Plant species richness was positively correlated with ant species richness but not with human population size/density. Thus, there is evidence that this type of habitat heterogeneity can play a role in the observed latitudinal gradient of ant species richness, but not in the positive correlation between ant species richness and human population. The results were confirmed for the 545 native and the 32 exotic ant species reported, and we observed a good correlation between exotic and native ant species richness. Main conclusions Ant species richness in European countries conforms to six macroecological patterns: (1) a negative latitudinal gradient; and a positive (2) species–energy relationship, (3) species–area relationship, (4) correlation with plant species richness, (5) exotic–native species richness correlation, and (6) species–people correlation. There is some evidence for the energy‐availability hypothesis, but little evidence for habitat heterogeneity as an explanation of the large‐scale human population–ant biodiversity correlation. This correlation has implications for the conservation of ant diversity in Europe.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of geographical variation in cats’ diet across Australia have been used to highlight rabbit control as a conservation risk, on the basis that prey‐switching by cats following rabbit control is likely to threaten Australian fauna. There is no direct evidence to support that proposition. However, there is direct evidence of repeated prey‐switching due to seasonal fluctuations in uncontrolled rabbit populations, of long‐term suppression of rabbit numbers by effective rabbit control, and that reduced rabbit abundance leads to reduced cat abundance, reduced predation of native fauna and recovery of threatened prey populations. Furthermore, rabbits are a known threat to many Australian native plants and rabbit control has proven benefits for their recovery, thereby offering long‐term benefits for dependent fauna and broader ecosystem function. On the balance of evidence, rabbit control should be encouraged in Australia wherever possible, as a national conservation priority.  相似文献   

Investigating how seed germination of multiple species in an ecosystem responds to environmental conditions is crucial for understanding the mechanisms for community structure and biodiversity maintenance. However, knowledge of seed germination response of species to environmental conditions is still scarce at the community level. We hypothesized that responses of seed germination to environmental conditions differ among species at the community level, and that germination response is not correlated with seed size. To test this hypothesis, we determined the response of seed germination of 20 common species in the Siziwang Desert Steppe, China, to seasonal temperature regimes (representing April, May, June, and July) and drought stress (0, ?0.003, ?0.027, ?0.155, and ?0.87 MPa). Seed germination percentage increased with increasing temperature regime, but Allium ramosum, Allium tenuissimum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mongolica, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia sieversiana, Bassia dasyphylla, Kochia prastrata, and Neopallasia pectinata germinated to >60% in the lowest temperature regime (April). Germination decreased with increasing water stress, but Allium ramosum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia scoparia, Bassia dasyphylla, Heteropappus altaicus, Kochia prastrata, Neopallasia pectinata, and Potentilla tanacetifolia germinated to near 60% at ?0.87 MPa. Among these eight species, germination of six was tolerant to both temperature and water stress. Mean germination percentage in the four temperature regimes and the five water potentials was not significantly correlated with seed mass or seed area, which were highly correlated. Our results suggest that the species‐specific germination responses to environmental conditions are important in structuring the desert steppe community and have implications for predicting community structure under climate change. Thus, the predicted warmer and dryer climate will favor germination of drought‐tolerant species, resulting in altered proportions of germinants of different species and subsequently change in community composition of the desert steppe.  相似文献   

Abstract Seed germination is dependent on the interaction between the dormancy state of a seed and the presence of favourable environmental conditions. Thus, the spectacular pulse of seedling recruitment in many Australian vegetation communities following disturbances such as fire can be attributed to changes in microsite conditions and/or the dormancy‐breaking effect of the disturbance on accumulated seed banks. Grevillea rivularis is a threatened species endemic to the area immediately above Carrington Falls in the NSW Southern Highlands. Most of the population is confined to the riparian vegetation zone in woodland and heath, and is therefore subject to periodic disturbance from fire and flood. For this species, a pulse of seedling recruitment has been recorded after fire, flood and mechanical soil disturbance. The aims of this study were to examine the density and vertical distribution of the soil‐stored seed bank and to investigate the role of heat and scarification as cues for germination of fresh and soil‐stored seed. There was a large seed bank under the canopies of established individuals (194 ± 73 seeds m?2) and most seeds were found in the 0–2 cm and leaf‐litter layers of the soil profile. The germination response of soil‐stored and fresh seed was examined using a hierarchical series of laboratory experiments. Seeds of G. rivularis showed marked dormancy polymorphism. Thirty‐six percent of soil‐stored seed germinated without treatment, whereas no untreated fresh seeds germinated. Scarification or heating caused significant germination of dormant soil‐stored seed, but only scarification resulted in germination of dormant fresh seeds. These results highlight important differences in the dormancy state of soil‐stored and fresh seed. Thus, being a riparian species in a fire‐prone environment, the dormancy mechanisms in seeds of G. rivularis suit this species to disturbance by both fire and flood.  相似文献   

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