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Hawaiian waters show a trend of increasing temperature over the past several decades that are consistent with observations in other coral reef areas of the world. The first documented large‐scale coral bleaching occurred in the Hawaii region during late summer of 1996, with a second in 2002. The bleaching events in Hawaii were triggered by a prolonged regional positive oceanic sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly greater than 1°C that developed offshore during the time of annual summer temperature maximum. High solar energy input and low winds further elevated inshore water temperature by 1–2°C in reef areas with restricted water circulation (bays, reef flats and lagoons) and in areas where mesoscale eddies often retain water masses close to shore for prolonged periods of time. Data and observations taken during these events illustrate problems in predicting the phenomena of large‐scale bleaching. Forecasts and hind‐casts of these events are based largely on offshore oceanic SST records, which are only a first approximation of inshore reef conditions. The observed oceanic warming trend is the ultimate cause of the increase in the frequency and severity of bleaching events. However, coral reefs occur in shallow inshore areas where conditions are influenced by winds, orographic cloud cover, complex bathymetry, waves and inshore currents. These factors alter local temperature, irradiance, water motion and other physical and biological variables known to influence bleaching.  相似文献   

Tropical scleractinian corals are particularly vulnerable to global warming as elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) disrupt the delicate balance between the coral host and their algal endosymbionts, leading to symbiont expulsion, mass bleaching and mortality. While satellite sensing of SST has proved a reliable predictor of coral bleaching at the regional scale, there are large deviations in bleaching severity and mortality on the local scale that are poorly understood. Here, we show that internal waves play a major role in explaining local coral bleaching and mortality patterns in the Andaman Sea. Despite a severe region-wide SST anomaly in May 2010, frequent upslope intrusions of cold sub-pycnocline waters due to breaking large-amplitude internal waves (LAIW) mitigated coral bleaching and mortality in shallow waters. In LAIW-sheltered waters, by contrast, bleaching-susceptible species suffered severe bleaching and total mortality. These findings suggest that LAIW benefit coral reefs during thermal stress and provide local refugia for bleaching-susceptible corals. LAIW are ubiquitous in tropical stratified waters and their swash zones may thus be important conservation areas for the maintenance of coral diversity in a warming climate. Taking LAIW into account can significantly improve coral bleaching predictions and provide a valuable tool for coral reef conservation and management.  相似文献   

Tropical reefs have been impacted by thermal anomalies caused by global warming that induced coral bleaching and mortality events globally. However, there have only been very few recordings of bleaching within the Red Sea despite covering a latitudinal range of 15° and consequently it has been considered a region that is less sensitive to thermal anomalies. We therefore examined historical patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) and associated anomalies (1982–2012) and compared warming trends with a unique compilation of corresponding coral bleaching records from throughout the region. These data indicated that the northern Red Sea has not experienced mass bleaching despite intensive Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) of >15°C‐weeks. Severe bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red Sea where DHWs have been more frequent, but far less intense (DHWs <4°C‐weeks). A similar pattern was observed during the 2015–2016 El Niño event during which time corals in the northern Red Sea did not bleach despite high thermal stress (i.e. DHWs >8°C‐weeks), and bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red Sea despite the lower thermal stress (DHWs < 8°C‐weeks). Heat stress assays carried out in the northern (Hurghada) and central (Thuwal) Red Sea on four key reef‐building species confirmed different regional thermal susceptibility, and that central Red Sea corals are more sensitive to thermal anomalies as compared to those from the north. Together, our data demonstrate that corals in the northern Red Sea have a much higher heat tolerance than their prevailing temperature regime would suggest. In contrast, corals from the central Red Sea are close to their thermal limits, which closely match the maximum annual water temperatures. The northern Red Sea harbours reef‐building corals that live well below their bleaching thresholds and thus we propose that the region represents a thermal refuge of global importance.  相似文献   

Increased frequency of disturbances and anthropogenic activities are predicted to have a devastating impact on coral reefs that will ultimately change the composition of reef associated fish communities. We reviewed and analysed studies that document the effects of disturbance‐mediated coral loss on coral reef fishes. Meta‐analysis of 17 independent studies revealed that 62% of fish species declined in abundance within 3 years of disturbances that resulted in >10% decline in coral cover. Abundances of species reliant on live coral for food and shelter consistently declined during this time frame, while abundance of some species that feed on invertebrates, algae and/or detritus increased. The response of species, particularly those expected to benefit from the immediate loss of coral, is, however, variable and is attributed to erratic replenishment of stocks, ecological versatility of species and sublethal responses, such as changes in growth, body condition and feeding rates. The diversity of fish communities was found to be negatively and linearly correlated to disturbance‐mediated coral loss. Coral loss >20% typically resulted in a decline in species richness of fish communities, although diversity may initially increase following small declines in coral cover from high coverage. Disturbances that result in an immediate loss of habitat complexity (e.g. severe tropical storms), have a greater impact on fishes from all trophic levels, compared with disturbances that kill corals, but leave the reef framework intact (e.g. coral bleaching and outbreaks of Acanthaster planci). This is most evident among small bodied species and suggests the long‐term consequences of coral loss through coral bleaching and crown‐of‐thorn starfish outbreaks may be much more substantial than the short‐term effects currently documented.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching: the winners and the losers   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sea surface temperatures were warmer throughout 1998 at Sesoko Island, Japan, than in the 10 preceding years. Temperatures peaked at 2.8 °C above average, resulting in extensive coral bleaching and subsequent coral mortality. Using random quadrat surveys, we quantitatively documented the coral community structure one year before and one year after the bleaching event. The 1998 bleaching event reduced coral species richness by 61% and reduced coral cover by 85%. Colony morphology affected bleaching vulnerability and subsequent coral mortality. Finely branched corals were most susceptible, while massive and encrusting colonies survived. Most heavily impacted were the branched Acropora and pocilloporid corals, some of which showed local extinction. We suggest two hypotheses whose synergistic effect may partially explain observed mortality patterns (i.e. preferential survival of thick-tissued species, and shape-dependent differences in colony mass-transfer efficiency). A community-structural shift occurred on Okinawan reefs, resulting in an increase in the relative abundance of massive and encrusting coral species.  相似文献   

Coral reef bleaching: facts, hypotheses and implications   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Coral reef bleaching, the temporary or permanent loss of photosynthetic microalgae (zooxanthellae) and/or their pigments by a variety of reef taxa, is a stress response usually associated with anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Degrees of bleaching, within and among coral colonies and across reef communities, are highly variable and difficult to quantify, thus complicating comparisons of different bleaching events. Small-scale bleaching events can often be correlated with specific disturbances (e.g. extreme low/high temperatures, low/high solar irradiance, subaerial exposure, sedimentation, freshwater dilution, contaminants, and diseases), whereas large scale (mass) bleaching occurs over 100s to 1000s of km2, which is more difficult to explain. Debilitating effects of bleaching include reduced/no skeletal growth and reproductive activity, and a lowered capacity to shed sediments, resist invasion of competing species and diseases. Severe and prolonged bleaching can cause partial to total colony death, resulting in diminished reef growth, the transformation of reef-building communities to alternate, non-reef building community types, bioerosion and ultimately the disappearance of reef structures. Present evidence suggests that the leading factors responsible for large-scale coral reef bleaching are elevated sea temperatures and high solar irradiance (especially ultraviolet wavelengths), which may frequently act jointly.  相似文献   

Coral reefs have been more severely impacted by recent climate instability than any other ecosystem on Earth. Corals tolerate a narrow range of physical environmental stress, and increases in sea temperature of just 1 °C over several weeks can result in mass coral mortality, often exceeding 95% of individuals over hundreds of square kilometres. Even conservative climate models predict that mass coral bleaching events could occur annually by 2050. Unfortunately, managers of coral‐reef resources have few options available to meet this challenge. Here, we investigate the role that fisheries conservation tools, including the designation of marine reserves, can play in altering future trajectories of Caribbean coral reefs. We use an individual‐based model of the ecological dynamics to test the influence of spatially realistic regimes of disturbance on coral populations. Two major sources of disturbance, hurricanes and coral bleaching, are simulated in contrasting regions of the Caribbean: Belize, Bonaire, and the Bahamas. Simulations are extended to 2099 using the HadGEM1 climate model. We find that coral populations can maintain themselves under all levels of hurricane disturbance providing that grazing levels are high. Regional differences in hurricane frequency are found to cause strikingly different spatial patterns of reef health with greater patchiness occurring in Belize, which has less frequent disturbance, than the Bahamas. The addition of coral bleaching led to a much more homogenous reef state over the seascape. Moreover, in the presence of bleaching, all reefs exhibited a decline in health over time, though with substantial variation among regions. Although the protection of herbivores does not prevent reef degradation it does delay rates of coral loss even under the most severe thermal and hurricane regimes. Thus, we can estimate the degree to which local conservation can help buy time for reefs with values ranging between 18 years in the Bahamas and over 50 years in Bonaire, compared with heavily fished systems. Ultimately, we demonstrate that local conservation measures can benefit reef ecosystem services but that their impact will vary spatially and temporally. Recognizing where such management interventions will either help or fail is an important step towards both achieving sustainable use of coral‐reef resources and maximizing resource management investments.  相似文献   

造礁石珊瑚与其共生藻(Symbiodinium)共生研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对造礁石珊瑚与其共生藻共生研究现状及其在全球变化下的适应能力进行较全面的综述.造礁石珊瑚与遗传和生理功能独特的共生藻组成内共生关系是成功演化的范例.近年来对珊瑚共生体的分子系统学研究表明共生藻遗传多样性极为丰富,当前认为共生藻属至少包括8个(A-H)各自包含亚系群的世系或系群.珊瑚-共生藻共生功能体对诸如全球变化引起的海水温度上升等环境变化十分敏感.由于珊瑚以及珊瑚礁面临气候变化的严峻挑战,对珊瑚与其共生藻共生关系和共生功体适应能力的研究将是未来重要的研究领域之一.  相似文献   

Autopsied liver tissue samples collected from 42 males and 31 females were analyzed for copper, manganese and zinc using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). With the exception of two liver samples for which the copper levels were determined to be 74.8 and 104.0 g/g (dry weight), hepatic copper concentrations were found to range from 1.7 to 32.4 g/g with a mean concentration of 14.2 g/g and standard deviation of 7.0 g/g. Manganese concentrations (with the exception of one sample having 12.9 g/g) ranged from 0.22 to 4.6 g/g with a mean of 2.26 ± 1.00 g/g. Hepatic zinc levels averaged 118.3 ± 44.4 g/g and ranged from 38.5 to 231.3 g/g. There were no apparent trends for the levels of any metals versus age nor were there any differences in average hepatic metal concentrations for males and females. © Rapid Science 1998.  相似文献   

Mantovi  Paolo  Bonazzi  Giuseppe  Maestri  Elena  Marmiroli  Nelson 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(2):249-257
In Northern Italy it is a common practice to utilise slurries and other manure from intensive animal farming to fertilise agricultural soils. Due to the relatively high copper and zinc contents of these materials, this practice could lead to contamination of soils and the crops grown on them. In this study we have evaluated the extent of copper and zinc contamination of soils subjected to different levels of fertilisation with liquid manure and the copper and zinc concentrations in the edible tissues of three crops (maize, sugar beet and lucerne) grown on the same soils. There was a direct correlation between soil copper and zinc contents and the levels of application of animal wastes and copper concentrations were high enough to represent a risk, according to current European legislation. The metal contents in the edible tissues of the three crops were relatively low and variable, but showed no clear correlations with the intensity of liquid manure applications. Overall, there was no risk of contamination of the food chain, as all concentrations were well below levels considered to be toxic to animals.  相似文献   


Wounds are likely to have existed ever since mankind has existed. Wound healing is an enormously complicated process and the actual scientific mechanisms and events that take place during healing are far more complex and dynamic than might be imagined. Essential elements, especially trace elements are believed to be pivotal to the wound healing process. Their involvement in tissue regeneration and repair appears to be wide ranging and their deficiencies have been reported to impair the healing process. However, further research is required to establish the involvement of trace elements and their specific species in the wound healing process.

Thus assessments of trace element levels in wound tissues using new, reliable, verified and validated technologies could be beneficial for trace element based wound healing. Here, is an attempt made to assess the link between trace element concentrations and healing processes of chronic and acute wounds. Wound tissue samples from 58 chronic leg ulcers and 50 acute wounds were analysed for concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ca, Sn, Cr, Cd and Pb using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Blood samples were also collected from the same patients and analysed in the same manner. All the data were tested for normality by Ryan–Joiner normality test (α = 0.05) and one-way ANOVA was done for the normally distributed data.

The results showed that the concentration of Ca, Zn, Cu and Mn were similar in both acute and chronic wounds. Apart from Ca, which showed elevated concentrations, other metal concentrations are either similar or lower than the analysed concentrations in blood. It appears that there is a significant difference in the concentrations of iron accumulated in the tissues of chronic and acute wounds.

The concentrations of Sn, Cr, Cd and Pb, which are considered as toxic metals, were not present in detectable levels with the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry in both types of wound tissues.  相似文献   

The metabolic theory of ecology predicts that temperature affects heterotrophic processes more strongly than autotrophic processes. We hypothesized that this differential temperature response may shift mixotrophic organisms towards more heterotrophic nutrition with rising temperature. The hypothesis was tested in experiments with the mixotrophic chrysophyte Ochromonas sp., grown under autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. Our results show that (1) grazing rates on bacterial prey increased more strongly with temperature than photosynthetic electron transport rates, (2) heterotrophic growth rates increased exponentially with temperature over the entire range from 13 to 33 °C, while autotrophic growth rates reached a maximum at intermediate temperatures and (3) chlorophyll contents during mixotrophic growth decreased at high temperature. Hence, the contribution of photosynthesis to mixotrophic growth strongly decreased with temperature. These findings support the hypothesis that mixotrophs become more heterotrophic with rising temperature, which alters their functional role in food webs and the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems are expected to undergo significant declines over the coming decades as oceans become warmer and more acidic. We investigate the environmental tolerances of over 650 Scleractinian coral species based on the conditions found within their present-day ranges and in areas where they are currently absent but could potentially reach via larval dispersal. These “environmental envelopes” and connectivity constraints are then used to develop global forecasts for potential coral species richness under two emission scenarios, representing the Paris Agreement target (“SSP1-2.6”) and high levels of emissions (“SSP5-8.5”). Although we do not directly predict coral mortality or adaptation, the projected changes to environmental suitability suggest considerable declines in coral species richness for the majority of the world's tropical coral reefs, with a net loss in average local richness of 73% (Paris Agreement) to 91% (High Emissions) by 2080–2090 and particularly large declines across sites in the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Western Indian Ocean, and Caribbean. However, at the regional scale, we find that environmental suitability for the majority of coral species can be largely maintained under the Paris Agreement target, with 0%–30% potential net species lost in most regions (increasing to 50% for the Great Barrier Reef) as opposed to 80%–90% losses under High Emissions. Projections for subtropical areas suggest that range expansion will give rise to coral reefs with low species richness (typically 10–20 coral species per region) and will not meaningfully offset declines in the tropics. This work represents the first global projection of coral species richness under oceanic warming and acidification. Our results highlight the critical importance of mitigating climate change to avoid potentially massive extinctions of coral species.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, current global emission trajectories are still following the business‐as‐usual representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5 emission pathway. The resulting ocean warming and acidification have transformative impacts on coral reef ecosystems, detrimentally affecting coral physiology and health, and these impacts are predicted to worsen in the near future. In this study, we kept fragments of the symbiotic corals Acropora intermedia (thermally sensitive) and Porites lobata (thermally tolerant) for 7 weeks under an orthogonal design of predicted end‐of‐century RCP8.5 conditions for temperature and pCO2 (3.5°C and 570 ppm above present‐day, respectively) to unravel how temperature and acidification, individually or interactively, influence metabolic and physiological performance. Our results pinpoint thermal stress as the dominant driver of deteriorating health in both species because of its propensity to destabilize coral–dinoflagellate symbiosis (bleaching). Acidification had no influence on metabolism but had a significant negative effect on skeleton growth, particularly when photosynthesis was absent such as in bleached corals or under dark conditions. Total loss of photosynthesis after bleaching caused an exhaustion of protein and lipid stores and collapse of calcification that ultimately led to A. intermedia mortality. Despite complete loss of symbionts from its tissue, P. lobata maintained small amounts of photosynthesis and experienced a weaker decline in lipid and protein reserves that presumably contributed to higher survival of this species. Our results indicate that ocean warming and acidification under business‐as‐usual CO2 emission scenarios will likely extirpate thermally sensitive coral species before the end of the century, while slowing the recovery of more thermally tolerant species from increasingly severe mass coral bleaching and mortality. This could ultimately lead to the gradual disappearance of tropical coral reefs globally, and a shift on surviving reefs to only the most resilient coral species.  相似文献   

Elevated ocean temperatures can cause coral bleaching, the loss of colour from reef‐building corals because of a breakdown of the symbiosis with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. Recent studies have warned that global climate change could increase the frequency of coral bleaching and threaten the long‐term viability of coral reefs. These assertions are based on projecting the coarse output from atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (GCMs) to the local conditions around representative coral reefs. Here, we conduct the first comprehensive global assessment of coral bleaching under climate change by adapting the NOAA Coral Reef Watch bleaching prediction method to the output of a low‐ and high‐climate sensitivity GCM. First, we develop and test algorithms for predicting mass coral bleaching with GCM‐resolution sea surface temperatures for thousands of coral reefs, using a global coral reef map and 1985–2002 bleaching prediction data. We then use the algorithms to determine the frequency of coral bleaching and required thermal adaptation by corals and their endosymbionts under two different emissions scenarios. The results indicate that bleaching could become an annual or biannual event for the vast majority of the world's coral reefs in the next 30–50 years without an increase in thermal tolerance of 0.2–1.0°C per decade. The geographic variability in required thermal adaptation found in each model and emissions scenario suggests that coral reefs in some regions, like Micronesia and western Polynesia, may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Advances in modelling and monitoring will refine the forecast for individual reefs, but this assessment concludes that the global prognosis is unlikely to change without an accelerated effort to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental anomalies that trigger adverse physiological responses and mortality are occurring with increasing frequency due to climate change. At species' range peripheries, environmental anomalies are particularly concerning because species often exist at their environmental tolerance limits and may not be able to migrate to escape unfavourable conditions. Here, we investigated the bleaching response and mortality of 14 coral genera across high‐latitude eastern Australia during a global heat stress event in 2016. We evaluated whether the severity of assemblage‐scale and genus‐level bleaching responses was associated with cumulative heat stress and/or local environmental history, including long‐term mean temperatures during the hottest month of each year (SSTLTMAX), and annual fluctuations in water temperature (SSTVAR) and solar irradiance (PARZVAR). The most severely‐bleached genera included species that were either endemic to the region (Pocillopora aliciae) or rare in the tropics (e.g. Porites heronensis). Pocillopora spp., in particular, showed high rates of immediate mortality. Bleaching severity of Pocillopora was high where SSTLTMAX was low or PARZVAR was high, whereas bleaching severity of Porites was directly associated with cumulative heat stress. While many tropical Acropora species are extremely vulnerable to bleaching, the Acropora species common at high latitudes, such as A. glauca and A. solitaryensis, showed little incidence of bleaching and immediate mortality. Two other regionally‐abundant genera, Goniastrea and Turbinaria, were also largely unaffected by the thermal anomaly. The severity of assemblage‐scale bleaching responses was poorly explained by the environmental parameters we examined. Instead, the severity of assemblage‐scale bleaching was associated with local differences in species abundance and taxon‐specific bleaching responses. The marked taxonomic disparity in bleaching severity, coupled with high mortality of high‐latitude endemics, point to climate‐driven simplification of assemblage structures and progressive homogenisation of reef functions at these high‐latitude locations.  相似文献   

Climate warming threatens to increase mass coral bleaching events, and several studies have projected the demise of tropical coral reefs this century. However, recent evidence indicates corals may be able to respond to thermal stress though adaptive processes (e.g., genetic adaptation, acclimatization, and symbiont shuffling). How these mechanisms might influence warming‐induced bleaching remains largely unknown. This study compared how different adaptive processes could affect coral bleaching projections. We used the latest bias‐corrected global sea surface temperature (SST) output from the NOAA/GFDL Earth System Model 2 (ESM2M) for the preindustrial period through 2100 to project coral bleaching trajectories. Initial results showed that, in the absence of adaptive processes, application of a preindustrial climatology to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch bleaching prediction method overpredicts the present‐day bleaching frequency. This suggests that corals may have already responded adaptively to some warming over the industrial period. We then modified the prediction method so that the bleaching threshold either permanently increased in response to thermal history (e.g., simulating directional genetic selection) or temporarily increased for 2–10 years in response to a bleaching event (e.g., simulating symbiont shuffling). A bleaching threshold that changes relative to the preceding 60 years of thermal history reduced the frequency of mass bleaching events by 20–80% compared with the ‘no adaptive response’ prediction model by 2100, depending on the emissions scenario. When both types of adaptive responses were applied, up to 14% more reef cells avoided high‐frequency bleaching by 2100. However, temporary increases in bleaching thresholds alone only delayed the occurrence of high‐frequency bleaching by ca. 10 years in all but the lowest emissions scenario. Future research should test the rate and limit of different adaptive responses for coral species across latitudes and ocean basins to determine if and how much corals can respond to increasing thermal stress.  相似文献   

The structural conversion of a host protein, PrP(C), into a protease-resistant isoform, PrPres, is the central event in the pathogenesis of infectious prion diseases. Purification of native PrP(C) molecules from hamster brain by either cation exchange or immobilized chelator chromatographic resins yielded preparations that supported efficient amplification of scrapie-induced PrPres in vitro. Using these purified preparations, we determined that in vitro PrPres amplification was inhibited by CuCl2 and ZnCl2 at IC50 concentrations of approximately 400 nm and 10 microM, respectively. In contrast, 100 microM MnCl2 did not directly inhibit PrPres amplification or block Cu2+-mediated inhibition. Additionally, the inhibition of PrPres amplification by Cu2+ ions could be reversed by addition of either neocuproine or imidazole. Cu2+ inhibited PrPres amplification in both the presence and absence of stimulatory polyanion molecules. These biochemical findings support the hypothesis that Cu2+ ions might regulate the pathogenesis of prion diseases in vivo.  相似文献   

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