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As rapid climate warming creates a mismatch between forest trees and their home environment, the ability of trees to cope with warming depends on their capacity to physiologically adjust to higher temperatures. In widespread species, individual trees in cooler home climates are hypothesized to more successfully acclimate to warming than their counterparts in warmer climates that may approach thermal limits. We tested this prediction with a climate‐shift experiment in widely distributed Eucalyptus tereticornis and E. grandis using provenances originating along a ~2500 km latitudinal transect (15.5–38.0°S) in eastern Australia. We grew 21 provenances in conditions approximating summer temperatures at seed origin and warmed temperatures (+3.5 °C) using a series of climate‐controlled glasshouse bays. The effects of +3.5 °C warming strongly depended on home climate. Cool‐origin provenances responded to warming through an increase in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to enhanced growth of 20–60%. Warm‐origin provenances, however, responded to warming through a reduction in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to reduced growth of approximately 10%. These results suggest that there is predictable intraspecific variation in the capacity of trees to respond to warming; cool‐origin taxa are likely to benefit from warming, while warm‐origin taxa may be negatively affected.  相似文献   

While temperature responses of photosynthesis and plant respiration are known to acclimate over time in many species, few studies have been designed to directly compare process‐level differences in acclimation capacity among plant types. We assessed short‐term (7 day) temperature acclimation of the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax), the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), the maximum rate of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase carboxylation (Vpmax), and foliar dark respiration (Rd) in 22 plant species that varied in lifespan (annual and perennial), photosynthetic pathway (C3 and C4), and climate of origin (tropical and nontropical) grown under fertilized, well‐watered conditions. In general, acclimation to warmer temperatures increased the rate of each process. The relative increase in different photosynthetic processes varied by plant type, with C3 species tending to preferentially accelerate CO2‐limited photosynthetic processes and respiration and C4 species tending to preferentially accelerate light‐limited photosynthetic processes under warmer conditions. Rd acclimation to warmer temperatures caused a reduction in temperature sensitivity that resulted in slower rates at high leaf temperatures. Rd acclimation was similar across plant types. These results suggest that temperature acclimation of the biochemical processes that underlie plant carbon exchange is common across different plant types, but that acclimation to warmer temperatures tends to have a relatively greater positive effect on the processes most limiting to carbon assimilation, which differ by plant type. The acclimation responses observed here suggest that warmer conditions should lead to increased rates of carbon assimilation when water and nutrients are not limiting.  相似文献   

Boreal forests are crucial in regulating global vegetation‐atmosphere feedbacks, but the impact of climate change on boreal tree carbon fluxes is still unclear. Given the sensitivity of global vegetation models to photosynthetic and respiration parameters, we determined how predictions of net carbon gain (C‐gain) respond to variation in these parameters using a stand‐level model (MAESTRA). We also modelled how thermal acclimation of photosynthetic and respiratory temperature sensitivity alters predicted net C‐gain responses to climate change. We modelled net C‐gain of seven common boreal tree species under eight climate scenarios across a latitudinal gradient to capture a range of seasonal temperature conditions. Physiological parameter values were taken from the literature together with different approaches for thermally acclimating photosynthesis and respiration. At high latitudes, net C‐gain was stimulated up to 400% by elevated temperatures and CO2 in the autumn but suppressed at the lowest latitudes during midsummer under climate scenarios that included warming. Modelled net C‐gain was more sensitive to photosynthetic capacity parameters (Vcmax, Jmax, Arrhenius temperature response parameters, and the ratio of Jmax to Vcmax) than stomatal conductance or respiration parameters. The effect of photosynthetic thermal acclimation depended on the temperatures where it was applied: acclimation reduced net C‐gain by 10%–15% within the temperature range where the equations were derived but decreased net C‐gain by 175% at temperatures outside this range. Thermal acclimation of respiration had small, but positive, impacts on net C‐gain. We show that model simulations are highly sensitive to variation in photosynthetic parameters and highlight the need to better understand the mechanisms and drivers underlying this variability (e.g., whether variability is environmentally and/or biologically driven) for further model improvement.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate warming depend on the degree to which plants are constrained by adaptation to their climate‐of‐origin or exhibit broad climatic suitability. We grew cool‐origin, central and warm‐origin provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis in an array of common temperature environments from 18 to 35.5°C to determine if this widely distributed tree species consists of geographically contrasting provenances with differentiated and narrow thermal niches, or if provenances share a common thermal niche. The temperature responses of photosynthesis, respiration, and growth were equivalent across the three provenances, reflecting a common thermal niche despite a 2,200 km geographic distance and 13°C difference in mean annual temperature at seed origin. The temperature dependence of growth was primarily mediated by changes in leaf area per unit plant mass, photosynthesis, and whole‐plant respiration. Thermal acclimation of leaf, stem, and root respiration moderated the increase in respiration with temperature, but acclimation was constrained at high temperatures. We conclude that this species consists of provenances that are not differentiated in their thermal responses, thus rejecting our hypothesis of adaptation to climate‐of‐origin and suggesting a shared thermal niche. In addition, growth declines with warming above the temperature optima were driven by reductions in whole‐plant leaf area and increased respiratory carbon losses. The impacts of climate warming will nonetheless vary across the geographic range of this and other such species, depending primarily on each provenance's climate position on the temperature response curves for photosynthesis, respiration, and growth.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic biochemical limitation parameters (i.e., Vcmax, Jmax and Jmax:Vcmax ratio) are sensitive to temperature and water availability, but whether these parameters in cold climate species at biome ecotones are positively or negatively influenced by projected changes in global temperature and water availability remains uncertain. Prior exploration of this question has largely involved greenhouse based short‐term manipulative studies with mixed results in terms of direction and magnitude of responses. To address this question in a more realistic context, we examined the effects of increased temperature and rainfall reduction on the biochemical limitations of photosynthesis using a long‐term chamber‐less manipulative experiment located in northern Minnesota, USA. Nine tree species from the boreal‐temperate ecotone were grown in natural neighborhoods under ambient and elevated (+3.4°C) growing season temperatures and ambient or reduced (≈40% of rainfall removed) summer rainfall. Apparent rubisco carboxylation and RuBP regeneration standardized to 25°C (Vcmax25°C and Jmax25°C, respectively) were estimated based on ACi curves measured in situ over three growing seasons. Our primary objective was to test whether species would downregulate Vcmax25°C and Jmax25°C in response to warming and reduced rainfall, with such responses expected to be greatest in species with the coldest and most humid native ranges, respectively. These hypotheses were not supported, as there were no overall main treatment effects on Vcmax25°C or Jmax25°C (p > .14). However, Jmax:Vcmax ratio decreased significantly with warming (p = .0178), whereas interactions between warming and rainfall reduction on the Jmax25°C to Vcmax25°C ratio were not significant. The insensitivity of photosynthetic parameters to warming contrasts with many prior studies done under larger temperature differentials and often fixed daytime temperatures. In sum, plants growing in relatively realistic conditions under naturally varying temperatures and soil moisture levels were remarkably insensitive in terms of their Jmax25°C and Vcmax25°C when grown at elevated temperatures, reduced rainfall, or both combined.  相似文献   

Understanding of the extent of acclimation of light‐saturated net photosynthesis (An) to temperature (T), and associated underlying mechanisms, remains limited. This is a key knowledge gap given the importance of thermal acclimation for plant functioning, both under current and future higher temperatures, limiting the accuracy and realism of Earth system model (ESM) predictions. Given this, we analysed and modelled T‐dependent changes in photosynthetic capacity in 10 wet‐forest tree species: six from temperate forests and four from tropical forests. Temperate and tropical species were each acclimated to three daytime growth temperatures (Tgrowth): temperate – 15, 20 and 25 °C; tropical – 25, 30 and 35 °C. CO2 response curves of An were used to model maximal rates of RuBP (ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate) carboxylation (Vcmax) and electron transport (Jmax) at each treatment's respective Tgrowth and at a common measurement T (25 °C). SDS‐PAGE gels were used to determine abundance of the CO2‐fixing enzyme, Rubisco. Leaf chlorophyll, nitrogen (N) and mass per unit leaf area (LMA) were also determined. For all species and Tgrowth, An at current atmospheric CO2 partial pressure was Rubisco‐limited. Across all species, LMA decreased with increasing Tgrowth. Similarly, area‐based rates of Vcmax at a measurement T of 25 °C (Vcmax25) linearly declined with increasing Tgrowth, linked to a concomitant decline in total leaf protein per unit leaf area and Rubisco as a percentage of leaf N. The decline in Rubisco constrained Vcmax and An for leaves developed at higher Tgrowth and resulted in poor predictions of photosynthesis by currently widely used models that do not account for Tgrowth‐mediated changes in Rubisco abundance that underpin the thermal acclimation response of photosynthesis in wet‐forest tree species. A new model is proposed that accounts for the effect of Tgrowth‐mediated declines in Vcmax25 on An, complementing current photosynthetic thermal acclimation models that do not account for T sensitivity of Vcmax25.  相似文献   

The responses of respiration and photosynthesis to temperature fluctuations in marine macroalgae have the potential to significantly affect coastal carbon fluxes and sequestration. In this study, the marine red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis was cultured at three different temperatures (12, 19, and 26°C) and at high‐ and low‐nitrogen (N) availability, to investigate the acclimation potential of respiration and photosynthesis to temperature change. Measurements of respiratory and photosynthetic rates were made at five temperatures (7°C–33°C). An instantaneous change in temperature resulted in a change in the rates of respiration and photosynthesis, and the temperature sensitivities (i.e., the Q10 value) for both the metabolic processes were lower in 26°C‐grown algae than 12°C‐ or 19°C‐grown algae. Both respiration and photosynthesis acclimated to long‐term changes in temperature, irrespective of the N availability under which the algae were grown; respiration displayed strong acclimation, whereas photosynthesis only exhibited a partial acclimation response to changing growth temperatures. The ratio of respiration to gross photosynthesis was higher in 12°C‐grown algae, but displayed little difference between the algae grown at 19°C and 26°C. We propose that it is unlikely that respiration in G. lemaneiformis would increase significantly with global warming, although photosynthesis would increase at moderately elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Carbon cycling responses of ecosystems to global warming will likely be stronger in cold ecosystems where many processes are temperature‐limited. Predicting these effects is difficult because air and soil temperatures will not change in concert, and will affect above and belowground processes differently. We disentangled above and belowground temperature effects on plant C allocation and deposition of plant C in soils by independently manipulating air and soil temperatures in microcosms planted with either Leucanthemopsis alpina or Pinus mugo seedlings. Daily average temperatures of 4 or 9°C were applied to shoots and independently to roots, and plants pulse‐labelled with 14CO2. We traced soil CO2 and 14CO2 evolution for 4 days, after which microcosms were destructively harvested and 14C quantified in plant and soil fractions. In microcosms with L. alpina, net 14C uptake was higher at 9°C than at 4°C soil temperature, and this difference was independent of air temperature. In warmer soils, more C was allocated to roots at greater soil depth, with no effect of air temperature. In P. mugo microcosms, assimilate partitioning to roots increased with air temperature, but only when soils were at 9°C. Higher soil temperatures also increased the mean soil depth at which 14C was allocated. Our findings highlight the dependence of C uptake, use, and partitioning on both air and soil temperature, with the latter being relatively more important. The strong temperature‐sensitivity of C assimilate use in the roots and rhizosphere supports the hypothesis that cold limitation on C uptake is primarily mediated by reduced sink strength in the roots. We conclude that variations in soil rather than air temperature are going to drive plant responses to warming in cold environments, with potentially large changes in C cycling due to enhanced transfer of plant‐derived C to soils.  相似文献   

In an 18 year old Japanese larch stand, leaf characteristics such as area, weight, gross photosynthetic rate and respiration rate were studied in order to obtain basic information on estimating canopy photosynthesis and respiration. The leaf growth courses in area and weight from bud opening were approximated by simple logistic curves. The growth coefficient for the area growth curve was 0.155–0.175 day−1, while that for the weight growth was 0.112–0.117 day−1. The larger growth coefficient in area growth caused the seasonal change in specific leaf area (SLA) that increased after bud opening to its peak early in May at almost 300 cm2 g−1 and then decreased until it leveled off at about 140 cm2g−1. The change inSLA indicates the possibility that leaf area growth precedes leaf thickness growth. The relationship between the coefficientsa andb of the gross photosynthetic rate (p)-light flux density (1) curve (p=bI/(1+aI)) and the mean relative light flux density (I′/I 0) at each canopy height were approximated by hyperbolic formulae:a=A/(I′/I 0)+B andb=C/(I′/I 0)+D. Leaf respiration rate was also increased with increasingI′/I 0. Seasonal change of gross photosynthetic rate and leaf respiration rate were related to mean air temperature through linear regression on semilogarithmic co-ordinates.  相似文献   

The red seaweed Gracilariopsis is an important crop extensively cultivated in China for high‐quality raw agar. In the cultivation site at Nanao Island, Shantou, China, G. lemaneiformis experiences high variability in environmental conditions like seawater temperature. In this study, G. lemaneiformis was cultured at 12, 19, or 26°C for 3 weeks, to examine its photosynthetic acclimation to changing temperature. Growth rates were highest in G. lemaneiformis thalli grown at 19°C, and were reduced with either decreased or increased temperature. The irradiance‐saturated rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) decreased with decreasing temperature, but increased significantly with prolonged cultivation at lower temperatures, indicating the potential for photosynthesis acclimation to lower temperature. Moreover, Pmax increased with increasing temperature (~30 μmol O2 · g?1FW · h?1 at 12°C to 70 μmol O2 · g?1FW · h?1 at 26°C). The irradiance compensation point for photosynthesis (Ic) decreased significantly with increasing temperature (28 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at high temperature vs. 38 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at low temperature). Both the photosynthetic light‐ and carbon‐use efficiencies increased with increasing growth or temperatures (from 12°C to 26°C). The results suggested that the thermal acclimation of photosynthetic performance of G. lemaneiformis would have important ecophysiological implications in sea cultivation for improving photosynthesis at low temperature and maintaining high standing biomass during summer. Ongoing climate change (increasing atmospheric CO2 and global warming) may enhance biomass production in G. lemaneiformis mariculture through the improved photosynthetic performances in response to increasing temperature.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that acclimation of foliar dark respiration to CO2 concentration and temperature is associated with adjustments in leaf structure and chemistry. Populus tremuloides Michx. , Betula papyrifera Marsh. , Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch , Pinus banksiana Lamb., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. were grown from seed in combined CO2 (370 or 580 μ mol mol–1) and temperature treatments (18/12, 24/18, or 30/24 °C). Temperature and CO2 effects were predominately independent. Specific respiration rates partially acclimated to warmer thermal environments through downward adjustment in the intercept, but not Q 10 of the temperature–response functions. Temperature acclimation of respiration was larger for conifers than broad-leaved species and was associated with pronounced reductions in leaf nitrogen concentrations in conifers at higher growth temperatures. Short-term increases in CO2 concentration did not inhibit respiration. Growth in the elevated CO2 concentration reduced leaf nitrogen and increased non-structural carbohydrate concentrations. However, for a given nitrogen concentration, respiration was higher in leaves grown in the elevated CO2 concentration, as rates increased with increasing carbohydrates. Across species and treatments, respiration rates were a function of both leaf nitrogen and carbohydrate concentrations ( R 2 = 0·71, P < 0·0001). Long-term acclimation of foliar dark respiration to temperature and CO2 concentration is largely associated with changes in nitrogen and carbohydrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Studying relationships of plant traits to ecosystem properties is an emerging approach aiming to understand plant's potential effect on ecosystem functioning. In the current study, we explored links between morphological and nutritional leaf traits of two Mediterranean perennial grass species Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum, widely used to prevent desertification process by stabilizing sand dunes. We evaluated also relationships in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability between leaves of the investigated species and the corresponding soil. Our results showed that leaf P was very low in comparison with leaf N for the two investigated species. In fact, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis capacity and water conservation during photosynthesis are mainly linked to leaf nitrogen content. Our findings support previous studies showing that at the species levels, morphological and nutritional leaf traits were not related. On the other hand, significant relationships were obtained between soil N and leaf N for S. tenacissima (= 0.011) and L. spartum (= 0.033). However, leaf P was not significantly related to soil P availability for both species. We suggest that any decrease in soil N with the predicted increasing aridity may result in reduction in leaf N and thus in worst dysfunction of some biological processes levels.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that species occurring in the eastern and the western Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) responded differently to climate changes during the Pleistocene. Here, we test this hypothesis by phylogeographic analysis of two sister species, Allium cyathophorum and A. spicata. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments (accD‐psaI and the rpl16 intron) of 150 individuals, and the nuclear (ITS) region of 114 individuals, from 19 populations throughout the distributional ranges of these species. The divergence between the two species was dated at 779 ‐ 714 thousand years before the present and was likely initiated by the most major glaciation in the QTP. Analysis of chlorotype diversity showed that A. spicata, the species occurring in the western QTP, contains much lower genetic diversity (0.25) than A. cyathophorum (0.93), which is distributed in the eastern QTP. Moreover, multiple independent tests suggested that the A. spicata population had expanded recently, while no such expansion was detected in A. cyathophorum, indicating a contrasting pattern of responses to Pleistocene climate changes. These findings highlight the importance of geographical topography in determining how species responded to the climate changes that took place in the QTP during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Ecological modeling shows that even small, gradual changes in body size in a fish population can have large effects on natural mortality, biomass, and catch. However, efforts to model the impact of climate change on fish growth have been hampered by a lack of long‐term (multidecadal) data needed to understand the effects of temperature on growth rates in natural environments. We used a combination of dendrochronology techniques and additive mixed‐effects modeling to examine the sensitivity of growth in a long‐lived (up to 70 years), endemic marine fish, the western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii), to changes in water temperature. A multi‐decadal biochronology (1952–2003) of growth was constructed from the otoliths of 56 fish collected off the southwestern coast of Western Australia, and we tested for correlations between the mean index chronology and a range of potential environmental drivers. The chronology was significantly correlated with sea surface temperature in the region, but common variance among individuals was low. This suggests that this species has been relatively insensitive to past variations in climate. Growth increment and age data were also used in an additive mixed model to predict otolith growth and body size later this century. Although growth was relatively insensitive to changes in temperature, the model results suggested that a fish aged 20 in 2099 would have an otolith about 10% larger and a body size about 5% larger than a fish aged 20 in 1977. Our study shows that species or populations regarded as relatively insensitive to climate change could still undergo significant changes in growth rate and body size that are likely to have important effects on the productivity and yield of fisheries.  相似文献   

Increases in seawater temperature are expected to have negative consequences for marine organisms. Beyond individual effects, species‐specific differences in thermal tolerance are predicted to modify species interactions and increase the strength of top‐down effects, particularly in plant–herbivore interactions. Shifts in trophic interactions will be especially important when affecting habitat‐forming species such as seagrasses, as the consequences on their abundance will cascade throughout the food web. Seagrasses are a major component of coastal ecosystems offering important ecosystem services, but are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors, including warming. The mechanistic understanding of seagrass responses to warming at multiple scales of organization remains largely unexplored, especially in early‐life stages such as seedlings. Yet, these early‐life stages are critical for seagrass expansion processes and adaptation to climate change. In this study, we determined the effects of a 3 month experimental exposure to present and predicted mean summer SST of the Mediterranean Sea (25°C, 27°C, and 29°C) on the photophysiology, size, and ecology (i.e., plant‐herbivore interactions) of seedlings of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Warming resulted in increased mortality, leaf necrosis, and respiration as well as lower carbohydrate reserves in the seed, the main storage organ in seedlings. Aboveground biomass and root growth were also limited with warming, which could hamper seedling establishment success. Furthermore, warming increased the susceptibility to consumption by grazers, likely due to lower leaf fiber content and thickness. Our results indicate that warming will negatively affect seagrass seedlings through multiple direct and indirect pathways: increased stress, reduced establishment potential, lower storage of carbohydrate reserves, and increased susceptibly to consumption. This work provides a significant step forward in understanding the major mechanisms that will drive the capacity of seagrass seedlings to adapt and survive to warming, highlighting the potential additive effects that herbivory will have on ultimately determining seedling success.  相似文献   

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