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Snow Finches and Mountain-steppe Sparrows differ in habitat selection, feeding, social and vocal behaviour. For these reasons, separation of the genusMontifringilla intoMontifringilla andPyrgilauda is recommended.  相似文献   



Retrotransposons are heterogeneous sequences, widespread in eukaryotic genomes, which refer to the so-called mobile DNA. They resemble retroviruses, both in their structure and for their ability to transpose within the host genome, of which they make up a considerable portion. Copia- and Gypsy-like retrotransposons are the two main classes of retroelements shown to be ubiquitous in plant genomes. Ideally, the retrotransposons life cycle results in the synthesis of a messenger RNA and then self-encoded proteins to process retrotransposon mRNA in double stranded extra-chromosomal cDNA copies which may integrate in new chromosomal locations.  相似文献   

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Zusammenfassung Mittels der Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie wurden Lebern, Nieren und Federn von Graureihern und von diesjährigen Kormoranen auf Cadmium und Blei untersucht.Cadmium war in Geweben der Kormorane höher konzentriert als in gleichaltrigen Graureihern (Leber 0,063 bzw. 0,039, Niere 0,113 bzw. 0.104 mg/kg Frischmasse; Federn 0,077 bzw. 0,025 mg/kg Trockenmasse). Dies könnte auf unterschiedliche Nahrung oder unterschiedliche physiologische Situation der Vögel zurückzuführen sein. Als Maximum wurden in der Niere eines Kormorans 0,375 mg/kg gemessen. Bei den Graureihern konnte in Lebern und Nieren eine Altersakkumulation erkannt werden. Blei war in den Geweben beider Arten unterschiedlich hoch konzentriert. Kormorane enthielten in Lebern 0,124 und in Nieren 0,147 mg/kg Frischmasse sowie in Federn 0,442 mg/kg Trockenmasse, Graureiher 0,110, 0,157 bzw. 0,739 mg/kg. Die höchsten Konzentrationen wurden in Federn gemessen und betrugen bei einem Graureiher 4,525 mg/kg. Eine Altersakkumulation konnte bei Graureihern in Lebern nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenhänge zwischen Feder- und Organbelastungen wurden nur bei diesjährigen Graureiher- erkannt: Federcadmium und Lebercadmium korrelierten positiv miteinander.
Heavy metals in tissue and feathers of Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) and Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)
Summary The livers, kidneys and feathers of 40 Grey Herons and 20 Cormorants were investigated by AAS to determine the extent of contamination with cadmium and lead. The birds had been shot in autumn 1979–1986 in Schleswig-Holstein. All results are given in mg/kg (ppm) wet mass (liver, kidney) or dry weight (feather). On the average, the contamination by cadmium in the livers (0.063), kidneys (0.113) and feathers (0.077) was higher in Cormorants than in Grey Herons (0.039, 0.104 and 0.025). These differences may be the result of different food or physiology. The livers and kidneys of young Grey Herons contained less cadmium than the tissue of older birds. The feathers of male Grey Herons contained more cadmium than feathers of females do. This was also the case in kidneys of male Cormorants as compared to the females. Cadmium values in livers and kidneys were positive correlated. No general tendency was detectable in regards to lead contamination. The results concerning Cormorants were 0.124 (liver), 0.147 (kidney), 0.442 (feather) and concerning Grey Herons 0.110, 0.157 and 0.739. The livers of old Grey Herons were more highly contaminated by lead than livers of young ones. The feathers of male Herons contained two times more lead than the feathers of females do.In general, a concentration of heavy metals in feathers does not indicate a contamination of livers or kidneys. A correlation between the values in feathers and tissue was evident only in one case, where a positive correlation was found between feather- and liver cadmium in young male Grey Herons.

Ohne ZusammenfassungAus der Zeitschrift des zoolog. Gartens zu Frankfurt a. M. V. Jahrg S. 27.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Vergleich von 126 Bälgen vonPytilia melba (L.) ließ 13 Rassen erkennen, von denen eine(P. m. affinis) allerdings nur bedingte Anerkennung verdient. Neu beschrieben wirdP. m. clanceyi aus dem Sudan.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einem Gebiet auf der Schwäbischen Alb von 432 km2 mit weitgehend homogener Waldverteilung brüteten 13 Habicht- und 20 Rotmilanpaare. Die Horsthöhe über dem Boden lag bei beiden Arten oberhalb der Handbuchangaben. Eine Bevorzugung von Laubwaldhabitaten durch den Rotmilan war nicht erkennbar. Die regelmäßige intraspezifische Dispersion der Horstreviere beider Arten läßt auf das Vorhandensein intraspezifischer Territorialität schließen. Eine Regelmäßigkeit in der interspezifischen Dispersion war hingegen nicht erkennbar. Negative Einflüsse des Habichts auf den Reproduktionserfolg des Rotmilans waren ebenfalls nicht nachweisbar. Konkurrenz um Horstplätze zwischen Habicht und Rotmilan spielte im untersuchten Gebiet somit eine unbedeutende Rolle. Die Wirkung solcher Konkurrenz als ein für konstante Populationen allgemeingültiger Regulationsmechanismus nachKostrzewa et al. (1985) wird in Frage gestellt. Allein im Abstand des Horstes zum Waldrand bestand im Untersuchungsgebiet eine klare Trennung der Horstplatzansprüche beider Arten.
Nesting habitat and territoriality in Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and Red Kite (Milvus milvus)
Summary Intraspecific and interspecific spacing of Goshawk and Red Kite nesting places were investigated in an area of 432 km2 located in southern Germany. The area is characterized by a relatively homogeneous forest distribution. Nesting habitat data were collected over a period of four years. Thirteen breeding pairs of Goshawk und twenty breeding pairs of Red Kite were censused within the study area. The mean heights of nests above ground in both species were greater than those previously described (i. e.Cramp &Simmons 1980). The current view, that Red Kites prefer deciduous forest nesting habitats and deciduous nest trees, could not be confirmed.The regular intraspecific spacing of nesting places in both species indicates intraspecific territoriality. In contrast, no regularity in interspecific spacing could be detected. There was no noticeable influence of the Goshawk on the reproduction success of the Red Kite. Thus, competition for nesting places in the investigated area among Goshawk and Red Kite plays, if any, only a minor role. A factor seperating the two species with high significance is the distance from the nesting place to the nearest forest edge.In conclusion, the present study shows that competition for nesting places as a regulation mechanism, as proposed byKostrzewa et al. (1985), is unlikely.

Movement in the echinometrid sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) was investigated in relation to the availability of a preferred food species, the laminarian alga Ecklonia radiata (C. Ag.). Patterns of microhabitat occupancy, dispersion, and movement were described in two habitats: Coralline Flats, dominated by encrusting coralline algae; and Sediment Flats, occupied by turfing corallines, Ecklonia and the mussel Modiolus areolatus (Gould). In both habitats, sea urchins were positively associated with encrusting coralline algae, despite the fact that encrusting corallines occupied a minor proportion of the substratum in the Sediment Flat habitat. Sea urchins were significantly clumped in both habitat types, and more so in sites within the Sediment Flats habitat. Movement was not directional in either habitat, but the magnitude of movement was almost twice as high in sites from the Coralline Flats habitat, where kelp was absent, as in the Sediment Flats sites, where kelp was present. Behaviour in response to the presence of Ecklonia in both habitats was investigated experimentally. In both habitats, urchins exposed to a “drift” kelp plant at a distance of 1–2 m exhibited net movement approximately twice as great as that shown by control urchins, not exposed to a kelp plant. Despite the relatively small distances the urchins were from the kelp, there was no evidence of directionality in movement. We conclude from the present study that further understanding of the feeding behaviour of urchins requires that a distinction be made between attached and drift algae, and between directionality and magnitude of movement, and that the interaction of these and other factors are best investigated under field conditions.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species are commonly used as biological control agents against phytopathogenic fungi and some strains are able to produce metabolites that enhance plant growth. In the current study we evaluated the production of potential growth-promoting metabolites, rhizosphere competence and endophytism for 101 isolates of Trichoderma from Colombia, and assessed the relationship of these factors to the enhancement of early stages of growth on bean seedlings. Twenty percent of these Trichoderma strains were able to produce soluble forms of phosphate from phosphoric rock. Only 8% of the assessed strains showed consistent ability to produce siderophores to convert ferric iron to soluble forms by chelation. Sixty percent of isolates produced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or auxin analogues. The production of any of these metabolites was a characteristic of specific strains, as the ability to produce these metabolites varied greatly within species. Moreover, the production of these substances did not correlate with enhanced growth on bean seedlings, measured as the combined increase in length of roots and aerial parts in the V3 stage of growth. Seven Trichoderma isolates significantly improved the growth of bean seedlings. However, metabolite production varied widely in these seven strains, and some isolates did not produce any of the assessed growth-promoting metabolites. Results indicated that growth was enhanced in the presence of rhizosphere competent and endophytic strains of Trichoderma, and these characteristics were strain-specific and not characteristic for species.  相似文献   

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