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【背景】大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶Ⅰ(Escherichia coli topoisomerase I,E.coli TopA)在DNA复制、转录、重组和基因表达调控等过程发挥关键作用。研究表明E.coli TopA只有结合锌离子才具有活性,然而E.coli TopA能否结合其他金属离子尤其是重金属离子,以及结合其他金属后是否具有活性,目前仍不清楚。【目的】探究大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶Ⅰ是否结合环境中常见重金属离子,研究重金属离子结合E.coli TopA蛋白后对其活性的影响。【方法】在分别添加有锌、钴、镍、镉、铁、汞、砷、铬、铅、铜离子的M9基础培养中表达、纯化出E.coli TopA蛋白,并对纯化得到的蛋白用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪进行相应金属离子含量的测定;利用表达E.coli TopA锌指结构的突变体蛋白鉴定重金属离子的结合位点;通过体外超螺旋DNA松弛实验测定不同金属结合E.coli TopA的拓扑异构酶活性;通过测定蛋白内源性荧光推测不同金属结合E.coli TopA的空间构象差异。【结果】E.coli TopA在体内除了能结合锌和铁之外,还能够结合钴、镍、镉3种离子,但是不能结合汞、砷、铬、铅、铜离子。钴、镍、镉结合形式的E.coli TopA,每个蛋白分子最多可以结合3个相应的金属离子,他们与TopA蛋白的结合位点也是位于3个锌指结构域,而且每个锌指结构域结合1个金属离子。此外,E.coli TopA结合钴、镍、镉离子后,其DNA拓扑异构酶活性并未受到影响,可能是由于钴、镍、镉离子结合形式的E.coli TopA蛋白,其空间构象与锌结合形式相比并未发生显著变化。【结论】由于DNA拓扑异构酶在维持细胞正常生理功能中发挥关键作用,研究表明E.coli TopA的功能不会受到常见重金属的干扰(不结合或者结合后活性无影响),这也有可能是大肠杆菌在进化过程中产生的对抗环境中重金属离子毒害作用的一种自我保护和耐受机制,具有重要的生理意义。 相似文献
大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶 I(E. coli TopA)属于 I 型拓扑异构酶,在DNA复制、转录、重组和基因表达调控等过程中发挥关键作用。E. coli TopA 不仅能结合锌,还可以结合铁。细胞内过量铁可与锌竞争,通过与锌指结构域结合减弱其 DNA 结合能力和改变蛋白质空间构象,从而抑制TopA拓扑异构酶活性。然而,铁结合形式TopA的氧化还原特性以及氧化还原条件对其活性的影响仍不清楚。本研究通过紫外分光光谱和体外DNA拓扑异构酶活性分析,发现体外纯化得到的铁结合形式的 TopA 呈氧化状态,能够被二硫苏糖醇和连二亚硫酸钠还原,原本氧化状态下无活性的TopA在还原条件下,可恢复其拓扑异构酶活性。当还原剂被去除后,铁结合的TopA在空气中能够重新被氧化,且其活性重新受到抑制。这说明,氧化还原条件对铁结合的 TopA 功能具有可逆调节作用。通过金属 蛋白体外结合实验进一步发现,无金属结合的TopA蛋白(apo-TopA)在无氧条件下,与 Fe2+ 和 Fe3+ 均能结合,但与Fe2+ 结合能力较弱,并且TopA结合的Fe3+ 被还原成Fe2+ 后,结合力显著下降,能够被铁螯合指示剂菲咯嗪快速捕获。此外,蛋白质内源性荧光光谱分析实验表明,铁结合的TopA在氧化还原的不同状态时,其在330 nm左右的荧光值有显著差异。这提示,氧化还原条件可能通过影响铁离子与TopA的结合状态,引起蛋白质空间构象改变,从而对TopA的拓扑异构酶活性进行调节。此研究表明,铁结合TopA的拓扑异构酶活性会受到细胞内氧化还原信号的可逆调控,也提示I型拓扑异构酶可能是细胞铁超载通过氧化损伤引起细胞功能障碍(或铁死亡)的靶点之一。 相似文献
真核生物中锌指蛋白的结构与功能 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
真核生物中的许多蛋白质分子包含锌指结构区,这类蛋白称为锌指蛋白.锌指蛋白因其包含特殊的指状结构,在对DNA、蛋白质和RNA的识别和结合中起重要作用.许多锌指蛋白的锌指结构域包含能与DNA特异结合的区域,并与某些效应结构域(如KRAB、SCAN、BTB/POZ、SNAG、SANT和PLAG等)相连,这类锌指蛋白常作为转录因子起作用,可调控靶基因的转录.一些锌指蛋白包含蛋白质识别结构域(如LIM锌指、MYND锌指、PHD锌指和RING锌指等),它们能够特异地介导蛋白质之间的相互作用,因此被称作蛋白适配器.此外,某些锌指蛋白还可以结合RNA,起转录后调控作用.本文就锌指蛋白与DNA、RNA以及蛋白质分子间的相互作用作一综述. 相似文献
Ydj1p是酵母细胞质中一种主要的I型Hsp40分子伴侣,Ydj1p锌指结构在传递底物给Hsp70时发挥重要的作用,锌指结构域的两个锌离子结合位点区域(ZBDⅠ和ZBDⅡ)与半胱氨酸形成配位键对底物传递中维持结构稳定非常重要。本研究通过分子动力学手段对Ydj1p与各锌指结构突变体进行了模拟,分析ZBDⅠ突变体关键残基C143S、C201S,ZBDⅡ突变体关键残基C162S、C185S的突变影响Hsp40与Hsp70的底物传递。分析结果表明,当锌指部位的氨基酸发生突变,不仅能影响Ydj1p的结构稳定性,也能影响底物的传递,并且锌指结构Ⅰ突变体和锌指结构Ⅱ突变体之间也具有明显差异。通过结合能量的分析以及构象变化比对,揭示了Ydj1p以及各锌指结构突变体底物结合能力的强弱,这与生化实验研究了Ydj1p锌指结构与Hsp70合作,帮助多肽传递的功能是至关重要的结果较为相近。 相似文献
锌指结构:最普遍的核酸识别元件 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
锌指是最大的DNA结合蛋白家庭,是识别DNA最有效、最成功的一种结构元件。其模块性结构特点及与核酸作用的相对简单性,使其成为研究蛋白-核酸相互作用的理想材料,以及人为设计筛选新的核酸结合蛋白的最佳元件。 相似文献
锌指结构是DNA结合蛋白的基本模型之一,它广泛存在于真核细胞与基因调控有关的蛋白质中。文章综述了锌指蛋白的发现、存在、结构模型、与DNA结合特点和生物功能,以及近期的研究重点。 相似文献
锌指蛋白是最大的蛋白家族,是识别核酸最常见的、最有效的结构元件。通过选择合适的表达载体及诱导表达条件,实现了小鼠转录因子Zif268的锌指DNA结合区在大肠杆菌中的部分可溶性表达。凝胶迁移率移动试验证实纯化的可溶部分锌指DNA结合区可以特异性识别、结合其天然靶序列,提示锌指DNA结合区在大肠杆菌中得到了功能性表达。锌指DNA结合区在大肠杆菌中的功能性表达成功为锌指蛋白DNA相互作用的胞内遗传筛选模型的建立奠定了基础。 相似文献
逆境相关植物锌指蛋白的研究进展 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
锌是植物必需的营养元素,锌指蛋白因其具有指状结构特征且能结合Zn2 而得名,植物锌指蛋白包含特有的QALGGH保守结构,可能涉及调控植物特有的生物学功能。人们已经从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm)、水稻(Oryza sativa)、大豆(Glycine max)、棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)等植物中克隆了许多编码锌指蛋白的基因,并对其结构及功能进行了研究。利用转基因技术,将一些与逆境胁迫相关的锌指蛋白基因在目标植物中过量表达后,能对植物起到增强抗逆性的作用,说明锌指蛋白在增强植物逆境抗性方面有着广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
筛选到C2HC型锌指蛋白,其编码304个氨基酸,命名为OsZFP6。分别使用碱性盐(NaHCO3)和H2O2对水稻两周龄幼苗进行胁迫处理,检测到OsZFP6相对表达量受其诱导,并在叶和根中出现差异,因此,推测OsZFP6参与相应的逆境响应调节途径。我们将一个绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)与之融合,发现OsZFP6定位在细胞核。此外,对过表达OsZFP6的水稻转基因植株进行NaHCO3胁迫处理,结果表明过表达植株均具有较强的耐受性;并且在株高、鲜重生理指标上,野生型植株低于过表达OsZFP6植株,在野生型植株体内的MDA、H2O2含量高于过表达植株;说明OsZFP6在响应NaHCO3胁迫时可以通过清除过氧化物来增强植物的抗性。初步推测OsZFP6基因参与响应碱性盐胁迫途径的调控,可能在转录调控中直接或间接发挥重要作用。 相似文献
大肠杆菌梭曼水解酶的纯化和性质邵煌,刘昌玲,肖美珍,孙曼霁(北京军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京100850)梭曼属G类神经性有机磷毒剂.自然界发现多种细菌中均存在梭曼水解酶(Somanase)活性[1-3].研究细菌梭曼水解酶,寻求生物解毒的方法... 相似文献
Immobilization of plasminogen via its lysine-binding sites is regarded as a prerequisite for its activation and function in fibrinolysis and pericellular proteolysis. In the present study, the interaction of plasminogen with fimbriae found on Escherichia coli strains causing invasive human infections was studied. Plasminogen displayed concentration-dependent and saturable binding to immobilized type 1 fimbriae and, several fold lower binding to P and S fimbriae. The binding to fimbriae was effectively inhibited by -aminocaproic acid indicating that it was mediated by the lysine-binding sites of plasminogen. Binding studies with mutated fimbriae and inhibition tests indicated that the interaction was not dependent on the lectin subunit of the fimbriae. These results indicate the existence of a novel type of host-microbe interaction which may be important in the invasion by bacteria of host tissues. 相似文献
A key virulence trait of pathogenic bacteria is the ability to bind to receptors on mucosal cells. Here the potential glycosphingolipid receptors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli were examined by binding of 35S-labeled bacteria to glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. Thereby a selective interaction with two nonacid glycosphingolipids of cat small intestinal epithelium was found. The binding-active glycosphingolipids were isolated and, on the basis of mass spectrometry, proton NMR spectroscopy, and degradation studies, identified as Galalpha3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer (isoglobotriaosylceramide) and Galalpha3Galalpha3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer. The latter glycosphingolipid has not been described before. The interaction was not based on terminal Galalpha3 because the bacteria did not recognize the structurally related glycosphingolipids Galalpha3Galalpha4Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer and Galalpha3Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer (B5 glycosphingolipid). However, further binding assays using reference glycosphingolipids showed that the enterohemorrhagic E. coli also bound to lactosylceramide with phytosphingosine and/or hydroxy fatty acids, suggesting that the minimal structural element recognized is a correctly presented lactosyl unit. Further binding of neolactotetraosylceramide, lactotetraosylceramide, the Le(a)-5 glycosphingolipid, as well as a weak binding to gangliotriaosylceramide and gangliotetraosylceramide, was found in analogy with binding patterns that previously have been described for other bacteria classified as lactosylceramide-binding. 相似文献
Wu Wang Xiaolu Su Xiaobing Wang Juanjuan Yang Ting Zhang Maofeng Wang Rugen Wan Guoqiang Tan Jianxin Lu 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2014,23(11):1619-1628
Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I (TopA) contains a 67 kDa N‐terminal catalytic domain and a 30 kDa C‐terminal zinc‐binding region (ZD domain) which has three adjacent tetra‐cysteine zinc‐binding motifs. Previous studies have shown that E. coli TopA can bind both iron and zinc, and that iron binding in TopA results in failure to unwind the negatively supercoiled DNA. Here, we report that each E. coli TopA monomer binds one atom of iron via the first two zinc‐binding motifs in ZD domain and both the first and second zinc‐binding motifs are required for iron binding in TopA. The site‐directed mutagenesis studies further reveal that while the mutation of the third zinc‐binding motif has very little effect on TopA's activity, mutation of the first two zinc‐binding motifs in TopA greatly diminishes the topoisomerase activity in vitro and in vivo, indicating that the first two zinc‐binding motifs in TopA are crucial for its function. The DNA‐binding activity assay and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements show that iron binding in TopA may decrease the single‐stranded (ss) DNA‐binding activity of ZD domain and also change the protein structure of TopA, which subsequently modulate topoisomerase activity. 相似文献
AIMS: The aims of the study were to identify the specific genes of O-antigen gene cluster from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O103 and to provide the basis for a specific real-time PCR test for rapid detection of E. coli O103. METHODS AND RESULTS: The published primers complementary to JUMPstart and gnd gene, the conserved flanking sequences of O-antigen genes clusters in E. coli and related species, were used to amplify the 12-kbp O103 O-antigen biosynthesis locus of STEC O103. A DNA library representative of this cluster allowed two O103-specific probes to be identified in the flippase (wzx) and UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (galE) genes. Two specific O103 serotyping real-time PCR tests based on these two genes were successfully developed. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm that the O-antigen gene cluster sequences of E. coli allow rapidly a specific O-antigen real-time PCR assay to be designed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These findings increase the number of real-time PCR-assays available to replace the classical O-serotyping among E. coli O-antigen. 相似文献
AIMS: To investigate the incidence of an R3 lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-core amplicon in a range of pathotypes of Escherichia coli, including Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAggEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 100 strains of E. coli belonging to a range of pathotypes, including 41 strains of VTEC, were screened for the genes encoding the R3 LPS-core using PCR. Fifty-four per cent produced an amplicon with the R3 primer set. Of the 41 VTEC, 66% had an R3 LPS-core with a PCR product being observed with all strains belonging to serotypes O26:H11, O111ac:H- and O145:H25. However, 46% of enteroaggregative E. coli and 50% of enteropathogenic E. coli were also shown to have an R3 LPS-core structure. CONCLUSIONS: Strains with an R3 LPS-core are widely distributed within the species E. coli. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Strains of E. coli with an R3 LPS-core structure appear not to be associated with a specific pathotype. 相似文献
大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的构建及其耐受机制研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
乙酸是微生物发酵生产常见的副产物,也可作为碳源存在于木质纤维素水解液等非粮原料发酵培养基中。培养基中含有高浓度的乙酸/乙酸盐时会抑制细胞生长、降低生物量,影响目标产品的产量和产率。研究乙酸耐受性机制,改进菌株的乙酸耐受性,构建具有高乙酸耐受性工程菌株,对于以乙酸为碳源或利用含乙酸的原料进行高附加值产品发酵生产具有重要意义。本文综述了通过代谢工程、实验室适应性进化、全局转录机器工程和基于CRISPR可追踪基因组工程等方法构建大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的研究进展,进一步从乙酸同化代谢、氨基酸依赖型代谢、离子转运系统调节和细胞膜成分修饰等4个方面阐述了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的耐受性应答机制,总结了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受菌株的生产应用,展望了提高大肠杆菌乙酸耐受方法和大肠杆菌乙酸耐受机制的研究方向。 相似文献