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Aspirin induces platelet receptor shedding via ADAM17 (TACE)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aspirin is effective in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, because it causes acetylation of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) leading to irreversible inhibition of platelets. Additional mechanisms can be suspected, because patients treated with other platelet COX inhibitors such as indomethacin do not display an increased bleeding tendency as observed for aspirin-treated patients. Recently, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs were shown to induce shedding of L-selectin in neutrophils in a metalloproteinase-dependent manner. Therefore, we investigated the effects of aspirin on the von Willebrand Factor receptor complex glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX, whose lack or dysfunction causes bleeding in patients. As quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis in whole blood, aspirin, but not its metabolite salicylic acid, induced dose-dependent shedding of human and murine GPIbalpha and GPV from the platelet surface, whereas other glycoproteins remained unaffected by this treatment. Biotinylated fragments of GPV were detected by immunoprecipitation in the supernatant of washed mouse platelets, and the expression level of GPIbalpha was decreased in these platelets as measured by Western blot analysis. Although shedding occurred normally in COX-1-deficient murine platelets, shedding was completely blocked by a broad-range metalloproteinase inhibitor and, more importantly, in mouse platelets expressing an inactive form of ADAM17. Shed fragments of GPIbalpha and GPV were elevated in the plasma of aspirin-injected mice compared with animals injected with control buffer. These data demonstrate that aspirin at high concentrations induces shedding of GPIbalpha and GPV by an ADAM17-dependent mechanism and that this process can occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Hypomorphic ADAM17(ex/ex) mice showed defects in mucosal regeneration due to inefficient enhanced GFR shedding. ADAM17 is the main sheddase of interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) to induce IL-6 trans-signaling. However, serum levels of soluble murine IL-6R were not reduced in ADAM17(ex/ex) mice, and murine ADAM17 was not the major sheddase of murine IL-6R. Shedding of murine IL-6R by murine ADAM17 was rescued in chimeric murine IL-6R proteins containing any extracellular domain but not the transmembrane and intracellular domain of human IL-6R. Apoptosis is a physiological stimulus of ADAM17-mediated shedding of human IL-6R. Even though apoptosis induced IL-6R shedding in mice, the responsible protease was identified as ADAM10. ADAM10 also was identified as protease responsible for ionomycin-induced shedding of murine and human IL-6R. However, in ADAM10-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts, compensatory shedding of human IL-6R was mediated by ADAM17, but loss of ADAM10-mediated shedding of murine IL-6R was compensated by an as-yet-unidentified protease. Finally, we identified physiological purinergic P2X7 receptor stimulation as a novel inducer of murine and human IL-6R shedding solely mediated by ADAM10. In conclusion, we describe an unexpected species specificity of ADAM10 and ADAM17 and identified ADAM10 as novel inducible sheddase of IL-6R in mice and humans, which might have consequences for the interpretation of phenotypes from ADAM17- and ADAM10-deficient mice.  相似文献   

The sigma-1 receptor is a molecular chaperone protein highly enriched in the brain. Recent studies linked it to many diseases, such as drug addition, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, depression, and even cancer. Sigma-1 receptor is enriched in lipid rafts, which are membrane microdomains essential in signaling processes. One of those signaling processes is ADAM17- and ADAM10-dependent ectodomain shedding. By using an alkaline phosphatase tagged substrate reporter system, we have shown that ADAM10-dependent BTC shedding was very sensitive to both membrane lipid component change and sigma-1 receptor agonist DHEAS treatment while ADAM17-dependent HB-EGF shedding was not; and overexpression of sigma-1 receptor diminished ADAM17- and ADAM10-dependent shedding. Our results indicate that sigma-1 receptor plays an important role in modifying the function of transmembrane proteases.  相似文献   

AIM:To determine if the cytotail of the principal sheddase tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme (TACE;ADAM17) controls protein ectodomain shedding.METHODS:Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to derive TACE variants. The resulting TACE expression plasmids with amino acid substitutions in the extracel-lular,cysteine-rich disintegrin domain (CRD) and/or deleted cytotail,along with an expression vector for the enhanced green fluorescence protein were transfected into shedding-defective M1 mutants stably expressing transmembrane L-selectin or transforming growth factor (TGF)-α. The expression levels of the TACE substrates at the cell surface were determined by flow cytometry. RESULTS:Consistent with published data,a single point mutation (C600Y) in the CRD led to shedding defi-ciency. However,removal of the cytotail from the C600Y TACE variant partially restored ectodomain cleavage of TGF-α and L-selectin. Cytotail-deleted mutants with any other substituting amino acid residues in place of Cys600 displayed similar function compared with tail-less C600Y TACE.CONCLUSION:The cytotail plays an inhibitory role,which becomes evident when it is removed from an enzyme with another mutation that affects the enzyme function.  相似文献   

A great number of physiological processes are regulated by the release of ectodomains of membrane proteins. A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17) is one of the important enzymes, which mediate this process called shedding. Today, more than 70 substrates of this transmembrane metalloprotease are known. This broad spectrum raises the question how ADAM17 recognizes its substrates specifically. Differently tagged ADAM17 deletion variants were used to demonstrate that exclusively the extracellular domains of ADAM17 are needed for interaction with two of its substrates, the IL-6R and the IL-1RII; whereas the transmembrane- and cytoplasmic-region are dispensable for this process. In the extracellular part solely the membrane-proximal domain of ADAM17 is mandatory for recognition of the two type-I transmembrane proteins, but not for the interaction with the type-II transmembrane molecule TNF-α.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 10 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein responsible for the ectodomain shedding of a range of proteins including the amyloid precursor protein implicated in Alzheimer's disease. In this study we demonstrate that ADAM10 itself is subject to shedding by one or more ADAMs. Expression of epitope-tagged wild-type ADAM10 in SH-SY5Y cells enabled the detection of a soluble ectodomain in conditioned medium. Shedding of the ADAM10 ectodomain was inhibited by a known ADAM inhibitor with a reciprocal accumulation of the full-length mature protein in both cell lysates and extracellular membrane vesicles. Shedding was also stimulated by phorbol ester treatment of cells. A glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored form of ADAM10 lacking the cytosolic, transmembrane and α-helical juxtamembrane regions of the wild-type protein was shed in a similar manner. Furthermore, a truncated soluble ADAM10 construct, although correctly post-translationally processed and catalytically active against a synthetic peptide substrate, was incapable of shedding cell-associated amyloid precursor protein. Finally, we show that ADAM9 is, at least in part, responsible for the ectodomain shedding of ADAM10. In conclusion, this is a new mechanism by which levels of ADAM10 are regulated and may have implications in a range of human diseases including Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

All ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which has important roles in development and disease, are released from the membrane by proteases. In several instances, ectodomain release is critical for activation of EGFR ligands, highlighting the importance of identifying EGFR ligand sheddases. Here, we uncovered the sheddases for six EGFR ligands using mouse embryonic cells lacking candidate-releasing enzymes (a disintegrin and metalloprotease [ADAM] 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19). ADAM10 emerged as the main sheddase of EGF and betacellulin, and ADAM17 as the major convertase of epiregulin, transforming growth factor alpha, amphiregulin, and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in these cells. Analysis of adam9/12/15/17-/- knockout mice corroborated the essential role of adam17-/- in activating the EGFR in vivo. This comprehensive evaluation of EGFR ligand shedding in a defined experimental system demonstrates that ADAMs have critical roles in releasing all EGFR ligands tested here. Identification of EGFR ligand sheddases is a crucial step toward understanding the mechanism underlying ectodomain release, and has implications for designing novel inhibitors of EGFR-dependent tumors.  相似文献   

Previous findings indicated that the activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM) is expressed by tumors and plays a role in tumor biology. In this study, we show that ALCAM is shed from epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cells in vitro, leading to the generation of a soluble ALCAM (sALCAM), consisting of most of the extracellular domain. A similar sALCAM molecule was also found in the ascitic fluids and sera from EOC patients, suggesting that this process also occurs in vivo. sALCAM is constitutively produced by EOC cells, and this process can be enhanced by cell treatment with pervanadate, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), or epidermal growth factor (EGF), a known growth factor for EOC. Pharmacologic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and of a disintegrin and metalloproteases (ADAM), and the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3, significantly inhibited sALCAM release by EOC cells. The ADAM17/TACE molecule was expressed in EOC cell lines and ADAM17/TACE silencing by specific small interfering RNA-reduced ALCAM shedding. In addition, inhibitors of ADAM function blocked EOC cell motility in a wound-healing assay. Conversely, a recombinant antibody blocking ALCAM adhesive functions and inducing ALCAM internalization enhanced EOC cell motility. Altogether, our data suggest that the disruption of ALCAM-mediated adhesion is a relevant step in EOC motility, and ADAM17/TACE takes part in this process, which may be relevant to EOC invasive potential.  相似文献   

This study shows that the high affinity alpha-chain of the interleukin (IL)-15 receptor exists not only in membrane-anchored but also in soluble form. Soluble IL-15Ralpha (sIL-15Ralpha) can be detected in mouse sera and cell-conditioned media by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. This protein has a molecular mass of about 30 kDa because of the presence of a single N-glycosylation site, which is reduced to 26 kDa after N-glycosidase treatment. Transmembrane IL-15Ralpha is constitutively converted into its soluble form by proteolytic cleavage that involves tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE), and this process is further enhanced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulation. The hydroxamate GW280264X, which is capable of blocking TACE and the closely related disintegrin-like metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10), effectively inhibited both spontaneous and PMA-inducible cleavage of IL-15Ralpha, whereas GI254023X, which preferentially blocks ADAM10, was ineffective. Overexpression of TACE but not ADAM10 in COS-7 cells enhanced the constitutive and PMA-inducible cleavage of IL-15Ralpha. Moreover, murine fibroblasts deficient in TACE but not ADAM10 expression exhibited a significant reduction in the spontaneous and inducible IL-15Ralpha shedding, whereas a reconstitution of TACE in these cells restored the release of sIL-15Ralpha, thereby suggesting that TACE-mediated proteolysis may represent a major mechanism for sIL-15Ralpha generation in mice. The existence of natural sIL-15Ralpha offers novel insights into the complex biology of IL-15 and envisages a new level for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) from cellular membranes has been shown by different laboratories to be controlled by a disintegrin and metalloprotease, ADAM10 or ADAM17. In contrast, only ADAM17 has shown to be involved in L-selectin shedding. To determine the specific roles of ADAM10 and ADAM17 in the processing of TNF-alpha and L-selectin shedding, antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) targeting both ADAM10 and ADAM17 were identified. We show that ISIS 16337 reduces ADAM17 mRNA and ISIS 100750 reduces ADAM10 mRNA in a sequence-specific and dose-dependent manner in both Jurkat and THP-1 cells. The ADAM17 ASO (ISIS 16337) inhibited both TNF-alpha secretion in THP-1 cells and L-selectin shedding in Jurkat cells, whereas the ADAM10 ASO (ISIS 100750) did not significantly inhibit release of either protein. These results suggest that ADAM17 is one of the major metalloproteases involved in L-selectin shedding as well as TNF-alpha processing. The biologic substrates for ADAM10 in Jurkat and THP-1 cells remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Germ cell apoptosis is important to regulate sperm production in the mammalian testis, but the molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis are still poorly understood. We have recently shown that in vitro, etoposide induces upregulation of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10, two membrane-bound extracellular metalloproteases. Here we show that in vivo these enzymes are involved in etoposide-, but not in heat shock-, induced apoptosis in rat spermatogenesis. Germ cell apoptosis induced by DNA damage was associated with an increase in protein levels and cell surface localization of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10. On the contrary, apoptosis of germ cells induced by heat stress, another cell death stimulus, did not change levels or localization of these proteins. Pharmacological in vivo inhibition of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10 prevents etoposide-induced germ cell apoptosis. Finally, Gleevec (STI571) a pharmacological inhibitor of p73, a master gene controlling apoptosis induced by etoposide, prevented the increase of TACE/ADAM17 levels. Our results strongly suggest that TACE/ADAM17 participates in in vivo apoptosis of male germ cells induced by DNA damage.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine, is released from cells by proteolytic cleavage of a membrane-anchored precursor. The TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE; a disintegrin and metalloprotease17; ADAM17) is known to have a key role in the ectodomain shedding of TNFalpha in several cell types. However, because purified ADAMs 9, 10, and 19 can also cleave a peptide corresponding to the TNFalpha cleavage site in vitro, these enzymes are considered to be candidate TNFalpha sheddases as well. In this study we used cells lacking ADAMs 9, 10, 17 (TACE), or 19 to address the relative contribution of these ADAMs to TNFalpha shedding in cell-based assays. Our results corroborate that ADAM17, but not ADAM9, -10, or -19, is critical for phorbol ester- and pervanadate-stimulated release of TNFalpha in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. However, overexpression of ADAM19 increased the constitutive release of TNFalpha, whereas overexpression of ADAM9 or ADAM10 did not. This suggests that ADAM19 may contribute to TNFalpha shedding, especially in cells or tissues where it is highly expressed. Furthermore, we used mutagenesis of TNFalpha to explore which domains are important for its stimulated processing by ADAM17. We found that the cleavage site of TNFalpha is necessary and sufficient for cleavage by ADAM17. In addition, the ectodomain of TNFalpha makes an unexpected contribution to the selective cleavage of TNFalpha by ADAM17: it prevents one or more other enzymes from cleaving TNFalpha following PMA stimulation. Thus, selective stimulated processing of TNFalpha by ADAM17 in cells depends on the presence of an appropriate cleavage site as well as the inhibitory role of the TNF ectodomain toward other enzymes that can process this site.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that binds and transmits signals from various collagens in epithelial cells. However, how DDR1–dependent signaling is regulated has not been understood. Here we report that collagen binding induces ADAM10-dependent ectodomain shedding of DDR1. DDR1 shedding is not a result of an activation of its signaling pathway, since DDR1 mutants defective in signaling were shed in an efficient manner. DDR1 and ADAM10 were found to be in a complex on the cell surface, but shedding did not occur unless collagen bound to DDR1. Using a shedding-resistant DDR1 mutant, we found that ADAM10-dependent DDR1 shedding regulates the half-life of collagen-induced phosphorylation of the receptor. Our data also revealed that ADAM10 plays an important role in regulating DDR1-mediated cell adhesion to achieve efficient cell migration on collagen matrices.  相似文献   

Numerous transmembrane proteins, including the blood pressure regulating angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and the Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein (APP), are proteolytically shed from the plasma membrane by metalloproteases. We have used an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) approach to delineate the role of ADAM10 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE; ADAM17) in the ectodomain shedding of ACE and APP from human SH-SY5Y cells. Although the ADAM10 ASO and TACE ASO significantly reduced (> 81%) their respective mRNA levels and reduced the alpha-secretase shedding of APP by 60% and 30%, respectively, neither ASO reduced the shedding of ACE. The mercurial compound 4-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA) stimulated the shedding of ACE but not of APP. The APMA-stimulated secretase cleaved ACE at the same Arg-Ser bond in the juxtamembrane stalk as the constitutive secretase but was more sensitive to inhibition by a hydroxamate-based compound. The APMA-activated shedding of ACE was not reduced by the ADAM10 or TACE ASOs. These results indicate that neither ADAM10 nor TACE are involved in the shedding of ACE and that APMA, which activates a distinct ACE secretase, is the first pharmacological agent to distinguish between the shedding of ACE and APP.  相似文献   

Very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) is a multifunctional transmembrane protein. Beyond the function of the full-length VLDLR in lipid transport, the soluble ectodomain of VLDLR (sVLDLR) confers anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic roles in ocular tissues through inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling. However, it remains unknown how sVLDLR is shed into the extracellular space. In this study, we present the first evidence that a disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17) is responsible for sVLDLR shedding in human retinal pigment epithelium cells using pharmacological and genetic approaches. Among selected proteinase inhibitors, an ADAM17 inhibitor demonstrated the most potent inhibitory effect on sVLDLR shedding. siRNA-mediated knockdown or CRISPR/Cas9-mediated KO of ADAM17 diminished, whereas plasmid-mediated overexpression of ADAM17 promoted sVLDLR shedding. The amount of shed sVLDLR correlated with an inhibitory effect on the Wnt signaling pathway. Consistent with these in vitro findings, intravitreal injection of an ADAM17 inhibitor reduced sVLDLR levels in the extracellular matrix in the mouse retina. In addition, our results demonstrated that ADAM17 cleaved VLDLR only in cells coexpressing these proteins, suggesting that shedding occurs in a cis manner. Moreover, our study demonstrated that aberrant activation of Wnt signaling was associated with decreased sVLDLR levels, along with downregulation of ADAM17 in ocular tissues of an age-related macular degeneration model. Taken together, our observations reveal the mechanism underlying VLDLR cleavage and identify a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of disorders associated with dysregulation of Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Ectodomain shedding of the EGF-receptor ligand epigen is mediated by ADAM17   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sahin U  Blobel CP 《FEBS letters》2007,581(1):41-44
All ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which has important roles in development and disease, are made as transmembrane precursors. Proteolytic processing by ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) regulates the bioavailability of several EGFR-ligands, yet little is known about the enzyme responsible for processing the recently identified EGFR ligand, epigen. Here we show that ectodomain shedding of epigen requires ADAM17, which can be stimulated by phorbol esters, phosphatase inhibitors and calcium influx. These results suggest that ADAM17 might be a good target to block the release of bioactive epigen, a highly mitogenic ligand of the EGFR which has been implicated in wound healing and cancer.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) has a unique 50 residue (317-366) ectodomain insertion that sets it apart from other glycoprotein hormone receptors (GPHRs). Other ancient members of the leucine-rich repeat G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) (LGR) family do exhibit ectodomain insertions of variable lengths and sequences. The TSHR-specific insert is digested, apparently spontaneously, to release the ectodomain (A-subunit) leaving the balance of the ectodomain attached to the serpentine (B-subunit). Despite concerted efforts for the last 12 years by many laboratories, the enzyme involved in TSHR cleavage has not been identified and a physiologic role for this process remains unclear. Several lines of evidence had suggested that the TSHR protease is likely a member of the a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) family of metalloproteases. We show here that the expression of ADAM10 was specific to the thyroid by specially designed DNA microarrays. We also show that TSH increases TSHR cleavage in a dose-dependent manner. To prove that ADAM10 is indeed the TSHR cleavage enzyme, we investigated the effect of TSH-induced cleavage by a peptide based on a motif (TSHR residues 334-349), shared with known ADAM10 substrates. TSH increased dose dependently TSHR ectodomain cleavage in the presence of wild-type peptide but not a scrambled control peptide. Interestingly, TSH increased the abundance of non-cleaved single chain receptor, as well higher molecular forms of the A-subunit, despite their enhancement of the appearance of the fully digested A-subunit. This TSH-related increase in TSHR digested forms was further increased by wild-type peptide. We have identified for the first time ADAM10 as the TSHR cleavage enzyme and shown that TSH regulates its activation.  相似文献   

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