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Structural diversity of bacterial flagellar motors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacterial flagellum is one of nature's most amazing and well-studied nanomachines. Its cell-wall-anchored motor uses chemical energy to rotate a microns-long filament and propel the bacterium towards nutrients and away from toxins. While much is known about flagellar motors from certain model organisms, their diversity across the bacterial kingdom is less well characterized, allowing the occasional misrepresentation of the motor as an invariant, ideal machine. Here, we present an electron cryotomographical survey of flagellar motor architectures throughout the Bacteria. While a conserved structural core was observed in all 11 bacteria imaged, surprisingly novel and divergent structures as well as different symmetries were observed surrounding the core. Correlating the motor structures with the presence and absence of particular motor genes in each organism suggested the locations of five proteins involved in the export apparatus including FliI, whose position below the C-ring was confirmed by imaging a deletion strain. The combination of conserved and specially-adapted structures seen here sheds light on how this complex protein nanomachine has evolved to meet the needs of different species.  相似文献   

Regulatory switches are wide spread in many biological systems. Uniquely among them, the switch of the bacterial flagellar motor is not an on/off switch but rather controls the motor’s direction of rotation in response to binding of the signaling protein CheY. Despite its extensive study, the molecular mechanism underlying this switch has remained largely unclear. Here, we resolved the functions of each of the three CheY‐binding sites at the switch in E. coli, as well as their different dependencies on phosphorylation and acetylation of CheY. Based on this, we propose that CheY motor switching activity is potentiated upon binding to the first site. Binding of potentiated CheY to the second site produces unstable switching and at the same time enables CheY binding to the third site, an event that stabilizes the switched state. Thereby, this mechanism exemplifies a unique combination of tight motor regulation with inherent switching flexibility.  相似文献   


Salmonella flagellar hook length is controlled at the level of export substrate specificity of the FlhB component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. FliK is believed to be the hook length sensor and interacts with FlhB to change its export specificity upon hook completion. To find properties of FliK expected of such a molecular ruler, we assayed binding of FliK to the hook and found that the N-terminal domain of FliK (FliK(N)) bound to the hook-capping protein FlgD with high affinity and to the hook protein FlgE with low affinity. To investigate a possible role of FlgE in hook length control, flgE mutants with partially impaired motility were isolated and analyzed. Eight flgE mutants obtained all formed flagellar filaments. The mutants produced significantly shorter hooks while the hook-type substrates such as FlgE, FliK and FlgD were secreted in large amounts, suggesting defective hook assembly with the mutant FlgE proteins. Upon overexpression, mutant FlgEs produced hooks of normal length and wild-type FlgE produced longer hooks. These results suggest that hook length is dependent on the hook polymerization rate and that the start of hook polymerization initiates a "time countdown" for the specificity switch to occur or for significant slow down of rod/hook-type export after hook length reaches around 55 nm for later infrequent FliK(C)-FlhB(C) interaction. We propose that FliK(N) acts as a flexible tape measure, but that hook length is also dependent on the hook elongation rate and a switch timing mechanism.  相似文献   

Cells require a sensory system and a motility structure to achieve directed movement. Bacteria and archaea possess rotating filamentous motility structures that work in concert with the sensory chemotaxis system. This allows microorganisms to move along chemical gradients. The central response regulator protein CheY can bind to the motor of the motility structure, the flagellum in bacteria, and the archaellum in archaea. Both motility structures have a fundamentally different protein composition and structural organization. Yet, both systems receive input from the chemotaxis system. So far, it was unknown how the signal is transferred from the archaeal CheY to the archaellum motor to initiate motor switching. We applied a fluorescent microscopy approach in the model euryarchaeon Haloferax volcanii and shed light on the sequence order in which signals are transferred from the chemotaxis system to the archaellum. Our findings indicate that the euryarchaeal-specific ArlCDE are part of the archaellum motor and that they directly receive input from the chemotaxis system via the adaptor protein CheF. Hence, ArlCDE are an important feature of the archaellum of euryarchaea, are essential for signal transduction during chemotaxis and represent the archaeal switch complex.  相似文献   

The axial structure of the bacterial flagellum is composed of many different proteins, such as hook protein and flagellin, and each protein forms a short or long axial segment one after another in a well-defined order along the axis. Under physiological conditions, most of these proteins are stable in the monomeric state in solution, and spontaneous polymerization appears to be suppressed, as demonstrated clearly for flagellin, probably to avoid undesirable self-assembly in the cytoplasmic space. However, no systematic studies of the possible associations between monomeric axial proteins in solution have been carried out. We therefore studied self and cross-association between hook protein, flagellin and three hook-associated proteins, HAP1, HAP2 and HAP3, in all possible pairs, by gel-filtration and analytical centrifugation, and found interactions in the following two cases only. Flagellin facilitated HAP3 aggregation into beta-amyloid-like filaments, but without stable binding between the two. Addition of HAP3 to HAP2 resulted in disassembly of preformed HAP2 decamers and formation of stable HAP2-HAP3 heterodimers. HAP2 missing either of its disordered terminal regions did not form the heterodimer, whereas HAP3 missing either of its disordered terminal regions showed stable heterodimer formation. This polarity in the heterodimer interactions suggests that the interactions between HAP2 and HAP3 in solution are basically the same as those in the flagellar axial structure. We discuss these results in relation to the assembly mechanism of the flagellum.  相似文献   

Many bacteria are propelled by flagellar motors that stochastically switch between the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation direction. Although the switching dynamics is one of their most important characteristics, the mechanisms that control it are poorly understood. We present a statistical–mechanical model of the bacterial flagellar motor. At its heart is the assumption that the rotor protein complex, which is connected to the flagellum, can exist in two conformational states and that switching between these states depends on the interactions with the stator proteins, which drive the rotor. This couples switching to rotation, making the switch sensitive to torque and speed. Another key element is that after a switch, it takes time for the load to build up, due to conformational transitions of the flagellum. This slow relaxation dynamics of the filament leads, in combination with the load dependence of the switching frequency, to a characteristic switching time, as recently observed. Hence, our model predicts that the switching dynamics is not only controlled by the chemotaxis‐signaling network, but also by mechanical feedback of the flagellum.  相似文献   

Flagellar motion has been an active area of study right from the discovery of bacterial chemotaxis in 1882. During chemotaxis, E. coli moves with the help of helical flagella in an aquatic environment. Helical flagella are rotated in clockwise or counterclockwise direction using reversible flagellar motors situated at the base of each flagellum. The swimming of E. coli is characterized by a low Reynolds number that is unique and time reversible. The random motion of E. coli is influenced by the viscosity of the fluid and the Brownian motion of molecules of fluid, chemoattractants, and chemorepellants. This paper reviews the literature about the physics involved in the propulsion mechanism of E. coli. Starting from the resistive-force theory, various theories on flagellar hydrodynamics are critically reviewed. Expressions for drag force, elastic force and velocity of flagellar elements are derived. By taking the elastic nature of flagella into account, linear and nonlinear equations of motions are derived and their solutions are presented.  相似文献   

[目的] 本试验旨在构建单核细胞增多性李斯特菌谷胱甘肽合成酶基因gshF缺失株和互补株并研究其在细菌运动和鞭毛形成中的调控作用。[方法] 采用同源重组的方法构建得到gshF缺失株后,测定野生株及缺失株的运动性和体外生长能力;同时利用荧光定量PCR方法检测gshF缺失株中鞭毛相关基因转录水平的变化。[结果] 缺失gshF后细菌在体外培养基中的生长能力未受影响,但缺失株的运动性及鞭毛形成能力显著降低。此外,缺失株中鞭毛形成重要调控基因gmaR以及鞭毛结构元件基因flaA的转录水平显著低于野生株,而其他鞭毛相关基因的转录水平变化不明显。[结论] 研究首次表明单增李斯特菌谷胱甘肽合成酶通过调控鞭毛重要基因的转录进而影响细菌的运动性和鞭毛形成,研究有助于深入理解重要食源性胞内菌通过精确调控鞭毛形成以适应外界和宿主环境的分子机制。  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor drives the rotation of helical flagellar filaments to propel bacteria through viscous media. It consists of a dynamic population of mechanosensitive stators that are embedded in the inner membrane and activate in response to external load. This entails assembly around the rotor, anchoring to the peptidoglycan layer to counteract torque from the rotor and opening of a cation channel to facilitate an influx of cations, which is converted into mechanical rotation. Stator complexes are comprised of four copies of an integral membrane A subunit and two copies of a B subunit. Each B subunit includes a C-terminal OmpA-like peptidoglycan-binding (PGB) domain. This is thought to be linked to a single N-terminal transmembrane helix by a long unstructured peptide, which allows the PGB domain to bind to the peptidoglycan layer during stator anchoring. The high-resolution crystal structures of flagellar motor PGB domains from Salmonella enterica (MotBC2) and Vibrio alginolyticus (PomBC5) have previously been elucidated. Here, we use small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We show that unlike MotBC2, the dimeric conformation of the PomBC5 in solution differs to its crystal structure, and explore the functional relevance by characterising gain-of-function mutants as well as wild-type constructs of various lengths. These provide new insight into the conformational diversity of flagellar motor PGB domains and experimental verification of their overall topology.  相似文献   

The FliF ring is the base for self-assembly of the bacterial flagellum and the FliF/FliG ring complex is the core of the rotor of the flagellar motor. We report the structures of these two ring complexes obtained by electron cryomicroscopy and single-particle image analysis at 22A and 25A resolution, respectively. Direct comparison of these structures with the flagellar basal body made by superimposing the density maps on the central section reveals many interesting features, such as how the mechanically stable connection between the ring and the rod is formed, how directly FliF domains are involved in the near axial density of the basal body forming the proximal end of the central channel for a potential gating mechanism, some indication of flexibility in the connection of FliF and FliG, and structural and functional similarities to the head-to-tail connectors of bacteriophages.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenology and mechanics of swimming are very similar in eubacteria and archaeabacteria (e.g. reversible rotation, helical polymorphism of the filament and formation of bundles), the dynamic flagellar filaments seem completely unrelated in terms of morphogenesis, structure and amino acid composition. Archeabacterial flagellar filaments share important features with type IV pili, which are components of retractable linear motors involved in twitching motility and cell adhesion. The archeabacterial filament is unique in: (1) having a relatively smooth surface and a small diameter of approximately 100A as compared to approximately 240A of eubacterial filaments and approximately 50A of type IV pili; (2) being glycosylated and sulfated in a pattern similar to the S-layer; (3) being synthesized as pre-flagellin with a signal-peptide cleavable by membrane peptidases upon transport; and (4) having an N terminus highly hydrophobic and homologous with that of the olygomerization domain of pilin.The synthesis of archeabacterial flagellin monomers as pre-flagellin and their post-translational, extracellular glycosylation suggest a different mode of monomer transport and polymerization at the cell-proximal end of the filament, similar to pili rather than to eubacterial flagellar filaments. The polymerization mode and small diameter may indicate the absence of a central channel in the filament.Using low-electron-dose images of cryo-negative-stained filaments, we determined the unique symmetry of the flagellar filament of the extreme halophile Halobacterium salinarum strain R1M1 and calculated a three-dimensional density map to a resolution of 19A. The map is based on layer-lines of order n=0, +10, -7, +3, -4, +6, and -1. The cross-section of the density map has a triskelion shape and is dominated by seven outer densities clustered into three groups, which are connected by lower-density arms to a dense central core surrounded by a lower-density shell. There is no evidence for a central channel. On the basis of the homology with the oligomerization domain of type IV pilin and the density distribution of the filament map, we propose a structure for the central core.  相似文献   

Of the two known "complex" flagellar filaments, those of Pseudomonas are far more flexible than those of Rhizobium. Their diameter is larger and their outer three-start ridges and grooves are more prominent. Although the symmetry of both complex filaments is similar, the polymer's linear mass density and the flagellin molecular mass of the latter are lower. A recent comparison of a three-dimensional reconstruction of the filament of Pseudomonas rhodos to that of Rhizobium lupini indicates that the outer flagellin domain (D3) is missing in R.lupini. Here, we concentrate on the structure of the inner core of the filament of P.rhodos using field emission cryo-negative staining electron microscopy and a hybrid helical/single particle reconstruction technique. Averaging 158 filaments caused the density band corresponding to the radial spokes to nearly average out due to their variability and inferred flexibility. Treating the Z=0 cross-sections through the aligned individual three-dimensional density maps as images, classifying them by correspondence analysis (using a mask containing the radial spokes domain) and re-averaging the subclasses (using helical reconstruction techniques) allowed a recovery of the radial spokes and resolved the alpha-helices in domain D0 and the triple alpha-helical bundles in domain D1 at a resolution of 1/7A(-1). Although the perturbed components of the helical lattice are present along the entire filament's radius, the interior of the complex filament is similar to that of the plain one, whereas it's exterior is altered. Reconstructions of vitrified and cryo-negatively stained plain, right-handed filaments of Salmonella typhimurium SJW1655 prepared and imaged under conditions identical with those used for P.rhodos confirm the similarity of their inner cores and that the secondary structures in the interior of the flagellar filament can, under critical conditions of image recording and correction, be resolved in negative stain.  相似文献   

A specific in vitro assay was developed for the protein carboxyl methyltransferase that is involved in the chemotactic behaviour of Salmonella typhimurium. This cytosolic enzyme catalyzes an S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyl esterification of glutamyl residues on a class of 60,000-dalton inner-membrane proteins. The activity was found to display a pH optimum of 6.5 and be sensitive to the concentration of salts in the assay medium. No detectable activity was found towards a variety of other proteins which serve as substrates for mammalian and other bacterial carboxyl methyltransferases. This assay was used to quantitate the methylation of the 60,000-dalton methyl-accepting proteins in response to chemoeffectors. Small but reproducible concentration-dependent changes in the initial rates of in vitro methylation were observed with chemotactic attractants and repellents. The specific methyltransferase activity was found to be absent in several mutants in flagellar synthesis (fla?), suggesting that the synthesis of this enzyme is coordinately regulated with that of flagellin and basal bodies. The hydrodynamic properties of the enzyme in crude extracts were determined by gel filtration and sucrose velocity gradient centrifugation, and a native molecular weight of 41,000 was calculated from these data.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones signaling is getting more complex: STORMs are coming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T3 regulates many physiological and developmental processes by binding to thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). This induces a conformational change of DNA-bound TRs that releases corepressors in favor of coactivators. The associated chromatin modifications induce polymerase II recruitment. Mouse genetic studies clarified the respective contribution of each receptor isoform and revealed the important activity of unliganded TRs. They also confirm the paradoxical negative regulation of some promoters by liganded TRs. Recent advances place these molecular events in a broader context of extra- and intracellular regulation: control of ligand availability, changes in the cell sensitivity to T3, nongenomic effects, and cross talks with other signaling pathways contribute to increase the diversity and complexity of thyroid hormones signaling. A promising novel class of TRs synthetic ligands, called STORMs (selective TR modulators), might allow for tissue- and promoter-specific interventions.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis, the directed movement of a cell population in response to a chemical gradient, plays a critical role in the distribution and dynamic interaction of bacterial populations in nonmixed systems. Therefore, in order to make reliable predictions about the migratory behavior of bacteria within the environment, a quantitative characterization of the chemotactic response in terms of intrinsic cell properties is needed.The design of the stopped-flow diffusion chamber (SFDC) provides a well-characterized chemical gradient and reliable method for measuring bacterial migration behavior. During flow through the chamber, a step change in chemical concentration is imposed on a uniform suspension of bacteria. Once flow is stopped, diffusion causes a transient chemical gradient to develop, and bacteria respond by forming a band of high cell density which travels toward higher concentrations of the attractant. Changes in bacterial spatial distributions observed through light scattering are recorded on photomicrographs during a 10-min period. Computer-aided image analysis converts absorbance of the photographic negatives to a digital representation of bacterial density profiles. A mathematical model (part II) is used to quantitatively characterize these observations in terms of intrinsic cell parameters: a chemotactic sensitivity coefficient, mu(0), from the aggregate cell density accumulated in the band and a random motility coefficient, mu, from population dispersion in the absence of a chemical gradient.Using the SFDC assay and an individual-cell-based mathematical model, we successfully determined values for both of these population parameters for Escherichia coli K12 responding to fucose. The values obtained were mu = 1.1 +/- 0. 4 x 10(-5) cm(2)/s and chi(o) = 8 +/- 3 +/- 10(-5) cm(2)/s. We have demonstrated a method capable of determining these parameter values from the now validated mathematical model which will be useful for predicting bacterial migration in application systems.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(11):2046-2059
To swim up gradients of nutrients, E. coli senses nutrient concentrations within its periplasm. For small nutrient molecules, periplasmic concentrations typically match extracellular concentrations. However, this is not necessarily the case for saccharides, such as maltose, which are transported into the periplasm via a specific porin. Previous observations have shown that, under various conditions, E. coli limits maltoporin abundance so that, for extracellular micromolar concentrations of maltose, there are predicted to be only nanomolar concentrations of free maltose in the periplasm. Thus, in the micromolar regime, the total uptake of maltose from the external environment into the cytoplasm is limited not by the abundance of cytoplasmic transport proteins but by the abundance of maltoporins. Here, we present results from experiments and modeling suggesting that this porin-limited transport enables E. coli to sense micromolar gradients of maltose despite having a high-affinity ABC transport system that is saturated at these micromolar levels. We used microfluidic assays to study chemotaxis of E. coli in various gradients of maltose and methyl-aspartate and leveraged our experimental observations to develop a mechanistic transport-and-sensing chemotaxis model. Incorporating this model into agent-based simulations, we discover a trade-off between uptake and sensing: although high-affinity transport enables higher uptake rates at low nutrient concentrations, it severely limits the range of dynamic sensing. We thus propose that E. coli may limit periplasmic uptake to increase its chemotactic sensitivity, enabling it to use maltose as an environmental cue.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motors are the reversible rotary engine which propels the cell by rotating a helical flagellar filament as a screw propeller. The motors are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the energy for rotation is supplied by the electrochemical potential of specific ions across the membrane. Thus, the analysis of motor rotation at the molecular level is linked to an understanding of how the living system converts chemical energy into mechanical work. Based on the coupling ions, the motors are divided into two types; one is the H+-driven type found in neutrophiles such asBacillus subtilis andEscherichia coli and the other is the Na+-driven type found in alkalophilicBacillus and marineVibrio. In this review, we summarize the current status of research on the rotation mechanism of the Na+-driven flagellar motors, which introduces several new aspects in the analysis.  相似文献   

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