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 We investigate two models of glycolytic oscillations. Each model consists of two coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Both models are found to have a saddle point at infinity and to exhibit a saddle-node bifurcation at infinity, giving rise to a second saddle and a stable node at infinity. Depending on model parameters, a stable limit cycle may blow up to infinite period and amplitude and disappear in the bifurcation, and after the bifurcation, the stable node at infinity then attracts all trajectories. Alternatively, the stable node at infinity may coexist with either a stable sink (not at infinity) or a stable limit cycle. This limit cycle may then disappear in a heteroclinic bifurcation at infinity in which the unstable manifold from one saddle at infinity joins the stable manifold of the other saddle at infinity. These results explain prior reports for one of the models concerning parameter values for which the system does not admit any physical (bounded) behavior. Analytic results on the scaling of amplitude and period close to the bifurcations are obtained and confirmed by numerical computations. Finally, we consider more realistic modified models where all solutions are bounded and show that some of the features stemming from the bifurcations at infinity are still present. Received 4 September 1995; received in revised form 18 September 1996  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to compare two different feedback controllers for the stabilization of quiet standing in humans, taking into account that the intrinsic ankle stiffness is insufficient and that there is a large delay inducing instability in the feedback loop: 1) a standard linear, continuous-time PD controller and 2) an intermittent PD controller characterized by a switching function defined in the phase plane, with or without a dead zone around the nominal equilibrium state. The stability analysis of the first controller is carried out by using the standard tools of linear control systems, whereas the analysis of the intermittent controllers is based on the use of Poincaré maps defined in the phase plane. When the PD-control is off, the dynamics of the system is characterized by a saddle-like equilibrium, with a stable and an unstable manifold. The switching function of the intermittent controller is implemented in such a way that PD-control is ‘off’ when the state vector is near the stable manifold of the saddle and is ‘on’ otherwise. A theoretical analysis and a related simulation study show that the intermittent control model is much more robust than the standard model because the size of the region in the parameter space of the feedback control gains (P vs. D) that characterizes stable behavior is much larger in the latter case than in the former one. Moreover, the intermittent controller can use feedback parameters that are much smaller than the standard model. Typical sway patterns generated by the intermittent controller are the result of an alternation between slow motion along the stable manifold of the saddle, when the PD-control is off, and spiral motion away from the upright equilibrium determined by the activation of the PD-control with low feedback gains. Remarkably, overall dynamic stability can be achieved by combining in a smart way two unstable regimes: a saddle and an unstable spiral. The intermittent controller exploits the stabilizing effect of one part of the saddle, letting the system evolve by alone when it slides on or near the stable manifold; when the state vector enters the strongly unstable part of the saddle it switches on a mild feedback which is not supposed to impose a strict stable regime but rather to mitigate the impending fall. The presence of a dead zone in the intermittent controller does not alter the stability properties but improves the similarity with biological sway patterns. The two types of controllers are also compared in the frequency domain by considering the power spectral density (PSD) of the sway sequences generated by the models with additive noise. Different from the standard continuous model, whose PSD function is similar to an over-damped second order system without a resonance, the intermittent control model is capable to exhibit the two power law scaling regimes that are typical of physiological sway movements in humans.  相似文献   

Early warning signals (EWS) are statistical indicators that a rapid regime shift may be forthcoming. Their development has given ecologists hope of predicting rapid regime shifts before they occur. Accurate predictions, however, rely on the signals being appropriate to the system in question. Most of the EWS commonly applied in ecology have been studied in the context of one specific type of regime shift (the type brought on by a saddle‐node bifurcation, at which one stable equilibrium point collides with an unstable equilibrium and disappears) under one particular perturbation scheme (temporally uncorrelated noise that perturbs the net population growth rate in a density independent way). Whether and when these EWS can be applied to other ecological situations remains relatively unknown, and certainly underappreciated. We study a range of models with different types of dynamical transitions (including rapid regime shifts) and several perturbation schemes (density‐dependent uncorrelated or temporally‐correlated noise) and test the ability of EWS to warn of an approaching transition. We also test the sensitivity of our results to the amount of available pre‐transition data and various decisions that must be made in the analysis (i.e. the rolling window size and smoothing bandwidth used to compute the EWS). We find that EWS generally work well to signal an impending saddle‐node bifurcation, regardless of the autocorrelation or intensity of the noise. However, EWS do not reliably appear as expected for other types of transition. EWS were often very sensitive to the length of the pre‐transition time series analyzed, and usually less sensitive to other decisions. We conclude that the EWS perform well for saddle‐node bifurcation in a range of noise environments, but different methods should be used to predict other types of regime shifts. As a consequence, knowledge of the mechanism behind a possible regime shift is needed before EWS can be used to predict it.  相似文献   

Transient oscillations induced by delayed growth response in the chemostat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, in order to try to account for the transient oscillations observed in chemostat experiments, we consider a model of single species growth in a chemostat that involves delayed growth response. The time delay models the lag involved in the nutrient conversion process. Both monotone response functions and nonmonotone response functions are considered. The nonmonotone response function models the inhibitory effects of growth response of certain nutrients when concentrations are too high. By applying local and global Hopf bifurcation theorems, we prove that the model has unstable periodic solutions that bifurcate from unstable nonnegative equilibria as the parameter measuring the delay passes through certain critical values and that these local periodic solutions can persist, even if the delay parameter moves far from the critical (local) bifurcation values.When there are two positive equilibria, then positive periodic solutions can exist. When there is a unique positive equilibrium, the model does not have positive periodic oscillations and the unique positive equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. However, the model can have periodic solutions that change sign. Although these solutions are not biologically meaningful, provided the initial data starts close enough to the unstable manifold of one of these periodic solutions they may still help to account for the transient oscillations that have been frequently observed in chemostat experiments. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate that the model has varying degrees of transient oscillatory behaviour that can be controlled by the choice of the initial data.Mathematics Subject Classification: 34D20, 34K20, 92D25Research was partially supported by NSERC of Canada.This work was partly done while this author was a postdoc at McMaster.  相似文献   

Multiple attractors and boundary crises in a tri-trophic food chain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The asymptotic behaviour of a model of a tri-trophic food chain in the chemostat is analysed in detail. The Monod growth model is used for all trophic levels, yielding a non-linear dynamical system of four ordinary differential equations. Mass conservation makes it possible to reduce the dimension by 1 for the study of the asymptotic dynamic behaviour. The intersections of the orbits with a Poincaré plane, after the transient has died out, yield a two-dimensional Poincaré next-return map. When chaotic behaviour occurs, all image points of this next-return map appear to lie close to a single curve in the intersection plane. This motivated the study of a one-dimensional bi-modal, non-invertible map of which the graph resembles this curve. We will show that the bifurcation structure of the food chain model can be understood in terms of the local and global bifurcations of this one-dimensional map. Homoclinic and heteroclinic connecting orbits and their global bifurcations are discussed also by relating them to their counterparts for a two-dimensional map which is invertible like the next-return map. In the global bifurcations two homoclinic or two heteroclinic orbits collide and disappear. In the food chain model two attractors coexist; a stable limit cycle where the top-predator is absent and an interior attractor. In addition there is a saddle cycle. The stable manifold of this limit cycle forms the basin boundary of the interior attractor. We will show that this boundary has a complicated structure when there are heteroclinic orbits from a saddle equilibrium to this saddle limit cycle. A homoclinic bifurcation to a saddle limit cycle will be associated with a boundary crisis where the chaotic attractor disappears suddenly when a bifurcation parameter is varied. Thus, similar to a tangent local bifurcation for equilibria or limit cycles, this homoclinic global bifurcation marks a region in the parameter space where the top-predator goes extinct. The 'Paradox of Enrichment' says that increasing the concentration of nutrient input can cause destabilization of the otherwise stable interior equilibrium of a bi-trophic food chain. For a tri-trophic food chain enrichment of the environment can even lead to extinction of the highest trophic level.  相似文献   

Structured population on two patches: modeling dispersal and delay   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We derive from the age-structured model a system of delay differential equations to describe the interaction of spatial dispersal (over two patches) and time delay (arising from the maturation period). Our model analysis shows that varying the immature death rate can alter the behavior of the homogeneous equilibria, leading to transient oscillations around an intermediate equilibrium and complicated dynamics (in the form of the coexistence of possibly stable synchronized periodic oscillations and unstable phase-locked oscillations) near the largest equilibrium.  相似文献   

About deterministic extinction in ratio-dependent predator-prey models   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ratio-dependent predator-prey models set up a challenging issue regarding their dynamics near the origin. This is due to the fact that such models are undefined at (0, 0). We study the analytical behavior at (0, 0) for a common ratio-dependent model and demonstrate that this equilibrium can be either a saddle point or an attractor for certain trajectories. This fact has important implications concerning the global behavior of the model, for example regarding the existence of stable limit cycles. Then, we prove formally, for a general class of ratio-dependent models, that (0, 0) has its own basin of attraction in phase space, even when there exists a non-trivial stable or unstable equilibrium. Therefore, these models have no pathological dynamics on the axes and at the origin, contrary to what has been stated by some authors. Finally, we relate these findings to some published empirical results.  相似文献   

Mathematical models predict that a population which oscillates in the absence of time-dependent factors can develop multiple attracting final states in the advent of periodic forcing. A periodically-forced, stage-structured mathematical model predicted the transient and asymptotic behaviors of Tribolium (flour beetle) populations cultured in periodic habitats of fluctuating flour volume. Predictions included multiple (2-cycle) attractors, resonance and attenuation phenomena, and saddle influences. Stochasticity, combined with the deterministic effects of an unstable ’saddle cycle’ separating the two stable cycles, is used to explain the observed transients and final states of the experimental cultures. In experimental regimes containing multiple attractors, the presence of unstable invariant sets, as well as stochasticity and the nature, location, and size of basins of attraction, are all central to the interpretation of data.  相似文献   

Various methods have been used to quantify the kinematic variability or stability of the human spine. However, each of these methods evaluates dynamic behavior within the stable region of state space. In contrast, our goal was to determine the extent of the stable region. A 2D mathematical model was developed for a human sitting on an unstable seat apparatus (i.e., the “wobble chair”). Forward dynamic simulations were used to compute trajectories based on the initial state. From these trajectories, a scalar field of trajectory divergence was calculated, specifically a finite time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) field. Theoretically, ridges of local maxima within this field are expected to partition the state space into regions of qualitatively different behavior. We found that ridges formed at the boundary between regions of stability and failure (i.e., falling). The location of the basin of stability found using the FTLE field matched well with the basin of stability determined by an alternative method. In addition, an equilibrium manifold was found, which describes a set of equilibrium configurations that act as a low dimensional attractor in the controlled system. These simulations are a first step in developing a method to locate state space boundaries for torso stability. Identifying these boundaries may provide a framework for assessing factors that contribute to health risks associated with spinal injury and poor balance recovery (e.g., age, fatigue, load/weight, and distribution). Furthermore, an approach is presented that can be adapted to find state space boundaries in other biomechanical applications.  相似文献   

Changes in the amplitude of hand muscle responses to a series of ten stimuli applied to the motor cortex has been studied in subjects holding a small load for 3 min. The amplitude of muscle responses and the background activity decreased with time as compared to the initial level. Regression analysis showed that the muscle response amplitude decreased with the number of stimuli to a greater extent than the background activity. Comparison of the parameters of hand muscle activity during load holding in the stable and unstable equilibrium positions showed that the decrease in the muscle response to motor cortex stimulation during load holding in a state of unstable equilibrium is less pronounced than during load holding in a state of stable equilibrium. For the forearm muscles, the muscle response amplitude and background activity decreased less with the number of stimuli, and this decrease did not depend on the stability of the load position. It may be supposed that the evoked responses decreased more rapidly than the background activity because the motor cortex is involved in the adjustment of the level of muscle activity at the stage of the development of the program for the performance of motor tasks and then transfers the control to subcortical structures.  相似文献   

We determine fixation probabilities in a model of two competing types with density dependence. The model is defined as a two-dimensional birth-and-death process with density-independent death rates, and birth rates that are a linearly decreasing function of total population density. We treat the 'quasi-neutral case' where both types have the same equilibrium population densities. This condition results in birth rates that are proportional to death rates. This can be viewed as a life history trade-off. The deterministic dynamics possesses a stable manifold of mixtures of the two types. We show that the fixation probability is asymptotically equal to the fixation probability at the point where the deterministic flow intersects this manifold. The deterministic dynamics predicts an increase in the proportion of the type with higher birth rate in growing populations (and a decrease in shrinking populations). Growing (shrinking) populations therefore intersect the manifold at a higher (lower) than initial proportion of this type. On the center manifold, the fixation probability is a quadratic function of initial proportion, with a disadvantage to the type with higher birth rate. This disadvantage arises from the larger fluctuations in population density for this type. These results are asymptotically exact and have relevance for allele fixation, models of species abundance, and epidemiological models.  相似文献   

We use the concepts of composite maps, basins of attraction, basin switching, and saddle fly-by's to make the ecological hypothesis of the existence of multiple attractors more accessible to experimental scrutiny. Specifically, in a periodically forced insect population growth model we identify multiple attractors, namely, two locally stable 4-cycles. Using the model-predicted basins of attraction, we examine data time series from a Tribolium experiment for evidence of the multiple attractors. We conclude that the multiple attractor hypothesis together with demographic stochasticity accounts for the experimental observations.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of the standard model of 3 species competing for 3 essential (non-substitutable) resources in a chemostat using Liebig's law of the minimum functional response. A subset of these systems which possess cyclic symmetry such that its three single-population equilibria are part of a heteroclinic cycle bounding the two-dimensional carrying simplex is examined. We show that a subcritical Hopf bifurcation from the coexistence equilibrium together with a repelling heteroclinic cycle leads to the existence of at least two limit cycles enclosing the coexistence equilibrium on the carrying simplex- the ``inside' one is an unstable separatrix and the ``outside' one is at least semi-stable relative to the carrying simplex. Numerical simulations suggest that there are exactly two limit cycles and that almost every positive solution approaches either the stable limit cycle or the stable coexistence equilibrium, depending on initial conditions. Bifurcation diagrams confirm this picture and show additional features. In an alternative scenario, we show that the subcritical Hopf together with an attracting heteroclinic cycle leads to an unstable periodic orbit separatrix. This research was partially supported by NSF grant DMS 0211614. KY 40292, USA. This author's research was supported in part by NSF grant DMS 0107160  相似文献   

Ecological systems can show complex and sometimes abrupt responses to environmental change, with important implications for their resilience. Theories of alternate stable states have been used to predict regime shifts of ecosystems as equilibrium responses to sufficiently slow environmental change. The actual rate of environmental change is a key factor affecting the response, yet we are still lacking a non-equilibrium theory that explicitly considers the influence of this rate of environmental change. We present a metacommunity model of predator–prey interactions displaying multiple stable states, and we impose an explicit rate of environmental change in habitat quality (carrying capacity) and connectivity (dispersal rate). We study how regime shifts depend on the rate of environmental change and compare the outcome with a stability analysis in the corresponding constant environment. Our results reveal that in a changing environment, the community can track states that are unstable in the constant environment. This tracking can lead to regime shifts, including local extinctions, that are not predicted by alternative stable state theory. In our metacommunity, tracking unstable states also controls the maintenance of spatial heterogeneity and spatial synchrony. Tracking unstable states can also lead to regime shifts that may be reversible or irreversible. Our study extends current regime shift theories to integrate rate-dependent responses to environmental change. It reveals the key role of unstable states for predicting transient dynamics and long-term resilience of ecological systems to climate change.  相似文献   

We develop a mathematical model of the phage λ lysis/lysogeny switch, taking into account recent experimental evidence demonstrating enhanced cooperativity between the left and right operator regions. Model parameters are estimated from available experimental data. The model is shown to have a single stable steady state for these estimated parameter values, and this steady state corresponds to the lysogenic state. When the CI degradation rate (γcI) is slightly increased from its normal value (γcI 0.0 min−1), two additional steady states appear (through a saddle-node bifurcation) in addition to the lysogenic state. One of these new steady states is stable and corresponds to the lytic state. The other steady state is an (unstable) saddle node. The coexistence these two globally stable steady states (the lytic and lysogenic states) is maintained with further increases of γcI until γcI 0.35 min−1, when the lysogenic steady state and the saddle node collide and vanish (through a reverse saddle node bifurcation) leaving only the lytic state surviving. These results allow us to understand the high degree of stability of the lysogenic state because, normally, it is the only steady state. Further implications of these results for the stability of the phage λ switch are discussed, as well as possible experimental tests of the model.  相似文献   

Bistable dynamical switches are frequently encountered in mathematical modeling of biological systems because binary decisions are at the core of many cellular processes. Bistable switches present two stable steady-states, each of them corresponding to a distinct decision. In response to a transient signal, the system can flip back and forth between these two stable steady-states, switching between both decisions. Understanding which parameters and states affect this switch between stable states may shed light on the mechanisms underlying the decision-making process. Yet, answering such a question involves analyzing the global dynamical (i.e., transient) behavior of a nonlinear, possibly high dimensional model. In this paper, we show how a local analysis at a particular equilibrium point of bistable systems is highly relevant to understand the global properties of the switching system. The local analysis is performed at the saddle point, an often disregarded equilibrium point of bistable models but which is shown to be a key ruler of the decision-making process. Results are illustrated on three previously published models of biological switches: two models of apoptosis, the programmed cell death and one model of long-term potentiation, a phenomenon underlying synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

We present a dynamical model of a spatial fishery describing the time evolution of the fish stock, the fishing effort and the market price of the resource. The market price is fixed by the gap between the supply and the demand. Assuming two time scales, we use “aggregation of variables methods” in order to derive a reduced model governing fish density and fishing effort at a slow time scale. The bifurcation analysis of the reduced model is performed. According to parameters values, three main cases can occur: (i) a stable fishery free equilibrium, (ii) a stable persistent fishery equilibrium and (iii) coexistence of three strictly positive equilibria, two of them being stable separated by a saddle. In this last case, a stable equilibrium corresponds to a traditional fishery with large fish stock, small fishing effort and small market price. The second stable one corresponds to over-exploitation of the resource with small fish stock, large fishing effort and large market price.  相似文献   

We propose a discrete-time, age-structured population model to study the impact of Allee effects and harvesting. It is assumed that survival probabilities from one age class to the next are constants and fertility rate is a function of weighted total population size. Global extinction is certain if the maximal growth rate of the population is less than one. The model can have multiple attractors and the asymptotic dynamics of the population depend on its initial distribution if the maximal growth rate is larger than one. An Allee threshold depending on the components of the unstable interior equilibrium is derived when only the last age class can reproduce. The population becomes extinct if its initial population distribution is below the threshold. Harvesting on any particular age class can decrease the magnitude of the possible stable interior equilibrium and increase the magnitude of the unstable interior equilibrium simultaneously.  相似文献   

We propose a discrete-time, age-structured population model to study the impact of Allee effects and harvesting. It is assumed that survival probabilities from one age class to the next are constants and fertility rate is a function of weighted total population size. Global extinction is certain if the maximal growth rate of the population is less than one. The model can have multiple attractors and the asymptotic dynamics of the population depend on its initial distribution if the maximal growth rate is larger than one. An Allee threshold depending on the components of the unstable interior equilibrium is derived when only the last age class can reproduce. The population becomes extinct if its initial population distribution is below the threshold. Harvesting on any particular age class can decrease the magnitude of the possible stable interior equilibrium and increase the magnitude of the unstable interior equilibrium simultaneously.  相似文献   

1. Population models based on Lotka–Volterra-type differential equations with logistic prey were made for a simple stream community including two stonefly prey Leuctra nigra Olivier and Nemurella pictetii Klàpalek, and two predators, the caddisfly Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and the alderfly Sialis fuliginosa Pictet. In order to assess the importance of predation in this system, we constructed both an explicit four-species model and a simplified model with two functional groups which was more amenable to analytical treatment.
2. The models were parameterized using new data on adult emergence and recruitment combined with previously published data on larval densities and prey uptake. The models were falsified if parameterizations led either to negative prey carrying capacities or to unstable dynamics.
3. Both the functional group and four-species models predict asymptotically stable interactions, with feasible carrying capacities. The models are consistent in predicting that the observed prey are in excess of 70% of their carrying capacities. The four-species model indicates that predation impact is not evenly shared between the two prey, with L. nigra being depressed further from its carrying capacity than N. pictetii .
4. Sensitivity analysis shows that the results of the full four-species model remain very robust to realistic levels of stochastic variation in the input data.
5. The four-species model is used to predict the outcome of an ongoing large-scale field experiment involving the transfer of all S. fuliginosa eggs from one stretch of the stream to another. Although the equilibrial prey populations are barely affected by the manipulation, the model predicts marked transient prey-release and prey-depression of L. nigra in the predator addition and removal areas, respectively.  相似文献   

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