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Microbial diversity in corrosion samples from energy transmission towers was investigated using molecular methods. Ribosomal DNA fragments were used to assemble gene libraries. Sequence analysis indicated 10 bacterial genera within the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. In the two libraries generated from corroded screw-derived samples, the genus Acinetobacter was the most abundant. Acinetobacter and Clostridium spp. dominated, with similar percentages, in the libraries derived from corrosion scrapings. Fungal clones were affiliated with 14 genera belonging to the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota; of these, Capnobotryella and Fellomyces were the most abundant fungi observed. Several of the microorganisms had not previously been associated with biofilms and corrosion, reinforcing the need to use molecular techniques to achieve a more comprehensive assessment of microbial diversity in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Molecular community analysis of microbial diversity   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
New technologies that avoid the need for either gene amplification (e.g. microarrays) or nucleic acid extraction (e.g. in situ PCR) have recently been implemented in microbial ecology. Together with new approaches for culturing microorganisms and an increased understanding of the biases of molecular methods, these techniques form the most exciting advances in this field during the past year.  相似文献   

免培养法研究野生川金丝猴肠道内生细菌多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】了解野生川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)肠道内生细菌的组成及其多样性。【方法】提取川金丝猴肠道内生细菌总DNA,选用细菌通用引物799F和1492R对总DNA进行16S rRNA基因特异性扩增,构建川金丝猴肠道内生细菌16S rRNA基因克隆文库,对阳性克隆进行限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析,并对HaeⅢ酶切带谱菌株进行测序,构建系统发育树。【结果】根据酶切带谱分析和测序结果,将随机挑取的157个阳性克隆归为27个不同的可操作分类单元(OTUs)。系统发育分析表明这些克隆序列有62.10%属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),其中包括梭菌属(Clostridium)、Cellulosilyticum属、Robinsoniella属、Anaerofustis属、Blautia属和Anaerovorax属,有37.90%属于未培养细菌。【结论】川金丝猴肠道内生细菌多样性丰富,并且可能存在新的分类单元。  相似文献   

The Zavarzin spring is situated in the caldera of the Uzon volcano, Kamchatka, and is characterized by a temperature of about 60°C, neutral pH, and high concentration of sulfur. The bottom of the spring is covered with a cyanobacterial mat. The structure of the microbial community of the water from the Zavarzin spring was qualitatively and quantitatively characterized by pyrosequencing of the V3 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene, which yielded 37 654 independent sequences. The microbial community includes about 900 bacterial and 90 archaeal genera. Bacteria comprised 95% of the microorganisms and archaea less than 5%. The largest part (32.3%) of the community was constituted by the chemolithoautotrophic bacteria Aquificae from the genera Sulfurihydrogenibium and Thermosulfidibacter. Among autotrophic microorganisms, members of Thermodesulfobacteria (7.3%), the gammaproteobacteria Thiofaba (7.6%), the deltaproteobacteria Desulfurella (2.6%), and the betaproteobacteria Thiomonas (0.6%) were also identified. Heterotrophic bacteria were represented by Calditerrivibrio (12.1%), Thermotogae (6.3%), the betaproteobacteria Tepidimonas (6.0%), Deinococcus-Thermus (4.4%), Caldiserica (1.7%), and Dictyoglomi (1.6%). About 1.9% of microorganisms belonged to the BRC1 phylum, which does not include cultured members, and 0.2% of bacteria formed a new phylogenetic branch of the phylum level, representatives of which have been found only in the Zavarzin spring. Members of all four archaeal phyla were identified: Euryarchaeota (42% of archaeal sequences), Crenarchaeota (50%), Korarchaeota (7.5%), and Nanoarchaeota (0.5%). Thus, in the Zavarzin spring, apart from photosynthesis carried out by the cyanobacterial mat, which covers the bottom, chemolithoautotrophic production of organic matter can occur. In aerobic conditions, it proceeds at the expense of the oxidation of sulfur and its reduced compounds, and in anaerobic conditions, at the expense of the oxidation of hydrogen with sulfur and sulfates as electron acceptors. The organic matter formed by autotrophic bacteria may be utilized by various organotrophic microorganisms, including both fermentative bacteria and organisms that carry out anaerobic respiration with sulfur and nitrate as electron acceptors.  相似文献   

马跃维  丁文冕  王跃澎  原野  黄艳燕  南蓬 《生态学报》2023,43(19):8122-8138
马里亚纳海沟是世界已知最深的海沟,其寡营养、高压、低温、低氧等极端的深海环境孕育出独特的细菌群落结构及多样性特征。选取寡营养培养基对马里亚纳海沟海水及表层沉积物分别进行液体共培养,并在不同培养阶段取样进行高通量测序,分析细菌群落结构组成及其多样性的动态变化,探讨微生物之间可能的互作关系。研究结果表明:液体共培养样品中一共检测到19个门、34个纲、76个目、131个科、227个属的细菌,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)为优势菌群,其次为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);与其他样品相比,1000米海水样品中细菌群落的多样性最高,并且蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)具有更高的相对丰度。共培养样品中细菌丰富度、多样性、群落结构均随培养时间而改变,其中共培养中期样品的细菌多样性较高;表层沉积物样本中,盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)可能由于较强的竞争能力在共培养后期占据优势地位。基因功能预测与代谢通路富集结果显示,随着共培养时间的增加,微生物生长相关的代谢通路丰度明显下降,而与互作相关的代谢通路丰度明显增加。共培养样品检测到的细菌多样性远高于单独分离培养的多样性,仅有少量菌属为单独分离培养与共培养样品均检测到的共有属。综上所述,马里亚纳海沟细菌群落中存在竞争、互利共生的相互作用,共培养法有利于揭示细菌间的互作关系。研究为深渊及深海等极端环境下微生物生态系统组成及维持奠定了理论基础,也为进一步研究极端微生物的生存策略提供了科学指导。  相似文献   

In ongoing investigations to map and archive the microbial footprints in various components of the spacecraft and its accessories, we have examined the microbial populations of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Spacecraft Assembly Facility (JPL-SAF). Witness plates made up of spacecraft materials, some painted with spacecraft qualified paints, were exposed for 7 to 9 months at JPL-SAF and examined the particulate materials collected for the incidence of total cultivable aerobic heterotrophs and heat-tolerant (80°C for 15-min.) spore-formers. The results showed that the witness plates coated with spacecraft qualified paints attracted more dust particles than the non-coated stainless steel witness plates. Among the four paints tested, witness plates coated with NS43G accumulated the highest number of particles, and hence attracted more cultivable microbes. The conventional microbiological examination revealed that the JPL-SAF harbors mainly Gram-positive microbes and mostly spore-forming Bacillus species. Most of the isolated microbes were heat resistant to 80°C and proliferate at 60°C. The phylogenetic relationships among 23 cultivable heat-tolerant microbes were examined using a battery of morphological, physiological, molecular and chemotaxonomic characterizations. By 16S rDNA sequence analysis, the isolates fell into seven clades:Bacillus licheniformis, B. pumilus, B. cereus, B. circulans, Staphylococcus capitis, Planococcus sp. and Micrococcus lylae. In contrast to the cultivable approach, direct DNA isolation, cloning and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis revealed equal representation of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.  相似文献   

Microbial ecology research is currently driven by the continuously decreasing cost of DNA sequencing and the improving accuracy of data analysis methods. One such analysis method is phylogenetic placement, which establishes the phylogenetic identity of the anonymous environmental sequences in a sample by means of a given phylogenetic reference tree. However, assessing the diversity of a sample remains challenging, as traditional methods do not scale well with the increasing data volumes and/or do not leverage the phylogenetic placement information. Here, we present scrapp , a highly parallel and scalable tool that uses a molecular species delimitation algorithm to quantify the diversity distribution over the reference phylogeny for a given phylogenetic placement of the sample. scrapp employs a novel approach to cluster phylogenetic placements, called placement space clustering, to efficiently perform dimensionality reduction, so as to scale on large data volumes. Furthermore, it uses the phylogeny‐aware molecular species delimitation method mPTP to quantify diversity. We evaluated scrapp using both, simulated and empirical data sets. We use simulated data to verify our approach. Tests on an empirical data set show that scrapp ‐derived metrics can classify samples by their diversity‐correlated features equally well or better than existing, commonly used approaches. scrapp is available at https://github.com/pbdas/scrapp .  相似文献   

免培养法对大鲵肠道微生物多样性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】了解大鲵肠道内生细菌的组成及多样性。【方法】采用美国Mo Bio公司试剂盒提取大鲵肠道内容物总DNA,选用细菌通用引物799F和1492R对总DNA进行16S rRNA基因特异性扩增,构建大鲵肠道内容物内生细菌16S rRNA基因克隆文库,对阳性克隆进行限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析,并对HaeⅢ酶切带谱不同的菌液进行测序,构建系统发育树。【结果】根据酶切带谱分析和测序结果的不同,将随机挑取的101个阳性克隆归为28个不同的可操作分类单元(OTUs),系统发育分析表明这些克隆序列分别属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、梭菌门(Clostridia)、芽孢杆菌门(Bacilli)和衣原体门(Chlamydiae)4个门。其中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria,占克隆总数的92.08%)为最优势类群。序列比对结果表明这些克隆序列分别与已报道的20个属具有较高的相似性。此外,还有一个OTU在系统发育树上形成独立分支且未能确定其分类。【结论】大鲵肠道内生细菌多样性丰富,并且可能存在新的分类单元。  相似文献   

Illumina-based analysis of microbial community diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Microbes commonly exist in milieus of varying complexity and diversity. Although cultivation-based techniques have been unable to accurately capture the true diversity within microbial communities, these deficiencies have been overcome by applying molecular approaches that target the universally conserved 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The recent application of 454 pyrosequencing to simultaneously sequence thousands of 16S rDNA sequences (pyrotags) has revolutionized the characterization of complex microbial communities. To date, studies based on 454 pyrotags have dominated the field, but sequencing platforms that generate many more sequence reads at much lower costs have been developed. Here, we use the Illumina sequencing platform to design a strategy for 16S amplicon analysis (iTags), and assess its generality, practicality and potential complications. We fabricated and sequenced paired-end libraries of amplified hyper-variable 16S rDNA fragments from sets of samples that varied in their contents, ranging from a single bacterium to highly complex communities. We adopted an approach that allowed us to evaluate several potential sources of errors, including sequencing artifacts, amplification biases, non-corresponding paired-end reads and mistakes in taxonomic classification. By considering each source of error, we delineate ways to make biologically relevant and robust conclusions from the millions of sequencing reads that can be readily generated by this technology.  相似文献   

Molecular microbial diversity of an agricultural soil in Wisconsin.   总被引:36,自引:9,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
A culture-independent survey of the soil microbial diversity in a clover-grass pasture in southern Wisconsin was conducted by sequence analysis of a universal clone library of genes coding for small-subunit rRNA (rDNA). A rapid and efficient method for extraction of DNA from soils which resulted in highly purified DNA with minimal shearing was developed. Universal small-subunit-rRNA primers were used to amplify DNA extracted from the pasture soil. The PCR products were cloned into pGEM-T, and either hypervariable or conserved regions were sequenced. The relationships of 124 sequences to those of cultured organisms of known phylogeny were determined. Of the 124 clones sequenced, 98.4% were from the domain Bacteria. Two of the rDNA sequences were derived from eukaryotic organelles. Two of the 124 sequences were of nuclear origin, one being fungal and the other a plant sequence. No sequences of the domain Archaea were found. Within the domain, Bacteria, three kingdoms were highly represented: the Proteobacteria (16.1%), the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group (21.8%), and the low G+C-content gram-positive group (21.8%). Some kingdoms, such as the Thermotogales, the green nonsulfur group, Fusobacteria, and the Spirochaetes, were absent. A large number of the sequences (39.4%) were distributed among several clades that are not among the major taxa described by Olsen et al. (G.J. Olsen, C.R. Woese, and R. Overbeek, J. Bacteriol., 176:1-6, 1994). From the alignments of the sequence data, distance matrices were calculated to display the enormous microbial diversity found in this soil in two ways, as phylogenetic trees and as multidimensional-scaling plots.  相似文献   

Methane emissions have been previously detected from orangutans, but characterization of the diversity of methanogens in this species has yet to be completed. This preliminary study identified methanogen producing microorganims, also called methanogens, present in the feces from a colony of captive Sumatran orangutans at the Perth Zoo. All animals were housed in the same enclosure and were fed primarily a frugivorous diet. Methanogens were detected using a 16S rRNA gene clone library. A total of 207 clones were examined, revealing 37 different methanogen 16S rRNA sequences, or phylotypes. Of these, 31 phylotypes represented by 170 clones had 96.4-100% sequence identity to Methanosphaera stadtmanae, four phylotypes (32 clones) had 95.1-100% sequence identity to Methanobrevibacter smithii, while two phylotypes (five clones) had 95.9-97.7% sequence identity to Methanobacterium beijingense. Overall, five possible new species were identified from the clone library. This represents the first report of Msp. stadtmanae, a methanol utilizer, as the most predominant methanogen in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. This is likely due to the increased availability of methanol from the highly frugivorous diet of the orangutans. Further studies are warranted to properly assess the effects of frugivorous diets on the methanogen population.  相似文献   

The bacterial community structure of a fluidized-bed reactor fed by vinasses (wine distillation waste) was analyzed. After PCR amplification, four small-subunit (SSU) rDNA clone libraries of Bacteria, Archaea, Procarya, and Eucarya populations were established. The community structure was determined by operational taxonomic unit (OTU) phylogenetic analyses of 579 partial rDNA sequences (about 500 bp long). A total of 146 OTUs were found, comprising 133, 6, and 7 from the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya domains, respectively. A total of 117 bacterial OTU were affiliated with major phyla: low-G+C gram-positive bacteria, Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides, Proteobacteria, high-G+C gram-positive bacteria, and Spirochaetes, where the clone distribution was 34, 26, 17, 6, and 4%, respectively. The other 16 bacterial OTUs represent 13% of the clones. They were either affiliated with narrow phyla such as Planctomyces-Chlamydia, green nonsulfur bacteria, or Synergistes, or deeply branched on the phylogenetic tree. A large number of bacterial OTUs are not closely related to any other hitherto determined sequences. The most frequent bacterial OTUs represents less than 5% of the total bacterial SSU rDNA sequences. However, the 20 more frequent bacterial OTUs describe at least 50% of these sequences. Three of the six Archaea OTUs correspond to 95% of the Archaea population and are very similar to already known methanogenic species: Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanosarcina frisius, and Methanobacterium formicicum. In contrast, the three other Archaea OTUs are unusual and are related to thermophilic microorganisms such as Crenarchaea or Thermoplasma spp. Five percent of the sequences analyzed were chimeras and were removed from the analysis.  相似文献   

The deep subseafloor rock in oil reservoirs represents a unique environment in which a high oilcontamination and very low biomass can be observed. Sampling this environment has been a challenge owing to the techniques used for drilling and coring. In this study, the facilities developed by the Brazilian oil company PETROBRAS for accessing deep subsurface oil reservoirs were used to obtain rock samples at 2,822-2,828 m below the ocean floor surface from a virgin field located in the Atlantic Ocean, Rio de Janeiro. To address the bacterial diversity of these rock samples, PCR amplicons were obtained using the DNA from four core sections and universal primers for 16S rRNA and for APS reductase (aps) genes. Clone libraries were generated from these PCR fragments and 87 clones were sequenced. The phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rDNA clone libraries showed a wide distribution of types in the domain bacteria in the four core samples, and the majority of the clones were identified as belonging to Betaproteobacteria. The sulfate-reducing bacteria community could only be amplified by PCR in one sample, and all clones were identified as belonging to Gammaproteobacteria. For the first time, the bacterial community was assessed in such deep subsurface environment.  相似文献   

In an attempt to estimate the occurrence of phenol hydroxylase-related gene sequences we performed a dot blot hybridization assay with DNA from phenol utilizing Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain NBIMCC 2414 and microbial isolates from different wastewaters. The used oligonucletides were homologous to the 5'-end of TORPHD locus (NCBI)-coding phenol hydroxylase in Trichosporon cutaneum ATCC 46490 and to the 5'-end of TORCCMLE locus (NCBI)-coding cis,cis-muconate-lactonizing enzyme in Trichosporon cutaneum ATCC 58094. Two microbial strains, Escherichia coli JM 109 and Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, incapable to degrade phenol were used as negative controls. We established the presence of hybridization with both used oligonucleotide probes in T. cutaneum R57 and T. cutaneum ATCC 46490 yeast strains. The experiments implemented with microbial isolates obtained from three industrialized areas in Bulgaria showed that 7 of them may carry sequences hybridizing with a phenol hydroxylase oligonucleotide probe. A subsequent hybridization test for the cis,cis-muconate-lactonizing enzyme showed that only 3 of them displayed a positive signal. Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356 and Escherichia coli JM 109 strains' DNA used as negative controls in the experiments did not reveal any sequence similarity to the both applied oligonucleotides. The partial nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNAs of the isolated strains C1 and K1 obtained as PCR products were determined and sequenced. A comparison of these nucleotide sequences with similar sequences in NCBI Data Bank indicated that both C1 and K1 strains are closely related to the genera Acinetobacter and Burkholderia.  相似文献   

The detection of ancient microbial DNA offers a new approach for the study of infectious diseases, their occurrence, frequency and host-pathogen interaction in historic times and populations. Moreover, data obtained from skeletal and mummified tissue may represent an important completion of contemporary phylogenetic analyses of pathogens. In the last few years, a variety of bacterial, protozoal and viral infections have been detected in ancient tissue samples by amplification and characterization of specific DNA fragments. This holds particularly true for the identification of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which seems to be more robust than other microbes due to its waxy, hydrophobic and lipid-rich cell wall. These observations provided useful information about the occurrence, but also the frequency of tuberculosis in former populations. Moreover, these studies suggest new evolutionary models and indicate the route of transmission between human and animals. Until now, other pathogens, such as Mycobacterium leprae, Yersinia pestis, Plasmodium falciparum and others, have occasionally been identified - mostly in single case studies or small sample sizes - as well, although much less information is available on these pathogens in ancient settings. The main reason therefore seems to be the degradation and modification of ancient DNA by progressive oxidative damage. Furthermore, the constant risk of contamination by recent DNA forces to take time and cost effective measures and renders the analysis of ancient microbes difficult. Nevertheless, the study of microbial ancient DNA significantly contributes to the understanding of transmission and spread of infectious diseases, and potentially to the evolution and phylogenetic pathways of pathogens.  相似文献   

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