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Proteic toxin-antitoxin (TA) loci were first identified in bacterial plasmids, and they were regarded as involved in stable plasmid maintenance by a so-called 'addiction' mechanism. Later, chromosomally encoded TA loci were identified and their function ascribed to survival mechanisms when bacteria were subjected to stress. In the search for chromosomally encoded TA loci in Gram-positive bacteria, we identified various in the pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. Two of these cassettes, sharing homology with the Escherichia coli relBE locus were cloned and tested for their activity. The relBE2Spn locus resulted to be a bona fide TA locus. The toxin exhibited high toxicity towards E. coli and S. pneumoniae, although in the latter, the chromosomal copy of the antitoxin relB2Spn gene had to be inactivated to detect full toxicity. Cell growth arrest caused by expression of the relE2Spn toxin gene could be reverted by expression of the cognate antitoxin, relB2Spn, although prolonged exposition to the toxin led to cell death. The pneumococcal relBE2Spn locus is the first instance of a chromosomally encoded TA system from Gram-positive bacteria characterized in its own host. We have developed a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay to detect the interactions between the RelB2Spn antitoxin and the RelE2Spn toxin in vivo. This technique has shown to be amenable to a high-throughput screening (HTS), opening new avenues in the search of molecules with potential antibacterial activity able to inhibit TA interactions.  相似文献   

为构建结核分枝杆菌毒素‐抗毒素系统 m azEF6缺失突变株,并对其表型进行初步探讨,首先用聚合酶链反应(PCR)分别从H37Rv标准株和PUC‐19K质粒扩增出 mazEF6基因的同源臂及卡那霉素抗性基因kan ;然后应用融合PCR技术将 mazEF6基因的同源臂与 kan基因进行杂交拼接,获得目的融合片段,将该融合片段克隆于pMD‐19T(simple)载体形成自杀质粒pMD‐19T‐ΔmazEF6‐kan ,并将自杀质粒转化至大肠埃希菌DH5α中;最后利用电穿孔技术将自杀质粒电转至H37Rv标准株中,在卡那霉素抗性改良罗氏培养基上筛选H37Rv ΔmazEF6缺失突变株单个菌落,提取阳性菌株全基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增克隆片段并测序。将所获得的H37Rv ΔmazEF6缺失突变株进行遗传稳定性检测后,对其表型进行初步研究。结果显示,该缺失株在15代内未发生回复性突变;与野生株相比,缺失株生长速度缓慢且细菌形态短小。本研究证实,融合PCR技术便于快速获得结核分枝杆菌缺失突变株;结核分枝杆菌在缺失毒素‐抗毒素系统 m azEF6基因后生存能力下降,这为进一步研究毒素‐抗毒素系统的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Zhao L  Zhang J 《FEBS letters》2008,582(5):710-714
In the present paper, we report the biochemical characterization of a chromosomal toxin-antitoxin (TA) system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, consisting of the Rv1991c gene and its upstream open reading frame (ORF) termed Rv1991a. Rv1991c was characterized as a toxin with ribonuclease activity and Rv1991a as the antitoxin against Rv1991c. Rv1991a interacted with Rv1991c to form a complex. A promoter located immediately upstream of Rv1991a was identified. Both Rv1991a and the Rv1991a-Rv1991c complex were able to bind to the promoter region of the Rv1991a-Rv1991c operon, indicating that the expression of the Rv1991a-Rv1991c operon can be autoregulated.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌染色体上毒素-抗毒素系统(TA,toxin-antitoxin system)mazEF介导多种胁迫诱导的细胞死亡或生长抑制。鱼腥藻PCC7120染色体上的基因对asl3212/all3211具有TA系统保守的遗传结构,其编码产物与大肠杆菌mazEF系统的毒素MazE和抗毒素MazE同源,可能构成mazEF家族的TA系统。利用构建的选择性表达系统分析asl3212和all3211表达产物对大肠杆菌细胞生长活性的影响,结果显示诱导all3211表达显著抑制细胞生长,同时诱导asl3212表达使all3211编码产物抑制的细胞恢复生长。提示all3211为毒素基因,asl3212为抗毒素基因,二者组成一个功能性的mazEF家族的TA系统。  相似文献   

The competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) and the sigX-inducing peptide (XIP) are known to induce Streptococcus mutans competence for genetic transformation. For both pheromones, direct identification of the native peptides has not been accomplished. The fact that extracellular XIP activity was recently observed in a chemically defined medium devoid of peptides, as mentioned in an accompanying paper (K. Desai, L. Mashburn-Warren, M. J. Federle, and D. A. Morrison, J. Bacteriol. 194:3774-3780, 2012), provided ideal conditions for native XIP identification. To search for the XIP identity, culture supernatants were filtered to select for peptides of less than 3 kDa, followed by C(18) extraction. One peptide, not detected in the supernatant of a comS deletion mutant, was identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation as identical to the ComS C-terminal sequence GLDWWSL. ComS processing did not require Eep, a peptidase involved in processing or import of bacterial small hydrophobic peptides, since eep deletion had no inhibitory effect on XIP production or on synthetic XIP response. We investigated whether extracellular CSP was also produced. A reporter assay for CSP activity detection, as well as MS analysis of supernatants, revealed that CSP was not present at detectable levels. In addition, a mutant with deletion of the CSP-encoding gene comC produced endogenous XIP levels similar to those of a nondeletion mutant. The results indicate that XIP pheromone production is a natural phenomenon that may occur in the absence of natural CSP pheromone activity and that the heptapeptide GLDWWSL is an extracellular processed form of ComS, possibly the active XIP pheromone. This is the first report of direct identification of a ComR/ComS pheromone.  相似文献   

<正>高致病性2型猪链球菌(Streptococcus suis serotype 2,SS2)属于革兰氏阳性B组链球菌,是一种重要的人畜共患传染病病原菌,它不仅可以导致猪出现急性败血症、脑膜炎、关节炎、心内膜炎及急性死亡,还可以通过伤口和呼吸道等传播途径,导致人的感染。自1998及2005年我国发生两次2型猪链球菌大流行后,该菌所引起的链球菌毒素休克综合征引起国际高度重视,我国不少学者聚焦该领域的研究[1]。本刊2012年第2期刊登了王敏、胡福泉等的文章"高致病性2型猪链球菌毒-抗素毒素系统SezAT的鉴  相似文献   

Type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are generally composed of two genes organized in an operon, encoding a labile antitoxin and a stable toxin. They were first discovered on plasmids where they contribute to plasmid stability by a phenomenon denoted as 'addiction', and subsequently in bacterial chromosomes. To discover novel families of antitoxins and toxins, we developed a bioinformatics approach based on the 'guilt by association' principle. Extensive experimental validation in Escherichia coli of predicted antitoxins and toxins increased significantly the number of validated systems and defined novel toxin and antitoxin families. Our data suggest that toxin families as well as antitoxin families originate from distinct ancestors that were assembled multiple times during evolution. Toxin and antitoxin families found on plasmids tend to be promiscuous and widespread, indicating that TA systems move through horizontal gene transfer. We propose that due to their addictive properties, TA systems are likely to be maintained in chromosomes even though they do not necessarily confer an advantage to their bacterial hosts. Therefore, addiction might play a major role in the evolutionary success of TA systems both on mobile genetic elements and in bacterial chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sae is a regulatory locus that activates the production of several exoproteins in Staphylococcus aureus. A 3.4-kb fragment of a S. aureus genomic library, screened with a probe adjacent to the transposon insertion of a sae::Tn551 mutant, was cloned into a bifunctional vector. This fragment was shown to carry the sae locus by restoration of exoprotein production in sae mutants. The sae locus was mapped to the SmaI-D fragment of the staphylococcal chromosome by pulse-field electrophoresis. Sequence analysis of the cloned fragment revealed the presence of two genes, designated saeR and saeS, encoding a response regulator and a histidine protein kinase, respectively, with high homology to other bacterial two-component regulatory systems.  相似文献   

[背景]副溶血弧菌是一种重要的食源性病原菌,给公众健康带来严重危害.毒素-抗毒素系统广泛存在于细菌和古生菌基因组中,具有重要的生物学功能.[目的]在副溶血弧菌中鉴定新的毒素-抗毒素系统,为从毒素-抗毒素系统角度探讨该菌致病性和耐药性的分子机制奠定基础.[方法]通过在线工具预测副溶血弧菌染色体上的假定Ⅱ型毒素-抗毒素系统...  相似文献   

Toxin-antitoxin loci belonging to the yefM-yoeB family are located in the chromosome or in some plasmids of several bacteria. We cloned the yefM-yoeB locus of Streptococcus pneumoniae, and these genes encode bona fide antitoxin (YefM(Spn)) and toxin (YoeB(Spn)) products. We showed that overproduction of YoeB(Spn) is toxic to Escherichia coli cells, leading to severe inhibition of cell growth and to a reduction in cell viability; this toxicity was more pronounced in an E. coli B strain than in two E. coli K-12 strains. The YoeB(Spn)-mediated toxicity could be reversed by the cognate antitoxin, YefM(Spn), but not by overproduction of the E. coli YefM antitoxin. The pneumococcal proteins were purified and were shown to interact with each other both in vitro and in vivo. Far-UV circular dichroism analyses indicated that the pneumococcal antitoxin was partially, but not totally, unfolded and was different than its E. coli counterpart. Molecular modeling showed that the toxins belonging to the family were homologous, whereas the antitoxins appeared to be specifically designed for each bacterial locus; thus, the toxin-antitoxin interactions were adapted to the different bacterial environmental conditions. Both structural features, folding and the molecular modeled structure, could explain the lack of cross-complementation between the pneumococcal and E. coli antitoxins.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans belongs to the viridans group of oral streptococci, which is the leading cause of endocarditis in humans. The LraI family of lipoproteins in viridans group streptococci and other bacteria have been shown to function as virulence factors, adhesins, or ABC-type metal transporters. We previously reported the identification of the S. mutans LraI operon, sloABCR, which encodes components of a putative metal uptake system composed of SloA, an ATP-binding protein, SloB, an integral membrane protein, and SloC, a solute-binding lipoprotein, as well as a metal-dependent regulator, SloR. We report here the functional analysis of this operon. By Western blotting, addition of Mn to the growth medium repressed SloC expression in a wild-type strain but not in a sloR mutant. Other metals tested had little effect. Cells were also tested for aerobic growth in media stripped of metals then reconstituted with Mg and either Mn or Fe. Fe at 10 micro M supported growth of the wild-type strain but not of a sloA or sloC mutant. Mn at 0.1 micro M supported growth of the wild-type strain and sloR mutant but not of sloA or sloC mutants. The combined results suggest that the SloABC proteins transport both metals, although the SloR protein represses this system only in response to Mn. These conclusions are supported by (55)Fe uptake studies with Mn as a competitor. Finally, a sloA mutant demonstrated loss of virulence in a rat model of endocarditis, suggesting that metal transport is required for endocarditis pathogenesis.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(4):607-612
Streptococcus mutans is commonly found in the human oral cavity. Functionally active prephenate dehydrogenase (PDH) catalyzes conversion of prephenate to 4-hydroxylphenylpyruvate. In order to characterize S. mutans-PDH (Sm-PDH), a pdh gene was expressed using Escherichia coli expression vector pET-15b and Sm-PDH was affinity purified using a nickel column. The molecular weight of this enzyme was determined using MALDI-TOF and size exclusion chromatography. PDH assays were employed to determine the kinetic parameters of the reaction catalyzed by the purified enzyme and to evaluate the effects of temperature, pH and ion concentration on PDH activity. Maximum PDH activity was obtained at 37 °C and pH 6.8 or below. Cations had little or no effect on PDH activity. Site-directed mutations were introduced into pdh. Amino acid replacements at conserved residues markedly reduced or eliminated enzyme activity. l-Tyrosine, a feedback inhibitor of PDH, showed strong inhibitory effects on PDH activity.  相似文献   

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