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High (H/s) and low (L/s) antibody responder lines of mice selected according to their response to the somatic (s) antigen of Salmonella (Selection IV) have unexpected inverse capacity for antibody production to rabbit gamma globulin (RGG): H/s mice are low or even nonresponders to this antigen, whereas L/s mice are high responders. It was shown that the phenotypic variability within each line is due to environmental factors. RGG was a selection antigen in Selection V; the high (H/p) and low (L/p) responder mice are therefore considered as homozygous for the RGG genes. Responsiveness to RGG was investigated in F1 and F2 hybrids obtained by crossing the phenotypically similar RGG responder or nonresponder mice of Selections IV and V. The results support the hypothesis that the same genes control the response to RGG in L/s and H/p lines as well as in H/s and L/p lines. This means that the genes specific for RGG responsiveness were independent from those regulating responses to the s antigen. Unaffected by the selective breeding in Selection IV, they have been fixed by chance in an inverse way in H/s and L/s lines.  相似文献   

H and L inbred mouse strains were derived from animals selected respectively for the production of high and low titers of agglutinins against xenogeneic erythrocytes. L was found to beH-2 s . H was found to beH-2K d ,D q , with anI region derived from another (probably unknown) haplotype.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and cell migration inhibition (MI) were studied in two lines of mice genetically selected for the high (Hi/PHA) or low (Lo/PHA) in vitro response of their lymphoid cells to phytochemagglutinin (PHA). A rapid photoelectric procedure for reading cell migrations enabled the study of MI over a wide range (10 log) of antigen concentrations in vitro. Hi/PHA mice required immunization with a 10 times higher dose of ovalbumin (OVA) in Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) than Lo/PHA mice for a comparable response in DTH (footpad swelling) and MI of their induced peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). Lo/PHA spleen showed marked bizonal MI on Day 5 after immunization with low doses (0.1 and 0.5 micrograms) of OVA in FCA, one peak being obtained in presence of in vitro concentrations of 10(-3) or 10(-2) micrograms/ml OVA and another peak at 1 or 10 micrograms/ml, whereas Hi/PHA spleen showed stimulation of migration. In contrast, MI in Lo/PHA spleen failed to persist beyond Day 19, whereas it appeared progressively in Hi/PHA spleen, being maximal by Day 27. Low-zone inhibition in Hi/PHA spleen and PEC was lacking or poor even after immunization with higher doses of OVA in FCA. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of viability of lymph node and spleen cells of mice genetically selected for "high" or "low" in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness to PHA were studied in PHA or PPD-stimulated short-term cultures. Lo/PHA cells were found to be less viable than Hi/PHA cells in unstimulated control cultures. PHA improved the viability of Lo/PHA cells while inducing proliferation of Hi/PHA cells with the appearance of more and larger lymphoblasts in the latter. PPD only improved the viability of spleen cell cultures, more so for the Hi/PHA line. The interline difference in thymidine uptake was smaller after PPD than after PHA stimulation. Modifications of culture conditions designed to decrease the interline difference in cell viability lessened but did not abolish the separation between the two lines for the PHA response as measured by thymidine uptake.  相似文献   

《Research in virology》1990,141(1):57-67
After infection with the Pasteur strain of fixed rabies virus, the onset of disease, mortality, interferon (IFN) synthesis and interaction of the virus with macrophages were investigated in high (HI) and low (LI) antibody responder lines of mice. The HI mice were shown to be more resistant than the LI mice, and resistance was age-dependent, since mice from both mouse lines were fully susceptible up to 2 weeks of age. IFN synthesis studies of the serum indicated that, after rabies infection, HI mice produced a slightly higher amount of IFN, which was determined to be predominantly IFN-gamma. In the brains of LI mice, only IFN-alpha/beta was found, in contrast to the mixture of IFN-alpha/beta and IFN-gamma observed in the brains of HI mice. Although macrophages from the two mouse lines expressed the same degree of extrinsic activity, their intrinsic activities were quite different; the LI mice showed a greater ability to uptake and process the virus or ingest C3 (IgM) sheep red blood cells. The present findings attribute the higher antibody response and IFN-gamma synthesis observed in HI mice during rabies infection to slower processing of the rabies antigen in their macrophages, thus conferring upon them a greater ability to present it to the immune system, leading to a higher degree of resistance to rabies infection.  相似文献   

Effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) on feed intake were evaluated in two lines of White Plymouth Rock chickens that have been selected from a common base population for high (HWS) or low (LWS) juvenile body weight. Both lines responded with reduced feed intake after ICV CRF; however, the threshold of response was lower in line LWS than HWS. Additionally, the effects of two receptor antagonists, astressin and alpha-helical CRF (9-41; alpha-CRF), and the effect of CRF fragment 6-33, (which displaces CRF from its binding protein), were evaluated in these lines. Although all three antagonists increased feed intake in line LWS but not line HWS, they attenuated the appetite-reducing effects of CRF only in line HWS. Peripheral plasma corticosterone concentrations after an acute stressor were higher in line LWS than in line HWS. These data support the thesis of correlated responses in the CRF system to selection for high or low juvenile body weight. These differences may contribute to differential feed intake, and hence altered body weights.  相似文献   

Dependent and independent variables influencing natural and acquired resistance to Listeria monocytogenes in Biozzi mouse lines, genetically selected for their antibody responses, were analyzed. Variations in interline (IL) difference were shown to depend upon the inoculum dose, age, and sex of the mice used. Further, when IL differences were measured using the growth curves of L. monocytogenes, it appeared that LL mice were more resistant than HL mice, while the opposite was observed when IL differences were appreciated using the mortality rate. Attempts to analyze such apparently contradictory results showed that the predominant mechanism in LL mice was a higher natural bactericidal capacity of resident macrophages, which might be compensated for in HL mice by a higher ability to recruit blood-borne monocytes during the secondary, nonspecific phase of resistance, being reinforced and associated with a higher DTH reaction to L. monocytogenes antigen. A similar, higher antilisterial resistance was also observed in other Biozzi lines, genetically selected for their high in vitro CMI response to PHA as compared with the Lo/PHA line.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice selectively bred to produce high affinity antibody responses to protein antigens (HI) had reduced responses to both T and B cell mitogens when compared to those from mice selectively bred to produce low affinity (LO) responses. The reduced response by spleen cells from HI mice was partially reversed by the addition of indomethacin in vitro. Spleen adherent cells from HI mice had increased production of prostaglandin E2 when compared to those from LO mice. In addition, spleen adherent cells from mice which fail to show affinity maturation not only produced lower amounts of PGE2 than those from HI mice but also a decreased proportion of spleen cells adhered to plastic in these mice. To test the possibility that the increased PGE2 production in HI mice was responsible for the production of high affinity antibodies, indomethacin was administered in vivo and resulted in a significant reduction in antibody affinity. The possibility that PGE2 production may control the balance between the TH1 and TH2 cells of Mosmann and Coffman is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Susceptibility to Salmonella typhimurium infection was compared in H (high Ab responder) and L (low Ab responder) mice obtained by several selective breeding experiments (Selections I, II, III, IV and IV A) [10,19,22]. H mice were always much more susceptible to infection than their L mice counterparts within a continuous LD 50 variation range. In three of the selections (I, II and IV A) the low responsiveness character is known to result mainly from rapid Ag degradation in L mice macrophages. It was hypothesized that resistance to multiplication of intracellular pathogens could be related to an increased catabolic activity towards Ag. This was actually demonstrated, in F2 segregant hybrids of selection IV A, by the significant inverse correlation between capacity for Ab production and resistance to infection.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to Salmonella typhimurium infection was compared in H (high Ab responder) and L (low Ab responder) mice obtained by several selective breeding experiments (Selections I, II, III, IV and IV A). H mice were always much more susceptible to infection than their L mice counterparts within a continuous LD 50 variation range. In three of the selections (I, II and IV A) the low responsiveness character is known to result mainly from rapid Ag degradation in L mice macrophages. It was hypothesized that resistance to multiplication of intracellular pathogens could be related to an increased catabolic activity towards Ag. This was actually demonstrated, in F2 segregant hybrids of selection IV A, by the significant inverse correlation between capacity for Ab production and resistance to infection.  相似文献   

Sublines of chickens differing in genotypes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were developed from lines selected for high (HA) and low (LA) antibody response to sheep erythrocytes. To evaluate the influence of MHC genotypes in diverse background genomes on resistance to Marek's disease, chicks with MHC genotypes B13B13, B13B21 and B21B21 from both background genomes were exposed naturally commencing at 1 day of age. Individuals which died up to 120 days of age were autopsied to determine cause of death. Mortality due to Marek's disease was greater for HA than LA chickens and greater for males than females. Interactions of MHC genotypes with background genome and with sex suggest a complex picture of the influence of MHC genotypes. A heterozygous advantage for resistance to Marek's disease was noted, as would be predicted by genetic theory concerning maintenance of polymorphism at the MHC.  相似文献   

A breeding programme, based on selection for faecal egg counts, has produced lines of sheep which demonstrate either increased resistance (high responder) or susceptibility (low responder) to challenge infection with T. colubriformis after vaccination with irradiated larvae. Circulating blood eosinophilia, a hallmark of helminth infections, was examined in third generation lambs from two separate selective matings and random bred control lambs. Numbers of eosinophils were higher in high responder lambs when compared to low responders after vaccination and challenge infections. Analysis of eosinophil counts confirmed a strong line effect and there was no evidence of a sex effect. Random bred lambs showed wide individual variations in eosinophil numbers and their response to infection. It was concluded that peripheral eosinophilia was more a measure of host responsiveness to infection than an indicator of helminthiasis. As such the eosinophil may serve as an indicator of the hosts ability to respond to T. colubriformis vaccination and infection.  相似文献   

Male wild house mice, selected for short (SAL) and long (LAL) attack latency, show distinctly different behavioral strategies in coping with environmental challenges. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that this difference in coping style is associated with a differential stress responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system. SAL rather than LAL mice showed a clear fluctuation in circulating corticosterone concentrations around the circadian peak with significantly higher levels in the late light phase. LAL mice showed lower basal ACTH levels and higher thymic and spleen weights compared to SAL. Under basal conditions, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) mRNA in the hippocampus and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus were not different between the two lines. Forced swimming for 5 min induced high immobility behavior in LAL mice which was associated with an enhanced and prolonged corticosterone response as compared to SAL, while absolute ACTH levels did not differ. In addition, LAL mice showed an increase in hippocampal MR mRNA (but not GR) and hypothalamic CRH mRNA at 24 h after forced swimming. In conclusion, a genetic trait in coping style of wild house mice is associated with an idiosyncratic pattern of HPA activity, and greater responsiveness of physiological and molecular stress markers in LAL mice. In view of the profound differences in behavioral traits and stress system reactivity, these mouse lines genetically selected for attack latency present an interesting model for studying the mechanism underlying individual variation in susceptibility to stress-related psychopathology.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare the effects of central alpha-MSH, a potent anorexigenic signal, in lines of chickens that have undergone long-term divergent selection for low (LWS) or high (HWS) body weight. Chicks from both lines were centrally injected with 0, 24, 120 or 600 pmol alpha-MSH and feed and water intake were concurrently measured thereafter for a total of 180 min. The LWS line responded to all doses of alpha-MSH with a similar potent decrease in feed intake at all observation times. The HWS line only responded to 600 pmol alpha-MSH with decreased feed intake. alpha-MSH did not influence water intake in either line. To determine if differential hypothalamic signaling was associated with the anorexigenic effect, c-Fos immunoreactivity was measured in appetite-related hypothalamic nuclei after 600 pmol central alpha-MSH injections. c-Fos immunoreactivity was increased in the dorsomedial hypothalamus, paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and ventromedial hypothalamus in both lines after alpha-MSH; however, the magnitude of increase was greater in LWS than in HWS chicks at the PVN (136% vs. 47% increase over controls, respectively). Based on behavior observations, the number of feeding and exploratory pecks is decreased with greater magnitude after alpha-MSH in the LWS line. Additionally, alpha-MSH was associated with increased deep rest in both lines, and may be a secondary effect to reduced ingestion. These data support that the LWS line has a lower threshold for the anorexigenic effect of central alpha-MSH while in the HWS line this threshold is higher, and that this difference may be associated with differential hypothalamic signaling. Genetic variation exists in the threshold of anorexigenic response for central alpha-MSH in LWS and HWS lines of chickens with possible implications to other species including humans.  相似文献   

In a previous study, activity of the insect endocrine regulator juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), in the cricketGryllus assimilis, was subjected to bidirectional selection. This resulted in three pairs of high- and low-selected lines, each of which differed by 3.5-fold in JHE activity. In the present study, juvenile hormone esterases from these lines were characterized with respect to the Michaelis constant (K m), thermostability, and inhibition. None of three high-selected JHEs differed from its respective low-selected JHE in the Michaelis constant (K m) for juvenile hormone. Similarly, the high-selected JHEs did not differ from the low selected JHEs in thermostability or inhibition by either of two general esterase inhibitors (DFP, eserine) or a “JHE-specific” inhibitor (OTFP). Thus no evidence was obtained to suggest that the response to selection was due to allozymes or isozymes with altered kinetic or stability properties. Kinetic and stability properties were also very similar for the JHEs from the three high-selected or the three low-selected lines. Finally, none of the thermostability or inhibition profiles for any of the six JHEs exhibited sharp discontinuities, thus providing no evidence for the existence of multiple isozymes. The available evidence points to genetically variable regulators which affect the synthesis, degradation, or tissue distribution of JHE as being responsible for the divergence in JHE activity between the selected lines.  相似文献   

High (H) and low (L) antibody responder lines of mice separated by selective breeding present a maximal interline difference in antibody (Ab) response to Ag of different specificities (general genetic regulation). The analysis of SRBC agglutinin response in H line, L line, F1 hybrids, F2, and backcross segregants demonstrates that Ab responsiveness is a polygenic trait regulated by the additive interaction of 5 to 7 independent loci, with an incomplete dominance (44% +/- 7%) of the high response character, and a 30% +/- 10% impact of the environmental factors. The life span of H, L, F1, F2, and backcross populations is correlated positively with 2-ME-resistant agglutinin response (r = 0.97, p less than 0.001) and negatively with 2-ME-sensitive agglutinin response (r = 0.95, p = 0.01) (interpopulation correlation). Similar correlations are also observed in individuals of the various populations, especially in F1 x L backcross, in which the largest phenotypic variance is found. The positive correlation between Ab responsiveness and life span was confirmed by ELISA titration for distinct IgG isotypes (intrapopulation correlation). Malignant lymphomas and chronic nephritis were the two most common diseases observed. The age-adjusted incidence of such diseases, which is largely affected by environmental factors, accounts for the longer life span of H, as compared with L, mouse populations. The longevity of the 30% or less survivors, chiefly determined by the rate of physiologic aging, is a polygenic character regulated by the cumulative interaction of 3 to 7 independent loci, with a complete dominance of the long life trait and an impact of the environmental factors of about 60%. Thus we have grounds for regarding general Ab responsiveness and life span as polygenic traits regulated by a small number of identical or closely linked gene loci, and immune responsiveness as a defense mechanism against neoplastic and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

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