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  • 1.1. Elastase has been purified from the hepatopancreas of the king crab (Paralithodes camtschatica). Specific activity of the enzyme measured toward Suc-(Ala)3-pNA and Boc-(Ala)3-pNA was 926 and 3700 mUnits per mg of protein, respectively.
  • 2.2. The enzyme is an anion protein (pI 4.5) with an approximate mol.wt of 28.5 kDa.
  • 3.3. The enzyme exhibited a bell-shaped pH-dependence for the hydrolysis of Suc-(Ala)3-pNA with a maximum at 8–8.5. Under these conditions the values of Km and kcat of the crab elastase are 4 mM and 4.75 s−1, respectively.
  • 4.4. The serine elastase is effectively inhibited by elastinal and diisopropylfluorophosphate.
  • 5.5. It is shown that some salts except HgCl2 activate the protease. In the presence of HgCl2 with concentrations of 10 mM and higher, the crab elastase is inactive. SDS and Triton X-100 have no any effect on the activity of crab elastase.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for three trinucleotide and three tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were developed for red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) to aid in studies of genetic population structure in Alaskan waters. Number of alleles ranged from six to 18 alleles (N = 562), and locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.505 to 0.839. Six primers were cross amplified with golden king crab (Lithodes aequispinus); five primers with blue king crab (P. platypus); and one primer with the splendid hermit crab (Labidochirus splendescens), the ‘missing link’ between pagurid and lithodid crabs. No cross amplification occurred with Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) or Aleutian hermit crab (Pagurus aleuticus).  相似文献   

The disease caused by parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Hematodinium was found in the red Paralithodes camtschaticus and blue P. platypus king crabs from the Sea of Okhotsk. The hemolymph of diseased crabs was cream colored, opaque, and dense. Numerous dinokaryotic trophonts and multinucleate plasmodia of the parasite were revealed in the hemolymph and internals of diseased animals. The parasitic infection was recorded in females and juvenile males from August to mid-October.  相似文献   

Five enzymes have been isolated from the hepatopancreas of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschatica by means of ion exchange and gel chromatography: two acid (AcP) and one alkaline (AlkP) phosphmonoesterases, one alkaline phosphodiesterase (AlkPD), and one acid phosphodiesterase (AcPD). The pH optimum values of these enzymes are: AlkPs and AlkPD, 7.5; AcP, 5.5; and AcPD, 5.0. The activity of AlkP and AlkPD demands Mg2+ ions. The molecular weights of the enzymes (kDa) are the following: AlkP, 80: AcPs, 80 and 82; AlkPD, 51; and AcPD, 57. The enzymes are relatively thermostable (ID50 from 47 to 62 degrees C). AlkP is inhibited by NaCl (IC50 at 0.4 M). The AcP, AcPD, and AlkPD activities are tolerant of high ionic strength.  相似文献   

Trypsin PC from the hepatopancreas of the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica was isolated and purified to apparent homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography on Aminosilochrom and DEAE-Sephadex and affinity chromatography on arginine-agarose. The yield of the enzyme was 37.7%, and the purification degree was 21. Trypsin PC has a molecular mass of 29 kDa and pI < 2.5. It hydrolysis N-benzoyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide at the optimum pH of 7.5-8.0 and at the temperature optimum of 55 degrees C (K(m) = 0.05 mM). Trypsin PC retained its activity within the pH range of 5.8-9.0 in the presence of Ca2+. The enzyme was inhibited by the specific inhibitors of serine proteases diisopropyl fluorophoshate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, by the trypsin inhibitor N-tosyl-L-lysylchloromethylketone, and by the trypsin inhibitors from soybean and potato. Trypsin PC was found to hydrolyze amide bonds formed by carboxylic groups of lysine and arginine in peptide substrates. The N-terminal sequence of this enzyme is IVGGTEVTPG.  相似文献   

Five enzymes have been isolated from the hepatopancreas of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschatica by means of ion exchange and gel chromatography: two acid (AcP) and one alkaline (AlkP) phosphomonoesterases, one alkaline phosphodiesterase (AlkPI), and one acid phosphodiesterase (AcPD). The pH optimum values of these enzymes are: AlkPs and AlkPD, 7.5; AcP, 5.5; and AcPD, 5.0. The activity of AlkP and AlkPD demands Mg2+ ions. The molecular weights of the enzymes (kDa) are the following: AlkP, 80; AcPs, 80 and 82; AlkPD, 51; and AcPD, 57. The enzymes are relatively thermostable (ID 50 from 47 to 62°C). AlkP is inhibited by NaCl (IC 50 at 0.4 M). The AcP, AcPD, and AlkPD activities are tolerant of high ionic strength.  相似文献   

Trypsin from hepatopancreas of the crab Paralithodes camtschaticuswas isolated in homogeneous state by successive ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, affinity chromatography on Agarose modified with peptide ligands from trypsin hydrolysate of salmin, and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono Q column. The total yield of the protein was 64%. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined (IVGGTEVTPG-). A sample of amplified total cDNA of hepatopancreas of king crab was obtained. A cDNA fragment containing the complete coding part of the gene was isolated on the basis of the known N-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature form of the trypsin. The polypeptide chain of the proenzyme consists of 266 aa. The mature trypsin involves 237 aa, which corresponds to its molecular mass of 24.8 kDa. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of the king crab trypsin with those of trypsins from other species of crustaceans demonstrated their high structural homology. The trypsin from the shrimp Penaeus vannamei appeared to be closest in primary structure to that of the king crab (65% identity).  相似文献   

Trypsin from hepatopancreas of the Paralithodes camtschaticus crab was isolated in homogeneous state by successive ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, affinity chromatography on Agarose modified with peptide ligands from trypsin hydrolysate of salmin, and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono Q column. The total yield of the protein was 64%. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined (IVGGTEVTPG-). A sample of amplified total cDNA of hepatopancreas of king crab was obtained. The cDNA fragment containing the complete coding part of the gene was isolated on the basis of the known N-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature form of the trypsin. The polypeptide chain of the proenzyme consists of 266 aa. The mature trypsin involves 237 aa, which corresponds to its molecular mass of 24.8 kDa. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of the king crab trypsin with those of trypsins from other species of crustaceans demonstrated their high structural homology. The trypsin from the Penaeus vannamei shrimp appeared to be the most close in its primary structure to that of the king crab (70% identity).  相似文献   

Zoeae of Paralithodes camtschatica were positively phototactic to white light intensities above 1 × 1013 q cm?2 s?1. Negative phototaxis occurred at low (1 × 1012 q cm?2 s?1), but not high intensities (2.2 × 1016q cm?2 s?1). Phototactic response was directly related to light intensity. Zoeae also responded to red, green and blue light. Zoeae were negatively geotactic, but geotaxis was dominated by phototaxis. Horizontal swimming speed of stage 1 zoeae <4 d old was 2.4 ± 0.1 (SE) cms?1 and decreased to 1.7 ± 0.1 cm s?1 in older zoeae (P <0.01). Horizontal swimming speed of stage 2 zoeae was not significantly different from ≥4 d old stage 1 zoeae. Vertical swimming speed, 1.6 ± 0.1 cm s?1, and sinking rate, 0.7 ± 0.1 cm s?1, did not change with ontogeny. King crab zoeae were positively rheotactic and maintained position in horizontal currents less than 1.4 cm s?1. Starvation reduced swimming and sinking rates and phototactic response.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of experimental morphological evaluation of the effect of a new proteolytic enzyme collagenase of crab Paralithodes camtschatica on wound healing in infected and aseptic rabbit wounds. The enzyme was applied on wounds using gauze and gelevin. The findings show that this protease is highly effective for debridement of infected wounds, the effect increasing at gelevin addition. To reach maximal therapeutical effect and diminish the inhibition effect of collagenase on granulation tissue, it is recommended to reduce the dose of protease during debridement process. Clinical application of crab collagenase must be individual as well as duration of wound enzymotherapy.  相似文献   

The red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) was introduced in the Barents Sea in the 1960s and soon established a viable population. Proper management and exploitation of the Barents Sea king crab stock require better understanding of the spatial dynamics at different scales. This study examines the small-scale movement patterns of seven adult male crabs tracked for a period of up to one month from mid July to mid August at 150 m depth in a semi-enclosed fjord on the Russo-Norwegian border. The crabs were tagged with acoustic transmitters and their movements monitored with an acoustic positioning system. Low walking speeds (<0.01 m s−1) were most frequent but the crabs could move at a maximum speed of 0.15 m s−1 and walk an actual distance of up to 270 m over a period of one hour. However, the crabs usually moved within a relatively restricted area with mean hourly longest rectilinear distance varying from 26 to 64 m. The crabs alternated between periods of low and high activity, which could reflect feeding in and movements between food patches. The lack of a diel activity rhythm may be due to high light levels during the polar summer night, or a chemically mediated food search strategy.  相似文献   

A serine proteinase having an activity optimum at pH 6.7-8.2 has been isolated from amylorisine P-10x (a mixture of Aspergillus oryzae enzymes) by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and bacitracin Sepharose 4B. The proteinase is fully inactivated by phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride and diisopropylfluorophosphonate, the specific inhibitors of the enzyme, and has a pI at pH 7.5. The molecular mass of serine proteinase is 30000 Da; its amino acid composition appears as: Met2, Asp33, Thr18, Ser29, Glu21, Pro9, Glu32, Ala38, Val24, Ile16, Leu15, Tyr8, Phe8, His8, Lys18, Arg4, Trp6. The N-terminal sequence of the serine proteinase: Gly-Leu-Thr-Thr-Gln-Lys-Ser-Ala-Pro-Trp-Gly-Leu-Gly-Ser-Ile-Ser-Xaa-Lys- Gly-Gln-Gln-Ser-Thr-Asp-Tyr-Ile-Tyr, which coincides practically completely with the corresponding sequence of alkaline proteinase of A. oryzae, ATCC20386, has been determined. Similar to subtilisin, the enzyme catalyzes the condensation of leucine and alanine p-nitroanilides with N-benzyloxycarbonyl-alanyl-alanine and glycyl-alanine methyl esters.  相似文献   

Kinetic parameters of hydrolysis of peptide and protein substrates by psychrophilic endopeptidases from hepatopancreas of the king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (PC), in particular, by trypsin, collagenolytic protease, and metalloprotease, were measured at different temperatures. The PC trypsin was shown to hydrolyze Bz-Arg-pNA in the temperature range studied (4–37°C) 19 times more effectively than bovine trypsin. The rate constants of hydrolysis of Glp-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNA by the PC collagenolytic protease increased approximately by one order of magnitude along with temperature decrease, while K m decreased by 3.5 times. The effective values of K m for the hydrolysis of azocasein by the metalloprotease insignificantly depend on temperature. We proposed that electrostatic interactions of negative charges around the cavity of active site are critical for the effective hydrolysis of substrates by endopeptidases of the PC hepatopancreas.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of monostiliferoidean enoplan nemertean from Alaska is described and illustrated. The nemertean, Alaxinus oclairi gen. et sp. nov. , was found on the egg mass of a red king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica.  相似文献   

A collagenolytic proteinase was purified from the intestines of Atlantic cod by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography (phenyl-Sepharose) and ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sepharose). The proteinase has an estimated molecular weight of 24.1 (±0.5) kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and belongs to the chymotrypsin family of serine proteinases. The enzyme cleaves native collagen types I, III, IV and V, and also readily hydrolyzes succinyl-l-Ala-l-Ala-l-Pro-l-Phe-p-nitroanilide (sAAPFpna), an amide substrate of chymotrypsin, as well as succinyl-l-Ala-l-Ala-l-Pro-l-Leu-p-nitroanilide, a reported elastase substrate, but had no detectable activity towards several other substrates of these proteinases or of trypsin. The pH optimum of the enzyme was between pH 8.0 and 9.5 and it was unstable at pH values below 7. Maximal activity of the enzyme when assayed against sAAPFpna was centered between 45 and 50°C. Calcium binding stabilized the cod collagenase against thermal inactivation, but even in the presence of calcium, the enzyme was unstable at temperatures above 30°C.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of monostiliferoidean enoplan nemertean from Alaska is described and illustrated. The nemertean, Alaxinus oclairi gen. et sp. nov. , was found on the egg mass of a red king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica .  相似文献   

Based on materials from trawling (2002–2005) and plankton (2004–2006) surveys, some problems of the reproduction biology of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815) population from Peter the Great Bay are considered. It was shown that the width of the carapace varied from 105 to 190 mm in female red king crabs with eggs; 50% of the females reached maturity with a carapace width of 112.8 mm. The average individual absolute fecundity of females was 200000 (114000–296000) eggs. A direct linear correlation between fecundity and female carapace width was recorded. The zoeas I–IV of the red king crab occurred in the plankton from the middle of April up to the end of the second decade of May at water temperatures from 2.8 up to 9.3°C. The periods of larval occurrence in plankton in various years correlated with the water temperature, with a temperature decrease, the duration of the pelagic period increased. No direct correlation was revealed between the phytoplankton bloom and larval release. The density of red king crab larvae in Peter the Great Bay did not exceed 0.02–13.3 spec./m3. The maximum concentration of zoeas was recorded in the central part of Ussuriysky Bay.  相似文献   

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