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Soricid remains collected from Bed I of Olduvai Gorge are described. The great majority of the specimens are mandibles. A survey of the mandibles of living African species revealed many differences in characters of the lower teeth and jaw that can be used for identification. On the basis of these characters, nine species are distinguished in the Olduvai collection, of which six are well enough preserved to permit a discussion of their relationships to living species. Three new species and one new subspecies are described. All the Olduvai shrews differ in some respects from their nearest living relatives; three species are close to species from Makapansgat, Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, RSA, though there appear to be slight differences. A change in the soricid fauna takes place within Bed I, interpreted as due to increasing aridity.  相似文献   

The(40)Ar/(39)Ar radiometric dating technique has been applied to tuffs and lavas of the Kapthurin Formation in the Tugen Hills, Kenya Rift Valley. Two variants of the(40)Ar/(39)Ar technique, single-crystal total fusion (SCTF) and laser incremental heating (LIH) have been employed to date five marker horizons within the formation: near the base, the Kasurein Basalt at 0.61+/-0.04 Ma; the Pumice Tuff at 0.543+/-0.004 Ma; the Upper Kasurein Basalt at 0.552+/-0.015 Ma; the Grey Tuff at 0.509+/-0.009 Ma; and within the upper part of the formation, the Bedded Tuff at 0.284+/-0.012 Ma. The new, precise radiometric age determination for the Pumice Tuff also provides an age for the widespread Lake Baringo Trachyte, since the Pumice Tuff is the early pyroclastic phase of this voluminous trachyte eruption.These results establish the age of fossil hominids KNM-BK 63-67 and KNM-BK 8518 at approximately 0.510-0.512 Ma, a significant finding given that few Middle Pleistocene hominids are radiometrically dated. The Kapthurin hominids are thus the near contemporaries of those from Bodo, Ethiopia and Tanzania. A flake and core industry from lacustrine sediments in the lower part of the formation is constrained by new dates of 0.55-0.52 Ma, a period during which the Acheulian industry, characterized by handaxes, is known throughout East Africa. Points, typical of the Middle Stone Age (MSA), are found in Kapthurin Formation sediments now shown to date to between 0.509+/-0.009 Ma and 0.284+/-0.012 Ma. This date exceeds previous estimates for the age of the MSA elsewhere in East Africa by 49 ka, and establishes the age of Acheulian to MSA transition for the region. Evidence of the use of the Levallois technique for the manufacture of both small flakes and biface preforms, the systematic production of blades, and the use and processing of red ochre also occurs in this interval. The presence of blades and red ochre at this depth is important as blades signify a high degree of technical competence and red ochre suggests symbolic behavior.  相似文献   

Vegetation and plant foods for hominins of lowermost Bed II, Olduvai Gorge were modeled by examining vegetation in modern habitats in northern Tanzania (Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, Serengeti) that are analogous to the paleolandscape in terms of climate, land forms, and soil types, as indicated by previous paleoenvironmental studies of Olduvai. Plant species in the modern habitats were identified in a series of sample plots, and those known to be eaten by modern humans, chimpanzees, or baboons were considered potentially edible for early hominins. Within the 50-80 kyr deposition of lowermost Bed II, periods of drier climate were characterized by low lake stands and a broad eastern lacustrine plain containing a mosaic of springs, marsh, woodland, and edaphic grassland. Based on results of this study, plant food diversity in each of those habitats was relatively low, but the mosaic nature of the area meant that hominins could reach several different habitat types within short distances, with access to potential plant foods including marsh plants, grass grains, roots, shrub fruits, edible parts from palms, leafy herbaceous plants, and Acacia pods, flowers, and gum. Based on Manyara analogs, a greater variety of plant foods, such as tree fruits (e.g., Ficus, Trichilia) and the roots and fruits of shrubs (e.g., Cordia, Salvadora) would be expected further east along the rivers in the lacustrine terrace and alluvial fans. Interfluves of the alluvial fans were probably less wooded and offered relatively fewer varieties of plant foods, but there is sparse paleoenvironmental evidence for the character of Olduvai's alluvial fans, making the choice of appropriate modern analogs difficult. In the western side of the basin, based on modern analogs in the Serengeti, riverine habitats provided the greatest variety of edible plant food species (e.g., Acacia, Grewia, Justicia). If the interfluves were grassland, then a large variety of potentially edible grasses and forbs were present seasonally. Periods of wetter climate resulted in a much expanded paleolake and a shrinking of the eastern lacustrine plain mosaic into a narrow zone. The dominant landscape features were then forest-lined rivers in the eastern alluvial fans, and rivers in the western side of the paleo-Olduvai basin were also better watered at these times, supporting denser woody vegetation with large varieties of edible fruits, leaves, and underground parts.  相似文献   

Phalacrocorax owrei nov. sp. is a small cormorant from the Lower Pleistocene of Olduvai Gorge. Osteological proportions are established for the four subgenera of Phalacrocorax, and P. owrei is assigned to the subgenus Stictocarbo. The species was the most abundant bird in the Bed I deposits and is also represented by a few specimens in the middle part of Bed II. Its last known appearance coincides with a change in the local environment when the climate became more arid and the Olduvai Lake became more saline and more alkaline. At other localities in Bed II the extinct P. tanzanice occurs, as well as P. africanus and P. corbo, which breed on the African lakes and seacoast today.  相似文献   

PalZ - Some bonodont molars of a ground squirrel are attributed toXerus cf.inauris. Coming from Olduvai Bed I fossiliferous deposits they could represent an intermediate stage between the Laetoli...  相似文献   

Reconstructing paleoenvironments and landscapes within lake-centered, hominin-yielding basinal sequences requires a resolution of time-rock units finer than but complementary to that provided by the present tephrostratigraphy. Although indispensable in providing an absolute time frame at Olduvai, the average 15,000-20,000 year intervals between successive tuff units lack the time resolution to construct a sufficiently contemporary paleolandscape within sedimentary intervals away from the interleaved tuffs. Such control is essential to construct valid paleogeographies in which to contextualize contemporaneous paleoanthropological sites and the traces of hominin land use they contain. Within Beds I and II of the Olduvai Basin a Sequence Stratigraphic analysis has achieved a relative time framework in which time-rock units, “lake-parasequences,” each generated by a major advance and withdrawal of the lake system, are recognizable for average periods of about 4000 years duration. Within each of these time slices at least two paleogeographic landscapes are identifiable, reducing the time constraints of an individual landscape reconstruction to a few thousand years. Within the sedimentary succession both highly incised and less incised unconformities are identifiable to provide sequence boundaries. Within each sequence the higher frequency lake-parasequences can be identified by (1) a disconformable base, (2) accretion of sediment during lake transgression and at maximum, (3) a disconformable top caused by lake withdrawal, and (4) a soil profile generated beneath that disconformable land surface. Individual lake-parasequences can be recognized in lake marginal and fan settings, and their imprint can also be seen in the lake setting where, for example, maximum flooding might be marked by a layer of dolomite. Lower Bed II parasequences represent time intervals of <5000 years, while parasequential periods between Tuffs IB and IC in Bed I are <4300 years. Analogous Holocene lake-level changes of the same order in East Africa have a period close to 4200 years. The estimated period is close to that defined by Stadial/Interstadial Dansgaard-Oeschger Events recorded in the Greenland Ice record, which force cycles of period similar to lake-parasequences, both in the Arabian Sea and Lake Malawi. Lake-parasequences not only aid construction of landscapes, they also allow contextualization of individual paleoanthropological occurrences. For instance, a parasequence lies between Leakey’s Level 1 and her butchered Deinotherium occurrence at FLK N. However, elephantid and giraffid skeletons associated with stone artifacts at VEK, uncovered by OLAPP excavations, are situated on the same land surface as a possibly butchered rhinocerid at KK. To complement the existing absolute radiometric time framework, relative Sequence Stratigraphic techniques might be applied to any lake-centered, hominin-yielding basinal sequence, not only those found within East Africa. Because they are climatically controlled, and might plausibly be related to globally driven Dansgaard-Oeschger Events, lake-parasequences and their associated sequences might be correlatable between various East African basins in the Plio-Pleistocene in the same way as they presently are for the Holocene.  相似文献   

Paleosol carbonates from trenches excavated as part of a landscape-scale project in Bed I of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, were analyzed for stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. The approximately 60,000-year interval ( approximately 1.845-1.785 Ma) above Tuff IB records evidence for lake and fluvial sequences, volcanic eruptions, eolian and pedogenic processes, and the development of a fluvial plain in the western margin of the basin. Significant temporal variation in the carbonate delta(18)O values records variation of local precipitation and supports the shifts in climatic conditions interpreted from the lithologic record. During this period, carbonate delta(13)C values varied between depositional facies indicating that the paleolandscape supported a local biomass of about 40-60% C(4) plants within a mosaic of grassy woodlands and wooded grasslands. The lithologic and stable isotope record in this small lake basin indicates the area was much wetter, with more woody C(3) plants, during this interval than is the semi-arid area today. The record also reflects the variation in climatic conditions (wet/dry) documented by other global climate proxies for this time.  相似文献   

A fossil hominid temporal bone (KNM-BC 1) from surface exposures at Baringo Paleontological Research Project site BPRP#2 in the Chemeron Formation outcropping in a tributary drainage of the Kapthurin River west of Lake Baringo, Kenya has been attributed to Homo sp. indet. K-feldspar phenocrysts from lapilli tuffs bracketing the inferred fossiliferous horizon yield single-crystal(40)Ar/(39)Ar ages of 2.456+/-0.006 and 2.393+/-0.013 Ma. These age determinations are supported by stratigraphically consistent ages on higher tuff horizons and from nearby sections. In addition, new(40)Ar/(39)Ar ages on tuffaceous units near the base and top of the formation along the Kapthurin River yield 3.19+/-0.03 and 1.60+/-0.05 Ma respectively. The base of the formation along the Kapthurin River is thus approximately 0.5 Ma younger than the uppermost Chemeron Formation strata exposed at Tabarin, 23 km to the north-northwest. The upper half of the formation along the Kapthurin River was deposited at an average rate of approximately 11 cm/ka, compared to 21-23 cm/ka at Tabarin.  相似文献   

The faunal assemblages excavated by Mary Leakey in Bed II of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, have, like the more well-known Bed I assemblages, traditionally been interpreted as the result of hominid butchering activities in the lake margin and riverine settings of the paleo-Olduvai Basin. A reexamination of all of Leakey's Bed I sites has shown that hominids played little or no role in the formation of all but one of those faunal assemblages, a finding that prompted the reanalysis of the Bed II sites presented here. We expand upon a previous taphonomic study that provided systematic data for HWK East Levels 1–2, MNK Main, and BK. In addition to these assemblages, we provide data on HWK East Levels 3–5, FC West, TK, and SHK. Our data contradict previous interpretations of MNK Main as a hominid accumulation but uphold the contention that BK represents a primarily hominid accumulation reflecting early access to carcasses. The small and poorly preserved assemblages from FC West and TK are difficult to link unambiguously to either hominids or carnivores. Site MNK Main and HWK East Levels 3–5 appear to be death arenas where carcasses accumulated via natural deaths and/or serial predation. Site SHK is severely biased by selective retention and therefore little can be said of its formational history. Nevertheless, no hominid modifications were documented in this assemblage. Comparisons with other Olduvai sites indicate a more conspicuous hyena taphonomic signal during Bed II times than Bed I times, which appears to mirror the changing configuration of the large carnivore guild. These findings also beg the question of what activities were being carried out by hominids with the stone tools discarded at these sites. Although it seems clear that hominids were utilizing stone tools to carry out subsistence activities unrelated to carcass butchery, more excavation and techniques such as phytolith analysis should be employed to explore alternative explanations.  相似文献   

An integrated magneto-biostratigraphic framework is presented for Middle Miocene sediments of DSDP Site 372 located in the Western Mediterranean. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis shows a nearly complete sequence of early Middle Miocene calcareous plankton bioevents in the Mediterranean, including the LCO (Last Common Occurrence) of the nannofossil Sphenolithus heteromorphus which has been astronomically dated in the Ras il Pellegrin (RIP) section on Malta Island [Abels, H.A., Hilgen, F.J., Krijgsman, W., Kruk, R.W., Raffi, I., Turco, E., Zachariasse, W.J., 2005. Long-period orbital control on middle Miocene global cooling: integrated stratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Blue Clay Formation on Malta, Paleoceanography, 20, PA4012. doi: 10.1029/2004PA001129. 11 pp]. Thermal demagnetization of discrete samples revealed a characteristic low-temperature component with dual polarities despite a weak paleomagnetic signal. The resultant magnetostratigraphic record, combined with the calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, is straightforwardly correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (CK95) of Cande and Kent [Cande, S.C., Kent, D.V., 1995. Revised calibration of the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 6093–6095] and the Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS04) of Lourens et al. [Lourens, L.J., Hilgen, F.J., Laskar, J., Shackleton, N.J., Wilson, D., 2004. The Neogene Period. In: Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Smith A.G. (Eds.), A Geologic Time Scale, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 409–440]. The subchrons recorded in Site 372 succession range from C5Br up to C5AAr. To confirm the magnetostratigraphic calibration, 40Ar/39Ar dating was performed on feldspar of two volcanic ash layers. The radio-isotopic dating indicates a younger age for these two ash layers compared to the magnetostratigraphic calibrated ages according to the CK95 and ATNTS04 age models. However, if the astronomically calibrated age of 28.21 ± 0.04 Ma is used for the Fish Canyon standard (FCs), the age for the older ash layer exactly matches its ATNTS04 age. Ages for bioevents were calculated assuming constant sedimentation rates between magnetostratigraphic age-tie points. The S. heteromorphus LCO has an age of 13.54 Ma and 13.63 Ma according to CK95 and ATNTS04, respectively, which is consistent with the astronomical tuned age of 13.65 Ma determined at RIP section [Abels, H.A., Hilgen, F.J., Krijgsman, W., Kruk, R.W., Raffi, I., Turco, E., Zachariasse, W.J., 2005. Long-period orbital control on middle Miocene global cooling: integrated stratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Blue Clay Formation on Malta, Paleoceanography, 20, PA4012. doi:10.1029/2004PA001129. 11 pp]. We therefore conclude that the magnetostratigraphic calibration of DSDP Site 372 is correct and that, for the time being, this site can be considered as a reference section for the early Middle Miocene of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

This study documents the petrology and stable isotope geochemistry of carbonates from six horizons from Beds I and II of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. The studied succession, immediately below and above Tuff IF, consists of interbedded waxy and earthy claystones with discrete carbonate horizons and thin sandstones. The succession was deposited in response to repeated flooding and withdrawal of a saline-alkaline lake. The carbonates and their overlying disconformities are important because they help define the surfaces on which hominin activity took place and allow very high-resolution correlation of geographically separated levels of hominin exploitation.The range of different carbonates includes unambiguous land-surface and pedogenic features including calcified rootmat horizons, rhizocretions, and micritic nodules, together with less determinate sparry calcite nodules. Stellate nodules are interpreted as pseudomorphs after sulfate-roses. The carbonate nodules are synsedimentary features, truncated by fluvial and other erosional surfaces. The isotopic composition of the carbonates is variable with δ18O ranging from −7.0‰ to −4.3‰, and δ13C from −8.5‰ to −1.6‰. A covariant increase in δ13C and δ18O repeats in each carbonate horizon and in individual nodules (inner to outer layers): it reflects the evolution of synsedimentary groundwaters. At times of low lake level, the carbonates started to precipitate from meteoric waters with low isotopic values and continued to form as lake levels rose and the waters became increasingly saline. Some of the samples have a last-stage cement of strontium rich dolomite, which supports late-stage flooding by the saline-alkaline lake. Previous studies of carbonate horizons from Olduvai have interpreted carbon isotope values in terms of changes in C3 and C4 plants that colonized the land surface. This study demonstrates that in some instances the isotope values from carbonates deposited in these lake marginal settings reflect changes in hydrology rather than vegetation.  相似文献   

Global climate change, linked to astronomical forcing factors, has been implicated in faunal evolutionary change in equatorial Africa, including the origin and diversification of hominin lineages. Empirical terrestrial data demonstrating that orbital forcing has a significant effect, or is detectable, at early hominin sites in equatorial continental interiors during the Pliocene, however, remain limited. Sedimentation patterns in the Baringo Basin within the Central Kenyan Rift Valley between ca. 2.7 and 2.55 Ma, controlled by climatic factors, provide a detailed paleoenvironmental record spanning 35 fossil vertebrate localities, including three hominin sites. The succession includes a sequence of diatomites that record rhythmic cycling of major freshwater lake systems consistent with approximately 23-kyr Milankovitch precessional periodicity. The temporal framework of shifting precipitation patterns, relative to Pliocene insolation curves, implicate African monsoonal climatic control and indicate that climatic fluctuations in Rift Valley ecosystems were paced by global climatic change documented in marine cores. These data provide direct evidence of orbitally mediated environmental change at Pliocene Rift Valley hominin fossil localities, providing a unique opportunity to assess the evolutionary effect of short-term climatic flux on late Pliocene East African terrestrial communities.  相似文献   

The top of Tuff IF marks the upper boundary of the Plio-/Pleistocene Bed I succession exposed in Olduvai Gorge, NE Tanzania, a tephrostratigraphic interval that is well known for remarkable Oldowan archaeological and vertebrate fossil assemblages, including early hominins. Geochemically, Tuff IF is characterized by a relatively consistent silica-undersaturated trachytic to phonolitic composition that relates both in terms of numerical ages (1.79 Ma) and compositional constraints to Olmoti volcano, located 22–38 km E of Olduvai Gorge.Measured Tuff IF sections are characterized by a thick unwelded pyroclastic flow in proximal settings and a succession of surges and ashfalls that interfingers with fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Olduvai Basin in the medial to distal settings. Only in those areas with a relatively low topographic gradient, in distal reaches and beyond the toe of an Olmoti-sourced volcaniclastic fan, did the Tuff IF marker develop a typical threefold subdivision comprising: (1) primary surges and minor fallout, (2) reworked pumice units as lateral correlatives of proximally emplaced pyroclastic flows and (3) a succession of mass flows in conjunction with aeolian and fluvially reworked units.The pyroclastic marker unit is thus highly heterogeneous with regard to its vertical and lateral facies architecture and this has immediate effects on its preservation potential and in situ burial of fossils and stone artifacts. Even though the volcanically-related environmental perturbations were probably more severe at the eastern lake margin, the evidence for at least temporary freshwater sources and trees suggests environments conducive to hominin activities, but not during emplacement of Tuff IF pyroclastic flows and surges. This inference is supported by the presence of rich Oldowan stone artifact assemblages immediately preceding and following the deposition of Tuff IF, but only extremely sparse archaeological traces from one site in Tuff IF, restricted to the upper, fluvially reworked portion of Tuff IF.Tuff IF facies record the maximum of a regressive (drying) cycle that correlates with regional marine arid indicators. An ecological crisis covering ~ 2000–3500 a of time during Tuff IF deposition resulted not only from the lethal effects of explosive volcanism but also from its coincidence with a pronounced period of climate induced drought. These combined effects appear to have made at least the eastern basin uninhabitable by hominins and other vertebrates for most of the time during which Tuff IF accumulated.  相似文献   

The O.H.7 brain endocast was reexamined using a stereoplotting apparatus to quantify the amount of distortion. Some 127 measurements for each of the left and right sides were taken and treated statistically by student t-tests, both in paired and grouped fashion. Grouped data indicated no significant left-right differences. Paired data suggested three small regions of distortion, which produced three pairs of left-right differences that were significantly different. Given the very local nature of these minor distortions, it is concluded that the original reconstruction by Tobias was essentially correct. In addition, multiple regression analyses of selected chord-arc dimensions suggest that a volume in excess of 700 ml is most probable.  相似文献   

The density and composition of Oldowan stone artifact assemblages deposited during the first ca. 20,000 years of lowermost Bed II times show a recurrent pattern of variation across recognized synsedimentary faults that compartmentalized landscapes of the eastern Olduvai Lake Basin. When active, the faults created minor topographic relief. The upthrown fault footwalls accumulated assemblages with relatively high densities of artifacts, including types retaining potential usefulness, particularly volcanic flaked pieces, manuports, pounded pieces, and split cobbles. Values for these assemblage characteristics decline toward the lower-lying hangingwall of the fault compartments, accompanied by an increase in the proportionate weight of artifact assemblages comprising quartzite, particularly flaking shatter and potentially useful detached pieces. Values reverse once again at faults, either on the downthrown, hangingwall side or on the upthrown side. The patterns are stronger for the volcanic components of the artifact assemblages than for the quartzite components, reflecting the additional influence of distance from the local source on quartzite assemblage characteristics reported previously. The landscape distributions of artifact assemblages are consistent with a landscape-fault model in which minor fault-induced topographic relief at times created a mosaic of vegetation environments repeated within each of the three fault compartments of the lake margin and distal alluvial fan. The fault-compartmentalized landscape model is currently supported only by sediment thickness and facies changes across synsedimentary faults, but it provides predictions for spatial variation in the cover abundance of trees, freshwater reservoirs and associated distributions of resources and hazards associated with stone artifact use and discard that can be tested if sample sizes of key paleoenvironmental indicators are increased.  相似文献   

New archaeological excavations and research at BK, Upper Bed II (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) have yielded a rich and unbiased collection of fossil bones. These new excavations show that BK is a stratified deposit formed in a riverine setting close to an alluvial plain. The present taphonomic study reveals the second-largest collection of hominin-modified bones from Olduvai, with abundant cut marks found on most of the anatomical areas preserved. Meat and marrow exploitation is reconstructed using the taphonomic signatures left on the bones by hominins. Highly cut-marked long limb shafts, especially those of upper limb bones, suggest that hominins at BK were actively engaged in acquiring small and middle-sized animals using strategies other than passive scavenging. The exploitation of large-sized game (Pelorovis) by Lower Pleistocene hominins, as suggested by previous researchers, is supported by the present study.  相似文献   

Gail Ashley 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):23-32
The impact of large vertebrates on the sedimentary record in an East African groundwater-fed wetland in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, is used as a modern analog to interpret an ancient (Plio-Pleistocene) wetland record in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. The 3 km2 wetland at Olduvai is characterized by massive silty claystones produced by intense vertebrate trampling, as well as trails by vertebrates frequenting the wetlands and isolated footprints that represent a “snapshot in time.” Based on modern analogs, a paleo hippo trail (1.2 m wide and 0.6 m deep) in the Plio-Pleistocene wetlands is interpreted as a frequently used corridor between hippo pools (days) and grazing meadows (nights). Groundwater-fed wetlands are low energy environments where the physical record appears to be dominated by plant and animal activity. The bioturbation record reflects a number of interacting factors such as substrate texture, moisture content, sedimentation rate, frequency of flooding, type of animals present, trampling rate, and post-depositional changes (compaction). Lithofacies in both the modern and ancient wetlands include muddy sandstone (drainage channels) and silty claystone (vegetated and nonvegetated mud flats). Organic-rich sediments eventually oxidize, eliminating most evidence of the habitat. Modern wetlands have organic-rich mud and peat, whereas the ancient analog has siliceous earthy claystones that contains plant remains, bone fragments, pollen, phytoliths, and localized beds of diatomite. Thus, the physical record of vertebrate bioturbation in conjunction with paleontological and lithological records provides crucial information on the ecology of ancient wetland environments.  相似文献   

Cranial remains of hominids 9 and 12 from Olduvai Gorge are described in detail. O.H. 9 consists of a heavily built braincase, partly damaged and lacking the face, while O.H. 12 is less complete. The Bed II specimen is about 1.2 million years in age and shows anatomical similarities to the cranium designated ER-3733 from Koobi Fora, east of Lake Turkana. Together these African fossils provide valuable information about Homo erectus in the later Lower Pleistocene. Comparisons of O.H. 9 with several of the Choukoutien crania are also carried out. These Chinese and other Asian remains of Homo erectus cannot be placed in a secure chronological framework, but all of the material should be studied systematically in order to assess relatedness among what must be several different populations.  相似文献   

We establish through 13 excavations the landscape context and nature of hominin activities across the Zinjanthropus land surface from which the Leakeys recovered the FLK 22 and FLK NN 1 paleoanthropological assemblages. The land surface was created by fluvial incision of the eastern margin of paleo-Lake Olduvai following a major lake withdrawal. Erosion was uneven, leaving a peninsula bounded by a river channel, the FLK Fault, and a freshwater wetland. This FLK Peninsula supported groves of trees that attracted hominins and carnivores, and that preserved the dense concentrations of carcass remains and stone tools they left behind, including those at FLK 22. Some carcasses appear to have been acquired at the ecotone of the Peninsula and Wetland, where another dense artifact and bone assemblage accumulated. A lesser topographic high at the edge of a Typha marsh in the Wetland was the site of FLK NN 1 and a scatter of large stone tools used possibly for rootstock processing.Our landscape reconstruction delimits the vegetation mosaic indicated by previous work and provides a topographical explanation for the existence of FLK 22 and FLK NN 1. Both are unexpected if the FLK area was the flat, featureless lake margin terrain typical of lake basins similar to paleo-Olduvai. The results show that the Leakeys’ sites were not isolated occupation floors but rather parts of a land surface utilized intensively by hominins. Although commonly considered to have been home bases, their likely high predation risk, evidenced by large carnivore feeding traces and the remains of four hominin individuals, suggests visits to them were brief and limited to feeding. Finally, stratigraphic observations confirm that FLK NN 3 accumulated on an older land surface, refuting the hypothesis that the OH 8 foot found there is the same individual as the OH 35 leg from FLK 22.  相似文献   

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