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傅微  甄广润 《生态科学》2022,41(1):50-58
优化生态保护空间格局是我国生态文明建设的重要内容,也是国际保护生态学研究的前沿方向。评估资源禀赋、识别并确定优先次序和预测保护区对保护和管理濒危物种至关重要。樟江流域内已占11.9%流域面积的保护区仍出现77.9%流域面积的生境显著退化,发展与保护亟待合理平衡。Zonation4GUI软件以互补性非穷尽式算法为基础,在优化已有保护网络并表征稀有性和独特性方面结果较为理想,以此展开樟江流域自然保护地空间整合优化路径研究。先人工预处理物种栖息地分布格局、物种保护权重、规划单元,并迭代选择输入性生境退化条件图层、保护代价图层,结合人工干扰情况提出三种不同情景下的优化方案。结果表明:保护优先区对代理物种栖息地有良好的覆盖效果,生态完整性优先情景和最小社会经济和土地资源代价的保护优化情景均呈现扩建小于8%的一级优先区域,所有保护对象均受到保护;加入27%左右的所有优先区域,两种优化方案覆盖所有保护对象栖息地的比例提升70.0%和59.0%。虽然生态完整性优先的优化情景优于最小社会经济和土地资源代价下的优化情景,但保护代价更高。人为干扰强烈的抢救优先的优化情景中, 90.7%的保护对象栖息地覆盖范...  相似文献   

陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
刘胜涛  牛香  王兵  宋庆丰  陶玉柱 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5759-5770
基于截止2013年底陕西省退耕还林工程的资源数据,依据林业行业标准《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》和《退耕还林工程生态效益监测评估技术标准与管理规范》,采用分布式测算方法从涵养水源、保育土壤、林木营养物质积累、固碳释氧、保护生物多样性、净化大气环境及森林防护等7个方面对陕西省退耕还林工程的生态效益进行评估,得出陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益价值量为973.47亿元/a,以涵养水源(274.06亿元/a)、净化大气环境(203.96亿元/a)和固碳释氧(173.95亿元/a)价值为主;3种植被恢复类型中以宜林荒山荒地造林模式的生态价值最高,封山育林模式的价值最低;在3个林种类型中,生态林的生态效益价值大于经济林和灌木林;在不同区域的生态效益价值评估中,以延安市的生态效益价值量为最高。  相似文献   

刘宥延  刘兴元  张博  李妙莹 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6161-6170
水源涵养功能是黄土高原丘陵区生态服务的主导功能,对保障该区域生态与社会经济的可持续发展具有重要作用。以定西市安定区为例,基于InVEST模型评估了2017年的水源涵养功能及其空间分布特征,并利用空间统计方法计算了水源涵养功能的冷热点和重要性分布格局。结果表明,该区2017年在栅格单元的水源涵养量介于0-364.541 mm之间,流域单位面积平均年水源涵养量36.37 m3/hm2,水源涵养总量为11900×104 m3。其中,西河流域单位面积平均年水源涵养量最高,达54.64 m3/hm2,整个区域的水源涵养功能在空间分布上呈由西南向东北逐渐减少的特征。水源涵养功能的热点区域主要集中在南部地区,热点分布呈由西南至东北逐渐降低的分布格局;冷点区面积要高于热点区面积,非显著点面积占总面积的50%以上。水源涵养功能的高度重要区和极重要区面积占总面积的34.39%,主要分布在关川河流域;一般重要区和较重要区面积占总面积的40.59%,主要分布在海拔较低的称钩河和西河流域。通过对定西市安定区水源涵养功能及冷热点和重要性的空间分布特征分析,明确了生态保护与建设的重点区域,为黄土高原丘陵区的生态与社会经济发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

方斌  杨叶  郑前进  吴金凤 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6478-6486
以快速发展、后备资源极其匮乏的江阴市和发展相对较慢、具有一定可开发耕地资源的兴化市为研究区,探讨区域耕地保护经济补偿机制。从区域土地利用的角度,选取了区域土地利用结构、自然资源和土壤条件等对生态环境有较大影响的指标对耕地保护易地补偿的生态环境状况予以测算。同时,选取区域污染治理资金投入能力和科技投入力度等指标测算区域生态环境修复的能力,并从CO2的固定、O2的释放、土壤质量的保持、水源的涵养等方面对两区域的生态服务价值其进行了量化。结果表明:从2010年到2015年,两地生态价值而呈不断增长态势,补偿价值将由244008.10元/hm2上升到245871.37元/hm2。这一价值将应由兴化市保护耕地方支付给江阴市产业发展方向。  相似文献   

The Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) and the Australian Water Resources Council (AWRC) have developed a National Water Quality Management Strategy which seeks to ensure that the nation's water resources are managed on a sustainable basis. An important element of this strategy are the Australian Water Quality Guidelines which focus on the protection of Australian freshwater and marine ecosystems. Here the aim is to protect biodiversity and maintain the ecological integrity of each marine and freshwater resource. Specific guidelines have been formulated in terms of key indicators of quality, with a single reference value or ranges of reference values provided for guidance. For those indicators where ranges are provided, it is the expectation that State environmental and resource management agencies will undertake local, site-specific investigations of their own systems to define the specific levels to be adopted. For the first time, specific and quantitative biological indicators have been introduced; these are species richness, species composition, primary production, and ecosystem function.As Australia progresses towards broader, more holistic, ecologically-based management of the nation's water resources, the present water quality guidelines must be extended to ecosystem or environmental guidelines, where the maintenance of adequate water quality is seen as only one (albeit important) component. Other considerations must include habitat protection, sediment quality, and stream flow maintenance. This increased emphasis on more ecologically-focused management of Australia's inland and coastal waters will present a number of challenges for the three major groups involved: the community, the managers, and the researchers. These challenges are discussed.Based on a paper presented at a Workshop on Biological Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem Health, Sydney, 1–2 October 1992.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that conservation gains can be achieved when the spatial distributions of biological benefits and economic costs are incorporated in the conservation planning process. Using Alberta, Canada, as a case study we apply these techniques in the context of coarse-filter reserve design. Because targets for ecosystem representation and other coarse-filter design elements are difficult to define objectively we use a trade-off analysis to systematically explore the relationship between conservation targets and economic opportunity costs. We use the Marxan conservation planning software to generate reserve designs at each level of conservation target to ensure that our quantification of conservation and economic outcomes represents the optimal allocation of resources in each case. Opportunity cost is most affected by the ecological representation target and this relationship is nonlinear. Although petroleum resources are present throughout most of Alberta, and include highly valuable oil sands deposits, our analysis indicates that over 30% of public lands could be protected while maintaining access to more than 97% of the value of the region's resources. Our case study demonstrates that optimal resource allocation can be usefully employed to support strategic decision making in the context of land-use planning, even when conservation targets are not well defined.  相似文献   

北京市生态用地规划与管理对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
不合理土地开发加速了对自然生态系统的干扰和侵占,导致生态系统服务功能下降,危机区域生态安全,开展生态用地规划是构建区域生态安全格局的基础。合理规划和管理不同土地利用类型的数量和空间分布对区域可持续发展具有重要意义。目前我国广泛应用的土地利用分类体系主要以土地的社会经济属性为基础,忽视其生态属性,导致以提供生态系统服务为主、保障生态安全的土地缺乏保护机制,具有重要生态功能的土地得不到有效保护。以北京市为例,建立了北京市生态用地分类与规划的思路与程序,在明确北京市生态安全与生态系统服务功能的关系基础上分析了北京市生态系统服务功能重要性及其空间格局,并进行了北京市生态用地规划。研究规划了保障北京市生态安全的7类生态用地:地表水涵养与保护用地、地下水保护用地、生物多样性保护用地、水土保持用地、河流防护用地、公路防护用地和城市绿地,总面积5137.37km2,占北京市域面积的31.31%。最后从生态用地识别和划分、将生态用地融入土地利用分类体系、生态用地管理措施和对策3个方面探讨了生态用地规划和管理的方法与措施。研究结果为北京市土地利用规划和有效管理提供依据,也为其它地区的生态用地规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Economic cost–benefit appraisal (and its sub-set cost-effectiveness) of ecosystem conservation and/or pollution abatement strategies have proved to be powerful decision-making aids. But the monetary economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services (gains and losses) can only provide a good indication of social welfare impacts under certain conditions and in selective contexts. The values derived through this appraisal process will, for a number of measures, be underestimates of the full total system value [Turner, R.K., Paavola, J., Cooper, P. Farber, S., Jessamy, V., Georgiou, S., 2003. Valuing nature: lessons learned and future research directions. Ecol. Econ. 46, 493–510]. The economic analysis is best suited to assessing the value of ‘marginal’ gains and losses in ecosystem goods/services and not the total destruction of whole systems (including life support systems, the value of which is not commensurate with monetary values and/or is infinitely high). In this study economic costs and what we call ‘ecological risk’ analysis are used to appraise the implementation costs and ecological benefits of selected measures for combating eutrophication. Ecological risk is expressed in terms of ecosystem integrity and resilience. The paper presents three regional case studies dealing with the issue of nutrient emission reduction to the southern North Sea, namely the catchments/estuaries of the Humber (UK), the Rhine (Germany and The Netherlands) and the Elbe (Czech Republic and Germany). On the basis of these comparative regional examples, wider implications in the light of international management of the North Sea are presented.A range of nutrient reduction scenarios have been deployed within the overall OSPAR target agreement of 50% nitrogen and phosphorous reduction compared with 1985 levels. Each scenario assumes pollution reduction measures, characterised in terms of their overall implementation costs and nutrient-reduction effects. Specific policy instruments analysed were: the creation of more intertidal habitat via managed coastal realignment in the Humber area, farm-based land cover changes in the Rhine catchment and a mix of agricultural regime and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) improvements in the Elbe area. The ecological consequences associated with each reduction scenario have been modelled [using the ERSEM model, see Baretta, J.W., Ebenhöh, W., Ruardij, P., 1995. An overview over the European Regional Sea Ecosystem Model, a complex marine ecosystem model. Neth. J. Sea Res. 33 (3/4), 233–246] for the coastal zones supplied from the rivers Elbe, Humber and Rhine. The modelled ecological quality indicators, which describe scenario effects on the coastal zone ecosystem, are then aggregated in terms of ecosystem integrity and ecological risk. The results are presented in terms of two selected key-indicators: implementation costs of the abatement measures and changes in ecological risk status, across the different catchments and assuming different scenarios. They thus provide a possible basis for international agreement negotiations at the North Sea scale.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of a typical case of negative bilateral externality – a situation in which two legitimate activities, fishing and wildlife conservation, each give rise to damages to the other party. The Cornish fishing industry believes that its annual profits are reduced by an estimated £100 000 because of the damage by seal populations to caught fish. About 80 individuals belonging to the Cornish Grey Seal population (of about 400 specimens) are killed as a by-catch of trawling. Thus, the status quo is clearly inefficient: seals are perceived to damage fish and fishermen definitely damage seals. The biological dynamics of the seal population is not absolutely clear, so that a precautionary approach requires that care should be taken to avoid the risk of damaging the population in an irreversible way. Moreover, public opinion considers seals to be a high value flagship species. One of the goals of any conflict resolution should be to capture the economic value of seal conservation – i.e. to convert conservation benefits into resource flows – and use at least part of it in order to create incentives for a more efficient allocation of resources. The authorities should invest in seal conservation (i.e. compensating fishermen) if the benefits deriving from conservation exceed the opportunity costs of conservation. Such a solution clearly requires that the conservation benefits be estimated. To investigate the economic value of seal conservation a contingent valuation study is carried out. A contingent valuation study utilises a questionnaire approach and part of the questionnaire seeks to elicit individuals' willingness to pay (WTP) for a change in the state of some good or asset, in this case seal conservation. Due to resource limitations, the sample size of those interviewed in the study reported is small, so that we cannot be extremely confident about the results. However, they are consistent with those derived from similar studies on flagship species. Results show a mean WTP for recreational use of seals of about £8 per person for the option of seeing seals in a specialised sanctuary for seals recovered from accidents, and closer to £9 for seeing seals in the wild. The annual non-use value of seals – i.e. value unassociated with actual viewing – was found to be £526 000 in the most conservative estimation, aggregated over the Seal Sanctuary visitors. This economic potential could be realised in several ways and used to compensate fishermen for changing fishing techniques, targets and fishing areas. Finally, we investigate the role the Seal Sanctuary is playing in this context and some policy suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatially expanding economies threaten the status of basic natural resources. In particular, wildlife habitats rarely benefit. Apart from protected areas, political-economic decision-making is ill-prepared to accommodate wildlife habitats with standard valuation methods. In some cases habitat loss is an inadvertent outcome of resource conservation policies intended to lower resource consumption.We recognize the term resource conservation as multifaceted, with a range of meanings from protecting wildlife habitats to efficiently allocating and using materials and energy. Resource conservation policies that spur economic benefits may produce unwanted outcomes. This is partly because linkages between economic and conservation goals seem tangential. Moreover, relevant information is imperfect and predictive tools are limited. This is particularly true for land converting impacts, which are often addressed after the fact, not during policy formulation, and can lead to successive resource degradation.We argue for the need to calculate the positive and negative land converting impacts from resource conservation policies that may expand the economy. Using the Ecological Footprint (EF) approach, we tested for potentially perverse outcomes of an existing resource conservation policy. In doing so, we conceptually mapped linkages among economic sectors to their cumulative effects of converting land. We assume an inverse relationship between economic expansion and land conservation.A New York State energy efficiency incentive program was tested using recent data from all tracked economic sectors. The economic data were converted in a series of steps from dollar values to energy units, to carbon dioxide emissions, and ultimately expressed in hectares of net land conversion. A policy scenario was compared to a reference scenario (no resource conservation policy), and the results anticipate a net gain in conserving land (0.6% reduced conversion). We interpret this as a potentially proportional offset favoring wildlife habitat retention. Two sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the policy’s impact on conserving land depended on both the affected economy’s scale (tripling reduces the estimated benefit to 0.2%), and the level of economic expansion that followed (doubling leads to a net loss of wildlands).This novel use of the EF approach may serve as a model for a more general approach to assessing a broader class of policies. It may also hold promise toward developing tools that can better examine well-intentioned resource conservation policies with uncertain outcomes. Our hope is that work like this can lead to better sets of tools for examining critical ecological–economic linkages for improved policy design.  相似文献   

广义森林生态效益货币量的空间模型分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
郎璞玫 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1356-1362
从广义森林生态效益计量概念出发,提出了广义森林生态效益货币量和森林生态环境空间的定义。根据广义森林生态环境的空间模型分析概念和实现空间模型分析的3个基本条件,采用Arcview和Autocad图形向GIS空间数据转换的方法对1986、1949和1896年黑龙江省森林资源空间图形资料和反推的小班资源数据库,通过环境图象叠置分析获得森林资源与环境的空间图象,建立广义森林生态效益经济计量模型,由此实现广义森林生态效益的GIS空间分析。结果表明:森林生态效益货币量的分布近似呈正态分布,各森林生态效益经济总量各占一定比重。利用GIS空间分析功能作出的黑龙江省森林生态效益主产区的空间分布图显示,黑龙江省森林生态效益的主产区主要分布在镜泊湖、兴凯湖、汤旺河、嫩江等江河的源头。通过分析黑龙江省森林生态效益货币总量的动态,得出1986年的黑龙江省森林生态效益比1949年下降38%,比原生状态的1896年下降59%。森林生态效益的下降与森林资源的数量和质量的下降呈正相关,森林生态效益的变化总是要滞后于森林资源的变化。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区典型小流域水土流失治理模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
袁和第  信忠保  侯健  李宗善  杨磊 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6398-6416
黄土高原是我国水土流失最为严重的区域,几十年的水土流失治理工作成果显著。当前生态文明建设已是我国国家战略之一,对黄土高原水土流失治理模式现状进行系统总结十分必要。对水土流失治理措施体系和流域土地利用情况系统分析,整理和总结了黄土高原6个典型流域的治理模式,包括治沟造地、防蚀固沙、生态农业发展、三大体系、梯田开发和水资源高效利用等6种模式。对比各治理模式发现,小流域综合治理模式是以环境治理为手段,从而达到改善人类生存和发展空间的终极目的,措施技术体系构建上体现了从坡面到沟道、工程措施植物措施相结合的特征;但不同的生态环境现状和社会经济条件下,治理模式有不同的表现形式。基于小流域水土流失治理模式的相似性和差异性,从自然地理条件和社会经济发展需求两方面探讨了流域水土流失治理模式,提出黄土高原水土流失治理模式形成机制框架,以期对当前黄土高原水土流失治理、黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

戴铁军  赵鑫蕊 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5210-5220
废弃物回收利用在一定程度上对缓解资源和环境危机起到积极的作用,已经成为可持续发展的重要举措,但生产过程中消耗的资源、能源,排放的污染物同样也会对自然环境产生负面影响。为解决此问题,以废纸回收利用体系为例,基于物质流分析方法构建了生态成本核算模型,为废弃物回收利用体系优化提供基础。在对生态成本相关研究归纳总结的基础上,定义了生态成本的概念,界定了生态成本的研究内容,并分析基于物质流核算生态成本的可行性。生态成本是对生态负荷的价值化,主要分为资源耗减成本、污染产生和环境保护成本以及生态环境损害成本3部分。污染产生和环境保护成本可以通过将总成本按比例分配给正、负产品的方式求得,资源耗减成本和环境损害成本借助LIME方法核算,总生态成本是回收利用体系内部各项生态成本的总和。生态成本核算是评价生态负荷的重要手段,在废纸回收利用体系物质流动图的基础上,分析各生产流程生态成本的构成情况。提出的生态成本核算模型不仅适用于废纸回收利用体系,其他废弃物也同样适用。通过生态成本的核算,寻找到对生态环境影响较大的工序、流程,为废弃物回收利用体系经济与环境的双赢提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

长江流域生态系统格局演变及驱动力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长江流域生态系统格局复杂,多种社会经济、政策和自然因素对土地利用变化的影响使得生态环境发生变化。分析了2000年至2015年长江流域生态系统格局和演变特征,及主要驱动力对生态系统变化的贡献。15年间,共有约6.4万km~2的生态系统类型发生变化,城镇增长67.5%,农田缩减7.5%,森林增加2.1%,剧烈的生态系统变化集中于下游,以及中上游的大城市,城镇聚集区以及退耕还林区。生态系统景观破碎化程度和景观多样性提高。上、中、下游生态系统格局、构成差异较大,15年间,上游和下游森林显著增加,下游城镇显著扩张、农田和湿地显著缩减,上游湿地增加最为显著。城镇化是生态系统格局演变的首要驱动力,对生态系统变化的贡献率达48.0%,长江下游城镇化的贡献率高达64.5%。生态保护与恢复工程是第二驱动力,对生态系统变化的贡献率为32.8%,在上游高达47.8%。水资源开发和农业开发贡献率分别为8.5%和9.9%,此外,气候变化促使高原湖泊面积增大。为保护长江流域生态系统的可持续发展,需划定生态保护红线,合理规划城市化进程中的土地利用,保护优质耕地,禁止重要湿地的开发。  相似文献   

水资源利用效率是落实最严水资源管理制度和水生态文明建设的重要内容,是中国国民经济社会发展的重要战略问题。通过分类数据包络分析模型对2007-2016年中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率进行测算,分析全国和生态地理区城市水资源利用效率特征,采用Tobit回归模型探讨中国和生态地理区城市用水效率的影响因素。研究结果表明:我国城市水资源利用效率普遍较低,全国水资源效率均值呈现先下降后上升波动式发展,全国城市间用水效率差距在缩小。生态地理区水资源利用效率差异显著,温带干旱区、温带半干旱区、温带半湿润区、温带湿润区和亚热带湿润区用水效率依次递减,区域间水资源效率差异在逐渐减小。城市人口、土地利用结构、经济发展水平、产业结构与全国城市水资源利用效率呈显著正相关,而城市供水、用水结构、水资源管理政策则表现为显著负相关性。  相似文献   

The expansion of artificial constructs with the rapid economic development in China has led to ecological and environmental emergencies. The extent of the decline in natural resources and environmental conditions has recently been recognized. Identifying “ecological protection redlines”, i.e. ecological limits, to guarantee ecological baselines for natural resources and ecosystem service functions would therefore help to coordinate economic development and to protect ecological resources in the coming years. We used remotely sensed and climatic data to delimit the ecological protection redlines for Zibo, a typical and important city in Shandong province, as an example to illustrate the principles and methodology of ecological protection redlines. The area of the ecological protection redlines for Zibo encompassed 1132.26 km2, accounting for 18.98% of the total area of Zibo, were mainly distributed in the southern regions of the municipality, and consisted of extremely important areas of ecosystem service functions, including water conservation, both soil and water conservation, windbreaks and sand fixation, and the conservation of biodiversity. This area is extremely sensitive, and development is forbidden. Strict measures of management and control should be implemented to protect the long-term effectiveness of ecological protection redlines.  相似文献   

构建生态安全格局是缓解生态保护与经济发展之间的突出矛盾,保障可持续发展的有效空间途径。但目前生态安全格局的构建过于强调综合,简单叠加多种生态系统服务的方法忽视了不同服务间的权衡与协同关系,难以直接支撑不同目标下的生态保护决策。以广东省为例,重点关注生境维持、水源涵养、水质净化、粮食生产、土壤保持、洪水调节、沿海灾害缓解七种重要的生态系统服务,面向生物多样性保育、水资源利用、粮食生产、自然灾害防范等单一生态保护目标分别构建生态安全格局。研究结果表明,面向生物多样性保育目标的生态安全格局呈“双屏障带”式分布,生态源地主要分布在粤北生态发展区;面向水资源利用目标的水安全格局呈“五江一带”式分布,重点保护区主要位于河湖水库及周边绿地;面向粮食生产目标的生态源地主要分布在广东省东西两翼;面向自然灾害防范目标的生态源地在珠三角、湛江市、汕头市少有分布,集中在粤北生态发展区。基于多种生态系统服务综合重要性判定生态源地,并整合单一生态保护目标下的多重源地,识别综合生态源地共49536.10 km~2,主要分布在珠三角外围和粤北生态发展区。基于最小累积阻力模型和电路模型,识别了总长度2268.07 km...  相似文献   

燕守广  张慧  李海东  唐欢欢 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4511-4518
生态红线是最为关键的生态保护区域边界,是生态安全的底线。以2013年江苏省划定的生态红线区域为研究对象,在土地利用现状分析的基础上,对生态系统服务价值进行了评价。结果显示:江苏省陆域生态红线区域的生态系统服务价值为564.15亿元/a,占全省陆地生态系统服务总价值的48.69%,其中水体的生态系统服务价值最大,占生态红线区域的比例高达78.34%;生态红线区域的土地平均生态系统服务单位面积价值为2.47万元/hm~2,是全省平均的2.18倍,其中湿地最高,生态系统服务单位面积价值达5.55万元/hm~2,是全省平均的4.89倍,其次是水体、林地和草地;在已划定的生态红线区域中,各类生态系统占全省相应土地类型的面积比例排序与生态系统的单位面积价值排序完全一致,显示出生态系统类型的单位面积价值越大,受保护的程度越高。  相似文献   

效率视角下的省域生态文明建设评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李巍  郗永勤 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7354-7363
在界定生态文明概念的基础上,从省域层面入手,选取25个具有可操作性的评价指标,构建以国土空间优化、资源节约集约利用和生态环境保护为一级指标的生态文明建设评价指标体系,综合运用网络层次分析和集对分析等研究方法,定量研究我国省域生态文明建设绩效;在此基础上,将国土空间优化绩效、资源节约集约利用绩效和生态环境保护绩效作为产出指标,将就业人数、科学技术财政支出、节能环保财政支出作为投入指标,运用数据包络分析法测度各省(市)生态文明建设效率,分析指标投入冗余和产出不足情况,并修正评价绩效。研究表明:(1)规模效率低于0.6的省份共24个,占80%,规模效率不高是制约生态文明建设水平提升的重要障碍;(2)在生态文明建设投入冗余和产出不足方面,数值较高的省(市)在地理分布上具有明显的区域聚集性;(3)领先地区资源节约集约利用绩效平均分高达3.92,落后地区平均分仅为0.84,生态文明建设绩效的差异性在资源节约集约利用方面表现的尤为明显;(4)人口规模偏大、绿色生态空间建设滞后于经济发展、水资源利用效率不高是多数生态强省(市)的薄弱环节。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能评估关乎人类福祉,是全球关注的热点问题,而水源涵养功能已成为最重要的服务功能之一,是保障区域生态安全和可持续发展的关键因素。基于InVEST模型对黑龙江省2000—2020年水源涵养功能进行定量评估,通过地理探测器分析近二十年黑龙江省水源涵养功能变化空间分异特征的主导影响因素,并结合地理加权回归来捕捉驱动因素的空间分异。结果表明:(1)2000—2020年,全省平均水源涵养量从13.81 mm/m2增加到20.29 mm/m2,水源涵养总量提升46.92%。(2)气候变化是影响水源涵养变化的主要驱动因素,土地利用变化是间接驱动因素;气候和土地利用之间的交互作用对水源涵养变化空间分异性的影响明显大于任何单一因素。(3)驱动因素与水源涵养变化的相关性及强度存在明显的空间分异特征。全省水源涵养变化与降水和林草覆盖率正相关。大小兴安岭和三江平原地区水源涵养变化同时与耕地和城乡工矿用地覆盖率负相关。本研究可为管理部门制定生态环境保护决策和优化生态系统管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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