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Asymmetry currents and admittance in squid axons.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The complex admittance of squid (Loligo pealei) axon was measured rapidly (within 1 s) with pseudo-random small signals and discrete Fourier transform techniques under guarded, "space-clamp" conditions and during suppression of ion conduction. Asymmetry currents were measured by paired step clam pulses of +/-70 mV from a holding potential of -97 mV and gave an apparent capacitance of 0.36 muF/cm2. However, the admittance data showed no change in capacitance at holding potentials from -97 to -67 mV and gave a decrease of 0.07 of 0.15 muF/cm2 at -37 mV. The failure to observe a capacitance increase at low membrane potentials suggests the following possibilities: (a) the asymmetry current is a displacement current that inactivates completely with time, and (b) the asymmetry current is not a displacement current and arises from large signal effects (i.e., delayed nonlinearity in ionic current) on the membrane.  相似文献   

Squid giant axons were internally perfused with tetrodotoxin and procaine, and excitability and electrical properties were studied by means of current-clamp and sucrose-gap voltage-clamp methods. Internally perfused tetrodotoxin was virtually without effect on the resting potential, the action potential, the early transient membrane ionic current, and the late steady-state membrane ionic current even at very high concentrations (1,000–10,000 nM) for a long period of time (up to 36 min). Externally applied tetrodotoxin at a concentration of 100 nM blocked the action potential and the early transient current in 2–3 min. Internally perfused procaine at concentrations of 1–10 mM reversibly depressed or blocked the action potential with an accompanying hyperpolarization of 2–4 mv, and inhibited both the early transient and late steady-state currents to the same extent. The time to peak early transient current was increased. The present results and the insolubility of tetrodotoxin in lipids have led to the conclusion that the gate controlling the flow of sodium ions through channels is located on the outer surface of the nerve membrane.  相似文献   

Calcium currents in squid giant axon.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voltage-clamp experiments were carried out on intracellularly perfused squid giant axons in a Na-free solution of 100 mM CaCl2+sucrose. The internal solution was 25 mM CsF+sucrose or 100 mM RbF+50mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose. Depolarizing voltage clamp steps produced small inward currents; at large depolarizations the inward current reversed into an outward current. Tetrodotoxin completely blocked the inward current and part of the outward current. No inward current was seen with 100 mM MgCl2+sucrose as internal solution. It is concluded that the inward current is carried by Ca ions moving through the sodium channel. The reversal potential of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive current was +54mV with 25 mM CsF+sucrose inside and +10 mV with 100 mM RbF+50 mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose inside. From the reversal potentials measured with varying external and internal solutions the relative permeabilities of the sodium channel for Ca, Cs and Na were calculated by means of the constant field equations. The results of the voltage-clamp experiments are compared with measurements of the Ca entry in intact axons.  相似文献   

An experimental review to show that axonal undercoat and cytoskeletal structures underneath the axolemma of squid giant axons play an important role in generating sodium currents is presented. Correspondingly, two alternative membrane models are proposed; one is that the undercoat and cytoskeletal structures support the functioning of sodium channels and the other is that they are directly incorporated with the molecular mechanism of generating sodium currents. This latter model is probable in squid giant axons. The model of direct participation of the underlying cytoskeleton in the sodium activation mechanism modifies the sodium activation gating kinetics in the Hodgkin-Huxley scheme; that is, the transition velocities between the open and closed states of the activation gate depend not only on membrane potentials but also on the time after the onset of application of a potential step.  相似文献   

The presence of internal Mg-ATP produced a number of changes in the K conductance of perfused giant axons of squid. For holding potentials between -40 and -50 mV, steady-state K conductance increased for depolarizations to potentials more positive than approximately -15 mV and decreased for smaller depolarizations. The voltage dependencies of both steady-state activation and inactivation also appears shifted toward more positive potentials. Gating kinetics were affected by internal ATP, with the activation time constant slowed and the characteristic delay in K conductance markedly enhanced. The rate of deactivation also was hastened during perfusion with ATP. Internal ATP affected potassium channel gating currents in similar ways. The voltage dependence of gating charge movement was shifted toward more positive potentials and the time constants of ON and OFF gating current also were slowed and hastened, respectively, in the presence of ATP. These effects of ATP on the K conductance occurred when no exogenous protein kinases were added to the internal solution and persisted even after removing ATP from the internal perfusate. Perfusion with a solution containing exogenous alkaline phosphatase reversed the effects of ATP. These results provide further evidence that the effects of ATP on the K conductance are a consequence of a phosphorylation reaction mediated by a kinase present and active in perfused axons. Phosphorylation appears to alter the K conductance of squid giant axons via a minimum of two mechanisms. First, the voltage dependence of gating parameters are shifted toward positive potentials. Second, there is an increase in the number of functional closed states and/or a decrease in the rates of transition between these states of the K channels.  相似文献   

Presynaptic calcium currents in squid giant synapse.   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
A voltage clamp study has been performed in the presynaptic terminal of the squid stellate ganglion. After blockage of the voltage-dependent sodium and potassium conductances, an inward calcium current is demonstrated. Given a step-depolarization pulse, this voltage- and time-dependent conductance has an S-shaped onset. At the "break" of the voltage step, a rapid tail current is observed. From these results a kinetic model is generated which accounts for the experimental results and predicts for the time course and amplitude a possible calcium entry during presynaptic action potentials.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly noted that the change of conformation of the molecules that serve as the ion-selective channels for sodium and potassium conductance in the nerve membrane will be accompanied by a change in the dipole moment of the molecule. This time-dependent change of dipole moment will produce transient currents in the membrane. The canonical form for these currents is determined with conventional statistical mechanics formalism. It is pointed out that the voltage dependence of the conductance channel conductance determines the free energy of the system to within a factor that is an unknown function of the voltage. Since the dipole currents do not depend on this unknown function, they are completely determined 0y the observed properties of the conductance system. The predicted properties of these dipole currents, their time constants and strengths, are calculated. By using the observed properties of gating currents, the density of the sodium channels is computed. The predicted properties of the dipole currents are found to compare satisfactorily with the observed properties of gating currents.  相似文献   

The effects of n-octanol and n-decanol on nerve membrane sodium channels were examined in internally perfused, voltage-clamped squid giant axons. Both n-octanol and n-decanol almost completely eliminated the residual sodium conductance at the end of 8-ms voltage steps. In contrast, peak sodium conductance was only partially reduced. This block of peak and residual sodium conductance was very reversible and seen with both internal and external alkanol application. The differential sensitivity of peak and residual conductance to alkanol treatment was eliminated after internal pronase treatment, suggesting that n-octanol and n-decanol enhance the normal inactivation mechanism rather than directly blocking channels in a time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Sodium flux ratio in voltage-clamped squid giant axons   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The sodium flux ratio across the axolemma of internally perfused, voltage-clamped giant axons of Loligo pealei has been measured at various membrane potentials. The flux ratio exponent obtained from these measurements was about unity and independent of membrane voltage over the 50 mV range from about -20 to l mV. These results, combined with previous measurements of ion permeation through sodium channels, show that the sodium channel behaves like a multi-ion pore with two ion binding sites that are rarely simultaneously occupied by sodium.  相似文献   

Assuming a model of facilitated ionic transport across axonal membranes proposed by McIlroy (1975) and extended by McIlroy and Hahn (1978), it is shown that if the selectivity coefficient, πK, of the potassium conducting system ?59 the permeabilityP Ks, of the periaxonal barrier of the squid giant axon for K+ ions?(1.2±0.44)×10?4 cm sec?1 and the thickness of the periaxonal space ?477±168 Å. Using a value (10?4 cm sec?1) ofP Ks in the foregoing range the experimental curves for the steady state membrane ionic conductance versus measured membrane potential difference (p.d.), ?, of Gilbert and Ehrenstein (1969) are corrected for the effect of accumulation of K+ in the periaxonal space. This correction is most marked for the axon immersed in a natural ionic environment, whose conductance curve is shifted ?70mV along the voltage axis in the hyperpolarization direction. By assuming that the physico-chemical connection between a depolarization of the axonal membrane and the consequent membrane conductance changes is a Wien dissociative effect of the membrane's electric field on a weak electrolyte situated in the axolemma, the position of the peaks of the corrected conductance versus ? curves can be identified with zero membrane electric field and hence with zero p.d.across the axolemma. A set of values for the double-layer p.d.s at the axonal membrane interfaces with the external electrolytes in the vicinity of the K+ conducting pores can therefore be deduced for the various external electrolytes employed by Gilbert and Ehrenstein. A model of these double-layer p.d.s in which the membrane interfaces are assumed to possess fixed monovalent negatively charged sites, at least in the neighbourhood of the K+ conducting pores, is constructed. It is shown that, using the previously deduced values for the doublelayer p.d.s, such a model has a consistent, physically realistic solution for the distance between the fixed charged sites and for the dissociation constants of these sites in their interaction with the ions of the extramembrane electrolytes.  相似文献   

Calcium influx in internally dialyzed squid giant axons   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A method has been developed to measure Ca influx in internally dialyzed squid axons. This was achieved by controlling the dialyzed segment of the axon exposed to the external radioactive medium. The capacity of EGTA to buffer all the Ca entering the fiber was explored by changing the free EGTA at constant [Ca++]i. At a free [EGTA]i greater than 200 microM, the measured resting Ca influx and the expected increment in Ca entry during electrical stimulation were independent of the axoplasmic free [EGTA]. To avoid Ca uptake by the mitochondrial system, cyanide, oligomycin, and FCCP were included in the perfusate. Axons dialyzed with a standard medium containing: [ATP] = 2 mM, [Ca++]i = 0.06 microM, [Ca++]o = 10 mM, [Na+]i = 70 mM, and [Na+]o = 465 mM, gave a mean Ca influx of 0.14 +/- 0.012 pmol.cm-2.s-1 (n = 12. Removal of ATP drops the Ca influx to 0.085 +/- 0.007 pmol.cm-2.s-1 (n = 12). Ca influx increased to 0.35 pmol.cm-2,s-1 when Nao was removed. The increment was completely abolished by removing Nai+ and (or) ATP from the dialysis medium. At nominal zero [Ca++]i, no Nai-dependent Ca influx was observed. In the presence of ATP and Nai [Ca++]i activates the Ca influx along a sigmoid curve without saturation up to 1 microM [Ca++]i. Removal of Nai+ always reduced the Ca influx to a value similar to that observed in the absence of [Ca++]i (0.087 +/- 0.008 pmol.cm-2.s-1; n = 11). Under the above standard conditions, 50-60% of the total Ca influx was found to be insensitive to Nai+, Cai++, and ATP, sensitive to membrane potential, and partially inhibited by external Co++.  相似文献   

A spike that is the result of calcium permeability through potassium channels was separated from the action potential is squid giant axons internally perfused with a 30 mM NaF solution and bathed in a 100 mM CaCl2 solution by blocking sodium channels with tetrodotoxin. Currents through potassium channels were studied under voltage clamp. The records showed a clear voltage-dependent inactivation of the currents. The inactivation was composed of at least two components; one relatively fast, having a time constant of 20--30 ms, and the other very slow, having a time constant of 5--10 s. Voltage clamp was carried out with a variety of salt compositions in both the internal and external solutions. A similar voltage-dependent inactivation, also composed of the two components, was recognized in all the current through potassium channels. Although the direction and intensity of current strongly depended on the salt composition of the solutions, the time-courses of these currents at corresponding voltages were very similar. These results strongly suggest that the inactivation of the currents in attributable to an essential, dynamic property of potassium channels themselves. Thus, the generation of a potassium-channel spike can be understood as an event that occurs when the equilibrium potential across the potassium channel becomes positive.  相似文献   

Potassium flux ratio in voltage-clamped squid giant axons   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The potassium flux ratio across the axolemma of internally perfused, voltage-clamped giant axons of Loligo pealei has been evaluated at various membrane potentials and internal potassium concentrations ([K]i). Four different methods were used: (a) independent measurement of one-way influx and efflux of 42K; (b) simultaneous measurement of net K current (IK) and 42K influx; (c) simultaneous measurement of IK and 42K efflux; and (d) measurement of potassium conductance and 42K influx at the potassium equilibrium potential. The reliability of each of these methods is discussed. The average value of the exponent n' in the Hodgkin-Keynes equation ranged from 1.5 at -4mV and 200 mM [K]i to 3.3 at -38 mV and 350 mM [K]i and appeared to be a function of membrane potential and possibly of [K]i. It is concluded that the potassium channel of squid giant axon is a multi-ion, single-file pore with three or more sites.  相似文献   

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