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Abstract: Experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that ganglionic butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) is derived from acetylcholinesterase (AChE). At 5 to 8 days following preganglionic denervation of the right superior cervical ganglion (SCG), cats were given sarin, 2.0 μmol/kg, i.v. At intervals of 1 h and 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, and 22 days later, they were killed, and the AChE and BuChE contents of both SCG and both stellate ganglia (StG) were assayed. The regeneration of AChE in the normal ganglia occurred in two phases: an initial rapid phase, to 25-40% of control activity in 1 day, and a slow phase, to approximately 70% of control activity in 22 days. BuChE reached approximately 85% of control activity in normal SCG and StG at 22 days. In the denervated SCG, AChE activity reached a maximum of approximately 17% of normal at 1 day, the value prior to the administration of sarin, and did not increase appreciably above this subsequently. BuChE activity in the denervated SCG reached approximately 50% of normal ganglia at 22 days. At each interval, its activity approached 55% of that of the contralateral normal SCG, the value found in the denervated SCG prior to the administration of sarin. Hence, the regeneration of BuChE appears to be independent of the presence of AChE in the neuropil. The origin of ganglionic BuChE remains obscure.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present paper, we report an analysis of acetylcholinesterase molecular forms in the bovine caudate nucleus and superior cervical ganglion. We show that: (1) The superior cervical ganglion contains a significant proportion (~ 15%) of collagen-tailed forms (mostly A12 and A8), but these molecules are found only as traces (ca. 0.002%) in the caudate nucleus, even in favorable extraction conditions (i.e., in the presence of 1 m -NaCl, 5 mm -EDTA, 1% Triton X-100). (2) The bulk of acetylcholinesterase corresponds to globular forms, mostly the tetrameric G4 and the monomeric G1 forms, with a smaller proportion of the dimeric G2 form. (3) The tetrameric enzyme exists as a minor soluble component (GS4) that does not interact with Triton X-100, and a major hydrophobic component (GH4) that is partially solubilized in the absence of detergent in the caudate nucleus, but not in the superior cervical ganglion. (4) The monomeric G1 form presents a marked hydrophobic character, as indicated by its interaction with Triton X-100, although it may be solubilized in large part in the absence of detergent in both tissues. (5) The detergentsolubilized forms aggregate upon removal of detergent. This property disappears after partial purification of G4) that does not interact with Triton X-100, and a major hydrophobic component (GH4, but is restored upon addition of an inactivated crude extract, indicating that it is attributable to interactions with other hydrophobic components. (6) The proportions of molecular forms solubilized in detergent-free buffers vary with the ionic composition of the medium. Repeated extractions of caudate nucleus in Tris-HCl buffer produce a larger overall yield of G1 form (e.g., 40%) than appears in a single quantitative detergent solubilization (<15%). This G1 form apparently derives in part from a pool of GH4 form. (7) However, detergents that allow a quantitative solubilization of acetylcholinesterase yield the same proportions of forms (about 85% G4) independently of the ionic conditions. (8) Modifications of the molecular forms occur spontaneously during purification, or storage of the crude aqueous ex-tracts, in a manner that depends on the ionic conditions. In Tris-HCl buffer, G1 is converted into a well-defined 7.5S form. In Ringer, polydisperse components are formed. The effects observed in Ringer cannot be reproduced by addition of 5 mm -Ca2- to the Tris buffer either during or after extraction. (9) Proteases, such as pronase, convert the hydrophobic forms into molecules that do not appear to interact with Triton X-100, and do not aggregate in its absence. These results raise fundamental questions regarding the status of acetylcholinesterase in situ, the structure and interactions of its molecular forms. They are discussed with reference to previous publications.  相似文献   

The effects of electroconvulsive shock on the levels of acetylcholinesterase in several brain regions of the rat were studied. Hippocampus, mesencephalon, cortex, and striatum exhibited rapid changes in acetylcholinesterase activity during the first few minutes following the convulsion, whereas brainstem and basal forebrain levels remained unchanged. In both hippocampus and midbrain there was a sustained decrease in activity: the total acetylcholinesterase activity was decreased by up to 40% within 2 min of the convulsion and did not return to control values for another 3 h. Thirty minutes after a flurothyl-induced convulsion there was a similar fall in acetylcholinesterase activity in both these regions, whereas a subconvulsive electric shock produced no change. It is concluded that a convulsion produces significant short-term decreases in acetylcholinesterase activity in areas of the rat brain that are involved in the generation and propagation of seizures, and the question is raised of whether this is related to the increase in seizure threshold that follows a convulsion.  相似文献   

Adenylate Cyclase Activity in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rat   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract: Adenylate cyclase activity in cell-free homogenates of the rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) was assayed under a variety of experimental conditions. Adenylate cyclase activity was decreased by approximately one-half when 1 m M EGTA was included in the homogenization buffer and assay mixture, indicating the presence of a Ca2+-sensitive adenylate cyclase in the ganglion. In the presence of EGTA, basal adenylate cyclase activity in homogenates of the SCG was 12.9 ± 0.6 pmol cyclic AMP/ganglion/10 min. Enzyme activity was stimulated three- to fourfold by 10 m M NaF or 10 m M MnCl2, Both GTP and its nonhydrolyzable analog guanylylimidodiphosphate (GppNHp) stimulated adenylate cyclase in a concentration-dependent manner over the range of 0.1–10.0 μ M . Stimulation by GppNHp was five to six times greater than that produced by GTP at all concentrations tested. Decentralization of the ganglion had no effect on basal or stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. Receptor-linked stimulation of adenylate cyclase was not obtained with any of the following: isoproterenol, epi-nephrine, histamine, dopamine, prostaglandin E2, or va-soactive intestinal peptide. Thus the receptor-linked regulation of adenylate cyclase activity appears to be lost in homogenates of the ganglion.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Superior Cervical Ganglion Proteins During Regeneration   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The incorporation of radioactive phosphate into proteins of both normal and regenerating ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system of the rat is reported. The incorporation reactions were carried out in vitro by incubating homogenates of excised ganglia with [gamma-32P]ATP under various conditions. It was found that incorporation of phosphate into proteins of regenerating ganglia in the molecular mass range 10,000-100,000 daltons increased up to 40% over incorporation into proteins from control ganglia during the first 3 days following injury and returned to control levels after 14 days. Analysis of the proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that only few, i.e., less than 20, became radioactively labelled in homogenates of superior cervical ganglia in the presence of Ca2+, and even fewer in the presence of cyclic AMP. Furthermore, all these proteins fell within a narrow pI range of 4-6. The growth-associated protein, variously designated GAP-43, B-50, F-1, and pp46, has an enhanced level of expression and phosphorylation in regenerating ganglia compared with controls at day 3. Injury also caused consistently higher levels of incorporation into two other proteins with molecular masses at positions 55,000 and 85,000 and pI values of 5.1 and 4.5, respectively; the former protein most probably is beta-tubulin. The fact that both proteins are found in the 15,000 g pellet after the tissue has been solubilized in 0.5% nonionic detergent indicates that they may indeed by components of filament assemblies. Thus, the results suggest that protein phosphorylation is a mechanism involved in cytoskeletal function in regenerating nerve.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactive phosphate into proteins of both normal and regenerating superior cervical ganglion nerve of the rat is reported. Incorporation studies carried out by in vitro and in vivo methods are compared. In the in vitro method, excised intact ganglia or their homogenates were incubated in the presence of inorganic phosphate or ATP, respectively, under various conditions. Proteins were analyzed by gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography, in which quantitative but not qualitative differences between regenerating and control cases were apparent. In the in vivo procedure, inorganic phosphate was injected into the living animal 4 h before removal of ganglia. At least fivefold more proteins became labeled in vivo than in vitro, whereas no similarity in the pattern of labeling between the two methods was observed. For example, the most heavily labeled protein in the in vivo method, tentatively identified as microtubule-associated protein-2, was not detected on autoradiograms of proteins labeled by the in vitro method. In this latter method, an 85-kDa species and growth-associated protein-43 were always labeled, and the extent of their phosphorylation was enhanced by the additional presence of phosphatidylserine and Ca2+, a result indicating that these labeled species are substrates of protein kinase C. The in vitro conditions also led to the labeling of proteins identified as alpha- and beta-tubulin. Comparison of the methods suggests that removal of the ganglion interferes with the function of protein phosphorylation systems and that this effect involves elements of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The molecular forms and membrane association of acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine hydrolase, EC and pseudocholinesterase (acylcholine acylhydrolase, EC were determined in the presence of protease inhibitors in dissected regions of developing human fetal brain, as compared with parallel areas from mature brain. All areas contained substantial cholinesterase activities, of which acetylcholinesterase accounted for almost all the activity. Two major forms of acetylcholinesterase activity, sedimenting at 10-11S and 4-5S, respectively, were detected on sucrose gradients and possessed similar catalytic properties, as judged by their individual Km values toward [3H]acetylcholine (ca. 4 X 10(-4) M). The ratio between these forms varied by up to four- to fivefold, both between different areas and within particular areas at various developmental stages, but reached similar values (about 5:2) in all areas of mature brain. Acetylcholinesterase activity was ca. 35-50% low-salt-soluble and 45-65% detergent-soluble in various developmental stages and brain areas, with an increase during development of the detergent-soluble fraction of the light form. In contrast, pseudocholinesterase activity was mostly low-salt-soluble and sedimented as one component of 10-11S in all areas and developmental stages. Our findings suggest noncoordinate regulation of brain acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase, and indicate that the expression of acetylcholinesterase forms within embryonic brain areas depends both on cell type composition and on development.  相似文献   

The addition of carbachol to superior cervical ganglia causes a rapid increase in tyrosine hydroxylation in situ. The increase occurs in ganglia from both newborn and adult animals, and in ganglia from animals pretreated with reserpine. The increase is not due to increased transport of the substrate. The increase is dependent upon the presence of calcium, and is additive to the stimulation produced by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The stimulation seems specific for tyrosine hydroxylation; dopamine beta-hydroxylation is not increased. Preincubation experiments suggest that the carbachol-induced stimulation is due to a change in the availability of, or the affinity of the enzyme for, reduced pterin cofactor. The stimulation is inhibited by atropine and also by low concentrations of phenoxybenzamine or haloperidol, which suggests that it is caused by an action of carbachol on the interneurons in the ganglia.  相似文献   

Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) increased the production of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat. This effect occurred without a detectable lag and persisted for at least 90 min of incubation. The action of PDBu was half-maximal at a concentration of approximately 0.1 microM; at high concentrations, PDBu produced about a twofold increase in DOPA accumulation. PDBu increased DOPA production in decentralized ganglia and in ganglia incubated in a Ca2+-free medium. The action of PDBu was additive with the actions of dimethylphenylpiperazinium, muscarine, and 8-Br-cyclic AMP, all of which also increase DOPA accumulation, and was not inhibited by the cholinergic antagonists hexamethonium (3 mM) and atropine (6 microM). Finally, PDBu did not increase the content of cyclic AMP in the ganglion. Thus, the action of PDBu does not appear to be mediated by the release of neurotransmitters from preganglionic nerve terminals, by the stimulation of cholinergic receptors in the ganglion, or by an increase in ganglionic cyclic AMP. PDBu also increased the incorporation of 32Pi into tyrosine hydroxylase. PDBu activates protein kinase C, which in turn may phosphorylate tyrosine hydroxylase and increase the rate of DOPA synthesis in the ganglion.  相似文献   

Abstract: The turnover of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and its molecular forms was measured by following the loss of enzyme activity in the right hemidiaphragms of Sprague-Dawley rats treated with cycloheximide, 20 mg/kg, every 4 h. This treatment inhibited 96% of the incorporation of [3H]leucine into muscle protein. After 8 h of treatment, the total AChE activity of the diaphragm decreased by 17% ( P < 0.01). Assuming first-order exponential kinetics, a half-life of 30 h and an hourly turnover of 180 units were calculated. The measured accumulation of AChE activity at a ligature on the phrenic nerve indicated that axonal transport contributed trivially to this turnover. Sucrose density gradient experiments showed that the cycloheximide-induced loss of AChE activity was restricted to the 4S enzyme, which had an apparent half-life of 6.2 h.  相似文献   

应用细胞内生物电记录技术 ,观测不同功率、不同照射时间的 He- Ne激光 (脉冲频率 1Hz)对大鼠离体颈上神经节后神经元快兴奋性突触后电位 (f- EPSP)期间膜电导的影响。功率密度为 2 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光在照射初期 (1min~ 2 min)引起快兴奋性突触后电位 (f- EPSP)幅值增大 ,同时膜电导增大 ;而在激光照射后期 (后 3m in~8m in)引起节后神经元膜电导减少。功率密度为 5 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光照射期膜电导无明显变化 .结果表明 :功率密度为 2 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光照射初期引起膜电导 (Gl=34.6± 5 .4 n S)较照射前 (Gf=2 6 .8± 6 .2 n S)有明显增大 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,照射后期膜电导减少。提示 :He- Ne激光照射可能是通过两时相效应改变节后神经元膜电导来影响交感神经节内兴奋传递过程。这可能是低功率激光对神经细胞的一种作用机制。  相似文献   

Abstract: Investigating the possibility that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) are regulated in a coordinated manner, we have examined the natural variation in activity of these two enzymes in several tissues of adult male Sprague-Dawley, Fischer-344, and Wistar-Furth rats. Both enzymes varied greatly in mean activity among brain, diaphragm, atria, serum, superior cervical ganglia, and liver. In Sprague-Dawley rats there were also large individual variations with up to a fivefold range of AChE activities and up to a 100-fold range of BuChE activities in a given tissue. Individual variations in cholinesterase activities appeared to be smaller in the inbred Fischer-344 or Wistar-Furth rats. Experiments with internal standards of partially purified AChE and BuChE indicated that the individual variations probably reflected differences in the intrinsic content or specific activity of the tissue enzymes. Comparison of the AChE activities in different tissues of a given group of rats failed to reveal statistically significant correlations in any strain (i.e., the relative activity of any one tissue was no guide to the relative activity of any other tissue in the same rat). This result indicates that the regulation of AChE is tissue-specific. By contrast, BuChE activity showed highly significant correlations among the majority of the tissues examined in the Sprague-Dawley rats, implying that widely dispersed factors can affect the regulation of this enzyme. Body-wide regulation is not necessarily the rule, however, since only a single tissue pair in the inbred Fischer rats and none of the pairs in the Wistar-Furth rats showed significant correlations of BuChE activity. In general, AChE and BuChE activities were not correlated with each other to a statistically significant degree. We conclude that the control of these enzymes normally involves different mechanisms and is strongly affected by the genetic background of the sample population.  相似文献   

Abstract: These experiments investigate the effect of block, by colchicine, of fast axonal transport in the cat's cervical sympathetic trunk (CST) on the superior cervical ganglion's choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) enzyme activity, acetylcholine (ACh) content, and ACh release. Electron microscopy on the segment of the CST exposed to colchicine 1 or 4 days earlier showed disappearance of microtubules and accumulation of vesicles and smooth membrane tubules but no disruption of the axonal cytomatrix. At 4 days following colchicine treatment, the number and size of synaptic boutons per grid square in the ganglion ipsilateral to the colchicine-treated CST were similar to those in the control ganglion. At 2 and 4 days following exposure of the CST to colchicine, ChAT activity in the ipsilateral ganglion was reduced to 76 ± 8 and 54 ± 6% of control values, respectively. ACh stores in the ganglia were also reduced (to 81 ± 6% of control values at 2 days and to 51 ± 5% of control values at 4 days). Ganglionic transmission and its sensitivity to blockade by hexamethonium during 2-Hz CST stimulation were not impaired at day 4 postcolchicine. ACh release evoked by 2-Hz stimulation of colchicine-treated axons was similar to release from untreated axons, despite the decrease in the ganglionic ACh content. In contrast, ACh release evoked by 20-Hz stimulation was depressed. The amount of ACh released during 5-Hz stimulation in the presence of vesamicol by the terminals of colchicine-treated axons was similar to that released by the terminals of untreated axons. These results suggest the following conclusions: (a) Colchicine-sensitive fast axonal transport contributes significantly to maintaining ChAT stores in preganglionic axon terminals. (b) The half-life of ChAT in sympathetic preganglionic terminals is ~4 days. (c) One consequence of colchicine-induced block of axonal transport is a reduced ACh content of preganglionic nerve terminals. (d) This decrease in ACh content appears to be the result of a loss in a reserve transmitter pool, whereas the size of the readily releasable compartment is maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract : The effects of various types of steroids on the nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (nAChR)-mediated responses were investigated in superior cervical ganglionic neurons acutely dissociated from rats using nystatin perforated patch recording. ACh induced a peak followed by a gradual decrease in the inward current at a holding potential of -40 mV. Nicotine, but not muscarine, mimicked ACh. Hydrocortisone at a concentration of > 10-6 M reversibly suppressed both the peak and steady-state nicotine-induced currents ( I nic) in a noncompetitive manner. The inhibition of I nic by hydrocortisone did not show any voltage dependency and persisted in the presence of either cyclic AMP modulators, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, or a protein kinase A inhibitor, N -[2-(methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide dihydrochloride (H-89). β-Estradiol, androsterone, aldosterone, and 17α-estradiol mimicked hydrocortisone in its inhibitory action on ACh-induced currents ( I ACh). The potency for the inhibitory actions on I Ach was as follows : androsterne > β-estradiol > hydrocortisone ≥ aldosterone =17α-estradiol. Cholesterol had no effect on the I ACh. In conclusion, the structural characteristics of steroid are thus considered to be necessary to block nicotinic I ACh in rat superior cervical ganglionic cells, whereas the cholesterol side chain might disturb the inhibitory action of the steroid skeleton on nAChRs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Male Sprague-Dawley rats (325–350 g) were anesthetized with urethane (1.5 g/kg i.p.) and treated with physiological saline, Aspartame (APM; 552 μmol/kg), or tyrosine (Tyr; 552 μmol/kg). Ganglionic transmission and the synthesis of dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) were measured in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) following electrical stimulation of the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST). When the CST was stimulated with single pulses, neither APM nor Tyr affected the synthesis of NE or DA. However, in response to low- (5 Hz, 20 s) and high- (20 Hz, 20 s) frequency pulses, the metabolism of DA was increased (p > 0.05), but to the same extent after saline, APM, or Tyr. In rats stimulated with similar low- and high-frequency pulses, the synthesis of NE was increased significantly (p > 0.05) after Tyr, but not after APM or saline. In saline-treated controls, ganglionic transmission was not changed in response to single pulses, or low- or high-frequency stimulation. However, after treatment with APM, ganglionic transmission was depressed significantly (p > 0.01) in response to high-frequency stimulation (single: 0.46 ± 0.09 mV; low: 0.39 ± 0.07 mV; high: 0.27 ± 0.07 mV). After treatment with Tyr, ganglionic transmission was depressed significantly (p > 0.05) in response to both low- and high-frequency stimulation (single: 0.44 ± 0.04 mV; low: 0.22 ±0.12 mV; high: 0.26 ± 0.07 mV). In the nonstimulated SCG, l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (25 mg/kg) caused a rapid, significant (p > 0.01) increase in the synthesis and metabolism of DA, but not of NE. Treatment with nialamide (200 mg/kg i.p.) followed by electrical stimulation (15 Hz, 15 min) of the CST caused a significant (p > 0.05) increase of both NE and DA in the stimulated SCG. It is concluded that there are both similarities and differences in the regulation of the synthesis of NE and in the modulation of ganglionic transmission after the administration of the precursors APM and Tyr. The results indicate that caution is needed in comparing the neurochemical and neurophysiological effects of different catecholamine precursors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hemidiaphragms were removed from rats at various times after intrathoracic transection of the left phrenic nerve and were incubated in organ baths containing 1.5 ml of oxygenated, buffered physiologic saline solution, with added glucose and bovine serum albumin. After incubation, the acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC activities of the bath fluid and of the muscle were determined. Innervated left hemidiaphragms were found to release 107 units of AChE over a 3-h period, corresponding to 1.9% of their total AChE activity. Denervation led to a rapid loss of AChE from the muscle coincident with a transient increase in the outpouring of enzyme activity into the bath fluid. Thus, 1 day after nerve transection the left hemidiaphragm contained only 68% of the control amount of AChE activity, but released 140% as much as control. After 3 or 4 days of denervation, the AChE activity of the diaphragm stabilized at 35% of the control value. Release also fell below control by this time, but not as far. One week after denervation the release, 69 units per 3 hr, corresponded to 3.3% of the reduced content of AChE activity in the muscle, indicating that denervation caused an increase in the proportion of AChE released. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation showed that 10S AChE accounted for more than 80% of the released enzyme activity at all times. The results did not rule out the possibility, however, that the released enzyme originally stemmed from 4S or 16S AChE in the diaphragm.  相似文献   

Abstract: A single molecular from of soluble acetylcholinesterase was isolated from a variety of mammalian tissues by use of a novel affinity matrix. This matrix was synthesised by coupling the reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, edrophonium chloride, to epoxy-activated Sepharose. This simple synthesis produced a matrix which was exceptionally stable and had the novel property of selectively binding only one molecular form of acetylcholinesterase. Soluble proteins from a variety of mammalian tissues, including brain, adrenal glands, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood, were separated by centrifugation. These contained combinations of acetylcholinesterase (EC and cholinesterase (EC, varying from a single form of acetylcholinesterase to multiple forms of both acetylcholinesterase and cholinesterase. The edrophonium-Sepharose matrix bound only one form of acetylcholinesterase. This form of acetylcholinesterase corresponded in molecular size and electrophoretic mobility to the unique form found in cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. secretory acetylcholinesterase. Cholinesterase was not bound to the matrix.  相似文献   

Contents of the three forms (alpha alpha, alpha gamma, and gamma gamma) of enolase isozymes and S-100 protein in superior cervical sympathetic ganglia (SCG) excised from rats were determined by the sensitive method of enzyme immunoassay, after application of various forms of stimulation, during incubation for 3 h at 37 degrees C in vitro. The amounts of the three forms of enolase isozymes and of S-100 protein in the SCG were not altered by preganglionic or postganglionic stimulation (10 Hz) or by the addition of acetylcholine (1 mM) or a high concentration of K+ (70 mM) to the incubation medium. Norepinephrine (NE; 50 microM), as well as isoproterenol (200 microM) or 3,4-dihydroxy phenylethylamine (dopamine; 200 microM), increased the ganglionic alpha alpha and alpha gamma enolase content to 1.5 to 2.0 times the control level, whereas NE tended to slightly decrease the gamma gamma enolase content. The increase in the alpha isozymes did not appear until after 2 to 3 h of incubation with this agent as a result of an increase in protein synthesis. Propranolol, an adrenergic antagonist, partly inhibited the NE-induced increase in both alpha alpha and alpha gamma enolases. NE and its agonists also considerably increased the S-100 protein level in the SCG; however, the effect developed within half an hour of incubation as a result of the conversion of the bound S-100 protein to the water-soluble form, and did not greatly increase thereafter. Cyclic AMP (1 mM) produced the same kind of increase in the ganglionic S-100 protein content as NE did.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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