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Assessing scales of variability in benthic diatom community structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sources of variability such as sampling method, sample preparation, and sample analysis (taxonomy) might affect our ability to measure differences in community structure between sites in environmental effects studies. It is therefore important to ensure that changes in community structure related to the physical or chemical differences between sites are not hidden by other sources of variability within a site. The goal of this study was to quantify the amount of variability in benthic diatom community structure related to sampling and laboratory procedures. Our results showed that variability in community structure was minimal among replicate microscope slides (< 1%) and among samples collected within a site (1.8%). Variability in community structure was substantially higher between sites located in one stream (16.6%), and highest across streams (59.6%). This suggests that field sampling and laboratory methods do not contribute a large amount of variation into our analyses of benthic diatom community structure across sites.  相似文献   

Significant variations in four biological measures of water quality with stream order and river basin were demonstrated for streams of the Black and Osage river basins of Missouri. Water quality criteria specific for each order and basin were then developed.Benthic macroinvertebrates from springs and stream orders 3–8 in the two river basins were sampled quarterly for one year with riffle nets and artificial substrate samplers. A total of 548 samples were taken at 137 stations. The average annual macroinvertebrate density, index of diversity, number of taxa, and number of mayfly and stonefly taxa were determined for each station. These measures showed significant differences (p < 0.05) across stream order within and between the two river basins. Total taxa, total mayfly and stonefly taxa, and diversity were highest in orders 4 and 5 with decreased values in lower and higher stream orders. Maximum organism densities occurred in intermediate order streams. These differences were attributed to the succession of physical changes from headwaters to mouth within each river and to the unique geomorphology of each catchment basin.Water quality criteria based on three of the four measures described above (with 95% confidence limits) were established for each stream order in each river basin. Criteria for the Osage River basin were then used to identify three streams in the basin affected by environmental disturbances (stream impoundment, channelization and sewage discharge). The use of order- and basin-specific criteria assures that the biological differences between streams caused by environmental disturbance can be distinguished from the natural biological differences between streams of different orders and drainages.  相似文献   

Various diatom indices are routinely used in European countries to monitor water quality in waterways. In order to assess their sensitivities and their integration interval after a sudden and lasting environmental change, epilithic diatom biofilms were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted stream. To monitor the changes of the index values, the biofilms were sampled in a first experiment 20 and 40 days after transfer, and in a second experiment 30 and 60 days after transfer. Sensitivities of the indices to the water quality improvement were assessed calculating the differences between the index values of the reference and the transferred assemblages. Some indices have intermediate sensitivities (BDI, GDI, ILM, SLA), others higher sensitivities (CEE, EPI, ROT, SPI, TDI). The integration interval of these indices was 40–60 days. Some differences were observed between the indices, but their results were homogeneous when compared to those obtained with other metrics such as Bray-Curtis or Chord distances, used to assess the difference between the transferred and the reference diatom assemblages. These other metrics showed that even after 60 days, the transferred assemblages still differed from the reference. This underlines that metrics do not have the same integration intervals and do not assess the same stresses; the choice of the metric used to assess water quality is of prime importance.  相似文献   

七项河流附着硅藻指数在东江的适用性评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邓培雁  雷远达  刘威  王旭涛 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5014-5024
综合运用因子分析、聚类分析、箱型图分析等统计方法评估了河流附着硅藻生物指数(Biological Diatom Index,IBD)、硅藻营养化指数(Trophic Diatom Index,TDI)、斯雷德切克指数(Sládecˇek’s Index,SLA)、特定污染敏感指数(Specific Polluosensitivity Index,IPS)、硅藻属指数(Generic Diatom Index,IDG)、戴斯指数(Descy Index,DESCY)和欧盟硅藻指数(European Economic Community Index,CEE)在东江流域河流水质评价中的适用性。结果显示:SLA与IPS,CEE显著相关(P<0.05),CEE与TDI不相关,其余指标间均极显著相关(P<0.01)。SLA与13项水质理化指标均无相关性,TDI与含氯度(Cl)显著负相关,CEE与溶解氧(DO)、电导率(Cond.)、总氮(TN)显著正相关(P<0.05),其余指标与氨氮(NH4-N)、pH不存在线性相关,与五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、高锰酸盐指数(CODKMnO4)、亚硝氮(NO2-N)、硝氮(NO3-N),总磷(TP)具极显著相关性(P<0.01)。13项水质理化指标中主成分负荷贡献大于50%的八项理化参数DO、BOD5、CODKMnO4、TN、NO3-N、NO2-N、TP和SiO2将试验区水质分为四组。IPS、IBD、IDG和CEE与水质物化分类一致性较好。IPS、IBD、IDG和CEE的逐步判别分析(引入P=0.20,剔除P=0.25)显示IPS和CEE都只选出了NO2-N,分类判别的正确率分别为55.6%和48.1%;IBD引入了NO2-N,CODKMnO4和DO 3个解释变量,判别正确率74.1%;IDG引入BOD5和NO3-N两个变量,分组正确率63.0%。硅藻群落聚类显示,IBD和IDG在水质物化分类的箱型图中呈现出明显合理的趋势。以上研究表明IBD和IDG硅藻指数最适合用于东江河流水质生物监测与评价。  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in an upland stream to determine the effects of the frequency of physical disturbance on the relationship between an abundant glossosomatid trichopteran (Agapetus monticolus; Banks) and the epilithon upon which it feeds. Artificial cobbles with an established epilithic community were tumbled either every 1, 2 or 4 weeks. The first experiment failed to detect any significant effects of rock tumbling on the abundance of A. monticolus or the epilithon: a result due to several spates. The first experiment did reveal that disturbances may disrupt the ability of A. monticolus to locate patches of abundant food. The second experiment found that although the abundance of A. monticolus was not affected by the disturbances, periphyton abundance was significantly reduced. Increasing the frequency of disturbance did not magnify this effect. Comparisons of these results with other studies of disturbance in streams indicate that the effects of disturbance on herbivory may be highly variable. A variety of factors, such as the relative resistances of the herbivores and the epilithon, need to be examined before the effects of disturbances on lotic herbivorous interactions can be completely understood.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to assess the water quality of the upper Moselle river by using biological indices. Simultaneous physico-chemical surveys were also undertaken from May 1999 to April 2000. Twelve sampling sites were selected in order to provide a wide range of potential pollution. Chemical analysis did not reveal any major problem of pollution. However a lower water quality resulting from domestic pollution was established for some sampling sites. A biological monitoring combining both macroinvertebrates and macrophytes was performed. Biological indices based on plant community structure and macrophyte composition were not pertinent tools, whereas simple indices based on taxonomic richness of particular groups of macroinvertebrates were strongly correlated with several chemical parameters, showing that such simple biological variables should represent powerful indicators of ecosystem degradation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Two experiments were performed with periphytic diatoms originating from the River Lot (France) and allowed to grow on clean substrata within indoor artificial streams. Three cadmium (Cd) levels (control, low Cd=10 μg L−1 and high Cd=100 μg L−1) were used to test the effects of Cd on (i) the settlement and development of diatom communities (Experiment 1, 4 weeks Cd exposure) and (ii) predeveloped communities grown over a 2-week period without contamination (Experiment 2, 2 weeks Cd exposure).
2. Experiment 1 revealed that growth and taxonomic composition of diatom communities clearly differed with Cd exposure. Biofilms were more adpressed to substrata under low Cd concentration, and were thinner and patchy under high Cd concentration.
3. Exposure of developed diatom communities (Experiment 2) to Cd revealed only minor variations in taxonomic composition, possibly linked to the protective role of the developed organic matrix against metal stress.
4. These results support the validity of periphytic diatom communities as indicators of metal pollution, although significant structural changes would take longer within developed communities.  相似文献   

The usefulness of benthic multi-metric indices when assessing seafloor integrity across broad environmental gradients should be deliberated, as their lack of transparency might hide important sources of variation and fail to identify environmental change. This study compares the performance of two multi-metric indices; the Benthic Quality Index (BQI) and the Brackish water Benthic Index (BBI) between three sub-basins in the Baltic Sea. Both indices reflect the salinity-driven gradient in macroinvertebrate diversity and composition as well as changes in bottom water oxygen concentrations. The relative contribution of predictor variables for explaining index variation does, however, differ between sub-basins, resulting in the indices representing different aspects of the benthic community along the environmental gradient. This context-dependency is caused by inherent differences in benthic community characteristics between the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea, and how the communities are portrayed by the indices. An increased transparency of the importance of the different predictors for directing index values is needed for coherent classifications over broad environmental gradients, such as those occurring in large estuarine water bodies. Use of a weight of evidence table to combine multiple indicators would preserve transparency and be more likely to provide a robust assessment method that would detect seafloor degradation at an early stage.  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used in stream bioassessment due to their broad distribution, extraordinary variability and the ability to integrate changes in water quality. The indices Specific Polluosensitivity Index (SPI), standardized Biological Diatom Index (BDI), European Economic Community Index (CEC) and Generic Diatom Index (GDI), originally developed in France, are often applied in Portugal to evaluate stream ecological quality based on diatom communities. Alternatively, predictive models resulting from the comparison between the communities of the study site and those of a set of reference sites representing undisturbed or the best available conditions of a given region have been proposed as valuable methods for evaluating the ecological status of streams. In the present study, we applied the four above-mentioned widely used diatom-based indices (SPI, BDI, CEC and GDI) and a predictive model (MoDi) to 54 sites located in central Portugal to assess the sensitivity of the five methods to a range of anthropogenic disturbances cumulatively affecting streams and represented by 27 variables (e.g., organic enrichment, changes in morphology of the channels, integrity of the riparian corridor, land use in the catchment). The results were analyzed comparatively through Spearman correlations, Boxplots and Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. This study confirmed the sensitivity of diatoms to organic and nutrient contamination (showed by the MoDi, BDI, CEC and SPI) and revealed the importance of suspended solids (through the MoDi, GDI, and SPI). The relevance of modifications in land use to diatoms was shown by all methods applied, except for the GDI. The MoDI also revealed the importance of changes in the structure and morphology of the reach and the channel, like the construction of artificial walls or embankments and connectivity; the BDI also related its assessments with the riparian zone integrity; and the SPI was not useful in detecting morphological pressures. The GDI produced the most divergent assessments and was less effective in revealing the anthropogenic disturbances. The use of the predictive model (MoDi) is therefore a good method for the assessment of streams in central Portugal because it expresses a great diversity of quantitative and qualitative changes in freshwater systems reflected in the structure (species richness and abundance) of diatom communities.  相似文献   

1. Benthic algal communities are shaped by the availability of nutrients and light and by herbivore consumption. Many studies have examined how one of these factors affects algal communities, but studies simultaneously addressing all three are rare. 2. We investigated the effects of nutrients, light and a herbivore (the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum) on benthic stream algae in a fully factorial experiment in 128 circular streamside channels. Four nutrient levels (none added to highly enriched), four snail grazing pressures (no snails to 777 individuals m?2) and two light levels (ambient and 65% reduced) were applied. Colonising algae were dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyta), which were determined to species using acid‐cleaned samples and assigned to functional groups according to their physiognomic growth form. 3. Diatom community structure changed considerably in response to our manipulations. Light had the strongest influence (as indicated by manova effect size), whereas nutrients had an intermediate effect and grazing was fairly weak. Relative abundances of six common diatom taxa decreased under reduced light, whereas five others became more prevalent. Eight taxa benefitted from nutrient enrichment, while three became rarer. Grazing affected the relative density of only one common taxon, which increased at higher grazing pressure. 4. Diatom functional groups also responded strongly. ‘Low profile’ taxa dominated at low resource levels (nutrients and especially light), whereas ‘high profile’ and ‘motile’ taxa became markedly more prevalent at higher resource levels. 5. Two‐way interactions between experimental factors were quite common. For example, Planothidium lanceolatum and Rossithidium petersenii responded more strongly to nutrient enrichment at reduced than at ambient light, whereas Cocconeis placentula responded more strongly at ambient light. For diatom functional groups, the benefit of nutrient enrichment for ‘motile’ diatoms was greater at ambient than at reduced light. 6. Our results imply that multifactor experiments are required to determine the main forces driving the composition of benthic algal communities. Further, our findings highlight the considerable potential of using functional algal groups as indicators of changing environmental conditions to complement the traditional taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Biological and chemical data were processed to estimate trophic stage and degree of pollution in several streams and rivers in southern Poland. The majority were eutrophic and some of them heavily polluted; only a few were oligo-mesotrophic. The differences in the water quality of the rivers were reflected by different types of diatom community and also by the values for some diatom indices, which were calculated using the latest version of the 'Omnidia' database software. Except for the Sládeček's index, all diatom indices correlated significantly with organic load (COD), oxygen concentration, conductivity and most of the measured ions. Some indices showed a significant negative correlation with trophic level (expressed by NH4-N and PO4-P). In general, IPS (Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index) and GDI (Generic Diatom Index) indices gave the best results. Among the investigated diatom communities, only a few taxa indicated oligo-mesotrophy and oligo-β-mesosaprobity. Most of the sites were characterised by a greater relative contribution of eutraphent and tolerant ones as well as α-mesosaprobic and polysaprobic diatoms. This study suggests that the structure of benthic diatom communities and diatom indices, especially GDI, can be applied for monitoring rivers in Poland. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Feeding strategies are typical traits reflecting the adaptation of species to environmental conditions. This concept is currently developed in some water quality systems (e.g. Index of Trophic completeness) and the structure of functional feeding groups (FFGs) could form part of a unified measure across communities differing in taxonomic composition. However, in South America, information about the FFG classification of invertebrates in streams is almost absent and existing studies using FFG structure follows classification from North America. But even taxonomically related species may have different diets in tropical and temperate areas and therefore, studies about FFG structure in neotropics could be biased. For this reason, we determined diet composition, trophic level and FFGs, using gut contents analysis and mouthpart observations of 49 macroinvertebrate taxa (mostly at genus level) from neotropical streams. We observed that practically all macroinvertebrates fed upon fine detritus which indicates the importance of this food resource in neotropical streams. As the assignment to a single FFG does not accurately reflect the functional profile of taxa, we transcribed the affinity of taxa to each FFG using fuzzy codes. Finally, we published the coding of diet composition and FFG of the taxa examined, which could be used in future community analyses of lotic ecosystems in the Neotropical zone.  相似文献   

Abstract Benthic macroinvertebrates are the group of organisms most widely used for assessment of water resources. Rapid assessment approaches are intended to be efficient and cost effective; savings are found in reduced sampling and more efficient data analysis. Rapid bioassessment programmes have been quickly accepted and now cover most of the United States (US) and equivalent programmes cover all of the United Kingdom (UK). Rapid bioassessment programmes are designed to screen large regions, pinpointing trouble spots worthy of more detailed attention. Fundamental to all rapid bioassessment methods is the classification of streams so that comparisons can be made between reference areas and areas of concern, or test sites with similar characteristics. Both the UK and US approaches assess habitat characteristics. These characteristics are used to predict the fauna expected at a test site in the UK approach; in the US they are used as an aid to classification and interpretation of aquatic faunal data. Habitat assessments in the US are also used to determine whether poor water quality or degraded habitat are stressing the invertebrate communities. This is a major development in approaches to water resource assessment. In the UK, a model developed using multivariate statistics uses a few environmental variables thought to be unaffected by human activities to predict the fauna expected at a test site. The US approaches analyse data using several indices (or metrics) presumed to represent ecological features of interest. These indices have a range of sensitivities to different kinds of stress and must be calibrated for the area of interest. The two approaches have been developed in isolation but may have much to offer each other. Developing programmes are advised to consider both. Future needs include: development of procedures that can be applied to large rivers and to lakes; further refinement of ecological principles underlying metric choice; the inclusion of chemical criteria and toxicity tests to establish thresholds that indicate impairment; and development of criteria indicating the necessity for implementation of quantitative assessment studies.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a growing interest and need for sound and robust ecological indices to evaluate ecosystem status and condition, mainly under the scope of the Water Framework Directive implementation. Although the conceptual basis for each index may rely on different assumptions and parameters, they share a common goal: to provide a useful tool that can be used in assessing the system's health and that could be applied in decision making. This paper focuses mainly on benthic community-based, biotic indices. We supply a general overview of several indices premises and assumptions as well as their main advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, an illustrative example is provided of a straightforward application of benthic index of biotic integrity and benthic condition index. As a reference, their performance is compared to the Portuguese-benthic assessment tool. Limitations of the tested indices are discussed in context of the Mondego estuary (Portugal) case study.  相似文献   

The diatom flora in the lower Damour River, a small coastal river in Lebanon, was studied during 1981. The study area included the Damour estuary and a tributary, the el-Hamam River. Achnanthes minutissima was the most abundant diatom in the flora. Other dominant taxa included Nitzschia dissipata and Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta in the spring and Anomoeoneis vitrea in the fall. The diatom community structure was characterized by 1 or 2 dominant taxa, a few common and many rare taxa, but the taxa in these categories varied according to season and locality. The freshwater flora had a group of 20 taxa which were widely distributed in the study area throughout the study period. These taxa, in addition to a few taxa of more restricted seasonal occurrence, were the major contributers to the flora and are characteristic of this river system. Certain aspects of the flora were resistant to change. Others were more sensitive to environmental conditions. The estuarine flora reflected brackish conditions beginning in June and extending through October.  相似文献   

Benthic microalgae and the herbivores Idothea chelipes (Isopoda) and Littorina littorea (Gastropoda) were used as an experimental model system to study the effect of herbivore type on primary producer diversity. Both herbivores enhanced diversity at intermediate grazing pressures, the enhancing effect being stronger with Littorina . This difference is explained by differences in the spatial heterogeneity of the grazed microalgal biofilm caused by behavioural differences in spatial grazing patterns. Idothea spreads its grazing pressure rather evenly in space ("lawn-mower" type), whereas Littorina creates pronounced spatial heterogeneity by moving slowly over the biofilm and decimating it within the grazing tracks ("bulldozer" type). Idothea grazing did not enhance biomass patchiness beyond the level of ungrazed controls (maximum/minimum from 1.7 to 5.5), whereas Littorina strongly increased patchiness (maximum/minimum from 45 to 850).  相似文献   

Assessing the performance of volunteers in monitoring streams   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. Citizens are concerned about the quality of water resources and many participate in monitoring activities, though doubts remain about the quality of the data volunteers collect. We trained volunteers to collect benthic macroinvertebrates using professional protocols. Of the seven stream sites sampled by volunteer crews, six sites were also sampled by professional crews.
2. In the laboratory, volunteers used morphological features to identify as many different taxa as possible within the major insect orders; their identification was approximately to family. Volunteers calculated five metrics: total taxon richness, richness of three key groups (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera), and percentage dominance of the three most abundant taxa. All metrics were strongly correlated with (a) the percentage of urbanized area in the catchment and (b) the metrics derived from a more complete taxonomic identification by a professional scientist. Taxon richness metrics declined with urban development, while percent dominance increased.
3. An overall summary multimetric index was used to compare the field and laboratory procedures of volunteers and professionals. Using an ANOVA model, we detected no significant difference between field samples collected by volunteers and professionals. The variance of index values associated with differences between crews was zero. The ability of the index to detect significant differences among sites (statistical power) improved by only 13% for assessments based on professional laboratory identification instead of volunteer laboratory identification.
4. Citizen volunteers, when properly trained, can collect reliable data and make stream assessments that are comparable to those made by professionals. Data collected by volunteers can supplement information used by government agencies to manage and protect rivers and streams.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The EC Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) recognises the need for biological monitoring. Indices derived from standard samples of macroinvertebrates are frequently used for the appraisal of the ecological quality of rivers. However, information on the errors or chance variation that can influence the value of an index is also important. 2. This paper describes a study to quantify the observed sampling variation in three ecological indices based on the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) score system across a wide range of river types and qualities. The indices are number of BMWP taxa, BMWP score and Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT). 3. The study sites were selected to encompass the four major groups within the River InVertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) site classification for Britain. Within each group, four sites which differed in ecological quality grade were chosen (total of 16 sites). At each site three standard RIVPACS samples were taken in each of spring, summer and autumn by trained staff. In each season, two samples were taken by one biologist and the third by a different individual to allow for within and between‐operator variation. 4. The effects of sampling variation within a season on the number of taxa, BMWP score and ASPT across all sites, irrespective of operator, could be represented by some simple parameters. We found that the sampling SD of the square root of the number of taxa, square root of BMWP score and the untransformed ASPT were roughly constant in each case, irrespective of site type or quality. For each index, SD for two and three seasons combined samples were smaller than for single season samples. 5. Inter‐operator influences on sample values were negligible (4–12% of total sampling SD) in this study. This underlines the importance of adequate training for all staff involved in extensive monitoring programmes which use standard procedures from one year to the next, but may involve different staff. 6. Indices for number of taxa, BMWP score and ASPT were all estimated with greater precision from combined season samples than from the averages of two or three seasons' samples. 7. This study enables us to estimate confidence intervals for the values of the number of taxa, BMWP score and ASPT based on single season, two or three season combined samples collected using standard RIVPACS procedures for any river site in Britain. The results can also be used in simulation models which incorporate the effects of sampling variation into assessments of the ecological quality of river sites based on the ratio of observed to RIVPACS expected values of these BMWP indices.  相似文献   

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