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The bioleaching mechanism of Co and Li from spent lithium-ion batteries by mixed culture of sulfur-oxidizing and iron-oxidizing bacteria was investigated. It was found that the highest release of Li occurred at the lowest pH of 1.54 with elemental sulfur as an energy source, the lowest occurred at the highest pH of 1.69 with FeS2. In contrast, the highest release of Co occurred at higher pH and varied ORP with S + FeS2, the lowest occurred at almost unchanged ORP with S. It is suggested that acid dissolution is the main mechanism for Li bioleaching independent of energy matters types, however, apart from acid dissolution, Fe2+ catalyzed reduction takes part in the bioleaching process as well. Co2+ was released by acid dissolution after insoluble Co3+ was reduced into soluble Co2+ by Fe2+ in both FeS2 and FeS2 + S systems. The proposed bioleaching mechanism mentioned above was confirmed by the further results obtained from the experiments of bioprocess-stimulated chemical leaching and from the changes in structure and component of bioleaching residues characterized by XPS, SEM and EDX.  相似文献   

三种浸矿细菌协同作用的回顾及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宏飞  李辉  刘东奇 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2730-2737
生物浸矿技术相比于传统的矿物加工技术具有成本低、易操作和污染小的特点,可以用来处理金精矿、低品位金矿、难处理金矿或者是高硫煤炭。为了更好地利用多种浸矿细菌的协同作用,本文综合阐述了生物浸矿的协同作用优势和存在的一些问题,对今后协同浸矿的发展做了预测。本文首先分析了3种主要浸矿细菌,包括氧化亚铁硫杆菌、氧化亚铁钩端螺旋菌和氧化硫硫杆菌等各自的生物学特性,接着重点分析了国内外近些年来浸矿细菌的协同作用研究进展情况和作用机制,最后展望了未来二十年内浸矿技术研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Despite over 125 years of study, the factors that dictate species dominance in neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacterial (FeOB) communities remain unknown. In a freshwater wetland, we documented a clear ecological succession coupled with niche separation between the helical stalk-forming Gallionellales (for example, Gallionella ferruginea) and tubular sheath-forming Leptothrix ochracea. Changes in the iron-seep community were documented using microscopy and cultivation-independent methods. Quantification of Fe-oxyhydroxide morphotypes by light microscopy was coupled with species-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probes using a protocol that minimized background fluorescence caused by the Fe-oxyhydroxides. Together with scanning electron microscopy, these techniques all indicated that Gallionellales dominated during early spring, with L. ochracea becoming more abundant for the remainder of the year. Analysis of tagged pyrosequencing reads of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA) collected during seasonal progression supported a clear Gallionellales to L. ochracea transition, and community structure grouped according to observed dominant FeOB forms. Axis of redundancy analysis of physicochemical parameters collected from iron mats during the season, plotted with FeOB abundance, corroborated several field and microscopy-based observations and uncovered several unanticipated relationships. On the basis of these relationships, we conclude that the ecological niche of the stalk-forming Gallionellales is in waters with low organic carbon and steep redoxclines, and the sheath-forming L. ochracea is abundant in waters that contain high concentrations of complex organic carbon, high Fe and Mn content and gentle redoxclines. Finally, these findings identify a largely unexplored relationship between FeOB and organic carbon.  相似文献   

David Emerson 《Biofouling》2013,29(9):989-1000

Lithotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria depend on reduced iron, Fe(II), as their primary energy source, making them natural candidates for growing in association with steel infrastructure and potentially contributing to microbially influenced corrosion (MIC). This review summarizes recent work on the role of iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) in MIC. By virtue of producing complex 3-dimensional biofilms that result from the accumulation of iron-oxides, FeOB may aid in the colonization of steel surfaces by other microbes involved in MIC. Evidence points to a successional pattern occurring whereby FeOB are early colonizers of mild steel (MS), followed by sulfate-reducing bacteria and other microbes, although studies of aged corrosion products indicate that FeOB do establish a long-term presence. There is evidence that only specific clades of FeOB, with unique adaptations for growing on steel surfaces are part of the MIC community. These are discussed in the context of the larger MIC microbiome.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation model was constructed for electrochemical cultivation of iron oxidizing bacterium, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, based on Monod's dual limitation equation. In this model, two limiting factors were examined, low supply of Fe(II) ion and dissolved oxygen, from empirical viewpoints. The simulation model was constructed taking into consideration the energy balance based on the amount of the electronic flow from the electrode to bacteria via an iron ion, and then to oxygen. The model consisted of a logarithmic bacterial growth phase during the first three days, followed by a plateau and growth limitation thereafter. The predicted results were in agreement with the actual growth under electrochemical cultivation. It was predicted the growth limiting factor would be changed from insufficient supply of Fe(II) ions to that of oxygen by decreasing the value of oxygen transfer constant K, which correlated with the aeration rate. The optimum aeration rate was determined for the ideal electrochemical cultivation. The algorithm described here can be used in any electrochemical cultivation by modifying the parameters for each system.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that iron‐oxidizing bacteria, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, enhance chalcopyrite leaching. However, this article details a case of the bacteria suppressing chalcopyrite leaching. Bacterial leaching experiments were performed with sulfuric acid solutions containing 0 or 0.04 mol/dm3 ferrous sulfate. Without ferrous sulfate, the bacteria enhance copper extraction and oxidation of ferrous ions released from chalcopyrite. However, the bacteria suppressed chalcopyrite leaching when ferrous sulfate was added. This is mainly due to the bacterial consumption of ferrous ions which act as a promoter for chalcopyrite oxidation with dissolved oxygen. Coprecipitation of copper ions with jarosite formed by the bacterial ferrous oxidation also causes the bacterial suppression of copper extraction. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 478–483, 1999.  相似文献   

Iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria produce capsular and colloidal extracellular polymeric substances. The properties and functional role of capsular polysaccharides are well studied. However, colloidal polysaccharides produced by iron oxidizing bacteria have not been sufficiently explored. In this paper, the physical and chemical properties of colloidal polysaccharides produced by the iron oxidizing bacterial isolate Leptospirillum ferriphilum CC have been studied. Colloidal polysaccharides were extracted and further investigated by optical polarized microscopy and analytical programs (LobVIEW15 and NOVA) that allowed determining the size, changes in shape, perimeter, degree of hydration, and crystallization of polysaccharides. Computer modeling of the experimental data has revealed that polysaccharides concentration does not contribute to the size of colloids but influence the number of particles.  相似文献   

【目的】研究海洋铁细菌(Iron-oxidizing bacteria,IOB)对铜的腐蚀影响。【方法】采用电化学极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究紫铜在海洋环境铁细菌影响下的腐蚀行为。【结果】扫描电子显微镜SEM形貌分析结果表明,在紫铜上附着的铁细菌呈杆状。电化学测试结果表明紫铜在含IOB海水中的腐蚀过程主要受活化极化控制,有菌海水的活化电阻比无菌海水的小6 000.cm2,表明在含IOB的海水中铜发生溶解反应受到的阻滞较小。【结论】IOB的存在导致紫铜的自腐蚀电位变小,使得紫铜发生腐蚀的倾向变大;IOB也使紫铜的阳极极化曲线塔菲尔斜率和变小,从而加速了紫铜的腐蚀进程。  相似文献   

孙明雪  宿蕾  李江涛 《微生物学报》2022,62(6):2119-2135
铁元素是深海热液活动产物的主要成分之一,也是热液喷口处化能自养微生物生态系统的重要驱动元素。以Zetaproteobacteria为典型代表的嗜中性微需氧铁氧化菌是海底喷口及其周围环境中生物介导的Fe2+氧化这一生物矿化作用的主要驱动者。这些铁氧化菌通过氧化Fe2+获取维持自身代谢所必需的能量,同时分泌有机质将氧化后的不溶铁(氧化物或氢氧化物)沉淀于细胞外,形成具有螺旋丝带状、中空长杆状、分叉管状以及其他具有特殊形貌特征的显微结构体,进而堆积成广泛分布于海底的富铁氧化物/氢氧化物。越来越多的研究表明,编码细胞色素孔蛋白的cyc2基因是Zetaproteobacteria铁氧化菌进行Fe2+氧化的关键基因,而细胞色素c或其他周质细胞色素则是Fe2+氧化过程中的关键电子传递载体。基于宏基因组分析的系列研究揭示了Zetaproteobacteria普遍具有多种与氮、硫、氢以及砷元素循环密切相关的功能基因与代谢途径,暗示了其在上述元素循环过程中的潜在作用。本文系统地总结了海底热液喷口及其周围环境中发现的嗜中...  相似文献   

In the present study, bioleaching characteristic of cinnabar and process parameters were investigated. The effects of temperature, initial pH of the solution, dilution rate and iron on the cinnabar bioleaching were examined. The relationship between the redox potential and extraction of mercury was evaluated. Based on the S/N ratio, the optimized conditions for bioleaching were established. Iron of the solution was the most effective parameter in comparison with others. A maximum mercury concentration of 1.38 g/L was achieved. The indirect mechanism plays a major role in bioleaching. Some jarosite crystal deposits could be found when the iron concentration was 4.0 g/L and initial pH was 1.9. The bioxidation of sulfur could inhibit the hydrolyzation of ferric iron. Regulating pH value and ion concentration in medium could control the formation of the precipitation.  相似文献   

In phosphate-rich environments, vivianite (FeII3(PO4)2, 8H2O) is an important sink for dissolved Fe(II) and is considered as a very stable mineral due to its low solubility at neutral pH. In the present study, we report the mineralogical transformation of vivianite in cultures of the nitrate-reducing iron-oxidizing bacterial strain BoFeN1 in the presence of dissolved Fe(II). Vivianite was first transformed into a greenish phase consisting mostly of an amorphous mixed valence Fe-phosphate. This precipitate became progressively orange and the final product of iron oxidation consisted of an amorphous Fe(III)-phosphate. The sub-micrometer analysis by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy of the iron redox state in samples collected at different stages of the culture indicated that iron was progressively oxidized at the contact of the bacteria and at a distance from the cells in extracellular minerals. Iron oxidation in the extracellular minerals was delayed by a few days compared with cell-associated Fe-minerals. This led to strong differences of Fe redox in between these two types of minerals and finally to local heterogeneities of redox within the sample. In the absence of dissolved Fe(II), vivianite was not significantly transformed by BoFeN1. Whereas Fe(II) oxidation at the cell contact is most probably directly catalyzed by the bacteria, vivianite transformation at a distance from the cells might result from oxidation by nitrite. In addition, processes leading to the export of Fe(III) from bacterial oxidation sites to extracellular minerals are discussed including some involving colloids observed by cryo-transmission electron microscopy in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Changes in the fractions of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in two laboratory-scale reactors were investigated using 16S rRNA probe hybridizations. The reactors were operated in intermittent aeration mode and different aeration cycles to treat anaerobically digested swine wastewater with ammonia concentrations up to 175 mg NH(3)-N/L. High ammonia removals (>98.8%) were achieved even with increased nitrogen loads and lower aeration: non-aeration time ratios of 1h:3h. Nitrosomonas/Nitrosococcus mobilis were the dominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the reactors. Nitrospira-like organisms were the dominant nitrite-oxidizing bacteria during most of the investigation, but were occasionally outcompeted by Nitrobacter. High levels of nitrifiers were measured in the biomass of both reactors, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacterial levels adjusted to changing aeration: non-aeration time ratios. Theoretical ammonia-oxidizer fractions, determined by a mathematical model, were comparable to the measured values, although the measured biomass fractions were different at each stage while the theoretical values remained approximately constant. Stable ammonia removals and no nitrite accumulation were observed even when rRNA levels of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite-oxidizers reached a minimum of 7.2% and 8.6% of total rRNA, respectively. Stable nitrogen removal performance at an aeration: non-aeration ratio of 1h:3h suggests the possibility of significant savings in operational costs.  相似文献   

Subsurface bacteria commonly exist in a starvation state with only periodic exposure to utilizable sources of carbon and energy. In this study, the effect of carbon starvation on aerobic toluene degradation was quantitatively evaluated with a selection of bacteria representing all the known toluene oxygenase enzyme pathways. For all the investigated strains, the rate of toluene biodegradation decreased exponentially with starvation time. First-order deactivation rate constants for TMO-expressing bacteria were approximately an order of magnitude greater than those for other oxygenase-expressing bacteria. When growth conditions (the type of growth substrate and the type and concentration of toluene oxygenase inducer) were varied in the cultures prior to the deactivation experiments, the rate of deactivation was not significantly affected, suggesting that the rate of deactivation is independent of previous substrate/inducer conditions. Because TMO-expressing bacteria are known to efficiently detoxify TCE in subsurface environments, these findings have significant implications for in situ TCE bioremediation, specifically for environments experiencing variable growth-substrate exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Rabbit antisera were prepared against living cells of six different ammonia oxidizing nitrifying bacteria. They were examined as to cross-reactivity in the agglutination test (Microtiter-system) with 24 nitrifier strains, including members of all known genera.Usually distinct cross-reactions were obtained only within the genera, but some exceptions were noticed. There was stated a clear cross-reaction between the two anti-Nitrosospira-antisera and the four tested Nitrosolobus strains. In some cases cross-reactions between cells of the Nitrosovibrio strains and the anti-Nitrosospira- as well as the anti-Nitrosococcus-antisera could be observed. The interpretation of the results obtained with the Nitrosomonas group was complicated by the fact that all strains showed positive zero titers with the control sera. In seven cases lipopolysaccharides were isolated and tested in the passive hemagglutination test to their cross-reactivity with the above mentioned antisera. hemagglutination could only be observed in the homologous system, cross-reactivity was never expressed.Abbreviations LPS Lipopolysaccharide(s) - G+C Guanine + cytosine - PBS Phosphate-buffered saline - SRBC Sheep red blood cells  相似文献   

Arsenic is a toxic element that exists in two major inorganic forms, arsenate and arsenite. A number of bacteria have been shown to resist arsenic exposure, and even more bacteria appear to possess the genes for arsenic resistance. In this study, the numbers of culturable arsenate-resistant bacteria present in water at three coastal sites in the Lake Pontchartrain estuary, Louisiana, was determined. Despite insignificant (less than 1.33 μM) levels of arsenic in this system, 20–50% of the viable count of bacteria showed appreciable arsenate resistance, suggesting that arsenic-resistant bacteria are common and widespread. A diverse array of arsenate-resistant isolates was obtained, with 16S rRNA sequence analysis indicating 37 different bacterial strains, representing six major bacterial groups. Many of these isolates were affiliated with groups of bacteria that have been poorly characterized in terms of arsenic resistance, such as the Betaproteobacteria or Flavobacteria. Some isolates were capable of tolerating very high (>100 mM) levels of arsenate, although arsenite resistance was generally much lower. The results suggest that arsenic-resistant bacteria are common, even in environments with insignificant arsenic contamination, and that many different groups of aquatic bacteria show appreciable arsenic resistance.  相似文献   

Pre‐filtration using ion exchange membrane adsorbers can improve parvovirus filter throughput of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The membranes work by binding trace foulants, and although some antibody product also binds, yields ≥99% are easily achieved by overloading. Results show that foulant adsorption is dependent on pH and conductivity, but independent of scale and adsorber brand. The ability to use ion exchange membranes as pre‐filters is significant because it provides a clean, well defined, chemically stable option for enhancing throughput. Additionally, ion exchange membranes facilitate characterization of parvovirus filter foulants. Examination of adsorber elution samples using sedimentation velocity analysis and SEC‐MALS/QELS revealed the presence of high molecular weight species ranging from 8 to 13 nm in hydrodynamic radius, which are similar in size to parvoviruses and thus would be expected to plug the pores of a parvovirus filter. A study of two identical membranes in‐series supports the hypothesis that the foulants are soluble, trace level aggregates in the feed. This study's significance lies in a previously undiscovered application of membrane chromatography, leading to a more cost effective and robust approach to parvovirus filtration for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 627–637. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

For indirect DNA extraction for metagenomics studies, bacterial cells can be effectively separated from sample debris by using a simple size exclusion technique, such as filtration, and thereafter lysed. The requirement for the optimal recovery of cells in filtrates is critical to achieve sufficient DNA yield and a representative population. Particles smaller than the filter pore size are expected to be found in the filtrate, whereas particles larger than the filter pore sizes are excluded. However, this is not always the case. It is established that the membrane pore size influences filtration efficiency to some degree. In addition the physicochemical characteristics of the filter suspension and characteristics of the microbial cells being filtered influence the exclusion property of a membrane. This review provides an overview of membrane filtration techniques and the factors that affect filterability of bacteria cells through a filter membrane. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:853–866, 2015  相似文献   

Acetic acid bacteria play a negative role in wine making because they increase the volatile acidity of wines. They can survive in the various phases of alcoholic fermentation and it is very important to control their presence and ulterior development. The main objective of the present work is to test fast, sensitive and reliable techniques such as real-time PCR (rt-PCR) and nested PCR for enumerating and detecting the presence of this bacterial group without plating. Primers were designed on the basis of the available 16S rRNA gene sequences and tested successfully with reference acetic acid bacteria strains. The usefulness of rt-PCR was demonstrated by comparing the results with traditional techniques (colony and microscope counting). The results were similar with all the techniques. Optimized rt-PCR enabled numbers between 10(7) and 10(1) cells mL(-1) to be enumerated, while nested PCR detected less than 10 cells mL(-1). Although this latter technique cannot be used for enumeration, it has several advantages in routine laboratory analysis.  相似文献   

The major life-threatening event for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in their natural environment is the depletion of their energy sources and LAB can survive such conditions only for a short period of time. During periods of starvation LAB can exploit optimally the potential energy sources in their environment usually by applying proton motive force generating membrane transport systems. These systems include in addition to the proton translocating FoF1-ATPase: a respiratory chain when hemin is present in the medium, electrogenic solute uptake and excretion systems, electrogenic lactate/proton symport and precursor/ product exchange systems. Most of these metabolic energy-generating systems offer as additional bonus the prevention of a lethal decrease of the internal and external pH. LAB have limited biosynthetic capacities and rely heavily on the presence of essential components such as sources of amino acids in their environment. The uptake of amino acids requires a major fraction of the available metabolic energy of LAB. The metabolic energy cost of amino acid uptake can be reduced drastically by accumulating oligopeptides instead of the individual amino acids and by proton motive force-generating efflux of excessively accumulated amino acids. Other life-threatening conditions that LAB encounter in their environment are rapid changes in the osmolality and the exposure to cytotoxic compounds, including antibiotics. LAB respond to osmotic upshock or downshock by accumulating or releasing rapidly osmolytes such as glycine-betaine. The life-threatening presence of cytotoxic compounds, including antibiotics, is effectively counteracted by powerful drug extruding multidrug resistance systems. The number and variety of defense mechanisms in LAB is surprisingly high. Most defense mechanisms operate in the cytoplasmic membrane to control the internal environment and the energetic status of LAB. Annotation of the functions of the genes in the genomes of LAB will undoubtely reveal additional defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Concentrations of oxalate-degrading anaerobes in ruminal contents of sheep were determined from counts of colonies producing clear zones on a calcium oxalate medium (D agar with 7 mM CaCl2). Viable counts of oxalate degraders from a 55-kg sheep fed a diet containing 32% halogeton (4.6% oxalate) averaged 2.6 × 106/ g (dry weight). When the halogeton concentration in the diet was reduced to 16%, counts of oxalate degraders decreased nearly 300-fold. Oxalate-degrading isolates from this sheep were similar to OxB, the type strain of Oxalobacter formigenes . When a 45-kg sheep was fed diets containing 2.2, 1.5, and 0.8% oxalate, viable counts of oxalate degraders (enumerated on D agar with 14 mM CaCl2 and 20% filter-sterilized ruminal fluid) represented 0.85, 0.52, and 0.06% of the total viable population, respectively; total viable counts were essentially unchanges by these concentrations of dietary oxalate. Similar percentages of oxalate degraders were also observed when a 23-kg sheep was fed diets containing 1.5 or 0.8% oxalate. This report presents the first direct measurements of the concentrations of oxalate-degrading bacteria in the rumen and supports the concept that the availability of oxalate in the diet influences the proportion of oxalate-degrading bacteria in the rumen  相似文献   

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