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The present study investigates the emergence of adult white grub beetles Dasylepida ishigakiensis Niijima et Kinoshita (Coleoptera: Scrabaeidae) from soil as well as their burrowing behaviours. ‘Standby behaviour’ (i.e. adults come to the soil surface where they expose their heads) is shown in the field and, along with emergence behaviour, is entrained by LD photocycles. These 24‐h rhythms persist after transfer to continuous light conditions for 2 days. By contrast, beetles transferred from LD photocycles to continuous dark conditions fail to show standby behaviour; thus, it appears to be manifested only in the presence of illumination. Under dark conditions, beetles emerge completely from the soil directly at the time when standby behaviour is otherwise expected to occur. Emerged adults then burrow back into the soil before dawn. Virgin and mated males, as well as virgin females, which are expected to emerge from the soil for mating on later evenings, burrow to a relatively shallow depth (<2 cm), whereas mated females burrow deeper (2–10 cm). Soil properties such as moisture, grain size, topography and temperature influence the burrowing behaviour and the depths that the beetles reach.  相似文献   

对种子休眠的自然释放及其作用因素的研究, 是了解种子休眠生态学、种群适应机制的重要途径。以内蒙古阿拉善干旱荒漠区的3种主要植物牛枝子(Lespedeza potaninii)、唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)和骆驼蒿(Peganum nigellastrum)为材料, 研究了种子在野外埋藏18个月期间和4个埋深条件下的休眠释放特性和土壤种子库。3种植物种子在野外埋藏时(采收后5 ℃冷藏6个月)的休眠率分别为98%、95%和3%。结果显示, 埋藏过程中, 3种植物种子的休眠释放表现出不同的变化特性。对牛枝子而言, 置于地表(0 cm)的种子比埋藏于土中的种子的休眠释放快, 埋藏期末, 埋深0、2、5和10 cm的种子的休眠率分别为64%、87%、86%和82%。唐古特白刺种子埋藏6个月后, 各埋深的休眠已完全释放, 释放速率随埋深增加而加快。骆驼蒿种子具有典型的季节性休眠循环特性, 休眠率各年度最高点出现在10月份, 释放速率随埋深增加呈减慢趋势。埋藏期末不同埋深条件下, 牛枝子、唐古特白刺和骆驼蒿种子的平均田间萌发率分别为11%、12%和8%; 平均室内萌发率分别为3%、74%和42%; 而平均死种子率分别为3%、15%和10%。根据Thompson和Grime (1979)的土壤种子库分类体系, 供试的3种植物都属于持久土壤种子库类型。  相似文献   


Depending on the plant species, animal trampling significantly affects vegetation by affecting seed burial in marl soil (MS). Soil seed bank dynamics (SSBDs) and seedling characteristics were investigated under light, moderate, and heavy grazing intensities in a MS and non-marl soil (NMS). Considering the seed characteristics and appendages, SSBDs and seedling characteristics significantly changed under grazing intensities (p?<?0.05) where the greatest change was observed in MS (more than NMS). Seed size and seed sphericity index showed a significant positive relationship with seed burial depth under heavy grazing, while the seed length and width and the presence of appendages had the strongest negative correlation with seed burial under exclosure/light grazing (p?<?0.05). Depth of 4–6 cm had the most seed numbers under heavy grazing. Moreover, heavy grazing reduced the diversity index in SSB by 34%, while the diversity index in vegetation has decreased by 41% compared to control.


  • 1 The dung colonization and dung burial behaviour of twelve crepuscular/nocturnal tunnelling (paracoprid) species of beetles were examined in order to identify mechanisms which might facilitate resource (dung) partitioning. The species were selected from a diverse assemblage of dung beetles, the members of which coexist in the sandy-soil regions of Natal, South Africa.
  • 2 The pattern of dung colonization in relation to dung age was examined in the field using baited pitfall traps. Some species, e.g. Onitis deceptor Peringuey, Catharsius tricornutus De Geer and Copris elphenor Klug, showed a marked preference for fresh dung (1–2 days old) whereas other species, e.g. O. viridulus Boheman and Copris fallaciosus Gillet, preferred older dung (3–7 days old).
  • 3 Two distinct patterns of dung burial were recognized. In the Coprini, dung burial was complete within 24–48h of pad colonization, and the level of dung burial was similar in the laboratory and in the field. In the Onitini, dung burial occurred progressively over a 12-day period, although the timing of initiation of dung burial varied between species: in O. deceptor nearly all individuals had begun burial within 2 days of pad colonization, whereas only 20% of O. viridulus had commenced dung burial by that time. However, nearly all O. viridulus had buried substantial quantities of dung by day 12.
  • 4 The mass of dung buried per pair by the larger coprine beetles (100–300 g) and onitine beetles (400–1000 g) suggests that there is potential for inter- and intraspecific competition, even in pads colonized by relatively few beetles. The colonization and use of dung of different ages are discussed as means of resource partitioning in relation to the relative abilities of species to compete for dung.

Abstract. Of 34 species of vascular plants recorded in an unimproved calcareous grassland community in 1960 and subsequently buried for 32 yr, just six spp. were recovered as viable seeds from the original land surface, following excavation of an experimental earthwork. Five of the six are known or suspected to form persistent seed banks; the status of Carex flacca as a persistent seed is now established. The exceptionally low density of viable seeds at 35 seeds/m2 and the paucity of other plant remains confirm that these calcareous soils have supported rapid decomposition. The complete absence of viable seeds known to be short-lived indicated that the macrofauna has played no significant role in the introduction of viable seeds from the modern-day surface down to depths in excess of 1.6 m, at least not in recent years. Because of the precise dates of burial and excavation, the results offer a rare opportunity to confirm laboratory and other indirect observations of long-term seed persistence following burial in temperate climate calcareous soils.  相似文献   

The mixing and displacement of sediment by benthic macrofauna (bioturbation) has major biogeochemical implications, and can control rates of organic matter degradation and carbon burial. Large, abundant, mobile macrofauna often dominate sediment bioturbation, and heart urchins of the genus Echinocardium are regarded as key sediment bioturbators in marine systems throughout the world. To better understand the bioturbation potential and functional role of Echinocardium, we developed a mathematical model and parameterized it with field data from six locations in northern New Zealand in order to estimate bioturbation rates in these places. Although urchin sizes and densities were measured in consecutive years at all six locations, we obtained a third model parameter, urchin movement rate, from one time and place only (Site OB5). Because confidence in model output was greatest at OB5, and since OB5 had the highest sediment reworking rate of all sites, our model yielded a good upper bound estimate for the bioturbation potential of Echinocardium in the areas examined. The volume of sediment displaced by Echinocardium populations reached 20,000 cm3 m−2 d−1 at OB5, suggesting that surface sediment is reworked about every 3 days at sites where Echinocardium is abundant. Experimental work with a fluorescent tracer at OB5 suggested limited downward particle movement as a result of Echinocardium bioturbation, though vertical profiles of chlorophyll a and organic matter content indicated well mixed sediment. The loss of Echinocardium because of broad-scale anthropogenic disturbance to the seabed could have major consequences on marine ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Populations of terrestrial or freshwater taxa that are separated by oceans can be explained by either oceanic dispersal or fragmentation of a previously contiguous land mass. Amphisbaenians, the worm lizards (approx. 165 species), are small squamate reptiles that are uniquely adapted to a burrowing lifestyle and inhabit Africa, South America, Caribbean Islands, North America, Europe and the Middle East. All but a few species are limbless and they rarely leave their subterranean burrows. Given their peculiar habits, the distribution of amphisbaenians has been assumed to be primarily the result of two land-mass fragmentation events: the split of the supercontinent Pangaea starting 200 Myr ago, separating species on the northern land mass (Laurasia) from those on the southern land mass (Gondwana), and the split of South America from Africa 100 Myr ago. Here we show with molecular evidence that oceanic dispersal-on floating islands-played a more prominent role, and that amphisbaenians crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the Eocene (40 Myr ago) resulting in a tropical American radiation representing one-half of all known amphisbaenian species. Until now, only four or five transatlantic dispersal events were known in terrestrial vertebrates. Significantly, this is the first such dispersal event to involve a group that burrows, an unexpected lifestyle for an oceanic disperser.  相似文献   

Muddy sediments are elastic solids through which morphologically diverse animals extend burrows by fracture. Muddy sediments inhabited by burrowing infauna vary considerably in mechanical properties, however, and at high enough porosities, muds can be fluidized. In this study, we examined burrowing behaviors and mechanisms of burrow extension for three morphologically diverse polychaete species inhabiting soft muddy sediments. Worms burrowed in gelatin, a transparent analog for muddy sediments, and in natural sediments in a novel viewing box enabling visualization of behaviors and sediment responses. Individuals of Scalibregma inflatum and Sternaspis scutata can extend burrows by fracture, but both also extended burrows by plastic deformation and by combinations of fracture and plastic deformation. Mechanical responses of sediments corresponded to different burrowing behaviors in Scalibregma; direct peristalsis was used to extend burrows by fracture or a combination of plastic deformation and fracture, whereas a retrograde expansive peristaltic wave extended burrows by plastic deformation. Burrowing speeds differed between behaviors and sediment mechanical responses, with slower burrowing associated with plastic deformation. Sternaspis exhibited less variability in behavior and burrowing speed but did extend burrows by different mechanisms consistent with observations of Scalibregma. Individuals of Ophelina acuminata did not extend burrows by fracture; rather individuals plastically deformed sediments similarly to individuals of the related Armandia brevis. Our results extend the range of natural sediments in which burrowing by fracture has been observed, but the dependence of burrow extension mechanism on species, burrowing behavior, and burrowing speed highlights the need for better understanding of mechanical responses of sediments to burrowers.  相似文献   

以采自宁夏六盘山区的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)种子为材料,研究了不同土壤埋藏深度(0、30和50 cm)和埋藏时间(2、4、6、8、10和12周)对种子萌发的影响,以探索辽东栎种子的安全贮藏条件和长期贮藏潜力,为辽东栎的种苗繁育和退化辽东栎灌丛及次生林的恢复实践提供参考.结果表明,尽管土壤埋藏处理前期(2周)种子萌发受到抑制,但随着埋藏时间的延长,萌发率提高,萌发速率加快,且萌发指数和活力指数均呈波动性增大趋势,埋藏12周后,30和50 cm埋深处理种子的萌发率分别为90.1%和96.8%.种子霉烂率表现为随埋藏深度的增加而提高的趋势,且各埋深处理种子的霉烂率随埋藏时间的延长而提高.种子埋藏2周后,开始出现自动萌发现象;埋藏12周后,30和50 cm埋深处理种子的自动萌发率分别为24.5%和43.0%.  相似文献   

Holocene carbon burial by lakes in SW Greenland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of the Arctic in future global change processes is predicted to be important because of the large carbon (C) stocks contained in frozen soils and peatlands. Lakes are an important component of arctic landscapes although their role in storing C is not well prescribed. The area around Kangerlussuaq, SW Greenland (66–68°N, 49–54°W) has extremely high lake density, with ∼20 000 lakes that cover about 14% of the land area. C accumulation rates and standing stock (kg C m−2), representing late- to mid-Holocene C burial, were calculated from AMS 14C-dated sediment cores from 11 lakes. Lake ages range from ∼10 000 cal yr  bp to ∼5400 cal yr  bp , and reflect the withdrawal of the ice sheet from west to east. Total standing stock of C accumulated in the studied lakes for the last ∼8000 years ranged from 28 to 71 kg C m−2, (mean: ∼42 kg C m−2). These standing stock determinations yield organic C accumulation rates of 3.5–11.5 g C m−2 yr−1 (mean: ∼6 g C m−2 yr−1) for the last 4500 years. Mean C accumulation rates are not different for the periods 8–4.5 and 4.5–0 ka, despite cooling trends associated with the neoglacial period after 4.5 ka. We used the mean C standing stock to estimate the total C pool in small lakes (<100 ha) of the Kangerlussuaq region to be ∼4.9 × 1013 g C. This C stock is about half of that estimated for the soil pool in this region (but in 5% of the land area) and indicates the importance of incorporating lakes into models of regional C balance at high latitudes.  相似文献   

The burrowing of Priapulus caudatus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An account is given of the way in which Priapulus caudatus burrows in the muddy sea-bed in which it lives. Three phases are distinguishable in the muscular activity which is responsible for locomotion. During the first phase the animal is able to feed and defaecate, during the second the proboscis becomes invaginated, and during the third the animal moves forward. The power for locomotion is provided by contraction of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the body wall, not, as has been suggested previously, by the retractor muscles of the praesoma. Invagination of the proboscis is apparently stimulated by the arrival of a wave of contraction in the body wall musculature, propagated from the trunk.
In general the animal burrows in a way common for soft-bodied animals; the anterior and posterior extremities acting in turn as "terminal" and "penetration" anchors in the substratum. The muscular activities of the larva are limited by the presence of a lorica which encases the trunk, and the animal's powers of movement at this stage are very restricted.  相似文献   

以腾格里沙漠东南缘自然植被区生长的两种典型生物结皮——藓类和藻类-地衣混生结皮覆盖土壤为对象,通过设置0(对照)、1 mm(浅层)和10 mm(深层)沙埋处理,研究了沙埋对该区结皮覆盖土壤温室气体通量的影响,并通过测定沙埋后土壤温度、水分的变化,初步探讨了沙埋影响生物结皮覆盖土壤温室气体通量的环境机制.结果表明: 沙埋显著增加了两类结皮覆盖土壤的CO2释放通量和CH4吸收通量(P<0.05);但对N2O通量的影响因沙埋厚度和结皮类型的不同而异:深层沙埋(10 mm)显著增加了两类结皮覆盖土壤的N2O吸收通量,浅层沙埋(1 mm)仅显著降低了藓类结皮覆盖土壤的N2O吸收通量,而对混生结皮覆盖土壤的N2O通量影响不显著.沙埋显著增加了两类结皮覆盖土壤的表层温度和0~5 cm深土壤湿度,从而增加了其CO2释放通量.但是沙埋引起的土壤温湿度的变化与CH4和N2O通量变化的相关性不显著,说明沙埋引起的土壤温湿度变化不是影响其CH4和N2O通量的关键因子.  相似文献   

Intercontinental dispersal via land bridge connections has been important in the biogeographic history of many Holarctic plant and animal groups. Likewise, some groups appear to have accomplished trans-oceanic dispersal via rafting. Dibamid lizards are a clade of poorly known fossorial, essentially limbless species traditionally split into two geographically disjunct genera: Dibamus comprises approximately 20 Southeast Asian species, many of which have very limited geographical distributions, and the monotypic genus Anelytropsis occupies a small area of northeastern Mexico. Although no formal phylogeny of the group exists, a sister-taxon relationship between the two genera has been assumed based on biogeographic considerations. We used DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial and six nuclear protein-coding genes to construct a phylogeny of Dibamidae and to estimate divergence times within the group. Surprisingly, sampled Dibamus species form two deeply divergent, morphologically conserved and geographically concordant clades, one of which is the sister taxon of Anelytropsis papillosus. Our analyses indicate Palaearctic to Nearctic Beringian dispersal in the Late Palaeocene to Eocene. Alternatively, a trans-Pacific rafting scenario would extend the upper limit on dispersal to the Late Cretaceous. Either scenario constitutes a remarkable long-distance dispersal in what would seem an unlikely candidate.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly evident that discrete genetic alterations in neoplastic cells alone cannot explain multistep carcinogenesis whereby tumor cells are able to express diverse phenotypes during the complex phases of tumor development and progression. The epigenetic model posits that the host microenvironment exerts an initial, inhibitory constraint on tumor growth that is followed by acceleration of tumor progression through complex cell–matrix interactions. This review emphasizes the epigenetic aspects of breast cancer development in light of such interactions between epithelial cells (“seed”) and the tumor microenvironment (“soil”). Our recent research findings suggest that epigenetic perturbations induced by the tumor microenvironment may play a causal role in promoting breast cancer development. It is believed that abrogation of these initiators could offer a promising therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

A 251 million year old partial burrow cast containing an articulated skeleton of the mammal-like carnivore Thrinaxodon liorhinus is the oldest evidence for burrowing by a cynodont synapsid. The burrow cast comes from terrestrial flood plain sediments close to the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Karoo of South Africa. Together with those of the later cynodont Trirachodon, the Thrinaxodon burrow cast indicates that burrow-making was broadly distributed in basal synapsids and has a long history in non-mammalian synapsid evolution. A reconstruction of its appendicular skeleton in cross-section indicates that Thrinaxodon was able to adopt a facultatively mammalian stance within its burrow shaft. Burrows of cynodont design are more common in Triassic rocks than previously realized, and suggest that burrowing may represent an adaptive response by cynodonts to the environmental conditions associated with the mass extinction event that punctuated the end of the preceding Permian period. The widespread occurrence of burrowing among extant mammals implies that the ancient synapsid ability to burrow conferred a strong adaptive value in the evolution of Mammalia.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Reed bed management is one of the main wetland related issues in Europe and among the diverse approaches developed for that purpose, some restoration methods are...  相似文献   

Seed survival ofAvena fatua L. var.fatua at various depths (0 to 50 cm) in a degraded chernozem was studied over a period of eight years. Statistical evaluation showed that seeds survived significantly during the first two years at depths of 0 to 20 cm, while at depths of 30 to 50 cm seeds statistically survived in the course of four years. After six years significant withering was observed within the whole soil profile, though 1% of seeds remained viable even until the eighth year. A tendency for prolonged survival of small seeds, and partly of medium ones, was observed in deeper soil layers in the sixth and seventh year.  相似文献   

Seeds of Datura ferox were collected in soybean fields, grouped into four categories according to the degree of fruit maturity and placed just level with the soil surface or buried to a depth of 7 or 15 cm. Seed survival after 8 months was c. 30% when the seeds were left on the soil surface, but between 40 and 90% when the seeds were buried. The riper seeds were the more persistent. A similar pattern was observed after 20 months. Seedling emergence was negatively related with the degree of seed maturity and depth of burial, but it was never great enough to explain seed losses. In another experiment seeds from ripe capsules were superficially sown and the soil was: (0) left undisturbed, (1) cultivated in late winter or (2) cultivated in late winter and late spring. In all cases there was a small flush of seedlings at the beginning of the first spring; other flushes occurred only after soil cultivation and were larger during the second spring than during the first. In the plots cultivated twice a year (2) the seedlings that emerged in the first spring represented c. 4% of the initial seed bank. Survival after 20 months was about 25% in all treatments. In an arable field under soybean cropping the seedling flushes during the spring months were related to the pattern of soil cultivation. The seedlings that emerged after crop drilling represented c. 18% of the seed bank (estimated before drilling). Implications for weed management are discussed.  相似文献   

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