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The kinetics of the reaction with oxygen and carbon monoxide of the homodimeric hemoglobin from the bivalve mollusc Scapharca inaequivalvis has been extensively investigated by flash and dye-laser photolysis, temperature jump relaxation, and stopped flow methods. The results indicate that cooperativity in ligand binding, already observed for oxygen at equilibrium, finds its kinetic counterpart in a large decrease of the oxygen dissociation velocity in the second step of the binding reaction. In the case of carbon monoxide, cooperativity is clearly evident in the increase of the combination velocity constant as the reaction proceeds. Therefore, the ligand-binding kinetics of this dimeric hemoglobin shows the characteristic features of the corresponding reactions of tetrameric hemoglobins. Analysis of the data in terms of the allosteric model proposed by Monod et al. (Monod, J., Wyman, J., and Changeux, J. P. (1965) J. Mol. Biol. 12, 88-118) has shown that the values of the allosteric parameters cannot be fixed uniquely for a dimeric hemoglobin. The rapid changes in absorbance observed at the isosbestic points of unliganded and liganded hemoglobin following laser photolysis provided a value of 7 X 10(4) S-1 at 20 degrees C for the rate of the ligand-free quarternary conformational change, postulated on the basis of cooperative ligand binding. Comparison of the rapid absorbance changes observed during ligand rebinding in this hemoglobin with those observed in tuna hemoglobin indicate that, at full photolysis, binding to the T state is followed by further binding and conversion to the liganded R state; at partial photolysis, population of the liganded T state occurs immediately and is followed by a decay to the liganded R state upon further ligand binding. These new results, in conjunction with previous equilibrium data on the same system, show unequivocally that the presence of two different types of chain is not an absolute prerequisite for cooperativity in hemoglobins, contrary to currently accepted ideas.  相似文献   

Analysis of O2 binding equilibria by two independent groups has suggested that the affinity for binding the fourth O2 to Hb tetramers is very high, about 800-1200 cal/mol higher than that of dimers (Chu, A. H., Turner, B. W., and Ackers, G. K. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 604-167; Di Cera, E., Robert, C. H., and Gill, S. J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 4003-4008). Recently, Gibson and Edelstein challenged the reality of the quaternary enhancement effect, based on kinetic data (Gibson, Q. H., and Edelstein, S. J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 516-519). However, these studies failed to directly address the key issue of the relative affinities of dimers and alpha 2 beta 2(O2)3. Furthermore, the extent to which alpha/beta differences influence these results remains an open question. Using partial laser photolysis and O2/CO replacement techniques we have, for the first time, resolved the rates of O2 association and dissociation to both alpha and beta chains within "R state" tetramers and dimers. We find that the beta chains are faster than alpha for both O2 binding (approximately 2-fold) and release (approximately 3-fold). The kinetically determined O2 affinities derived from these data are essentially identical for dimers and alpha 2 beta 2(O2)3. That is, the data do not show significant quaternary enhancement and suggest that the equilibrium data have both overestimated the affinity of alpha 2 beta 2(O2)3 and underestimated the affinity of dimers. The significance of and possible origins for the discrepancy between equilibrium and kinetic data are discussed.  相似文献   

L J Parkhurst  D J Goss 《Biochemistry》1984,23(10):2180-2186
Oxygen and CO ligand binding kinetics have been studied for the hybrid hemoglobin (Hb) alpha (human):beta (carp), hybrid II. Valency and half-saturated hybrids were used to aid in the assignment of the conformations of both chains. In hybrid II, an intermediate S state occurs, in which one chain has R- and the other T-state properties. In HbCO at pH 6 (plus 1 mM inositol hexaphosphate), the human alpha-chain is R state and the carp beta-chain is T state. We have no evidence at this pH that the carp beta-chain ever assumes the R conformation. At pH 6, the human alpha-chain shows human Hb R-state kinetics at low fractional photolysis and T-state rates for CO ligation by stopped flow. At pH 7, the human-chain R-state rate slows toward a carp hemoglobin rate. The carp beta-chains, on the other hand, react 50% more rapidly in the liganded conformation than in carp hemoglobin, and while the human alpha-chains are in the R state, the two beta-chains appear to function as a cooperative dimer. In this hemoglobin, the chains appear to be somewhat decoupled near pH 7, allowing a sequential conformational change from the R state in which the beta-chains first assume T-state properties, followed by the alpha-chains. The rate of the R-T conformational change for the carp beta-chains is at least 300 times greater than that for the human alpha-chains. At pH 9, the R----T conformational transition rate is at least 200 times slower than that for human hemoglobin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cyano-met form of Mt-trHbO revealed two unusual distal residues Y(CD1) and W(G8) forming a hydrogen-bond network with the heme-bound ligand [Milani, M., et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 5766-5771]. W(G8) is an invariant residue in group II and group III trHbs and has no counterpart in other globins. A previous study reported that changing Y(CD1) for a Phe causes a significant increase in the O2 combination rate, but almost no change in the O2 dissociation rate [Ouellet, H., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 5764-5774]. Here we investigated the role of the W(G8) in ligand binding by using resonance Raman spectroscopy, stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and X-ray crystallography. For this purpose, W(G8) was changed, by site-directed mutagenesis, to a Phe in both the wild-type protein and the mutant Y(CD1)F to create the single mutant W(G8)F and the double mutant Y(CD1)F/W(G8)F, respectively. Resonance Raman results suggest that W(G8) interacts with the heme-bound O2 and CO, as evidenced by the increase of the Fe-O2 stretching mode from 559 to 564 cm-1 and by the lower frequency of the Fe-CO stretching modes (514 and 497 cm-1) compared to that of the wild-type protein. Mutation of W(G8) to Phe indicates that this residue controls ligand binding, as evidenced by a dramatic increase of the combination rates of both O2 and CO. Also, the rate of O2 dissociation showed a 90-1000-fold increase in the W(G8)F and Y(CD1)F/W(G8)F mutants, that is in sharp contrast with the values obtained for the other distal mutants Y(B10)F and Y(CD1)F [Ouellet, H., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 5764-5774]. Taken together, these data indicate a pivotal role for the W(G8) residue in O2 binding and stabilization.  相似文献   

The rate of the H-D exchange of the peptide NH atoms of the different forms of human Hb was studied at the range of pH 5-10 and temperature 10-63 degrees C by the IR spectroscopy. The pH-dependence of the H-D exchange rate is accordance with the EX2 mechanism. Two pH-dependent conformers of ligand forms of Hb existes at 10-30 degrees C with lower probability of local fluctuations of the alkaline conformer. The difference between two conformers vanishes at 40 degrees C with the appearance of the third conformer with higher probability of local fluctuations. The deoxyHb at 20 degrees C and pH range 6-9 has no pH-dependent conformers and the probability of local fluctuations is considerably reduced in comparison to the acid conformer of ligand Hb. Upon the destabilization of the ligand Hb structure by the pH decreasing to 5.0 at 20 degrees C or the temperature increasing up to 50-60 degrees C at pH 7.1 the global fluctuations of the native structure are intensified providing the H-D exchange of the slowest exchanging NH atoms. The nature of the local and global fluctuations and possible similarity between the two pH-dependent conformers of ligand Hb and its functional R and R2 states revealed by the X-ray analysis and NMR spectroscopy were discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the rates of monomer in equilibrium with tetramer self-association of oxygenated beta SH subunits of human hemoglobin A as well as the influence of self-association on the binding kinetics for O2 and CO. A 4 beta in equilibrium with 2 beta 2 in equilibrium with beta 4 assembly pathway can be used to describe the association equilibria and kinetics. We have determined all four elementary rate constants for this assembly pathway at 15 degrees C in 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, 1 mM Na2EDTA, pH 7.4. These data imply that a significant amount (approximately 17%) of beta 2 can be present. Laser photolysis kinetic studies of O2 binding indicate that the O2 association rate constant is unaffected by the degree of self-association. In contrast, photolysis of beta CO solutions shows an overall rate of CO binding that increases at higher protein concentrations. These data are consistent with a concentration-dependent equilibrium between two protein species with CO association rates differing by a factor of 2.5, but they do not appear to be compatible with a direct assignment of different CO binding rates to the different assembly states. Rather, we believe the data imply that CO binding to beta oligomers is heterogeneous, with both a fast binding and a slow binding form being present in single association states. The fast binding form predominates (approximately equal to 87%) in beta 4, while the beta monomer has very little or none of the fast binding form. We propose that the slow binding component within beta 4 may be those subunits with rotationally disordered hemes (La Mar, G. N., Yamamoto, Y., Jue, T., Smith, K. M., and Pandey, R. K. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 3826-3831). The implications of these findings for the use of isolated subunits as models for the subunits within "R state" hemoglobin tetramers are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide has been used as a chain-specific, spin label of unliganded heme groups present in kinetic mixtures of human hemoglobin and n-butyl isocyanide. In these experiments, deoxyhemoglobin was reacted with n-butyl isocyanide for a controlled time and then mixed rapidly with a high concentration of nitric oxide to fill residual, unoccupied heme sites. The final mixture was frozen immediately after formation to prevent any displacement of bound isonitrile. The EPR spectrum of the frozen sample was resolved into alpha and beta nitric oxide components; these reflect the relative proportions of alpha- and beta-heme sites which were unoccupied by n-butyl isocyanide. Individual time courses for the alpha and beta subunits were obtained by varying the time between the formation of the isonitrile/hemoglobin mixture and its reaction with nitric oxide. At pH 7.0 only the beta chain time course exhibits an initial rapid phase; the alpha chain time course is monophasic, exhibiting almost, exponential behavior. This result shows unequivocally that the beta-hemes within deoxyhemoglobin react much more rapidly with n-butyl isocyanide than the alpha hemes.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide binding to a myoglobin mutant with distal arginine in place of histidine has been examined. The mutant is derived from a cDNA clone for Mb mRNA from fetal bovine skeletal muscle. The mutation only slightly perturbs visible/Soret spectra whereas the infrared spectrum of liganded CO is greatly modified to become nearly identical to Hb Zurich beta-subunit spectrum. The mutant IR spectra differ substantially from spectra of wild-type MbCO and normal HbCO beta-subunit. For both the Mb and the Hb the distal His----Arg mutation increases the affinity for CO and reduces the number of observed conformers. These results demonstrate that this mutation greatly reduces the differences between Mb and Hb in the structure and properties of its ligand binding sites.  相似文献   

The conformational change observed upon ligand binding and phosphorylation for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A-PKA) is of high importance for the regulation of its activity. We calculate pKa values and net charges for 18 3D structures of PKA in various conformations and liganded states to examine the role of electrostatics in ligand binding and activation. We find that the conformational change of PKA takes place without any significant net proton uptake/release at all pH values, thus indicating that PKA has evolved to reduce any pH-dependent barriers to the conformational motion. We furthermore find that the binding of ligands induces large changes in the net charge of PKA at most pH values, but significantly, we find that the net charge difference at physiological pH is close to zero, thus indicating that the active-site pKa values have been preorganized for substrate binding. We are unable to unequivocally resolve the identity of the groups responsible for determining the pH-activity profile of PKA but speculate that the titration of Lys 168 or the titration of ATP itself could be responsible for the loss of activity at high pH values. Finally, we examine the effect of point mutations on the pKa values of the PKA catalytic residues and find these to be relatively insensitive to both noncharge-altering and charge-altering mutations.  相似文献   

Liu JD  Zhao L  Xia T 《Biochemistry》2008,47(22):5962-5975
Unpaired bases at the end of an RNA duplex (dangling ends) can stabilize the core duplex in a sequence-dependent manner and are important determinants of RNA folding, recognition, and functions. Using 2-aminopurine as a dangling end purine base, we have employed femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, combined with UV optical melting, to quantitatively investigate the physical and structural nature of the stacking interactions between the dangling end bases and the terminal base pairs. A 3'-dangling purine base has a large subpopulation that stacks on the guanine base of the terminal GC or UG pair, either intrastrand or cross-strand depending on the orientation of the pair, thus providing stabilization of different magnitudes. On the contrary, a 5'-dangling purine base only has a marginal subpopulation that stacks on the purine of the same strand (intrastrand) but has little cross-strand stacking. Thus a 5'-dangling purine does not provide significant stabilization. These stacking structures are not static, and a dangling end base samples a range of stacked and unstacked conformations with respect to the terminal base pair. Femtosecond time-resolved anisotropy decay reveals certain hindered base conformational dynamics that occur on the picosecond to nanosecond time scales, which allow the dangling base to sample these substates. When the dangling purine is opposite to a U and is able to form a potential base pair at the end of the duplex, there is an interplay of base stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions that depends on the orientation of the base pair relative to the adjacent GC pair. By resolving these populations that are dynamically exchanging on fast time scales, we elucidated the correlation between dynamic conformational distributions and thermodynamic stability.  相似文献   

A radioiodinated vasopressin antagonist, d(CH2)5[Tyr(NH2)9]AVP has been prepared. Iodination was carried out at the phenyl moiety of the tyrosylamide residue at position 9, followed by HPLC purification. Non-radiolabelled monoiodinated antagonist was used as a reference for identification. 125I-d(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2, Tyr(NH2)9]AVP binding appeared to take place with a dissociation constant of 0.28 +/- 0.09 nM (Kd +/- SD) to V1 vasopressin receptors on rat liver membranes.  相似文献   

Arighi CN  Rossi JP  Delfino JM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(24):7539-7551
IFABP is a small beta-barrel protein with a short helix-turn-helix motif near the N-terminus that is thought to participate in the regulation of the uptake and delivery of fatty acids. In a previous work, we detected by near UV circular dichroism a reversible conformational transition of this protein occurring between 35 and 50 degrees C in the absence of fatty acids. The addition of the natural ligand oleic acid prevents this phenomenon. In both cases, the overall structure of the beta-barrel is maintained. This thermal transition is also detected by the fluorescent probe bis-anilino naphthalene sulfonic acid (bisANS) but not by its monomer ANS. In the present work, we studied in detail the interaction of each compound with IFABP as a function of temperature and in the absence or in the presence of oleic acid. A contrasting behavior was observed for these probes: (i) IFABP is able to bind two molecules of bisANS but only one molecule of ANS and (ii) oleic acid can fully displace ANS but only partially bisANS. Three independent lines of evidence, namely, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and limited proteolysis, indicate that there is an equilibrium among different conformations of IFABP, which differ in the extent of flexibility of the helical domain. This equilibrium can be shifted by raising temperature. bisANS is able to probe a population of IFABP in an altered state, which is more susceptible to cleavage by clostripain as compared to the apo-form, whereas the conformation of IFABP bound to oleic acid is characteristically more ordered. These results highlight the idea of an enhanced flexibility exhibited by IFABP that bears importance on its transport function, supporting the role of a dynamic entry portal region for the fatty acid ligand.  相似文献   

The alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins are cell surface collagen receptors. Cells expressing the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen IV, whereas cells expressing the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen I. Recombinant alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains exhibit the same collagen type preferences as the intact integrins. In addition, the alpha(2) integrin I domain binds echovirus 1; the alpha(1) I domain does not. To identify the structural components of the I domains responsible for the varying ligand specificities, we have engineered several alpha(1)/alpha(2) integrin I domain chimeras and evaluated their virus and collagen binding activities. Initially, large secondary structural components of the alpha(2) I domain were replaced with corresponding regions of the alpha(1) I domain. Following analysis in echovirus 1 and collagen binding assays, chimeras with successively smaller regions of alpha(1) I were constructed and analyzed. The chimeras were analyzed by ELISA with several different alpha(2) integrin monoclonal antibodies to assess their proper folding. Three different regions of the alpha(1) I domain, when present in the alpha(2) I domain, conferred enhanced collagen IV binding activity upon the alpha(2) I domain. These include the alpha3 and alpha5 helices and a portion of the alpha6 helix. Echovirus 1 binding was lost in a chimera containing the alphaC-alpha6 loop; higher resolution mapping identified Asn(289) as playing a critical role in echovirus 1 binding. Asn(289) had not been implicated in previous echovirus 1 binding studies. Taken together, these data reveal the existence of multiple determinants of ligand binding specificities within the alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains.  相似文献   

The spectral difference between normal and rapidly reacting deoxyhemoglobin (Sawicki and Gibson (1976), J. Biol Chem. 251:1533-1542) is used to study the relationship between CO binding to hemoglobin and the conformational changes to the rapidly reacting form in a combined flow-laser flash experiment. In both pH 7 phosphate buffer and pH 7 bis(2-hydroxy-ethyl)imino-tris (hydroxymethyl)methane buffer (bis-Tris) with 500 muM 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), the conformational change lags far behind CO binding; rapidly reacting hemoglobin is not observed until more than 10% of the hemoglobin is liganded. In pH 9 borate buffer the formation of rapidly reacting hemoglobin leads CO binding by a significant amount. A simple two-state allosteric model (Monod et. al. (1965), J. Mol. Biol. 12:88-118) which assumed equivalence of the hemoglobin subunits in their reaction with CO was used to simulate the experimental results. In terms of the model, the conformational change lead observed at pH 9 suggests that significant conformational change has occurred after binding of only one CO molecule per tetramer. In the presence of phosphates good agreement between experimental results and simulations is obtained using parameter values suggested by previous experimental studies. The simulations suggest that the conformational change occurs after binding of three CO molecules.  相似文献   

High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of deoxyhemoglobins Osler (beta145HC2 Tyr replaced by Asp) and McKees Rocks (beta 145HC2 Tyr replaced by term) indicate that these hemoglobins are predominately in the oxy quaternary structure in 0.1 M [bis(2-hydroxyethyl)imino]-tris(hydroxymethyl) methane buffer at pH 7. Upon the addition of inositol hexaphosphate, the proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of these hemoglobins become similar to those characteristic of a hemoglobin molecule in the deoxy quaternary structure. The exchangeable proton resonance which is found at -6.4 ppm from H2O in the spectrum of normal human adult deoxyhemoglobin is absent in the spectra of these two mutant hemoglobins. Consequently we believe the hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group of tyrosine-beta145HC2 and the carboxyl oxygen of valine-beta98FG5 gives rise to this resonance. This assignment allows us to use the -6.4ppm resonance as an important tertiary structural probe in the investigation of the cooperative oxygenation of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Kaur R  Ahuja S  Anand A  Singh B  Stark BC  Webster DA  Dikshit KL 《FEBS letters》2008,582(23-24):3494-3500
Although Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (VHb) carries a conventional globin fold, its proximal site geometry is unique in having a hydrogen-bonding network between proximal site residues, HisF8-TyrG5-GluH23 and TyrG5-TyrH12. TyrG5 and TyrH12 were mutated to study their relevance in VHb function. VHb G5 mutants (Tyr95Phe and Tyr95Leu showed no stable oxyform and nitric oxide dioxygenase activity, whereas, VHb H12 mutants (Tyr126Phe and Tyr126Leu) displayed little change in their oxygen affinity indicating a crucial role of Tyr95 in protein function. The VHb H12 mutant, Tyr126Leu, enhanced the intracellular pool of oxygen and cell growth better than VHb. Molecular modeling suggests that the replacement of tyrosine with leucine in Tyr126Leu creates an opening on the protein surface that may facilitate oxygen diffusion and accumulation.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) are heme proteins present in bacteria, unicellular eukaryotes, and higher plants. Their tertiary structure consists in a 2‐over‐2 helical sandwich, which display typically an inner tunnel/cavity system for ligand migration and/or storage. The microorganism Bacillus subtilis contains a peculiar trHb, which does not show an evident tunnel/cavity system connecting the protein active site with the solvent, and exhibits anyway a very high oxygen association rate. Moreover, resonant Raman results of CO bound protein, showed that a complex hydrogen bond network exists in the distal cavity, making it difficult to assign unambiguously the residues involved in the stabilization of the bound ligand. To understand these experimental results with atomistic detail, we performed classical molecular dynamics simulations of the oxy, carboxy, and deoxy proteins. The free energy profiles for ligand migration suggest that there is a key residue, GlnE11, that presents an alternate conformation, in which a wide ligand migration tunnel is formed, consistently with the kinetic data. This tunnel is topologically related to the one found in group I trHbs. On the other hand, the results for the CO and O2 bound protein show that GlnE11 is directly involved in the stabilization of the cordinated ligand, playing a similar role as TyrB10 and TrpG8 in other trHbs. Our results not only reconcile the structural data with the kinetic information, but also provide additional insight into the general behaviour of trHbs. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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