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A simple chemically defined medium was devised for exoprotein production by Bacillus brevis No. 47. About 2 mg/ml of proteins was produced in the synthetic medium containing 4% glucose and 1% ammonium sulfate. An essential component of fermentation medium was Ca salt which is required by this organism for assimilating glucose.

Studies on the effects of various medium components on protein production revealed that the conditions appropriate for growth are also suitable for protein accumulation. Some compounds, especially inhibitors of cell wall synthesis and certain detergents, were found to enhance protein production.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus brevis 47 was successfully and reproducibly transformed with pUB110 plasmid DNA by electroporation with an efficiency of 104 transformants per g of DNA. This represents a 10-fold improvement over the chemical transformation method previously used for this organism.  相似文献   

Up to about 50% of the total radioactivity in pulse-labeled RNA in Bacillus brevis 47-5, a high-protein-producing bacterium, was found in the polyadenylated fraction [termed poly(A)-RNA] isolated by adsorption to oligodeoxythymidylic acid-cellulose. Labeled RNA was bound to the cellulose regardless of whether the radioactive precursor was [3H]adenosine or [3H]uridine, showing that the adsorbed material was poly(A)-RNA rather than free poly(A). Poly(A) tracts, isolated after digestion of pulse-labeled RNA with pancreatic and T1 RNases, were homogeneous, with a length of about 95 nucleotides. Susceptibility of the isolated poly(A) tracts to degradation by snake venom phosphodiesterase and polynucleotide phosphorylase indicated that the poly(A) sequences were located directly at the 3'-terminal of the RNA molecules. Comparison of the poly(A)-RNA content in high-protein-producing and nonprotein-producing cells of B. brevis 47 showed much higher levels in the former. Electrophoretic analysis in both denaturing and denaturing polyacrylamide gels of the poly(A)-RNAs showed a heterogeneous population of molecules ranging in size from 23S to 4S. Comparison of the molecular-weight distribution patterns revealed that a significantly greater amount of high-molecular-weight poly(A)-RNA (comigrating with 23S RNA) was present under conditions in which extracellular protein production was high. The possibility that a substantial fraction of the poly(A)-RNA might be involved in the synthesis of extracellular proteins in B. brevis 47 is discussed.  相似文献   


Since its discovery in 1998 RNA interference (RNAi), a potent and highly selective gene silencing mechanism, has revolutionized the field of biological science. The ability of RNAi to specifically down-regulate the expression of any cellular protein has had a profound impact on the study of gene function in vitro. This property of RNAi also holds great promise for in vivo functional genomics and interventions against a wide spectrum of diseases, especially those with “undruggable” therapeutic targets. Despite the enormous potential of RNAi for medicine, development of in vivo applications has met with significant problems, particularly in terms of delivery. For effective gene silencing to occur, silencing RNA must reach the cytoplasm of the target cell. Consequently, various strategies using chemically modified siRNA, liposomes, nanoparticles and viral vectors are being developed to deliver silencing RNA. These approaches, however, can be expensive and in many cases they lack target cell specificity or clinical compatibility. Recently, we have shown that RNAi can be activated in vitro and in vivo by non-pathogenic bacteria engineered to manufacture  相似文献   

We constructed an efficient system for synthesis and secretion of human interleukin-2 (IL-2) by Bacillus brevis. The secretion vector we constructed had strong promoters and contained the region coding for the signal peptide of the gene for B. brevis 47 cell-wall protein, followed directly by the gene encoding mature IL-2. Modification of the signal peptide and use of a protease-deficient mutant of B. brevis HPD31 increased productivity. When the signal peptide was more basic near its amino terminal and more hydrophobic in the middle region, IL-2 production increased 20 fold. Production by the mutant harboring the secretion vector was four fold that of the parent harboring the same plasmid. The yield of IL-2 increased further to 0.12 g/liter, when cultural conditions were made optimal, such by the addition of Tween 40 to the medium. The IL-2 produced by B. brevis had the same biological activity as authentic IL-2. Biologically active human IL-2 was produced efficiently and secreted directly into the medium by B. brevis.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus brevis 47 was cultivated in 2-1 fermentors to study the effect of medium supplementation on extracellular protein production. Additional polypeptone, when supplied initially or at 12 h (late exponential phase), had little stimulatory effect on extracellular protein levels, which reached 6–7 g/l after 48h. A large increase in protein production was observed, however, when polypeptone was added at 21 h (stationary phase). This addition resulted in the accumulation in the medium of 14 g/l protein after 48 h, and a total of 16 g/l when cell-bound protein was included. In all cases, glucose was consumed only very slowly.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for introducing plasmid DNA into Bacillus brevis 47, a protein-secreting bacterium. Treatment of B. brevis 47 cells with 50 mM Tris-hydrochloride buffer of alkaline pH was effective for inducing DNA uptake competence. In the presence of polyethylene glycol, the Tris-treated cells incorporated plasmid DNA with a frequency of 10(-4) (transformants per viable cell) when 1 microgram of plasmid DNA was added to 10(9) Tris-treated cells. The pH of Tris-hydrochloride buffer as well as the concentration and molecular weight of the polyethylene glycol affected the transformation frequency. The growth phase of B. brevis 47 cells strongly influenced the frequency. Two plasmids, pHW1 and pUB110, have been introduced into B. brevis 47 by this method. The mechanism of induction of competence for DNA uptake in connection with removal of the outer two protein layers of the cell wall by treatment of B. brevis 47 cells with Tris-hydrochloride buffer is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacillus brevis 47 had two protein layers (the outer and middle walls) and a peptidoglycan layer (the inner wall) and contained two major proteins with approximate molecular weights of 130,000 and 150,000 in the cell wall. Both the total and Triton-insoluble envelopes revealed a hexagonal lattice array with a lattice constant of 14.5 nm. The proteins of 130,000 and 150,000 molecular weight isolated from the Triton-insoluble envelopes were serologically different from each other and assembled in vitro on the peptidoglycan layer. A mixture of 130,000- and 150,000-molecular-weight proteins led to the formation of a five-layered cell wall structure, two layers on each side of the peptidoglycan layer, which resembled closely the Triton-insoluble envelopes. A three-layered cell wall structure, one layer on each side of the peptidoglycan layer, was reconstituted when only the 150,000-molecular-weight protein was used. Both five- and three-layered cell walls reconstituted in vitro also contained hexagonally arranged arrays with the same lattice constant as that of the total and Triton-insoluble envelopes. A mutant, strain 47-57, which was isolated as a phage-resistant colony, had a two-layered cell wall consisting of the middle and inner wall layers and contained only 150,000-molecular-weight protein as the major cell wall protein. The cell envelopes of the mutant revealed the hexagonal arrays with the same lattice constant as that of the wild-type cell envelopes. We conclude that the outer and middle wall layers consist of proteins with approximate molecular weights of 130,000 and 150,000, respectively. Furthermore, the 150,000-molecular-weight protein formed the hexagonal arrays in the middle wall layer.  相似文献   

Abstract Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin was produced in a protein-hyperproducing strain, Bacillus brevis 47, by cloning the gene into the constructed expression-secretion vector which has the multiple promoters and the signal peptide coding region of an outer cell wall protein gene. The amount of alpha-toxin produced by the B. brevis 47 transformant carrying the gene was approximately 10 times greater than that produced by a B. subtilis transformant carrying the toxin gene. Biological activities and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the toxin secreted by the B. brevis 47 transformant were identical to those of wild-type alpha-toxin.  相似文献   

Bacillus brevis 47 secreted vast amounts of protein into the medium and had a characteristic three-layered cell wall. The three layers are designated, from the outermost to the innermost layer, as the outer wall (4.2 nm), the middle wall(8.5 nm), and the inner wall (2.1-3.7 nm). The inner wall might be a peptidoglycan layer. The fine cell wall structure was morphologically altered to various extents, depending on the growth period. At the early stationary phase of growth, cells began to shed the outer two layers of a limited area of the surface. This shedding was complete after further cell growth. The morphological alterations in the cell wall occurred concomitantly with a prominent increase in protein excretion. When protein secretion was severely inhibited by growing cells with Mg2+, morphological alterations in the cell wall were not observed, even at the late stationary phase of growth. This was also the case with a nonprotein-producing mutant, strain 47-5-25. When cells were incubated in buffers, the outer two layers of the cell wall were specifically removed, leaving cells surrounded only by the inner wall layer. The layers removed by incubation were recovered by high-speed centrifugation. This fraction consisted of two layers resembling the outer and middle wall layers. Protein secreted by B. brevis 47-5 consisted mainly of two proteins with approximate molecular weights of 150,000 and 130,000. Proteins released by incubating cells in buffers and proteins in the outer- and middle-wall-enriched fraction were also composed mainly of two proteins with the same molecular weights as those secreted into the medium. Therefore, we conclude that B. brevis 47 secretes proteins derived from the outer two layers of cell wall and these components are synthesized even after the shedding of the outer two layers.  相似文献   

A low-copy-number plasmid vector, pHY481, was constructed by combining a macrolide resistance gene of a Staphylococcus aureus plasmid with a cryptic plasmid found in a Bacillus brevis strain isolated from soil. The plasmid introduced into B. brevis 47, an extensively investigated protein-producing bacterium, was maintained very stably in the absence of selective antibiotics. A Bacillus megaterium alpha-amylase gene subcloned into pHY481 was retained much more stably in B. brevis 47 than one subcloned into a plasmid of S. aureus origin. B. brevis 47 mutants were also isolated in which the copy number of pHY481 was amplified about 10-fold. The copy number of pHY481 with the inserted amylase gene also increased in the mutants. As a result, a severalfold-higher amount of the enzyme was produced in the mutants compared with that produced in wild-type B. brevis 47. Thus, the plasmid vector constructed here and the copy-number mutants of B. brevis 47 are useful for cloning foreign genes and performing genetic engineering in the protein-producing bacterium.  相似文献   

B. brevis 47 secretes a vast amount of protein consisting mainly of two kinds with approximate molecular weights of 130,000 and 150,000. The two major extracellular proteins were indistinguishable from those of cell wall protein by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Based on the results of analysis of amino acid composition, limited proteolysis followed by electrophoresis, and the cross-reactivity of antisera, we conclude that the 130K and 150K extracellular proteins are derived from the respective cell wall proteins. Furthermore, the NH2-terminal amino acid analysis suggests that the two major extracellular proteins are released from the cell wall without any modification of the NH2-terminal portion.  相似文献   

A low-copy-number plasmid vector, pHY481, was constructed by combining a macrolide resistance gene of a Staphylococcus aureus plasmid with a cryptic plasmid found in a Bacillus brevis strain isolated from soil. The plasmid introduced into B. brevis 47, an extensively investigated protein-producing bacterium, was maintained very stably in the absence of selective antibiotics. A Bacillus megaterium alpha-amylase gene subcloned into pHY481 was retained much more stably in B. brevis 47 than one subcloned into a plasmid of S. aureus origin. B. brevis 47 mutants were also isolated in which the copy number of pHY481 was amplified about 10-fold. The copy number of pHY481 with the inserted amylase gene also increased in the mutants. As a result, a severalfold-higher amount of the enzyme was produced in the mutants compared with that produced in wild-type B. brevis 47. Thus, the plasmid vector constructed here and the copy-number mutants of B. brevis 47 are useful for cloning foreign genes and performing genetic engineering in the protein-producing bacterium.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus brevis 47-5, carrying the Bacillus stearothermophilus alpha-amylase gene on pUB110 (pBAM101), synthesized the same alpha-amylase as the donor strain as determined by the enzyme's thermal stability and NH2-terminal amino acid sequence. Regardless of the host, the 34-amino acid signal peptide of the enzyme was processed at exactly the same site between two alanine residues. B. brevis 47-5(pBAM101) secreted the enzyme most efficiently of the hosts examined, 100, 15, and 5 times more than B. stearothermophilus, Escherichia coli HB101(pH1301), and B. subtilis 1A289(pBAM101), respectively. The efficient secretion of the enzyme in B. brevis 47-5(pBAM101) was suggested to be due to the unique properties of the cell wall of this organism.  相似文献   

Esat-6 protein secretion systems (ESX or Ess) are required for the virulence of several human pathogens, most notably Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus. These secretion systems are defined by a conserved FtsK/SpoIIIE family ATPase and one or more WXG100 family secreted substrates. Gene clusters coding for ESX systems have been identified amongst many organisms including the highly tractable model system, Bacillus subtilis. In this study, we demonstrate that the B. subtilis yuk/yue locus codes for a nonessential ESX secretion system. We develop a functional secretion assay to demonstrate that each of the locus gene products is specifically required for secretion of the WXG100 virulence factor homolog, YukE. We then employ an unbiased approach to search for additional secreted substrates. By quantitative profiling of culture supernatants, we find that YukE may be the sole substrate that depends on the FtsK/SpoIIIE family ATPase for secretion. We discuss potential functional implications for secretion of a unique substrate.  相似文献   

In this study, a naturally unsecretory intrinsically disordered domain of nucleoskeletal-like protein (Nsp) was attempted to be secreted with different types of secretion signals in Bacillus subtilis. The results showed that Nsp can be secreted efficiently by all selected Sec-type signal peptides. Nsp was successfully exported when fused to Tat-type signal peptides but less efficient than Sec-type. The fusion protein with the non-classical extracellular proteins can be detected in the cell and extracellular milieu. This study further demonstrated that the mature protein plays an important role in protein secretion. Moreover, these results indicated that Nsp could be a useful tool to understand the individual roles of mature proteins and signal peptide in protein secretion, to evaluate the effect of conformation of mature proteins on their export pathway when coupled with Tat-type signal peptide, and to seek the signal of non-classical secretory proteins.  相似文献   

PspA同源物广泛存在于细菌和高等生物的组织中.在本研究中克隆了来源于地衣芽孢杆菌的PspA基因,并将其克隆于用于大肠-芽孢穿梭诱导表达载体pDG-StuI中构建重组质粒pDG-PspA.将构建的诱导表达型的重组质粒转化到Bacillus subtilis 168中,研究PspA的外源表达对该菌的生长,总蛋白分泌,以及Sec分泌途径中α-淀粉酶分泌的影响,结果表明,PspA基因的外源表达,在发酵过程后期能在一定程度上提高总蛋白的分泌量,在发酵过程后期能在一定程度上提高分泌的α-淀粉酶浓度.  相似文献   

Bacillus brevis 47 contains two major cell wall proteins. Each protein forms a hexagonal array in the cell wall. A 4.8-kilobase HindIII fragment of B. brevis 47 DNA cloned into Escherichia coli with pBR322 as a vector directed the synthesis of polypeptides cross-reactive with antibody to the middle wall protein. A 700-base-pair BamHI-HpaI fragment was shown to be the essential region for the synthesis of immunoreactive polypeptides. Furthermore, this fragment appeared to contain the promoter activity. The 3.5-kilobase BamHI fragment covering the essential region as well as its downstream sequence was subcloned into the corresponding restriction site of pUB110 by using Bacillus subtilis as the cloning host. Both E. coli and B. subtilis carrying the cloned DNA synthesized several immunoreactive polypeptides which were mainly found in the cytoplasm. B. subtilis secreted polypeptides cross-reactive with antibody to the middle wall protein. These extracellular polypeptides were degraded upon prolonged culture.  相似文献   

Mutants of Bacillus brevis No. 47 that grew in synthetic media containing a high concentration of ammonium sulfate were stable and had high protein production. Among various antibiotics tested, inhibitors of cell wall synthesis, such as bacitracin or β-lactam antibiotics, were effective in greatly increasing the accumulation of exoproteins.

When 60 µg/ml of bacitracin was added to the culture at the early logarithmic growth phase, about 9 mg/ml of proteins was produced. Such a protein yield was estimated to be nearly maximum from a given amount of glucose. Alterations in cell wall components were found in cells grown in the presence of bacitracin. Possible relationships between cell wall structure and protein production were discussed.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) structure of one surface protein layer from Bacillus brevis 47, the middle wall (MW) layer, has been reconstructed from tilted-view electron micrographs after correlation averaging to a resolution of 2 nm. The MW layer has p6 symmetry with a center-to-center spacing of 18.3 nm and a minimum thickness of 5.5 nm. The reconstruction reveals a distinct domain structure: the heavier domain of six monomers jointly forms a massive core centered at the sixfold symmetry axis, and lighter domains interconnect adjacent unit cells. In addition, the larger domains collectively form a pore by making contact with each other towards the inner surface, while the smaller domains establish a second connectivity towards the outer surface of the S layer. The MW layer of B. brevis resembles the S layer of Acetogenium kivui in various aspects: they have very similar lattice parameters and highly reminiscent 3D structures; the pores penetrate through the whole core and appear to determine the porosity of the S layers.  相似文献   

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