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Several classes ofsecA mutants have been isolated which reveal the essential role of this gene product forE. coli cell envelope protein secretion. SecA-dependent,in vitro protein translocation systems have been utilized to show that SecA is an essential, plasma membrane-associated, protein translocation factor, and that SecA's ATPase activity appears to play an essential but as yet undefined role in this process. Cell fractionation studies suggested that SecA protein is in a dynamic state within the cell, occurring in soluble, peripheral, and integral membraneous states. These data have been used to argue that SecA is likely to promote the initial insertion of secretory precursor proteins into the plasma membrane in a manner dependent on ATP hydrolysis. The protein secretion capability of the cell has been shown to translationally regulatesecA expression with SecA protein serving as an autogenous repressor, although the exact mechanism and purpose of this regulation need to be defined further.  相似文献   

SecB, a small tetrameric chaperone in Escherichia coli, facilitates export of precursor polypeptides from the cytoplasm to the periplasmic space. During this process, SecB displays two modes of binding. As a chaperone, it binds promiscuously to precursors to maintain them in a non-native conformation. SecB also demonstrates specific recognition of, and binding to, SecA. SecB with the precursor tightly bound enters an export-active complex with SecA and must pass the ligand to SecA at the translocon in the membrane. Here we use variants of SecA and SecB to further probe these interactions. We show that, unexpectedly, the binding between the two symmetric molecules is asymmetric and that the C-terminal alpha-helices of SecB bind in the interfacial region of the SecA dimer. We suggest that disruption of this interface by SecB facilitates conformational changes of SecA that are crucial to the transfer of the precursor from SecB to SecA.  相似文献   

SecA, a 202 kDa dimeric protein, is the ATPase for the Sec-dependent translocase of precursor proteins in vivo. SecA must undergo conformational changes, which may involve dissociation into a monomer, as it translocates the precursor protein across the inner membrane. To better understand the dynamics of SecA in vivo, protein folding studies to probe the native, intermediate, and unfolded species of SecA in vitro have been done. SecA folds through a stable dimeric intermediate and dimerizes in the dead-time of a manual-mixing kinetic experiment ( approximately 5-7 seconds). Here, stopped-flow fluorescence and CD, as well as ultra-rapid continuous flow fluorescence techniques, were used to further probe the rapid folding kinetics of SecA. In the absence of urea, rapid, near diffusion-limited ( approximately 10(9)M(-1)s(-1)) SecA dimerization occurs following a rate-limiting unimolecular rearrangement of a rapidly formed intermediate. Multiple kinetic folding and unfolding phases were observed and SecA was shown to have multiple native and unfolded states. Using sequential-mixing stopped-flow experiments, SecA was determined to fold via parallel channels with sequential intermediates. These results confirm that SecA is a highly dynamic protein, consistent with the rapid, major conformational changes it must undergo in vivo.  相似文献   

Preprotein translocase is a general and essential system for bacterial protein export, the minimal components of which are SecA and SecYEG. SecA is a peripheral ATPase that associates with nucleotide, preprotein, and the membrane integral SecYEG to form a translocation-competent complex. SecA can be separated into two domains: an N-terminal 68 kDa ATPase domain (N68) that binds preprotein and catalyzes ATP hydrolysis, and a 34 kDa C-terminal domain that regulates the ATPase activity of N68 and mediates dimerization. We have carried out gel filtration chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to demonstrate that isolated N68 self-associates to form a tetramer in solution, indicating that removal of the C-terminal domain facilitates the formation of a higher-order SecA structure. The associative process is best modelled as a monomer-tetramer equilibrium, with a K(D) value of 63 microM(3) (where K(D)=[monomer](4)/[tetramer]) so that at moderate concentrations (10 microM and above), the tetramer is the major species in solution. Hydrodynamic properties of the N68 monomer indicate that it is almost globular in shape, but the N68 tetramer has a more ellipsoidal structure. Analysis of SAXS data indicates that the N68 tetramer is a flattened, bi-lobed structure with dimensions of approximately 13.5 nm x 9.0 nm x 6.5 nm, that appears to contain a central pore.  相似文献   

A secA gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 was amplified and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21.19 (secA13) under conditions where E. coli SecA was depleted. The binding of P. aeruginosa SecA (PaSecA) to the SP-Sepharose column was facilitated by ammonium sulfate fractionation but was not necessary for E. coli SecA (EcSecA) as the later bound more efficiently. PaSecA and EcSecA were purified by the single chromatographic step to greater than 98% purity and had a recovery of more than 20 and 40%, respectively, from the soluble fraction. This simple step purification obtained a higher homogeneity than previously reported. Cross-reactivity by immunoblotting showed that the purified PaSecA contained little EcSecA if any. The purified PaSecA is a dimer in solution, as judged by size exclusion chromatography, and is slightly larger than its counterpart EcSecA with an estimated molecular weight of 240 kDa. Further studies by the sedimentation velocity method indicate that PaSecA tends to remain as a monomer in solution. The purified PaSecA possessed ATPase activity; the intrinsic and liposome-stimulated ATPase specific activities of PaSecA were approximately 50% of EcSecA.  相似文献   

Export of protein into the periplasm of Escherichia coli via the general secretory system is achieved by action of a ternary complex comprising the polypeptide ligand, the chaperone SecB and SecA, a peripheral component of the membrane translocon, which is itself an ATPase. The unfolded ligand is captured initially by SecB and must be transferred to SecA and subsequently through the membrane translocon into the periplasm. We have taken the first steps in the elucidation of the mechanism of this dynamic transfer by determining the interface of interaction between SecB and SecA. Site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy were combined to identify which of the residues on SecB showed changes in spectral line shape upon addition of SecA. In all, 43% of the surface of SecB was covered by the 41 positions examined. A model of docking between SecB and SecA is proposed based on the pattern of amino acid residues on SecB shown to make contacts when in complex with SecA. This model in combination with previously published biochemical data provides insight into the transfer of the unfolded polypeptide from the chaperone SecB to SecA.  相似文献   

Or E  Rapoport T 《FEBS letters》2007,581(14):2616-2620
The ATPase SecA is involved in post-translational protein translocation through the SecY channel across the bacterial inner membrane. SecA is a dimer that can dissociate into monomers with translocation activity. Here, we have addressed whether dissociation of the SecA dimer is required for translocation. We show that a dimer in which the two subunits are cross-linked by disulfide bridges is inactive in protein translocation, translocation ATPase, and binding to a lipid bilayer. In contrast, upon reduction of the disulfide bridges, the resulting monomers regain these activities. These data support the notion that dissociation of SecA dimers into monomers occurs during protein translocation.  相似文献   

A major pathway for bacterial preprotein translocation is provided by the Sec-dependent preprotein translocation pathway. Proteins destined for Sec-dependent translocation are synthesized as preproteins with an N-terminal signal peptide, which targets them to the SecYEG translocase channel. The driving force for the translocation reaction is provided by the peripheral membrane ATPase SecA, which couples the hydrolysis of ATP to the stepwise transport of unfolded preproteins across the bacterial membrane. Since SecA is essential, highly conserved among bacterial species, and has no close human homologues, it represents a promising target for antibacterial chemotherapy. However, high-throughput screening (HTS) campaigns to identify SecA inhibitors are hampered by the low intrinsic ATPase activity of SecA and the requirement of hydrophobic membranes for measuring the membrane or translocation ATPase activity of SecA. To address this issue, we have developed a colorimetric high-throughput screening assay in a 384-well format, employing an Escherichia coli (E. coli) SecA mutant with elevated intrinsic ATPase activity. The assay was applied for screening of a chemical library consisting of ∼27,000 compounds and proved to be highly reliable (average Z′ factor of 0.89). In conclusion, a robust HTS assay has been established that will facilitate the search for novel SecA inhibitors.  相似文献   

The general secretory, Sec, system translocates precursor polypeptides from the cytosol across the cytoplasmic membrane in Escherichia coli. SecB, a small cytosolic chaperone, captures the precursor polypeptides before they fold and delivers them to the membrane translocon through interactions with SecA. Both SecB and SecA display twofold symmetry and yet the complex between the two is stabilized by contacts that are distributed asymmetrically. Two distinct regions of interaction have been defined previously and here we identify a third. Calorimetric studies of complexes stabilized by different subsets of these interactions were carried out to determine the binding affinities and the thermodynamic parameters that underlie them. We show here that there is no change in affinity when either one of two contact areas out of the three is lacking. This fact and the asymmetry of the binding contacts may be important to the function of the complex in protein export.  相似文献   

Bacterial protein secretion is a critical and complex process. The Sec machinery provides a major pathway for protein translocation across and integration into the cellular membrane in bacteria. Small molecule probes that perturb the functions of individual member proteins within the Sec machinery will be very important research tools as well as leads for future antimicrobial agent development. Herein we describe the discovery of inhibitors, through virtual screening, that specifically act on SecA ATPase, which is a critical member of the Sec system. These are the very first inhibitors reported for intrinsic SecA ATPase.  相似文献   

Export-specific chaperone SecB and translocational ATPase SecA catalyze the cytoplasmic steps of Sec-dependent secretion in Escherichia coli. Their effects on secretion of periplasmic alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) were shown to depend on the N-terminal region of the mature PhoA sequence contained in the PhoA precursor. Amino acid substitutions in the vicinity of the signal peptide (positions +2, +3) not only dramatically inhibited secretion, but they also reduced its dependence on SecB. Immunoprecipitation reported their impaired binding with mutant prePhoA. The results testified that SecB and SecA interact with the mature PhoA region located close to the signal peptide in prePhoA.  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus is the causal agent of Huanglongbing (HLB) disease of citrus. Current management practices have not been able to control HLB and stop the spread of HLB. The current study is focused on screening small molecule inhibitors against SecA protein of Ca. L. asiaticus. Homology modeling, structure based virtual screening and molecular docking methods have been used to find the novel inhibitory compounds against SecA activity at ATP binding region. At 20 μm 17 compounds showed >50% inhibition and four compounds had more than 65% inhibition. The most active compound has IC50 value of 2.5 μM. The differences between the activities of the compounds are explained by their inter-molecular interactions at ATP binding site.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium which secretes a wide range of hydrolytic enzymes, toxins, and virulence factors into the extracellular medium. Although P. aeruginosa possesses numerous specific systems for the export of proteins across its double-membrane envelopes, the Sec system is still the major and essential mechanism. However, very little is known about its molecular basis. We constructed, cloned, and expressed the N-terminal 236 amino acids of PaSecA domain (PaSecAN236), and SecAL43P mutants of P. aeruginosa in Escherichia coli BL21.19 (secA(ts)). Here, we describe the purification of PaSecAN236 by using osmotic shock as the first step to efficiently release targeted protein from cells, followed by cation-exchange and size exclusion columns to obtain homogeneous PaSecAN236. The purified PaSecA N-terminal domain was functional in stimulating the ATPase activity of mutant SecAL43P protein of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Many proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm ultimately function in non-cytoplasmic locations. In Escherichia coli, the general secretory (Sec) pathway transports the vast majority of these proteins. Two fundamental components of the Sec transport pathway are the SecYEG heterotrimeric complex that forms the channel through the cytoplasmic membrane, and SecA, the ATPase that drives the preprotein to and across the membrane. This review focuses on what is known about the oligomeric states of these core Sec components and how the oligomeric state might change during the course of the translocation of a preprotein.  相似文献   

SecA is the preprotein translocase ATPase subunit and a superfamily 2 (SF2) RNA helicase. Here we present the 2 A crystal structures of the Escherichia coli SecA homodimer in the apo form and in complex with ATP, ADP and adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate (AMP-PNP). Each monomer contains the SF2 ATPase core (DEAD motor) built of two domains (nucleotide binding domain, NBD and intramolecular regulator of ATPase 2, IRA2), the preprotein binding domain (PBD), which is inserted in NBD and a carboxy-terminal domain (C-domain) linked to IRA2. The structures of the nucleotide complexes of SecA identify an interfacial nucleotide-binding cleft located between the two DEAD motor domains and residues critical for ATP catalysis. The dimer comprises two virtually identical protomers associating in an antiparallel fashion. Dimerization is mediated solely through extensive contacts of the DEAD motor domains leaving the C-domain facing outwards from the dimerization core. This dimerization mode explains the effect of functionally important mutations and is completely different from the dimerization models proposed for other SecA structures. The repercussion of these findings on translocase assembly and catalysis is discussed.  相似文献   

SecA, the ATPase of Sec translocase, mediates the post-translational translocation of preprotein through the protein-conducting channel SecYEG in the bacterial inner membrane. Here we report the structures of Escherichia coli Sec intermediates during preprotein translocation as visualized by electron microscopy to probe the oligomeric states of SecA during this process. We found that the translocase holoenzyme is symmetrically assembled by SecA and SecYEG on proteoliposomes, whereas the translocation intermediate 31 (I31) becomes asymmetric because of the presence of preprotein. Moreover, SecA is a dimer in these two translocation complexes. This work also shows surface topological changes in the components of translocation intermediates by immunogold labeling. The channel entry for preprotein translocation was found at the center of the I31 structures. Our results indicate that the presence of preprotein introduces asymmetry into translocation intermediates, while SecA remains dimeric during the translocation process.  相似文献   

SecA is an essential protein possessing ATPase activity in bacterial protein translocation for which Rose Bengal (RB) is the first reported sub-micromolar inhibitor in ATPase activity and protein translocation. Here, we examined the mechanisms of inhibition on various forms of SecA ATPase by conventional enzymatic assays, and by monitoring the SecA-dependent channel activity in the semi-physiological system in cells. We build on the previous observation that SecA with liposomes form active protein-conducting channels in the oocytes. Such ion channel activity is enhanced by purified Escherichia coli SecYEG–SecDF·YajC liposome complexes. Inhibition by RB could be monitored, providing correlation of in vitro activity and intact cell functionality. In this work, we found the intrinsic SecA ATPase is inhibited by RB competitively at low ATP concentration, and non-competitively at high ATP concentrations while the translocation ATPase with precursors and SecYEG is inhibited non-competitively by RB. The Inhibition by RB on SecA channel activity in the oocytes with exogenous ATP-Mg2+, mimicking translocation ATPase activity, is also non-competitive. The non-competitive inhibition on channel activity has also been observed with SecA from other bacteria which otherwise would be difficult to examine without the cognate precursors and membranes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of pre-protein export through the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, in which the SecA ATPase plays a crucial role as an "energy supplier", is poorly understood. In particular, biochemical and structural studies provide contradictory data as to the oligomeric state of SecA when it is integrated into the active trans-membrane translocase. Here, we report the 2.8 A resolution crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus SecA protein (TtSecA). Whereas the structure of the TtSecA monomer closely resembles that from other bacteria, the oligomeric state of TtSecA is strikingly distinct. In contrast to the antiparallel (head-to-tail) dimerization reported previously for the other bacterial systems, TtSecA forms parallel (head-to-head) dimers that are reminiscent of open scissors. The dimer interface is abundant in bulky Arg and Lys side-chains from both subunits, which stack on one another to form an unusual "basic zipper" that is highly conserved, as revealed by homology modeling and sequence analysis. The basic zipper is sealed on both ends by two pairs of the salt bridges formed between the basic side-chains from the zipper and two invariant acidic residues. The organization of the dimers, in which the two pre-protein binding domains are located proximal to each other at the tip of the "scissors", might allow a concerted mode of substrate recognition while the opening/closing of the scissors might facilitate translocation.  相似文献   

A series of novel thiouracil derivatives containing an acyl thiourea moiety (7a7x) have been synthesized by structural modification of a lead SecA inhibitor, 2. All the compounds have been evaluated for their antibacterial activities against Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis. Compounds 7c, 7m, 7u, 7v exhibited promising activities against above bacteria. Such four compounds were further tested for their inhibitory activity against SecA ATPase, and the results showed that compounds 7c and 7u had higher inhibitory activities than that of compound 2. Molecular docking work suggests that compound 7u might bind at a pocket close to the ATPase ATP-binding domain.  相似文献   

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