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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) types based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns with HaeIII were investigated in clinical isolates of Sporothrix schenckii in North and South America. In addition to 14 mtDNA types (Types 1–14) so far reported, six new mtDNA types, Types 15–20 were found in this study. Type 3 was divided into two subtypes, Subtype 3A and Subtype 3B based on RFLP with Msp1. Type 14 was also divided into three subtypes, Subtype 14A, Subtype 14B and Subtype 14C based on RFLP with Hha1. Nineteen isolates in the United States consisted of 1 isolate of Type 1, 12 of Type 2, 2 of Type 4, 3 of Type 14 (1 of Subtype 14B and 2 of Subtype 14C) and 1 of Type 15. Twenty nine isolates in Venezuela consisted of 13 of Type 3 (Subtype 3B), 6 of Type 4, 1 of Type 18, 3 of Type 19 and 6 of Type 20. Thirteen isolates in Argentina consisted of 2 of Type 3 (Subtype 3A), 4 of Type 4, 4 of Type 16 and 3 of Type 17. One isolate in Brazil was Type 3 (Subtype 3A). Based on the phylogeny of 20 mtDNA types (Types 1–20) constructed by estimating sequence divergences of mtDNA, mtDNA types were clustered into two groups: Group A (Types 1–3, Type 11 and Types 14–19) and Group B (Types 4–10, Types 12–13 and Type 20). These results suggest that S. schenckiiisolates in North and South America mainly belong to Group A. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Haplogroup X represents approximately 3% of all modern Native North American mitochondrial lineages. Using RFLP and hypervariable segment I (HVSI) sequence analyses, we identified a prehistoric individual radiocarbon dated to 1,340 +/- 40 years BP that is a member of haplogroup X, found near the Columbia River in Vantage, Washington. The presence of haplogroup X in prehistoric North America, along with recent findings of haplogroup X in southern Siberians, confirms the hypothesis that haplogroup X is a founding lineage.  相似文献   

Peter F. Zika 《Brittonia》2003,55(2):150-156
Juncus effusus s. str. has two native representatives on the coast of western North America. A new combination is provided forJuncus effusus subsp.pacificus, ranging from California to British Columbia.Juncus effusus subsp.austrocalifornicus is newly described from southernmost California, Arizona, and Baja California, México. It differs from subsp.pacificus by its pale sheaths, with less thickened and less overlapping margins, and its disjunct distribution. A key is provided for the subspecies ofJ. effusus in North America.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA and the peopling of South America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The initial peopling of South America is largely unresolved, in part because of the unique distribution of genetic diversity in native South Americans. On average, genetic diversity estimated within Andean populations is higher than that estimated within Amazonian populations. Yet there is less genetic differentiation estimated among Andean populations than estimated among Amazonian populations. One hypothesis is that this pattern is a product of independent migrations of genetically differentiated people into South America. A competing hypothesis is that there was a single migration followed by regional isolation. In this study we address these hypotheses using mtDNA hypervariable region 1 sequences representing 21 South American groups and include new data sets for four native Peruvian communities from Tupe, Yungay, and Puno. An analysis of variance that compared the combined data from western South America to the combined data from eastern South America determined that these two regional data sets are not significantly different. As a result, a migration from a single source population into South America serves as the simplest explanation of the data.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic affinities of extinct Ciboneys (also called Guanajuatabeys) from Cuba, 47 pre-Columbian skeletal samples belonging to this group were analyzed using ancient DNA techniques. At the time of European contact, the center and east of Cuba were occupied by agriculturalist Taino groups, while the west was mainly inhabited by Ciboneys, hunter-gatherers who have traditionally been considered a relic population descending from the initial colonization of the Caribbean. The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) and haplogroup-specific markers were amplified and sequenced in 15 specimens using overlapping fragments; amplification from second extractions from the same sample, independent replication in different laboratories, and cloning of some PCR products support the authenticity of the sequences. Three of the five major mtDNA Amerindian lineages (A, C, and D) are present in the sample analyzed, in frequencies of 0.07, 0.60, and 0.33, respectively. Different phylogenetic analyses seem to suggest that the Caribbean most likely was populated from South America, although the data are still inconclusive, and Central American influences cannot be discarded. Our hypothesis is that the colonization of the Caribbean mainly took place in successive migration movements that emanated from the same area in South America, around the Lower Orinoco Valley: the first wave consisted of hunter-gatherer groups (ancestors of the Ciboneys), a subsequent wave of agriculturalists (ancestors of the Tainos), and a latter one of nomadic Carib warriors. However, further genetic studies are needed to confirm this scenario.  相似文献   

The use of local, native plant materials is now common in restoration but testing for polyploidy in seed sources is not. Diversity in cytotypes across a landscape can pose special seed transfer challenges, because the methods used to determine genetically appropriate materials for seed transfer do not account for cytotypic variation. This lack of consideration may result in mixing cytotypes through revegetation, which could reduce long‐term population viability. We surveyed nine populations of a native bunchgrass, Pseudoroegneria spicata, in three EPA Level III Ecoregions in the western United States to determine the frequency of polyploidy, whether there are differences in traits (phenotype, fecundity, and mortality) among plants of different cytotypes, and whether cytotype frequency varies among ecoregions. We assessed trait variation over 2 years in a common garden and determined ploidy using flow cytometry. Polyploidy and mixed cytotype populations were common, and polyploids occurred in all ecoregions. Four of the nine populations were diploid. The other five had tetraploids present: three had only tetraploid individuals whereas two had mixed diploid/tetraploid cytotypes. There was significant variation in traits among cytotypes: plants from tetraploid populations were larger than diploid or mixed populations. The frequency and distribution of cytotypes make it likely that seed transfer in the study area will inadvertently mix diploid and polyploid cytotypes in this species. The increasing availability of flow cytometry may allow ploidy to be incorporated into native plant materials sourcing and seed transfer.  相似文献   

The fungal genus Neurospora has a distinguished history as a laboratory model in genetics and biochemistry. The most recent milestone in this history has been the sequencing of the genome of the best known species, N. crassa. The hope and promise of a complete genome sequence is a full understanding of the biology of the organism. Full understanding cannot be achieved, however, in the absence of fundamental knowledge of natural history. We report that species of Neurospora, heretofore thought to occur mainly in moist tropical and subtropical regions, are common primary colonizers of trees and shrubs killed by forest fires in western North America, in regions that are often cold and dry. Surveys in 36 forest-fire sites from New Mexico to Alaska yielded more than 500 cultures, 95% of which were the rarely collected N. discreta. Initial characterization of genotypes both within a site and on a single tree showed diversity consistent with sexual reproduction of N. discreta. These discoveries fill important gaps in knowledge of the distribution of members of the genus on both large and small spatial scales and provide the framework for future studies in new regions and microhabitats. The overall result is that population biology and genetics now can be combined, placing the genus Neurospora in a unique position to expand its role in experimental biology as a useful model organism for ecology, population genetics and evolution.  相似文献   

New methods of weather analysis accompanied by microhabitat ‘bioassays’ have been applied in several case studies to demonstrate effects of atmospheric processes on patterns of community composition and structure and potential species evolution. Average spatial and seasonal airmass dynamics which determine regional and elevational patterns of relative microhabitat favorability, were found to vary between a recent global warming trend (ca 1900 to 1940) and the subsequent global cooling trend (ca 1940 to 1970). These apparently systematic spatial and temporal shifts in weather were related to plant establishment patterns and community composition and structure. The proposed causal mechanisms function, in part, through regional shifts in microhabitat size. These effects are similar to larger scale, longer term shifts deduced from the late Quaternary fossil record. By modifying the spatial approach, month-to-month and year-to-year variability of weather has been examined for the last 130 years at individual points in southwestern North America. Three climatic regimes (the end of the Little Ice Age, the recent warming trend and the recent cooling trend) exhibited distinct year-to-year patterns of weather that can be related to the establishment of different kinds of plants (e.g., C4 grasses versus C3 shrubs). Oscillations between different temporal climatic regimes appear to promote the episodic establishment of different life forms, but not necessarily their local extinction. The two methods of weather analysis have been combined in a regional assessment of climatic controls of different biomes in space and time with a primary focus on the Chihuahuan desert. Natural ecotones between the Chihuahuan desert and neighboring biomes are clearly related to large scale airmass dynamics associated with seasonal oscillations in jetstream position. The weather patterns controlling ecotonal positions result from seasonal topographic influences on the general circulation of the atmosphere. The apparent stability of these patterns allows causal hypotheses of biogeographic dynamics and the evolution of physiological traits and life history characteristics.  相似文献   

The Yakuts (also known as Sakha), Turkic-speaking cattle- and horse-breeders, inhabit a vast territory in Central and northeastern Siberia. On the basis of the archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic evidence, they are assumed to have migrated north from their original area of settlement in the vicinity of Lake Baykal in South Siberia under the pressure of the Mongol expansion during the thirteenth to fifteenth century AD: . During their initial migration and subsequent expansion, the ancestors of the Yakuts settled in the territory originally occupied by Tungusic- and Uralic-speaking reindeer-herders and hunters. In this paper we use mtDNA and Y-chromosomal analyses to elucidate whether the Yakut immigration and expansion was accompanied by admixture with the indigenous populations of their new area of settlement or whether the Yakuts displaced the original inhabitants without intermarriage. The mtDNA results show a very close affinity of the Yakuts with Central Asian and South Siberian groups, which confirms their southern origin. There is no conclusive evidence for admixture with indigenous populations, though a small amount cannot be excluded on the basis of the mtDNA data alone. The Y-chromosomal results confirm previous findings of a very strong bottleneck in the Yakuts, the age of which is in good accordance with the hypothesis that the Yakuts migrated north under Mongol pressure. Furthermore, the genetic results show that the Yakuts are a very homogenous population, notwithstanding their current spread over a very large territory. This confirms the historical accounts that they spread over their current area of settlement fairly recently.  相似文献   

The question of the origins of the dog has been much debated. The dog is descended from the wolf that at the end of the last glaciation (the archaeologically hypothesized period of dog domestication) was one of the most widespread among Holarctic mammals. Scenarios provided by genetic studies range from multiple dog-founding events to a single origin in East Asia. The earliest fossil dogs, dated approximately 17-12,000 radiocarbon ((14)C) years ago (YA), were found in Europe and in the Middle East. Ancient DNA (a-DNA) evidence could contribute to the identification of dog-founder wolf populations. To gain insight into the relationships between ancient European wolves and dogs we analyzed a 262-bp mitochondrial DNA control region fragment retrieved from five prehistoric Italian canids ranging in age from approximately 15,000 to approximately 3,000 (14)C YA. These canids were compared to a worldwide sample of 547 purebred dogs and 341 wolves. The ancient sequences were highly diverse and joined the three major clades of extant dog sequences. Phylogenetic investigations highlighted relationships between the ancient sequences and geographically widespread extant dog matrilines and between the ancient sequences and extant wolf matrilines of mainly East European origin. The results provide a-DNA support for the involvement of European wolves in the origins of the three major dog clades. Genetic data also suggest multiple independent domestication events. East European wolves may still reflect the genetic variation of ancient dog-founder populations.  相似文献   

Documented chromosome numbers and meiotic behavior were recorded for 23 taxa of 18 species of Cactaceae of south-western United States and adjacent Mexico. All taxa are diploid (n = 11) or polyploid (n = 22, 33, 44), and with regular meiotic behavior.  相似文献   

Bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Salmonidae), are distributed in northwestern North America from Nevada to Yukon Territory, largely in interior drainages. The species is of conservation concern owing to declines in abundance, particularly in southern portions of its range. To investigate phylogenetic structure within bull trout that might form the basis for the delineation of major conservation units, we conducted a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) survey in bull trout from throughout its range. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of four segments of the mtDNA genome with 11 restriction enzymes resolved 21 composite haplotypes that differed by an average of 0.5% in sequence. One group of haplotypes predominated in 'coastal' areas (west of the coastal mountain ranges) while another predominated in 'interior' regions (east of the coastal mountains). The two putative lineages differed by 0.8% in sequence and were also resolved by sequencing a portion of the ND1 gene in a representative of each RFLP haplotype. Significant variation existed within individual sample sites (12% of total variation) and among sites within major geographical regions (33%), but most variation (55%) was associated with differences between coastal and interior regions. We concluded that: (i) bull trout are subdivided into coastal and interior lineages; (ii) this subdivision reflects recent historical isolation in two refugia south of the Cordilleran ice sheet during the Pleistocene: the Chehalis and Columbia refugia; and (iii) most of the molecular variation resides at the interpopulation and inter-region levels. Conservation efforts, therefore, should focus on maintaining as many populations as possible across as many geographical regions as possible within both coastal and interior lineages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Large, alatoform bivalves, Wallowaconcha raylenea gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Triassic of north-eastern Oregon, are described and placed in a new family, Wallowaconchidae, within the Megalodontoidea, which also contains the families Megalodontidae and Dicerocardiidae (herein transferred). Major character innovations of wallowaconchids are the internal partitioning of wings and development of non-articulating thin vanes on the hingeplate. The wallowaconchid hinge, which changed during ontogeny, differs greatly from the hinge of other bivalves. Wallowaconchids probably evolved from a species of the megalodontid Triadomegalodon . Although wallowaconchids are homeomorphs of the alate Permian alatoconchid bivalves, hinge structure shows that these two groups are unrelated.
Large wings on wallowaconchids were used for snowshoe support. They may have utilized elaborate vanes and wing chambers to culture microbial symbionts, either microalgae or bacteria. These bivalves are endemic to displaced island arc terranes in western North America, occurring in Yukon, Canada (Stikine terrane), Oregon, USA (Wallowa terrane), and Sonora, Mexico (Antimonio terrane). They occupied environmental niches similar to those of large megalodontid bivalves of Triassic tropical provinces.  相似文献   

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