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Endogenous indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid and cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, N-isopentenyladenine and N-isopentenyladenosine) were evaluated in initial explants (leaves) of in vitro propagated plants of alfalfa ( Medicago falcata L.) lines varying in embryogenic capacity and during the somatic embryogenesis process. Fast embryo-genic induction was correlated with high IAA and low ABA levels in the initial explants. No significant differences were observed in the cytokinin contents. Our results suggest that a certain hormone balance is necessary to allow the expression of the embryogenic potential. The consistent stages of the direct somatic embryogenesis are also characterized by changes in hormonal levels.  相似文献   

A number of medium constituents were evaluated in an attempt to improve somatic embryo production in Medicago arborea ssp. arborea, using cotyledons, petioles and leaves as explants. Two culture steps were applied: in the first stage (2 months), Murashige–Skoog (MS) medium was used, containing 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (9M 2,4-D) and kinetin (9 M KIN) together with different nitrogen sources (alanine, glutamine, proline or tryptophan (2.5 and 5 mM); casein hydrolysate (100, 500 and 1000 mg l–1; nitrate (4.69 and 9.39 mM) or casein hydrolysate (100 mg l–1) and nitrate (4.69 mM)), polyalcohols (mannitol at 164 and 328 mM or sorbitol at 219 and 438 mM), sucrose (43.8 and 175.4 mM) or calcium (1.5 and 6 mM). In the second stage (3 months of cultivation), calli were transferred to a kinetin-free MS medium with 2,4-D (2.25 M) only. The inclusion of proline (2.5 mM) was the most effective treatment for the induction of somatic embryos, with the petiole being the best explant. Treatment with casein hydrolysate (100 mg l–1) also improved the embryonic efficiency. The rest of the treatments neither affect nor inhibit the embryonic response.A special treatment with sorbitol (219 mM) in the second stage of cultivation produced a slight increase in embryogenesis, but less than that obtained with proline.  相似文献   

Seventy-six cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., M. falcata L. and M. varia Martyn) were tested in vitro for their capacity to produce callus and somatic embryos. A three-step media protocol was used to survey the response of the cotyledons and hypocotyl of each genotype while the epicotyl region was conserved in order to recover highly responding genotypes. The best regeneration response was observed in creepingrooted cultivars which contained a strong genetic contribution of two landrace germplasm sources, defined as M. falcata and Ladak, in their ancestry. The callus and embryogenesis responses showed a high degree of variation both between cultivars and among the plants of many of the 76 cultivars tested. A higher number of plants produced somatic embryos in the high regenerating cultivars compared to the low regenerating cultivars regardless of the media protocol or explant.  相似文献   

Two simple, rapid and efficient protocols for theregeneration of transformed tetraploid lines ofalfalfa (Medicago falcata L.) have beendeveloped and compared. Leaf explants fromembryogenic lines 47/1-150 and 47/1-5 were inoculatedwith Agrobacterium tumefaciens containingconstructs carrying the nptII selectable markergene and promoter:gusA gene fusions under thecontrol of the CaMV 35S or Arabidopsis cdc2a,CycB1 and CycA2 promoters. In the firstregeneration system (the MSH system), inoculated leafexplants were incubated on MS medium supplemented with2,4-D and kinetin and then subcultured onto plantgrowth regulator-free MS medium in order to inducedirect somatic embryogenesis. In the secondregeneration system (the B5h system), the inoculatedexplants were incubated on B5h medium to induceindirect production of somatic embryos viaembryogenic callus. In both systems, an effectivekanamycin selection regime was employed and wasmaintained when the embryos were subcultured onto arecovery medium (Boi2Y) to promote further embryodevelopment. The use of Boi2Y medium was particularlyimportant for shortening the regeneration time andpromoting a higher frequency of healthy plantletproduction from the somatic embryos. The maturesomatic embryos were finally transferred to plantgrowth regulator-free MS medium for plantletformation. Transgenic plantlets were produced within10–14 weeks in the MSH system and 12–16 weeks in theB5h system. The MSH system appears to be the fastesttransformation system reported for leguminous speciesto date. Confirmation of transformation was obtainedusing a re-callusing assay on kanamycin and subsequentSouthern blot hybridisation and PCR analysis. Theability to induce expression of GUS activity in leafexplants containing the cell division cycle genepromoter:gusA constructs by 2,4-D treatment alsoproved to be a reliable indicator of transformation.  相似文献   

A novel, genotype dependent system for rapid high frequency somatic embryogenesis in Medicago sativa L. was developed in which the first embryos are visible as early as 15 days after the explant (hypocotyl, petiole, leaf) is put into culture. The simplest method involves culture of the explants on a single Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 g l−1 casein hydrolysate, 9 μ M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1.2 μ M kinetin. An efficient two-step, two-medium system was developed to allow separation of the induction and differentiation phases. The explants are cultured on MS with 22.6 μ M 2,4-D and 4.7 μ M kinetin (induction medium) for 10 days and then on basal MS for 20 days. Embryo yields and embryo conversion to plantlets were strongly dependent on the 2,4-D and kinetin concentrations in the induction medium. Both petiole and leaf explants were highly embryogenic and very little callus proliferation occurred when this method was used. Selected clones from three ssp. falcata -based M. sativa cultivars showed a response very similar to the highly regenerable falcata clone F1.1, but it was not possible to produce large numbers of somatic embryos in tissue cultures of cv. Regen S, which is used in most M. sativa tissue culture research, with this procedure. These results suggest that there are two distinct developmental pathways for somatic embryogenesis in M. sativa , with Regen S cultures requiring extensive dedifferentiation during a prolonged callus phase, while the genotypes described in this report have no such requirement.  相似文献   

Nineteen accessions of diploid Medicago sativa L. belonging to the four subspecies sativa, caerula, falcata and xvaria were screened for their ability to produce somatic embryos on hypocotyl-derived callus. Two medium protocols were used in this study, a three-step sequence with exposure of the callus cultures to a high 2,4-D concentration and a two-step sequence without exposure to a high 2,4-D concentration. Considerable variation for callus proliferation was observed. In general, the diploid M. sativa accessions showed poor regenerability and it was not possible to correlate high regeneration frequencies with a particular germplasm source. It was, however, possible to identify regenerable genotypes in all four subspecies. One falcata accession produced somatic embryos on the callus induction media at high frequencies. This response was also obtained with a few genotypes from one xvaria accession. All regenerable plants were maintained as shoot cultures and were able to form somatic embryos on petiole-derived calli.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - 2iP iso-pentyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid Contribution No. 772 Ottawa Research Station  相似文献   

To investigate the involvement of methylation of DNA in somatic embryogenesis we initiated a comparative study using Medicago truncatula lines that have different capacities to produce somatic embryos. Treatment with the demethylating drug 5-azacytidine caused a loss of regeneration capacity in the embryogenic line by arresting the production of somatic embryos. Analysis with methylation-sensitive enzymes showed disruption of somatic embryogenesis competence to be correlated with rDNA demethylation. Our data suggest production of somatic embryos depends on a certain level of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Picolinic acid-induced direct somatic embryogenesis in sweet potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Somatic embryos are being considered as an alternative material for in vitro germplasm conservation of sweet potato [(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)]. Picolinic acid was tested for somatic embryo production in sweet potato apical meristem tip cultures. Low level (0.2 mgl-1) of picolinic acid combined with kinetin or 6-benzylamino purine (6-BAP) (1.0 and 2.0 mgl-1) suppressed shoot growth and induced callus proliferation. Increased amount of picolinic acid (2 and 3 mgl-1) in combination with kinetin (0.25 and 1.0 mgl-1) induced direct somatic embryogenesis from apical meristem tips of variety Regal but not in Jewel. The primary embryos matured and germinated bipolarly yielding whole plantlets and unipolarly producing embryogenic hyperhydrated-fasciated shoots. The hyperhydrated-fasciated shoots, when cultured in picolinic and kinetin-enriched medium, produced secondary embryos. The secondary embryos also germinated bipolarly and unipolarly, resulting in subsequent cycles of embryogenesis. This recurrent embryogenesis ensures maintenance and proliferation of embryogenic tissues. Somatic embryos were also formed in mannitol-induced hyperhydrated shoots in response to picolinic acid and kinetin or 6-BAP treatment. Embryogenesis did not occur in non-hyperhydrated leaf, petiole, and internode sections.  相似文献   

The influence of exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3) andpaclobutrazol, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, on growth of callusandsomatic embryogenesis in petiole-derived tissue cultures of Medicagosativa L. has been investigated. GA3 (0.5–500M) or paclobutrazol(5–100 M) were added to either an induction (with 2,4 Dand kinetin) or a differentiation medium (without plant growth regulators).Gibberellin A3, applied during the induction as well as thedifferentiation stage, reduced the weight of callus and increased the number ofsomatic embryos in Medicago sativa L. tissue cultures.Somatic embryo production was increased more by the presence of exogenousGA3 in the differentiation than induction medium. The inclusion ofpaclobutrazol in the induction or differentiation medium caused the inhibitionof callus growth and embryo production. Callus growth was much less affectedthan embryogenesis. These results indicate that gibberellins are beneficial forboth embryoinduction and formation. The level of endogenous gibberellins is presumablysufficient for callus induction and growth. However, it seems not optimal forthe induction and particularly for the differentiation of embryos.  相似文献   

A direct somatic embryogenesis and secondary embryogenesis protocol was developed for seven cereal species, thus providing a new vista for in vitro plant genetic transformation or propagation. This paper describes a novel process that has been successfully developed for efficient regeneration of a wide range of cereal species and genotypes. This tissue culture and regeneration system does not require formation of callus tissues and takes approximately 2 months to complete, shorter than any of the currently available systems requiring 3-4 months. Rapid induction of direct somatic embryogenesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare), common wheat (Triticum aestivum), durum wheat (T. durum) and derived amphiploids, wild wheat (T. monococcum and T. urartu), rye (Secale cereale) and oats (Avena sativa) was induced from excised immature scutellum on DSEM medium. Newly developed globular embryos were cultured on SEM medium for a second cycle of embryogenesis followed by germination (GEM medium) and regeneration of embryos into normally growing green and fertile plants. In vitro techniques to induce direct somatic embryogenesis, secondary embryogenesis and plant regeneration from these cereals require a specific sequence of defined media and controlled environments. The sequence and the timing of the media used, as well as their hormonal composition and balance are critical aspects of this process. The organic and mineral compositions of these media are not new but are important for supporting and sustaining rapid growth of the tissues.  相似文献   

Panax japonicus is one of the important medicinal plants. Here, we established the protocol for plant regeneration of P. japonicus via direct somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryos were directly obtained from the segments of zygotic embryos on MS medium with 4.4 μM 2,4-D. Thereafter, somatic embryos were produced by repetitive secondary somatic embryogenesis. The secondary somatic embryo formation was enhanced by plasmolyzing pretreatment (1.0 M mannitol for 10 h). Frequency of secondary somatic embryo formation from cotyledon segments was lowered by plasmolyzing pretreatment, but the number of somatic embryos per explants was greatly increased. Plasmolyzing pretreatment resulted in retardation of embryo growth and required subculture to fresh medium for further growth of embryos into cotyledonary stage. Without plasmolyzing pretreatment, cotyledonary embryos were obtained after 8 weeks of culture. All the cotyledonary somatic embryos germinated by 5 μM GA3 treatment, but only 15.3% were germinated on hormone-free medium. After 2 months of culture on 1/2 strength WPM medium, plantlets produced flowers spontaneously. In the anthers of in vitro flowers, microsporogenesis occurred normally with low number of pollen grains.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula, a model for legume genomics, can be regenerated by somatic embryogensis by the use of a suitable genotype and an auxin plus cytokinin. The stress response induced by explant wounding and culture is increasingly recognized as an important component of somatic embryo induction. We have cloned and investigated the stress kinase gene MtSK1 in relation to somatic embryogenesis in M. truncatula, using the highly embryogenic mutant Jemalong 2HA (2HA) and its progenitor Jemalong. The main features of the MtSK1 protein of 351 amino acids are an N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal glutamic acid-rich region, which is predicted to be a coiled-coil. MtSK1 is a member of the SnRK2 subgroup of the SnRK group of plant kinases. Members of the SnRK2 kinases play a role in stress responses of plants. MtSKI expression is induced by wounding in the cultured tissue independent of auxin or cytokinin. However, in both 2HA and Jemalong, as the callus develops in response to auxin plus cytokinin, MtSK1 expression continues to increase. MtSK1 responds to salt stress in vivo, consistent with its role as a stress kinase. The likely role of MtSK1 in stress-induced signaling will facilitate the relating of stress–response pathways to auxin and cytokinin-induced signaling in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the induction of somatic embryogenesis in M. truncatula.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts of Medicago sativa were exposed to low voltage electrical fields immediately following isolation. Several exposure times and voltages were utilized. At the lower doses, protoplast aggregation and subsequent embryogenesis were stimulated. A clone of Rangelander, which was directly-embryogenic (i.e. embryos were derived from single mesophyll protoplasts without an intervening callus phase), was induced to form embryos in all samples exposed to the lowest level electrical fields, while unexposed controls formed few or no embryos. A clone of Regen S, which was previously not directly-embryogenic, was induced to follow the Rangelander pattern of development and to produce early globular embryos.Plant Research Centre Contribution No. 1013  相似文献   

A procedure for the development of alfalfa (Medicago falcata L.) somatic embryos to the torpedo stage in air-lift vessels is described. Embryos were initiated from chopped leaf explants and were formed by direct somatic embryogensis. The system produced a high number of torpedo stage embryos. The effect of various inoculation densities on embryo development was studied. A procedure for the development and maturation of embryos in aerated liquid media was established. The rate of conversion of the torpedo stage embryos formed in the vessels was 83%.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - B5 Gamborgs B5 medium (Gamborg et al. 1968) - COT cotyledon embryo state - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FW fresh weight - ID internal diameter - MS Murashige and Skoog medium (Murashige & Skoog 1962) - PEG polyethylene glycol - POLY polyembryos - VVM volume of gas/volume of bioreactor  相似文献   

Summary An efficient culture system has been developed for repeated cycles of somatic embryogenesis in microspore-derived embryos of Brassica juncea without a callus phase. Haploid embryos produced through anther culture showed a high propensity for direct production of somatic embryos in response to 2 mgL–1 BA and 0.1 mgL–1 NAA. The embryogenic cultures which comprised the elongated embryonal axis of microspore-derived embryos when explanted and grown on the medium of same composition produced a large number of secondary embryos. These somatic embryos in turn underwent axis elongation and produced more somatic embryos when explanted and cultured. This cycle of repetitive somatic embryogenesis continued with undiminished vigour passage after passage and was monitored for more than a year. Somatic embryos from any passage when isolated at cotyledonary stage and grown on auxin-free medium for 5 days and then on a medium containing NAA (0.1 mgL–1), developed into complete plants with a profuse root system and were easily established in the soil. The cytology of the root tips of these plants confirmed their haploid nature. The total absence of callus phase makes the system ideal for continuous cloning of androgenic lines, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and mutation induction studies.  相似文献   

Three methods of increasing the productivity of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago sativa L. were investigated. In the basic procedure, somatic embryos were initiated from young petioles and carried through several phases: callus formation, suspension culture, selection of the embryogenic fraction by sieving, development, maturation, desiccation and storage. The suspensions were normally separated into three fractions by sieving. Fraction I (<200 m) containing nonembryogenic cells or cell clusters was discarded. Fraction II (200–500 m) consisting of embryogenic cell clusters was collected for embryo development and maturation. Fraction III (over 500 M) containing the mixture of petiole residues with large pieces of calli and globular somatic embryos was usually discarded. Several methods to scale-up the suspension phase were unsuccessful. Direct subculture of the entire suspension by the addition of fresh liquid medium resulted in the loss of embryogenic capacity by the third subculture. Subculture of fraction II decreased embryogenic cell mass, and hence reduced total productivity. The recycling of fraction III back to fresh B5g liquid medium resulted in high productivity in the first culture but further subculture of this fraction resulted in a rapid decline in the embryogenic capacity.As an alternative, somatic embryos from the first tissue culture cycle were also used as explants for the initiation of secondary embryogenic callus. The embryogenic capacity of these somatic embryo explants declined rapidly as they matured. More than 100 secondary somatic embryos could be induced from embryo explants removed from development medium at 10 days after sieving the suspension, but only 40 somatic embryos were produced from each mature somatic embryo explant, and 13 from desiccated embryos. The secondary somatic embryos were comparable to the primary embryos in quality according to germination tests. The implications of the results to the efficiency of somatic embryo production of Medicago are discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DAS days after sieving - PPF photosynthetic photon flux density - SE somatic embryo  相似文献   

We describe a simple and efficient protocol for regeneration-transformation of two diploid Medicago lines: the annual M. truncatula R108-1(c3) and the perennial M. sativa ssp. falcata (L.) Arcangeli PI.564263 selected previously as highly embryogenic genotypes. Here, embryo regeneration of R108-1 to complete plants was further improved by three successive in vitro regeneration cycles resulting in the line R108-1(c3). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of leaf explants was carried out with promoter-gus constructs of two early nodulins (MsEnod12A and MsEnod12B) and one late nodulin (Srglb3). The transgenic plants thus produced on all explants within 3–4 months remained diploid and were fertile. This protocol appears to be the most efficient and fastest reported so far for leguminous plants. Received: 18 March 1997 / Revision received: 25 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

Clones of three cultivars of Medicago sativa (Rambler, Regen S and Rangelander) were used as sources of mesophyll protoplasts. Although all three clones readily produced protoplasts, the subsequent development patterns in culture varied greatly among genotypes, with protoplasts from Regen S and Rambler forming calli which could be induced to form embryos, and protoplasts from Rangelander undergoing direct embryogenesis. Protoplasts of Regen S exhibited high rates of division while those of Rangelander tended to aggregate with only a few cells per aggregate surviving. The surviving cells gave rise to proembryos within the aggregates; these proembryos developed into differentiated embryos after 5–7 weeks of culture. Based on the initial protoplast population, the efficiency of embryo formation averaged 0.13% and ranged from 0.001–0.4%. Observations during the early stages of culture indicated that cell aggregation was a prerequisite for direct embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations into the mechanisms of somatic embryogenesis (SE) have largely focused on the hormonal regulation of the process and a repertoire of strategies has been developed to regenerate many species via SE. However, the genes that regulate the induction and development of somatic embryos have not been defined. In the recent times, regeneration via overexpression of genes, such as WUSCHEL or LEAFY COTYLEDON, in Arabidopsis has started to provide a basis for understanding the genes involved in SE. This has gone hand in hand with the availability of genome sequence information and the availability of mutants in model plants such as Arabidopsis and Medicago. An improved understanding of zygotic embryogenesis and the maintenance and differentiation of stem cells in the shoot meristem also helps to provide novel insights into the mechanisms of SE. This review examines the current understanding of the genetic regulation of SE in the context of current molecular understanding of plant development.  相似文献   

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