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The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is an East Asian Canid that has been introduced in Europe. Introduction of alien species is an increasing conservation issue. We examined the diet of a recently established raccoon dog population in Denmark by analysing stomach content in 249 carcasses collected in 2008–2016. Raccoon dog diet was compared to the diet of native badger (Meles meles) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Denmark. The most common food for raccoon dogs were invertebrates (frequency of occurrence, FO 69%), small mammals (FO 68%), birds (FO 41%), fruits (FO 38%), amphibians (FO 36%) and carrions (FO 34%). The occurrence of invertebrates was highest during spring and summer, while fruits, cereals and carrions were eaten most often during autumn and winter. As expected, raccoon dog shared the major food categories with badger and red fox, but generally, it had a wider dietary niche. Overall, dietary overlap between raccoon dog and badger was 0.74 (Pianka index, Ojk). The dietary overlap with red fox was relatively high in all seasons, peaking in summer (Ojk 0.87) and dropping in winter (Ojk 0.79). Despite the dietary overlap between the alien racoon dog and native red fox and badger, the species may coexist due to partitioning of feeding habitats and/or because the red fox is limited by other factors, e.g. diseases and anthropogenic activities. The introduced raccoon dog seems to fit a dietary niche between badger and red foxes in human-dominated landscapes in north-western Europe.  相似文献   

In the period of August 2013 to September 2015, we collected and measured the body weight of 246 red fox (Vulpes vulpes) carcasses collected during hunts. A portion of these red foxes (n = 153) was originally from habitats they shared with the golden jackal (Canis aureus), while the other portion (n = 93) had almost no contact with this species. We analyzed the body weight of red foxes from both areas according to age (adult-cub) as well as gender. We have found that the younger animals that live sympatrically with the golden jackal weigh less than those from the golden jackal-free territory regardless of gender. In the case of adult red foxes, the habitat-related differences between body weight were found to be insignificant. These results suggest that the high level of nutritional niche overlap between sympatric red fox and golden jackal could affect the body weight of juvenile red foxes.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and landscape degradation affect animal-mediated seed dispersal, often collapsing the regeneration of endangered plant species and habitats in anthropogenic landscapes. We first compared the role of red fox and other vertebrates as seed disperser for the keystone scrub Ziziphus lotus. Because it turned out that foxes are the major Z. lotus dispersers, we investigated how fox activity and dispersal service relate to habitat loss and landscape alteration in the threatened Ziziphus semiarid scrublands, a priority habitat for conservation in Europe. Considering its opportunistic behavior, we hypothesized that landscape features should affect moderately fox abundance, while influence in a large extent its dispersal service. Accordingly, we predicted that a substantial decline in Ziziphus fruit consumption rather than in disperser activity would be responsible for seed dispersal collapse under severe habitat loss. We evaluated fox activity and dispersal service in 17 populations of Z. lotus spread through the range of its habitat in Spain and found within landscapes with different land-use intensity. We certified the collapse of the dispersal service by fox under severe habitat loss and confirmed that fox activity was less affected by habitat loss or landscape alteration than consumption of Ziziphus fruits. Consequently, the decline of consumption of Ziziphus fruits under severe habitat loss triggers the collapse of its seed dispersal. Results suggest that without increase of the remnant areas other managements may not suffice to achieve seed dispersal and habitat restoring. Dispersal service and natural regeneration in many Ziziphus habitat remnants will possibly cease in the future if habitat loss continues.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal spatial and temporal co-occurrence of three carnivore species in Liguria region (NW Italy)—the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), the European badger (Meles meles) and the wolf (Canis lupus)—using the information provided by camera-trapping monitoring. Data were collected from January 2013 to January 2015 by positioning camera traps in 200 sample stations. During 3479 trap days, we collected 1048 independent videos of target carnivore species, which revealed a general spatial coexistence among carnivores with some differences in seasonal occurrence of species. The red fox and the European badger showed temporal segregation, as their activity patterns suggested a differential use of night-time in all seasons. Activity patterns of the red fox and the wolf revealed moderate-high overlap and similar density distributions in all seasons except during winter. Coexistence between these species may be allowed by temporal segregation during winter and spatial segregation during spring. Finally, results regarding the European badger and the wolf suggest a moderate temporal segregation with a marked avoidance effect for the European badger induced by the presence of tracks left by wolves. Programmes aimed at carnivore conservation, and management should treat the entire guild, as it has been demonstrated that populations of different carnivores interact with each other in complex ways and that fine-scale mechanisms regulating carnivore assemblage influence different aspects of natural communities.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic assay of lactate dehydrogenase (EC isozymes in the tissue homogenates of cardiac and skeletal muscles, kidney, lungs, spleen, and liver of the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides from two different geographic zones, viz., northwestern Russia and Poland, as well as the Arctic blue fox Alopex lagopus L. and the red fox Vulpes vulpes L. was performed during the preparatory period to the winter season. Raccoon dogs, which hibernate under natural conditions, differ from other canids (the red fox and Arctic blue fox) to which they are close taxonomically by their body weight and by the higher proportion of aerobic H subunits of lactate dehydrogenase in all organs except for the heart. A higher content of “fast” anode fractions, lactate dehydrogenase-1 and lactate dehydrogenase-2, in the heart, kidney, lungs, liver, and spleen was detected in the raccoon dogs from the northern region compared to those from the southern geographic zone. The shift in the reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase towards the production of pyruvate indicates that this metabolite is necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids during lipogenesis in the autumn.  相似文献   

Nymphs and larvae belonging to Ixodes spp. were collected from a red fox in Turkey. The ticks were identified morphologically and molecularly (16S rDNA PCR and phylogenetic analysis) as I. kaiseri. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses show that our I. kaiseri isolate is very similar to I. kaiseri isolates collected from Germany, Serbia, Romania, and Hungary. Therefore, the existence of I. kaiseri has been demonstrated for the first time in Turkey. More studies relating to the regional distribution and vectorial competence of I. kaiseri are needed.  相似文献   

Interspecific killing is a widespread phenomenon among mammalian carnivores; being common, for instance, within the canid guild. The canid guild in Hamadan province, west of Iran, comprises three species: the gray wolf Canis lupus pallipes, the golden jackal Canis aureus, and the red fox Vulpes vulpes. In this area, habitat transformation and agricultural land uses have significantly reduced wild prey populations. In search of food, members of the canid guild are often driven to human settlements. Due to inefficient waste management, the major source of food for canids here is anthropogenic food resources, such as livestock and pet carcasses, and domestic waste illegally dumped near poultry farms and rural areas. Here, we described one of the first reports in the literature of a case of interspecific killing between a wolf and a golden jackal. On June 13, 2016, a collared wolf (adult male) killed an adult jackal (adult male). Further studies are required to understand intraguild competition among red fox, golden jackals, and wolves in this area.  相似文献   

In territorial species, observed density dependence is often manifest in lowered reproductive output at high population density where individuals have fewer resources or are forced to inhabit low-quality territories. The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) in Iceland is territorial throughout the year and feeds mostly on birds, since lemmings are absent from the country. Thus, the population does not exhibit short-term population cycles that are evident in most of the species’ geographical range. The population has, however, gone through a major long-term fluctuation in population size. Because of the stability in hunting effort and reliable hunting records since 1958, the total number of adult foxes killed annually can be used as an index of population size (N t ). An index of carrying capacity (K) from population growth data for five separate time blocks during 1958–2007 revealed considerable variation in K and allowed a novel definition of population density in terms of K, or N t /K. Correlation analysis suggested that the reproductive rate was largely determined by the proportion of territorial foxes in the population. Variation in litter size and cub mortality was, on the other hand, related to climatic variation. Thus, Arctic foxes in Iceland engage in typical contest competition but can adapt their territory sizes in response to both temporal and spatial variation in carrying capacity, resulting in surprisingly little variation in litter size.  相似文献   

The introduction of invasive alien predators often has catastrophic effects on populations of naïve native prey, but in situations where prey survive the initial impact a predator may act as a strong selective agent for prey that can discriminate and avoid it. Using two common species of Australian small mammals that have persisted in the presence of an alien predator, the European red fox Vulpes vulpes, for over a century, we hypothesised that populations of both would perform better where the activity of the predator was low than where it was high and that prey individuals would avoid signs of the predator’s presence. We found no difference in prey abundance in sites with high and low fox activity, but survival of one species—the bush rat Rattus fuscipes—was almost twofold higher where fox activity was low. Juvenile, but not adult rats, avoided fox odour on traps, as did individuals of the second prey species, the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii. Both species also showed reduced activity at foraging trays bearing fox odour in giving-up density (GUD) experiments, although GUDs and avoidance of fox odour declined over time. Young rats avoided fox odour more strongly where fox activity was high than where it was low, but neither adult R. fuscipes nor A. stuartii responded differently to different levels of fox activity. Conservation managers often attempt to eliminate alien predators or to protect predator-naïve prey in protected reserves. Our results suggest that, if predator pressure can be reduced, otherwise susceptible prey may survive the initial impact of an alien predator, and experience selection to discriminate cues to its presence and avoid it over the longer term. Although predator reduction is often feasible, identifying the level of reduction that will conserve prey and allow selection for avoidance remains an important challenge.  相似文献   

Coscinopleurid cheilostome bryozoans are widespread in Latest Cretaceous sediments throughout the whole Boreal Chalk Sea. Despite having many polymorphs that can readily be distinguished, intraspecific plasticity is high and polymorph morphology shows only little variation over time. This significantly hampers taxon differentiation in coscinopleurids. In this study, we revise type material of three coscinopleurid species, Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt, 1930), A. fallax Voigt, 1956 and A. rugica Voigt, 1956, from the Maastrichtian of northern Germany using combined scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microtomography. The three species are morphologically very similar and were distinguished by the original author only in the shape and position of peripheral caverns inside their cryptocyst and in the position of vibracular polymorphs. X-ray microtomography allowed study of the internal morphology of the species and provided additional parameters that can be used for species differentiation. Septula, arch-like and channel-like cavities and microcavities could be identified inside the calcified walls. While the original identity of the type material of A. foliacea and A. rugica remains unchanged, the type material of A. fallax is shown to belong to three different species: A. fallax, A. occulta sp. nov. and A. dualis sp. nov. Additionally, hitherto-unstudied material from the late Campanian and Maastrichtian of northern Germany and Belarus is described as A. crassa sp. nov. and A. albaruthenica sp. nov.  相似文献   

Olfactory signals constitute an important mechanism in interspecific interactions, but little is known regarding their role in communication between predator species. We analyzed the behavioral responses of a mesopredator, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), to an olfactory cue (scat) of an apex predator, the lynx (Lynx lynx) in Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, Poland, using video camera traps. Red fox visited sites with scats more often than expected and the duration of their visits was longer at scat sites than at control sites (no scat added). Vigilant behavior, sniffing and scent marking (including over-marking) occurred more often at scat sites compared to control sites, where foxes mainly passed by. Vigilance was most pronounced during the first days of the recordings. Red fox behavior was also influenced by foxes previously visiting scat sites. They sniffed and scent marked (multiple over-marking) more frequently when the lynx scat had been over-marked previously by red fox. Fox visits to lynx scats may be seen as a trade-off between obtaining information on a potential food source (prey killed by lynx) and the potential risk of predation by an apex predator.  相似文献   

The long-tailed mouse, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae), is the major host of Andes hantavirus, the etiological agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the south of Argentina and Chile. Studying the ecology of this species is necessary to understand how Andes hantavirus is maintained in nature. In this study, we examine the home range size and intra- and intersexual overlap degree of male and female O. longicaudatus in order to elucidate the mating system of this species. To our knowledge, this research provides the first documentation, obtained from a specific design, of spacing and mating systems in this species in Argentina. The study was conducted seasonally from April (autumn) 2012 to October (spring) 2013 in a shrubland habitat of Cholila, Andean region, Argentina. We studied spacing patterns using 59 and 51 home ranges established by adult males and females, respectively, in two 3.24 ha capture-marked and recapture grids. Significant differences between sexes in home range size and overlap degree were found. Male home ranges were always larger than those of females. We observed exclusive space use both among males and females (13.15 ± 18.67, and 3.60 ± 3.43%, respectively). Considering only those males that get access to receptive females (40%), average intersexual overlap value was about 30.82 ± 19.73%. Sexual differences in home range sizes and the spatial avoidance between breeding males, that would reflect intrasexual competition for receptive females, allows us to propose a polygynous mating system for O. longicaudatus.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Oxygen equilibrium curves have been measured on ATP-depleted trout red cells, at pHs between approx. 7 and 9, at temperatures of 20 and 15°C.
  • 2.2. Results were analysed according to the model of Di Cera E., Robert C. H. and Gill S.J. (Biochemistry, 1987 26, 4003–4008), using a non-linear least-squares method. This allosteric model, proposed for human HbA, assumes the existence of two quaternary states, T and R, plus large functional differences between the α and β chains within the T state.
  • 3.3. For this material, the fit was found rather better than that previously observed with the original Monod-Wyman-Changeux model. This is in accord with the idea that important α-β chain differences, a demonstrated property of Root effect Hbs, would play an important role in oxygen binding by trout red cells, where the Root effect Hbs are dominant.
  • 4.4. In comparison, the fit was found poor for oxygen binding by human red cells, suggesting that the hypothesis of important chain differences would not apply to this material.

The main objective was to discover extent of interference and/or exploitative competition between the native red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the introduced, invasive raccoon dog (Nyctereues proconoides) in the intensively used, agricultural landscape of northeast Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) using very high frequency (VHF) radio telemetry. We recorded location data for 12 foxes and 16 raccoon dogs between July 2004 and December 2006. Species had similar average home range sizes estimated in each season (K95). Home ranges of adjacent raccoon dogs and foxes overlapped from 0.5 to 74.5 % with a mean of 26.4 %. We found a significantly different home range overlap index between the species showing that raccoon dog ranges shifted between seasons to a greater extent than red fox ranges. The raccoon dog differed significantly from the red fox in its use of habitat types, preferring dense vegetation cover and avoiding open areas. The red fox displayed less preference for or avoidance of specific habitat types. Moreover, an almost neutral inter-specific interaction index ranging from ?0.12 to 0.12 indicates that raccoon dogs and red foxes ignored each other. It is concluded that widespread and available resources and differences in spatial use patterns prevent competition between red foxes and raccoon dogs in the agricultural landscape of northeast Germany.  相似文献   

The ecological-constraints model assumes that food items occur in depletable patches and proposes that an increase in group size leads to increased day range due to more rapid patch depletion. Smaller groups become advantageous when an increase in travel costs is not repaid by an increase in energy gained or some other fitness advantage. On the other hand, we also know that group size can be influenced by social factors. Here we contrast the diet and group size of red colobus (Procolobus badius) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, Uganda to consider how ecological and social factors are affecting their group sizes. Subsequently, we examine whether the insights gained from this detailed comparison can provide an understanding of why the social organization and group size of mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) and black howlers (A. pigra) differ. Two groups of red colobus and two groups of black-and-white colobus were studied over 10 months. Red colobus groups were larger (48 and 24) than black-and-white colobus groups (9 and 6). The two groups of red colobus overlap home ranges with the two groups of black-and-white colobus; 75% and 95% of their home ranges were within red colobuss home range. There was a great deal of similarity in the plant parts eaten by the two species and both species fed primarily on young leaves (red colobus 70%, black-and-white colobus 76%). In terms of the actual species consumed, again there was a great deal of similarity between species. The average dietary overlap among months for the two neighboring groups of red colobus was 37.3%, while the dietary overlap between the red colobus and the black-and-white colobus group that had its home range almost entirely within the home range of the red colobus groups averaged 43.2% among months. If ecological conditions were responsible for the difference in group size between the two colobine species, one would expect the density of food trees to be lower in the home ranges of the black-and-white colobus monkeys, since they have the smaller group size. We found the opposite to be true. Both black-and-white colobus groups had more food trees and the cumulative size of those trees was greater than those in the red colobuss home ranges. We quantify how these differences parallel differences in mantled and black howlers. The average group size for mantled howlers was 12.9 individuals, and for black howlers it was 5.3 individuals. We explore possible social constraints, such as infanticide, that prevent black-and-white colobus and black howlers from living in large groups.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

Two monorchiid species are reported from the freckled goatfish, Upeneus tragula Richardson, from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Specimens of a species new to science were most morphologically similar to species of the genus Timonia Bartoli & Prevot, 1966, but significant differences in the arrangement of the testes (symmetrical vs oblique) and morphology of the terminal organ (bipartite vs unipartite) necessitate the proposal of a new genus; Madhavia n. g. is proposed for M. fellaminutus n. sp. Specimens of the second species are identified as Parachrisomon delicatus (Manter & Pritchard, 1964) Madhavi, 2008, extending its known range from Hawaii to Australia. Complete ITS2 and partial 28S rDNA sequence data were generated for both species and analysed with those for other monorchiids available on GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses of the 28S rDNA dataset showed that both genera are distinct from other sequenced monorchiids, but overall the resolution between genera is poor and more sequence data are required to elucidate relationships within the family. We propose to transfer Timonia stunkardi (Ahmad, 1985) and Timonia vinodae (Ahmad, 1987) to the genus Neotimonia Madhavi, 2008, as Neotimonia stunkardi (Ahmad, 1985) n. comb. and Neotimonia vinodae (Ahmad, 1987) n. comb. Additionally, we were unable to locate any literature on Parachrisomon brotulidorum (Toman, 1973) Madhavi, 2008 and consider this species as nomen nudum.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity changes in cystacanths of the acanthocephalan Profilicollis altmani parasitizing the mole crab Emerita analoga under El Niño (EN) and non-El Niño (non-EN) conditions are analyzed. Both, mean intensity and prevalence of infection by P. altmani differ significantly for the whole size range and for each size class of 10 mm intervals (except prevalence for size classes exceeding 18 mm carapace length) between EN (1998) and non-EN (2002) years, without observed size distribution differences in the intermediate host E. analoga under either condition. Significant difference in infestation rates of the intermediate host E. analoga is discussed as being an EN cascade effect on predators such as sea birds (i.e., Larus spp. and Calidris sp.), acting as definitive hosts of P. altmani, and which are known to decrease significantly in abundance during EN.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuation in food availability is a universal problem for wild animals. One common response to dietary changes is to modify ranging patterns. We studied the ranging pattern of one group (8–12 individuals) of red leaf monkeys (Presbytis rubicunda) in the lowland dipterocarp forest of Danum Valley, Borneo from December 2006 to December 2008. The seasonal availability of fruits varies significantly in this forest because of mast fruiting. We tested the hypothesis that changes in ranging pattern are linked with seasonal changes in diet in this species. We recorded activity, foods eaten, and location every 10 min from around 06:00 until 16:00 h, 5–10 days/mo. The home range size was 21.4 ha over the 25-mo study (95% kernel contour). There were no statistically significant relationships between feeding times on the four major nonexclusive dietary components (all species of seeds, all species of young leaves, young leaves of Spatholobus macropterus, and other species of young leaves) and either the home range (95% kernel contour) or the core area (50% kernel contour). The areas used in the seed-eating and non-seed-eating seasons overlapped to a large extent. The daily path length was 1160 ± 340 m (mean ± SD, range: 550–2140 m). Neither daily path length nor monthly mean travel rate was significantly related to feeding time on any of the four major dietary components. The group’s ranging patterns may be related to the unusual fallback strategy of this population, which depends on the young leaves of an abundant liana (S. macropterus), which are available in small patches. The monkeys need only a small home range because of the high abundance of these leaves. However, they range a relatively long distance because the patches of S. macropterus are easily depleted; thus the ranging distance does not decrease in non-seed-eating periods.  相似文献   

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