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The Caenorhabditis elegans vulva provides a simple model for the genetic analysis of pattern formation and organ morphogenesis during metazoan development. We have discovered an essential role for the polarity protein PAR-1 in the development of the vulva. Postembryonic RNA interference of PAR-1 causes a protruding vulva phenotype. We found that depleting PAR-1 during the development of the vulva has no detectable effect on fate specification or precursor proliferation, but instead seems to specifically alter morphogenesis. Using an apical junction-associated GFP marker, we discovered that PAR-1 depletion causes a failure of the two mirror-symmetric halves of the vulva to join into a single, coherent organ. The cells that normally form the ventral vulval rings fail to make contact or adhere and consequently form incomplete toroids, and dorsal rings adopt variably abnormal morphologies. We also found that PAR-1 undergoes a redistribution from apical junctions to basolateral domains during morphogenesis. Despite a known role for PAR-1 in cell polarity, we have observed no detectable differences in the distribution of various markers of epithelial cell polarity. We propose that PAR-1 activity at the cell cortex is critical for mediating cell shape changes, cell surface composition, or cell signaling during vulval morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The primary lung bud originates from the foregut and develops into the bronchial tree by repetitive branching and outgrowing of the airway. The Sry related HMG box protein Sox2 is expressed in a cyclic manner during initiation and branching morphogenesis of the lung. It is highly expressed in non-branching regions and absent from branching regions, suggesting that downregulation of Sox2 is mandatory for airway epithelium to respond to branch inducing signals. Therefore, we developed transgenic mice that express a doxycycline inducible Sox2 in the airway epithelium. Continuous expression of Sox2 hampers the branching process resulting in a severe reduction of the number of airways. In addition, the bronchioli transiently go over into enlarged, alveolar-like airspaces, a pathology described as bronchiolization of alveoli. Furthermore, a substantial increase was observed of cGRP positive neuroendocrine cells and ΔNp63 isoform expressing (pre-) basal cells, which are both committed precursor-like cells. Thus, Sox2 prevents airways from branching and prematurely drives cells into committed progenitors, apparently rendering these committed progenitors unresponsive to branch inducing signals. However, Sox2 overexpression does not lead to a complete abrogation of the epithelial differentiation program.  相似文献   

Many organs, such as the liver, neural tube, and lung, form by the precise remodeling of flat epithelial sheets into tubes. Here we investigate epithelial tubulogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster by examining the development of the dorsal respiratory appendages of the eggshell. We employ a culture system that permits confocal analysis of stage 10-14 egg chambers. Time-lapse imaging of GFP-Moesin-expressing egg chambers reveals three phases of morphogenesis: tube formation, anterior extension, and paddle maturation. The dorsal-appendage-forming cells, previously thought to represent a single cell fate, consist of two subpopulations, those forming the tube roof and those forming the tube floor. These two cell types exhibit distinct morphological and molecular features. Roof-forming cells constrict apically and express high levels of Broad protein. Floor cells lack Broad, express the rhomboid-lacZ marker, and form the floor by directed cell elongation. We examine the morphogenetic phenotype of the bullwinkle (bwk) mutant and identify defects in both roof and floor formation. Dorsal appendage formation is an excellent system in which cell biological, molecular, and genetic tools facilitate the study of epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Sox B1 group genes, Sox1, Sox2, and Sox3 (Sox1-3), are involved in neurogenesis in various species. Here, we identified the Xenopus homolog of Sox1, and investigated its expression patterns and neural inducing activity. Sox1 was initially expressed in the anterior neural plate of Xenopus embryos, with expression restricted to the brain and optic vesicle by the tailbud stage. Expression subsequently decreased in the eye region by the tadpole stage. Sox1 expression in animal cap explants was induced by inhibition of BMP signaling in the same manner as Sox2, Sox3, and SoxD. In addition, overexpression of Sox1 induced neural markers in ventral ectoderm and in animal caps. These results implicate Xenopus Sox1 in neurogenesis, especially brain and eye development.  相似文献   

The nephric duct plays a central role in orchestrating the development of the mammalian urogenital system. Lim 1 is a homeobox gene required for head and urogenital development in the mouse but most Lim 1-deficient embryos die by embryonic day 10. To determine the role of Lim 1 in the development of the nephric duct, we conditionally removed Lim 1 in the nephric epithelium just after the nephric duct begins to form using a floxed allele of Lim 1 and Pax2-cre transgenic mice. We report that Lim 1 conditional knockout mice have renal hypoplasia and hydronephrosis. Developmental studies revealed that the caudal portion of the nephric duct did not reach the urogenital sinus at embryonic day 10.5, formation of the ureteric bud was delayed, the ureteric bud was smaller and branching of the ureteric bud reduced. We also found that the nephric duct was generally not maintained and extension of the Müllerian duct inhibited. Molecular analysis indicated that Pax2 was expressed normally but the expression of Wnt9b and E-cadherin in the nephric duct was markedly altered. These results suggest that Lim 1 influences nephric duct extension and ureteric bud outgrowth by regulating and or maintaining the differentiation of the nephric epithelium.  相似文献   

Here, we have studied how Sox genes and BMP signaling are functionally coupled during limb chondrogenesis. Using the experimental model of TGFbeta1-induced interdigital digits, we dissect the sequence of morphological and molecular events during in vivo chondrogenesis. Our results show that Sox8 and Sox9 are the most precocious markers of limb cartilage, and their induction is independent and precedes the activation of BMP signaling. Sox10 appears also to cooperate with Sox9 and Sox8 in the establishment of the digit cartilages. In addition, we show that experimental induction of Sox gene expression in the interdigital mesoderm is accompanied by loss of the apoptotic response to exogenous BMPs. L-Sox5 and Sox6 are respectively induced coincident and after the expression of Bmpr1b in the prechondrogenic aggregate, and their activation correlates with the induction of Type II Collagen and Aggrecan genes in the differentiating cartilages. The expression of Bmpr1b precedes the appearance of morphological changes in the prechondrogenic aggregate and establishes a landmark from which the maintenance of the expression of all Sox genes and the progress of cartilage differentiation becomes dependent on BMPs. Moreover, we show that Ventroptin precedes Noggin in the modulation of BMP activity in the developing cartilages. In summary, our findings suggest that Sox8, Sox9, and Sox10 have a cooperative function conferring chondrogenic competence to limb mesoderm in response to BMP signals. In turn, BMPs in concert with Sox9, Sox6, and L-Sox5 would be responsible for the execution and maintenance of the cartilage differentiation program.  相似文献   

In early-organogenesis-stage mouse embryos, the posteroventral foregut endoderm adjacent to the heart tube gives rise to liver, ventral pancreas and gallbladder. Hepatic and pancreatic primordia become specified in the posterior segment of the ventral foregut endoderm at early somite stages. The mechanisms for demarcating gallbladder and bile duct primordium, however, are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the gallbladder and bile duct progenitors are specified in the paired lateral endoderm domains outside the heart field at almost the same timing as hepatic and pancreatic induction. In the anterior definitive endoderm, Sox17 reactivation occurs in a certain population within the most lateral domains posterolateral to the anterior intestinal portal (AIP) lip on both the left and right sides. During foregut formation, the paired Sox17-positive domains expand ventromedially to merge in the midline of the AIP lip and become localized between the liver and pancreatic primordia. In Sox17-null embryos, these lateral domains are missing, resulting in a complete loss of the gallbladder/bile-duct structure. Chimera analyses revealed that Sox17-null endoderm cells in the posteroventral foregut do not display any gallbladder/bile-duct molecular characters. Our findings show that Sox17 functions cell-autonomously to specify gallbladder/bile-duct in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

The gene nhr-6 encodes the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of the NR4A nuclear receptor. We determined the biological functions of NHR-6 through the isolation and characterization of a deletion allele of nhr-6, lg6001. We demonstrate that nhr-6 has an essential role in the development of the C. elegans somatic gonad. Specifically, nhr-6 is required for the development of the hermaphrodite spermatheca, a somatic gonad organ that serves as the site of sperm storage and oocyte fertilization. Using a variety of spermatheca cell markers, we have determined that loss of nhr-6 function causes severe morphological defects in the spermatheca and associated spermathecal valves. This appears to be due to specific requirements for nhr-6 in regulating cell proliferation and cell differentiation during development of these structures. The improper development of these structures in nhr-6(lg6001) mutants leads to defects in ovulation and significantly reduced fecundity of C. elegans hermaphrodites. The phenotypes of nhr-6(lg6001) mutants are consistent with a role for nhr-6 in organogenesis, similar to the functions of its mammalian homologs.  相似文献   

Metazoan development involves a myriad of dynamic cellular processes that require cytoskeletal function. Nonmuscle myosin II plays essential roles in embryonic development; however, knowledge of its role in post-embryonic development, even in model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster, is only recently being revealed. In this study, truncation alleles were generated and enable the conditional perturbation, in a graded fashion, of nonmuscle myosin II function. During wing development they demonstrate novel roles for nonmuscle myosin II, including in adhesion between the dorsal and ventral wing epithelial sheets; in the formation of a single actin-based wing hair from the distal vertex of each cell; in forming unbranched wing hairs; and in the correct positioning of veins and crossveins. Many of these phenotypes overlap with those observed when clonal mosaic analysis was performed in the wing using loss of function alleles. Additional requirements for nonmuscle myosin II are in the correct formation of other actin-based cellular protrusions (microchaetae and macrochaetae). We confirm and extend genetic interaction studies to show that nonmuscle myosin II and an unconventional myosin, encoded by crinkled (ck/MyoVIIA), act antagonistically in multiple processes necessary for wing development. Lastly, we demonstrate that truncation alleles can perturb nonmuscle myosin II function via two distinct mechanisms—by titrating light chains away from endogenous heavy chains or by recruiting endogenous heavy chains into intracellular aggregates. By allowing myosin II function to be perturbed in a controlled manner, these novel tools enable the elucidation of post-embryonic roles for nonmuscle myosin II during targeted stages of fly development.  相似文献   

Microvilli are actin-based fingerlike membrane projections that form the basis of the brush border of enterocytes and the Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptor rhabdomere. Although many microvillar cytoskeletal components have been identified, the molecular basis of microvillus formation is largely undefined. Here, we report that the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) is necessary for rhabdomere microvillus morphogenesis. We show that WASp accumulates on the photoreceptor apical surface before microvillus formation, and at the time of microvillus initiation WASp colocalizes with amphiphysin and moesin. The loss of WASp delays the enrichment of F-actin on the apical photoreceptor surface, delays the appearance of the primordial microvillar projections, and subsequently leads to malformed rhabdomeres.  相似文献   

Novel mutations in the RSW1 and KNOPF genes were identified in a large-scale screen for mutations that affect cell expansion in early Arabidopsis embryos. Embryos from both types of mutants were radially swollen with greatly reduced levels of crystalline cellulose, the principal structural component of the cell wall. Because RSW1 was previously shown to encode a catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase, the similar morphology of knf and rsw1-2 embryos suggests that the radially swollen phenotype of knf mutants is largely due to their cellulose deficiency. Map-based cloning of the KNF gene and enzyme assays of knf embryos demonstrated that KNF encodes alpha-glucosidase I, the enzyme that catalyzes the first step in N-linked glycan processing. The strongly reduced cellulose content of knf mutants indicates that N-linked glycans are required for cellulose biosynthesis. Because cellulose synthase catalytic subunits do not appear to be N glycosylated, the N-glycan requirement apparently resides in other component(s) of the cellulose synthase machinery. Remarkably, cellular processes other than extracellular matrix biosynthesis and the formation of protein storage vacuoles appear unaffected in knf embryos. Thus in Arabidopsis cells, like yeast, N-glycan trimming is apparently required for the function of only a small subset of N-glycoproteins.  相似文献   

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