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Cuttings of Agathis australis undergo complex anatomical changesin the sub-base and base. These changes include wound responsesin addition to the processes leading to adventitious root production.Although the root pnmordia form in the mid cortex the firstevents are associated with divisions in the interfasicular regiona few millimetres above the base of the Cutting. This is followedby differentiation into tracheids and phloem which then areoutwards and downwards into the mid cortex. When the inducedvascular strand is only a few cells wide, conditions at theadvancing front are most favourable for primordium formation.If sheets of vascular tissue occur, there is neither the spacenor the focal point for primordia to initiate. In cuttings fromolder material there are abundant resin canals, sclerenchymaand branch traces. These may reduce the amount of parenchymatissue to such a low level that potential primordial sites areno longer present and root formation is prevented. Organization is not observed until over 1500 cells are presentand at about this stage the beginning of organized cell arrangementcan be seen at the site of the apex of the primordium. Untilthis time the progress towards a primordium could not be saidto be ‘determined’. Although the lag phase before any morphological or anatomicalchanges are observed is variable in duration, the time takenfor the period of tracheid development and then for primordiumorganization and outgrowth is fairly constant, taking about2 weeks for each of the two phases. Evidence suggests that thevariation between species is probably in the duration of thelag phase and in the precise site of origin and pattern of theearly events. Once the primordium has formed the events leadingto root formation are probably similar for most species bothfor adventitious and lateral roots. Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl, kauri, cuttings, wound responses, vascular connections, root primordia, root anatomy  相似文献   

Kauri (Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl.) occurs naturally in the warm temperate forest of northern New Zealand where it grows mixed with angiosperm tree species. Below mature kauri trees thick organic layers develop in which large amounts of nitrogen are accumulated. This nitrogen seems to be inaccessible to plants. While litter quality can explain the low decomposition rate below kauri, it is not known what causes the accumulation of nitrogen. We hypothesised that kauri tannins reduce nitrogen mineralisation and litter decomposition below kauri. We further hypothesised that high tannin concentrations in the soil would increase the availability of dissolved organic nitrogen relative to the availability of inorganic nitrogen. To test these hypotheses a laboratory incubation was carried out for 1 year. Purified tannins of kauri and of two other common New Zealand tree species were added to samples of the soil organic layer from under a kauri tree. The results suggest that during the first month of incubation the added tannins reduced nitrogen availability by sequestering proteins or by stimulating nitrogen immobilisation. In the long-term, the reduced nitrogen release, which was found following tannin addition, seems attributable to the complexation of proteins by tannins. It further appeared that the addition of tannins did not change the ratio of dissolved organic nitrogen to inorganic nitrogen in the long-term. We conclude that the effect of kauri tannins on nitrogen release offers a good explanation for the accumulation of nitrogen below kauri trees.  相似文献   

A red carotenoid pigment was isolated by paper chromatographyfrom extracts of leaves of red pigmented Agathis australis seedlings.The position and shape of the absorption spectra of this pigmentin three solvents was identical with those for rhodoxanthinisolated from the arils of Taxus baccata fruit. The behaviourof the red pigment on partitioning between petroleum ether and90 per cent, methanol, its position on sucrose, celite, andmagnesium oxide columns and its solubility in various solventswas consistent with this conclusion. The red leaf pigment andrhodoxanthin could not be separated when co-chromatographedin two solvent systems. The concentration of this pigment inred seedlings was c. 25 times greater than that in green seedlingswhile the chlorophyll content in the former was half that ofthe latter. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Tree species can affect the soil they are growing on and this might influence their fitness. The New Zealand gymnosperm tree species kauri (Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl.) which grows in mixed angiosperm–gymnosperm forests has a substantial effect upon the soil. We studied the hypotheses that: (1) low soil moisture availability below mature kauri trees hampers growth of kauri seedlings and angiosperm seedlings, (2) low nutrient availability below kauri trees hampers only angiosperm seedlings, and (3) angiosperm seedlings are hampered more than kauri seedlings by the conditions below kauri trees. We tested these hypotheses by planting seedlings of kauri and mapau (Myrsine australis (A. Rich) Allan) under kauri trees and applying the following treatments: removal of herbs, removal of litter, removal of nutrient limitation, and elimination of root competition of mature kauri trees. The results indicate that low soil moisture availability, or the combination of low soil moisture availability and low nutrient fertility, hampers the growth of kauri as well as mapau seedlings below kauri trees. The mapau seedlings are hampered relatively more than the kauri seedlings which might result in an increased relative fitness of the latter.  相似文献   

苦木化学成分研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用各种柱色谱和重结晶等方法对苦木Picrasma quassioides(D.Don)Benn.进行分离纯化,得到五个化合物。通过NMR等现代波谱学方法和技术鉴定化合物的结构分别为:高丽槐素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(trifolirhizin,1),高丽槐素(maackiain,2),3’,7-二羟基-4’-甲氧基异黄酮(3’,7-dihydroxy-4’-methoxyisoflavone,3),7-羟基香豆素(umbelliferone,4)和大黄素(emodin,5)。五个化合物均为首次从该属植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

Stratification at 0 °C accelerates subsequent germinationof seed of Pinus radiata D. Don when transferred to 25 °C;the effect of low temperature is on the megagametophyte, notthe embryo. Organic acids, sucrose, and organic phosphates accumulatein the seed during stratification but lipase and invertase havelow activities which do not increase during treatment at 0 °C.We conclude that this accumulation of metabolites underliesthe increase in rate of germination of stratified seed. Treatingseeds at 0 °C rather than 5 °C separates effects dueto stratification and growth.  相似文献   

The specimen 3064 of A. Petelot in 1927 from Chapa (Vietnam) is Dicentra scandens (D. Don) Walp. Anatomical characteristics of fruits and seeds are identically with such of the isotype, but morphological characteristics in the other parts are somewhat different.  相似文献   

Polystichum squarrosum fern fed (30% w/w) rats showed moderate mortality, decrease in body weight, less body fat and splenomegaly. On post-mortem examination, significant gross lesions were not seen in sacrificed animals. Histopathologically, Polystichum fed rats showed dilated Virchow Robin's space in brain, mild to moderate vascular changes likeoedema, engorgement of blood vessels and haemorrhages in most of the visceral organs, interstitial pneumonia in lungs, focal necrosis and generalised vacuolative degenerative changes in liver, more haemosiderin deposition and presence of higher number of megakaryocytes in spleen, shrunken glomeruli, more peri-glomerular space and more number of glomeruli per microscopic field in kidneys, focal hyperplasia of urinary bladder and moderate to marked depletion of germinal epithelium and spermatids in seminiferous tubules of testes. Pathologically, progressive changes were observed only in liver, urinary bladder and testes on 180 days post feeding (DPF). One fern fed rat sacrificed on 135 DPF showed hepatic tumour which was diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma. The results showed that P. squarrosum produced almost comparable pathological changes/preneoplastic lesions as reported in bracken fern fed animals. Long term exposure studies (i.e. 2 yrs) are desired.  相似文献   

Isozyme phenotypes are described for 45 structural loci and 1 modifier locus in bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don,) and segregation data are presented for a subset of 31 polymorphic loci from 19 enzyme systems. All polymorphic loci had alleles that segregated within single-locus Mendelian expectations, although one pair of alleles at each of three loci showed significant segregation distortion. The consistency of resolution and segregation at many loci in bishop pine makes electrophoretic analyses feasible for many purposes in this species.  相似文献   

Although the functional brain network involved in reading for adults and children is now well documented, a critical lack of knowledge still exists about the structural development of these brain areas. To provide a better overview of the structural dynamics of the brain that sustain reading acquisition, we acquired anatomical MRI brain images from 55 children that were divided into two groups: one prior to the formal learning of reading (n = 33, 5–6 years old) and the second a few years after formal learning (n = 22, 9–10 years old). Reading performances were collected based on the “Alouette-R” test, a standardized test for reading text in French. Voxel-based morphometry analysis of gray matter showed that only the right insula volume was different between the two groups. Moreover, the reading group showed that the volumes of the left fusiform gyrus (corresponding to the well-known visual word form area, VWFA), the anterior part of the left inferior occipital gyrus and the left thalamus were significantly modulated by reading performance. This study reinforces the crucial role of the Visual Word Form Area in reading and correlation analyses performed between ROIs volumes suggesting that the VWFA is fully connected with the traditional left-hemispheric language brain network.  相似文献   

2017年,印度学者Joe等基于采自中国藏东南地区的植物标本,发表了合萼吊石苣苔的一新变种Lysionotus gamosepalus W. T. Wang var.biflorus A. Joe, Hareesh&M. Sabu,并且认为该新变种与原变种的主要区分特征包括叶缘稍具锯齿、每个腋生花序仅有2朵花、花冠被毛、具2枚卷曲的退化雄蕊。然而,近年来,笔者基于查阅大量标本和野外考察工作,认为所谓变种的形态特征是在合萼吊石苣苔(Lysionotus gamosepalus W. T. Wang)的变异范围之内,加之分布区完全重叠,生长环境类似,物候期一致,不宜作为变种等级处理。故在此将该变种处理为合萼吊石苣苔的异名。  相似文献   

Geographical variation in the reproductive biology of widespread species often occurs at their distributional boundaries. We sought to determine whether such variation has occurred in an invasive orchid, Oeceoclades maculata, across its naturalized range. We compared its reproductive biology in a Brazilian population with that published for a population on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. In the state of São Paulo, O. maculata flowers between December and February, at the height of the rainy season. Similar fruit sets were observed in manual self (76%) and cross (70.4%) pollination treatments. The fruit set of plants protected from both pollinators and rainfall was 6.1%, whereas plants exposed only to rainfall had a fruit set of 41.4%, slightly less than the controls (48.3%). Like the Puerto Rico population, reproduction is primarily through rain‐assisted autogamy, but unlike observations made on the island, outcrossing can eventually occur. We observed two butterfly species (Heliconius ethilla narcaea and Heliconius erato phyllis) pollinating O. maculata. Secretory epidermal cells and trichomes of the spur lumen produced 0.7 µL of 25% (sucrose equivalents) nectar per flower each morning, which was stored in a dilated basal portion of the spur and reabsorbed by the afternoon. Thus, geographical variation in reproductive biology exists across the broad invasive range of O. maculata.  相似文献   

Abstract In the summer of 1990, the pollination ecology of Pedicularis megalantha was studied in the montane-subalpine spruce-fir forest zone (2750-3050 m) on the north slope of Mt. Huttoo at Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh, in the Indian Himalaya. Its yellow, long-tubed, nectarless flower with a curled rostrum overarched by a broad, inverted lower corolla lip was pollinated exclusively by Bombus albopleuralis and B. tunicatus workers hanging inverted from the corolla and vibrating pollen from introrse anthers concealed within the galea and releasing pollen through a small ventral opening in the galea base. The stigma, protruding from the tip of the rostrum, contacted pollen deposited on the ventral side of the insect's thorax. Corbicular pollen loads from P. megalantha pollinators indicated equal numbers of monolectic and oligolectic foragers. P. megalantha appeared to suffer from competition for pollinators by Cynoglossum wallichii at one site but to be favored in a mixed plant community with nectariferous species offering a forage resource complementary to Pedicularis pollen. As in P. punctata , the long, nectarless corolla tube of P. megalantha appears to function in extending the rostrate vibration pollination mechanism beyond the plant's foliage, which would interfere with its function. It is not an adaptation for nectar-foraging lepidopteran pollinators. P. megalantha was also found to be a root hemiparasite.  相似文献   

One of the longest Southern Hemisphere tree ring chronologies that has potential to provide past climate reconstructions has been produced using New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis). Work to date on kauri has been limited to reconstructions from whole-ring width analysis. In this study, we present the first replicated stable oxygen isotopic composition of early season alpha-cellulose from calendar-dated kauri tree rings within the natural growth range of the species. We also use newly established kauri physiology information about stomatal conductance and a mechanistic model to place initial interpretations on kauri δ18O signatures.Kauri early season δ18O has a range from 26 to 34‰ (V-SMOW) for a site located at Lower Huia Dam in west Auckland, and the mean δ18O chronology from that site is significantly correlated (p < 0.05) to October-December vapor pressure, May-December relative humidity and other associated hydroclimatic variables. The observed statistical relationships are consistent with mechanistic δ18O simulations using the forward model of Barbour et al. (2004) that incorporates a leaf temperature energy balance model to calculate transpiration as forced with local meteorological variables and a range of physiological parameters. The correlation results and mechanistic model simulations suggest kauri δ18O early season wood has the potential to provide new quantitative past climate information for northern New Zealand, and also complement whole ring-width reconstructions of past regional climate variability – a component of which is previously established as sensitive to El Niño-Southern Oscillation activity. Additional work is required to determine whether the observed relationships are consistent across the growth range of kauri and what the optimum sample depth is before long isotope-based palaeoclimate reconstructions from modern and sub-fossil kauri sites are undertaken.  相似文献   

Kauri dieback, caused by Phytophthora agathidicida, is an emergent threat to the ecologically unique and carbon-rich kauri (Agathis australis) forests in New Zealand. Our main aim was to assess the effect of kauri dieback on canopy and forest floor dissolved and particulate carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes. Throughfall and stemflow collectors and free-draining lysimeters were deployed underneath the canopy of ten kauri trees differing in their soil P. agathidicida DNA concentration and visual health status and sampled weekly to monthly over 1 y. Throughfall and forest floor dissolved C and N fluxes decreased significantly with increasing soil P. agathidicida DNA concentration which may be related to changes in leaf chemistry, leachable kauri leaf surface area and uptake of N by the understory vegetation. The observed alteration in dissolved and particulate C and N fluxes under P. agathidicida infected kauri trees could lead to long-term changes in biogeochemical processes (e.g. mineralization, nutrient availability) in these ecologically unique kauri forests.  相似文献   

For taxonomic purposes in the genus Pleione D. Don (Orchidaceae) breeding studies, chromosome numbers, karyotypes and analyses of pollen mother cells have been investigated. In addition to confirming many previous chromosome numbers, new tetraploid, hexaploid and triploid counts establish the existence of a tetraploid taxon (P. speciosa) , a hexaploid (P. bulbocodioides) and a triploid hybrid (P.humilis 'Frank Kingdon-Ward'). The karyotypes of the diploid species P. bulbocodioides, P.yunnanensis, P. humilis, P.forrestii and P. hookeriana are distinct, whereas those of P.formosana and P. limprichtii have similar morphology to that of P. bulbocodioides , which was also represented in the polyploid taxa. Karyotype morphology provides evidence to trace the putative parents of P. x confusa and P. humilis 'Frank Kingdon-Ward'. Results from pollen mother cells and karyotype analyses suggest that P.formosana and P. limprichtii are not cytologically differentiated from P. bulbocodiodes , and the taxa P. speciosa, P. limprichtii (tetraploid form) and P. bulbocodioides (6x) are of autopolyploid origin, being derived from the P. bulbocodioides genome. The species limits are discussed.  相似文献   

Rates of weight loss and release of Na, K, Ca, Mg and P were investigated for common components of kauri forest litterfall in experiments using mesh bags. Weight loss over both 3 and 12 months was maximal for broadleaf mesophyllous species such as Melicytus ramiflorus and minimal for gymnosperms (e.g. Phyllocladus trichomanoides) and sclerophyllous broadleaf species (e.g. Knightia excelsa). Tree fern and palm frond material, common in these forests, was also slow to decompose, being grouped with the gymnosperm and sclerophyllous species. The order of release of nutrients from decomposing litter was P < Mg ~ Ca < Na ~ K. This order varied somewhat with species and litter type. Sodium and K are lost rapidly regardless of the rate of weight loss while Mg and Ca tend to follow the weight loss trend more closely. Loss of weight and nutrients was faster for freshly picked green leaves than for senesced leaves. Agathis australis litter, which may represent up to 50% of total litterfall, loses both weight and nutrients more slowly than broadleaf mesophyll species.  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术对百合科植物黄花油点草[Tricyrtis maculata(D.Don)Machride]双受精、胚及胚乳发育进行了研究,以明确其胚胎发育的特征,为百合科植物的系统研究提供生殖生物学资料。结果表明:(1)黄花油点草为珠孔受精;进入胚囊的2枚精子分别与卵细胞和中央细胞进行正常的双受精,其受精作用属有丝分裂前型。(2)受精后的初生胚乳核立即分裂,其发育方式为核型胚乳;早期的游离胚乳核沿胚囊的边缘分布,胚囊中央部位主要为胚乳细胞质,随着游离胚乳核数量的增加,胚乳核慢慢充满整个胚囊;当发育至球形胚早期阶段,在各胚乳核周围产生胚乳细胞壁,形成完整的胚乳细胞。(3)合子有较长的休眠时间,胚的发育方式为茄型;合子第一次有丝分裂为横裂,分裂后形成基细胞和顶细胞;基细胞经过3次横裂,形成一列胚柄细胞;顶细胞经过分裂形成胚体,依次形成球形胚、棒状胚和盾形胚。(4)种子成熟时胚无器官分化;成熟种子由种皮、胚和胚乳三部分组成。  相似文献   

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