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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Spring Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, ranging from 0 to 200 kgN ha–1, were applied to spring wheat cv. Kleiber in the3 years 1972-1974. In 1972 grain dry weight with 125 kg N ha–1or more was 100 g m–2 (23 per cent) greater than withoutnitrogen. Grain yield was unaffected by nitrogen in the otheryears. Leaf area at and after anthesis was increased throughoutthe range of nitrogen tested, most in 1972 and least in 1973.Consequently, the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 decreasedthe amount of grain produced per unit of leaf area by approximately25 per cent in all years. The dry weight of leaves and stems at anthesis and maturitywas increased by nitrogen in all years, similarly to leaf area.However, the change in stem dry weight between anthesis andmaturity was not affected by nitrogen; stems increased in dryweight for about 20 days after anthesis and then decreased tovalues similar to those at anthesis. The uptake of CO2 per unit area of flag leaf or second leaf(leaf below the flag leaf) was slightly decreased by nitrogenwhen the increase in leaf area caused by nitrogen appreciablydecreased the light intensity at the surface of these leaves.In spite of such decreases the CO2 absorbed by flag and secondleaves per unit area of land was always increased by nitrogen,and relatively more than was grain yield. It is suggested that increases in respiratory loss of CO2 withincreasing nitrogen fertilizer may explain why nitrogen increasedvegetative growth and leaf area relatively more than grain yield.  相似文献   

Sugar beet plants were grown for 12 weeks from emergence ingrowth rooms at temperatures of 10, 17, 24 and 31 °C and20, 50, 80, and 110 cal visible radiation cm-2d-1, and the changeswith time in their dry weight, leaf area, leaf numbers, andstorage root sugar determined. The first stage of growth wasdominated by the development of the shoot, but the storage rootgradually assumed increasing importance and eventually grewat a faster rate and to a greater weight than the shoot. Therelative growth rate and final yield of dry matter of the shootwere greatest at 24 °C and of the root between 17 and 24°C. The relative rate of expansion and the final area ofthe leaf surface were also greatest at 24 °C, whilst therates of production and of unfolding of leaves were greatestat about 17 °C. All these attributes were increased withincreased radiation. Net assimilation rate increased almostproportionately with radiation and was not significantly affectedby temperature.The relationships of total leaf area with plantdry weight, root dry weight with shoot dry weight, and totalleaf number with plant dry weight were scarcely affected bychanges in radiation, but were much influenced by temperature.Plants of the same dry weight generally had bigger roots andsmaller areas of leaf surface as temperatures departed from24 °C and had most leaves at 17 °C. Sugar concentrationsin the storage root were greatest at 17 °C, but the totalamount of sugar was about the same at 17 and 24 °C. Theconcentration of sugar in the storage root depended on rootsize.Thus, temperature affected both the rate and pattern ofdevelopment, and radiation affected the rate but not the patternof development.  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

Sugar beet seedlings (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) were grownfor 14 d on a nutrient solution based on the nutrient proportionsin healthy plants. Nutrients were supplied either once at relativelyhigh concentrations, or in small amounts with a daily incrementalincrease of 0?15 or 0?20 in accordance with an exponential growthrate. Cadmium (0, 0?6, 2?3, 50 or 20?0 µmol) was introducedeither by a single addition or in daily increments of 0?15 or0?20. Cadmium uptake, expressed as a percentage of total Cd2+supplied, decreased with increasing total Cd2+ content and withdecreasing availability of nutrients. With a daily supply ofcadmium, net uptake, transport and content per unit of dry weightin roots and shoots were related to the total Cd2+ supplied.Cadmium caused growth retardation, increased root/whole-plantratio, and decreased root-tip respiration and photosynthesis.At high initial nutrient concentrations, Cd2+ decreased thecontents of sucrose, glucose, fructose, and starch per unitof dry weight. The opposite was found if nutrients were addeddaily. In the latter case, the dry weight/fresh weight ratioalso increased. The effects of cadmium were related to [Cd2+]in proportion both to the root absorption area and to the nutrientconcentration. Key words: Sugar beet, mineral provision, cadmium uptake, sugar formation, growth  相似文献   

Coaldrake, P. D., Pearson, C. J. and Saffigna, P. G. 1987. Grainyield of Pennisetum americanum adjusts to nitrogen supply bychanging rates of grain filling and root uptake of nitrogen.–J.exp. Bot 38: 558–566. Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum(L.)Leeke) was grown in containers at three constant rates of nitrogensupply or with the nitrogen supply increased from the lowestto the highest rate during panicle differentiation or at anthesis.We measured the rate and duration of nitrogen and dry weightgain by individual grains and nitrogen (15N) uptake by rootsand its distribution during grain filling. The total amountsof nitrogen and dry weight in all grain per plant at the lowestnitrogen supply were 8% and 14% respectively of plants growncontinuously at the highest rate of nitrogen. This was becauselow rates of nitrogen supply reduced grain number, mean grainweight and the nitrogen content of each individual grain. Theamino acid composition of the grain protein was affected onlyslightly by nitrogen treatments. Rates of grain growth were sensitive to nitrogen supply whereasthe duration of nitrogen movement to the grain was not. Nitrogenuptake by roots continued throughout grain filling; rates ofuptake per g root in plants given least nitrogen were one-halfthose of plants given the highest amount of nitrogen. A changefrom lowest to highest nitrogen supply at panicle differentiationincreased the uptake of nitrogen by roots and the rates of growthof individual grains, to the rates observed in plants whichhad been supplied continuously with the highest nitrogen. Whenthe change in supply was made at anthesis there was rapid movementof nitrogen into the plant but this was not translated intomore rapid grain growth. Key words: Nitrogen supply, Pennisetum americanum, grain yield, root uptake  相似文献   

In 1967 and 1968 plots of sugar beet in two identically grown crops were shaded for successive four week periods starting on 13 June, 18 July and 22 August, and the growth of the plants compared with that on unshaded plots. At the beginning of each period in 1967 some shaded and unshaded plants received additional nitrogen, and in 1968 plants continuously shaded from June to September were compared with unshaded plants irrigated to equalize their water losses with those of the shaded plants. The weather in 1967 was sunny and dry and that in 1968 dull and wet, but the yields of dry matter, and particularly of sugar, of the unshaded crop in the 2 years were similar because, although net assimilation rate (E) was greater in 1967 than 1968, mean leaf area index (L) in 1968 was almost double that in the 1967 crop. Shading decreased the incoming radiation by 56%; it decreased E proportionally in 1967, increasing L slightly, but it decreased both E (by 44%) and L in 1968. The weights of dry matter and sugar in the roots of the shaded crop were consistently smaller at the end of shading and at final harvest in October in both years, and their weights, but not those of the tops or the whole plant, at final harvest over all shading treatments in both years were proportional to the amount of radiation received by the crop between June and September. Although shading greatly decreased the supply of photosynthate to the roots, it did not change the sugar content percentage of dry matter, except in the early stages of growth when the sugar content was rapidly increasing. Sugar content percentage of fresh weight of the roots was consistently decreased by shading, wholly because water content was increased relative to dry matter. Therefore the sugar yield of shaded plants was less because the dry weights of the roots were less, not because the partition of photosynthate between sugar storage and root growth changed. There appears to be a mechanism within the root operating over a wide range of photosynthate supply that maintains a nearly constant proportion of sucrose to non-sugar, contrary to the hypothesis that sugar stored in the roots is photosynthate in excess of what can be used in growth of the plant. However, in the extreme condition of continuous shading which drastically decreased the dry weights of all parts of the plant, sugar percentage of dry matter in the roots was decreased, but only from 80 to 70%. In 1967 extra nitrogen applied at the start of shading increased L and the dry weight of the tops in all periods, but had no effect on the dry weight of roots. Because 1968 was a wet year the irrigation treatment had no effect on E or L except for a slight increase in L during the first period; it had no effect on plant dry weight. Both irrigation and additional nitrogen decreased the sugar content percentage of fresh weight of the roots only by altering their water content; sugar percentage of dry matter was unaffected. None of these changes persisted until the final harvest in October.  相似文献   

Plants were grown at temperatures of 15 and 25 ?C with two ratesof nitrogen supply. The changes in dry weight, leaf area, cellnumber, mean cell volume, soluble carbohydrate, and total nitrogenconcentration of the cotyledons, the first and second pair oftrue leaves, and the storage root were measured. Changes incell number and cell volume of the first pair of true leavesand storage root of plants were also measured at 11, 18, 25,and 32 ?C. Leaf growth before unfolding was chiefly by increase in cellnumber and after unfolding by increase in mean cell volume,while the growth of the storage root was almost entirely byincrease in cell number. The rates of cell division and cellexpansion were fastest at 25 ?C, but the initially high ratesof cell division in the terminal bud and in individual leavesdecreased rapidly and greater rates were maintained at the sub-optimaltemperatures, i.e. 15 and 18 ?C. After an initial period ofslow growth, the first-formed leaves grew faster and becamelarger at 15 than at 25 ?C. Leaves were produced, unfolded,grew faster, and became larger with increase in the externalconcentration of nitrogen, because cells divided and expandedfaster, so that nitrogen increased the number and size of cells. Sugar concentration was greater at 15 than at 25 ?C in leavesbut not in the storage root. Sugar concentration in the petiolesof the first and second pair of true leaves increased to 1.2and 2.0 per cent fresh weight respectively. Decreased nitrogensupply temporarily increased the sugar concentration of cotyledonpetioles and the seedling hypocotyl, but later decreased itin the leaves and storage root. Nitrogen concentration was greaterin the leaves and storage root at 15 than at 25 ?C with thelarger nitrogen supply. Nitrogen concentrations were similarin young leaves of all treatments but as the size of leavesincreased nitrogen concentrations decreased most rapidly at25 ?C with the smaller nitrogen supply. It is suggested that when increased leaf production and storage-rootgrowth occurs at temperatures below the growth optimum (25 ?C),they may be due to an effect of increased carbohydrate supplyon cell division and sugar storage.  相似文献   

When clubroot galls developed on cabbage inoculated with Plasmodiophorabrassicae Woron., the distribution of dry matter in the plantwas altered. As soon as clubbed roots were visible the stem:root ratio diminished with time until the clubs rotted. Afterclubs appeared the increase in root weight was nearly all fromgrowth of the clubroot gall and the rate of growth of tops correspondinglydiminished. Succulence of the shoot, water content per unitdry weight, was unaffected. Increase in total leaf area closely paralleled that of totaldry weight. It was slower in diseased plants and attained alower limit than in healthy ones. From the 35 th day after inoculation,onwards, diseased plants had fewer and smaller leaves and theirleaves opened more slowly, one new leaf unfolding every 9 dayson diseased plants against one every 4 days on healthy plants.Leaves of diseased plants were both smaller and thinner thanthose in corresponding positions on healthy plants. The relationship between the absorbing system on the one hand,and the assimilating and transpiring system on the other, wasgreatly altered; the dry weight of fibrous root per unit leafarea was decreased after infection from 1.20 to 0.79 mg./cm.220 days after inoculation and from 1.64 to 0.38 mg./cm.2 82days after inoculation. Though infection consistently lowered net assimilation rate,on the average by about 15 per cent, of the control value, thisdecrease was never statistically significant. Increases in the number of spores in the inoculum progressivelydecreased the dry weights of tops and fibrous roots, and sometimesincreased the dry weight of clubs. Delaying inoculation increased the initial growth rate of thegalls, and sometimes their final size. The extent to which plantswere damaged depended more on how long they had been infectedthan on age at inoculation.  相似文献   

Sugar-beet has a larger storage root and greater net assimilationrate (E) than spinach beet. To determine whether the greaterroot was a result or cause of the greater E, grafts were madebetween tops and roots of sugar-beet and spinach-beet in allfour possible combinations. Grafted plants with sugar-beet roots had greater E and rootdry weight, less leaf area and top dry weight and lower concentrationof sugar in the leaf lamina, than those with spinach-beet roots,irrespective of the type of top. Grafted plants with sugar-beettops had greater E, total and root dry weight, but less leafarea, than those with spinach-beet tops, irrespective of thetype of root. The difference in E between grafted plants withsugar-beet tops and spinach-beet tops was similar to that betweengrafted plants with sugar-beet roots and spinach-beet roots.It increased with time to 60 per cent. Increases in E probably represent increases in rate of photosynthesis.Sugar-beet roots probably increased photosynthesis by providinga better sink for assimilates than spinach-beet roots.  相似文献   

The growth of lucerne var. Europe was examined in the fieldduring 1976. The annual dry matter production of unirrigatedlucerne during 1976, with no nitrogen fertilizer application,was 82.5 per cent greater than unirrigated S.24 perennial ryegrass,with a nitrogen application of 384 kg ha–1. The mean aboveground growth rate of lucerne was 7.3 g DM m–2 day–1between March and early June, of which stem material contributeda maximum of 76.5 per cent. Significant losses of leaves andstems occurred from the end of April, indicating a loss of potentialforage material. Nitrogen analyses of the above ground crop suggested that in56 days lucerne yielded 10.7 per cent more nitrogen than didS.24 annually with a nitrogen fertilizer addition of 280 kgha–1. Between 13 and 57 per cent of the daily photosynthate is translocatedbelow ground. Medicago sativaL, lucerne, dry matter production, canopy structure, nitrogen analyses  相似文献   

Root-tiller relations were investigated in spring barley grownin soil in deep pots. The total dry wt of the root system reachedits maximum 6 weeks from sowing, when the shoot weight was only50 per cent of its value at maturity. Seminal and nodal rootscomprised 40 and 60 per cent, respectively, of the total rootdry wt at maturity; the majority of the nodal root weight wasassociated with the main shoot. The main shoot had approximatelytwice as many nodal roots as either of the first two primarytillers (T1 and T2), and the primary and secondary tillers appearinglater were very poorly rooted. Some tillers, especially secondarytillers that died prematurely, produced no nodal roots. Theweight of the seminal roots and nodal roots attached to themain shoot continued to increase up to maturity but the drywt of nodal roots on tillers declined with time. This patternof growth was closely related to the pattern of 14C assimilateddistribution within the root system. A very small proportionof 14C assimilated by the main shoot and T1 and T2 was exported.The majority of the exported assimilate went to the seminalroot system and to nodal roots attached to the main shoot. Individualnodal and seminal roots seemed to have different roles in supplyingnutrients to the shoot system, with the former mainly providing32P-phosphate to its tiller of origin and the latter generallysupplying the main shoot and primary tillers. Hordeum distichum. (L.) Lam., barley, root growth, nodal roots, seminal roots, tillering, assimilate distribution, 32P-distribution  相似文献   

This paper examines how elevated CO2 and nitrogen (N) supply affect plant characteristics of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) with an emphasis on root morphology. Seedlings were grown in greenhouses from seeds during one growing season at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (375 and 710 μL L-1) and two N levels (High and Low). Root morphological characteristics were determined using a scanner and an image analysis program on a Macintosh computer. In the high N treatment, elevated CO2 increased total plant dry weight by 80% and did not modify root to shoot (R/S) dry weight ratio, and leaf and plant N concentration at the end of the growing season. In the low N treatment, elevated CO2 increased total dry weight by 60%. Plant and leaf N concentration declined and R/S ratio tended to increase. Nitrogen uptake rate on both a root length and a root dry weight basis was greater at elevated CO2 in the high N treatment and lower in the low N treatment. We argue that N stress resulting from short exposures to nutrients might help explain the lower N concentrations observed at high CO2 in other experiments; Nitrogen and CO2 levels modified root morphology. High N increased the number of secondary lateral roots per length of first order lateral root and high CO2 increased the length of secondary lateral roots per length of first order lateral root. Number and length of first order lateral roots were not modified by either treatment. Specific root length of main axis, and to a lower degree, of first order laterals, declined at high CO2, especially at high N. Basal stem diameter and first order root diameters increased at high CO2, especially at high N. Elevated CO2 increased the proportion of upper lateral roots within the root system.  相似文献   

The distribution of photosynthate labelled with 14C was studiedin spring wheat grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizerin the three years 1972–4, after exposing the flag leafor the leaf below the flag leaf to 14CO2 at 6–10 or 19–26days after anthesis. The movement of 14C to ears was unaffectedby nitrogen fertilizer except after early exposure in 1973,when nitrogen increased the retention of 14C in stems at maturity The concentration of sugar in the top part of the shoot at theend of the day was unaffected by nitrogen in 1973, but at 22days after anthesis in 1974 the concentration of sucrose inthe glumes and rachis, and in the flag leaf lamina was increasedby nitrogen. Loss of sugar by translocation and respirationduring the night may explain why this increase in concentrationwas not reflected in the 14C distribution 24 h after supplying14C. The proportion of the total 14C content of the shoot that wasin the ear at maturity ranged from 68 to 95 per cent dependingon when and to which leaf the 14CO2 was supplied. Less than5 per cent remained in the leaf exposed to 14CO2. The proportionof the final ear weight contributed by the leaf below the flagleaf was about half that contributed by the flag leaf. In 1974 about 24 per cent of the 14C absorbed by the flag leaf,and 56 per cent of that absorbed by the second leaf, was lostby maturity, presumably by respiration. Most loss occurred inthe first 24 h.  相似文献   

Ammonium nitrate solution applied to the leaves of sugar-beetincreased plant dry weight and uptake of nitrogen by the roots.Uptake of phosphorus by the roots of swedes, but not sugar-beet,grown with high phosphorus supply to the roots, was decreasedby applying sodium phosphate solution to the leaves; uptakefrom a lower phosphorus supply to the roots was unaffected.Phosphorus applied to the leaves had no effect on dry weight.Potassium uptake by the roots of sugar-beet plants grown withhigh potassium supply to the roots was unaffected by paintingthe leaves with a potassium chloride solution, that of plantswith an intermediate potassium supply was increased, and plantsgrown with a low supply to the roots absorbed almost all theavailable potassium so painting could not much increase uptakeby the roots. Application of potassium to the leaves increaseddry weight of plants with low or medium potassium supply tothe roots and did not affect that of plants with a high potassiumsupply. The top: root ratio for phosphorus content in mg. per plantwas greater for phosphorus absorbed via leaves than for phosphorusabsorbed via roots. Increasing the phosphorus supply to theroots increased this ratio for phosphorus absorbed either vialeaves or roots. Potassium absorbed by leaves was slightly more efficient inincreasing dry weight than potassium absorbed at the same timeby the root. A similar comparison was not possible for nitrogenor phosphorus. The results of these and previous experiments indicate thatall the nitrogen and potassium and over 80 per cent. of thephosphorus applied to leaves was absorbed. The small amountof phosphorus remaining unabsorbed on the surface of the leafwas unaffected by phosphorus supply to the root.  相似文献   

Increasing the concentration of CO2 in the air from the usual300 ppm to 1, 000 ppm in growth rooms with temperatures of 20°C during the 16-h light period and 15° C during the 8-hdark period increased the total dry weight of sugar-beet, barley,and kale by about 5o per cent. A further increase in CO, concentrationto 3, 300 ppm increased dry weight slightly more. These effectsoccurred with light intensities ranging from 3.7 to II.6 caldm–2 min–1 of visible radiation supplied by a mixtureof fluorescent and tungsten lamps, and were only slightly greaterwith the brighter light. Extra CO2 also increased leaf area,though relatively less than dry weight, and the number of barleyshoots but not of sugar-beet or kale leaves; it decreased leaf-arearatio, specific leaf area, and the ratio of tops to roots. Maizewas taller with extra CO2. Net assimilation rates in 1, 000 and 3, 300 ppm CO2 were about20 and 30 per cent respectively greater than in 300 ppm. Uptakeof CO2 in the light by complete tops and single leaves alsoincreased with increase in CO2 concentration. Photosynthesisof leaves of plants recently transferred to a new CO2 concentrationdepended only on that concentration and not on the originalone. Doubling the light intensity from 3.7 to 7.7 cal dm–2min–1 affected dry weight, leaf area, net assimilationrate, etc., similarly to a tenfold increase in CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Ten-day old kidney bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Shin-edogawa)were exposed to 2.0 and 4–0 parts 10–6 NO2, and0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 parts 10–6 O3 alone or in combinationfor 2, 4, and 7 d. The effects of these air pollutants wereexamined with respect to the growth, partitioning of assimilates,nitrogen uptake, soluble sugar content, and root respiration. Decreased dry matter production was significant with all treatmentsexcept 2.0 parts 10–6 NO2 and 0.1 parts 10–6 O3.Exposure to mixtures of the gases produced more severe suppressionof growth than exposure to the single gases. Root/shoot ratiowas significantly lowered at 7 d by the gas treatments otherthan 2.0 parts 10–6 NO2 and 0.1 parts 10–6 O3. Thetotal nitrogen content of plants was increased by all treatments;the higher percent of nitrogen found with O3 exposure will resultfrom the growth retardation which increases the concentrationof nitrogen in the plants because the absorption of nitrogenby roots was unaffected. The combination of O3 with NO2 significantlydecreased the assimilation of NO2 by the plants. The concentration of soluble sugars in roots was decreased bythe gas treatments. There was a strong positive correlationbetween soluble sugar content and dry weight of the roots harvestedat 7 d. Root respiration was relatively unchanged until 5 dand then decreased significantly at 7 d by 2.0 parts 10–6NO2 and 0–2 parts 10–6 O3. Retarded growth of theroots and the decreased root respiration may be due to diminishedtranslocation of sugars from leaves to roots caused by exposureto air pollutants. The uptake of soil nitrogen was not closelyrelated with root respiration in the case of O3 exposure. Key words: NO2, O3, Phaseolus vulgaris, Growth, Sugars, Root respiration  相似文献   

Dark-grown and light-grown nitrogen deficient Euglena accumulatedcarbohydrates and lipids under heterotrophic and phototrophicconditions. Although cellular lipid content increased, lipidas a percentage of dry weight was unaltered. Nitrogen deficientand sufficient heterotrophic cultures synthesized equal amountsof lipid per mole of exogenous carbon. Nitrogen deficiency doesnot alter the partitioning of available carbon between the synthesisof lipid and other cellular constituents but simply inhibitscell division so that the carbohydrate and lipid produced aredivided among fewer cells increasing the quantity of storageproducts per cell. Cellular chlorophyll content decreased onlywhen nitrogen deficient cells were maintained at high lightintensities suggesting that chlorophyll loss is due to a reductionin the rate of resynthesis of chlorophyll destroyed throughphotooxidative damage. Anaerobiosis triggered lipid synthesisand promoted carbohydrate breakdown in the dark and light. Evenafter six days of nitrogen deficiency, anaerobiosis triggeredadditional lipid accumulation and carbohydrate breakdown. Incontrast to nitrogen deficiency, anaerobiosis produced a preferentialincrease in the percentage of dry weight as lipid. This increasewas due as much to a decrease in cellular dry weight as it wasto the preferential utilization of available carbon for lipidsynthesis. 1Present Address: The Mycology Center, Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63178, U.S.A. 2Present Address: Department of Biology, University of Tampa,Tampa, Florida 33060, U.S.A. (Received September 16, 1987; Accepted January 18, 1988)  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降对杉木幼苗细根的生理生态影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细根对氮沉降的生理生态响应将显著影响森林生态系统的生产力和碳吸存。为了揭示氮沉降对杉木细根的生理生态影响,对一年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗进行了模拟氮沉降试验,并测定施氮1年后杉木幼苗细根生物量、细根形态学特征(比根长、比表面积)、元素化学计量学指标(C、N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P)、细根代谢特征(细根比呼吸速率、非结构性碳水化合物)。结果表明:(1)杉木细根生物量随氮添加水平的升高而显著降低,尤其是0—1 mm细根生物量;细根比根长和比表面积随氮添加水平升高而显著增大。(2)氮添加后杉木细根C含量、C/N、C/P显著降低,高氮添加导致1—2 mm细根N含量和N/P显著升高,而低氮添加导致1—2 mm细根P含量显著升高、N/P显著降低,而0—1 mm细根的N、P含量则保持相对稳定。(3)氮添加后杉木细根比呼吸速率无显著变化,细根可溶性糖含量随氮添加增加而显著增加,而淀粉含量和NSC显著降低。综合以上结果表明:氮添加后用于细根形态构建的碳分配减少,这可能会减少土壤中有机碳的保留,0—1 mm细根的形态更易发生变化,但是其内部N、P养分含量相对更稳定以维持生理活动,细根NSC对氮添加的响应表明施氮可能导致细根受光合产物的限制。  相似文献   

海水胁迫对苦荬菜幼苗生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
抗盐耐海水植物的种植是有效利用和开发滩涂资源的措施之一。采用温室砂培方式, 研究了不同稀释配比的海水处理8天对苦荬菜(Lactuca indica)幼苗生物量、根冠比、叶绿素含量、离子含量、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量的影响。结果表明: 苦荬菜幼苗地上部受海水胁迫较为显著, 而根在海水浓度小于30%时与对照相比没有显著差异; 根冠比随着海水浓度的增加而不断提高; 在10%和20%海水浓度处理下, 叶绿素含量与对照相比差异不显著, 但随着海水浓度的进一步增加,叶绿素含量显著下降; 在10%海水浓度处理下, 苦荬菜地上部分及根部的K+含量与对照相比差异不显著, 而海水浓度高于10%时, 随着海水浓度的增加地上部和根部的K+含量均逐渐降低; 海水处理下, 苦荬菜体内Na+和Cl含量逐渐增加; 地上部可溶性糖含量逐渐增加, 而可溶性蛋白含量先升后降。海水胁迫下, 苦荬菜幼苗维持一定的K+选择性吸收是其一定程度上盐适应的重要原因。同时, 积累的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白是苦荬菜幼苗在盐胁迫下的重要渗透调节物质, 可作为其抗盐性的生理参数。  相似文献   

氮肥处理对氮素高效吸收水稻根系性状及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
2011—2012年在土培条件下,以氮素吸收效率差异较大的15个常规籼稻为供试材料,研究氮肥运筹对不同氮效率品种根系性状、成熟期吸氮量及氮肥利用率的影响,分析影响氮高效水稻氮素吸收的主要根系性状。结果表明:(1)各氮肥处理下,成熟期吸氮量均表现为氮高效品种氮中效品种氮低效品种。适量增施氮肥及基肥+促花肥处理有利于氮高效品种吸氮量的增加,氮素吸收受品种、氮肥处理的显著影响。(2)在施氮量处理下,氮高效品种单株不定根数、单株根干重、单株不定根总长大或较大,单株根活力在常氮(N2)、高氮(N3)处理下有一定的优势;在施氮时期处理下,氮高效品种单株不定根数、单株不定根总长、单株根干重、单株根系总吸收面积、单株根系活跃吸收面积、抽穗期冠根比多数处理有优势;增施氮肥有利于促进氮高效品种单株不定根总长和单株根活力的提高,适量施氮有利于单株不定根数、单株根干重增加,前期施氮可促进不定根的发生和伸长,后期施氮有利于不定根的充实和根系生理性状的提高。此外,增施氮肥可提高各类品种冠根比;(3)在常氮、高氮处理下,氮高效品种氮肥利用率大于氮中效、氮低效品种。(4)提高单株不定根数、单株不定根总长、单株根活力及抽穗期冠根比有利于各类品种吸氮量的提高,增加根干重对氮高效品种吸氮量的提高也有显著的促进作用。结合相关分析与通径分析结果,抽穗期冠根比及单株不定根数、单株根活力、单株不定根总长、单株根干重是影响氮高效品种吸氮能力的主要根系性状。  相似文献   

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