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Although global declines in frugivores may disrupt seed dispersal mutualisms and inhibit plant recruitment, quantifying the likely reduction in plant regeneration has been difficult and rarely attempted. We use a manipulative factorial experiment to quantify dependence of recruitment on dispersal (i.e. fruit pulp removal and movement of seed away from parental area) in two large-seeded New Zealand tree species. Complete dispersal failure would cause a 66 to 81 per cent reduction in recruitment to the 2-year-old seedling stage, and synergistic interactions with introduced mammalian seed and seedling predators increase the reduction to 92 to 94 per cent. Dispersal failure reduced regeneration through effects on seed predation, germination and (especially) seedling survival, including distance- and density-dependent (Janzen-Connell) effects. Dispersal of both species is currently largely dependent on a single frugivore, and many fruits today remain uneaten. Present-day levels of frugivore loss and mammal seed and seedling predators result in 57 to 84 per cent fewer seedlings after 2 years. Our study demonstrates the importance of seed dispersal for local plant population persistence, and validates concerns about the community consequences of frugivore declines.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal governs the distribution of plant propagules in the landscape and hence forms the template on which density‐dependent processes act. Dispersal is therefore a vital component of many species coexistence and forest dynamics models and is of applied value in understanding forest regeneration. Research on the processes that facilitate forest regeneration and restoration is given further weight in the context of widespread loss and degradation of tropical forests, and provides impetus to improve estimates of seed dispersal for tropical forest trees. South‐East Asian lowland rainforests, which have been subject to severe degradation, are dominated by trees of the Dipterocarpaceae family which constitute over 40% of forest biomass. Dipterocarp dispersal is generally considered to be poor given their large, gyration‐dispersed fruits. However, there is wide variability in fruit size and morphology which we hypothesize mechanistically underpins dispersal potential through the lift provided to seeds mediated by the wings. We explored experimentally how the ratio of fruit wing area to mass (“inverse wing loading,” IWL) explains variation in seed dispersal kernels among 13 dipterocarp species by releasing fruit from a canopy tower. Horizontal seed dispersal distances increased with IWL, especially at high wind speeds. Seed dispersal of all species was predominantly local, with 90% of seed dispersing <10 m, although maximum dispersal distances varied widely among species. We present a generic seed dispersal model for dipterocarps based on attributes of seed morphology and provide modeled seed dispersal kernels for all dipterocarp species with IWLs of 1–50, representing 75% of species in Borneo.  相似文献   

Dispersal, disease and life-history evolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Discrete-time susceptible-infective-susceptible (S-I-S) disease transmission models can exhibit bistability (alternative stable equilibria) over a wide range of parameter values. We illustrate the richness generated by such 'simple' non-linear systems in the study of two patch epidemic models with disease-enhanced or disease-suppressed dispersal. Dispersal between patches can have a profound impact on local patch disease dynamics. In fact, dispersal between patches may give rise to bistability in parameter regimes without bistability in single patch models.  相似文献   

Gene flow and introgression from cultivated to wild plant populations have important evolutionary and ecological consequences and require detailed investigations for risk assessments of transgene escape into natural ecosystems. Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) are of particular concern because: (i) they are cross-compatible with their wild relatives (the sea beet, B. vulgaris ssp. maritima); (ii) crop-to-wild gene flow is likely to occur via weedy lineages resulting from hybridization events and locally infesting fields. Using a chloroplastic marker and a set of nuclear microsatellite loci, the occurrence of crop-to-wild gene flow was investigated in the French sugar beet production area within a 'contact-zone' in between coastal wild populations and sugar beet fields. The results did not reveal large pollen dispersal from weed to wild beets. However, several pieces of evidence clearly show an escape of weedy lineages from fields via seed flow. Since most studies involving the assessment of transgene escape from crops to wild outcrossing relatives generally focused only on pollen dispersal, this last result was unexpected: it points out the key role of a long-lived seed bank and highlights support for transgene escape via man-mediated long-distance dispersal events.  相似文献   

Dispersal provides the opportunity to escape harm and colonize new patches, enabling populations to expand and persist. However, the benefits of dispersal associated with escaping harm will be dependent on the structure of the environment and the likelihood of escape. Here, we empirically investigate how the spatial distribution of a parasite influences the evolution of host dispersal. Bacteriophages are a strong and common threat for bacteria in natural environments and offer a good system with which to explore parasite‐mediated selection on host dispersal. We used two transposon mutants of the opportunistic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which varied in their motility (a disperser and a nondisperser), and the lytic bacteriophage ФKZ. The phage was distributed either in the central point of colony inoculation only, thus offering an escape route for the dispersing bacteria; or, present throughout the agar, where benefits of dispersal might be lost. Surprisingly, we found dispersal to be equally advantageous under both phage conditions relative to when phages were absent. A general explanation is that dispersal decreased the spatial structuring of host population, reducing opportunities for parasite transmission, but other more idiosyncratic mechanisms may also have contributed. This study highlights the crucial role the parasites can play on the evolution of dispersal and, more specifically, that bacteriophages, which are ubiquitous, are likely to select for bacterial motility.  相似文献   

So far, it is poorly understood how differential responses of avian seed dispersers and fruit predators to changes in habitat structure and fruit abundance along land-use gradients may translate into consequences for the seed dispersal of associated plants. We selected a gradient of habitat modification (forest, semi-natural, and rural habitat) characterized by decreasing tree cover and a high variation in local fruit availability. Along this gradient we quantified fruit removal by avian seed dispersers and fruit predators from 18 Sorbus aucuparia trees. We analyzed the relative importance of tree cover and fruit abundance in explaining species richness, abundance and fruit removal rates of both guilds from S. aucuparia trees. Species richness and abundance of seed dispersers decreased with decreasing tree cover, whereas fruit removal by seed dispersers decreased with decreasing fruit abundance independent of tree cover. Both variables had no effect on species richness, abundance and fruit removal by fruit predators. Consequently, seed dispersers dominated relative fruit removal in fruit-rich sites but the dispersal/predation ratio shifted in favor of predation in fruit-poor habitat patches. Our study demonstrates that variation in local habitat structure and fruit abundance can cause guild-specific responses. Such responses may result in a shift in fruit removal regimes and might affect the dispersal ability of dependent fruiting plants. Future studies should aim at possible consequences for plant recruitment and guild-specific responses of frugivores to disturbance gradients on the level of entire plant–frugivore associations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Hygrochasy is a capsule-opening mechanism predominantly associated with plants in arid habitats, where it facilitates spatially and temporally restricted dispersal. Recently, hygrochastic capsules were described in detail for the first time in alpine Veronica in New Zealand. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether hygrochastic capsules are an adaptation of alpine Veronica to achieve directed dispersal to safe sites. We expect that by limiting dispersal to rainfall events, distances travelled by seeds are short and confine them to small habitat patches where both seedlings and adults have a greater chance of survival.


Dispersal distances of five hygrochastic Veronica were measured under laboratory and field conditions and the seed shadow was analysed. Habitat patch size of hygrochastic Veronica and related non-hygrochastic species were estimated and compared.

Key Results

Dispersal distances achieved by dispersal with raindrops did not exceed 1 m but weather conditions could influence the even distribution of seeds around the parent plant. Compared with related Veronica species, hygrochastic Veronica mostly grow in small, restricted habitat patches surrounded by distinctly different habitats. These habitat patches provide safe sites for seeds due to their microtopography and occurrence of adult cushion plants. Non-hygrochastic Veronica can be predominantly found in large habitats without clearly defined borders and can be spread over long distances along rivers.


The results suggest that hygrochasy is a very effective mechanism of restricting seed dispersal to rainfall events and ensuring short-distance dispersal within a small habitat patch. It appears that it is an adaptation for directed dispersal to safe sites that only exist within the parent habitat.  相似文献   

Dispersal and dormancy are two strategies that allow recolonization of empty patches and escape from kin competition. Because they presumably respond to similar evolutionary forces, it is tempting to consider that these strategies may substitute for each other. Yet in order to predict the outcome of the evolution of dispersal and dormancy, and to characterize the emerging covariation between both traits, it is necessary to consider models where dispersal and dormancy evolve jointly. Here, we analyze the evolution of dispersal and dormancy as a function of direct fitness costs, environmental variation, and competition among relatives. We consider two scenarios depending on whether the rates of dormancy for philopatric and dispersed individuals are constrained to be the same (unconditional dormancy) or allowed to be different (conditional dormancy). We show that only philopatric individuals should enter dormancy, at a rate increasing with increasing rates of local extinction and decreasing population sizes. When dormancy and dispersal evolve jointly, we observe a wide range of evolutionary outcomes. In particular, we find that the pattern of covariation between the evolutionarily stable rates of dispersal and dormancy is molded by the rate of extinction and the local population size.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a central process to almost all species on earth, as it connects spatially structured populations and thereby increases population persistence. Dispersal is subject to (rapid) evolution and local patch extinctions are an important selective force in this context. In contrast to the randomly distributed local extinctions considered in most theoretical studies, habitat fragmentation or other anthropogenic interventions will lead to spatially correlated extinction patterns. Under such conditions natural selection is thought to lead to more long‐distance dispersal, but this theoretical prediction has not yet been verified empirically. We test this prediction in experimental spatially structured populations of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and supplement these empirical results with insights from an individual‐based evolutionary model. We demonstrate that the spatial correlation of local extinctions changes the entire distribution of dispersal distances (dispersal kernel) and selects for overall less emigration but more long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a process of central importance for the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations and communities, because of its diverse consequences for gene flow and demography. It is subject to evolutionary change, which begs the question, what is the genetic basis of this potentially complex trait? To address this question, we (i) review the empirical literature on the genetic basis of dispersal, (ii) explore how theoretical investigations of the evolution of dispersal have represented the genetics of dispersal, and (iii) discuss how the genetic basis of dispersal influences theoretical predictions of the evolution of dispersal and potential consequences. Dispersal has a detectable genetic basis in many organisms, from bacteria to plants and animals. Generally, there is evidence for significant genetic variation for dispersal or dispersal‐related phenotypes or evidence for the micro‐evolution of dispersal in natural populations. Dispersal is typically the outcome of several interacting traits, and this complexity is reflected in its genetic architecture: while some genes of moderate to large effect can influence certain aspects of dispersal, dispersal traits are typically polygenic. Correlations among dispersal traits as well as between dispersal traits and other traits under selection are common, and the genetic basis of dispersal can be highly environment‐dependent. By contrast, models have historically considered a highly simplified genetic architecture of dispersal. It is only recently that models have started to consider multiple loci influencing dispersal, as well as non‐additive effects such as dominance and epistasis, showing that the genetic basis of dispersal can influence evolutionary rates and outcomes, especially under non‐equilibrium conditions. For example, the number of loci controlling dispersal can influence projected rates of dispersal evolution during range shifts and corresponding demographic impacts. Incorporating more realism in the genetic architecture of dispersal is thus necessary to enable models to move beyond the purely theoretical towards making more useful predictions of evolutionary and ecological dynamics under current and future environmental conditions. To inform these advances, empirical studies need to answer outstanding questions concerning whether specific genes underlie dispersal variation, the genetic architecture of context‐dependent dispersal phenotypes and behaviours, and correlations among dispersal and other traits.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat alteration may affect the dispersal service provided by avian seed dispersers, ultimately causing regeneration collapse, through a decay in both the quantitative (seed removal) and qualitative (seed arrival to safe sites) components of seed dispersal effectiveness. However, despite its implications for management in real-world landscapes, few studies have investigated the shifts in components of seed dispersal effectiveness resulting from habitat alteration. We advocate the use of stage-specific transition probabilities, combined with data on seed shadows and bird abundance and mobility, for a mechanistic inference of the consequences for recruitment of the disruption of plant-frugivore mutualism in altered habitats. Such an approach allows the identification of regeneration bottlenecks, evaluates the differential contribution to recruitment of quantitative and qualitative components of seed dispersal, and provides the means to compare seed dispersal limitation. We exemplify our conceptual approach with studies of seed dispersal and recruitment in the wild olive tree in unaltered and severely altered adjacent sites. We show that simplification of the habitat substantially affected bird abundance, diversity and mobility, which caused a reduction in fruit removal and a concomitant simplification of the seed shadows compared to the unaltered site. Linked to these shifts, postdispersal seed survival and seedling emergence and survival were affected. The final outcome of habitat alteration was the collapse of the regeneration dynamics with very few seeds escaping the influence of maternal plants and reaching the safest sites for recruitment (dispersal limitation). As predicted, the collapse in the regeneration dynamics resulted from severe decays in the quantitative but especially in the qualitative components of seed dispersal effectiveness. Management of fleshy-fruited plant populations in altered habitats should thus pay attention to landscape elements that promote frugivore abundance, diversity and mobility and that alleviate the dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

The ecology of seed dispersal by vertebrates has been investigated extensively over recent decades, yet only limited research has been conducted on how suites of invasive plants and frugivorous birds interact. In this review, we examine how plant fruit traits (morphology, colour and display, nutritional quality, accessibility and phenology), avian traits (fruit handling techniques, gut passage time and effect, bird movements and social behaviour and dietary composition) and landscape structure (fruit neighbourhood, habitat loss and fragmentation and perch tree effects) affect frugivory and seed dispersal in invasive plants. This functional approach could be used to develop generic models of seed dispersal distributions for suites of invasive plant species and improve management efficiencies. Four broad research approaches are described that could direct management of bird‐dispersed invasive plants at the landscape scale, by manipulating dispersal. First, research is needed to quantify the effect of biological control agents on dispersal, particularly how changes in fruit production and/or quality affect fruit choice by frugivores, dispersal distributions of seed and post‐dispersal processes. Second, we explore how seed dispersal could be directed, such as by manipulating perch structures and/or vegetation density to attract frugivorous birds after they have been foraging on invasive plant fruits. Third, the major sources of seed spread could be identified and removed (i.e. targeting core or satellite infestations, particular habitats and creating barrier zones). Fourth, alternative food resources could be provided for frugivores, to replace fruits of invasive plants, and their use quantified.  相似文献   

Little is known about how patterns and mechanisms of seed dispersal vary among different habitats. To address this we studied Rhinanthus minor , a grassland annual herb, in four environments: early or late hay cutting, grazing by sheep, and no management. Comprehensive measures were made of dispersal, by intensive seed trapping up to 25 m from source plants and in four directions. We found large differences in dispersal among the environments in terms of curve shape, maximum distance and directionality. Dispersal was shortest under grazing (maximum distance 0.9 m) and furthest under the early cut (19.1 m). Dispersal differences reflect the mechanisms of dispersal in each environment. Dispersal was by wind under no management, and by the mowing machinery under an early cut, whereas a late cut produced a combination of dispersal by wind and the machinery. Grazing hindered dispersal, through trampling of plants. Additional measures of seed mass supported the hypothesis of a negative seed size vs dispersal distance relationship and suggested its generality across a range of environments. Understanding the variation in dispersal patterns among environments may allow increased realism of spatial models.  相似文献   

Selective pressures on seed size could vary among the different stages of plant life cycles, so no simple relation could explain a priori its evolution. Here, we determined the relationships between seed size and two fitness components—seed dispersal and survival from predation—in a bird-dispersed tree, Crataegus monogyna. We interpret these relationships in relation to the patterns of mass allocation to fruit and seed components. Selection patterns were assessed at two levels (1) selection pressures on the parent tree; comparing seed dispersal efficiency among individual plants and (2) selection pressures at the individual seed level; comparing seed size variation (i) before and after dispersal, and (ii) before and after postdispersal seed predation. Dispersal efficiency (percentage of seed crop dispersed) was positively correlated with fruit mass and fruit width. Differences in crop size did not offset this effect, and larger seeds were overrepresented in the seed rain relative to the seed pool before dispersal. However, the advantage of larger seeds during the dispersal stage was cancelled later by an opposite selection pressure exerted by seed predators. As a result, smaller seeds had a higher probability of surviving postdispersal seed predation, establishing an evolutionary conflict imposed by the need for dispersal and the danger of being predated. Birds and rodents preferentially selected highly profitable fruits and seeds in terms of the relative proportion of their components. Larger fruits had a higher pulp to seed proportion than smaller ones, and all seeds had the same proportion of coat relative to the embryo-plus-endosperm fraction. Hence, although predator pressures were stronger than disperser ones, larger seeds invested proportionally less in structural defense than in dispersal.  相似文献   

We characterized the dispersal spectra and phenology of 298 vascular plant species of the sandstone plateaus of Colombian Amazonia. Dispersal modes were determined by the morphology of dispersion units, personal observations on fruit consumption, and an extensive literature review. We obtained the number of species per dispersal mode for the sandstone plateaus and for two recognized vegetation types: open‐herbaceous vegetation and low forest‐shrub vegetation. Dispersal modes were assigned to 295 plant species. Animals dispersed the highest percentage of species (46.6%), while the percentage of autochorous and anemochorous species was 29.4 and 23 percent, respectively. The dispersal spectrum of the low forest‐shrub vegetation type, based on the coverage of every species, showed that percentages of anemochorous (40.2%) and zoochorous species (37.8%) were similar. Autochory was the most important seed dispersal mode of the open‐herbaceous vegetation (60%). Birds were the principal group of potential dispersers (58.9%) of zoochorous species and reptiles the least important. We found two marked fruiting peaks, one from the end of the dry season to the beginning of the wet season and the second one from the beginning to the middle of the dry season. Our results showed that besides the differences in the vegetation structure and floristic composition between the sandstone plateaus and the adjacent tall forest, there also exist differences in the dispersal spectra and the fruiting rhythms.  相似文献   

Negative density dependence (NDD) of recruitment is pervasive in tropical tree species. We tested the hypotheses that seed dispersal is NDD, due to intraspecific competition for dispersers, and that this contributes to NDD of recruitment. We compared dispersal in the palm Attalea butyracea across a wide range of population density on Barro Colorado Island in Panama and assessed its consequences for seed distributions. We found that frugivore visitation, seed removal and dispersal distance all declined with population density of A. butyracea, demonstrating NDD of seed dispersal due to competition for dispersers. Furthermore, as population density increased, the distances of seeds from the nearest adult decreased, conspecific seed crowding increased and seedling recruitment success decreased, all patterns expected under poorer dispersal. Unexpectedly, however, our analyses showed that NDD of dispersal did not contribute substantially to these changes in the quality of the seed distribution; patterns with population density were dominated by effects due solely to increasing adult and seed density.  相似文献   

Dispersal of organisms generates gene flow between populations. Identifying factors that influence dispersal will help predict how species will cope with rapid environmental change. We developed an innovative infrastructure, the Metatron, composed of 48 interconnected patches, designed for the study of terrestrial organism movement as a model for dispersal. Corridors between patches can be flexibly open or closed. Temperature, humidity and illuminance can be independently controlled within each patch. The modularity and adaptability of the Metatron provide the opportunity for robust experimental design for the study of 'meta-systems'. We describe a pilot experiment on populations of the butterfly Pieris brassicae and the lizard Zootoca vivipara in the Metatron. Both species survived and showed both disperser and resident phenotypes. The Metatron offers the opportunity to test theoretical models in spatial ecology.  相似文献   

An important process for the persistence of populations subjected to habitat loss and fragmentation is the dispersal of individuals between habitat patches. Dispersal involves emigration from a habitat patch, movement between patches through the surrounding landscape, and immigration into a new suitable habitat patch. Both landscape and physical condition of the disperser are known to influence dispersal ability, although disentangling these effects can often be difficult in the wild. In one of the first studies of its kind, we used an invertebrate model system to investigate how dispersal success is affected by the interaction between the habitat condition, as determined by food availability, and life history characteristics (which are also influenced by food availability). Dispersal of juvenile and adult mites (male and female) from either high food or low food natal patches were tested separately in connected three patch systems where the intervening habitat patches were suitable (food supplied) or unsuitable (no food supplied). We found that dispersal success was reduced when low food habitat patches were coupled to colonising patches via unsuitable intervening patches. Larger body size was shown to be a good predictor of dispersal success, particularly when the intervening landscape is unsuitable. Our results suggest that there is an interaction between habitat fragmentation and habitat suitability in determining dispersal success: if patches degrade in suitability and this affects the ability to disperse successfully then the effective connectance across landscapes may be lowered. Understanding these consequences will be important in informing our understanding of how species, and the communities in which they are embedded, may potentially respond to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Consequences of large-scale processes for the conservation of bird populations   总被引:17,自引:15,他引:2  
1.  Detailed studies of population ecology are usually carried out in relatively restricted areas in which emigration and immigration play a role. We used a modelling approach to explore the population consequences of such dispersal and applied ideas from our simulations to the conservation of wild birds.
2.  Our spatial model incorporates empirically derived variation in breeding output between habitats, density dependence and dispersal. The outputs indicate that dispersal can have considerable consequences for population abundance and distribution. The abundance of a species within a patch can be markedly affected by the surrounding habitat matrix.
3.  Dispersal between habitats may result in lower population densities at the edge of good quality habitat blocks and could partially explain why some species are restricted to large habitat fragments.
4.  Habitat deterioration may not only lead to population declines within that habitat but also in adjacent habitats of good quality. This may confound studies attempting to diagnose population declines.
5.  Although mobile species have the advantages of colonizing sites within metapopulations, dispersal into poorer quality territories may markedly reduce total populations.
6.  There are two main approaches to conservation: one is to concentrate on establishing and maintaining protected areas, while the other involves conservation of the wider countryside. If dispersal is an important process then protecting only isolated areas may be insufficient to maintain the populations within them.  相似文献   

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