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An inducible transposable element, termed INAc (inducible Activator), was constructed for development of a gene tagging system in higher plants. The advantage of such an inducible element is that, unlike the native transposon, its excision can be induced at any time during plant development and the resulting mutants are stable after removal of the inducer. A fusion of the SA inducible promoter (PR-1a) with the Ac transposase gene was inserted together with a hygromycin resistance gene between ca. 400 bp sequences from each end of the maize Ac element, yielding INAc. The INAc element was introduced into tobacco and tomato plants. A high frequency of spontaneous transposition was apparent in primary transformed tomato calli but not in tobacco calli. Treatment of tobacco plants with salicylic acid induced transposition of INAc in both somatic and germinal tissue, with germinal transposition events being revealed by characterization of the progeny of transformed plants whose flowers were exposed to SA. The INAc element thus exhibits potential for development of an inducible transposon system suitable for gene isolation in heterologous plant species.  相似文献   

The ABA biosynthetic pathway has been studied in detail and the steps impaired in some ABA-deficient mutants are known. However, little is known of the molecular control mechanisms regulating ABA production in planta. A direct route for improving our understanding of these mechanisms is to transposon tag and clone the wild-type counterparts of the ABA mutant alleles. On the basis of the observation that maize transposons move preferentially to linked sites in both homologous and heterologous systems and in doing so disrupt gene function, a targeted transposon mutagenesis strategy is being developed towards cloning ABA biosynthetic genes from tomato. The possibility of using marker genes to identify T-DNA insertion sites in selected parts of the genome has been examined and compared with an inverse PCR/RFLP approach to mapping T-DNAs.  相似文献   

Summary The deposition of zein protein in maize endosperm is under the control of several regulatory loci. The isolation of DNA sequences corresponding to Opaque-2 (O2), one of such loci, is described in this paper. The mutable allele, o2-m5 was first induced moving the Ac transposable element present at the wx-m7 allele to the O2 locus. Genetic data suggest that a functional Ac element is responsible for the observed somatic mutability of o2-m5. The isolation of genomic clones containing flanking sequences corresponding to the O2 gene was possible by screening an o2-m5 genomic libary with a probe corresponding to internal Ac sequences usually absent in the defective element Ds. Out of 27 clones isolated with homology to the central part of Ac element, only clones 6IP and 21IP generated a 2.5 kb internal fragment size of an active Ac element when digested with PvuII restriction enzyme. A sequence representing a XhoI fragment of 0.9 kb lying, in the 6IP clone, adjacent to the Ac elements, was subcloned and utilized to prove that it corresponded to a part of the O2 gene. To obtain this information we made use of: (1) DNAs from several reversions originating from the unstable (o2mk-(r) allele, which, when digested with SstI, showed a correct 3.4 kb fragment typical of non-inserted alleles of the O2 locus; and (2) recessive alleles of the O2 locus which were devoid of a 2.0 kb mRNA, present on the contrary in the wild type and in other zein regulating mutants different from O2.This paper is dedicated to the memory of R. Marotta, who actively participated in the realization of this work  相似文献   

Summary Modified Ac and Ds elements, in combination with dominant markers (to facilitate monitoring of excision, reinsertion and segregation of the elements) were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta. The frequencies of somatic and germinal transactivation of the Ds elements were monitored using a streptomycin resistance assay. Transactivation was significantly higher from a stable Ac (sAc) carrying a 537 by deletion of the CpG-rich 5 untranslated leader of the transposase mRNA than from a wild-type sAc. However, substitution of the central 1.77 kb of the transposase open reading frame (ORF) with a hygromycin resistance marker did not alter the excision frequency of a Ds element. -Glucuronidase (GUS) or iaaH markers were linked to the transposase source to allow the identification of plants in which the transposase source had segregated away from the transposed Ds element, eliminating the possibility of somatic or germinal re-activation. Segregation of the excision marker, Ds and sAc was monitored in the progeny of plants showing germinal excision of Ds. 29% of the plants inheriting the excision marker carried a transposed Ds element.  相似文献   

We have introduced a genetically marked Dissociation transposable element (Ds HPT ) into tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Probes for the flanking regions of the T-DNA and transposed Ds HPT elements were obtained with the inverse polymerase chain reaction (IPCR) technique and used in RFLP linkage analyses. The RFLP map location of 11 T-DNAs carrying Ds HPT was determined. The T-DNAs are distributed on 7 of the 12 tomato chromosomes. To explore the feasibility of gene tagging strategies in tomato using Ds HPT , we examined the genomic distribution of Ds HPT receptor sites relative to the location of two different, but very closely linked, T-DNA insertion sites. After crosses with plants expressing Ac transposase, the hygromycin phosphotransferase (HPT) marker on the Ds element and the excision markers -glucuronidase (GUS) and Basta resistance (BAR) facilitated the identification of plants bearing germinally transposed Ds HPT elements. RFLP mapping of 21 transposed Ds HPT elements originating from the two different T-DNA insertions revealed distinct patterns of reintegration sites.  相似文献   

A transposable element that is active in intact plants has been identified in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The 607-bp element itself, termed nonautonomous DNA-based active rice transposon (nDart), has no coding capacity. It was found inserted in the gene encoding Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase in a chlorophyll-deficient albino mutant isolated from backcross progeny derived from a cross between wild-type japonica varieties. The nDart has 19-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) and, when mobilized, generates an 8-bp target-site duplication (TSD). At least 13 nDart elements were identified in the genome sequence of the japonica cultivar Nipponbare. Database searches identified larger elements, termed DNA-based active rice transposon (Dart) that contained one ORF for a protein that contains a region with high similarity to the hAT dimerization motif. Dart shares several features with nDart, including identical TIRs, similar subterminal sequences and the generation of an 8-bp TSD. These shared features indicate that the nonautonomous element nDart is an internal deletion derivative of the autonomous element Dart. We conclude that these active transposon systems belong to the hAT superfamily of class II transposons. Because the transposons are active in intact rice plants, they should be useful tools for tagging genes in studies of functional genomics.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

A DNA fragment containing a Klebsiella oxytoca gene for polygalacturonate trans-eliminase was cloned into the kanamycin resistance transposon Tn5. This new transposon, designated Tn5-Pga +, had a transposition frequency of 1×10-6. The broad host range plasmid pR751::Tn5-Pga + was conjugally transferred to a variety of genetic backgrounds. The ability to degrade polygalacturonate was expressed in Aeromonas hydrophila, Alcaligenes eutrophus, Azotomonas insolita, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, but not in Zymomonas mobilis.Abbreviations PGA polygalacturonate - UGA unsaturated galacturonic acid - PATE polygalacturonate trans-eliminase - PG polygalacturonase - CVP crystal-violet pectate  相似文献   

Using a two-component Ac/Ds system consisting of a stabilized Ac element (Acc1) and a non-autonomous element (DsA), 650 families of plants carrying independent germinal DsA excisions/transpositions were isolated. Progenies of 559 of these Acc1/DsA families, together with 43 families of plants selected for excision/transposition of wild-type (wt)Ac, were subjected to a broad screening program for mutants exhibiting visible alterations. This resulted in the identification of 48 mutants showing a wide variety of mutant phenotypes, including embryo lethality (24 mutants), chlorophyll defects (5 mutants), defective seedlings (2 mutants), reduced fertility (5 mutants), reduced size (3 mutants), altered leaf morphology (2 mutants), dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves (3 mutants), and aberrant flower or shoot morphology (4 mutants). To test whether these mutants were due to transposon insertions, a series of Southern blot experiments was performed on 28 families, comparing in each case several mutant plants with others showing the wild-type phenotype. A preliminary analysis revealed in 4 of the 28 families analyzed a common, novel DsA fragment in all mutant plants, which was present only in heterozygous plants with wt phenotype, as expected for DsA insertion mutations. These four mutants included two showing embryo lethality, one with dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves and stunted inflorescences, and one with curly growth of stems, leaves and siliques. Further evidence for DsA insertion mutations was obtained for one embryo lethal mutant and for the stunted mutant, while in case of the second embryo lethal mutant, the DsA insertion could be separated from the mutant locus by genetic recombination.  相似文献   

We have investigated the somatic activity of the maize Activator (Ac) element in aspen with the objective of developing an efficient transposon-based system for gene isolation in a model tree species. The analysis of the new insertion sites revealed the exact reconstitution of the Ac, however, aberrant transposition events were also found. Characterization of the genomic sequences flanking the Ac insertions showed that about one third (22/75) of the sequences were significantly similar to sequences represented in public databases and might correspond to genes. The frequency of Ac landing into coding regions was about two-fold higher when compared to the frequency of T-DNA hitting the predicted genes (5/32) in the aspen genome. Thus, Ac is demonstrated to be a potentially useful heterologous transposon tag in a tree species. This is the first report on transposon-based gene tagging in a tree species describing the excision and reinsertion of transposable element into new genomic positions. We also suggest a heterologous transposon tagging strategy that can be used in aspen somatic cells to obtain dominant gain-of-function mutants and recessive loss-of-function mutants overcoming the regeneration time barrier of a long-lived tree species.  相似文献   

Transposable elements have certain advantages over other approaches for identifying and determining gene function in large genome cereals. Different strategies have been used to exploit the maize Activator/dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposon system for functional genomics in heterologous species. Either large numbers of independent Ds insertion lines or transposants (TNPs) are generated and screened phenotypically, or smaller numbers of TNPs are produced, Ds locations mapped and remobilized for localized gene targeting. It is imperative to characterize key features of the system in order to utilize the latter strategy, which is more feasible in large genome cereals like barley and wheat. In barley, we generated greater than 100 single-copy Ds TNPs and determined remobilization frequencies of primary, secondary, and tertiary TNPs with intact terminal inverted repeats (TIRs); frequencies ranged from 11.8 to 17.1%. In 16% of TNPs that had damaged TIRs no transposition was detected among progeny of crosses using those TNPs as parental lines. In half of the greater than 100 TNP lines, the nature of flanking sequences and status of the 11 bp TIRs and 8-bp direct repeats were determined. BLAST searches using a gene prediction program revealed that 86% of TNP flanking sequences matched either known or putative genes, indicating preferential Ds insertion into genic regions, critical in large genome species. Observed remobilization frequencies of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary TNPs, coupled with the tendency for localized Ds transposition, validates a saturation mutagenesis approach using Ds to tag and characterize genes linked to Ds in large genome cereals like barley and wheat.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance genes can act as either cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous genetic markers with which to monitor the excision of plant transposons. To convert spectinomycin resistance from a noncell autonomous resistance to cell autonomous resistance, a transit peptide for chloroplast localization from a petunia ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcS) gene was fused in-frame to the aadA gene, which confers spectinomycin and streptomycin resistance. Constructs were generated in which the expression of this chimeric gene was prevented by the presence, in the 5 untranslated leader, of the maize transposons Activator (Ac) or Dissociation (Ds). When progeny of tobacco or tomato plants transformed with these constructs were germinated on spectinomycin-containing medium, germinally revertant and somatically variegated individuals could be distinguished.  相似文献   

This review compares the activity of the plant transposable elements Ac, Tam3, En/Spm and Mu in heterologous plant species and in their original host. Mutational analysis of the autonomous transposable elements and two-element systems have supplied data that revealed some fundamental properties of the transposition mechanism. Functional parts of Ac and En/Spm were detected by in vitro binding studies of purified transposase protein and have been tested for their importance in the function of these transposable elements in heterologous plant species. Experiments that have been carried out to regulate the activity of the Ac transposable element are in progress and preliminary results have been compiled. Perspectives for manipulated transposable elements in transposon tagging strategies within heterologous plant species are discussed.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis is a powerful tool for generating knockout mutations that facilitate associating biological functions with as yet uncharacterized open reading frames (ORFs) identified by genomic sequencing or represented in EST databases. We have generated a collection of Dissociation(Ds) transposon lines with insertions on all 5 Arabidopsischromosomes. Here we report the insertion sites in 260 independent single-transposon lines, derived from four different Ds donor sites. We amplified and determined the genomic sequence flanking each transposon, then mapped its insertion site by identity of the flanking sequences to the corresponding sequence in the Arabidopsisgenome database. This constitutes the largest collection of sequence-mapped Ds insertion sites unbiased by selection against the donor site. Insertion site clusters have been identified around three of the four donor sites on chromosomes 1 and 5, as well as near the nucleolus organizers on chromosomes 2 and 4. The distribution of insertions between ORFs and intergenic sequences is roughly proportional to the ratio of genic to intergenic sequence. Within ORFs, insertions cluster near the translational start codon, although we have not detected insertion site selectivity at the nucleotide sequence level. A searchable database of insertion site sequences for the 260 transposon insertion sites is available at http://sgio2.biotec.psu.edu/sr. This and other collections of Arabidopsislines with sequence-identified transposon insertion sites are a valuable genetic resource for functional genomics studies because the transposon location is precisely known, the transposon can be remobilized to generate revertants, and the Ds insertion can be used to initiate further local mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A transposon tagging system for heterologous hosts, based on the maize En/Spm transposable element, was developed in transgenic tobacco. In this system, the two En-encoded trans-acting factors necessary for excision are expressed by fusing their cDNAs to the CaMV 35S promoter. The dSpm receptor component is inserted in the 5-untranslated leader of the bar gene. Germinal revertants can therefore be selected by seed germination on L-PPT-containing medium or by spraying seedlings with the herbicide Basta. Using this bar-based excision reporter construct, an average frequency of germinal excision of 10.1% was estimated for dSpm-S, an En/Spm native internal deletion derivative. Insertion of En-foreign sequences in a receptor, such as a DHFR selectable marker gene in dSpm-DHFR, does not abolish its capacity to transpose. However, dSpm-DHFR has a lower frequency of somatic and germinal excision than dSpm-S. Revertants carrying a transposed dSpm-DHFR element can be selected with methotrexate. Germinal excision is frequently associated with reinsertion but, as in maize, dSpm has a tendency to integrate at chromosomal locations linked to the donor site. Concerning the timing of excision, independent germinal transpositions are often found within a single seed capsule. All activity parameters analysed suggest that transposon tagging with this system in heterologous hosts should be feasible.  相似文献   

Summary To develop a transposon tagging system in an important cereal plant, rice (Oryza sativa L.), the maize transposable element Ac (Activator) was introduced into rice protoplasts by electroporation. We employed a phenotypic assay for excision of Ac from the selectable hph gene encoding resistance to hygromycin B. Southern blot analysis of hygromycin B-resistant calli showed that the Ac element can transpose from the introduced hph gene into the rice chromosomes. Sequence analysis of several Ac excision sites in the hph gene revealed sequence alterations characteristic of the excision sites of this plant transposable element. The Ac element appears to be active during development of transgenic rice plants from calli. Moreover, hybridization patterns of different leaves from the same plant indicated that some Ac elements are stable whereas others are able to transpose further during development of leaves. The results indicate that the introduced Ac element can transpose efficiently in transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

Summary. For the growth of the male reproductive cells of plants, the pollen, the presence of sufficient sucrose or monosaccharides is of vital importance. From Petunia hybrida a pollen-specific putative monosaccharide transporter designated PMT1 (for petunia monosaccharide transporter) has been identified previously. The present work provides an in-depth analysis and characterisation of PMT1 in the context of pollen development with the GUS reporter gene and an insertion mutant. The promoter of the pollen-specific putative PMT1 gene has been isolated by inverse PCR and sequenced. Analysis of plants transformed with the promoter-GUS fusion confirmed the specificity of this gene, belonging to the late pollen-specific expressed genes. GUS activity was detected even after 24 h of in vitro pollen germination, at the pollen tube tip. To elucidate the importance of PMT1 for gametophyte development and fertilisation, we isolated a mutant plant containing a transposon insertion in the PMT1 gene by the dTph1 transposon-tagging PCR-based assay. The PMT1 mutant contained a dTph1 insertion in position 1474 bp of the transcribing part of the gene, before the last two transmembrane-spanning domains. Analysis of the progeny of the heterozygous mutant after selfing revealed no alterations in pollen viability and fertility. Mature pollen grains of a plant homozygous for the transposon insertion were able to germinate in vitro in a medium containing sucrose, glucose, or fructose, which indicates that PMT1 is not essential for pollen survival. Several explanations for these results are discussed in the present work. Correspondence and reprints (present address): Department of Plant Biology, University of Granada. Fuentenueva s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain. Present address: Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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