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Strains of Thermus thermophilus produce unique carotenoids called thermozeaxanthins and their colonies are light-yellow pigmented. Here, we developed a new cloning system allowing for the rapid and convenient detection of recombinants by color screening based on carotenoid production in T. thermophilus. We constructed two cloning vectors that overexpress the crtB gene encoding a phytoene synthase under the strong promoter of the slpA gene. Phytoene synthase is one of essential enzymes for the production of carotenoids. We also isolated a carotenoid-overproducing mutant that formed orange colonies. Because disruption of crtB in the carotenoid-overproducing mutant resulted in white colonies, we used the disruptant as a host strain. Whereas transformants carrying a new cloning vector, pTRK1-PRslpA-crtBcas, grew into unusual red-pigmented colonies probably because of the extreme accumulation of thermozeaxanthins, those carrying the vector with a foreign DNA inserts formed white colonies. Thus, recombinants can be detected easily by color screening (red/white screening) in T. thermophilus. This cloning system requires no additional chromogenic substrate in the medium. We also constructed a promoter-probe vector, pTRK1-crtBmcs-PP, employing the open reading frame of crtB with multiple cloning sites. Using this vector, a series of colony-color phenotypes is observed probably depending on promoter activities of foreign DNA inserts, which enables the rapid probing of promoters. These vectors are useful to simplify cloning procedures and to identify the promoters of different strengths in T. thermophilus.  相似文献   

One of the most commonly used recombinant antibody formats is the single-chain variable fragment (scFv) that consists of the antibody variable heavy chain connected to the variable light chain by a flexible linker. Since disulfide bonds are often necessary for scFv folding, it can be challenging to express scFvs in the reducing environment of the cytosol. Thus, we sought to develop a method for antigen-independent selection of scFvs that are stable in the reducing cytosol of bacteria. To this end, we applied a recently developed genetic selection for protein folding and solubility based on the quality control feature of the Escherichia coli twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway. This selection employs a tripartite sandwich fusion of a protein-of-interest with an N-terminal Tat-specific signal peptide and C-terminal TEM1 β-lactamase, thereby coupling antibiotic resistance with Tat pathway export. Here, we adapted this assay to develop intrabody selection after Tat export (ISELATE), a high-throughput selection strategy for the identification of solubility-enhanced scFv sequences. Using ISELATE for three rounds of laboratory evolution, it was possible to evolve a soluble scFv from an insoluble parental sequence. We show also that ISELATE enables focusing of an scFv library in soluble sequence space before functional screening and thus can be used to increase the likelihood of finding functional intrabodies. Finally, the technique was used to screen a large repertoire of naïve scFvs for clones that conferred significant levels of soluble accumulation. Our results reveal that the Tat quality control mechanism can be harnessed for molecular evolution of scFvs that are soluble in the reducing cytoplasm of E. coli.  相似文献   

Bark beetles oxidize the defensive monoterpenes of their host trees both to detoxify them and convert them into components of their pheromone system. This oxidation is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 enzymes and occurs in different tissues of the insect, including the gut (i.e., the site where the beetle's pheromones are produced and accumulated) and the antennae (i.e., the olfactory organs used for perception of airborne defensive monoterpenes as well as other host-associated compounds and pheromones). We identified ten new CYP genes in the pine beetle Dendroctonus rhizophagus in either antennae or gut tissue after stimulation with the vapors of major host monoterpenes α-pinene, β-pinene and 3-carene. Five genes belong to the CYP4 family, four to the CYP6 family and one to the CYP9 family. Differential expression of almost all of the CYP genes was observed between sexes, and within these significant differences among time, stimuli, anatomical region, and their interactions were found upon exposure to host monoterpenes. Increased expression of cytochrome P450 genes suggests that they play a role in the detoxification of monoterpenes released by this insect's host trees.  相似文献   

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