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An experiment to quantify intra- and interobserver error in anatomical measurements found that interobserver measurements can vary by over 14% of mean specimen length; disparity in measurement increases logarithmically with the number of contributors; instructions did not reduce variation or measurement disparity; scale of the specimen influenced the precision of measurement (relative error increasing with specimen size); different methods of taking a measurement yielded different results, although they did not differ in terms of precision, and topographical complexity of the elements being considered may potentially influence error (error increasing with complexity). These results highlight concerns about introduction of noise and potential bias that should be taken into account when compiling composite datasets and meta-analyses.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in evolutionary immunology: just what is the cost of immunity?   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
It has become increasingly clear that life-history patterns among the vertebrates have been shaped by the plethora and variety of immunological risks associated with parasitic faunas in their environments. Immunological competence could very well be the most important determinant of life-time reproductive success and fitness for many species. It is generally assumed by evolutionary ecologists that providing immunological defences to minimise such risks to the host is costly in terms of necessitating trade-offs with other nutrient-demanding processes such as growth, reproduction, and thermoregulation. Studies devoted to providing assessments of such costs and how they may force evolutionary trade-offs among life-history characters are few, especially for wild vertebrate species, and their results are widely scattered throughout the literature. In this paper we attempt to review this literature to obtain a better understanding of energetic and nutritional costs for maintaining a normal immune system and examine how costly it might be for a host who is forced to up-regulate its immunological defence mechanisms. The significance of these various costs to ecology and life history trade-offs among the vertebrates is explored. It is concluded that sufficient evidence exists to support the primary assumption that immunological defences are costly to the vertebrate host.  相似文献   

The nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora is the vector for transmitting the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens between insect larvae. The dauer juvenile (DJ) stage nematode selectively retains P. luminescens in its intestine until it releases the bacteria into the hemocoel of an insect host. We report the results of studying the transmission of the bacteria by its nematode vector. Cells of P. luminescens labeled with green fluorescent protein preferentially colonized a region of the DJ intestine immediately behind the basal bulb, extending for various distances toward the anus. Incubation of DJ nematodes in vitro in insect hemolymph induced regurgitation of the bacteria. Following a 30-min lag, the bacteria migrated in a gradual and staggered movement toward and ultimately exited the mouth. This regurgitation reaction was induced by a low-molecular-weight, heat- and protease-stable, anionic component present in arthropod hemolymph and in supernatants from insect cell cultures. Nematodes anesthetized with levamisole or treated with the antihelmenthic agent ivermectin did not release their bacteria into hemolymph. The ability to visualize P. luminescens in the DJ nematode intestine provides the first clues to the mechanism of release of the bacteria during infection of insect larvae. This and the partial characterization of a component of hemolymph triggering release of the bacteria render this fascinating example of both a mutualistic symbiosis and disease transmission amenable to future genetic and molecular study.  相似文献   

Brockie PJ  Maricq AV 《Neuron》2010,68(6):1017-1019
The recent discovery that vertebrate homologs of Drosophila cornichon associate with AMPA receptors led to the unexpected notion that cornichons play a role in synaptic transmission. In this issue of Neuron, Kato et al. find that cornichons modulate the gating of TARP-associated AMPA receptors by preventing their resensitization to glutamate.  相似文献   

During the translocation of tRNAs and mRNA relative to the ribosome, the B1a, B1b and B1c bridges undergo the most extensive conformational changes among the bridges between the large and the small ribosomal subunits. The B1a bridge, also called the "A-site finger" (ASF), is formed by the 23S rRNA helix 38, which is located right above the ribosomal A-site. Here, we deleted part of the ASF so that the B1a intersubunit bridge could not be formed (DeltaB1a). The mutation led to a less efficient subunit association. A number of functional activities of the DeltaB1a ribosomes, such as tRNA binding to the P and A-sites, translocation and EF-G-related GTPase reaction were preserved. A moderate decrease in EF-G-related GTPase stimulation by the P-site occupation by deacylated tRNA was observed. This suggests that the B1a bridge is not involved in the most basic steps of the elongation cycle, but rather in the fine-tuning of the ribosomal activity. Chemical probing of ribosomes carrying the ASF truncation revealed structural differences in the 5S rRNA and in the 23S rRNA helices located between the peptidyltransferase center and the binding site of the elongation factors. Interestingly, reactivity changes were found in the P-loop, an important functional region of the 23S rRNA. It is likely that the A-site finger, in addition to its role in subunit association, forms part of the system of allosteric signal exchanges between the small subunit decoding center and the functional centers on the large subunit.  相似文献   

  • 1 The same woodland rarely supports two different broods of 17-year cicadas, and never two that appear in successive years. Theoretically, this is because a build-up of predators, generated by the leading brood, would eliminate the lagging one, or because nymphs of the lagging brood would suffer a competitive disadvantage, or both.
  • 2 Nevertheless, substantial numbers of 17-year cicadas of all three species (Magicicada septendecim, M.cassini and M.septendecula) did appear in Grant County, Kentucky, in 1974 (Brood XIV, expected) and 1975 (not expected). This is interpreted to mean that many individuals delayed their emergence until the eighteenth year.
  • 3 Dissected eggnests show that the expected build-up of hymenopterous egg parasitoids failed to occur, although there may have been a build-up of dipteran parasitoids, which may leave no trace in the eggnest.
  • 4 Excavated young nymphs show that establishment rate was poorer in 1975 than in 1974, which is attributed to nymphal competition.
  • 5 Identification of eggnests from the two years shows that one of the species (M.septendecula, which is usually the rarest in mixed-species populations) is much more susceptible to delaying its development by a year than are the other two species.
  • 6 It is predicted that the 1975 emergence will produce no adult progeny, i.e. that there will be no emergence in 1992.
  • 7 The sporadic occurrence of this phenomenon, other factors being equal, would be sufficient to explain the comparative rarity of M. septendecula, or even its local extinction.
  • 8 Historical records from northern Illinois show frequent emergences one year behind schedule. These delayed individuals never produce progeny that survive to the next generation. M.septendecula is absent from northern Illinois and indeed absent from the northern areas of all periodical cicada broods in the northern part of the range.

Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), became the major pest of Brassica vegetable production in Guangdong, a province in southeastern China, in the late 1980s and has continued to challenge growers, particularly during the spring and autumn. Control has relied on insecticides and, as has happened in other parts of the world, resistance to these has evolved and subsequent field control failures have occurred. We review and summarize the history of diamondback moth management in Guangdong. We show that the geographic distribution of the pest in China is well described by a simple climate niche model. Our model predicts the seasonal phenology and some of the variation in abundance among years in Guangdong. Discrepancies may reflect migration and insecticide use at a landscape level. The scale of the pest problem experienced varies with management practices. Local production breaks, and strict post harvest hygiene are associated with lower pest pressure on large-scale production units. As more and more insecticides become ineffective the need to implement an insecticide resistance management strategy, as well as basic integrated pest management practices, will become more pressing. The potential use and development of a better forecasting system for diamondback moth that will assist these developments is outlined.  相似文献   

Selection on life history traits such as the timing of maturation and the size at maturity strongly depends on the mating system. In spiders, the mating system hypothesized to Be determined by spermathecal morphology and the related sperm precedence pattern. In a natural population of the eresid spider Stegodyphus lineatus , predictions concerning the timing of maturation, male mating behaviour and success were tested. Eresid spiders are supposed to show protandry, prematuration mate guarding and strong male-male competition resulting in selection for large body size and early maturation. In contrast to these predictions, male and female maturation overlapped largely. Males did not guard premature females nor was there evidence for male-male competition. Among mating pairs, male did not relate to female size, nor to duration of cohabitation. Evidence for an advantage of first over second or large over small males is weak. In males, body size at maturity and the time of maturation were negatively correlated although a trade off between timing of maturation and the body size reached by then should result in a positive correlation. Possible causes are discussed.  相似文献   

Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a serious pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in the North Central United States. Current management recommendations rely on the application of insecticides based on an economic threshold (ET) of 250 aphids per plant. Natural enemies are important in slowing the increase of aphid populations and can prevent them from reaching levels that can cause economic losses. However, biological control of A. glycines is inconsistent and can be affected negatively by the intensity of agricultural activity. We measured the impact of a natural-enemy-free environment on the capacity of the current ET to limit yield loss. In 2008 and 2009, caged microplots were assigned to one of three treatments: plants kept aphid-free (referred to as the control), plants that experienced a population of 250 aphids per plant (integrated pest management [IPM]), and plants that experienced unlimited aphid population growth (unlimited). The population growth rate of aphids in the unlimited treatment for the 10 d after the application of insecticides to the IPM treatment was calculated using linear regression. The linear equation was solved to determine the mean number of days between the ET and the EIL for an aphid population in absence of predators. The number of days was determined to be 6.97 +/- 1.11 d. The 2-yr average yield for the IPM treatment was 99.93% of the control treatment. Our study suggests the current soybean aphid ET of 250 aphids per plant can effectively protect yield even if the impact of natural enemies is reduced.  相似文献   

Depletion of major blood proteins is one of the most promising approaches to access low abundant biomarkers using proteomics. Immunocapture columns often used for this purpose exist in different formats depending on the number of major proteins removed. In this article, we compared the relative interest of depleting either one (albumin), six (albumin, IgG, IgA, transferrin, α1-antitrypsin, and haptoglobin), twelve (the previous six and apo A-I and -II, orosomucoid, α2-macroglobulin, fibrinogen, IgM) or twenty blood proteins (the previous twelve and IgD, ceruloplasmin, apo B, complement C1q, C3, C4, plasminogen, and prealbumin). Such study raises interesting issues related to the reproducibility, practicability, specificity of the immunocapture, and to the impact of removing not only the selected molecules, but also associated peptides and proteins. Depleted sera were here analysed using different proteomic approaches, including two dimensional electrophoresis and SELDI–TOF. Altogether, our results clearly confirmed the interest of depleting major blood proteins for the proteomic detection of low abundant components. However, we observed that increasing the number of depleted proteins from twelve to twenty had a limited beneficial impact and might increase drawbacks in removing associated peptides and proteins. This conclusion is however related to the technologies that we have used, and we believe that it is necessary to adapt the immunocapture to the analytical method employed, and to the ratio between wanted and unwanted proteins removed.  相似文献   

A 14.5 kDa barley endosperm protein that is a major allergen in baker's asthma disease, as previously shown by both in vitro (IgE binding) and in vivo tests, has been identified as a glycosylated monomeric member of the multigene family of inhibitors of -amylase/trypsin from cereals. A cDNA encoding this allergen (renamed BMAI-1) has been isolated and characterized. The deduced sequence for the mature protein, which is 132 residues long, is identical in its N-terminal end to the 20 amino acid partial sequence previously determined from the purified allergen, and fully confirms that it is a member of the multigene family of cereal inhibitors. Southern-blot analysis of wheat/barley addition lines using the insert in the BMAI-1 cDNA clone as a probe, has led to the location of the allergen gene (Iam1) in barley chromosome 2, while another related member of this protein family, the barley dimeric -amylase inhibitor BDAI-1 gene (Iad1) has been located in chromosome 6. Iam1 is the first member of this inhibitor family in cereals to be assigned to chromosome group 2, thus extending the dispersion of genes in the family to five out of the seven homology groups of chromosomes in wheat and barley (chromosome 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7).  相似文献   

This paper examines the evidence for hominids outside East Africa during the Early Pleistocene. Most attention has focused recently on the evidence for or against a late Pliocene dispersal, ca. 1.8 Ma., of hominids out of Africa into Asia and possibly southern Europe. Here, the focus is widened to include North Africa as well as southern Asia and Europe, as well as the evidence in these regions for hominids after their first putative appearance ca. 1.8 Ma. It suggests that overall there is very little evidence for hominids in most of these regions before the Middle Pleistocene. Consequently, it concludes that the colonising capabilities of Homo erectus may have been seriously over-rated, and that even if hominids did occupy parts of North Africa, southern Europe and southern Asia shortly after 2 Ma, there is little evidence of colonisation. Whilst further fieldwork will doubtless slowly fill many gaps in a poorly documented Lower Pleistocene hominid record, it appears premature to conclude that the appearance of hominids in North Africa, Europe and Asia was automatically followed by permanent settlement. Rather, current data are more consistent with the view that Lower Pleistocene hominid populations outside East Africa were often spatially and temporally discontinuous, that hominid expansion was strongly constrained by latitude, and that occupation of temperate latitudes north of latitude 40 degrees was largely confined to interglacial periods.  相似文献   

Although Eriophyoidea is one of the most important phytophagous mite taxa owing to its negative impact on plants, reports on associations between occurrences of eriophyoid species are scarce. The aim of this paper is to test the hypothesis that the occurrence of one species is correlated with the occurrence of another in some predictive manner. Analyses are carried out for two popular coniferous trees in Poland, i.e., Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Observations were made in four locations in Poland, from three age groups of trees, namely adult trees (thirty 15-cm shoot samples from each of ten trees), young trees (ten 15-cm shoot samples from each of ten trees) and seedlings (100 whole-seedling samples). The associations were estimated by Yule’s V index. Among four eriophyoid species observed on Scots pine, and the same number of species on Norway spruce, in general no association pattern was observed. It means that their occurrence is independent. The most likely explanation for the absence of co-occurrence is the abundance of microhabitats on coniferous trees for eriophyoid mites, combined with the low mite density on these plant hosts.  相似文献   

Shanahan  Mike  Compton  Stephen G. 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):121-132
Fig trees (Ficus spp; Moraceae) are a common constituent of many tropical forests, where they produce figs that are eaten by a wide range of bird and mammal species. In our Bornean field site six Ficus seed dispersal guilds can be recognised, differentially attracting subsets of the frugivore community. Guild membership appears to be determined by figs' size, colour, crop size and height above ground, and frugivores' size, sensory and locomotory physiology and foraging height. Vertical stratification therefore appears to be an important determinant of fig and frugivore partitioning. The guild structure observed is discussed with respect to implications for seed dispersal and the differences between the canopy and understorey. Regarding figs eaten primarily by birds, larger fruit and crops can be found in the canopy where they are exposed to larger assemblages of potential frugivores than those presented in the understorey.  相似文献   

The habitats of many species are fragmented. Therefore, the survival in a metapopulation depends on the stability of the single populations and the amount of movements between patches. We chose the calcareous grassland specialist butterfly species Polyommatus coridon as a model. As study area, we selected a mosaic-like landscape in Rhineland-Palatinate (western Germany) with several well preserved calcareous grassland fragments. We marked a total of 2,211 individuals during July and August 2003. The overall recapture ratio was 7.1%. The estimated mean butterfly densities over the whole flight season ranged from 52 to 487 individuals per hectare. The within-patch movements were relatively low (13.3%) compared with the between-patch movements (3.2%). Therefore, the metapopulation structure appears to be intact in our study area.  相似文献   

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