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Healthy adult volunteers (n = 122), who denied personal history of lung disease or family history of cystic fibrosis or asthma, took no interfering medications, and had forced expiratory volume in 1 s greater than or equal to 80% predicted, underwent methacholine challenge and pupillary reactivity testing. Pupil diameter measured in dark and light test conditions declined with age (Pearson's r = -0.54 and -0.36). Pupillary alpha-adrenergic responsiveness (expressed as the concentration of phenylephrine required to dilate the pupil 1 mm) was significantly correlated with age. Older subjects required lower concentrations for dilation and therefore were more sensitive to phenylephrine. Pupillary cholinergic responsiveness (the concentration of carbachol required for 1-mm constriction) was not significantly correlated with age. Therefore the significantly smaller baseline pupil size in the elderly cannot be explained by failure of alpha-adrenergic receptor responses or by increased pupillary cholinergic responsiveness. We found no significant correlation of methacholine bronchial reactivity with age. In addition, there was no relation between airway reactivity and pupillary alpha-adrenergic or cholinergic responsiveness in this sample of healthy adults. These findings, taken with others in the literature, suggest that the contribution of alpha-adrenergic and cholinergic responsiveness to nonspecific airway reactivity in healthy persons is small, if it exists at all, and that there is no significant change in airway reactivity with age in healthy adults.  相似文献   

Seven scoring methods for the Life Events Survey (LES) were compared to determine which, if any, is superior for prediction of psychological symptomatology as measured by the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Every scoring method tested, except one utilizing an individual's positive ratings of events, was significantly correlated with symptomatology. The method using an individual's negative ratings of events was a significantly better predictor than any other. These findings suggest several conclusions. First, nomothetic methods for weighting life events do not increase a scale's predictive ability beyond that achieved by a frequency count of events. Second, frequency of life events predicts psychological symptomatology only insofar as life events are perceived as negative. That is, positively perceived events do not predict symptomatology. Finally, a life events scale's predictive ability is increased by utilizing the individual's negative perceptions of events.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride and alpha lipoprotein cholesterol were determined in nine Holstein cows during different stages of their gestation and lactation cycles.
  • 2.2. Serum cholesterol concentrations and daily milk yields were significantly correlated during early and late lactation. The correlations were not significant over the entire lactation.
  • 3.3. Maximum values for serum cholesterol were observed at mid lactation and minimum at or near parturition. Serum triglyceride concentrations ranged from 4 to 33 mg/dl. Although prepartum levels for triglyceride tended to be higher than postpartum concentrations, no correlation with milk yield was noted.
  • 4.4. These data are compared with lipid changes which take place in other mammals during lactation.

Stressful life events and drug use among adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors investigated the hypothesis that increased amounts of stress during and/or prior to adolescence would be associated with elevated use or abuse of drug substances by adolescents. Through the study the authors also provided further information regarding the usefulness of various techniques of life event surveying in the measurement of presumptive stress among adolescents. Using a multivariate analysis of the data, a number of conclusions were drawn with the overall conclusion that increased life stress levels are significantly associated with elevated drug use.  相似文献   

Using the twin pairs sample from the National Longitudinal Study ofAdolescent Health, we estimate bivariate Cholesky models for the influence of stressful life events (SLEs) on depressive symptoms. We show that depressive symptoms (h2Depression = .28) and dependent SLEs (events influenced by an individual's behavior) are both moderately heritable (h2SLE Dependent = .43). We find no evidence for the heritability of independent SLEs. Results from the bivariate Cholesky model suggest that roughly one-half of the correlation between depression and dependent SLEs is due to common genetic factors. Our findings suggest that attempts to characterize the causal effect of SLEs on mental health should limit their list of SLEs to those that are outside of the control of the individual.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effect of self-reported, stressful life events on strength gains after 12 weeks of resistance training. Participants were 135 undergraduates enrolled in weight training classes that met for 1.5 hours, two times per week. After a 2-week period to become familiar with weight training, participants completed the college version of the Adolescent Perceived Events Scale (APES), the Social Support Inventory, and one-repetition maximal lifts (1RM) for the bench press and squat. Maximal lifts were repeated after 12 weeks of training. Median splits for stress and social support were used to form groups. Results indicated that the low stress participants experienced a significantly greater increase in bench press and squat than their high stress counterparts. Strength gains were, however, unrelated to social support scores in either the low or high stress group. High life stress may lessen a person's ability to adapt to weight training. It may benefit coaches to monitor their athletes' stress both within and outside the training setting to maximize their recovery and adaptation.  相似文献   

The evolution of life cycles involves transitions between discrete states in one or more of the characters that comprise a developmental pattern. In this paper, we examine three of the major life cycle characters and the states for these characters. Using examples from echinoderms, we discuss the evolutionary transitions that have occurred in the type of morphogenesis, developmental habitat, and mode of nutrition during development. We evaluate the functional requirements associated with these transitions to infer the likelihood (frequency or rapidity) of change in a given character and of biases in the polarity of character state transitions. Using comparisons of closely related species, we evaluate the change between states in one character for dependence on the state of, or correlated changes in, other characters. Based on our analysis of congeneric species that differ in developmental habitat, we conclude that the transition between pelagic and benthic development is an ecological change that is independent of changes in morphogenesis and should be reversible. In contrast, the transition from feeding to nonfeeding development has been considered to be irreversible because it involves marked changes in larval morphology. We re-examine the transition between different modes of larval nutrition in light of recent studies that show that there exists a continuum of nutritional strategies between planktotrophy and lecithotrophy. This continuum is largely determined by variation in maternal investment and does not involve alterations in larval morphology. We suggest that the boundary between planktotrophy and lecithotrophy is frequently crossed and that this transition is reversible. Ecological changes represent the crossing of a functional threshold. Only after crossing the threshold, do larvae experience qualitatively different selective pressures that can lead to subsequent changes in morphology and development. Two different changes have occurred in the type of morphogenesis: the simplification of larval morphology that is associated with obligate (nonfeeding) lecithotrophy and the loss of the larval body plan in the evolution from indirect to direct development. It is the modification of morphology independent of the ecological changes that requires alterations in developmental processes, constrains evolutionary options, imposes irreversibility, and establishes the discrete nature of larval patterns in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Cognitive models propose that insomnia is maintained by negative cognitive activity (such as worry and rumination) and somatic anxious arousal. Attention control...  相似文献   

The direct and the buffering effects of social support networks have been documented, but few studies have examined their health outcomes for blacks and, specifically, the differences in physical and mental health. This study uses six measures of social support to examine the relationships of social support to health outcomes for black males and females. The data are from a community sample of 451 urban black adults. Results show significant differences by sex according to source of social support and particular health outcomes. Number of nearby relatives and perceived social support have direct and buffering effects, respectively, on mental health for black females, but no significant influences emerge for black males. On the other hand, the number of confidants for black males and the degree of religiosity among black females were inversely related to physical health, suggesting differences in conceptual models of social support for mental and physical health.  相似文献   

Stressful life events, especially Childhood Trauma, predict ADHD symptoms. Childhood Trauma and negatively biased memory are risk factors for affective disorders. The association of life events and bias with ADHD symptoms may inform about the etiology of ADHD. Memory bias was tested using a computer task in N = 675 healthy adults. Life events and ADHD symptoms were assessed using questionnaires. The mediation of the association between life events and ADHD symptoms by memory bias was examined. We explored the roles of different types of life events and of ADHD symptom clusters. Life events and memory bias were associated with overall ADHD symptoms as well as inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptom clusters. Memory bias mediated the association of Lifetime Life Events, specifically Childhood Trauma, with ADHD symptoms. Negatively biased memory may be a cognitive marker of the effects of Childhood Trauma on the development and/or persistence of ADHD symptoms.  相似文献   

Relationships among microarthropods,fungi, and their environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Temporal and spatial relationships in a maple-forest soil among mycophagous microarthropods, total hyphal length, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus spores, microfungus diversity, root biomass and some abiotic variables (temperature, water content, pH, organic matter content) were investigated. Samples were obtained from spring 1991 to winter 1992 at four soil depths. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to analyze the data. Four species of sporulating VAM fungi were identified, along with 23 species of mites and springtails, 9 of which were common. Hyphal length, VAM fungus spores, and soil animals peaked in spring and autumn. Canonical correspondence analysis suggests that animal abundance and success in the soil is dependent on a number of environmental variables. The most important variables that influence microarthropod community structure are: (i) temperature, (ii) water content, (iii) pH, (iv) total length of fungal hyphae, and (v) diversity of darkly-pigmented fungi. However, the relative importance of these variables changes with increasing soil depth. We have also shown a relationship between arthropod populations and their food supply under field conditions, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated previously under controlled laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship between ontogenetic, static, and evolutionary levels of allometry is investigated. Extrapolation from relative size relationships in adults to relative growth in ontogeny depends on the variability of slopes and intercepts of ontogenetic vectors relative to variability in length of the vector. If variability in slopes and intercepts is low relative to variability in length, ontogenetic and static allometries will be similar. The similarity of ontogenetic and static allometries was tested by comparing the first principal component, or size vector, for correlations among 48 cranial traits in a cross-sectional ontogenetic sample of rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago with a static sample from which all age- and sex-related variation had been removed. The vector correlation between the components is high but significantly less than one while two of three allometric patterns apparent in the ontogenetic component are not discernable in the static component. This indicates that there are important differences in size and shape relationships among adults and within ontogenies. Extrapolation from intra- or interspecific phenotypic allometry to evolutionary allometry is shown to depend on the similarity of genetic and phenotypic allometry patterns. Similarity of patterns was tested by comparing the first principal components of the phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlation matrices calculated using standard quantitative genetic methods. The patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental allometry are dissimilar; only the environmental allometries show ontogenetic allometric patterns. This indicates that phenotypic allometry may not be an accurate guide to patterns of evolutionary change in size and shape.  相似文献   

Depression, suicidality and substance abuse disorders are examined with special emphasis on the role of stressful life events in predicting severity and patterns of comorbidity among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents in boarding school environments. Both amount and severity of comorbidity increase with age and specific patterns of comorbidity are associated with gender. Different types and amounts of stressful life events predict specific combinations of comorbidity. These outcomes are interpretable with respect to associated cultural dynamics and the ecology of mental health services delivery for Indian and Native adolescents. Theoretical and methodological issues are discussed in relation to the use of stressful life events in examining cultural factors related to comorbidity among culturally different populations.  相似文献   

The pace‐of‐life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis means that animal behavior is correlated with life history strategies. Studies have reported that the free‐running period of the circadian rhythm (length of the period) is correlated with life history strategies in some animals. Although the length of the circadian rhythm may be associated with the POLS hypothesis, few studies have investigated the relationships among animal behavior, life history traits, and circadian rhythm. We tested the POLS hypothesis in the assassin bug, Amphibolus venator, which shows individual variation in locomotor activity. We found higher repeatability of differences in locomotor activity between individuals. Moreover, we found a trade‐off between locomotor activity and developmental period such that active individuals developed faster. However, locomotor activity was not correlated with the length of the circadian rhythm in Avenator. Therefore, this study suggests that the length of the circadian rhythm in Avenator does not support the POLS hypothesis.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the proposal that global perceived stress level moderates the degree of relationship between negative life events and depression. Accordingly, subjects in this study completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Life Experiences Survey (LES), and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The PSS provides a measure of global perceived stress level, or the general tendency to view one's life as being unpredictable, out of control, and overwhelming. Consistent with past research, the findings revealed an increase in depression level as negative life change scores increased. Of special importance, however, was the finding that global level of stress significantly moderated the relationship between depression and negative life events. For those low on perceived stress, negative life changes had only a minimal impact on depression level. In contrast, for those high on perceived stress, the relationship was more pronounced. These findings were then discussed with regard to the possible role of cognitive appraisals in enhancing the symptoms of psychopathology experienced by individuals high on global level of perceived stress.  相似文献   

BackgroundPhysicians are considered to be a high-risk population for a poor quality of life (QoL), but few studies of lifestyle factors include the QoL among them.ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between lifestyle factors and a positive QoL among primary health care (PHC) physicians.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted at 20 primary healthcare centers in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. A self-administered questionnaire was used, including sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle data, and the short version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire. Appropriate statistical analyses were used, including multivariate logistic regression models.ResultsThe response rate was 85.7% (72/84) physicians. The mean score of the total QoL and its four studied domains (physical, psychological, social, and environmental) was relatively high, with no statistically significant difference between the consultants and general practitioners. The positive total QoL in this study was significantly lower among physicians with obesity (OR = 0.55, 95%CI = 0.25–0.97), those using butter and animal fat for cooking (OR = 0.10, 95%CI = 0.02–0.81), and those eating meals out > 3 times per week (OR = 0.30, 95%CI = 0.10–0.90). Although non-significant, vegetable consumption and a high level of physical activity were associated with a positive QoL, with adjusted ORs of 2.5 (95%CI = 0.82–7.58) and 1.5 (95%CI = 0.33–6.65), respectively.ConclusionThe findings indicate a relatively good QoL among the participating physicians; however, a lower QoL was associated with unhealthy lifestyle factors. QoL was significantly associated with obesity, cooking practices, and eating meals from restaurants.  相似文献   



The relationships between facial mimicry and subsequent psychological processes remain unclear. We hypothesized that the congruent facial muscle activity would elicit emotional experiences and that the experienced emotion would induce emotion recognition.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To test this hypothesis, we re-analyzed data collected in two previous studies. We recorded facial electromyography (EMG) from the corrugator supercilii and zygomatic major and obtained ratings on scales of valence and arousal for experienced emotions (Study 1) and for experienced and recognized emotions (Study 2) while participants viewed dynamic and static facial expressions of negative and positive emotions. Path analyses showed that the facial EMG activity consistently predicted the valence ratings for the emotions experienced in response to dynamic facial expressions. The experienced valence ratings in turn predicted the recognized valence ratings in Study 2.


These results suggest that facial mimicry influences the sharing and recognition of emotional valence in response to others'' dynamic facial expressions.  相似文献   

Deer can have severe effects on plant communities, which in turn can affect insect communities. We studied the effects of Key deer herbivory on the incidence of insect herbivores that occur within deer habitats in the lower Florida Keys, within the National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR). We analyzed plant chemistry (tannins, nitrogen) and surveyed for the occurrence of insects (above the browse tier) among plant species that were either deer-preferred or less-preferred. Results indicated higher levels of foliar tannins on islands with fewer Key deer and larger amounts of foliar nitrogen on islands with a high density of Key deer. Consequently, leaf miners were significantly more abundant on islands with high deer density, irrespective of deer-preference of plant species. On islands with a high deer density, incidence of leaves damaged by chewing insects was lower on preferred plant species but greater on less-preferred species than on islands with fewer deer. No apparent patterns were evident in the distribution of leaf gallers among plant species or islands with different deer density. Our results imply that plant nutrition levels—either preexisting or indirectly affected by deer deposition—are more important than plant defenses in determining the distribution of insect herbivores in the NKDR. Although high densities of the endangered Key deer have negative effects on some plant species in the NKDR, it seems Key deer might have an indirect positive influence on insect incidence primarily above the browse tier. Further research is warranted to enable fuller understanding of the interactions between Key deer and the insect community.  相似文献   

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