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Human chorionic somatomammotropin extracted and purified from placenta at term was proved to have a lipolytic action in the epididymal fat pad of rats. The following mechanism appears to be involved in the lipolytic action of the hormone; human chorionic somatomammotropin activates adenyl cyclase, thereby increasing the concentration of cyclic AMP in the tissue, which, in turn, activates protein kinase to lead to the activation of hormone sensitive lipase.  相似文献   

Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) is a highly angiogenic neoplasm associated with infection by the human gamma-herpesvirus, HHV-8 or Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV). When in 1872 the Hungarian scientist Moritz Kaposi described the sarcoma, which was later named after him, he was dealing with a rare dermatologic disease. Today, KS is a more common pathology due to its high incidence in AIDS, in immuno-suppressed transplantation patients and, in its endemic form, in Africa. The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to a drastic reduction of KS incidence in HIV-infected patients, but in some cases KS resists the treatment. KS is more common in men than in women. The observation of spontaneous remissions during pregnancy stimulated investigations into the potential anti-KS activity of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The variable effect in clinical trials using urinary preparations of the hormone (u-hCG) has led to the hypothesis that contaminating moieties present in these preparations may account for the anti-KS effect observed in vitro. While the discrepancy between laboratory tests and clinical trials remains a mystery, little is known about potential anti-KS mechanisms of the hormone itself and/or other active moieties present in u-hCG.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in human eosinophils: mechanisms of action   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Prominent blood and tissue eosinophilia is clinically manifested in a number of inflammatory states, particularly in allergic diseases. Corticosteroids are the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of eosinophilic disorders, including bronchial asthma. Their beneficial effects result, among others, from (i) the suppression of the synthesis and the effects of eosinophil survival factors, (ii) the direct induction of eosinophil apoptosis and (iii) the stimulation of their engulfment by professional phagocytic cells. Failure of steroids to propagate apoptotic signals and to promote eosinophil clearance may explain the corticoresistance observed in a proportion of asthmatic patients. Accordingly, studies on the intracellular mechanisms involved in eosinophil corticosensitivity and resistance may provide a valuable tool for identifying new and selective molecular targets to therapeutically resolve otherwise persistent eosinophilic inflammation. In this review, the intracellular cascade of events involved in corticosteroid-mediated eosinophil apoptotic death is discussed and compared to the signalling pathway governing this process in the established model of dexamethasone-induced thymocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   

Modern data concerning biologic characteristics of chromium (Cr3+) its placement in nature, accessibility and metabolic action of its different forms in humans and animals is presented in this survey. Essentiality of chromium for humans is emphasized, data about consumption norms of this microelement and its use for curing different diseases especially diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis of vessels are presented. The biochemical mechanisms of Cr3+ effect on the metabolism in the human and animal organism are analyzed. It is shown that the organism reacts to chrome additions by the change of some metabolism links. Chrome influences positively growth and development of foetus, stimulates metabolism of glucose and insulin in the humans and animals. However, at the set chromium requirements it is necessary to take into account its low availability in food, high release of Cr3+ from the organism under the influence of stress factors, considerable decline of its level with age, and also in the period of pregnancy and lactation. Therefore experimental researches of introduction of Cr3+ additions to the diet of people and forage of animals taking into account their body mass, age and clinical state, can explain the biochemical mechanisms of biological action of this microelement.  相似文献   

The role of the carbohydrate part of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was investigated by measuring the ability of hCG derivatives lacking various sugar residues to bind to rat Leydig cells and stimulate them to synthesize testosterone and cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). Whereas sequential removal of the sialic acid, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, and mannose residues led to a progressive increase in the effective dose of the hormone required to stimulate steroidogenesis, it resulted in a marked loss in the ability of the hormone to stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation. Low doses of the glycosidase-treated hormone derivatives were additive with hCG when their ability to stimulate testosterone synthesis was analyzed. Nevertheless, the glycosidase-treated derivatives were potent inhibitors of hCG-induced cyclic AMP accumulation, suggesting that removal of the sugars did not influence binding of the hormone to the cell as much as it reduced the ability of the bound hormone to activate adenyl cyclase. This hypothesis was further supported by our finding that the hCG derivatives were highly effective inhibitors of 125I-hGC binding to the intact cells. Removal of sialic acid and galactose enhanced the inhibition, whereas removal of all the sugar residues only decreased the inhibition slightly. The degree of these effects was comparatively small. The possibility that steroidogenesis and cyclic AMP accumulation are altered independently by hCG stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Mammalian parotid glands have provided excellent model systems for studying adrenergic control of defined biochemical and physiological processes during exocrine secretion. The findings point to a deficiency in a key coupling step (postulated here to exist just distal to the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor yet proximal to the phospholipid turnover/Ca2+ mobilization steps) required for alpha-adrenergic-mediated fluid and electrolyte secretion from the aging rat exocrine parotid gland. Because the steps involved in this process are not fully elucidated, natural perturbation of rat parotid gland function should prove to be of particular value as a model toward clarification of the mechanisms of alpha-adrenergic signal transduction. It is now generally agreed that dopamine receptors are lost from the corpus striatum during aging in a variety of species, including humans. Most studies of age changes in striatal dopamine receptors have detected no alterations in binding affinity or dissociation constant (Kd). Only reduction in concentration (Bmax) with increasing age is apparent. Such receptor loss appears to be at least partially responsible for decreased dopamine stimulation of certain stereotypic behavioral responses and decreased neurotransmitter release. In addition, dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase (EC decreases during senescence.  相似文献   

Bufalin, a naturally occurring small-molecule compound from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Chansu showed inhibitory effects against human prostate, hepatocellular, endometrial and ovarian cancer cells, and leukemia cells. However, whether or not bufalin has inhibitory activity against the proliferation of human non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells is unclear. The aim of this study is to study the effects of bufalin on the proliferation of NSCLC and its molecular mechanisms of action. The cancer cell proliferation was measured by MTT assay. The apoptosis and cell cycle distribution were analyzed by flow cytometry. The protein expressions and phosphorylation in the cancer cells were detected by Western blot analysis. In the present study, we have demonstrated that bufalin suppressed the proliferation of human NSCLC A549 cell line in time- and dose-dependent manners. Bufalin induced the apoptosis and cell cycle arrest by affecting the protein expressions of Bcl-2/Bax, cytochrome c, caspase-3, PARP, p53, p21WAF1, cyclinD1, and COX-2 in A549 cells. In addition, bufalin reduced the protein levels of receptor expressions and/or phosphorylation of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, EGFR and/or c-Met in A549 cells. Furthermore, bufalin inhibited the protein expressions and phosphorylation of Akt, NF-κB, p44/42 MAPK (ERK1/2) and p38 MAPK in A549 cells. Our results suggest that bufalin inhibits the human lung cancer cell proliferation via VEGFR1/VEGFR2/EGFR/c-Met–Akt/p44/42/p38-NF-κB signaling pathways; bufalin may have a wide therapeutic and/or adjuvant therapeutic application in the treatment of human NSCLC.  相似文献   

Changes in rat and human testicular human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) binding sites induced by hCG were estimated in vivo and in vitro. After a single administration of hCG, the specific 125I-hCG bindings were significantly reduced for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, 125I-hCG bindings had recovered to pretreatment values by the 14th day after the administration. Occupied hCG bindings accounted for about half of the reduced bindings on the day after administration of hCG. After this time, however, the occupancy did not contribute so much to the reduction of the bindings. In experiments in vitro using the organ culture technique, an exposure to hCG for 24 h induced a dose-related significant loss of the specific 125I-hCG bindings for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, the loss was gradually recovered. These patterns of changes in 125I-hCG bindings in vitro were similar to those in vivo. These findings suggest that the reduction in hCG binding sites by hCG is due to not only occupancy but also downregulation of the binding sites and that the testicular organ culture method used in the present study is useful to study hormonal regulation of testicular function, especially in human testes.  相似文献   

The responsiveness and action mechanisms of steroid hormones and epidermal growth factor on human endometrial carcinoma cells are analyzed by using in vitro culture system. 1) The Ishikawa cells, derived from a well differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma and possess ER and PR, are shown to respond to estrogens by increasing a variety of parameters, viz cell proliferation, PR levels, ALP and DNA polymerase activities. 2) ER and PR of those cells are localized in the nuclei by immunocytochemical staining using the monoclonal antibodies against to ER and PR, confirming the correctness of Gorski and Greene's one step theory involving the action mechanisms of steroid hormones. 3) Progestins reduced the ER level and stimulate E2DH activities and glycogen content, which are completely abolished by anti-progestin (RU486), suggesting that PR of those cells should be functional. 4) These responses to steroid hormones of Ishikawa cells are synergistically enhanced or appeared earlier by addition of EGF. 5) The main metabolite of E2 incubated with Ishikawa cells is E2-3-sulfate instead of E1, indicate that the higher estrogenic status may be persisted in endometrial cancer tissues.  相似文献   

Coronary arterial tissues obtained from mammalian hearts are known to develop spontaneous phasic contractions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the vasodilatory effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the rhythmic contractions of isolated human coronary arterial (HCA) preparations obtained from the recipient hearts of patients undergoing cardiac transplantation. Results from 8 hearts show that: (i) most HCA tissues displayed spontaneous rhythmic phasic contractions with a cycle length around 10 min in the absence or presence of PGF2alpha or elevated [K+]0 (20 mM); (ii) the rhythmic activity could be suppressed by a free fatty acid DHA (30 microM); (iii) high [K+]0 (20 and 80 mM) could induce sustained tonic contraction in addition to phasic contractions in HCA tissues, the tonic contraction could be antagonized by L-type Ca(2+) channel blockers or by DHA (depending on [K+]0); (iv) a digitalis substance ouabain also could induce tonic contraction and suppress phasic contraction; (v) in isolated HCA vascular smooth muscle cells, DHA increased the magnitude of outward voltage-gated K+ (IKV) currents and the inwardly rectifying IK1 currents. Enhancement of K+ currents could be related to vasorelaxation induced by DHA in HCA preparations. Further studies on the effects of DHA on various ionic currents and intracellular Ca(2+) transient are needed to clarify the Ca(2+)-dependent and the Ca(2+)-independent actions of DHA in HCA.  相似文献   

Normal adult inbred SWR/J mice were used to investigate the teratogenic and other possible toxic effects of various dose levels of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on fetuses. Multiple dose levels of 6.5, 13.0, 19.5, 26.0, 32.5 or 40.0 mg of sildenafil citrate/kg body weight (which correspond to the multiples of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of human 50 mg Viagra, respectively) were orally administered into pregnant mice on days 7–9, 10–12 or 13–15 of gestation. On day 17 of pregnancy, all fetuses were removed and examined for toxic phenomena (embryo-fetal toxicity) and for external, internal and skeletal malformations. A total of 285 pregnant mice were used in the present study.None of the dams treated with sildenafil citrate at any of the oral dose levels used in the present study died during the experimental period and all dams treated with the drug failed to reveal overt signs of maternal toxicity. Moreover, the results of the present study clearly demonstrate that none of the multiple oral dose levels of the drug at any time interval used has induced any external, internal or skeletal malformations in the fetuses obtained from treated females.However, the dose level of 40 mg/kg body weight of sildenafil citrate has a growth suppressing effect on alive fetuses when it was administered at all the time intervals used in the present study. Furthermore, the dose levels 26.0, 32.5 and 40 mg/kg of the drug have embryo-fetal toxicity when the drug is applied on days 13–15 of gestation. The possible mechanisms involved in the embryo-fetal toxicity and fetal growth suppressing effects of sildenafil citrate were discussed.The results of this study have important implications for the widespread use of this drug.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to provide a mechanistic insight into how 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) relaxes distal human pulmonary arteries (HPAs). This compound is produced by omega-hydroxylase from free arachidonic acid. Tension measurements, performed on either fresh or 1 day-cultured pulmonary arteries, revealed that the contractile responses to 1 microM 5-hydroxytryptamine were largely relaxed by 20-HETE in a concentration-dependent manner (0.01-10 microM). Iberiotoxin pretreatments (10 nM) partially decreased 20-HETE-induced relaxations. However, 10 microM indomethacin and 3 microM SC-560 pretreatments significantly reduced the relaxations to 20-HETE in these tissues. The relaxing responses induced by the eicosanoid were likely related to a reduced Ca2+ sensitivity of the myofilaments since free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+])-response curves performed on beta-escin-permeabilized cultured explants were shifted toward higher [Ca2+]. 20-HETE also abolished the tonic responses induced by phorbol-ester-dibutyrate (a PKC-sensitizing agent). Western blot analyses, using two specific primary antibodies against the PKC-potentiated inhibitory protein CPI-17 and its PKC-dependent phosphorylated isoform pCPI-17, confirmed that 20-HETE interferes with this intracellular process. We also investigated the effect of 20-HETE on the activation of Rho-kinase pathway-induced Ca2+ sensitivity. The data demonstrated that 20-HETE decreased U-46619-induced Ca2+ sensitivity on arteries. Hence, this observation was correlated with an increased staining of p116(Rip), a RhoA-binding protein. Together, these results strongly suggest that the 20-hydroxyarachidonic acid derivative is a potent modulator of tone in HPAs in vitro.  相似文献   

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