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Bacteria live in unstructured and structured environments, experiencing feast and famine lifestyles. Bacterial colonies can be viewed as model structured environments. SOS induction and mutagenesis have been observed in aging Escherichia coli colonies, in the absence of exogenous sources of DNA damage. This cAMP-dependent mutagenesis occurring in Resting Organisms in a Structured Environment (ROSE) is unaffected by a umuC mutation and therefore differs from both targeted UV mutagenesis and recA730 (SOS constitutive) untargeted mutagenesis. As a recB mutation has only a minor effect on ROSE mutagenesis it also differs from both adaptive reversion of the lacI33 allele and from iSDR (inducible Stable DNA Replication) mutagenesis. Besides its recA and lexA dependence, ROSE mutagenesis is also uvrB and polA dependent. These genetic requirements are reminiscent of the untargeted mutagenesis in λ phage observed when unirradiated λ infects UV-irradiated E. coli. These mutations, which are not observed in aging liquid cultures, accumulate linearly with the age of the colonies. ROSE mutagenesis might offer a good model for bacterial mutagenesis in structured environments such as biofilms and for mutagenesis of quiescent eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   



Though RpoS is important for survival of pathogenic Escherichia coli in natural environments, polymorphism in the rpoS gene is common. However, the causes of this polymorphism and consequential physiological effects on gene expression in pathogenic strains are not fully understood.  相似文献   

Impact of rpoS Deletion on Escherichia coli Biofilms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Slow growth has been hypothesized to be an essential aspect of bacterial physiology within biofilms. In order to test this hypothesis, we employed two strains of Escherichia coli, ZK126 (ΔlacZ rpoS+) and its isogenic ΔrpoS derivative, ZK1000. These strains were grown at two rates (0.033 and 0.0083 h−1) in a glucose-limited chemostat which was coupled either to a modified Robbins device containing plugs of silicone rubber urinary catheter material or to a glass flow cell. The presence or absence of rpoS did not significantly affect planktonic growth of E. coli. In contrast, biofilm cell density in the rpoS mutant strain (ZK1000), as measured by determining the number of CFU per square centimeter, was reduced by 50% (P < 0.05). Deletion of rpoS caused differences in biofilm cell arrangement, as seen by scanning confocal laser microscopy. In reporter gene experiments, similar levels of rpoS expression were seen in chemostat-grown planktonic and biofilm populations at a growth rate of 0.033 h−1. Overall, these studies suggest that rpoS is important for biofilm physiology.  相似文献   

When exposed to stress-provoking environmental conditions such as those of ground waters, many medically important bacteria have been shown to be capable of activating a survival strategy known as the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state. In this state bacteria are no longer culturable on conventional growth media, but the cells maintain their viability and pathogenicity genes/factors and can start dividing again, in a part of the cell population, upon restoration of favourable environmental conditions. Little is known about the genetic mechanisms underlying the VBNC state. In this study we show evidence of involvement of the rpoS gene in persistence of Escherichia coli in the VBNC state. The kinetics of entry into the non-culturable state and duration of cell viability were measured in two E. coli mutants carrying an inactivated rpoS gene and compared with those of the parents. For these experiments, laboratory microcosms consisting of an artificial oligotrophic medium incubated at 4 degrees C were used. The E. coli parental strains reached the non-culturable state in 33 days when the plate counts were evaluated on Luria-Bertani agar containing sodium pyruvate, whereas cells of the rpoS mutants lost their culturability in only 21 days. Upon reaching unculturability the parents yielded respiring cells and cells with intact membranes for at least the next three weeks and resuscitation was allowed during this time. In contrast, the RpoS- mutant cells demonstrated intact membranes for only two weeks and a very restricted (<7 days) resuscitation capability. Guanosine 3',5'-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp) acts as a positive regulator during the production and functioning of RpoS. A mutant deficient in ppGpp production behaved like the rpoS mutants, while overproducers of ppGpp displayed a vitality at least comparable to that of RpoS+ strains. These results suggest that the E. coli parental strains enter the VBNC state which lasts for, at least, three weeks, after which apparently all the cells die. The rpoS mutants do not activate this survival strategy and early die. This implies involvement of the rpoS gene in E. coli persistence in the VBNC state.  相似文献   

Surface films of Escherichia coli colonies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Escherichia coli colony surfaces were examined using SEM and TEM. The results indicated that bacterial colonies in the course of their development produce surface films which become thicker with increased growth duration. Membrane vesicles contribute to the formation of the surface film. The complex organization of the film suggests that it may perform specific functions.  相似文献   

Presence of starved, stationary phase-like zones in biofilms seems to be an important factor for biofilm formation. In this study, roles of rpoS gene in the formation of Escherichia coli biofilms were investigated. E. coli MG1655 wild type (WT) and rpoS mutant (DeltarpoS) strains were used to compare biofilm formation capacity and global gene expression. Even though the DeltarpoS strain could attach and form microcolonies on glass surfaces, it could not establish mature biofilms. DNA microarray analysis revealed that WT biofilms (WBF) showed similar pattern of gene expression with WT planktonic stationary phase, whereas DeltarpoS biofilms (MBF) showed similar pattern of gene expression with WT planktonic exponential phase. Genes involved in energy metabolism (atpIBEFHAG, atpC, cydAB) and flagella synthesis (flgB, flgC, flhD, fliA, fliC, fliY) showed increased expression in the MBF, but not in the WBF. Moreover, genes involved in stress responses (blc, cspG, dinD poxB, wcaF, wcaI, and yfcF) showed increased expression in the WBF compared to the MBF. These results suggested that the rpoS gene contributed in maturation of E. coli biofilms through regulation of global gene expression including energy metabolism, motility, and stress responses.  相似文献   

The general stress resistance of Escherichia coli is controlled by the RpoS sigma factor (phi(S)), but mutations in rpoS are surprisingly common in natural and laboratory populations. Evidence for the selective advantage of losing rpoS was obtained from experiments with nutrient-limited bacteria at different growth rates. Wild-type bacteria were rapidly displaced by rpoS mutants in both glucose- and nitrogen-limited chemostat populations. Nutrient limitation led to selection and sweeps of rpoS null mutations and loss of general stress resistance. The rate of takeover by rpoS mutants was most rapid (within 10 generations of culture) in slower-growing populations that initially express higher phi(S) levels. Competition for core RNA polymerase is the likeliest explanation for reduced expression from distinct promoters dependent on phi(70) and involved in the hunger response to nutrient limitation. Indeed, the mutation of rpoS led to significantly higher expression of genes contributing to the high-affinity glucose scavenging system required for the hunger response. Hence, rpoS polymorphism in E. coli populations may be viewed as the result of competition between the hunger response, which requires sigma factors other than phi(S) for expression, and the maintenance of the ability to withstand external stresses. The extent of external stress significantly influences the spread of rpoS mutations. When acid stress was simultaneously applied to glucose-limited cultures, both the phenotype and frequency of rpoS mutations were attenuated in line with the level of stress. The conflict between the hunger response and maintenance of stress resistance is a potential weakness in bacterial regulation.  相似文献   

Sigma S (sigma(s)) encoded by rpoS in Escherichia coli is a stationary phase specific sigma subunit of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Widespread among the E. coli K12 strains is an amber mutation that prematurely terminates sigma(s). These rpoSAm mutants would be expected to show no sigma(s) activity. However, suppressor free rpoSAm mutants retain an intermediate catalase activity, a sigma S controlled function. By analyzing the sequence of the rpoS gene we hypothesize that a 277 amino acids long delta1-53 sigma(s) of about 30 kDa can be translated from an internal secondary translation initiation region (STIR, AGGGAGN11GUG) that is located downstream of the amber codon. By cloning this rpoSAm gene, following the expression, function, and N-terminal sequence of this mutant protein, we report the presence of a functional internal STIR in E. coli rpoS, from where a truncated but nevertheless functional form of sigma(s) can be synthesized.  相似文献   

The rpoS-encoded sigmaS subunit of RNA polymerase regulates the expression of stationary phase and stress response genes in Escherichia coli. Recent study of our DNA microarray analysis suggested that the rpoS expression is affected by multiple two-component systems. In this study, we identified two-component-system mutants in which the rpoS expression increased. The regulatory manner of the systems on rpoS expression is suggested.  相似文献   

The rpoS-encoded σS subunit of RNA polymerase regulates the expression of stationary phase and stress response genes in Escherichia coli. Recent study of our DNA microarray analysis suggested that the rpoS expression is affected by multiple two-component systems. In this study, we identified two-component-system mutants in which the rpoS expression increased. The regulatory manner of the systems on rpoS expression is suggested.  相似文献   

King T  Seeto S  Ferenci T 《Genetics》2006,174(4):2071-2079
Polymorphisms in rpoS are common in Escherichia coli. rpoS status influences a trade-off between nutrition and stress resistance and hence fitness across different environments. To analyze the selective pressures acting on rpoS, measurement of glucose transport rates in rpoS+ and rpoS bacteria was used to estimate the role of F(nc), the fitness gain due to improved nutrient uptake, in the emergence of rpoS mutations in nutrient-limited chemostat cultures. Chemostats with set atmospheres, temperatures, pH's, antibiotics, and levels of osmotic stress were followed. F(nc) was reduced under anaerobiosis, high osmolarity, and with chloramphenicol, consistent with a reduced rate of rpoS enrichment in these conditions. F(nc) remained high, however, with alkaline pH and low temperature but rpoS sweeps were diminished. Under these conditions, F(sp), the fitness reduction due to lowered stress protection, became significant. We also estimated whether the fitness need for the gene was related to its regulation. No consistent pattern emerged between the level of RpoS and the loss of rpoS function in particular environments. This dissection allows an unprecedented view of the genotype-by-environment interactions controlling a mutational sweep and shows that both F(nc) and F(sp) are influenced by individual stresses and that additional factors contribute to selection pressure in some environments.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal is an endogenous electrophile produced in Escherichia coli by the enzyme methylglyoxal synthase to limit the accumulation of phosphorylated sugars. In enteric bacteria methylglyoxal is detoxified by the glutathione-dependent glyoxalase I/II system, by glyoxalase III, and by aldehyde reductase and alcohol dehydrogenase. Here we demonstrate that glyoxalase III is a stationary-phase enzyme. Its activity reached a maximum at the entry into the stationary phase and remained high for at least 20 h. An rpoS- mutant displayed normal glyoxalase I and II activities but was unable to induce glyoxalase III in stationary phase. It thus appears that glyoxalase III is regulated by rpoS and might be important for survival of non-growing E. coli cultures.  相似文献   

Stationary-phase cells displayed a distribution of relaxed plasmids and had the ability to recover plasmid supercoiling as soon as nutrients became available. Preexisting gyrase molecules in these cells were responsible for this recovery. Stationary-phase rpoS cells showed a bimodal distribution of plasmids and failed to supercoil plasmids after the addition of nutrients, suggesting that rpoS plays a role in the regulation of plasmid topology during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of rpoS in gene expression of Escherichia coli cells grown as biofilms, we compared the proteomes of a rpoS mutant and the wild-type strain. Experiments were performed on planktonic cells (in exponential or stationary growth phase) and biofilms developed on glass wool. Spot-by-spot comparison of gels obtained from biofilm and planktonic wild-type organisms showed that the intensity of between 22 and 30% of detected spots was affected by the growth mode, depending of the control used. Principal component analysis, used to interpret the variations in protein spot densities, discriminated exponential-phase cells (wild-type and mutant) from the other incubation conditions and secondarily 72-old cultures. The statistical analysis demonstrated that the rpoS mutation did not significantly modify the proteome of exponential-growth phase cells, the differences involving only 3% of the proteome. However, increasing the incubation time from 8 to 72 h noticeably increased the number of changed proteins. A cluster analysis showed that RpoS plays a role in the special nature of the gene expression of biofilm cells but lower than in stationary-phase bacteria. We identified 35 rpoS-regulated proteins that were already or not described as controlled by this sigma factor. For some of them, the mode of regulation by RpoS was obviously dependent on the culture condition (planktonic vs biofilm).  相似文献   

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