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Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter release is the most important signaling mechanism for fast information transfer between neurons. Transmitter release takes places at highly specialized active zones with sub-micrometer dimension, which contain the molecular machinery for vesicle docking and -fusion, as well as a high density of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. In the absence of direct evidence for the ultrastructural localization of Ca(2+) channels at CNS synapses, important insights into Ca(2+) channel-vesicle coupling has come from functional experiments relating presynaptic Ca(2+) current and transmitter release, at large and accessible synapses like the calyx of Held. First, high slope values in log-log plots of transmitter release versus presynaptic Ca(2+) current indicate that multiple Ca(2+) channels are involved in release control of a single vesicle. Second, release kinetics in response to step-like depolarizations revealed fast- and slowly releasable sub-pools of vesicles, FRP and SRP, which, according to the "positional" model, are distinguished by a differential proximity to Ca(2+) channels. Considering recent evidence for a rapid conversion of SRP- to FRP vesicles, however, we highlight that multivesicular release events and clearance of vesicle membrane from the active zone must be taken into account when interpreting kinetic release data. We conclude that the careful kinetic analysis of transmitter release at presynaptically accessible and molecularly targeted synapses has the potential to yield important insights into the molecular physiology of transmitter release.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca(2+)-release channels (ICRCs) form a superfamily of genes that encompasses two distinct subfamilies: the inositol trisphosphate receptor and the ryanodine receptor genes, which encode the largest ion channels known today. During evolution from nematodes to man, mechanisms of gene duplication and divergence have increased the number of known ICRC genes, which have been gradually co-opted to contribute to the increasing complexity of intracellular Ca(2+) signalling required for regulation of specialised eukaryotic cell activities.  相似文献   

We find that the adrenergic agonist isoproterenol increases intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in cultured rat brown adipocytes. At the concentration used (10 microM), isoproterenol-induced Ca(2+) responses were sensitive to block by either alpha(1)- or beta-adrenergic antagonists, suggesting an interaction between these receptor subtypes. Despite reliance on beta-adrenoceptor activation, the Ca(2+) response was not due solely to increases in cAMP because, administered alone, the selective beta(3)-adrenergic agonist BRL-37344 or forskolin did not increase [Ca(2+)](i). However, increased cAMP elicited vigorous [Ca(2+)](i) increases in the presence of barely active concentrations of the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine or the P2Y receptor agonist UTP. Consistent with isoproterenol recruiting only inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-sensitive Ca(2+) stores, endoplasmic reticulum store depletion by thapsigargin blocked isoproterenol-induced Ca(2+) increases, but removal of external Ca(2+) did not. These results argue that increases in cAMP sensitize the IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release system in brown adipocytes.  相似文献   

We have reported that a population of chromaffin cell mitochondria takes up large amounts of Ca(2+) during cell stimulation. The present study focuses on the pathways for mitochondrial Ca(2+) efflux. Treatment with protonophores before cell stimulation abolished mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and increased the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](c)) peak induced by the stimulus. Instead, when protonophores were added after cell stimulation, they did not modify [Ca(2+)](c) kinetics and inhibited Ca(2+) release from Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria. This effect was due to inhibition of mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange, because blocking this system with CGP37157 produced no further effect. Increasing extramitochondrial [Ca(2+)](c) triggered fast Ca(2+) release from these depolarized Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria, both in intact or permeabilized cells. These effects of protonophores were mimicked by valinomycin, but not by nigericin. The observed mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release response was insensitive to cyclosporin A and CGP37157 but fully blocked by ruthenium red, suggesting that it may be mediated by reversal of the Ca(2+) uniporter. This novel kind of mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release might contribute to Ca(2+) clearance from mitochondria that become depolarized during Ca(2+) overload.  相似文献   

Cox DH 《BMB reports》2011,44(10):635-646
Due to its high external and low internal concentration the Ca(2+) ion is used ubiquitously as an intracellular signaling molecule, and a great many Ca(2+)-sensing proteins have evolved to receive and propagate Ca(2+) signals. Among them are ion channel proteins, whose Ca(2+) sensitivity allows internal Ca(2+) to influence the electrical activity of cell membranes and to feedback-inhibit further Ca(2+) entry into the cytoplasm. In this review I will describe what is understood about the Ca(2+) sensing mechanisms of the three best studied classes of Ca(2+)-sensitive ion channels: Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, and voltage- gated Ca(2+) channels. Great strides in mechanistic understanding have be made for each of these channel types in just the past few years.  相似文献   

Pan ZH  Hu HJ  Perring P  Andrade R 《Neuron》2001,32(1):89-98
Transmitter release in neurons is thought to be mediated exclusively by high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca(2+) channels. However, we now report that, in retinal bipolar cells, low-voltage-activated (LVA) Ca(2+) channels also mediate neurotransmitter release. Bipolar cells are specialized neurons that release neurotransmitter in response to graded depolarizations. Here we show that these cells express T-type Ca(2+) channel subunits and functional LVA Ca(2+) currents sensitive to mibefradil. Activation of these currents results in Ca(2+) influx into presynaptic terminals and exocytosis, which we detected as a capacitance increase in isolated terminals and the appearance of reciprocal currents in retinal slices. The involvement of T-type Ca(2+) channels in bipolar cell transmitter release may contribute to retinal information processing.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins have been shown to acutely modulate synaptic transmission in a variety of systems, but the underlying signaling mechanisms remain unclear. Here we provide evidence for an unusual mechanism that mediates synaptic potentiation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) induced by neurotrophin-3 (NT3), using Xenopus nerve-muscle co-culture. Unlike brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which requires Ca(2+) influx for its acute effect, NT3 rapidly enhances spontaneous transmitter release at the developing NMJ even when Ca(2+) influx is completely blocked, suggesting that the NT3 effect is independent of extracellular Ca(2+). Depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores, or blockade of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3) or ryanodine receptors, prevents the NT3-induced synaptic potentiation. Blockade of IP3 receptors can not prevent BDNF-induced potentiation, suggesting that BDNF and NT3 use different mechanisms to potentiate transmitter release. Inhibition of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) completely blocks the acute effect of NT3. Furthermore, the NT3-induced potentiation requires a continuous activation of CaMKII, because application of the CaMKII inhibitor KN62 reverses the previously established NT3 effect. Thus, NT3 potentiates neurotransmitter secretion by stimulating Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores through IP3 and/or ryanodine receptors, leading to an activation of CaMKII.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Ca(2+)-loaded coelenterazine-binding protein from Renilla muelleri in its apo-state has been determined at resolution 1.8 A. Although calcium binding hardly affects the compact scaffold and overall fold of the structure before calcium addition, there are easily discerned shifts in the residues that were interacting with the coelenterazine and a repositioning of helices, to expose a cavity to the external solvent. Altogether these changes offer a straightforward explanation for how following the addition of Ca(2+), the coelenterazine could escape and become available for bioluminescence on Renilla luciferase. A docking computation supports the possibility of a luciferase-binding protein complex.  相似文献   

Secretory vesicles of chromaffin cells are acidic organelles that maintain an increasing pH gradient towards the cytosol (5.5 vs. 7.3) that is mediated by V-ATPase activity. This gradient is primarily responsible for the accumulation of large concentrations of amines and Ca(2+), although the mechanisms mediating Ca(2+) uptake and release from granules, and the physiological relevance of these processes, remain unclear. The presence of a vesicular matrix appears to create a bi-compartmentalised medium in which the major fractions of solutes, including catecholamines, nucleotides and Ca(2+), are strongly associated with vesicle proteins, particularly chromogranins. This association appears to be favoured at acidic pH values. It has been demonstrated that disrupting the pH gradient of secretory vesicles reduces their rate of exocytosis and promotes the leakage of vesicular amines and Ca(2+), dramatically increasing the movement of secretory vesicles and triggering exocytosis. In this short review, we will discuss the data available that highlights the importance of pH in regulating the association between chromogranins, vesicular amines and Ca(2+). We will also address the potential role of vesicular Ca(2+) in two major processes in secretory cells, vesicle movement and exocytosis.  相似文献   

Stretch-induced Ca(2+) release via an IP(3)-insensitive Ca(2+) channel   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Various mechanicalstimuli increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i) in vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMC). A part of the increase in [Ca2+]i isdue to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Wehave investigated the effect of mechanical stimulation produced bycyclical stretch on the release of Ca2+ from theintracellular stores. Permeabilized VSMC loaded with 45Ca2+ were subjected to 7.5% average (15%maximal) cyclical stretch. This resulted in an increase in45Ca2+ rate constant by 0.126 ± 0.0035. Inhibition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3),ryanodine, and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate channels(NAADP) with 50 µg/ml heparin, 50 µM ruthenium red, and 25 µMthio-NADP, respectively, did not block the increase in45Ca2+ efflux in response to cyclical stretch.However, 10 µM lanthanum, 10 µM gadolinium, and 10 µMcytochalasin D but not 10 µM nocodazole inhibited the increase in45Ca2+ efflux. This supports the existence of anovel stretch-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ store in VSMCthat is distinct from the IP3-, ryanodine-, and NAADP-sensitive stores.


F-STOP is a microtubule-associated protein that stabilizes microtubules in a calmodulin (CaM)-dependent manner. All members of the stable tubule only polypeptide (STOP) family have a central domain that contains nearly identical multiple repeats, and a CaM binding motif is present in multiple copies within this domain. We present here an analysis of this CaM binding interaction and find that it is highly unusual in nature. For this work, we synthesized two model peptides of a single STOP central repeat motif and analyzed their binding to CaM by fluorescence, circular dichroism, infrared and NMR spectroscopy. Both peptides bind to CaM with an affinity of 4 microM, similar to that of the native protein. Results indicate that the peptides bind CaM in an atypical manner. Binding is highly dependent on the concentration of cations, indicating that it is to some extent electrostatic. Further, IR and CD analysis shows that, in contrast to typical CaM binding reactions, CaM does not change in helical structure on binding. NMR mapping confirms that CaM remains in extended conformation on binding a single STOP peptide. Binding of a single peptide to CaM occurs principally in the CaM C-terminal region, and the C-terminal domain of CaM effectively competes for STOP binding. Our results establish that CaM binds STOP in an unusual manner, involving mainly the C-terminus of CaM, thus leaving CaM potentially accessible for another binding partner at the N-terminus. This intriguing possibility could be of physiological importance in F-STOP mediated CaM regulation of microtubule dynamics or stability, specifically during mitosis where CaM and STOP colocalize.  相似文献   

Atrial secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has been shown to be regulated by atrial workload. Although modulating factors for the secretion of ANP have been reported, the role for intracellular Ca(2+) on the secretion of ANP has been controversial. The purpose of the present study was to define roles for L- and T-type Ca(2+) channels in the regulation of ANP secretion in perfused beating rabbit atria. BAY K 8644 (BAY K) increased atrial stroke volume and pulse pressure. BAY K suppressed ANP secretion and ANP concentration in terms of extracellular fluid (ECF) translocation concomitantly with an increase in atrial dynamics. BAY K shifted the relationship between ANP secretion and ECF translocation downward and rightward. These results indicate that BAY K inhibits myocytic release of ANP. In the continuous presence of BAY K, diltiazem reversed the effects of BAY K. Diltiazem alone increased ANP secretion and ANP concentration along with a decrease in atrial dynamics. Diltiazem shifted relationships between ANP secretion and atrial stroke volume or ECF translocation leftward. The T-type Ca(2+) channel inhibitor mibefradil decreased atrial dynamics. Mibefradil inhibited ANP secretion and ANP concentration in contrast with the L-type Ca(2+) channel inhibitor. These results suggest that activation of L- and T-type Ca(2+) channels elicits opposite effects on atrial myocytic release of ANP.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptor (RyR)-Ca(2+) release channels from rabbit skeletal muscle were incorporated into lipid bilayers. The effects of cytoplasmic and luminal pH were studied separately over the pH range 5-8, using half-unit intervals. RyR activity (at constant luminal pH of 7.5) was inhibited at acidic cytoplasmic pH, with a half-inhibitory pH (pH(I)) approximately 6.5, irrespective of bilayer potential and of whether the RyRs were activated by cytoplasmic Ca(2+) (50 microM), ATP (2 or 5 mM), or both. Inhibition occurred within approximately 1 s and could be fully reversed within approximately 1 s after brief inhibition or within approximately 30-60 s after longer exposure to acidic cytosolic pH. There was no evidence of any hysteresis in the cytoplasmic pH effect. Ryanodine-modified channels were less sensitive to pH inhibition, with pH(I) at approximately 5.5, but the inhibition was similarly reversible. Steady-state open and closed dwell times of RyRs during cytoplasmic pH inhibition suggest a mechanism where the binding of one proton inhibits the channel and the binding of two to three additional protons promotes further inhibited states. RyR activity was unaffected by luminal pH in the pH range 7.5 to 6.0. At lower luminal pH (5-5.5) most RyRs were completely inhibited, and raising the pH again produced partial to full recovery in only approximately 50% of cases, with the extent of recovery not detectably different between pH 7.5 and pH 9. The results indicate that isolated skeletal muscle RyRs are not inhibited as strongly by low cytoplasmic and luminal pH, as suggested by previous single-channel studies.  相似文献   

We have studied histamine (HA)-evoked intracellular Ca(2+) release in single, freshly isolated myocytes from the guinea pig urinary bladder. Short applications of histamine (5 s) produced a thapsigargin (TG)-sensitive transient increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). It was established that histamine and caffeine (Caff) released Ca(2+) from the same intracellular stores in these cells. Reducing the Ca(2+) content of internal stores by incubating cells with U-73343 or cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) inhibited the histamine-evoked Ca(2+) release in 69% and 60% of cells, respectively. Under these conditions, all cells released Ca(2+) in response to either caffeine or acetylcholine (ACh). However, decreasing internal Ca(2+) stores by removing external Ca(2+) inhibited histamine-induced Ca(2+) mobilization in only 22% of cells. A similar small fraction of cells was inhibited when sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) pumps were quickly blocked to avoid a significant reduction of luminal Ca(2+). In conclusion, lowering the luminal Ca(2+) content in combination with an impairment of the SR Ca(2+) pump activity significantly diminishes the ability of histamine to evoke an all-or-none intracellular Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

We have studied the histamine-induced potentiation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-mediated Ca(2+) release in HeLa cells. Intracellular IP(3) levels were increased by IP(3) dialysis with the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique (cell dialysis of IP(3)). Low concentrations of extracellular histamine (1 microM) accelerated the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, an effect that required the coincidence of both histamine signalling and the increase in IP(3) levels. Our data suggest that the potentiation effect of histamine cannot be explained simply by agonist-induced increase in IP(3) levels. Disordering microfilaments with cytochalasin D and microtubules with colchicine caused a decrease in the histamine-induced Ca(2+) response. Furthermore, both cytochalasin D and colchicine diminished the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, while only the former reduced slightly the histamine-induced potentiation effect. Remarkably, rapid inhibition of SERCA pumps with thapsigargin to avoid the depletion of internal Ca(2+) stores diminished the histamine-induced potentiation of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, without affecting the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release. These data indicate that histamine-induced potentiation of Ca(2+) release in HeLa cells requires active SERCA pumps and suggest that SERCA pumps are an important factor in determining the efficiency of agonist-induced Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

Ryanodine, a plant alkaloid, is one of the most widely used pharmacological probes for intracellular Ca(2+) signaling in a variety of muscle and non-muscle cells. Upon binding to the Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor), ryanodine causes two major changes in the channel: a reduction in single-channel conductance and a marked increase in open probability. The molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations are not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the gating behavior and Ca(2+) dependence of the wild type (wt) and a mutant cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) after being modified by ryanodine. Single-channel studies revealed that the ryanodine-modified wt RyR2 channel was sensitive to inhibition by Mg(2+) and to activation by caffeine and ATP. In the presence of Mg(2+), the ryanodine-modified single wt RyR2 channel displayed a sigmoidal Ca(2+) dependence with an EC(50) value of 110 nm, whereas the ryanodine-unmodified single wt channel exhibited an EC(50) of 120 microm for Ca(2+) activation, indicating that ryanodine is able to increase the sensitivity of the wt RyR2 channel to Ca(2+) activation by approximately 1,000-fold. Furthermore, ryanodine is able to restore Ca(2+) activation and ligand response of the E3987A mutant RyR2 channel that has been shown to exhibit approximately 1,000-fold reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity to activation. The E3987A mutation, however, affects neither [(3)H]ryanodine binding to, nor the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of ryanodine on, the RyR2 channel. These results demonstrate that ryanodine does not "lock" the RyR channel into an open state as generally believed; rather, it sensitizes dramatically the channel to activation by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

In animal cells, capacitative calcium entry (CCE) mechanisms become activated specifically in response to depletion of calcium ions (Ca(2+)) from secretory organelles. CCE serves to replenish those organelles and to enhance signaling pathways that respond to elevated free Ca(2+) concentrations in the cytoplasm. The mechanism of CCE regulation is not understood because few of its essential components have been identified. We show here for the first time that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae employs a CCE-like mechanism to refill Ca(2+) stores within the secretory pathway. Mutants lacking Pmr1p, a conserved Ca(2+) pump in the secretory pathway, exhibit higher rates of Ca(2+) influx relative to wild-type cells due to the stimulation of a high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system. Stimulation of this Ca(2+) uptake system was blocked in pmr1 mutants by expression of mammalian SERCA pumps. The high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system was also stimulated in wild-type cells overexpressing vacuolar Ca(2+) transporters that competed with Pmr1p for substrate. A screen for yeast mutants specifically defective in the high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system revealed two genes, CCH1 and MID1, previously implicated in Ca(2+) influx in response to mating pheromones. Cch1p and Mid1p were localized to the plasma membrane, coimmunoprecipitated from solubilized membranes, and shown to function together within a single pathway that ensures that adequate levels of Ca(2+) are supplied to Pmr1p to sustain secretion and growth. Expression of Cch1p and Mid1p was not affected in pmr1 mutants. The evidence supports the hypothesis that yeast maintains a homeostatic mechanism related to CCE in mammalian cells. The homology between Cch1p and the catalytic subunit of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels raises the possibility that in some circumstances CCE in animal cells may involve homologs of Cch1p and a conserved regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

L-type (alpha(1C)) calcium channels inactivate rapidly in response to localized elevation of intracellular Ca(2+), providing negative Ca(2+) feedback in a diverse array of biological contexts. The dominant Ca(2+) sensor for such Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation has recently been identified as calmodulin, which appears to be constitutively tethered to the channel complex. This Ca(2+) sensor induces channel inactivation by Ca(2+)-dependent CaM binding to an IQ-like motif situated on the carboxyl tail of alpha(1C). Apart from the IQ region, another crucial site for Ca(2+) inactivation appears to be a consensus Ca(2+)-binding, EF-hand motif, located approximately 100 amino acids upstream on the carboxyl terminus. However, the importance of this EF-hand motif for channel inactivation has become controversial since the original report from our lab implicating a critical role for this domain. Here, we demonstrate not only that the consensus EF hand is essential for Ca(2+) inactivation, but that a four-amino acid cluster (VVTL) within the F helix of the EF-hand motif is itself essential for Ca(2+) inactivation. Mutating these amino acids to their counterparts in non-inactivating alpha(1E) calcium channels (MYEM) almost completely ablates Ca(2+) inactivation. In fact, only a single amino acid change of the second valine within this cluster to tyrosine (V1548Y) supports much of the functional knockout. However, mutations of presumed Ca(2+)-coordinating residues in the consensus EF hand reduce Ca(2+) inactivation by only approximately 2-fold, fitting poorly with the EF hand serving as a contributory inactivation Ca(2+) sensor, in which Ca(2+) binds according to a classic mechanism. We therefore suggest that while CaM serves as Ca(2+) sensor for inactivation, the EF-hand motif of alpha(1C) may support the transduction of Ca(2+)-CaM binding into channel inactivation. The proposed transduction role for the consensus EF hand is compatible with the detailed Ca(2+)-inactivation properties of wild-type and mutant V1548Y channels, as gauged by a novel inactivation model incorporating multivalent Ca(2+) binding of CaM.  相似文献   

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